The NYSSA Published at Nyssa, Oregon. VOLUME XXXVI, NO. 13 JOURNAL GATEWAY TO THE OWYHEE AND BLACK CANYON IRRIGATION PROJECTS IN THE HEART OF OREGON’S SUGAR EMPIRE NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 1941 Plans M ade To O bserve M usic W e e k In Nyssa "Make Good Music Familiar Mus­ ic,” is the keynote for 1941, National Music Week, and Nyssa and nearby communities will share a real treat by giving their support and interest toward this end. The value of music in religion, homo and community life cannot be overestimated and its means of ex­ pression are as vaied as our sunsets. The Music Committee of the Civic Club, held its first meeting and a varied and stimulating program was outlined. Under the leadership of Mrs. C. L. McCoy, Mrs. Earnest Mc­ Clure and Mrs. Herbert Fisher. Lets get Music Week Conscious and "Make Good Music Familiar Mus­ ic.” All those contributing to the pro­ gram will be local talent and the selections chosen will be those part­ icularly adaptable to this locality. F. S. A. OFFICIALS Delegates Leave HERE FSA Makes ON TOUR For Portland Dr. Ralph Gregg, regional medi­ Labor Survey Fastest Growing City In Oregon 4-H CLUB HEALTH CLINIC HELD j $1.50 PER YEAR Aviation M etel The 4-H Health Clubs in the rural W o rk Training director for the Farm Securlay The 5th and 6th grade rooms with schools over the county are spon­ For Youths A delegation or four Nyssa men cal Administration and 8. Kerbe-Miller A farm labor survey of this section soring immunization clinics in their left for Portland this morning to business manager of the agricultural meH with the State Highway Com­ Workers Association were in Nyssa started Monday under the direction respective communities in addition A school for aviation sheet metal the physical examinations being mission at 10:30 a. m. Friday. the Farm Security Administra­ to making arrangements of workers will, if equipment arrives given The delegation will confer with Wednesday tion, according to Roy Searles, man­ with local directors to take over the ger of the Nyssa Farm Labor Camp. clubs. to the members of the health in time, be started for youths of the the commission on the proposed plan work of caring for all migratory farm Conducting the survey are Bud Clinics have already been held at county, between the inclusive ages of oiling, and the installation of laborers of the coming Bliss, manager of the Nampa Camp the Wade. Lower Bend. Oregon of 18 and 26 years old, on Monday of curbs, gutters and storm sewers on change in as the apart of the agency and Laurel Pugmtre, manager of the Trail, Kingman Kolony, Adrian. next week in the Ontario High Main Street from the railway right- in giving medical policy to such work White Settlement, and Lincoln School, according to Charles M Par­ of-way west of the grade school ers. Dr. Gregg and care transient camp at Wilder. As­ Schools, Kerbe-Miller also new others will be held dur­ adis. manager of the Ontario office grounds. „ sisting also in this survey is the ing the any Caldwell and Wilder to make Ontario coming week at the Park. of the State Employment Service. This is the second conference to be visited office of the Oregon State similiar arrangements. Pioneer, Jefferson, Grove, Famieson, Students desiring to enroll for this held on this project, a similiar dele­ Employment Service. Washington. D. C. News Burean of class must register with Paradise at and Willowcreek Schools. gation having met with the com­ This survey should give the FSA the Nyssa Gate City Journal Immunizations for diphtheria and the Ontario office, must have a high mission last month. and the State employment office small-pox been given to all school education or it's equivalent In A preliminary survey and estimate and other interested agencies a com­ lower-grade have WASHINGTON D. C.