THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, JANUARY 23,1941 Small Seed Production Parsonage Nears Completion ' TUESDAY EVENING BRIDGE Mrs. Bernard Frost was hostess at | Work on the remodeling of the Small seed production and pasture j dessert ahd contract to the members j M.thodlst parsonage is about com management will be discusaed at a i cf the Tuesday evening. Bridge clubi pleted and Rev and Mrs. Merle Bur- farmers special evening class by E. | at her home this w:ek Mrs. Oeorge 1 res plan to move into it within the R. Jackman, Farm Crop specialist J. Mitchell was invited to play as a nekt few days. guest and high scores were won by I from CorvaUis on Thursday even The excavation for the new church ing, January Mrs. Artie Robertson and Mrs. Keith j 30, at 8 p. m. at the edifice has been completed by Hen Bailey. Nyssa high school. All farmers in ry Horn and final architects esti terested in small seed production MR AND MRS. CLUB GUILD PARTY -5 - mates and plans are awaited by the should attend this meeting accord The Guild of St. Paul’s Episcopal Members of the Mr. and Mrs. Club GRANGE GIVES PARTY building committee before bids are ing to R. H. Sawyer, agricultural in chuch Is sponsoring a progressive were entertained on Wednesday Members of the Oregon Trail let for the construction of the card party to be held on February evening at dinner and contract by grange enjoyed a pinochle and con church. Many details for final plans structor. 5. Persons wishing to make table Mr. and Mrs. Burnall Brown. Miss tract party held at the E. L. Jami await the meeting of the building reservations may do so by calling Eva Boydell was a guest player son home in Buena Vista on Tues- I commute and church board and will Washington News High score at cards were made by day evening at which players for Mrs. J. J. Sarazin. Mrs. William E. depend in part on the ultimate cost (Continued from Page 1) R. G. Larsen and Arthur H. Boydell. nine tables of cards were present. Schiremàn or Mrs. Dick Tensen. of the entire structure and the Members of the guild will also con Following the usual numebr of rub Following the games refreshments j purchase implements of war abroad, building fundsi available. bers of contract, several games were were served by Mrs. Jameson and [ tact persons interested. Title insurance to the church which has been interpreted as auth enjoyed in which the ladies played Mrs. Alva Ooodell. Prizes at bridge property at Main and Third has orizing the president to acquire the the men for high score and the la were won by Neil Dlmmick. and | CHATTERBOX CLUB cLl navy if England is defeated been obtained and the property will British Mrs. Russell Patton, Mrs. Neil Dim- j Chatter Box Club held Its regular dies were winners. While not denying the bill allows be turned over at an early date to mick and Mr McMillan. At pinochle | meeting at the Mrs. Ed Nielson - | - this, the president says such an in the Signal Oil company who took prizes went to Bob Morfitt, Mrs. home. As the weather and roads BOOK CLUB an option on it several weeks ago, terpretation is foolish and he would were bad, only three members were Kingman Kolony Book club was Lloyd Adams. Mrs. Goodell and Wil subject to Title insurance being is- not do such a thing. entertained by Mrs, R. R. Overstreet liam E. Schireman. present. Feeding Discussed Next regular meeting will be held at her home on Saturday afternoon. Dairy cattle feeding with C. C. The attempt to pack the supreme at Mrs. John Bartholoma, Jan. 29. Sapphira and the Slave Girl" by THURSDAY EVENING BRIDGE Willa Cather was reviewed by Mrs. Mrs. Carlos Buchner entertained Even on small farms, home grinding can cut feed costs by $150 a year. Cox, tester for the Herd Associa court in 1937 aroused a battle in as tentative speaker will form the senate but that will be child's Frank Morgan following a pot luck the ladies of the Thursday evening | V. F. W. AUXILIARY Bv IRA MILLER grinder charges from 10 to 15 cents tion, the program for the Farmer Nignt play compared with the debate on per 100 pounds whereas the cost of bridgec lub at contract at her home The ladies of the V.F.W. held their luncheon. Farm Electrification Bureau home grinding (even with electricity School held evening, the lease-lend bill. Most of the same last week. Following cards, refresh regular meeting on Wednesday aft EASTERN STAR 1MPETENT authorities estimate at 5 cents per kw.