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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1941)
WAIT ADS ^OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS HERE” Rates lc per word, per Issue. Minimum charge 25c CASH IN ADVANCE MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS For Sale THE NYSSÄ! (TÄTE CITY ‘JOURNAL Miss Kathryn Nielson of Harper spent the week-end at the home of her parents, Mr .and Mrs. T. C. Nielson. Mrs. Roy Farley left Wednesday evening for Colorado where she will spend about two weeks visiting her daughter and family. Lincoln Sunday school met at the school house at 10:30 Sunday morn ing. Mrs. Annie Harris acted, as su perintendent in the absence of Mrs. Roy Farley. There were fifty-seven in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Broswell of Nampa, Idaho, visited from Thurs day until Saturday at the Avery An derson home. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Reed of Ap ple Valley visited Thursday at the Eugene Reed home. They will leave soon for California. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Emil Frank attended the sale and visited friends In Nys sa on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Jule Houston were Sunday dinner guests at the Ray Whltsell home. A number of men gathered at the site of Hoy McNeal’s new home and helped excavate a basement. They will start building In a few days. Mrs. Roy McNeal was surprised on Saturday evening, when a num ber of her friends dropped in to celebrate her birthday. The P.T.-A. social will be held at the Lincoln school on Friday, Janu ary 31. THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 1941 BENEFIT CONCERT Arranged by Mr. Charles Wilson for the BUILDING FUND of the METHODIST CHURCH Friday evening January 24th at eight o’clock at the School gym Admission 10 and 30c PROGRAM and found each members calf In good shape and looking quite nice considering the time of the year. They held a meeting afterwards In the Kingman schoolhouse at which time two new members were signed up, Leola Dlderlckson and Oerald Lee Young. They now have a total of seven members. At the meeting they did some Judging and a talk on the 'Care and Feeding of the Calf’’ was given by the leader. The meeting was then adjourned. of A. A. Rrk'Uon Saturday evening. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Derry. Mtss Dolley Baird of Payette. Mr. and Mrs. Ben McCon nell and Gene Smith. John Derry left for Portland Monday where he expects to take his year of training In the army. Don’t forget the Kansas banquet at the Parish hall January 29, 7:30 p. m. Mrs. Rube Bolles left Friday for Iowa where she attended the fun eral of her mother. She plans to be gone about two weeks. During her absence Mrs. B. Becker Is doing her house work. David Rees chopped hay several days for Herb Stewart near Ontario last week. Francis Foster of Nyssa was an over night gupsti of Ruth Bratton Thurs day evening. This neighborhood sympathizes with Mrs. W. G. Armstrong and children in their loss of their hus band and father who passed away Sunday, January 12, at the Holy Ro sary hospital In Ontario. Mr. Arm strong was 84 years old and an old timer in this country. Mrs. Arm strong left Saturday with one of her daughter, Mrs. Walters, for Fallon, Montana, where she will visit for three months. She plans to return to her home early in May. Jack and Harry Cray are caring for the Arm strong farm. Shef White chopped hay for A. A. Bratton and Will Douns this week. Mr. and, Mrs. Ben McConnel were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Dowers Friday aft ernoon. Henry Derry sold some hogs at Payette. Familiar Airs _____________________________ String Ensemble FOR PLUMBER call J. C. Smith. Long Long Ago, Annie Laurie, Auld Lang Syne, Blue Bells of Phone 78J. tic. FOR SALE of rent 160 acres. All or Scotland and Old Folks at Home part. Call Journal. Adagio, from Concerto op. 25 ___ __________________ Rledlng NOTICE 16Jtfc Mueller Bolero We pay the highest prices lor iat Dickie Schlreman hogs In Nyssa every Friday. We need FOR SALE—complete pumping BUENA VISTA more cows, hogs sheep and horses. equipment. Consisting of 500 feet .................. ....................................................................................................Edwin Greene Sing Me to Sleep............ Have a big call for mlllc cows. We plank flume. 400 feet 18 Inch wood Mr. and Mrs. Topllff spent Tues _______ ______________ Dorothy Lee One Fleeting Hour work for your Interest. Help your pipe, 10 horse Fairbanks electric mo day in Roswell. .................... ................. Teresa Del Riego O Dry Those Tears ........ home sale. We have the buyers. tor, Fairbanks pump, valves, etc. As Phyllis Schlreman, Nyssa, spent Violin obligato by Charles Wilson Bernice Martin Nyssa Sale Yard, Floyd Robison, good as new. This equipment Is ca Thursday night at the E. L. Jami ............................................_.. Paderewski Minuet L’antique ........... owner. 16Jtfc. pable of pumping and handling 200 son home. Camp Fire Reflection ________ ___ __________ ___ Rlchardo Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Topllff and ________ _______________Carl Bohnn Perpetual Motion (Rain) Inches of water—Ira Ure, Nyssa. WANTED—All your welding Jobs. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Ooodell attended 28 tfc. Twyla Crawford We promise good work and fair a pinochle party at the John Bar- The Southern Cross .................... ........................... Herbert Clark prices. Pruyn Auto Repair, Phone KALSOMINE, PAINT at competi tholoma home Saturday evening. 5BW. Gordan Finlay Burl and Dean Wyckoff spent tive prices. First class quality. Sunday with their parents. Serenade ..................................................................... Franz Schubert Nyssa Lbr. Co., Ooode Ave. and BRAKE WORK—Let us put your Highway 201, Phone 108. 16Mtfc Romaine Jennings returned home At Dawning ......................................... Charles Wakefield Cadman car or truck brakes In first class f 't Sunday after spending the past week Mrs. C. L. McCoy condition. Special equipment and with her sister and husband In Wei- WANTED At the Donnybrook Fair ............................... John Prindle Scott trained men at your service. Pruyn ser. Music Box ................................ ............................................ Lladow Auto Repair. Phone 56W. TWO-WAY PLOW, galvanized wat Etude in F Minor ..................................................... Liszt er tank, electric egg incubator, oil NYSSA HEIGHTS Thelma Petersen Finlay Consult us on your wiring needs burning brooder. State Prices. Fritz Mountains .........................................-.............................. Rashbach Just-a-Mere-Club met at the Heid, Ontario. NC. and meter set-ups. White Iris ..... .................................-.................................. Van Dyke home of Mrs. J. E. Keyser Friday Work guaranteed to meet State Desolation ............................................................................ Van Dyke afternoon with twelve members and requirements. WANTED TO BUY—Clean cotton Dale E. Baker Accompanist. Rhoda McDowell a guest program was conducted by Prices right rags, must be of fair size, no ov Who Is Sylvia ...................................................... Franz Schubert Mrs. F. J. Cahill. Delicious refresh Information free eralls, lace curtains nor other harsh Japanese Love Song.......... ,....— ..........................-............. Thomas NYSSA ELECTRIC SHOP ments were served by hostess, Mrs. materials. Journal office. 