Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1941)
TH E NYSSA G ATE CITY JOURNAL T H U R S D A Y , A P R IL 3, 1941 uncovered here in our own town ies that he forced on these other keep the human body at top health the school house Saturday evening I such neglect and utter cruelty to helpless creatures for whom it was And here In Nyssa the Nyssa Bakery They received money, lovely and his duty to give care. where the McClure brother* make dumb beasts as is scarcely belleve- useful gifts. Sandwltche*. Cake and Wade P. T. A will meet Friday But such transgressions are few, such estable thing! for the whole afcle. During the rains of late win Coffee was served by the P. T. A. afternoon. April 4. at the home of fcr most of us do the best that we countryside they have now a new ter when the mud and mire was a Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Wilson and i real problem to every stock raiser can In caring for our dumb friends, loaf made of the newest of flours Mrs. Waiter Bishop with Mrs. Case Children were Caldwell visitors Sat- Munbjewerff and Mrs Clyde Sheel- a herd of pigs was left day after We Just do not know or else get and sell It for no more than the urday. man assistant hostessess. | day to wallow in it up to their bell- I cateless in the little things of their ordinary loaf. Mr and Mrs. Dick Dixon of 8t. 1 ies when Just behind their pen was comfort. Horses are tied with a too Not only do we get the bread from high ground that with little effort | short rein to stand long hours un- this newest of health preserving Helen’s, Oregon, arrived Friday for on the part of the owner could have protection from the summer sun, just flours but right here In this area a visit in the Phelan home return been included in their pen. But this the other day we saw a poor creature there Is a flour made which every ing to St. Helens, Monday. E. E. Cloniger and daughter Hen- was the least of the poor animals being urged along who could not home owner may obtain from her Mrs. Warren Zlckrtck and Mrs. ioma are home for a few days visit. discomfort, and great misery. Their see through the foretcp which fell grocery. It is made by a pioneer m ill Roy Nelson of ^rena Valley and Mrs. Linbaugh’s sister from Em Build your hog house or rwner and keeper left them for three like a curtain over its eyes, there is ing firm in this area. The Wigwam Mrs. E. H. Brumbach attended the f a r r o w i n g shed with mett spent last week with her. days at a stretch without water or no protection against summer flies Flour Mill and is tops In flour when Deavery m eeting'In Payette Thurs 4 - SQ U AR E lumber for Things About Nyssa's Shops Mi. and Mrs. Russell Howell and food and finally when he did feed provided when a few gunny sacks it comes to turning out fine breads day. better construction, lower Mr. Gabriel were in Ontario on them threw over the fence some sewn together would save them cakes and pastries. final cost. Mrs. Della Bunnell returned home business Wednesday. swill picked up on garbage route. hours and days of misery and worry N O C ASH DO W N . . . And at the Wilson grocery store Monday from a two months stay The past week we recived some The famished creatures gorged from the pests. And In the years where all manner of fine foods and In Nyssa, after a weeks visit with Mrs. Homer Cates and little son, and long as 36 months to that we have watched the horse Larry have been ill. information and liteiature o f the themselves until two of them died pay. Plans available at no house keeping needs may be pur her mother, Mrs. P. B. Anderson additional cost a t . . . activities and services of the Nation as the result of ruptured intestines. drawn vehicles pass our door just chased one may get this new mill she will go to Caldwell where she Dude Parker is the proud owner al Humane Society from their branch This owner did not trouble himself one driver has ever given his beasts product in large or small bages. of two baby colts. has employment. at Portland. A fter reading it, we | to remove the carcasses but left a hat. So little It takes and In re Mr Briton has been looking for O laf Carlson of Roswell was a But in humans needs reinforced realized more than ever that much them to rot in the mud and filth of turn the increase In their work would his horses which strayed away on flours for more health so to do Bend caller Sunday. cl man's cruelty and neglect of his the pen. Then two of the remaining more than repay. That and the the range. their flock and farm animals If they A re-union of the Taylor family, animals is most often