—If the re­ children and pre-school shop training. The course will be for lias been forwarded to the commis­ plete and true picture of what the period of 90 days of 6 hour classes peated assertions of Martin Dies and desiring this service, and to a each sion on the project by the local ether labor situation in this area children day with a total of 30 hours per members of his committee which the members of the 4-H health clubs state engineer Tom Edwards. The will be for the coming crop year. week, Paradise said. The graduates is investigating un-American act­ that have not previously been im­ project it is estimated will cost be­ An added feature to the survey will munized for these diseases. The Malheur Motor Company, of the class are not guaranteed em­ ivities are correct, then many of the tween $15.000 and $20,000. owned by Shirley Manser and Eu­ be that of a survey on what labor Doctor Kerby of Nyssa has exam­ ployment, Paradise said, although strikes staged in plants having de­ Representing the city at the con­ will be needed after the crops are gene McLuer closed a deal this week there have been 7 young men em­ fense orders have been in charge of ined the Health Club members and ployed ference will be R. G. Whitaker, and harvested this year, Searle said. for the Texaco service station and the Boeing airplane fac­ and manipulated by communists. Hershel Thompson. Frank T. Mor­ for a new building on the lot Just This survey will show what the administered the immunizations at tory in by Seattle. Purpose of the communists, contends the Wade, Lower Bend, and Adrian gan and Louise P. Thomas will rep­ farmers in the area will need, in of that on which the station is Dies, is to slow down production, where 61 club members were The students will he divided into resent the Chamber of Commerce. east now located at Fourth and Main farm labor, and will forestall any Schools, classes of 15 each, with a total enroll­ stop it when possible, disorganize given physical examinations. Streets. This is the original site large lnfux of excess labor, a sit­ ment of 30. the workers and prevent the United 4-H LEADERS TALK chosen by Manser and MsLuer which uation that is not looked for this This phase of training youths for States making a united front in this for a time was discarded when a year, nor for the period of the pres­ ON CONFERENCE defense work is under the supervis­ period of great emergancy. ent emergency for that matter, ac­ tentative deal was made for a loca­ ion of the State Vocational Train­ Day after day Representative Dies County 4-H Club Leader E. M tion next to the new Signal Oil cording to those who are informed ing School. has declared, and published in the Hauser on the outlook for farm labor this station, but this latter deal fell and two local club leaders Congressional Record, the names of were guests at the Nyssa Chamber President Roosevelt has made a hrough, thus the closing of this year. communists who are participating in of It is expected that the survey will The second draft, for April, in meeting Wednesday. recommendation to th? Senate that latest deal, which Manser said was take INKENBERG NAMED these strikes. The names have been The Commerce at least a week. really closed this time. two club leaders, Mrs. Walter Malheur county will call four more gathered by the committee during its Thompson and Harvey Holton told $55,000 of a special reclamàtion fund It Is expected the Malheur Motors E INSPECTOR men to the colors on April 8, at 2 long Investigation and are attested the Nyssa business men of the in­ be used to repair irrigation canals will open their sales room and mod­ p. m. when they will report to the The State Department of Agri­ as the truth; innumeVable of the structive conference they attended on the Owyhee project (presumably ern garage about June 1, Manser BISHOP BAXTER TO Malheur County Local Board, at culture named L. G. Kllnkenberg, names being indentlfled by commun­ March on the north canal, and near the said. 21 and 22 at La Grande. Their Owyhee syphon). Such was the word SPEAK SATURDAY Vale, from where they will be sent ist witnesses, and with each name attendence as deputy bee Inspector for to the conference was received here this week. Reason for The agency will handle genuine to Portland for final induction into Nyssa, announced by Dies he is giving, in made possible Malheur and Harney counties. through the financial the Presidents request was that the j Ford parts and accessories. Ford, Bishop Bruce Baxter, resident bis­ th Army. addition to their party connection, aid of the Nyssa With the announcement of Klink- of Com­ need has arisen since the regular Mercury, and Llncoln-Zephyrs as hop of the Portland Area will give Those named are Laurence W. erberg's a list of communistic activities in merce. Holton, In Chamber appointment the Depart­ on the appropriation for the current year well as a stock of thoroughly recon­ a lecture