Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1941)
JAM ISON-BOSTON mim THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL who wore a floo rlength dress of Miss Mary Boston, only daughter black tafetta and carried sweetpeas. of Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Boston, was The bridegroom and his best man. married on Sunday evening at six Roy Boston wore conventional dark o ’clock to Howard Jamison, son of suits. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Jamison of Corn- Before the ceremony, Mrs. R ay bridge, Nebraska. The ceremony was mond Boston sang “ O, Promise Me.” performed at the home of the bride's. ^ uests were Mr and Mrs Henry parents and the single ring service Boston and sons of Lewiston, Ida., was read by the Reverend Roseber- Mr and Mrs. Raymond Boston and ry, pastor of the Methodist church sons of Ontario, Oregon., Mr. and of Caldwell The bride wore a floor Mrs. Earl Boston and family and length white tafetta wedding dress Mr. and Mrs. Roy Boston, Mr. and and wore white blossoms In her hair. Mrs F. D. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Her bouquet was of rosebuds and Morgan and son, and the Rev. Rose- E VAN G ELIST M ILLE R sweetpeas. She was given in mar berry. Revival at the Church of the riage by her father. As Mrs. Ray After the ceremony a buffet lunch Nazarene mond Boston played Lohengrin’s was served from the lace covered Revival will continue at the Naz- wedding march, the wedding party table which was centered by a six aem e church a'l the rest of the week took their places before an Improvis tier bride’s cake on the top of which and will close on the 16th of Feb. ed arch of greenery and blossoms. Rev. James Miller is a national The soft radiance of candlelight a tiny bride and groom stood. The cake was made by the bride’s known evangelist. He has preached from tall white tapers set in low in nearly all the states of the union. candelabra on either side of the mother and was cut by the bride. arch lighted the room. The bride Mr. and Mrs. Jamison left for a We feel fortunate in being able to was attended by Mrs. Roy Boston, short wedding trip, their car deco- present to Nyssa and community such a fine preacher. All are invited to attend and hear the gospel in sermon and in song. A. L. Crane is song director, and special singer. WIGWAM FLOUR Milled From Hard Wheat By the Caldwell Flour Mills THE ALL PURPOSE FLOUR PERFECTED lor FAMILY USE The Best Family Flour It’s Oven Tested PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY BY USING WIGWAM FLOUR SOLD BY ALL Nyssa Merchants Grocery Specials for Friday and Saturday February 7, and 8 P i W IG W A M 49 lb. Flour bag. Peanut Butter Salad Dressing Salmon J L pink Cheese Liei.. C o o k ie S 1 arrJ ^ 2 lb. Jars quart jars Pride ...orted 4 ,b packages Bacon Squares Carstens ib. large Oxydol packages___________ P. & G. Giant bars 8 for Dash Crisco $1.15 23c 23c 29c 99c 23c 37c 15c 20c 1C. 45c 49c 3 lb cans O P E N E V E NIN G S U N T IL 6 P. M. S A T U R D A Y S , 9 P. M. W ILSON G r o c e r y OREGON NYSSA able Food Store I house progressed to the next sta tion and following all the games the entire group met at the Parish hall where the prizes for the evening were presented to the winners and | a pie supper was served. High scores at bridge were made by Mrs. Laurence Brown and Mrs. E. J. Powell for the ladles and by A. L Fletcher and C. E. Taylor for the men. At pinochle Miss La Della Shaw and Mrs. Margaret Carpenter were high for ladles and William E. Schireman and J. C. Olsen for the men. - 8 - WEDNESDAY EVENING BRIDGE Mrs. Aden Wilson entertained at Wednesday evening bridge club at her home this week and invited Mrs. Frank Rambaud as a guest player. High scores were won by Mrs. Ernest McClure and Mrs. Klaas Tensen. At Hospital Baby Robert, Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Rose is critically 111 at the Nyssa hospital. L O W E R BEND rian. Adrian's grade school team al so beat Parma's grade school team that day. These were the first vic tories in athletics ever scored by Ad rian high school over Parma. Entertainment for the evening was furnished by three of Adrian’s baton twirlers and pep band and by a small boy from Parma who twirled a baton and sang "God Bless Am erica.” Mrs. C. T. Cook, Mrs. F. A. deLes- pinasse, and Mrs. D. W. Patch were Monday evening guests o f Mrs. Watts Bridge club in Parma. Saturday night Adrian and Jor dan Valley competed in two basket ball games with Adrian on the long end of the score In both games. The second string game ended with a score of 22 to 14. The first string game was 32 to 19 in Adrian’s favor. This was the first time Adrian had defeated Jordan Valley In bas- betball. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Parker call ed on Mrs. Parker’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robetr Toomb of Nyssa on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Lane of King- man Kolony were Sunday dinner guests at the D. W. Patch home. TH U R SD AY EVENING BRIDGE Mrs. Malcolm Crawford entertain ed the members of the Thursday Evening Bridge club. Inviting Mrs Bernard Frost as a guest player for the evening Mrs. Bert B Lienka- emper and Mrs. Carlos Buchner made high scores. —g_ G U ILD T O M EET The Guild of St. Paul's Episcopal church will meet on Wednesday aft ernoon. Feb 12 at the home o f Mrs William E. Sehtreman. Mrs C. C. Hunt will be co-hostess —f — B IR T H D A Y D INN ER M r and Mrs Perry Ward enter tained at dipner on Sunday compli menting Mr W ard’s btrthdav anni versary. - 8 - AFTERNOON TEA Mrs Irving Orlndel! was hostess ®t a tea on Tuesday afternoon com plimenting the birthday annivers ary of Mrs Clarence Brewster. Twenty-one friends called during the afternoon. _ - 8 - PROGRESSIVE CARD P A R T Y Twenty-one tables of bridge and Pinochle were In play on Wednes day evening when the second o f a w ie s of progressive card games was Riven by the guild or St Paul's Epis copal church Ouests gathered at the homes of Dr and Mrs. J. j. Satraaln. Mr and Mrs William E. schireman. Dr and Mrs. E D Nor- eott. M r and Artie Robertson. Dr and Mrs. J C Bowman and Mr and Mrs. Church. Winners at each I NYSSA Phone 108 LO ST—Legionnaire’s cap. Return to the creditors and all persons having Journal. 6F lxc. claims against said estate to present same, verified as required by law with proper vouchers, within six FOR SALE—Bliss triumph seed po months after the publication of this tatoes, out of McKays Blue tag, notice, to the said Administratrix rogued 3 times. Inspected by state at Nyssa. Oregon, at the office of A. L. Fletcher, the same being the seed inspectors and county agents place designated for the transaction while growing. Refer to county a- of all business pretainlng to said es gent for quality. Sid Flanagan. Rt. tate. February 5, 1941. 2, Nyssa. 6F tic. Emma M. Pitkin, Administratrix of the Estate FOR SALE— Baby chicks Mondays of Fred J. Pitkin, deceased. and Thursdays. 200 up 8tt cents First pub. Feb. 6, 1941 each, under 200, 9 cents each. Cus Last pub. March 6, 1941. tom hatching 3 cents per egg. Pay ette Valley Hatchery. Phone 6221. Two miles north Fruitland. 6F tfc. For Sale 1 M cCO RM ICK-D EERING B Far mall tractor. Special $590.00. Eder Hardware, Nyssa. 6F tfc. FOR SALE—New, unfinished baby beds $5.95, large size. Drop leaf table $3.69. Chairs, 79c, hardwood chairs, $1.00. Chest of drawers, 4 drawers. $3.79. The Nyssa Trader sells for less. Main hiway north. 6F lxc FOR SALE—New Superbilt daveno beds, only $27.50. A smart looking daveno by day, a comfortable bed N Y SSA H EIGH TS by night. The Nyssa Trader sells for less. Main hiway north. What Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Mazes and have you to trade? son Ralph and Mrs. O. F. Maze and 6F lxc ^ aren Sundayjit the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Trew of Parma, FO R SALE—Two fresh Holstein cows. Aso some wheat. Gerrltt Idaho. 6F lxp. Mrs. E. R. Anderson and broth Stam. Rt. 2, Nyssa. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Cum mins burned to the ground early Sunday morning while Mr. Cum mins was at the barn milking. Mrs. Cummins was in Caldwell visiting her daughter and Mr. Cummins’ had cooked his breakfast and started the chores. The roof was ready to fall in when he returned to the house. Due rated with bells and tin pans— a to the dense fog none of the neigh er, Vernon Walker, of Nyssa, drove continuous charivari. bors noticed the fire. The building to Boise Saturday and visited Mr. Anderson in the Veteran’s hospital. carries a small insurance. C H ATTE R B O X CLUB Attending the Kansas-Oregon Barbara Russell, has been very The Chatter Box club held its reg banquet-Tit the Parish hall in Nyssa ular meeting Wednesday, Jan. 29, sick with Tonsilltls the past week. Wednesday evening were the G. E. Mrs. • William Teter is in Vale at at the John Bartholoma home. Webster, Dan Corbett families and the home of her son, Miles Teter, It was decided to have a valentine Mr. O. . Kutrz and son, Harold. party as custom on Feb. 12 In con and is caring for her new grand Mr. and Mrs. Jack Simpson were daughter and its mother. The Infant nection with the regular meeting, dinner guests at the F. J. Cahill was born Thursday. each member bringing a gift cost home Thursday. Prayer meeting was held at the ing not over ten cents. Just-a-mere club met at the home home o f Mrs. Dora Morgan. Thurs Mrs. John Ridder the social lead o f Mrs. Joe Woodard Friday after day evening. Mrs. W itty was leader. er was In charge of the program. noon. 13 answered roll call. Program Mrs. Harry Hatch and Helen, Mrs. Delicious refreshments were ser E. Keyser and Mrs. R. C. Smtih ved to the following members: Mes- Arthur Gale. Mrs. Harry Russell, was in charge of Mrs. Moss. Mrs. J. dames Toplif, Jamison, Ure, Ben Betty Weir and Mrs. Ellen Sparks, E. Keyser and Mrs. R. C. Smith. It nett, Orcutt, Adams. Cheldelin, Suit Mrs. Howard Hatch of Adrian are was decided to meet with Mrs. Joe the members fro mthe Jolly Janes or, Ford, Mitchell, Knowles, Bailey, Woodard again on Feb. 14 and ex Oregg, Stephen, Bybee, Ridder and club who took a pot luck dinner and change gifts for Valentine’s day. Ooodell. The only guests was Mrs. surprised a former member Mrs. Mr. R. C. Smith and sons, Mrs. Jule. The next meeting is to be held Tom Campbell of Wilder on Thurs Joe Woodard attended a public sale day. at the Harlan Maw home Feb. 12. at Fruitland Friday afternoon. The occasion was Mrs. Campbell's Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Cahill spent SO C IETY T O MEET 15th wedding anniversary. Sunday at the Jack Simpson home. The Women’s Society of Christian Miss Florence Russell, spent three Mr. Wilford and D. O. Bybee with Service will meet at the home of nights last week working for Mrs. their mother of Ogden, Utah, ar Mrs. Joe E. Trent, corner of Fifth Gretchen Hatch of Adrian rived at the home of their brother and Bower, on Thursday afternoon The P.-T. A. pie social was a huge and son, S. P. Bybee. at 2 o’clock. Mrs. E. C. Crandall success last Saturday night. The R. C. Smith and son, Rodney will assist with the entertaining. 1941 style review put on by the men made a business trip to Meridian, - § ~ folks was especially good. Idaho, Wednesday. SUNSHINE CLUB Harold Quick has returned from J. E. Keyser was fortunate. While The Sunshine club of the Rebek- California where he was working digging on his ranch in Locket ahs will meet at the Odd Fellows for the past four months. Gulch he struck water at 10 feet and hall on Friday afternoon at 2 p. E. M. Hauser, county club leader, has a good well. m. visited the Big Bend Cooking club -§ ~ Friday. HOUSE GUEST Ann Elizabeth Molt, celebrated B U ILD IN G PE RM ITS Miss Helen Boydell entertained her 13th birthday Sunday with a Darlene Dorman Saturday night The following applications for party for her school friends. and Sunday. building permits have been filed with the City Recorder: No. 434— Elmer Points. Erect gar H A P P Y COOKS MEET A D R IA N age, Lots 19-20 Blk. 141, Ward. $60. The club met at Ellen Judd’s Sat No. 435— O. J. Adkinson. Erect urday, Feb. 1 at 10 o’clock. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Points and The meeting was called to order their daughter. Erma, and Miss A r dwell, lot 6, blk. 6 Teutsch. $4000. I f no written protests have been and the minutes were read. lene Peterson were In Nyssa Satur filed within ten (10) days from the The next meeting will be at Aur day. date of this publication by owners ora Zamora’s Feb. 22. of property in the City o f Nyssa, Wednesday night the junior class Ellen Judd and Aurora Zamora of Adrian high school sponsored a the above applications will be ap proved. will put on a demonstration on skating party at the Nampa roller kneading bread. skating rink. All students were Invit Too Late to Classify Ellen served a lunch and the ed. Miss Marjorie Hopkins and Miss meeting was adjourned. Eleanor Beier were along as chap For Sale erones. 