31 0 tfc. Winter ............................... ............... .......................... E. Stephens 18Atfc Keyser. Next meeting will be at the NEWELL HEIGHTS home of Mrs. Joe Woodard on Fri L. D. S. Ladles Sextette WANTED—Highest prices paid for day afternoon, January 31. hides, wools, pelts, metals, fur The E. E. Parker family have GARBAGE HAULING. Also odd niture. Mr Glen Suiter joined in the fun The Nyssa Trader, main hl- moved from the Woods place to Mrs. Jobs by hour day or week. Prices way north. with about a dozen of our boys Sat Walker’s ranch. reasonable. J. G. Coil. 20Atfc Hite—30. in comparison to California crop urday when he took his team and Mrs. Jess Sugg is working at the that did not wreck the market. The Pre-school group will hold sleigh on the road to assist In pull Frank Van Patten home in Ontario. For Rent The AAA doe* not put out a speci their next meeting at the high ing hand sleighs. Local and Long ¿Distance D. L. Anderson left last week for fic lettuce allotment but lettuce is school on the afternoon of January Howard Choat of Homedale, Ida CITY PROPERTY Salt Lake. HAULING included In the vegetable allotment, 25th. was Sunday evening dinner guest The Pre-school study group meets Phone 72W 3 ROOM HOUSE, furnished or un this Saturday afternoon In Adrian which Includes lettuce, onions, cel After the business meeting Dennis ho, Rodney and Willard Smith. Lawrence and Barnett furnished. 172 E. Second. 23J tfc at the high school. All young moth ery, carrots, etc. Many farmers put Patch had charge of the program, of Mrs. E. R. Anderson reports Mr. 4Mtfc FOR SALE or rent. Tavern, known lettuce without an allotment but “New Educational Trends and their Anderson Improving. ers who can, are urged to attend. out says that in most cases an al Effect on the Child, Home and Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Cahill were as the Bank. Attractive terms. See Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Hayman of the he lotment could of been had If the Community Life.” dinner guests Sunday at the Jack Frank T. Morgan. 16Jtfc College of Idaho were dinner guests farmers had of asked for it. The Kingman Pinochle club met Simpson home. FOR SALE—by quarters or at the M. L. Kurtz home Sunday ROOM UNFURNISHED modern after the church service at which Mr. McKennon and many others with Mrs. Dale Ashcraft on Thurs Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Bybee enter more, state Inspected, com 3 house, nice fenced yard, lawn, time Dr. Hayman was guest speaker. are of the opinion that a very bad day afternoon. Mrs. Raymond Hol tained at dinner Sunday Mr. and fed, prime beef, by licensed screen porch. Call Journal. 16Jtfc. Mr. and Mrs. de Lespinasse and son, factor in wrecking our lettuce was ton received the prize for high score Mrs. J. E. Keyser and family. dealers. Call Jake Fischer, the shipping of poor quality lettuce and Mrs. Carl Hill received the Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Norris of Em Paul, were also dinner guests. 05R1 or Polar Cold Storage. In the season when our market traveling prize. mett, Idaho were dinner guests on For Sale 25Jtfc Bill Woods arrived last week to early was good. He says “Many cars of The Kingman Grange held their Sunday of the Dan Corbett family. remodel his house before his wife soft Musical Instrument comes. was shipped out and regular meeting on Monday night. Mrs. Paul Baker and children are He spent Friday afternoon this lettuce a few weeks In Twin Falls, reacted against the Oregon Mr. FOR SALE—Upright piano, good and evening at the M. L. Kurtz and Mrs. Robert Olp and Mr. visiting Idaho with relatives. condition. $50. Norcott Service. Idaho demand.” home. U. S. Grant from the Big Bend NYSSA STEAM Mr. and Mrs. Carl Seburn had as 14 N tfc Newell Heights FFA boys attended When an eastern buyers opens a Grange were visitors. LAUNDRY guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. car of lettuce which he has paid a The men of the local grange dinner the lnttation of their chapter by G. E. Webster. lo r Sale high price for and sees that he has the Ontario boys at the high school served oyster soup at the close of Phone 88J been taken for a sucker naturally he the meeting. Thursday night. POULTRY “We Wash Every Day” HAMPSHIRE will buy the rest from some one that On Tuesday evening Miss May VALLEYVIEW RED roosters. Good he can depend upon. Beaumont and Mr. C. M. Beaumont size from quality stock. L. E. Rob COW HOLLOW Again to quote from Mr. McKen entertained at a pinochle party for Thursday evening a group of Gasoline - Oil - Lubricants bins, Alberta Ave., Nyssa. 