Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1941)
Mrs. Stunz and Oreta spent Tues- ( day in Boise. BOWLING Keeps You Fit! Trim down ••Bulges" and "Bay Windows" by Bowling a line or two each day. C O R NE LL B O W L IN G A LL E Y S Main Street . • Nyssa . ■ . '. ■ . ■ TH E NYSSA G ATE C IT Y JO U R N A L Society ASSOCIATED CLUBS MEET On last Saturday afternoon the women's organizations of this sec tion of the county held a Joint meet ing at the Oregon Trail school house. Tills Is the second year that such a meeting has been held. And it was decided to make It an annual affair The name "Associated clubs" was adopted by the organization. After a covered-dish luncheon at noon, the business meeting was con ducted by Mrs. Roy Gueck of Sun set Valley, chairman for this year, with Mrs. Charles Schwetzer acting as secretary. There were one hundred two women present representing eigh teen different organizations. It was gratifying to note that these neigborhood clubs are spon soring such things as Red Cross work, 4-H Clubs, beautification of parks and playgrounds, and other worthwhile projects. After the business meeting a pro gram of musical numbers, readings, and skits by the various clubs was enjoyed. . V . V . V . ' SEEDS that pays dividends GOOD SEED, like a good investment will pay you back in good dividends in the form of Better Crops. THIS Y E A R P L A N T SEED T H A T IS SC IE N T IF IC A L LY TR E A T E D A N D C LE A N E D IN O U R M ODERN PLANT W e Carry a Full Line of Field and G a rd e n Se e d s A l Thom pson C r S o n s FCED Phone 26 SEED - COAL 2nd and Good Avenue .V . lim ili iiiiMiiiiii iiiiui 1 1 mm m i i id i i i i hi hi hi hi hi hi hi i i hi hi hi i i hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hihi hm m i hi hi i i LEGION A U X IL IA R Y P A R T Y The ladies of the American Legion Auxiliary were hostesses on Friday evening at a silver card party In honor of the twenty-first anniver- ary of the founding of the Legion. Following cards, r e f r e s h m e n t s were served and prizes awarded The bed spread which had been on display for which tickets had been sold the last two weeks was awarded to Fred Grames, Commander of the Ontario Post, following a drawing by M ajor J. C. Olsen. Winners at cards were Mrs. Sid ney Burbridge. Mrs. Elmer Points, president of the Adrian Auxiliary, Mrs. William E. Schireman. Aubrey L. Fletcher, William Schireman. and Jean Seabolt and Sidney Burbridge. A guest prize was also given to Mrs. W. E. Plercy. Ladles working on the committee In charge or arrangements were aux iliary president Mrs. Walter Thomp son. Mrs Douglas Mac Donald and Mrs. Sidney Burbridge. CLUB E NTERTAIN ED The Out Our Way Club met at the home of Mrs. Alma Day with Mrs. Olayds Florea acting as host ess on Thursday with ten members present. Mrs. Dawna Hoffman and Mrs. Florea have resigned from the club as they have moved from the neigborhood. Mrs. Jessie Galahan has been quite ill. Following a social afternoon re freshments were served by Mrs. Florea. The next meeting will be with Orma Goodell on Wednesday. April 2 . Too Late to Classify FOR SALE BLISS T R IU M P H seed potatoes on shares. 2 for 1. Ira Ure. Phone 06R2. W ANTED W A N TE D T O B U Y good used trad er House. See or write A. M. High- smith. Nyssa. 27Mlxp FOR TR AD E SP R IN G IS HERE Clean out your attic and basement. r G et rid of "useless" unwanted Junk. The Nyssa Trader pays cash or will trade for used furniture. FOR SALE G U AR AN TE ED fumigated used m at tresses—bed springs *1.25 and up— chairs 75c—tables 75c and up—sew ing machines. *595 end up. The Nyssa Trader sells for less. Main hl-way north. NOR D A L E ’S— W e ’ve found that it is cheaper in the long run Reasonable Easy Term s NORDALES FURNITURE STORE Phone 94 Nyssa 11 HI 11 HI HI HI 1111111111111111111111111111 HI III HI Hill IH HI IIII HI HI HI HI HI HI IIII HI HI 1111 Hill I Mil HI 1111 NYSSA P h on e 1 0 8 PROGRAM | Q w DRIVE CAREFULLY D O U B LE FE A T U R E Friday and Saturday, March 28-29 John Howard, Ellen Drew, Akim Tam iroff in “TE X A S RANGERS RIDE A G A IN ” Real Estate Merle Oberon and Rex Harrison in “O V E R TH E M O O N ” B aking Pow der K .C . 