/ THE NYSSA1 GATE CITY JOURNAL 0 THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 1941 Mrs. Rollo Rucker's home and Mrs. Ida Riley will assist Mrs. Rucker. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Pettit were guests for Sunday dinner at the GOOD HOMESITES on First and home of their grandson, Ralph Park, Cash or terms, Frank D. Bailey and family In upper Roswell. « OPPORTUNITY 1 KNOCKS H E R E ” Hall. 13Mtfc Mr. and Mrs. Jed Gooing and Rates le per word, per Issue. Minimum charge 25c. daughters Donna and Beveriv visit ALMOST NEW electric washing CASH IN ADVANCE ed Mrs. Gooing’s parents, Mr. and machine In your vicinity for bal Mrs. Cox of Boise this week end. BABY CHICKS. Hatching every ance due. Easy payments. Popma MISCELLANEOUS Mrs. Elsie Robinson has moved to Tuesday and Friday. We do cus Music Co., Boise, Idaho. 13M4xc her mothers home. Mrs. Ricks has AM LEAVING for Kansas March tom hatching. ROSE BUSHES—25 cents each. Get been quite sick but was much better 17th. Have room, for 2 passengers. Thompson’s Ontario Hatchery. Saturday. Friday, Mrs. Robinson and them early. Barrett Gardens. Francis Whitman, I mile west of USJtfc 27 F. Mrs. Walter Iiams enjoyed a trip to Nyssa on Highway No. 20. 13Mlxp Nampa. FOR PLUMBER call J. C. Smith. FOR SALE—Baby chicks Mondays 1 McCORMICK-DEERING B Far- Mrs. Edith Tegersrand returned to and Thursdays. 200 up 8'-a cents Phone 78J. tfc. mall tractor. Special $590.00.Eder Portland Saturday after helping each, under 200, 9 cents each. Cus Hardware, Nyssa. 6F tfc. care for her father after his acci HOG RAISERS tom hatching 3 cents per egg. Pay If you have fat hogs to sell, see me ette Valley Hatchery. Phone 8221. FOR SALE or rent. Tavern, known dent, Troy Gooing Is building a new hay at Nyssa Sale Yard before you sell. Two miles north Fruitland. 6F tfc. as the Bank. Attractive terms. See I pay more money and don’t forget Frank T. Morgan. 16Jtfc dprrick. we get more money for your live HATCHING EGGS, from 240-300 Mr. and Mrs. Ccnrad Brotzman stock than any sale yard. We sell egg puie, Hansen Strain, White FOR SALE—complete pumping i and Henry Nazarenus were guests everything, every Friday. Leghorns. Mrs. Neil Dimmick. equipment. Consisting of 500 feet for Sunday dinner at the home of 20F tfc. plunk flume, 400 feet 18 Inch wood Mr and Mrs prank Evans, FLOYD ROBINSON. pipe. 10 horse Fairbanks electric mo- charles Fox was honored PAINTING, PAPERING, all kinds tor. Fairbanks pump, valves, etc. As wKh a birthday dinner, at the home FARM LANDS of interior decorating. References. good as new. This equipment is ca- ber daUKhter Mrs MacFarland, For Sale R. T. Sanders, Box 234, Nyssa. pable of pumping and handling 200 Sunday Mrs. Fox’ children and 13M8xp FOR SALE — EXTRA SPECIAL. inches of water—Ira Ure, Nyssa. grandchildren were present. 28 tic Buy the mortgage on this good John Metzen who has been visit WANTED—All your welding jobs 10 acre home, and we will place you ing his parents the past month, and We promise good work and fair KALSOMINE, PAINT at competi prices. Pruyn Auto Repair, Phom in possession at once. This property tive prices. First class quality. Reuben Henshaw went to Prairie is not being sold at its present mar 56W. Nyssa Lbr. Co.. Goode Ave. and City and Austin, Ore., to visit in the ket value, but only at the face value Highway 201, Phone 108. 16Mtfc Joe Mast home, Thursday. BRAKE WORK—Let us put your of the mortgage. 