/■ THE NYSSA UATE CITY JOURNAL ' THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1941 ing cattle at Vale the past four exists and increases, whether it be j sten burners. broken homes and divided parents, j And with electricity have also months returned to his home. the lack of spiritual training and at- | come much of the modern home con- D. W. Me Ginn is U doing carpent tendence at church or the in ability! venience, aid in home making and er work in Nyssa. to find work to gain a working care. Electric home appliances they Mr. and Mrs. Ross Osbourne and knowledge of a lawful trade or call them. It is estimated that every sons Jack, Howell, and Larry, of profession that is the underlying overage home of today has the ser- Ontario were visitors of Mr. and ?ause. vices of four servants of another Mrs Tom OsbQurae and family Sun It exists not in one state or even generation. And not the least of day.' Mr. and Mrs. Jack French and a few but through out the nation these conveniences is the electric and if it is to be corrected and this refrigerator and right on the top sons John, and Richard were visitors nation continue as we know it to list of these is the Kelvinator that in Fruitland Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Simmons day then the nation as a whole must Tom Ncrdale deest sell at his furn- Sunday guests were Mr. and Mrs. face its duty and find the remedy. itu:e mart at Main near Second. Our modern orphanages now care But not all conveniences of the Tom Sparks of Arena Valley. Sunday School at usual place at for the little ones and while many mod’ m home maker must be pur Things About Nyssa's Shops o f thes> institutions are still to be chased in such size as an electric 2:30. The Christian Endeavor will be found wanting in management and refrigerator, for there is many a He wasn't so very tall .maybe five control still on the whole they seem little aid saving gadget not larger held at the Joe Waud home. Leon feet two, and he wore glasses with to be schools for development and than the size of a tea cup or less Bailey will be leader. heavy lens of the nearsighted. He intelligent training of the child and Lucien Wray at his Dim ’ Store was gaunt with days of overfasting. rather than the horrible hovels of doest cary many a labor saver at N Y SSA H EIGH TS He was dirty and haggard with fa t j Dickens day. At least in these Unit the cost of a dime. Also he has at ed States. p esent plants of all kinds and of igue. His flimsy shirt and trousers Visitors arriving at the S P. By Today this lad who shivered on sizes for the garden maker. And flapped in the cold chill of the bee home Tuesday were Mr.' Bybee’s March wind. This lad that stood at our door step is honest and honor does guarantee them to grow. mother, Mrs. B. L. Bybee and sis 'Twas a happy lot that danc’ d till our door and asked for food one able, truthful and filled with ambi ters, Mrs. Gordon Ray, and Mr tion to find a working spot in the the wee small hours to the peppy evening early in the last we >k. Mrs. Russel Jordon of Ogden, Utah economical scheme of things and to tunes tooted out by the Rythm He ate his fill at our table and as and Mrs. Don Moss of Salt Lake carry on as a trusted and honored Makers at the Eagles dance on Sat he ate we noticed his hands, fragile City. They all attended a wedding citizen of his country. But will he? urday eve and they wilt be giving and finely tapered as a girls, the shower for Mrs. Howard Bybee in Hunger and desprivation and strange them again and again. There the weariness In his eyes, the brave at Ontario Wednesday afternoon and bedfellows picked up in hobo jungles Terpsichorean lovers wilt find a tempt to smile as he talked, the in departed for their homes Thursday. and atop freight trains may make pleasant spot and at a price that voluntary cynical downward droop Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hamilton of him an out cast and an outlow That will allow every one to enter and to the mouth. Seventeen he said that Wilder, Idaho were Sunday dinner is the tragedy of it. He wants' to be make merry. he was, deserted by parents as a guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. counted among the honorable. Hun In the winter at the Thompson Glen Sinter. small boy, then sheltered and reared ger may make him a future inmate , Fe’ d and Seed Store it is just coal In a state orphanage. The only E. R. Anderson is confined to his of some prison. The C. C. C.'s may and chow for flocks and herds that home that he had ever known, and bed. save him. one doest hear discussed but come they were the only people who had S. P Bybee and J E. Kyser made Much is preached of late against spring and the chirp o f the chick been kind to him in those long years goverment camps and training and the cackle of the hens do soon a business trip to Boise Sunday. and there were the comrades he had schools for the youth of the land. Mrs. John W