THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 1941 Costley’s relatives. Rose and Flower Garden, leader, week. feet from the building. It was travel Harl Fisher of Owyhe« Heights Evangelistic service, 7.30 p. m. Stella Dunbrasky; president, Nadeen ing towards the sage brush and Im was a Sunday dinnsr guest of Rich Wilson; vice president, Naomi Shaw; You are cordially Invited to attend ard Beebe. the dog took after it, al Mr. and Mrs Bob Welsh of Cald mediately secretary, Viola Zamora. Home these sendees with us. Everyone Is Mr. Harry Sipes Is confined to his though It was much larger than well announce the birth of a daugh Mike Beautification, leader. James Nich welcome. Too surprised to get the gun ter. Mrs. Welsh taught in Wade we stood bed with Illness. ols; president, Allen Judd; vice as the animal The first load of lumber was haul Mr. Johannessen took two calves to school the past two years and Bob broke into watching president, Colleen Connaughy; sec a graceful lope which Monday for the Assembly of God grew up In this community. last Thursday. retary, Kenneth Elliott. Poultry, ed left Mike away behind. Larg church. The pouring of the cement market Mrs. Max Nickens and son, re er soon than Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Cruise of leader. Mrs. Folrence Bowey; presi a coyote and a dark gray the foundation will start as soon Roswell called turned last Sunday from a two color with a bushy tall, we thought on the Glen Beebe dent, Myron Osborn; vice president. for as the weather will permit. months visit in Oklahoma. family Sunday. Merton Parker; secretary. Donald It must have been a timber wolf, Mrs. Elbon McCormick and Mrs. could scarcely believe our eyes but Rev. Clarence Brotzman returned Our ne wsouth ridge road which Elliot. Dairy, leader, William Toomb; Saturday Dora Wagner of Parma, Mrs. W. J. strayed from an Assembly of God has been under construction Is now president, Nadine Nichols; vice pres from the pack Fox, a neigh Robinson of Roswell and Mrs. Wal bor south of us, she spoke of see Church Council at Portland. Rev completed and the high school bus ident, Leona Dutton; secretary, Dor- ter Bishop spent Thursday after othy Toomb. Vegetable Garden. | Brotzman accompanied Rev. and is traveling that way each day that a large coyote she thought run noon at the Brumbach home where ing leader. Mrs. H. B. Williams, with Mrs. Teeters of Ontario, Rev. and the weather Is permlssable. across their garden earlier In the the audit of Royal Neighbors ning Harold Kurtz acting as assistant Mrs. Ivan West of Nyssa and Rev. Some of the farmers are finishing the morning. books was made their threshing which should have leader; president, Laura Dunbrasky; Ulman ol Baker, Teachers and pupils of Apple Prank Taylor of Caldwell was a Valley will give a demonstration for vice president, Gilbert Schafer; sec- Mrs. L. E. Newgen Is on the sitk been done months ago If the weath caller In the Phelan home 8unday. other teachers In county on Thurs retary, Dickie Anderson. Health in ;jSt and Mrs. Ransome is reported er had been good. George Fisher returned home day. January, 30. In the morning Miss Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nedbalek. 5th and 6th grades, Miss Marorle improving. from a years stay in California Sat Hickey’s and Mr Rupert’s rooms will Hopkins, leader,; president, Donald Mrs Charles Ditty, Mrs. Leslie who were recently married have urday. Mrs. Fisher returned a couple Hatch; vice president, Oscar z» -; Ditty, Robert Ditty, Mrs. John Case mvoed to Spokane. on their social science activity; of weeks ago. Nelba and Vem have work mora; secretary, Rachel Shaw and viola Hintz attended the As- meanwhile Miss Robertson’ s and work and will remain In California. Health in the t7h and 8th, leader. sembjy „f God Fellowship meeting Brother Visits Leer’s pupils will follow their The Strait family who rented the Mrs. Walter McPartland; president, in Caldwell Thursday. Mrs. Boyd Saturday and Sunday visitors at usual class schedule. School will be Fisher ranch last year will move dismissed Blaine Wallace; vice president, Na Query returned for a! few dasy visit. the J. L. Church home this week at noon. near Notus. deen Wilson; secretary, Ellen Judd. Sunday dinner guests In the Ken were Mr. Churchs brother and his will be served at noon Mr. and Mrs Floyd Higgins spent by Lunheon Pig club, leader, Henry Holton. Of neth Lorenson home were Mr. and family, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Sunday visiting their son. who is members of the W.S.C.S. ficers have not been elected. Leader Mrs. Frank Parker, Don and Mr. Church and their children and Jim After lunch, the teachers will meet attending school In Nampa. for 3rd and 4th grade health. Miss and Mrs. E. Leach. Barrie, all of Twin Falls. When they the guildance of Mrs. Minnie D. Idamary Prouty. This little health Boyd Query and L. L. Query were left on Sunday, Royce Church re Rudy Oooslea left Monday to visit er to discuss topics and problems und- club while so meare not old enough to Twin Falls with them. his mother at Coos Bay, Oregon. Bean, State Elementary Supervisor night and Sunday visitors turned to be regular 4H club, members are Saturday Friends Visit Miss Phyllis Haworth attended the and Miss Tressle Nickerson, county in the Charles Ditty home. Other coming in a health program. Concert at Nampa Tuesday evening. superintendent. Sunday dinner guests were Leslie Old friends are hastening