due to ig- lot became 111 and lame with rhue- pleasure that a person has in doing are to produce the best results be the first in a number of years, was The Russell Howell family, Mrs. norance and thoughtlessness of an matism. Did this person who claims his or her part in helping others It either fine flesh, eggs, or daily held at the Phelan home. Sunday Sam Cates, Homer Jr. and Troy Lee animals comfort and need rather i to be a man give them aid or re- wheather it be man or beast. “ T h e re ’s a ya rd near yo u " And the Humane Society with Its service. And at the A1 Thompson's guests were Mr. and Mrs. Dick D ix motored to the reservoir Sunday on than out and out or wanton cruelty. 1 lief? He did not. Rather they drag- a picnic. Feed store where they sell those fine on of St. Helens. Mr. and Mrs. Prank W e like their solgan, “ Kindness to ged about in the filth and the slop branches all over the nation has Dwight Smith, Manager Purina chows or will mix a formula Taylor of Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. Wahlne Club will meet with Mrs. every creature... . You are one of us.” and the ever rising mud as best done a great work in the education to order only the finest of grains K yle Altizer of Nampa, and Mr. and Phone 15 Nyssa Frank Parker, April 10th. Certainly a reminder that, Man, their aching bones would allow. c f man in his duty toward the lesser and mixes are used. Mrs. Ben Taylor of Hammett, Idaho. Oods last and most perfect creation Groping and groveling for a bit of animals and seeing that those who Dally we watch the new homes be Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Brumbach were Is indeed the keeper of His other food or a sip of clear water. T ill willfully torment and mistreat them creatures. For at each stage in his neighbors and passers by could stand are shown the error of their ways ing built in our town and enjoy guests also. Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Phelan and creation God pronounced it "Good", it no longer. It was reported to the and made to follow the law. The their simplicity o f line and the and the Great Creator loves his sanitary authority of the sate. For work is done by the society purely brightness o f the new paint and their house guests. Mr. and Mrs. dumb flocks and the other handi those pigs were being raised for through donations of monies from 1 decorations. Snug retreats each of Dick Dixon spent Saturday visiting work of this creation just as much human consumption. Fortunately interested persons, there is no public * them where a man and his family Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Altizer and fam as he does this human race. And if the inspector had authority to then funds provided but through the e f will find security and happiness. ily in Nampa. Mrs. Grover Lee returned to her w in our egotism and selfishness and here and without more ado to forts of those associating themsel Pleasant places where the hospitality Potted Plants and Flowers— a gracious, time neglect them and abuse them then demand that those abused creatures, ves with this work many fine and of the old west can be more fully home in Pasa Robles, California. ly gift for Easter. W e have a choice selection for his law that governs such things wl)' creatures of the Almighty's creation, humane laws have been enacted in expressed. But the new home will Saturday after a three weeks visit take new furnishings too and Tom with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. be relieved in their misery and be ev-ry state of the Union. certainly catch up with us. you to choose from— all reasonably priced. I t is our hope and desire that a Nordale at his Furniture empor S. Phelan. “ With what measure ye mete, it transferred to a new owner and the A reception honoring Mr. and Mrs. ium at Main near Third Is offering branch of this vicinity may soon be sick ones put out of their misery. be measuered to you again, full and It is beyond cur understanding started here in Nyssa in conjunc a fine selection of new furnishings W ill Sweet who celebrated their running over.” fiftieth wedding anniversary. April how such a human, he cannot de tion with our neighbors on the land. on liberal credit terms Just this past month there was serve the title, man, could ever a- So many clubs all over which are And at the Wilson Dry Goods 2. was held at the Baptist Church in gain raise his head among his as- community minded and have done store we didst amDle about this past Roswell. Wednesday evening. Mr. and j sociates. Such a person who will de so much fr the