olfe of Alberta V al blend with the human chatter, ley spent Tuesday afternoon with come to love Then suddenly he was It leads to faclsm and communism chatter going on there the day taken out of this security by his Mrs. E. R. Anderson. and military cast and everything reconciled apparently penitent par else that is politically to be frowned through and now that Easter is Mrs. Dutches of Nyssa is assisting ents. Into another state, to enter a upon, so opponents say. They have about to enter the offing a fine at the E. E. Botner home during the strange life of unfamiliar public them in Germany and look what white doe rabbit and her growing illness of Mrs. Botner, who is em family do occupy the center of in ploying. schools and a home where no peace happened there. terest. A1 says he is going to change was and which was to scon to dis- Norma Suiter was an over night But will it in reality? Not if they intejgrate again and fall. Then to be are kept out of politics. Certainly their danty white ccats to pastel guest of Doris Henderson of Fruit- cast aside to drift as best he might. our orphanges and the C. C. C.’s shades for Easter day. But every land Saturday. Here a job and there a bit of work have not. Neither have our thous day they do sell there Northrup Among those attending the an for a meal. He had been taken from ands of military camps of the last Kings fine seed and Purina chows nual me’ tlng of all surrounding the state where he had refuged at war nor of the one lor which we for fowl and beast. clubs held at the Oregon Trail These brisk March winds to whip school heuse Saturday afternoon the orphanage and could not be re now arm and prepare. Why would admitted. A stretch at the C. C. C.’s they in times of peace. Many boys up an appetite in ones innards till were Mrs. V. L. Kesler, president; had brought a few months of peace and girls do not need such schools it takes a square meal to satisfy the Mrs. Pet’ Wakewood. vice-president; and happiness. And now he was Fortunately only the small minor gnaws. But what is a square meal Mrs. Harry Gahan, Mrs. F J. Cahill, returning to that haven of the Gov- ity do. Why not governmental without meat. Something doest sure and Mrs. J. E. Keyser. They all re ly lack without it. But Butch and port having had a nice time. They erment for underprivilged boys. schools and training stations and That evening through the coutesy even colleges for the underprivileg Dick at the Nyssa Packing Plant do are members of the Just-A-Mere. of the city officers he found a warm ed boy and 'girl from seventeen to care fo rthat for there one can pur Sunday callers at the S. P. Bybee bath and a bed at the city jail, and twenty two who are physically unfit chase fine cuts or less for fair sum home were Mr. and Mrs. Charles the next day we found him perman for military training to give them a and therby sustain the family in Garner of Rupert, Idaho. Mr. and or hot. — weather r ------------- Mrs. B. G. Bybee of Ontario and ent lodging and food and work chance with the more fortunate ones cold And all the rest that it takes to Mr and Mrs w A Bybee wherein he might have learned a of this generation. Why not a place Donald and Francis Ford, Jay and trade. But his loneliness was too where they can live and learn, own make a cup o’tea or a ten cours jrea t and Sunday he left without ed by the government that gave dinner one can purchase everyday of Ray Bybee, Tommie Ridder and notice. Taking only those things that them biith. A place where they can the week and on Saturday evenings Melvin Kelch of Nyssa gathered at had been given him, without funds be trained to be useful-faithful at the Wilson grocery mart on Main the Corbett home where they play and with no food save a cold lunch United States citizens, nurtured and near Second ed games by the yard lights. Shop in Nyssa with Journal ad to sustain him. Marion Suiter and Delbert Malloy taught by men and women especi We were saddened, as we would ally picked and trained. Sympathet vertisers and ye wilt not waste thy had their sheep sheared Monday. time and thy gas going farther. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Woodard visited have made his journey a little eas ic, understanding men and women ier if only he had spoken. Sunday evening at the Glen Suiter who would be close enough to them More and more it has come to us to help the weak ones and encour h o m e . ---- in these last years that one of the age the strong What matter if Mr. and Mrs. Dan Corbett and outstanding duties of this nation, these teachers wore the uniform of sons spent Sunday in Notus. Idaho Mr. and Mrs. Walter Simmons once this war madness has ended, their government. Nurses and doc at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. and family who have lived in this if this nation is to progress and our tors and teachers and bankers and Norris. community for over four years have Mrs. Pete Wakewood will be host people