-hr., and allowing Jan 27. at 8 p. on m. Monday at the Nyssa Un senators ernoon at the home of Mrs. Charles opposed the court bill ments were enjoyed. High scores that the feed bill makes up 50 to for depreciation, interest and repairs) ion high school. Farther tl in are again who Paradis. At the business meeting it The last meeting of the Eastern were made by Mrs. Bert B. Lienka- 90 per cent of the total cost of live- is only about 4 cents per 100 pounds. feeding to meet requirements study arrayed against the presi of in In addition to this tangible saving, was decided for the time being to Star held at the aMsOnic hall on emper. Mrs. John Bishop and Mrs. stock production. Therefore, the dif- there There is greater public interest of bagging the grain; dividual cows will be discussed. dent. ference between profit and loss—be loading also it is on that hold their regular meeting at the Monday evening was social night Leslie McClure. now because the people can more a truck; journeying to tween a successful and an unsuccess the mill; unloading at the mill; wait Sixteen dairymen discussed dairy readily understand homes of the various members. The and following the regular business Is at stake; -5- year—for many farmers depends ing until the grain is ground; loading problems at the meeting of Jan. 20. this bill hits their what next meeting will be at the home of meeting, cards and refreshments WEDNESDAY EVENING BRIDGE ful pocketbooks and to a large extent on the economies or were enjoyed. On the entertainment The Wednesday Evening Bridge lack thereof they practice in the feed and making the return trip; and un Attend Conference Mrs. Andrew McGinnis. touches directly the lives of 16,000, Rev. and Mrs. Ivan West were loading and storing the grain at the committee were Mrs. Bernard Frost A social hour when Mrs. Paradis club was entertained this week by ing of their poultry, cattle, hogs or farm. The cost of these several items among the pastors of this area who 000 who are within the draft age. served refreshments was enjoyed at Mrs. Douglas MacDonald and Mrs Mrs. Klaas Tensen who invited Mrs. sheep. will continue being bombed is difficult to compute but, regardless attended a ministers conference of London the close of the business meeting. Herbert H. Fisher. and set afire to as the debate drags Frank Rambaud to play with the Extended tests in all parts of the of how little value the farmer places and under widely varying on his time, it constitutes an appreci the Tabernacle of God at Portland on In the senate, that much Is cer members for the evening. High score country last week. have proved that it pays amount. was made by Mrs. J. E. Bowen and conditions tain. to grind many grains and roughages able Grinding grain at home assures a Mrs. Rambaud.. for most livestock. Among the advan fresh and constant supply at all times, ____ Too Late to Classify tages are: Reduces feed waste: en and eliminates the inconvenience of WPA workers will be shipped to TETE a TETE CLUB courages full feeding; aids digestion; leaving the farm when the weather is county to build access roads bad or during busy seasons. Another maintains milk and meat production; Mrs. Kenneth Cochrun and Mrs. makes it easier to mix feed; allows the advantage is that inferior feeds, not NEW BABY BEDS—$3.95 and up. Clatsop connecting Port Stevens with Wolf Lewis Mosier were Invited as guest One and three quarter miles south of FTuitland, Idaho on Whitney players by Miss Vera Jensen when use of less palatable feeds; and per worth the trouble and expense of New innerspring mattresses for creek highway, with Camp Clatsop, the feeding of roughage in self- custom grinding, can be profitably baby—wet proof cover, only $6.95. and a 25 mile pipeline for Fort Ste Bottom road, on the old L. P. Dorothy ranch. the Tete a Tete club was entertain mits ground. feeders. from $3.50. The Nyssa Trader vens. On the Washington side of the ed at her mothers home on Wednes Although custom grinding by com There is a size and type of grinder Others sells for Main hiway north. river are two gone-to-seed forts mercial mills still is an important in to meet the feed and price require day evening. Contract and a late dustry, more and more farmers — ments of every farm, be it small or What have less. you to trade? which will be rehabilitated and ac supper were enjoyed. At contract especially with the ever-increasing large. Electrical power is by far the roads constructed for them in Mrs. Mosier was winner. NEW 5 PIECE breakfast sets $9.95. availability of electricity—are grind cheapest and most convenient for Table and 4 hardwood chairs, cess Washington. While WPA funds will SALE STARTS AT 12, NOON ing all their feed at home excepting, home grinding, particularly if the SUNSHINE PARTY perhaps, a relatively small quantity motor is portable and can be used for finished in white or natural brown. be sharply curtailed next fiscal year, containing ingredients they do not other farm chores. Ask the extension The Nyssa Trader sells for less— defense works of WPA In Washing A large group attened the bunco raise 6 Head of good W ork Horses. division of your state college or uni themselves. ton and Oregon will keep the work party given at the Odd Fellows haU Electrically grinding grain at home versity, or the various manufacturers, Main hiway north. ers busy and there is not likely to by the Sunshine club of the Rebek- for advice and help on your feed results in a cash saving of from $1.23 JOIN OUR Superbilt Daveno bed be much reduction In the force from 16 Head good Dairy Cows and to $2.25 per ton, as the average custom grinding problems. ahs on Friday afternoon. pool. Your choice of 28 better vel present indications. Among the out of town guests our covers $35.00. Prices have ad were several members of the Ontario Attend Parités Bowler Makes Freak Strike Heifers. BUILDING PERMITS vanced but by 'pooling” customers lodge. Prizes were won by Mrs. Ros- you may select anything you coe Findley, Mrs, Ed Warren and On Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Loring Taylor on Sunday made a orders Complete Line Farm Machinery believe it or not shot at the Nyssa wish, pay $5 down and take delivery The following applications for Mrs. Cliff Greer. The committee In you wish within six months. building permits have been filed charge of arrangements and re John E. Ostrum were guests at the Bowling alley. With seven pins still when The Nyssa Trader sells for less. with the City Recorder: dinner given by members of the up Taylor's second ball entered the freshments were Mrs. W. H. Beam. hiway north. What have you 428—Pedro Salazar—Add. Lt. 1-2, Mrs. Tom Johnson and Mrs. Minnie Hardware and Paint Dealers con gutter about midway down the al Main Blk. 85, Westerfield, $75. As it did so, it glanced a ball re to trade? Lueck. vention held at Boise at the Boise ley. ‘429—Mrs. Freda Holcomb—erect turning on the return ally, jumped Hotel. Enters Navy Elmer Dorathy, O w n e r garage, lt. 8, Blk. 80, Greens, $80. back to the center of its own alley, On Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. rolling straight down to the pins for Words was received by Mr. and 430—Ira Cray—Rem. bus. Lt. 4. New Books at Library Mrs. R. Cornell this week that their Ostrum attended a large contract Eiden Madden, blk. 12. Orig. Col. Bert Anderson, a strike. son, James Rufus, who recently en Mrs. S. B. Davis, city librarian an and supper party at the Claude Clerk If no written protests have been Auctioneer listed In the Navy at Boise had sat filed nounced the past week that several Bucknam home in Emmett and Homemakers' Evening School within ten (10) days from the isfactorily passed his physical exam date of new books have been added to the made high scores for the evening. FOR FARM SALE DATES: Pilone Ontario 556W or write to PO. this publication by owners Actual garment construction will ination and had entered his prelimi of property Box 401, Ontario city library shelves the last month. Red