5 room house, deep J. E. Stout has traded his car tor car or truck brakes in first class well. Very best of soil and cheap a coupe. Mr. and Mrs. Stout went to For Sale condition. Special equipment ano water for irrigation. Can make easy Boise Saturday and brought their SEED trained men at your service. Pruyn terms. See us for full particulars. daughter Norma home for the week Auto Repair. Phone 56W Bernard Eastman I FOR SALE—Bliss triumph seed po end. Mr. and Mrs. Jabe Proffitt and tatoes, out of McKays Blue tag, 10 ACRES. Good modem home, children of Nampa and Gladys Consult us on your wiring needs j vogued 3 times. Inspected by state garage, cow barn, 4 miles from and meter set-ups. seed inspectors and county agents Nichols of Nyssa spent Sunday at Nyssa. Terms. Work guaranteed to meet State while growing. Refer to county a- the A. E. Nichols home and visited BERNARD EASTMAN. requirements. gent for quality. Sid Flanagan. Rt. with Mr. and Mrs. Martin Tuttle and baby. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tut Prices right 6F tfc. FINE 40 ACRES improved farm. 2, Nyssa. tle returned to their home In Sole- Information free Modern home, milk house, barn NYSSA ELECTRIC SHOP and feeding pens. On hlway, school SEED POTATOES—One year from dad, Cal. Tuesday morning after vls- McKay Blue tag. White Rose, iting his parents, the past month 18Atfc bus and mail route. Deep well, water Mr. and Mrs. Martin Tuttle and piped over place, electricity. Inquire Bliss Triumph, $100. Klaas Tensen. 13F tfc. I baby went with them and expect to Journal. 23J tfc. get work in the Salinas valley. Local and Long Distance Mr. and Mrs. Mike Carroll of 40 ACRES. Well fenced, shade, cis Musical Instrument HAULING Montous arrived Monday to spend tern, stock ponds, family orchard, Phone 72W '..mall fruits. 12 acres alfalfa, 6 acres UPRIGHT PIANO, good condition, j three weeks at the home of his Lawrence and Barnett $35.00. Norcott Service. 13 F tfc. j brther, Mr. and Mrs. Anthny Car- gc„d pasture, balance old clover. 4M tfc roll. Terms. Gerald Hibbert, 5 miles Mrs. Charles Hoffman is about northwest'Nyssa. 13 F 5xp FOR SALE TN YOUR vicinity, small Bungalow ever her fourth siege if the flu this Plano for balance due. Easy terms. winter. While Mr. and Mrs. Huff ACREAGES. Harry Howell, Nyss». NYSSA STEAM Popma Music Company, Boise. 13 F. tfc. man weer away visiting her son at 13M4xo Klamath Falls, she was in bed sick LAUNDRY part of the time. Saturday, she went For Sale MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Phone 88J to Caldwell with other grangers and C IT Y PROPERTY PIANO BARGAIN, Two good used helped serve dinner for about three “ W e W ash Every Day” pianos now in storage near here LOT 3 BLOCK 65, Greens addition hundred farmers In Caldwell that to Nyssa. L. W. Tebow, 606 Veneta must be moved at once for quick day in connection with the Farm Ave„ Bramerton, Wash. 13M8xp sale. Easy terms if desired. For In Credit Association. For Sale or Trade formation write Tallamn Piano Onion growers are busy preparing 6M3xc OR WILL trade for anything of GOOD HOMESITES In Block 14, Store, Salem, Ore. the land for the crop. About the Teutsch addition and some good value a 15-30 International tract same acreage of onions will be or. Will sell on easy terms. Ray Kel business lots In block 10 of the ori W AN TED planted here. Teams or tractors are ler, Fruitland. 6M2xp ginal townsite. George Neln, Rte. 1, busy in almost every field. Nyssa. 23J tfc. PLOWING AND discklng—Call 797- Sheep shearers were busy at the For Sale Jl, Nampa, or write Rt. 2. C. W. Norman Gulch camp last week. Mrs. Edwards. 