16tfc. By The Happy Farmer COAL For Sale non: “We have been attempting to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Newblll, Mr. young people from Nyssa and sur a movement started to establish and Mrs. C. C. Cotton and Mr. and rounding territory charivaried Mr. AUTOS and TRAILERS BABY CHICKS. Hatching every It would seem by the "Opinions” get and Mrs. Ben McConnel at the tea- Wholesale and Retail Tuesday and Friday. We do cus in last weeks paper that I opened minimum grade requirements from Mrs. Conrad Martin. Mr. Martin cherage In Arcadia and after an here which would prevent the load held high score at the close of the 1938 CHEV. MASTER de lux, tudor tom hatching. my mouth too wide (being so ignor ing of poor quality lettuce when evening. evening of games, the group at a FARMER’S SUPPLY sedan. Has radio and heater. New Thompson’s Ontario Hatchery. ( and sort of got “my foot into prices were good." If this Is accom Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Lane and fam late hour charivaried Mr. and Mrs. tires. Good condition. Phone 86J. 16Jtfc ant CO-OP it.” Tis an ill wind that blows no plished it must be through our State ily were In Payette and Ontario on Raymond Pierce at the home of Mr 23J tfc. Earl Gray, Manager and Mrs. O. Z. Matthews. good. All stories have two sides. Am Senators and representatives. A let Saturday. FARM LANDS NYSSA FOR SALE—1940 Hudson supersix, sure that many of us understand the ter to them would sure help. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Newblll were John Derry was an honor guest For Rent 4 door sedan, overdrive, heater. other side better than we did a while In Nyssa on Monday afternoon. at a fresh oyster supper at the home Driven very little. Norcott Service. RENT—$2000.00. One half down and back. The contractor has his side Mrs. Raymond Holton and son, 14N tfc. balance in fall. 226 acres vicinity of the story too. On a certain WPA KINGMAN KOLONY Harvey, were In Payette on Wed nesday. In the evening they called Nyssa. Oregon. 100 ready for row (or XVQ or something of the sort) STOCK crops, blance adapted to pasture job in this county a short while The Kingman Parent Teacher as in the T. C. Nielson home In the and livestock. Call or write Journal. back. A union carpenter and a Non sociation met at the Adrian high Lincoln district. For Sale 16J tfc. union carpenter, who had to go sec school on Thursday evening, Janu C. M. Beaumont and Miss May G E T O F F COWS FOR SALE or trade for un ond class because he had no card, 16. Mrs. Maurice Judd, member Beaumont were Sunday dinner improved land on Black Canyon FOR RENT—Forty acres row land. were working side by side for a day ary ship reported forty-three guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Auker project. J. S. French, Route 2, Nyssa Eight miles southwest of Nyssa, At or so. The carpenter who had to go paid chairman up members. the past In Adrian. TH E FENCE Heights. 16J 2xp. tractive terms. See Frank T. Mor second class was airing his griev six weeks that have During been designated 4H SLUB NEWS 16J tfc. ance to the union man one day. as a visiting period for parents the Dorothy Toomb SPAN HEAVY boned colts. Ready to gan. The union man answered. “Yes, teachers report the following num The Kute Girls Dairy club break. William E. Schweizer. 1 160 ACRES LEVEL, improved. 65 ir Jack, you are a better carpenter than ber of visitors from each room: Miss of Kingman Klever Kolony held a calf rigated acres suitable to row crops. I am.” mile east Owyhee school house. Hopkins—34; Miss Ida- club tour on Saturday, January 18. 23J lxp. Small cash rent. P. O. B. 671, Nyssa Jack brightened up and squared Marjorie / mary Prouty—30 and Mrs. Mildred They toured to each members home 16J tfc. his shoulders, but the union man F.F.A. WEANER pigs. Also feeder added, “for I’ll be darned if I could pigs. Wayne Haroldson. 