Cross Worker to Visit In the City of Nyssa, begin next Monday, January 27, at nary training period at San Diego, the above applications Among those of special Interest will be ap Homemaker's Evening school Calif. to reader^ Is "From Bach to Stra Mrs. Dick Tensen announced this the proved. which meets at the high school at vinsky.” Ewen; "Deep Flowing week that the Eastern Oregon Field 8 p. m„ when class members will Brook," Goss; “Our American Mu worker for the National Red Cross finish altering their patterns, cut sic.” Howard; “My Musical Life,” Miss Carter, La Grande, would visit REPAIR ®7(35>&°)iai?gS8* their garments and learn to Damrosch. These are all lives of mu- in Nyssa on Friday. Miss Carter out make the correct type of pattern scians or books pertaining to their would like to meet all persons Inter markings. Within Yours Means There is still time for Delayed building repairs leads to works. ested in Red Cross work, and others anyone interested to enroll in the bigger repairs and larger costs. Other books new on the library wishing to aid in the work or ob class. DON'T DELAY ON NEEDED shelevs are: "For Whom the Bells tain information concerning the ac- Tolls." Hemmingway; "This Proud tivties of the order. She will be at At the last meeting a brief lesson REPAIRS—USE Heart," Buck; “Sapphira and the Mrs. Tensen's home and may be on textile fabrics and how to identi fy them and a demonstration on fit A R C FASY Slave Girl," and “My Antonia." Ca seen there. ting and alteration of patterns was ther: "The Rolling Years.” Turn- MONTHLY PAYMENT given by Margaret Stevenson, in bull; "Invitation to Live,” and R. A. Thompson III PLAN “Green Light,” Douglas. R, A. Thompson is recovering structor. The meetings will continue Ask us about this NEW Budget Plan from a weeks illness with the flu. each Monday from 8 to 10 p. m. 4H Stitch in Time Progressive Sewing Club The 4H Clothing club held a Home from Hospital Grocery Specials for Friday and Saturday meeting at the home of their lead Bill Green who underwent an op The Progressive Sewing club met . ¡i 5 S A <1 January 24 and 25 er, Mrs D L. Anderson, Saturday, eration at St. Luke's hospital in at the home of its leader, Mrs. Neil y ContfMAUf}- Jan. 18. The name of our own club Boise was able to return home on Dimmick, Saturday afternoon. 1 GOODE AVE U HIGHWAY 201 Tomato, Campbells Is the Stlch in Time. Ellen Judd is *THE, LOAFER. IS The club is working in coopera the sion of good lumber Juice President and presided over the Monday. generally there with - 47 oz. cans, 2 for tion with the Pleasant Hour club to PHONE II» J0HNE OSTRON FRO» meeting. The following committees Recorder III raise money to send one of its mem t h e pu n c h w h e n HE ' FACES THE TIME CLOCK. AT were appointed: Social, Virginia City Recorder M. F. Solomon is bers to summer school at Corvallis GB 2Vi cans ONlTTINô T1ME.Ï— — Jarvis and Aurora Zannon: Com in June. Plum s 2 for munity Service, Susan Zamona, ill today and away from his office. Charlene Chitton gave a talk on Dorothy Jean Deffinbaugh and El Visiting Parents 10 lb. cans the importance of good grooming. len Judd. Games were enjoyed after the meet H oney Fosters At the next meeting, which will Mrs. Oneda Metcalf and her son ing. be held at Mrs. Anderson's Saturday, arrived from North Dakota on Fri fish shreds Feb.l. a demonstration on color day for a visit with her parents, Mr. Dinner Guests Tuna God bars Vi cans 2 for combinations best suited to the girl and Mrs. Ben Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. John Low and fam will be given. Nyssa Dairies Get High Rating ily were dinner guests at the Neil 1 lb. pink _Phone 108 Kansas Picnic home Saturday. Later in Salm on 2 for Word was received this week that Dimmick the evening Mr. and Mrs. Russell DOUBLE FEATURE The Kansas Oregon club announ the sanitary rating of the Shelton Patton called. Dairy’ under the management of ces a dinner on Wednesday even Friday and Saturday, January 17, 18 From Dam Salad Dressing ing Jan 29 at 7 30 to be held in the Rock Shelton and that of the Gate Mrs. Dick Stockholm from the Owy- Richard Dix, Kent Taylor and