imprvement of all week and see their new spring things Mrs. Sweet were married at Chenoa. Notice To Hog Raisers liberately so neglect and torture a kinds of conditions might find this just in time or Easter shoppers. New Illinois and are numbered among the dumb and helpless animal is not far too a worthy and worthwhile pro Spring hats and coats with the new pioneers of this community. W ith the Installation of a new Mr. and Mrs. John Bishop and removed from the fiend who kidnap- ject. I f any are interested we have sloping cut of the shoulders and in scale at ! r ed and tortured a little boy in the the literature here that was sent us the pastel shades for spring and baby o f Nyssa, were calling in Bend Washington woods not so many years and which we will gladly give to any summer wear. And at prices that will Monday. THE R A IL W A Y STOCK YARDS ,4 Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lee and son of ago. Certainly he has no concept of one and when it is gone to get some lure the out of town shopper to this we are now receiving your hogs Nyssa spent Wednesday evening vis the Golden Rule, which so clearly more. city and wilt discourage anyone from there every Friday, paying the states, “ Do unto others as ye would W ith all the trees and fine nesting buying elsewhere. And hast seen iting friends here. highest price the market permits Mrs. T il Whitley has been very have them do unto you." That and places there be for birds In this their new cot on yardages In all the poorly for past couple of weeks. and seeking to serve you in every the command to love our God above part of the country one would think gay new stripes and patterns. all else was all the law that the that there never need be an argu possible way. And speaking of spring we did Christ left for us to follow on this ment among them for a proper L O W E R BEND the past week chat with our lriend earth. How would this offender like nesting place, but such is not the Max at the Polar Cold storage and FRANK K ULLANDER for just one day to suffer the agon- case. Daily the sparrows hold min- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Russell, enter there did see the line supply o f con ature wars with great chatterings tainers he has put stocked for those tained at a dinner Sunday, compli end scolding and flying hither and customers who soon will be seeking menting Mr. Russell's mother, Mrs. back again. And then the robins lockers and facilities for storing M. A. Brodney’s 80th birthday. have begun. Fat red breasted fe l those good things of the land are so Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ash lows. dignified as a vested bishop, soon to be making their appear craft and Donna o f Adrian, Mr. and hopping about and scolding and with Mrs. Oce Schwelzer and family of ances. an occasional nip at the others head Sunset, Mr. Kenneth Parker and And at the Nyssa Packing winter as if there was only one spot left In Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johnson of Up summer, spring or fall there Is al GRIPS the last tree In the whole country j j V S ä A H £ £ * LOW COST per Roswell. side. Very much like the human ways good meat to be purchased Mrs. Dora Morgan, has moved to wheather it is Just for a chop for race which is Just at present shoot the tenant house on the Tate place. SILENTLY one or a meal for a, hay crew. ing cannon shells at the others Frank Kutch, has an Injured foot And there are no seasons on good owing to a accident while at work front yard. SURELY shows at the Nyssa Theatre for i M l r l B l l B LONG WE4R cn the Riverside ditch Saturday. He And for perhaps the same under lying reasons to provide security of every show there Is a good one and was treated at the Sarazln Clinic In the program arranged so that every Nyssa. a home and sufficient food for their one is sure to be pleased. A large crowd attended the shower offspring. Nyssa Shop In Nyssa with Journal ad for Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Patton at Perhaps no other one thing has vertisers and ye wilt not waste thy helped the farmer care for his flocks and animals whether well or time and thy gas going farther. ailing than the installation of elec tricity on the arm. Where with a turn o the switch there is a flood 2nd and Main Street of light to every part of the barn yard or buildings and in which he Lee Dali who has been 111 at the can see at any hour, even the dark- home of his mother, Mrs. Anna Dali, I est, what goes on and If anything Is the past week left Junday for Pend | ailing to give it neccessary care. And leton where he