THE NYSSA1 (TATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, JANUARY 23,1941 mm and Gerald Jensen spent Sunday at ed 55 in attendance in spite of mud every so often over the radio that shelf or two wouldst not come amiss dy country roads. during the last war and the Wilson in the family catch all so didst take the Ben Iver home in Nampa. Mr. and Mrs. O. Z. Matthews and administration that there had been a quick hop to the Nyssa Lumber family and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Cheerful Cooks no favoritism to sons of the wealthy and there didst purchase all the Pierce visited at the Perry Matthews The Cheerful Cooks club met with and influential at the time of the things that it takes and in spite of home in Payette 8unday afternoon. their lear, Mrs H. A. Sherwood on draft. Well, maybe not. But we did the reputed rise in building cost I. L. Cooper attended an L. D. S. a bit of a tour In Guam and there were not completely financially afternoon and as part of Stake Conference at Weiser Sun Saturday knew a twenty-four year old major busted in the deal. But so one al their program the girls were weigh day. In the Marines who had not been ways finds at the estimable lumber ed. A few were found to be under Invited to are pub farther from home than the state emporium whether 'tis a modern the columns ers or of ________________________ others int weight. the Journal to carry Important messages and notices college. Then there were two lieu business block they would erect or to their congregations. Please try to get your copy in by Tuesday of OWYHEE tenants Just out of prep school at a couple of hinges to keep the back each week. the advance age of twenty-one and screen from falling off the family The Owyhee community club met CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE CHURCH OF CHRIST twenty-two years. They were nice manse. with Mrs. Jessie Skinner with Mrs. Notice To Hog Raisers Sixth Near Main boys and tripped the light fantastic And speaking of something new Meets in Legion Hall. Frank Crocker assisting on Thurs the installation of a new delightfully, but they scarce and different in food things has seen Vem Martin, Pastor Minister J. S. Beam, Ontario. day, Jan. 16. Election of officers re With scale at Things About Nyssa's Shops ly most knew how to keep on their swords and tasted those delicious and ltty Sunday Bible School, 10 a. m. sulted in the following: President, THE RAILWAY STOCK YARDS during parade. Guam at that time bitty sausages that Butch doest Sunday school at 10 a. m. Sunday preaching and commun Mrs. Blanch Hite; vloe president, was considered fairly safe and se make these days at the Nyssa Pack Morning worship at 11 a. m. Mrs. Jessie Skinner, secretary and we are now receiving your hogs ion, 11 a. m. Whether we like it or not, these cure. ing company store. Young peoples meeting at 7:15 Evangelistic meetings, 7:45 p. m. treasurer, Mrs. Oral Strickland. Mrs. there every Friday, paying the United States seem to be heading The public is cordially Invited to Charlotte Kygar and Mrs. Belle highest price the market permits for the good old European round The first shot of hostilities be Fine they are toasted on a crack p. m. Bradley were prize winners. Re and seeking to serve you in every up where they a re lashing and tween the United States and Ger er for the snack platter or fried crisp Evangelistic service at 8 p. m. attend our services. freshments of jello, salad and coffee branding the male youth of the many, however, was fired at that and brown with a hot cake at break Prayer meeting on Tuesday and ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH were served. The February meeting possible way. world. In fact, we hear there is bet wee bit of terra firma in the old fast. Then, there is some of Butches Thursday evening. will be with Mrs. Martha KUngback FRANK KULLANDER Rev. Stanley Moore, Pastor ting that ere spring is well begun Pacific when the crew of the Intern own particular make of Canadian Sunday school, 8:30 a. m. Sun and Doris. this nation will be actually at war ed Comoran scuttled their ship in bacon. If one is lucky enough to get FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST Mesdames Blanch Hite, Bulah days. SCIENTIST and men on the move to unan Plti bay. With a scratch of the pen there ere it is all gone. Franklin and Martha KUngback at nounced destination. Great ships by a few powerful men, miles away, Hast the rains of the autumn bes 215 North 8th Street, Payette. Idaho Sunday services at 7 p m and women who had been meared and bedraggled the fall A branch of The Mother Church, Junior Y. P. F first and third tended the P.