Edmund Parish hall at Nyssa. Former Kan- City Dairy operated by Herb Fish dam spent Tuesday as a guest Lowe in sasans are invited to attend. A pot er have been given a very high sani he Mrs. William E. Schireman. C o co an u t L*. c' lloph,n' luck dinner will be served. Each per tary rating by the Board of Milk cf Sunday “MEN AGAINST THE SKY” Guests son will furnish their plate, cup and Control. The rating is due to the ex Mr. and Mrs. George J. Mitchell Don “Red” Barry in silver. tremely low bacterial count found in had as Sunday dinner guests Mr. Morning glory 1 lb. recent milk specimens sent by state and Mrs. W W. Howell of Boise C offee bags ground fresh “TULSA KID” Red Cross Calls for Dresses inspectors to the dapartment offices Local Dairy Herd Sold Sat Mat.. 2.30 p. m, A dm. 5c-20c; Evening. 10c-33c, Includes tax examination. With a maximum bars, all kinds While several persons responded for of the larger dairy herds in count allowed of 50,000 both Nyssa this One area Sunday and Monday, January 26, 27 C an d y to the Red Cross emergency call for dairies 3 for was hold this past month averaged less than 1.500. dresses to be made and delivered at Marlene Dietrich, John Wayne, Mischa Auer, by Jake Fisher, local milk producer, an early date, there are still many Annual Sugar Ball 5 lb. in order that he might be free to| Albert Dekker and Billy Gilbert in more to be made up and the need, Cheese bricks turn his attention to a different, “SEVEN SINNERS” | according to Nyssa Red Cross chair The Second annual "White Satin- line man. Mrs. Dick Tensen. is urgent if Sugar Ball of the employees of the Of of the fanning. Comedy and Novelty -33c. Includes tax Giant mixed herd comprised of ] girls and women are to be sufflcient- Amalgamated Sugar company will thirteen head of mixed breed milk ; Mat. Sun. 2:30, Adm. im 10c-28c, Evening Adm. 10c-3 D ash Packages lyclothed. While the date for deliv be held on Monday. February 3. In seven were sold to Rock Shel- | ery has passed, Mrs Tensen stated the Nyssa school gymnasium. Ar cows, —BARGAIN NIGHT— ton at the Shelton Dairy and were rangements for the dance are about that any one wishing to help in this * Tuesday, January 28 delivered the sixteenth of the I Bacon Squares £ "T work could receive the materials yet complete according to those in month. The remaining six were sold j Dennis O’Keefe, Constance Moore and Helen charge. and they would be delivered as soon to Fred Koopman who is remodel- ! OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 6 P. M. as finished. Materials and instruc In Portland Parrish in tng his bam and dairy house and j SATURDAYS, 9 P. M. tions may be abtained from Mrs “I’M NOBODY’S SWEETHEART NOW” will take delivery of the cattle in Tensen. On Saturday evening Dr. and Mrs. February, Comedy, Cartoon and LA. Maulding left for Portland L D. S. Team Plays Nephew Improves “DEADWOOD DICK” where Dr. Maulding planned to at On Monday evening the basketball Adm. Children Sc. Adults 15c Mrs A. V Cook received word this tend a special obstetric clinic given team of the M. Men of the Nyssa j week that her nephew. Bob Lyells. by the state university medical L. D. S church met that of the On- ! Wednesday and Thursday, January 29, 30 who was seriously injured in an ac school Mrs Maulding will visit with tario L.D.S. M Men in a game at cident at Orflno. Idaho, will recov relatives. Clark Gable, Hedy Lamarr and Eva Arden in Fruitland and won by a score of 48 OREGON er Due to head injuries he has lest On 8unday Dr. K E Kerby left to 16. Playing on the Nyssa team NYSSA “COMRADE X” his voice but it Is hoped that with by train and was joined at Ontario were Lloyd Lewis. Blair Hendricks, j A Dependable Food Store Novelty and News tune and special treatment thh may by Dr Belknap for Portland, where Jesse and Wayne Haroldsen and lle-Uc, iiwihsiin Defense Tux return to normal. Clifford Ashby. they also attended the clinic Many Fanw5^ÌSfflcPf?<Pays to Grind Their Feed Electrically M aim - 5 - C FARM SALE FRIDAY, JAN. 31 - 8 - Terms: Cash *OOD ¿ P R IA IS 39c 29c 65c 29c 29c 23C 19c 12c 10c 99c 45c 15C W ilson G rocery NYSSA T H EA T R E I) •