Is employed. everyday through the efforts of the Rev. and Mrs. Vern Martin visited Idaho Power Company the farms in last week at the John Hickey home. this area are rapidly becoming elec Mr. and Mrs Carles Bullard were trically illuminated and motored. dinner guests Sunday with Mr and And no longer Is a farmer con Mrs. Loire Pryon and his mother. sidered apart from the city life. BUI Hlpp went to Portland Fri FOB When by loading the family Into the day with a load o f cattle. jalopy it is but a moments hop skip Donald Burd who left last week to the center of the town where shows and markets and churches for his years training is now located welcome them. But over these roads In Kentucky. Houser 4-H Club leaders of Ontar C A R L H. C O A D and in the mud of winter or the dust of summer one wants to know that io will meet at the school house A T T O R N E Y -A T -L A W they will land at their destination Tuesday, AprU 2, to organize a Sheep PHONE 31 undisturbed by motor troubles and club. spitty gasoline. But with Shell oil There were 43 present at Sunday Nyssa, Oregon in the tank there need never be a School. Sunday they are preparing worry about getting to the shortest a program for Easter. Rev. Ghandler of Caldwell will deliver the Easter L. A. Maulding, M.D. or furtherest point without delay. Daily there comes news of im message. Physician and Surgeon Mr. and Mrs. Charlie W iley and provements that science Is making Phone 37 towards the more intelligent nutri family of Llnous, Missouri tv Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to 5 tion of the people. Now we learn moved in the house on K. B. and D Daily—Except Sunday much of enriched bread and flours. Ranch, formerly occupied by Mr. before winter comes check Fry Building Flours to which have been added and Mrs. Perle Richard. your heating p l a n t and Mrs. Granton Eason and Infant more o f the things that it takes to flues for needed repairs— daughter came home Wednesday TO W N SEN D CLUB from the hospital in Nyssa. BE SU R E Y O U Mrs. Art Helter who has been 111 M EETINGS Is able to be up and Mr. Helter Is Meeting 2nd and 4th Tuesday A R E INSURED In bed suffering from a stomach at 8 p. m. at City Hall ailment. Martin Helter Is absent ... m o n e y fo r A. L. M cC lellan____ President from school with an a be ess on his A KNOWING SIND a n y p u rp o se w h e n n e e d e d YOU 'OUGHT TO K N O W 1 arm. NOBTHRUP Don O ra h a m ______ Secretary Arcadia baseball team played Pio KING q CO. The Public Is Invited XFXD 1? 4 5 * * 0 * 1 ) n c (* t Seedsm en neer last Friday. They boys score Phone 53 ho. I Sa lat IUI ML was 13 to 18 in favor of Arcadia. The N Y SSA AERIE girls score was 13 to IS In favor of C o n v e n ie n t B r a n c h e s ... the Pioneer girls. F. O. E. NO. 2134 Ira Ure, Theo Matherly. and Oeo- Meets Wednesday Night rge Moeller planted spuds first o f the A T EAGLES H ALL week. Visiting Eagles Welcome Several farmers have teams on the a rra n g ed to fit yo ur b u d g et H A R R Y M INER. Sec Shoe String ditch. They will have BERNARD FROST. Pres. # the ditch cleaned by the 2nd Bert Johnson did some tractor Beef for the Hide G A T E C IT Y LO D G E work for Frank Lewis last week. Hogs 200 lbs. $1.50 O. J. MITCHELL, Mono gw Mr. and Mrs. John Snow. Mrs. Ira No. 214 Ure, and Mrs. Frank Shenk were the Cutting 1 cent per lb. ones from here who attended the Grinding 1 cent per lb. L. D. S conference In Welser Sun Grinding and Seasoning 2 cent per lb. day. Meets Tuesdays Otis Bullard chopped hay for B1U 8 p. m. Hlpp Monday I.O.O.F. Temple Betty Bullard Is «U yln g with her First Street, South grandmother Mrs. Anna Dali. Virgil E. Johnson, Noble Orand From Vacation— M. F. Solomon Mr and Mrs Oilbert Allaebroofc PH O N E 6 Secretary F I N A N C E Y O U * N E W O R USED C A R W IT H TH E L B A O I R I returned on Sunday from a two weeks vacation spent In California Big Bend BUILD YOUR Upper Sunset Ye Snooper’s Column iBpjSM EM El LUMBER ® COMPANY EASTER GREETING Easter Lillies 75c jind $1 Potted Plants ot other varieties Easter Greeting Cards For QUIC K, S AFE, SMOOTH STOPS Finest Selection of FLOWER GARDEN SEEDS obtainable 1 â j u a M Y a safe W R A Y ’S D IM E STORE LINING PRUYN’S GARAGE Arcadia A FLUE Professional Cards in poor repair caused this - HEW USED say- ^arS £ ■ > rJL FIRST NATIONAL and if ou i BUILD YOUR CREDIT REPUTATION for oth er N YSSA R EA LT Y and Insurance Co. Bank Lo a n s SAVE TIME & RED TAPE 41 CUSTOM BUTCHERING and CUTTING ENJOY LO W MONTHLY PAYMENTS Let us do your work! FIRST RRTIOnnia BARK N Y S S A P A C K IN G CO. OF PORTLAND