THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL BIG BEND T he G a te C ity J o u rn a l WINIFRED BROWN THOMAS • • • - On LOUIS P THOMAS - * - - Editor and Publisher INDEPENDENT IN POLITICS AND RELIQION, OPTIMISTIC IN DISPOSITION—WITH NO INTERESTS TO 8ERVK EXCEPT THOSE O F MALHEUR COUNTY SUBSCRIPTION RATES ADVERTISING BATES Open rate, per Inch. . ....30c $1.50 National. Per Inch ............90c $1 00 Classifieds, Per word ___Ole 06 Minimum 25c (Strictly in Advance) Published every Thursday at Nyssa Malheur County, Oregon. Entered at the postoffice at Nyssa. Oregon for transmission through the United States Malls, as second class matter, under the act of March 3. 1879. NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL’S PROGRAM ------ + ------ Co-operative Marketing Association for Malheur Farmers A Properly Equipped Trailer Camp A City Park A Comprehensive Street Improvement Plan STATE CAPITOL NEWS A. L. LINDBECK State Capitol News Bureau DUriClJ THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 1941 The music festival will be held at Ontario, April 25, Mrs. Anna Sparks Is planning on having pupils from Wade school take part. Pupils who were perfect in at tendance for the past nine weeks were Pedro Sillonis, Raymond Cart or others interested in church pubhcity are invited to ust wright, Donald Gibson, George Gale, Ministers the columns of the Journal to carry Important messages not)ices Donna Steelman, Buddy Holly, Car to their congregations. Please try to get your copy in by Tuesday of __ ______________________ __ men Sillonis, Cecilia Sillonis, Leona each week. CHURCH OF CHRIST Handler and Rick Gale. Several pupils have started 4-H CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Meets in Legion Hall. Minister J. S. Beam, Ontario. Sixth Near Main projects. Pedro Sillonis, com; Wil- Sunday Bible School, 10 a. m. Vern Martin, Pastor ford Prosser, camp cookery; Ray Sunday preaching and commun mond Cartwright and Donald Gib ion, 11 a. m. son, rose and flower garden. Emery Sunday school at 10 a. m. Evangelistic meetings, 7:45 p. m. Cameron, sheep; George Elfers and Morning worship at 11 a. m. George Gale, calf, and Carmen Sil Young peoples meeting at 7:15 The public is cordially invited to attend our services. lonis, clothing. A book league was organized and p. m. the teacher and all the pupils in Evangelistic service at 8 p. m. ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL MISSION Wade school have planned to read Prayer meeting on Tuesday and The Rev. B. Stanley Moore, Vicar Morning prayer and sermon 9:30 one book a month. Thursday evening. a. m. The Health club and teacher, Mrs. Holy Communion and sermon FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST each Sparks went on a hike Saturday. Fourth Sunday of the month. • SCIENTIST Wade P. T. A. met at the home school at 10:30 a. m. of Mrs. E. H. Brumbach Friday aft 215 North 9th Street, Payette, Idaho Church ernoon with 26 In attendance. Mrs. A branch of The Mother Church, Lenten Cottage Services, 8 p. m. Evelyn Stoop, county president and The First Church of Christ, Scient- Friday evenings. Mrs. Dessa Hofstetter, county libra lest, in Boston. Massachusetts. L. D. S. CHURCH rian were present and both gave Sunday School—10:00 a. m. very interesting talks and answered Reading Room — 710 1st Ave. Sunday, 10 a. m —Sunday School daily from to 4 p. m. meeting. a number of questions regarding North. where Open the Science Bible and 2 authorized Sunday, 11:30 a. m.—Priesthood their work. Mrs. F. A. Miller played Christian Literature be meeting. several selections of Irish music. read, borrowed or purchased, may and is every day from two to four Sunday, 7:30 p. m. Sacrament The ladies were very generous in open their donations for the white ele p. m., except Sundays and holidays. meeting. Tuesday, 2 p. m. Relief Society. phant sale and the proceeds were GOSPEL TABERNACLE donated to the Garden club to buy FULL Lloyd N. Pounds METHODIST COMMUNITY shrubs for the high school grounds. Mr. and Mrs. pastors. CHURCH A delicious lunch was served by Mrs. Sunday School at 10:00 a. m. Merle W. Burres, Minister. F. A. Miller, Mrs. Robert Weir and Morning Worship 11 a. m. Phone 131W Miss Betty Weir. The April meeting Evangelistic services on Sunday, Church school 10 a. m. will be held at the home of Mrs Morning worship 11 a. m. Walter Bishop with Mrs. Case LUTHERAN CHURCH Epworth League 7 p. m. Muntjewerff and Mrs. Clyde Steel PARMA A. A. Scmidt. Pastor man assistant hostesses. KINGMAN COMMUNITY E. H. Brumbach transacted busi 10:00 a. m.