of other generations are to trained officers of the army and the traded their place with Tom Sparks live in peace and security within its Navy and enlisted personel. Every ess to the Just-a-Meie Club on F ri of Arena Valley for a place in Hogan boundaries and if there is ever to one do so now trying to keep this day, March 28th at the home of County. Missouri. Simmons are plan be an alleviation of crime and pov country from becoming what all of Mrs. J. E. Keyser. ning on having a public sale and Don Rardon planted 10 acres of erty then boys and girls who are cast the opponents of Federally owned will be ready to move within a adrift to meet life unaided at so schools and youth institutions claim potatoes the last of the week on early an age in increasing numbers that they will lead to. And if only month. the E R. Anderson farm. Norma Lee and Scott Osbcurne Word lias been recieved from Mr. must be carried over those first d if goed can come from such mass in had their tonsils removed Thursday and Mrs. Dave Beers of Corte ficult years of mental and spiritual struction in times of threatened war and are getting along fine. Madera, California, that they ex adjustments by public benefit. and even invasion why not in times Mr. and Mrs. George Clowers and pect to return in a few days to their It is no use blaming their pitiful of peace when men and momen es Violet went to Dead Ox Flat Sun slight on anything. The condition pecially chosed can be specially day to visit Mrs. Clowers’s brother | trained for so important a job. and family Mr. and Mrs. Henry No man is great or small in the Scynieder. *ight of the All Knowing. He made The horses on the Rouse brothers j us and loves all alike. But in this place have been taken to summer j material scheme of living we have pasture. drifted far from the original de Mrs. Walter Thompson spent the j sign. But certainly a man can come 21st and 22nd in La Grande at a j like unto God when he cares for his 4-H conference. She returned Sat- little brother. T o see his need and urday night. to supply it as best he can. And cer Harold Blackburn went to Vale tainly the bread that he cast upon Thursday night to participate in the the waters will not return to his annual Music Festival. | door in the form of bigger and bet M r and Mrs. Joe Trent of Nyssa C A R L H. C O A D ter crime waves nor marches of a were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. I nations homeless and famished to it Qiarence Barrett. A T T O R N E Y -A T -LA W the doors of its Capitol. The Vest brothers are the first PHONE 31 We will not have foreignism in this community to experiment | Nyssa, Oregon preached by strangers within our with growing seed carrots Several of J gates to bewilder babes nor within the farmers have planted spring th’ ranks of labor. They will have lettuce, and onions. Several o f the j L. A. Maulding, M.D. learned to love and to honor their farmers are contemplating on plan Physician and 8urgeon country who has given them birth, ning early potatoes but as yet no Phone 37 who has cared for them and loved one is fortunate enough to have his them in their infancy and early in the ground. Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to 5 period of development. For the Mrs. Joe Waud and Mrs. Ed Gon Daily- Except Sunday country will be typified to them by na sion were business visitors in j before winter come* check Fry Building the understanding men and women Parma Friday. your heating p l a n t and who have helped them and led them Mr. and Mrs. Glen Dowers had j flues for needed repair»— T O W N S E N D C LU B through the trying years of adjust as their week end guests Mrs. Dow- [ ment. They will have become an er's parents. M r and Mrs. Ross cf BE SU R E Y O U M EETINGS integral and gratelful part of the Greenleaf, Idaho. Meeting 2nd and 4th Tuesday nation that was founded by the A R E INSURED The Stitch and Sew 4-H Club met | at 8 p. m. at City Hall people and for the people. at the home of Betty Blackburn. And in that land of the people There wei n six members present. A. L. M cClellan President and for the people perhaps no be- Harriet Herrman who has been Don Graham ------- Secretary ter evidence of its cause is to be staying near Ontario with Mrs. Bab- I The Public I» Invited found than of the daily convenience cock returned home. that people here deem necessities Leon Bailey who has been feed- | NYSSA AERIE that in other lands are luxuries for j the favored few. Chief among these [ F. O. E. NO. 2134 is electricity That comodity that is | Meets Wednesday Night to be found on almost every farm j A T EAGLES HALL and home in town and country. Es Visiting Eagles Welcome pecially on this new land that man H A R R Y MINER. Sec. is fast making into an inland P ar BERNARD FROST. Pres. adise But recently a stranger drove I along the highway and was astound Beef for the Hide ed to see the vast expanse of elect G A T E C IT Y LO D G E Hogs 