50oz. can 3 5 c FOLGERS COFFEE Phone 64 _______________________ NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE I On the 26th day of April. 1941 at | the hour of 10:30 a. m„ at the front door of the Court House in Vale. Malheur County. Oregon. I will sell at public auction to the highest bid der for cash, the following described property, to-wit: Lots 12 and 13 of Block Sixtv-nine (69) of Green's Addition to the City of Nyssa in M al heur. County, Oregon, together with the tenements, hereditaments and M R AND M RS .. . „ T i appurtenances thereunto belonging M r and Mrs R. G Larsen ent r- or anv wjse appertaining. t.ained the members of the Mr. and ■r* Said sale is made under execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the Mrs. Club at dinner and contract on Wednesday evening Mr and Mrs. B UILDING PERMITS Larson were winners of high scores. The following applications for i building permits have been filed TH U R SD AY BRIDGE I with the Citv Recorder: Mrs. R G. Larsen was hostess for No. 450— H. R. Sherwood—Add the Thursday afternoon Bridge Club | Bus. Lot 5, Blk. 11 Orig. *150.00 at her home last week. Following No. 451—Thompson Oil Co.—Rem a dessert luncheon contract was Dwel. Lots 6 to 10 Blk. 21 Teut. enjoyed | $200 00. Mrs. Burnall Brcwn was invited No 452—Beulah E. Gann—Erect to play with the members as a guest I Garage, Lot 5. Blk. 39 Park *75.00. for the afternoon No. 453—Olive Pitkin—Erect Dwel. Block 68 Green *200.00. - 8 - TU E SD AY BRID G E I f no written protests have been Mrs. George Sallee entertained filed within ten (10) days from the date of this publication bv owners the Tuesday afternoon Bridge Club of property in the L .ij of Nyssa. at dessert and contract at the home the above applications will be ap of her sister-in-law. Mrs. A C. Sal proved. lee. High scares for the afternoon ni 111 r 1111111111 i l 111111111:111111111111111111 ij_ went to Mrs. George J. Mitchell and to Mrs. C. L. Me Coy. -s - "T H E P H IL A D E P H IA STO R Y” Selected Shorts Mat Sun 2 30, A rim 10r-2Sr Evening Adm 10c -Me, include« tax — B A R G A IN N IG H T — Tuesday, April 1 Rosalind Russell and Charles Ruggles in “NO TIM E FOR C O M E D Y ” Cartoon and Dead wood Dick Adm. Children V , AdalU 15c Wednesday and Thursday, April 2-3 Errol Flynn, Olivia de Haviland, Raymond Massey and Alan Hale in "S A N T E FE T R A IL ” Cartoon and Paramount News Admiadon lOr-SSc Including Defence Tax Lard 4 lb. Package 37c Log Cabin large cans Syrup . Large 46 oz. for G rap e Fruit J U i c e 2 Energy Bleach Vz gal. jugs Soap Dash Granulated Giant pkgs. So ap Palm Olive 4 bars Sh o rten in g S A T U R D A Y S , 9 P. M. W ILS0N N Y SSA G ro cery McClures BREAD IS NOW Nvna i ; ¡i.o .o .F . Temple! POTATOES Modern Cold Storage-Now Open For Storage Rates right-Keeping facilities very best OREGON A Dependable Food Store I PARTY I 1 APRIL 1 1 By The Happy Farmer Our weather is almost perfect Most all of us feared another wet spring but now some o f us looks up ward onoe In awhile and sort of wishes It would rain a little. Roy Manley's lettuce and onions won't p .m . do much until it rains or he can j E irregale the ground. The sheep j s herders are finding the small water j = holes are getting scarcer. Farming Is making pretty good | = progress in the Hollow now A good 5 many field* are seeded that was not J seeded a week ago. The old cows J are beginning to wake up to the fact x Sponsored by that it is spring and our cream j 1 Boosters Club checks look better. The