—Divine service. Ser CHURCH ness in Vale Wednesday. mon: Jesus, the Discerner of Hearts. Ernest Tetwiler, Pastor Mrs. L. Eachus and Claude Eachus 11:00 a. m.—Sunday school and Sunday school 10 a. m. Mrs. E. G spent Friday in Vale on business. Bible classes for all. superintendent. A daughter was born to Mr. and 1:15 p. m. — The Lutheran hour Osborn, Morning worship 11 a. m. Legal Advertisement Mrs. Jesse Higgins at Memorial over KFXD. Endeavor 7:45 p m. Park hospital in Caldwell last Tues 2:30 p. m.—Branch Sunday school Christian OF District, MEETING Evening worship 8:30 p. m. day. at Nyssa. Owyhee NOTICE Irrigation Malheur A family named Smith from Wil 8:00 p. m.—Preaching service at County, Oregon. ASSEMBLY OF GOD NOTICE Hereby is Given. That der have moved on to the old Win the Ridgeview school. Board of Directors of sitting the Owy The Church With a Welcome the ter ranch. Wednesday 8 p. m.—Lenten serv South hee Irrigation District, Second between Reece and Board of Equalization, will meet as on a Will Van de Water of Wilder vis ices. Subject: The Loving Heart of King Tuesday, the 1st P. day of said April, day 1941, ited Friday at the home of his Jesus. The mixed quartet will sing. at 8:00 o’clock M. of at Ivan West brother Boyce. If you have no church-home, we Sunday Pastor, its office of at reviewing Nyssa, Oregon, for the school, 10 a. m. Jesse Higgins and daughters and invite you to come and worship purpose and correcting SHELTON’S DAIRY Morning worship, 11a. m. its assessment roll for and apportion Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Higgins and us. ment of charges operation and Evangelistic services, 8 p. m. family visited Mrs. Jesse Higgins with Phone 05J2 “A changless Christ for a chang Young Peoples service, 8 p. m. maintenance for the 1941 season. and baby daughter at Memorial ing world.” Park hospital Sunday. Mrs. M. E. Rogers, Basil Rogers, Herman Timm left Saturday for speak on Sunday evening, March 16 Mrs. R. L. Haworth, Mr. and Mrs. Fruitland at the Kolony school. The returrns trim orchards. White Rose Seed Will Sweet. Phyllis Haworth and Mr. and to Mrs. S. F. Hance have of the canvass taken in February Laura Prosser attended a concert moved on the Millsap ranch recent showed a great percentage in favor given by Caldwell high school pu POTATOES pils. Genevieve Rogers is a member ly vacated by Timmermans. uniting with the United Presby B. G. Roberts, Dyre Roberts, of terian church. This denominational of the club. Grown from McKay Seed Claude Eachus an<^ Walter Stenner criudch was chosen because it was Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Sitz and attend the last of the meetings of daughter and Mrs. Brown of Burns, farmers school of instruction held at the only neutral church, no on hold Small Seed were Sunday guests of Mrs. Sarah ing a membership in it. The meeting Adrian high school. Kilbum. is open to the public. Mr and Mrs. Molt and daughter Among those who enjoyed a hike of Wilder were Sunday guests in the to the top of Mitchell Butte Sunday NEWELL HEIGHTS afternoon PHONE NYSSA 05J1 Purdy home. were the M. L. Kuntz Mrs. Wright of Nampa is the guest The Mary and Martha circle will family, Arlene Peterson, Erma of her daughter, Mrs. Ray Cart wright and family and on Sunday not have a meeting Thursday after Mrs. Wright and daughter visited noon. Saturday afternoon all ladies are invited to attend the Silver tea Mrs. C. R. Purdy. The Jolly Janes held an all day given by the circle at the high meeting at the home of Mrs. L. school. Mrs. R. G. Chandler who was Eachus Thursday and spent the a teacher in a Korean school several time quilting for Mrs. Harry Sipes. years will tell of missionary work B. G. Roberts spent Sunday vis there. iting in the Will Jordan home at Rev. McKune of the United Pres- a 3)îôt//iu/im /ieclJktdäion Homedale. by terian church of Nampa will SALEM, Ore.