8t4 miles FARM LANDS use a set of tools like you have at southwest Nyssa. towards CCO road. all.” Fcr Sale 23J lrp. FINE 40 ACRES improved farm. Am of the opinion that in order Modern home, milk house, bam to hold a union card you must be and feeding pens. On hlway, school up to a certain standard of quali bus and mail route. Deep well, water fication. contratcor on a rushed piped over place, electricity. Inquire National The Defense much Milled and Blended Journal. 23J tfc. time to fool with job men hasn't who only claim to be skilled labor. By the Caldwell Flour Mills For Sale Just received a letter from R. M. our county agent, in an CITY PROPERTY McKennon. swer to an inquiry t had made of BUILDING SITES. Close in. Good him concerning the last year’s let We have made a thorough investigation crop. He says that around 2,500 DR. J. C. BOWMAN soil. Frank D. Hall. 26J lxp. tuce The Perfect Family Flour , of lettuce was planted In Mal and can honestly recommend chicks from the GOOD HOMESITES in Block 14, acres heur county In 1940 but less than Veterinarian Teutsch addition and some good 80 LEE or DUNLOP HATCHERIES. cent of it was carried through business lots in block 10 of the ori to per harvest and harvested. And that ginal townsite. George Nein. Rte. 1, many of those fields were only part IO O per. Cent Guaranteed 23J tic. Nyssa. ly harvested owing to poor quality Phone 39W LOTS 6 and 7 in Block 20. $100 00 and still poorer prices. Delivery Nyssa, Oregon. Write Everett One can hear so many things and NYSSA LIBRARY You actually SAVE MONEY under this guar Points. Adrian. Oregon. if I pass it on in print then perhaps Open each week day from 23J lxp a grave injustice has been done antee—no letters to write—no waiting for 3 p. m. to 6 p. m. Recall having heard and written of “adjustments.” PA Y ONLY FOR THE Saturday, 3 p. m. to 8 p. m. MACHINERY an early day in our this year’s let CHICKS DELIVERED TO YOU. ALL PATRONS WELCOME tuce shipping season. That Nyssa For Sale Librarian .... Mrs. S. B. Davis alone in one day shipped 68 cars of FOR DELIVERY 1 BEET CULTIVATOR. 1 com and lettuce while all the rest of the U. 8. AFTER JAN. 31 potato cultivator, 1 mowing ma A only shipped 60 cars for that day. OPTOMETRIST 1 two way plow. 1 four year Now I wonder if that statement “See McFall and See Better” chine, old horse, well broke and gentle. 1 could have stood some investigating. set work harness. Jake Fischer. Lets quote from Mr McKennon’s 23J tfc. letter: “It is Impossible for me to tell you how much lettuce was put For Sale or Trade on the market at the time Malheur S T A R T E D C H IC K S lettuce was being shipped. SOME GOOD Jersey cows, fresh and County The .Salinas district in California, BROODING CHARGE coming fresh. Also finely bred ships many times as much lettuce (In Addition to Price of Chick) yearling bull. Carman Jersey Farm. DR. J. A. McFALL Vale. as Is grown here and In Idaho. Their 12D 8xc 10 DAY OLD CHICKS .03c shipment during the season when EYE8IOHT SPECIALIST 15 DAY OLD CHICKS . . .05c our lettuce was being marketed was ONTARIO OREGON except during the early part LINCOLN HEIGHTS of heavy 21 DAY OLD CHICKS 08c our season." WYCKOFF 100 Per Cent Guaranteed Delivery Patch and Chat Club met at The opinion all fall prevailed in JEWELRY STORE the The Avery Anderson home Thursday. my head that the sudden increase January 16 Mrs Lena Whltsell. Mrs. in acreage In Malheur county was Al Thompson C r Sons Official Time Inspector for Elizabeth McElroy and Mrs. Mae what wrecked the market Another FEED - SEED - COAL Union Pacific Page were assistant hostesses mistaken idea. Mr. McKennon says Acraas from Telephone Office ONTARIO OREGON The February meeting will be held that this year we shipped 590 can Phone 26 2nd and Good Avenue at the Archie Hawkins home. in comparison to 340 last year co Buy Co-operative AND SAVE! Professional Cards WIGWAM FLOUR Especially for Home Baking Buy Them With CONFIDENCE SOLD BY ALL Nyssa Merchants ORDER NOW PURINA FED