-T. A. meeting at the j steathlly slipping unsung and un- men school Thursday evening for many months suddenly cahapeau 'til it doest remind thee The First Church of Christ, Sclent- Mondays anounced for some mysterious un friends Senior Y. P. F. second and loui II' Charles Culbertson left Friday for The Little Hermits say: became enemies with authority to of known foreign port, there to line kill lest. in Boston, Massachusetts. a last year's birds nest. Then take Mondays. Portland with a car of cattle from other on sight. An Ameri a look Sunday School—10:00 a. m. up and shoot to kill or be shot. It is can each see at the fine bargains in Guild second Wednesday. the KUngback and Culbertson home. | nurse who had married an of winter head Reading Room — 710 1st Ave. hell at its worst. gear that Earnie Wil Recent word from Mrs. A. C. Brad Open daily from to 4 p. m. was placed in the camp with And yet It seems that It must be, ficer and his co-horts do be offering North. where the Science Bible and 2 authorized L. U. S. CHURCH ley who is very ill at her daughter's other prisoners of war and later son Hitler must not win. He and his co sent at the Wilson Dry Goods store. Christian Literature may be to an Internment camp with Shapes there are to fit even the read, borrowed or purchased, and is Sunday. 10 a. m. Sunday School heme in Lewiston is that she is im horts and legion must not emerge her husband proving. here in the states. A most peculiar style of beauty and so open every day from two to four meeting. from this conflict victorious. In that group of natives from New Guineas low in cost that no one need pray p. m„ except Sundays and holidays. Sunday, 11:30 a. m — Priesthood Mr. and Mrs. Rex Walters of Boise fo r Q uality, Flavor case never again in this generation who had been taken visited at the parental Walters home prisoners from that their worst enemy will not meet FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE meeting. or the next would our country know an English ship suddenly Sunday, 7:30 p. m. Sacrament in Owyhee on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. freedom, peace and security, for to free men again and just that became them when on the way to market. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd N. Pounds an d ValueV Brewer of the Ontario vicinity have meeting. many keep those devasting hordes from enough for town and party pastors. Tuesday, 2 p. m. Relief Society moved to their ranch in Owyhee for mouths for this government to Nice out of our national boundaries would more Sunday School at 10:00 a. m. wear every single one of them is. merly the Ray Cantrell ranch. until they were sent back to require military law, an ever in feed on the tables of that emporium Morning Worship 11 a. m. The Owyhee Sunday school boast- METHODIST COMMUNITY their own land on an American epo- And creasing program against all foreign ra we also didst spy out some nifty Evangelistic services on Sunday, CHURCH after the Armistice. And now buys attack. To say nothing of the pros in boat in sweaters. Just the thing to those very waters we read of an perk one up these gloomy dampish PARMA LUTHERAN CHURCH Merle W. Burres, Minister. tration of our financial and econ other enemy raider at work. Phone 131W omic scheme. days. A. Scmldt, Paster Church school 10 a. m. Not long after the last Armistice It almost seems that war is a sub And at the Atkeson Frock and Ap 10 a. A. m.—Divine service with the Morning worship 11 a. m. we were told by an American offi conscious and ungovernable urge in parel shop are some worthy buys in celebration of Holy Communion. Epworth League 7 p. m. cer who was with the mopping up the mind of Man, and has no more all manner of wearing things and “A Very Present Help squads of the A.E.F. in France and been controlled than other primi dress goods at pleasing prices. Hast in Sermon: Trouble." There will be a brief KINGMAN COMMUNITY Belgium and was also in Germany tive urges in the being of the homo seen the beautous undies and neg congregational meeting immediate CHURCH at the close of fighting, that there sapiens. No wonder they often ab ligees on display. Buy now and store ly after the service. Ernest Tetwller, Pastor was no doubt In his mind had the breviate that last to “saps.” against another gift time and 11 a. m.—Sunday school and Bible Sunday school 10 a. m. Mrs E. O Central Powers won then, the Unit But war or no war, regardless of away make some maid or her mamma or classes fo rail. Osborn, superintendent. ed States would have been the next whether It Is man made or the out grandmaw happy. 1:15 p. m. —The Lutheran Hour Morning worship 11 a. m. to be attacked. growth of a Cosmic urge, life goes Shop in Nyssa with Journal ad over KFXD. Endeavor 7:45 p m. If It were so then, under a ruler on. Babes are born, the aged pass vertisers ye wilt not waste thy 2:30 p. m.—Branch Sunday school Christian Evening worship 8:30 p. m. who had family ties and many mem on, wc eat an dsleep and work and time nor and at the Alonze Huddleston home in thy gas going farther. ories of early friendliness with Eng play the years through, and little Nyssa. OF GOD land’s royal family, what would it be by little this old race does show 8 p. m.