—What will be the also being mentioned for the honor cost of the legislative session? That as is Dorothy McCulloch Lee, of county, the only woman Is a question that can not be ans Multnomah member of the In the House wered until all the bills are In and Wm. McAllister senate. of Medford ran paid—bills for printing and binding Robert Ferrell of Portland who a close the House and Senate Journals and race for the Job this year, appears the session laws which are yet to be hold an advantage in the early compiled after the session adjourns. to bidding 1943 Job although Estimates at this stage of the ses a number for of the other representatives sion fix the cost at somewhat less also aspire to the honor, Including than that of the 1939 session which John Steelhammer of Marlon, exceeded *150,000. Whatever the man Chindgren of Clackamas Her ultimate cost the lawmakers have Lyle Thomas of Polk county. and made ample provision for its pay ment by appropriating $170,000 for Legislative appropriations approv legislative expenses. While the ses by the ways and means commit sion will probably not make a record ed and voted by the House and for longivtty, in that it will prob tee Senate exceed the recommendations ably not equal the 55-day record of submitted session by Gover the 1939 session It will run that rec nor Sprague to the by more than three- ord a close second. When the law quarters of a million dollars. makers reconvened on Monday the how much more depends upon Just the session had equaled the 57 day rec of two budget items. ord of the 1937 session and Wednes Interpretation One of these is an allocation of day marked the 59th day, equalling *100,000 for the construction of new tlie record of the 1935 session. armories. This money Is hedged about with so many restrictions that The law makers do not pay a the ways and means statisticians do great deal of attention to the rec not include It In their list of ap ommendations of interim commit propriations. But If not an appro tees. During the two years Interven priation It can only be Interpreted ing between the 1939 and 1941 ses as an idle gesture—a sop thrown sion special committees worked on out to Baker, Orants Pass, Oregon several important problems and pre City and LaGrande all of which are sented their findings and recom demanding new armories at this mendations to the current session. session. One of these special committees aft Just how much the budget is out er months of intensive research and of balance by these excess appro study worked out a plan for the re priations Is also a matter of Inter tirement of public employees. The pretation. Based upon anticipated plan was Incorporated into a bill but revenue as set up in the governor’s was never Introduced and the ef budget the general fund will be In forts of that committee went for the red by approximately $750.000 at naught. Another Interim committee the end of the next biennium If all the governor's economic council, aft the appropriations are used up. But er much thought and study evolved there again the statisticians have a plan for boosting the sale of Ore stepped In to change the picture. gon’s agricultural products. This These experts have increased the plan fared a little better than the governor's estimates on Income fig- other in that a bill was introduced the anticipated net deficit to be- and referred to a committee but ures by some *300,000 thus reducing there It has remained since early in tween *400.000 and *500.000. the session with not enough support to bring It out onto the floor for a In the opinion of Governor Spra gue the foreetery program contained vote. in 15 separate bill* constitute the Oregon’s lawmakers have given moet Important work of the legisla approval to bigger log loads—up to tive session. Growing out of the ef a maximum of 68,000 pounds but fort* of the Oregon Economic Coun turned thumbs down on every effort cil and offered as a part of the ad to Increase the size of other com- ministration's legislation program merlcal trucks first defeating a bill all but 17 of the forestry bills Intro IN that would have permitted the oper duced received House and Senate ation of 60-foot trucks with a gross approval and have now received the weight of 68,000 pounds and then governor's signature. Outstanding turning down a second bill that among the 15 bills In the forestry would have Increased the gross program, according to the governor weight of trucks to a maximum of are two measures one of which clari 80.000 pounds without Increasing fies and amplifies an act of the 1939 session authorizing the state to ac the length of the trucks. quire timber lands for reforestation purposes and the other which re The state senate defeated the pro quires that certain trees be left posed amendments to the financial standing in logging operations, also responsibility act which had already for reforestation purposes passed the House. The bill would have required that every motorist The board of control Is expected whose car was Involved in an acci