in the school gymnasium Fischer, Gabriel Astoreca (named ment pointed which these men (and some women) conference said that his the report out that in view of ditioned cars. These latter are now Saturday evening, April 5th at 8 p demonstra­ in the April 1, draft as alternate) are engaged. No one has yet chall- tion method of instruction was used was made by Congress. the activity In sales and move­ on display on the lot, Manser said m. Bishop Baxter is a churchman Ralph C. Smith, all of Nyssa and ment of bees at the this engad the accusations of Dies. of the No word has yet been received on adding that the agency will be a and educator of wide experience and and throughout the conference and that C. Jensen, Salt Lake City. year, that buyers of bees tiane are A survey of the various major in the farm end of the conference, the bills, both in the Senate and ! | direct dealership with the Ford Com­ is considered one of the most dy­ Donald Named as replacements in the led to a certificate showing the entit­ strikes shows that they have taken experiments were viewed in grain House regarding the bills for the re­ pany, new cars in the Ford line may namic and outstanding speakers in event any of the above men are free from diseases. Also that bees it place in the plants which furnish feeding, sheep raising, selection of lief of farmers under the break last also be bought new from Fred Sims the west. There is no charge for the are not that Inducted are Benjamin F. is illegal to move bees from one materials for other plants; these are beef cattle for 4-H club work, hogs year. These bills were introduced by who is well known in Nyssa and who lecture but free offering will be Brunson and Francis Robinson both location to another without first ob­ key industries, where a breakdown that had been developed for market. Senator McNary ^nd Congressman will be in charge of sales for the taken for the building fund of the of Ontario. taining a permit from the depart­ in production affects and ties up Holton said that the state of Ore­ Pierce. agency. Methodist church. ment, for which there is no charge. from three to four to a dozen other gon ranked fourth in the United Gordon and Quentin Correl, who In addition to the lecture the Bee inspectors are required by law important plants which are depend­ States in membership and 4-H work. POST-LENTON DANCE have been operating the service sta­ evening program will consist of a IDAHO POWER to see that all colonies Infected with ent on the key plant for certain sup­ tion will continue operating It, Man­ piano solo by Mrs. Gordon Finley, SPONSORED BY LIONS ser said. foulbrood are burned. EXTENDS LINES plies. The first plant affected was a contralto solo by Mrs. O. J. Don­ the Vultree aircraft establishment in BODY OF ONTARIO JEWELER The Nyssa Lions Club will spon­ Both Manser and McLuer have ahue and a trumpet solo by Mr. and workers for the Ida­ California. Instigator of the strike FOUND IN SNAKE RIVER sor a Post-Lenten dance on April operated the McLuer-Manser Motor Gordon Finley. The public is cord­ ho Linemen Power have been busy the past Methodist Men Meet— there was, according to Dies, a com­ ially invited to be present. Company in Payette for the past six 19. at the School gymnasium. While months adding several miles of riv­ The men of the local community munist sent there for that particular The body of F. E. Wyckoff, Ontar­ plans are not yet definite, it has years. Picnic At Caves— al service lines to their already ex­ Methodist Job. The International Harvester io jeweler, missing since early in been sugested that this dance be a Church are hosts to the The warm spring days are en­ service. strike is another instance, where the January, was found in the Snake “hard-time” costume dance. Men's Brotherhood of the Payette ticing many Nyssa folks to the hills tensive One three and half miles which union is dominated by communists. River last Friday, near Oxbow, thus The committee in charge, named and country for picnic parties and will be completed sometime next valley at the high school building The Allis-Chalmers plant, which was clarifying the mystery of his dis­ by President Ron G. Whitaker, is on camping trips over the week end. week extends up through the upper Thursday evening, April 3. There closed down months ago, made parts appearance. Among those to enjoy a Sunday pic­ Newell Heights district and will in­ will be a banquet at 7 p. m. and a Cliff Mains, Bob McCurdy and Ellis of machinery for the navy essential Funeral services were held in On­ Stoker. nic at Kuna Caves last Sunday were clude the J. A. McNab. Carl Finn, special program. Dr. Chas. Donald­ for the Navy program; made parts tario, Sunday with interment being Mr. and Mrs. J. Powell, Mr. and Jim Hite, John Glascock, Gene Tratt son of Nampa, Rev. George Rose- for electrical devices to be used in in the Weiser cemetery. The Nyssa Post of the American Mrs. Herman E. Towne their and J. H. Bair homes on its circuit. berry of Caldwell, and Edgar Oakes, turbines, and many other things He Is survivqd by his widow, Bess George Adams Injured— Legion will hold dedication cere­ daughters and Mr. and and lay leader of the Idaho Conference Mrs. Theo Representative Dies names the com­ and young son. He came to Ontario George Adams received a fractured monies tonight for the new Post Moore and their children and two There are forty pole holes and ten will be present to speak to the group. anchor holes which have been dug munists supposedly dominating that eleven years ago and was a member hip and painful lacerations and con­ flags, according to Wesley J. Browne, young friends of Ontario. All men who are membrs or friends by the farmers for which the Idaho of of the Weiser Masonic Lodge and tusions when his car left the road commander of the Post. The auxil­ strike. the church are invited to be pres­ Power Company will pay $1.25 per With the Bethlehem strike, staged the Royal Arch Chapter in Ontario. and turned over near the Garrison iary have arranged for refreshments ent. hole. These are expected to be com­ At The Nyssa Hospital— by the Steel Workers organization corner on the Adrian Hi-way on following the dedication services. Artists Selected for Easter Cantata pleted by the end of the wek. -ommtttee (CIO), Dies has called Adrian Community Church— Saturday. Adams was taken to the A program of group singing, vocal At Adrian— the Nyssa hospital on March service line which is to At a daughter, the roll of scores of known commun­ Sarazin Clinic for treatment and solo by Mrs. C. L. McCoy, accompan­ The four Sunday Schools included be Another Ruth Ann, was bom ists who are on the payroll of the The Adrian Community Church from there was removed to the Nyssa ied by Mrs. C. W. Buchner, and ten­ in the Adrian Union High School started within the coming month 28, Mr. and Mrs. Darold Hurst, Nyssa. SWOC. A Pacific coast plant making will be represented at the spring hospital. He has recovered suffic­ tatively, a demonstration by the District are working together on a will serve five families in the Mit­ to To Mr. and Mrs. Max Schwelzer, chell Butte district and will Include a special part for all airplanes being Scouts. of the Idaho Presbytery iently to make the trip today in the Boy Owyhee, a daughter. Jolene Max­ Easter Cantata, “Our Living Lord” the Tom Lowe, Ira R. Marrs, Harold produced was closed by strike or­ meeting Mrs. A. L. Fletcher is chairman in ambulance to his own home for is to be held in the United a community Easter service, R. Ftvecoat, Ernest E. Smith and W ine, wax bom. March 29. 1941. ganized bv a communist of known which charge of arrangements for the aux­ for Presbyterian Church In Ontario further treatment and care. To Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Payne, Easter night April 13th at the High R. Talbot farms in the service. prominence in the party, Dies they iliary's part in the program. will submit an application ask- Daughter Visits— Nyssa. a son Max Dean, was bom School gym. charges. After 10 days this strike business meeting called for that pur- Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hunt have been The soloists for the cantata are OWYHEE BEAUTY SHOP NOW March 31, 1941. was ended. Just as the several air­ fer membership into the United enjoying To Mr. and Mrs. John J. Smith, Mrs. Dennis Patch of Adrian; Mrs. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT COUNCIL ASKS FARM LABOR BE a visit for their daughters craft factories were about ready to ing Church as the result Mrs. M. M. Greeling of Wenatchee. PUT IN DEFENSE LABOR CATE­ Jess Sugg. a daughter, Shirley Jo, was bom Newell Heigths; Messrs. stop work for want of the missing Presbyterian of an unanimous vote taken at a Washington, and Miss Margaret GORY George and John Gregg of Owyhee; The OwyheeBeauty Shop, formerly April 1. 