—Preaching service at the The ASSEMBLY - - - the ENERGY now under a dictator who has no improvement. Church With a Welcome JORDAN VALLEY Rldgeview school. memories of early friendship nor of Perhaps that is the reason that South Second between Reece and Thursday 8 p. m.—The Sunday FOOD for athletes, the a happy childhood. Mr. and Mrs. Eulogio Madariaga School of us live to eat and o thers gave King Teachers’ Training Course in a big dinner Sunday in honor Like It or not we seem to be in some eat to live. Be that as It may, those Old Testament History at the par Pastor, Ivan West business person and that well-known position between Calavo’s that they are selling so of their daughter. Mrs. John Griner, sonage. from Portland, who is intending to If you have no church home, we Sunday school, 10 a. m. his Satanic Majesty and the deep reasonably at the Wilson grocery especially for blue sea. at Main near Second will serve stay for about a month. you to come and worship with Morning worship, 11 a. m. And like it or not, we who do not store Mrs. Domingo Yturri has gone to Invite the purpose either way. Rich in Evangelistic services, 8 p. m. Visitors are always welcome. “A CHILDREN. go, will pay with it by the sweat of flavor, vitamins and nutrition they Boise to spend a few days with her us. Changeless Christ for a Changing Young Peoples service, 8 p. m. YOUR our brow until it hurts. daughter, Mrs. Ed Smith. too. If perchance they so far World.” Prayer meeting, Tuesday, 8 p. m. ORDER And while we are on this sub are MILK AND CREAM have seemed insipid and tasteless, Several loads of cattle have been ject. We were astonished during the try a dash of lemon juice and salt hauled fro here this week. Hie ship monopoly were enjoyed in the even FROM Caldwell visitors on Thursday. recent presidential election to hear sprinkled oer them Just before they pers were: Mr. Bill Maher, Mr. Ben served at the close. SHELTON’ DAIRY and Mrs. John Reffett were ing Mr. with and lunch Mrs. Harry Shelton of are served or fill the cavity when Mills and the Gusman Bros. The in Mr. Vale Thursday. Boise and Mrs. Rock Shelton were the seed is removed with a tasty local trucks have done most of the Ed Steiner left for Monument MILK and CREAM business visitors in Ontario Mon catsup, eschewall oily and heavy hauling. National D istillers Products where he will enter a CCC camp. dressings. Phone 05J2 day. Mr. and Mrs. George S. Parks were Corporation, New York Mr. and Mrs .Dale Llmbaugh and But it is not just avacadoes that friends at Danner last week Mr. and Mrs. U. E. Parker were din Mr. and Mrs. Luther Fife and Lila Barney doest have in the fresh visiting were in Weiser on business Sunday. Dr. W. W. Jones was a business ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. East vegetable and fruit line. Thou wilt visitor Mrs. I. L. Cooper and Thelma had in Boise last Tuesday. man Friday p. m. have to see for thy self his variety. Ben Mills Sunday dinner at the Jesse Calla was a business visitor in Verily, it is too numerous to count Caldwell Tuesday. D. J. Knottingnam has drilled han home. here. wells for Bill Parker and Elza Nlc- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shelton of JJolce Palmer was visiting cum this week. And Lucien Wray has taken his Mrs. are spending the week-end at Caldwell Tuesday. inentory and the kinks and creaks in Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Arch Eastman and Boise Rock Shelton home. and Mrs. Sabano Madariaga in the knee jbintsresulting there U. E. Parker went to Caldwell on CARL H. COAD Luther Fife was a business v Mrs. John Griner were visiting business Saturday. from have been rubbed and lllni- and grips LOW COST in Mrs. Manuel Aburuso at the Lan- ATTORNEY-AT-LAW mented away, but the stock is first ning ranch Tuesday. Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Weiser Saturday evening. class and now there are some grand Limbaugh on Sunday were PHONE 31 SAFE Mr. Daniel Elguren has gone to Dale SILENTLY f Y f c j j f i l V after Christmas buys just waiting Boise Mrs. Himes two daughters Nyssa, Oregon days. From there he and two sons and of her Emmett and Mr. for the smart shoppers. And hast is going for to a few Homedale where he will and Mrs. U. E. Parker and family. day. LONG WEAR SURELY the pretty selection of lamps work with the Archald Sheep Co. L. A. Maulding, M.D. seen in his window at so low a price while Mrs. Bud Pervis is visiting Mr. and ALBERTA VALLEY they last. Physician and Surgeon Mrs. Ike Crossiby at Rome. Tis no mean special that the Phone 37 and Mrs. John Baxter went Mrs. Christene Jensen of Parma LINING Main's Cleaners do be putting on to Mr. to visit. Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to 5 this week too. Wilt pay to collect all A1 Caldwell spent Monday at the Luther Fife the CCC boys of camp 3690 Dally- Except Sunday the winter bedraggled frocks, coats have been sent to Rupert, Idaho. home. Fry Building and John's drooping bespattered They Lake of Weiser spent part P R U Y N ’S G A R A G E will be replaced by 200 boys of Ocar headgear and tote it to that reliable who will the week at the O. Z. Matthews done. arrive here Friday. cleaning establishment for a refur C. M. Tensen was in Vale on bi TOWNSEND CLUB bishing. now that they art offering Tuesday night a basketball game home. 2nd and Main Street Flndllng who has been stay ness Monday. was played at the high school gym ing Billy MEETINGS their annual 342 special. Jake Fischer attended a big mi at the W. F. Flndllng home dur- Too, it does seem that in times of bteween the town girls and the high his mother's illness returned home ing in Ontario Monday evening Meeting 2nd and 4th Tuesday national girls. The score was 42-32 Saturday morning. distress and emergency school at 8 p. m. at City Hall Gerald Jensen and Elizabeth in favor town girls. that the need for amusement and Grendahl Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Groat, Mr. A. L. McClellan President entertainment becomes increased Mr. W. of R. the Helm has gone to Seat and Mrs. Dick Groot, Mrs. Chris Tuesday. returned to Salt Lake ECONOMIZE Don Graham _____Secretary tle. He will be accompanied home Van To forget the worries and heart Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Sum called Zelf and Mrs. Kees Vander by Using Our The Public Is Invited by his wife who has spent the past Winkel helped Jake Oroot of Ar at the Kees Muntjewerlff home in aches the movies of this era wilt month with her daughters there. Genuine do their part. And here in Nyssa at celebrate his birthday Sunday. Big Bend Sunday afternoon. the Nyssa theatre we have a dandy Victor Acarrigui left for Seattle cadia NYSSA AERIE Ted Howell has been ill with the were served. which provides all the best pictures last Wednesday where has has found Refreshments Mrs. Bill Flndllng returned home flu the past week. F. O. E. NO. 2134 and employment ds a welder. cinematics at truly low prices. from the Nyssa Nursing home Fri A 5 pound daughter was bom to Meets Wednesday Night Oft do we wonder that we can get Mr. Fermlne Calzacorta and Mrs. day. Frances FVwter of Nyssa is Mr. and Mrs. Frank Winkles Satur AT EAGLES HALL John Calzacorta made a business so much for so little. helping day at the Nyssa Nursing home trip to Boise Tuesday Visiting Eagles Welcome Tis a neat collection of fine lamps Jimmy Wroten celebrated his Mr. and her. Mrs. Jake Groot and son with Dr. Maulding in charge. The HARRY MINER, Sec. that Tom Nordale doest be showing sixth birthday on the 16th of Janu of Arcadia, Rlkus Van Twlsk of Val daughter A 4-inch fu.l b.d in th. named Donna La BERNARD FROST, Pres. at his furniture show and sales ary. A dozen little boys were invited ley View, and Mr. and Mrs. Oerrltt Vone. Both was mother kitchen rang, with this and daughter room on Main t'wixt First and Sec and games were played and refresh Oroot helped Dick Groot celebrate are reported to be doing nicely. b . t t . r Utah C oal is and selling them at such a neat ments were served by his sisters. his birthday. Thursday Cards and Miller Jensen, Elizabeth Grendahl GATE CITY LODGE ond. •qual to th. usual 8- price that every home furnisher can Mr. Albert Berjalbis accompanied inch fu.l b«d. No. 214 afford at least one. Particularly nice are the bed lamps that wilt provide by Helen Mark left for oBise Friday to visit with friends there a soft reading light for the person evening few days. who doest a bit of bed perusing a Mrs. Meets Tuesdays lykmasco Elordi has been night or early mom. 8 p. m. with the flue the past two Just when we didst hear of the quite Her daughter, Mrs. John Lot- I.O.O.F. Temple fine ice skating at Long Pond and weeks. First Street, South tz has been taking care of her. before we couldst unscramble our Virgil E. Johnson, skates from the stow away shelf, Gem, Bliss and White Rose Noble Grand came the thaw and the rain and we UPPER SUNSET M. F. Solomon didst have all our trouble for SE E D P O T A T O ES Secretary naught. But 'twas not altogther in Te Wahine club met on Thursday I vain for didst decide that a new at the home of Emily Bergan with 12 members present. A report was Onion and Spring Lettuce made by Mr. Schneider on plans for our community hall. The men SEEP interested in the building met at the Black home Thursday p. m. The next meeting of the Wahine club will be at Mary Reffetts on i J.C. W atson Co., Parma A L T H O M P S O N 6- S O N Thursday, Jan. 30. Mr and Mrs. Dale Limbaugh. Mr I When they have better insurance we and Mrs. Dude Parker and Arch FEED—SEED—COAL or will have it Eastman went to Vale and Payette on business Monday. Across From Telephone Building Mrs. Roy Rooks tool is improving rapidly and is now allowed to have Duncan Bros. Nyssa Phone 26 2nd and Goode Ave. Phone 97 company. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hints were Ye Snooper’s Column “IT H ITS THE M ARK Professional Cards For QUICK, SAFE, SMOOTH STOPS Warner LIBERTY COAL FOR SALE INSURE IN SURE INSURANCE FRANK T. MORGAN