to announce the new superintend dent, regardless of respeonslblllty. to ent for the State Training School either post a substantial bond or for Boys soon More than 40 men take out Insurance to protect pos have applied the Job which Is to sible future victims. The measure be cacated by for Sam on was described by its opponents as April 1 after ten years LaughUn In that po only a step removed from compul sition. sory insurance. JAKE FISCHER INSURE to t/ie G /ieow /et S in e/or ¥ / NEW CHEVROLET NEW FISHER IN SURE INSURANCE When they have better insurance we will have it FRANK T. SIX PASSENGER SEDAN WITH MORGAN Phone 97 HIGH-LOW Already, even before the 1941 ses sion has adjourned attention la be ing turned toward possible contend ers for the gavel wielding Jobs In the 1943 session In the senate W. H. Stelwer. Fossil banker. Is being put forth by Eastern Oregon members as the logical successor to Dean Walker, president of the senate Douglas McKay of Marlon county. Is From Emmett— Mr and Mrs. Charlie Thompson. Emmett. were Sunday visitors at the Herschel Thompson home Dinner Gneata Mr and Mrs Ralph Beutler and Mr and Mrs Herschel Thompson were dinner geusts Friday of Mr and Mrs. W. F McLlng at their country home near Emmett assessment roll office and record may Points. Idamary Prouty, Eleanor The inspected at the of the pis- Dutton, Glenn Osbourn, Clarise be tiict by any hours interested person dur ing office of each business Case and Sam Shaw. School children in both grades day. order of the Board of directors. and high school enjoyed “clean-up" By Owyhee Irrigation District one day last week. By Frank T. Morgan, Secretary. Mrs. Hite who has charge of the Dated and first publ. Mar. 6. 1941. P. T. A. meeting this month March Last publ. Mar. 27, 1941________ 21 in the afternoon at the Kolony school has requested that questions NOTICE TO CREDITORS be handed her or asked during the IN TIIE COUNTY COURT OF THE meeting pertaining to grade school STATE OF OREGON FOR THE problems. COUNTY OF MALHEUR matter of the Estate of Fred Mr. and Mrs. Mat Scheimer were In J. the Pitkin, deceased. dinner guests in the Geo. Scheimer home Monday evening. The former The undersigned, EMMA M. PIT are leaving to make their home near KIN, having been appointed Admi nistratrix of the Estate of Fred J. Pendleton. Pitkin, deceased, and having quali The John Timmerman family fied as such, hereby gives notice to have moved to their new home in the creditors all persons having Newell Heights although the house claims against and said estate to present is not finished. Mrs. Timmerman same, verified as required by law has been quite ill. with proper vouchers, within six The R. R. Overstreet Jr. family after the publication of this of Boise spent Sunday at the par months notice, to the said Administratrix at Nyssa, Oregon, at the office of ental home. L. designated Fletcher, the being the Carl Hill has the basement dug A. for same the transaction for another new tenant house. Alvin place of all business pretaining to said es McGinnis will do the work. tate. The College of Idaho deputation February 5, 1941. group supplied us with another team Emma M. Pitkin. Sunday comprising Messrs Harrah, Administratrix of the Estate of Fred J. Pitkin, deceased. and Barnhart and the Misses Willis First pub. Feb. 6, 6, 1941 and McFarland. Prof. Anderson of Last pub. March 1941. the Bible department also attended. In Twin Fails— Mr. and Mrs. Bumall Brom visit ed relatives in Twin Falls over the week «id. In Bend— Dr. and Mrs. E. D. Norcott visited in Bend a few days last week. Attend Dental Meeting— D . E. D. Norcott attended the meeting of the Dental Association held in Caldwell on Wednesday evening. Civic Club— The next meeting of the Civic Club will be held at the Prish hall on Wednesday afternoon. March 19, beginning at two-thirty. (faa///y Making ibis famous old brand the top whiskey bay in town. A distinguished,^ ultra-fashionable addition to the Chevrolet line for '41 featuring a swank new Ffeet/me Body by Fisher . . . Landau type rear-quarter panel . . . Custom-quality broadcloth upholstery . . . Luxu rious carpeting . . . Rich wood-grained moldings . . . New "Silverstyl” dash and instrument panel . . . Sparkling new window reveals . . . Fisher ventilation at rear windows as well as at front . . . "3-couple roominess,” including abundant head, shoulder and leg room. Æ4/Æ CHEVROLET}* THE LEADER iPSKfc mT/mm/ñmi *nrir-mr/r+ m ir•? Cables Chevrolet Company Phone 62 Ontario, Oregon