1 M cCO RM IC K-D EERING B. Far SU RPRISE P A R T Y Mr. and Mrs. James Flaherty of mall tractor. Specially priced at A surprise party was enjoyed at Baker visited at the Vernon Parker $590.00. Can be seen at Eder Hard the Ray Holton home in Kingman home Sunday. ware, Nyssa. 6Flxc. on Monday evening when Mrs. Hol Friday night in games between ton invited guests to make three Parma and Adrian the score in the F O R SALE—Work Horses, broken tables of pinochle In honor of Mr and unbroken. L. O. Schoen, 120 second string game was in Adrian’s Holton’s birthday anniversary. favor and the first string game re So. Ninth St., Payette. Phone 233M. Mrs. C C. Cotton and Mr. Holton 6F lxp. sulted in a 34 to 20 victory for Ad- were hblders of high score at cards. A late supper was enjoyed after the card games were over. __________ giant packages THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6,1941 PR O G R A M THEATRE W ANTE D — Young man will give good home to stray or unwanted dog. Call Journal or Nyssa Realty. 6F lxc Legal Advertisement N O TIC E TO CREDITORS IN TH E CO U NTY C O URT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE C O U N T Y OF M ALHEUR In the matter of the Estate o f Fred J. Pitkin, deceased. „ undersigned, EM MA M. P I T K IN , having been appointed Admi- “ ‘stratnx of the Estate o f Fred J. Pitkin, deceased, and having quali fied as such, hereby gives notice to “R A G T IM E C O W B O Y JOE Sunday and Monday, February 9 and 10 Veterinarian Phone 39W N Y S S A L IB R A R Y Open each week day from 2 p. m. to 6 p. m. Saturday, 2 p. m. to 8 p. m. A L L P A TR O N S WELCOME Lib rarian ......Mrs. 8. B. Davis O PTO M E T R IS T ‘‘See McFall and See Better*’ DR. J. A. M cFA LL E YE S IG H T SP E C IA LIS T O N TA R IO OREGON W YCKOFF J E W E L R Y STORE Official Tim e Inspector for Union Pacific O N TA R IO OREGON Do Both FIX Y O U R H O M E P A Y AS Y O U C A N Safeguard Your investment in your home by doing those needed repairs or remodeling now—pay for them as you can— use . . . . A.B.C. E A SY M O NTH LY PAYM ENT PLAN Ask us about this N EW Budget Plan NYSSA(fl 1 GOODE A V E U HIGHWAY 201' * THE SIGN OF GOOD LUMBER , ) PHONE 116 JOHN E.OSTROM PROP I 'THE TAILOR ISALWAYS GLAO TO HEAR THAT YOU HAD A RIPPING TIME. ! - -> It’s Not Only Cheap- I’t. FREE t To look at our N E W S U P E R B IL T DAVENOS DOUBLE FEATURE Sat. Mat., 2;30 p, m., Adm. 5c-20c; Evening, 10c-33c, includes tax DR. J, C. B O W M A N FOR R E N T —80 acres. Alfalfa, grain and sugar beet land. No buildings. Share or cash rent. Seven miles SW Nyssa. E. L. Jamison. F2xp. Friday and Saturday, February 7 and 8 Richard Arlen and Andv Devine in “L U C K Y D E V IL S ” Johnny Mack Brown and Fuzzy Knight in Professional Cards To see, is to want one of these beautiful bed sofa’s at our Special Price O f $ 3 5 and its matching chair at $16.50 (In our opinion this feature is not to be recommended for chil dren.) Coverings in cut velour, in a choice of 28 of fash ions latest shades, from soft rose, reseda green, or turquoise blue to luscious mulberry and aut umn rusts and browns. Mat. Sun, 2:30, Adm. 10c-28c, Evening Adm. 10c-33c, Includes tax To own one— Rosalind Russell, Melvyn Douglas, Binnie Barnes and Gloria Dickson in “THIS T H IN G C A L L E D L O V E ” Comedy and Take It or Leave It —BARGAIN NIGHT— Tuesday and Wednesday, February 11 and 12 Bargain Night Both Nights Join O ur Daveno Pool ! Anna Neagle, Richard Carlson, Victor Mature, Roland Young and ZaZu Pitts in now being formed and get yours before prices go up. “NO, NO, N A N E T T E ” Sportscope and D E A D W O O D DICK Thi» is positively the last chance as the Adm. Children 5c, Adults 15c Thursday, February 13 Cecil B. DeMille’s Technicolor production “N O R T H W E S T M O U N T E D PO L IC E ” with Gary Cooper, Madeline Carroll, Paulette Goddard lte -U and Preston Foster c , including Defense Tax P O O L CLOSES W E D N E S D A Y , FEB. 12 The Nyssa Trader “SELLS FO R LESS” M A IN H IG H W A Y N O R T H Jtr . ’ • W fS S A