old sows in a _ Hollow are doing their stuff too =G«te City Lodge, No.214§ Most every farmer reports. "M y old — sow brought me a whole tub full of litle pigs the other day." Elza Nic cum and Fred Shaunse needs sev pÿil First St., South era! tubs with all the sows they have. But the death list on little smHMtmMimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu 95c 63c can,39c 23c 45c 25c 45c O PE N E V E N IN G S U N T IL 6 P. M. I pin o c h l e ! HOLLOW in Technicolor Sunday and Monday, March 30-31 21b. can 55c Legal Advertising Sat Mat.. t.M p m . A am be-20c; Evening. 10c-3Sc. include« tax Cary Grant, Katharine Hepburn, James Stewart and Ruth Hussev in lib. can 28c Cheese Refreshm ents BERNARD E ASTM AN INSURANCE ? N W’Usl.11 the 49lb.Bags$l:IO Favors “A* Close As Your Telephone" .... ■ W ig w a m Flo ur 0:30 INSURE CAREFULLY T fOOD COW and THEATRE titled estate has filed In said Court I pigs in the spring seems pretty high. State of Oregon for the County of for final s ttlement his account and N YSSA P IA N IS T S T O P L A Y Malheur to me directed In the case Maybe we notice it more now that of B. B Lienkaemper. Plaintiff, vs. report of administration with peti Miss Wilhelmina Hoffman, pian tion tor distribution and that time ist and member of the Boise Chapter j it looks as if there be a little profit Maudie Phillips. Defendant. for hearing thereon has been fixed C. W. Glenn of the National Guild of Plano Tea I in hogs. Sheriff. Malheur County. Oregon for the 28th day of April. 1941, at chers. will present three of her There has been more thrashing Mr. A. L. Fletcher. Nyssa. Oregon, 11:30 o’clock A. M., at the County Courtroom in the County Court Nyssa pupils in a recital sponsored done in Cow Hollow the past week attorney for Plaintiff. First Publication: March 27th, house at Vale, Oregon, where all by the Guild next Sunday after- than there was in any week last persons interested in said estate are 1941 neon, March 30. In the ballroom of fall. Thanks to the rain last fall we Last Publication: April 24th. 1941. notified to appear and show cause if any they have why such account th- Owyhee Hotel In Boise. The pro did not get much thrashing done. should not be allowed and settled NOTICE OF HEARING gram will be entirely composed of Much of the seed and some of the and distribution of the estate made ensemble numbers, and Miss H off grain has been a complete loss. IN THE C O U N TY CO URT OF THE to the persons entitled thereto. STATE OF OREGON FOR THE Carl H. Coad man will be represented by Barbara Woods from over by Parma brought C O UNTY OF M ALHEUR Administrator with W ill An Browne, Jeane Taylor and Donald his thrasher Into the Hollow and In The Matter of The Estate of nexed Eldredge who will play Marche Mil- thrashed some red clover for George M ICH AEL D WHALEN. Deceased. Date and 1st publication, March NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN. itaire by Schubert arranged as a Gabriel. That Carl H. Coad, Administrator 27th, 1941. piano trio The recital will start at Some Ladino clover for Clarence with Will Annexed of the above en- I Last publication, April 24th, 1941. 4 o'clock, 'and the public Is cordi Niccum and some Alsike clover and ally invited. some barley for Elza Niccum. Jim Trummel brought a load of G ARD EN CLUB ELECTS alfalfa that he had saved, up to A t a meeting held on Friday even Elza's and run It through. He got ing at' the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. around 20 or 25 lbs. out of It. Rus A. Thompson, Nyssa, the Morgan sell Howell has a stack of red clover Park Garden Club held its annual to thrash but they was afraid It was election of officers following a pot not dry enough yet. luck supper. Cow Hollow will have its largest Incoming officers for 1941 will be amount of diversified farming this Miss Coral