1941. port. pose. Allen Nelson of Rldgevlew; and El­ owned by Sophia Oodfrey, has been To Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Thomp­ Hunt who is employed at Pocatello. (Continued on Back Page) Both visitors expect to leave for SALEM—Meeting here last Friday bert Fretwell of Owyhee. purchased by Iris Miller. Nyssa, and son, Nyssa, a daughter was born their homes the end of the week. the agricultural committee of the Rehearsals are every Tuesday and Helen Wlntrode. Nampa. Miss Miller April 3. 1941. Thelma Cook 111— state advisory council of the Oregon Thursday nights under the direc­ has received her temporary cosmet­ OUE8T TEA Building Delayed. Fort Sevens— On Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. A. V. At Word employment service urged that tion of Frank de Lesplnasse, head ologists’ license, and Miss Wlntrode Mrs. Merle Burres and Mrs. Emil was received today from Building on the Methodist church Cook drove to Boies and returned Adolph Dominguez who enlisted in State acted as hostess for the Wom­ agriculture a priority in the of the High School Music depart­ registered operator. The Paulus has been delayed several days due with their daughter, Thelma, who the U. S. Army two weeks ago that distribution be of given en's Christian Service Association labor in the national ment, pianist accompanist Is Miss is new a fully owners said that they would to the inability to obtain certain was suffering from an acute attack after a weeks stay at Vancover Bar­ defense program. It held Its guests tea at the of resolu­ Idamary Prouty, third and fourth patronage of both old and when of appendicitics. After an examina­ acks for examinations he would be tions adopted by the Copies material. Methodist Parsonage on last Thurs­ committee have grade teachers at the Kolony. There welcome new comers. tion by Dr. Kerby the patient was day afternoon. submitted to President Roose­ are thirty-five voices in the chorus Seed Crops Excellent— transferred to Fort Stevens. Ore. for been taken to Holy Rosary hospital in permanent Fourty-four ladles were present to work. velt. Oovernor Sprague and members duty. He is assigned to Ontario where an emergancy oper­ the 18th Coast Artilliary. U. 8. A. According to T. A. Waters, repre­ ation enjoy the Missionary program and From Tacoma— of the Oregon delegation in Con­ County To Have Station was performed on her. Tuesday sentative of Northrup and King evening. social hour. gress. The resolution asks that the A. O. Hinsch, Tacoma, arrived in She is reported to be mak­ Return From Sait Lake— J. N. Jones, State Senator from Mrs. Floyd Lomax and Mrs. Clyde Seed Company from Boise the seed ing a satisfactory defense commission “place Nyssa on Tuesday afternoon for a Malheur Mr and Mrs George Haycock have national recovery. county, announced this crops contracted in this area by his the activities of harvesting of crops returned after several weeks or so in the same category as the labor short visit with Mr. and Mrs. Inr­ morning that he had Just received a Teters presided — at 5 the tea tables. company appear to be in excellent In Vets Hospital— Taylor. in Salt Lake where Mr. Hay­ requirements in Industry so that ing wire from Oov. Sprague that the re­ From Jerome— condition and he is highly pleased Jesse Latham who has been at t h e Journey Thursday Evening Cards— ___________ cock underwent an operation. quest a Malheur County Agri­ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ambrose and with the harvest prospects. during emergency periods workers Mrs. E. J. Powell entertained the culture for Experimental Hospital in Boise the past ' Prctr Fornirti— Station which Mrs. R. A. Ambrose and their fam­ One forty acre tract, however, un­ Vet»rans members of the Thursday evening is expected to be able to re- I w p McLln? was busines* visitor | d e Z ^ Z t s ^ " “ “ "8 was approved by the last legislature ily all of Jerome, were Sunday din­ der cultivation by Hashitanl on the week bridge club at her home last we«k )n Nyssa on Wednesday from his , __________ p ner guest at the R A. Thompson Charlie McConnel farm, of turnip turn home the end of the wek. inviting Mrs Oordon Finlay as guest had been granted. farm near Emmett home and overnight guests of Mrs. seed was