27F 3rp. MACHINERY POULTRY Gene Honey has been cooking at the camp. For Sale HIGH QUALITY chicks available PAINTING and Kalsomining, Andy Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Boston every Monday starting Feb. 17. All 1 McCORMICK-DEERING B Far McGinnis. Phone 39M. 6M2xc end sons of Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. popular breeds from bloodtested mall tractor. Special $590.00.Eder Earl Boston and family and Mr. and flocks. Custom hatching done. Or Hardware, Nyssa. 6F tfc. WANTED TO BUY—Clean ootton Mrs. Roy Boston were guests at the der yours now. Vale Electric Hatch rags, must be of fair size, no ov parental, J. I. Boston home Sun ery. Vale, Oregon. 31J tfc. eralls, lace curtains nor other harsh day. For Sale materials. Journal office. 31 0 tfc. Mrs. Ida Riley has been helping STOCK BABY CHICKS—N. H. Reds, B care ofr Lawrence McCrory who is Rocks, Buff Orpingtons and W. WORK MARES, also Federation WANTED—Highest prices paid for improving after a severe cold. Leghorns. Puilorum tested. 9c each. Seed Wheat, William. De Grofft. hides, wools, pelts, metals, fur Mrs. Alex Wagner and Myma Custom hatching. Patch Bros. 27F tfc. niture. The Nyssa Trader, main hi- spent Sunday afternoon in Nampa Hatchery, Payette, Idaho. 27F 12xc. way north. with her sister. GOOD HOLSTEIN bull. Howard George R. Smit is at Camp Lewis Corners, 2 miles east Nyssa, For TRADE WORK WANTED in Washington taking his year of 13Mlxp PLOWING and discing. Have own INCOME PROPERTY, 2 apart training. equipment and tractor. Inquire ments in Payette. Will trade for Ray Huffman and Jack Wilson For Sale Nyssa Implement, Kenneth Fon farm property around Nyssa. Sam other young men from thl» com taine. 6Mxo FARM PRODUCE McConnell. 13M2xp munity received their questinnaires GRAIN, WHEAT, oats and barley. PIANOS WANTED, We wilt take recently. Sunday was C. D. Vertrees birth your Piano in trade, on any mer C. C. Cotton. 12 miles south of Nyssa. Phone 02R5. 6F tfc. chandise in the Appliance Dept. day anniversary. His sister, Mrs. Golden Rule, Phone 55W, Nyssa. Kinneman and family of Ontario, FOR SALE—Bliss and White Rose Ore. 6M4xc Mr. and Mrs. Arlo Chapman of Fruitland, Hugh, Bill and Nadine seed potatoes. C. P. Overstreet. Riddle and Mr. and Mrs. Emil Ver • 27F 4xc. ADRIAN trees and sons joined Mrs. Vertrees, FOR SALE—25 tons third crop al The Kingman grange held a sup Calvin and Gene to celebrate Mr. falfa hay; 50 tons first crop clov per and program at the Adrian high Vertrees birthday, er hay. Ira Ure. 27F tfc. school Friday evening. Adrian high school students and DR. J. C. B O W M AN FOR SALE—Bliss Triumph seed po tatoes, grown from certified seed. faculty took the day off from studies Ira Ure. 27F tfc. Wednesday to clean up the school Veterinarian grounds and school building. POTATOES for stock feed. $2.00 per Mrs. James McGinnis, Mrs. How ton. Ira Ure, Phone 06R2. 6Mtfc ard Hatch, and Mrs. Ellen Sparks attended Jolly Janes at the home Phone 3 9 W SEED WHEAT. $1.50 per hundred of Mrfs. L. Eachus in Big Bend ^ pounds. C. C. Patterson, Rt. 1, H Thursday. mile north Owyhee school house. Mr. and Mrs. Walter McPartland J. R. C U N D A L L 6M2xc were Friday dinner guests at the F j Dentist BLISS TRIUMPH seed potatoes, 90 A. De Lespinosse home. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McGinnis and ! cents bulk. Wheat and oats. G. Sarazin Clinic Siam. 8M2xp Mr. and Mrs. James McGinnis were I Sunday callers at the home of Mr NYS8A OREGON SEED POTATOES. Red. Gems, and Mrs. Andrew McOtnnis in White Rose, from Blue Tag, Nyssa NYSSA LIBRARY planted July 13. Bulk 75 cents per Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Pounds of j Open each week day from 100 lbs. Six miles S. E. Horoedale Caldwell were Tuesday supper j 2 p. m. to 6 p. m. Wm. Hoag. 6M2xp guests at the home of their son. | Saturday, 2 p. m. to 8 p. m. Glen Pounds. UTAH CERTIFIED Sweet Spanish No cash to neceuary to ea- ALL PATRONS WELCOME Mrs. Everett Points and Mrs. Roy j onion seed. Ira Ure, Phone 06R2 large your home or modern- Perry were In Boise Saturday. Librarian___ Mrs. S. B. Davis 13MtfC Ir« It. Enjoy more corofsrt Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hatch were j and convenience with an « V Sunday dinner guests at the Roy j tra bedroom, or bnaemert 5 TONS ALFALFA hay. Tom Lile, OPTOMETRIST Cartwright home in Big Bend When rumpus Gem ave. 3 miles north and 3 “ See McFall and See Better” Building Bug Mtea you. see Miss Hazel Hart of Vale is helping miles west Nyssa. 13Mlxp ns for planning counsel (so her brother-in-law, Glen Pounds in DR. J. A . McFALL additional root), materials SEED BARLEY, second cutting al the Adrian post office. and estimates. falfa, by load, cash on place 14 Mrs Vernon Parker. Mrs. E. E mile Arcadia scool. Tony Monastics. Parker, Iola Parker. Joyce Ashcraft j You Pay $ 1 ^ 13M2xp and Betty Schwlezer were In Parma Low A* J MosiH* on business Friday. AUTOS and TRAILERS Baseball and track have begun at Uag ss 1 y u r t la Adrian high school. FACTORY built trailer house, com m ortfif« . e y e s ig h t s p e c ia l is t plete two beds, oil heater, bullt- ONTARIO OREGON APPLE VALLEY lns. water sink, good tires, quick sale cheap. Glen Osborn Oregon Twenty-five women attended the Gate Cabins. Nyssa. 6Mlxp W YC K O FF Womens Society Service meeting JEW ELRY STORE Thursday afternoon at the home of FARM LANDS j Mrs. Erick Peterson Mrs. B. T. Os For Rent Official Time Inspector for borne was assisting hostess. Mrs # , .. Union Pacific GOOD LOCATION for grocery store Tom Porterfield was honored with a D w ight bm ith, M anager ONTARIO OREGON and lumber yard 2 mile east Nyssa sheweh and Mrs La Rue was also Phone 15 Ny«*a Enquire at Howard Comer. 13Mlxp I a guest. The next meeting will be at | W A Y 1 r a j D SI MISCELLANEOUS For Sale Professional Cards Hew ROOMS fo r BETTER l iving J LUMBER day Saturday. day. Gerritt Faal. Irma. Bob and War Sunday School at 2:30. Everybody ren Hamlin called at the O. E. De- Welcome. Lashmutt home Monday morning cn Christian Endeavor begins at 7:30. their return home to La Grande. It will be held at the home of Mr Pete Tensen is planting his sugar and Mrs. Ed Qonnason. Tommy Ogle beets on his place in our commun ity the first to do so In this district. George De Lashir.utt was a busi ness visitor In Ontario on Monday. Doyle Jensen has moved on the Prank Philips’s place that was prev iously occupied by the Rlechter fam ily- RIVERV1EW Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Simmon's Mrs. Joe Waud entertained for the small daughter Is very ill with the ladles of the neighborhood Friday flu. afternoon. The ladles discussed Mis. I. B. Allan returned home the starting a club for the community oast week after a three months wln- Rerfreshments were served to Mrs cer vacation In California. Jim Olson, Mrs. Walter Thompson French’s have moved from the Mrs. Tom Loe, Mrs. Ed Gonnason Scott place to the house on the south Mrs. Bob Vest and Mrs. R. W. Mc part of the R. H. Johnson farm. Ginnis. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Bailey's Mrs. Hill, Mrs. Jackson and Mrs daughter and family from near Eu Maurice Judd drove the Adrian gene have come for a short visit. Scouts out to the Barrett gardens Klaas Tensen has a full crew for a picnic and to help Mrs. Barrett working In his packing shed sorting with her spring garden work Satur- out potatoes for seed. day. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brecken- Mrs. Walter Simmons visited her j rldge who hove been visiting Mrs. daughter Mrs. Martin Durbin In i Breekenrldge’s sister Mrs. James before winter comes check Wilder during the past week. vfc Glnnis have returned to their your heating p l a n t and La Vonne Osborne broke her arm i borne In Pretty Rock, North Dakota. tlues for needed repairs— Monday night when she fell. Among those who were 111 with the The Frank Graham family have flu the past week and unable to at BE SURE YOU purchased a new car. tend school were Reta Johnson, Philip and Allen Clowers, Bob Angela Henman and Kathleen Loe. ARE INSURED Frost, and John Parker went to Mrs. Roy Herrman had as her Pendleton Sunday on business. dinner guest Sunday night Mr-. R Walter Thompson attended the H. Johnson. Fair Board Meeting In Nyssa at the James Me Ginnis, better known a1- Martin Osbourne home Monday "Granpa” to most of the children night. Phone 53 celebrated his seventy-sixth birth Mrs. Wiley Clowers who has been quite ill at the George Clowers home Is much improved. ‘GOOD SEED” Is the first requirement to produce good crops. We Ed Gonnason, Ray Benedict and have saved the best lots of many thousands of pounds of field seeds for Earl Blackburn were business visit ors In Ontario Friday. planting at home. Due to record crops Clover and Alfalfa prices are the Delpha Osbourne spent the week lowest this season that we have experienced for many years. end In Nyssa with Faith Davis. BUY EARLY and have yonr choice of: Joe Waud, and sons Jackie and 1. Prize winning alsike—Chicago. Norman visited Mr. and Mrs. Har 2. Prize winning Red clover—Chicago. vey Robinson In Black Canyon Pro- ect Sunday. 3. Some of the best alfalfa, fancy e'overs and grasses we have The 4 H Stitch and Sew Club met ever seen. at the home om Mrs. Walter Thomp 4. Austrian peas—99.20% pure. (AAA will contract) son Saturday. BLUE MOUNTAIN SEED GROWERS ASSOCIATION Mr. and Mrs. Harold Perkins and Ontario Warehouse children of Vale were dinner guests of the George Clowers family Sun Walter lams was helping P. M. Crow part of last week. The school board met last night and hired two teachers for the com ing year. Fred Fisher has sold his Wlnesap apples and onions are being sold. Some are being shipped on the train and others are being trucked to markets. Pruning at the Fisher or chard Is almost finished. A FLUE in poor repair caused this - N Y SSA R E A LT Y and Insurance Co. MORE HOUSEWIVES SAVE ON F O O D .... V -* * A G O O D E L E C T R I C S E R V I C E AT L O W R A T E S • Low rates A N D reliable service— together, these are the characteristics of electricity in the life of the Snake River Valley. Your electric rates are among the lowest in the nation. W ith increasing use of electricity, and with a greater number of users each year, the cost of producing and distributing electricity has gone down. You have Ejene- fited through frequent rate reductions, by which we pass on these savings. Electric refrigeration, cooking, water heating— all these services are used more freely in southern Idaho and eastern Oregon because Electricity is Cheap. I D G A H O Y POWER bcV ucititiSx** .o MUOKMteSoAimE!