Hunting, president; Mrs, year on its record. With onions for Virgil Me Gee. vice-president; Mrs. its first time and lettuce for Man- E. L. Jamison, secretary; and C. H. ley. Beets for its first time in the Bennett re-elected for treasurer. Hollow for Frank Parker. Broom- - 8 - com for is first time for Doc R aff- SUNSHINE CLUB T O MEET lngton. Spuds for the Cates and Jim The Sunshine Club of the Rebek- Grocery Specials for Friday and Saturday ahs will be entertained on Friday Trummel. Dude Parker Is thinking of putting March 28 and 29 April 4. at two-thirty o'clock at the out a commercial patch of sorgum- Odd Fellows Hall by Mrs. Fanny cane. And Clarence Niccum has a Felton, Mrs. Minnie Leuck and Mrs. new bean he wants to try out. Daisy Ray. And we have already “raised" a 1 quite a crop of mattresses too.; PR ESID E N T ENTERTAINED Guess "raised" is right. That is one Thursday afternoon, last, Mrs. Ar- crop that we "raised" in town then zella Adkinson. Eugene District pres take to Cow Hollow Instead of ident of the Auxiliary of the V et raining out here and taking it to erans of Foreign Wars and its sec town. The chopping it takes to retary. Mrs. Mary Wayland, Port "raise" a mattress would raise a lot Otfich"ôu land visited the Nyssa Chapter and SPECIAL PRICE were entertained at a luncheon and of spuds. That mattress proposition is a afternoon meeting at the home of tine thing. T'is quite an educational Mrs. Charles Paradis. proposition too. There have been - 8 - TH U R SD AY AFTERNOON CARDS fifty mattress made in Nyssa al- ( ask forfold er ) ready.cCow Hollow is getting its On Thursday afternoon Mrs. W il liam E. Schireman entertained at share) and that means that over 5 lb. a dessert contract party, inviting one hundred have learned all that it takes to make a long-staple- cot guests to make up four tables at brick* ton mattress. Those mighty fine cards. ! mattresses after they got them fix- High scores for the afternoon were FOR R E N T made by Mrs A. L Fletcher Mrs. FAR M P R O PE R T Y 79 ACRE RANCH for rent. 15 miles Leonard Church and Mrs. Bert B. southwest Nyssa. Charles Schwei Lienkaemper tied for second. zer. 27Mlxp — 6— D INN E R P A R T Y FOR SALE M r and Mrs A. C Sallee were SM ALL NEW cook stoves. *14.95 hosts at a dinner party on Friday Ideal for cabins. Sells elsewhere evening at which covers were laid for at *18.95. The Nyssa Trader Sells for eight. Following dinner contract was less. Main highway north. What played at which Mr. and Mrs. Geo. have you to trade? J. Mitchell made high scores FOR SALE LINO LE U M RUGS for less! First quality rugs. Cresent Seal 9x12— *395. Armstrong. *5.50 for 9x12— Gold Seal. Genuine heavy weight only *5 95 The Nyssa Trader Sells for less—Main hl-way north. Quality Furniture is a Must at TH U RSD AY, M ARCH 27, 1941 EN RICH ED W IT H VITAMINS and IRON Me Clure s Bread is now enriched with Vita min Bl (Thiamin), Iron and Pallagra Preventa tive Vitamin (Nicotinic Acid) thus giving to our customers the benefit of thi* latest development in bread making. FOR SALE A*k for Me Clure'* Enriched Bread B liss Trium ph - W h it e Rose Seed Aro Advance In Price Phone 21— Call or Write J.C. Palumbo Fruit Co. Payette. Idaho A t Y our G ro c e r’s M c C lu re Bros. Bakery PH O N E 20 <> WAS peated membi is inve lvlties strikes fense < and nr Purpos Dies, stop i the wc States period Day has d( Congo commi these gather long I: as th< names 1st wit annou addltlc a list which are er engad A si strikes place materl key lr in pr< from I impori ent on plies, the Vi Calif o there munis Job. T strike union The A closed of ma for th for e l turbln Repre munis strike. Wit! by th ■otnm the ro lsts w SWOC a spec produ ganizc proml charg was e craft stop ' part. < Build Bui has t to tt! matei Seed Acc senta Seed crops comp condi with Oni der c Char' seed hopp is th befor