200 lbs. $1.50 ric lights. He though he must be in No. 214 the heart of some industrial center. , Cutting 1 cent per lb. Imagine his amazement to find with Grinding 1 cent per lb. morning light the actual size of our Grinding and Seasoning 2 cent per lb. growing metropolis The lights he Meets Tuesdays saw were beaming from ranch homes 8 p. m. along the way And it has taken j I.O.O.F. Temple but such a short time really for so j First Street, South great an expansion. But the trained Virgil E. Johnson. linemen and electricians of the Ida Noble Grand ho Power Company with the vision M. F. Solomon and effort of the office executives PH O N E 6 Secretary have brought about this transfor mation from candle light to tung- Ye Snooper’s Column ranch in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs Jim Liddle who f ' OW YHEE Mrs. Joe Woodard. Mrs. R. C. I aheap on the Chas. Bradley rancl . Smith and Mrs. Jess Ford are a- Mesdamea Charlotte Kygar and La have gone to Jordan Valley for th' I mong those working on the mal- Vane CulberUon were hostesses to > summer. treee project. the Owyhee Community Club Thurs Mr. and Mrs. Frank NewbiU wen day Mrs. Gerald Slippy was a guest. First prize in a guessing game was Sunday callers at the Ellis Walter; L IN C O L N H EIG H TS won by Doris Kllngbaek and the home. Robert Ooodell, son of Mr. and consolation by Mrs. Bertha Culbert Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nannery enroute Mrs. L. E. Ooodell, who is a member son. The club meets in April with from Los Angeles to Seattle are vis Mesdamea Blanch and Mildred Hite. of the FFA o f Ontario, recently re iting Mrs Nannery's sister Mrs. Oral Twelve members of the O. K. K. Hite. ceived five dollars as first prize in a speech he delivered. This gives him attended the Associated Club meet Mrs. John WaU and son James the prlvelege to represent Ontario ing at the Oregon Trail school left their home at Creston after a house. Mrs Ruth Me MUlan repre at Nyssa in the near future. visit at the T. M. Lowe home, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Smith and sented the club at the program with Thursday. a reading. son were Sunday dinner guests at Mr. and Mrs. John Dunn and the Bob De Grass home in the Rich daughter of Brogan were overnight land district. guests o f Mr. and Mrs. G. L. M c The Patch and Chat Club met at Millan Saturday. the home of Mrs. Hazel Leavitt. She Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Me Don was assisted by Bertha Grammon, Luclle Hickey, and Mrs. Beachem. ald and daughter K ay and Mr. and I A KNOWING BIRO YOU OUCH! TO KNOW! NORTHRUP Georgia Me Neal gave an interest Mrs. S. I. Atkins of Homedale were KING q CO. ing report on "Converging on the efenlng callers at the Kllngbaek «HO-12.45». ■. hilf negl | S e e d s m e n k Im. f Sa Im 1? 10 p a Coast” , as part of the Oregon His and T. M. Lowe homes Thursday. Mrs. 8. D. Bigelow has been Ul. tory Study. Several Polly A ^ n gifts were given. A t the close of the meet ing a lunch was served at which the St. Patricks motif was carried out. Thirty-two members and three visitors were present. The next meet ing will be held at the home of Mrs. Lyle Anderson Frank Ike has returned to the home of Avery Anderson. He is re covering from a recent operation at the Veterans Hospital in Boise. Mrs. Annie Harris entertained at a Sunday dinner, the occasion be ing her birthday. Miss Grace Weldon who is em ployed in Ontario, spent Thursday night at the home of her parents. Lewis Johnson threshed clover last Monday. Leopard Ooodell went to Boise Friday to get BUI Me Nutty, who Is attending school there. Bill will spend his spring vacation at the home of hi» parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Me Nutty. For QUIC K, SAFE, SM OOTH STOPS 1 A/SSUIHUIMT G R IP S i S IL E N T L Y j B 9 E V TU SURELY f l ^ A PRUYN’S GARAGE 2nd and Main Street . H » ALL QUIET ON THE "KITCHEN FRONT ! " a)®®®® I A FLUE • in poor 1 • « * repair caused this - J N YSSA R EA LT Y and Insurance Co. No, the baby’s not Bleeping. Everything’s in order! The electric range is just cooking a dinner for five— that’s all. And "quiet” is the word for it too. Electric cooking is so easy, so simple, so free from bother and helter-skelter preparations that you’d hardly know it was going on. That’s one of the reasons why so many housewives throughout this section of the country are discarding their old- fashioned, outmoded cooking equipment and installing new, automatic electric ranges! W hy not see your nearest electric dealer today, and let him show you the many models of electric ranges he has on display. You’ll be surprised when you learn how little they cost to operate and how easily one can be purchased for your home and family! Phone 53 CUSTOM BUTCHERING and CUTTING Let us do your work! NYSSA PACKING CO. LONG w ear LINING RIVERVIEW Professional Cards L O W C OST 7/si ê 0 eiecT*lcA POWER S . MUCH- 0 » » S o U T T IE ; j