damaged some by leaf Chatter Box Club— for the evening. High scores were D inner Sister Visits— Restaurant Man 111— hoppers and wire worms but this The Chatter Box Club held its Por Anna Dali in Arcadia. made by Mrs Omer Adktnson and first time in twenty-one | phr the past week William Brown. is thought to have been controlled regular meeting with Mrs. Jim I years a sister visited with her Mr. and Mrs. Lou Eachus and Mrs. Bernard Eastman and a trav­ of Brownie's Cafe has been MARKETS before and serious damage result. Mussolini home Wednesday after­ brothers when Mrs Earl Motes. San owner children of the Owyhee, were under treatment at the Nyssa hos- eling prize went to Mrs. Malcolm their entertained at dinner on Sunday by Crawford. CASH PRICE Diego spent from Friday until Tues- pttal but was able to return to his From Emmett— noon. Mr and Mrs. Henry F. Slmianer WEATHER REPORT PRODUCE Mrs. Lloyd Adams gave an inter­ day as a house guest of her brother own home on Tuesday. Mr and Mrs Eachus are now living By Wiley dowers Harry Goahert accompanied Mr. at the F H. Holmes farm. Harry Howell and Mrs Howell. She paper on Roumania. Following are the thermometer esting 35c and Mrs Charles Th<£pson of Em­ Guests were Mrs. Herman and also visited at the Archie Howell's readings as given by the Nyssa office Mrs. 34c FMrQt, mett to Nyssa on Sunday and vlslt- Lawrence Peuti On Furlough— guests were Mes­ while here. She was accompanied by of U. 8. Reclamation.____________ dames DeLashman. 33c wlth Mr. and Mrs. 8. D. Ooahert Lloyd Adams. John Ridder. her daughter, Sylvia. Mr. Motes is High Low Date Word was received this morning ROUND TOWN POULTRY while the Thompsons visited at the a U S N. Chief petty officer assign­ Henry Orcutt. Dave Mitchell, Ira 74 36 March 27 by Mr and Mrs. Wm Peutz of Owy­ 15c to the mine eweepers stationed .. . Ron Whitaker out early morn­ R. A. Thompson home. 70 Ure, Jesse Ford, H. Bybee. O. E. ed 44 March 28 hee their son. Lawrence would be lie Attorney Returns to County— Hen*, light and leghorn............ at Pearl Harbor. On Tuesday Mrs Cheldon. Wallace Gregg. C. H 65 38 March 29 ing taxicabbing for the Chamber of home on a short furlough from the 14c P J Oallager was a Nyssa visitor Mote, Sylvia and Harry Howell left Bennett. I. B Aller*, and W A. 64 32 March 30 envoys to Portland . . . on Monday, renewing old friend­ U. S. A before leaving for Panama. Stai?* 03c for Bums where they will visit with Commerce 54 Bailey. 39 April 1 Bill Shireman says that he did'nt Lawrence was among the first of 03c brother Harry will remain but there's them that says that he ships made over a period of years the Nyssa boys to enlist and has been r o i 68 Next meeting will be held at C. H. another 39 March 31 while he was a prominent attorney Trade in on eggs 15 cents. in Burns and will enter business 59 35 April 2 did last Saturday night. . . trees in the county. assigned to the 6th Coast Artillery GRAIN H. Bennett and Mrs E. C. Ler- there. During this week there were .18 C. abloom first in the Arthur Boydell Oallager has returned to Malheur at Fort Barrie. California. By Al Thompson and Hon* Mrs. Howell will remain In Nyssa hune hostess. Inches of rain fell. and Charley Garrison gardens. . . county and has Joined his son. Mar­ In per 190 pound* until school is out. There are impounded at the Owy­ McConnell Improves— the new Post Office stacked high $1 10 In the practice of law at On­ Wheat Return— hee reservoir 715.000 acre feet of Charley MsConnel who has been Old Mr Timers new equipment. .. nice to have tin, $1 15 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Boydell. Oats tario. and Mrs Harry Francis are with water impounded which brings the bed fast most of the winter has re­ in Nyssa George Haycock well and back on $1 25 For several years Mr. Oallager has Mr Joe Fenwick. Jordon Valley; Oats business interests and the job again water to the reservoir's full storage cover sufficiently to be out and to are house on guests 11.15 practiced In Portland but prior to and Mr. and Mrs. William E. Schlre- Barley of Mr. and Mrs capacity The Glory hole is open and man spent the we*k end In Boise i Charley McConnell. amtunf re potuaoi n s aq stun tatn drive his car again. disposing of the overflow. Ford Dealers BuyJProperty $55,000 Fund For Canal Repairs Second April Call Names Four Men Flag Dedication For Nyssa Legion