to bid Mrs. Oeorge Swigert has been on Enough club members have en Ditty, John Case families and Rev. farewell to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew The Women’s Society of Christian the sick list for the past month. rolled in a com club to make it Boersma and their family who will and Mrs. Clarence Brotzman. Mr and Mrs Kyle Altizer and Service will meet in all day session standard, but as yet It Is not organ “ Lorena Mae youngest daughter of leave on Saturday for their new Mrs. Harvey Altizer of Caldwell at the home of Mrs. Mary Warrant- at Longvalley, Idaho. On Sun ized. Mr and Mrs. R. W. Bolltho had the home spent Monday visiting in the Phelan es for a days quilting on Thursday, day callers at the Boersma home The executive council of the 4H misfortune to fall on her arm one January 23. A covered dish lunch home were: Mr. and Mrs. Gerritt Groot, assembly met and appointed the day last week, throwing a bone out eon Is planned. Mrs. Paul Jackson Is recovering and on Monday evening, Mr. and following people on standing com of place in the elbow. Mrs. Jed Gooing and daughter, from flu. Mrs. Boersma were dinner guests of mittees for all assembly meetings /vice s oe vreei Mr. and Mrs. Rev. Bolitho and Mr. and Mrs. Gerritt Stam of Nys- Donna visited with Mrs. Gooing's PWOPOCTS W OW />VfM 6£ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Flagel in On- during the year. Social, Virginia daughter spent Monday and Tues /6 % enow /921 />*o sa were Sunday guests in the Munt- parents in Boise the past week. Jamis, Mario Anderson, and Wilma with her mother Mrs. Mofflt //o% mow ms Mr. and Mrs. Olles who have jewerff home. Gowey; program, Allen Judd, Na day and Mr. Moffit at Melba. While Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lee and son of moved Into the home known as the dine Nichols and Wilbur Wade; re Mr. Bolltho attended a home Nyssa were callers In the Phelan big Minton house are doing a lot Nichols is secretary and Mrs. Whis- creation, Kenneth Elliot and Junior there ADRIAN coming of the Odd Fellows lodge, to bring back the beauty of this fine ler is Pomona. Mr. Whisler, Mr. home Sunday evening. Zamora; flag salute and club pledge. Ezra Brumbach was in Nyssa on old house. A new floor has been laid Clarence Nichols are on the execu Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. de Lespi- Aurora Zamora and Donald Elliott. of which he Is a member. and the open staircase and entire tive board. They were installed at nasse, Elbert Fretwell, ‘Arlene Peter All leaders and members are Thursday. No White The Birthday club met Sunday at interior Is being well cleaned. The Wilder recently. and Erma Points attended the working on plans for their "Major RIDGEVIEW the heme of Mr. and Mrs. Lora Pll- house has ten large rooms and can Mrs. C. H. Higgins entertained at son Elephants? Nampa high school band concert Bowes Amateur Hour,” to be given lsburg and enjoyed a dinner and a again be made a beautiful home. her home Tuesday for folks from In at the Adrian high school gym on Nampa Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Costley and Al social visit. Guests Included Mr. and Several sheds and bunk houses of their old home state, Colorado. The Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hatch and Thursday, January 30. The admis Mrs. W. J. Robinson and Mr. and orchard days are being moved. Mrs. guests were Mr. John McGee of La family were Sunday dinner guests sion will be 10 and 25c. The proceeds an returned home from Oklahoma Mrs. Dale Robertson of Roswell, Mr. Giles’ daughter and husband have mar, Colo, his son Lester McGee, at the Heckathorne home In Adrian. wil lgo toward summer school schol where they have been visiting Mrs. and Mrs Robert Weir, Mr. and Mrs. moved Into the place recently vacat and wife and daughters of La Junta, In the basketball games between arships. Elmer Woods, Mr. and Mrs. Plln ed by the Frank Evans family. Colo, and Floyd Higgins of Big Bend. the first and second srings of Ad Miss Irma Schroeder of Bums, Is Case, Mr and Mrs. Lee Baldridge, The are the father and rian and New Plymouth Saturday Mr and Mrs. E. H. Brumbach, Mr. visiting at the home of her uncle, brother McGees of Mrs. Foyd Higgins and evening. Adrian came out with the SUNSET VALLEY and Mrs. F. A. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Huffman. have been visiting for 2 weeks. winning end of the score In both N. S. Phelan, Mrs. M. E. Rogers. Mr. and Mrs. Conley Wilson are Sunday, Mr. and here C. H. Hig games. Worthwhile club was entertained Mrs. R L. Haworth and lMss Betty staying with his mother and helping gins were guests at Mrs. din Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Otis and their Jan. 9, by Lucie Case and Leva Dit- | care for her. Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. ner for the McGees a at farewell Weir, and Mrs. Jesse Johnson. Emily and Mr. and Mrs. ty at the Ditty home. 17 members j Landes Dutro and Mrs. Dutro and Higgins home in Big Bend. the Floyd daughter, M. Greeting were Sunday dinner and one visitor, Maudrean Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Wilson came to Several articles are reported to guests at the K. APPLE VALLEY L. Peterson home. were present. Mrs Evans Joined the | see Mrs. Wilson. An old baby buggy— have been stolen here lately. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. D. Patch and club. Wool quilts were worked on | Mrs. Henry Meier Is having the Keeping the wolf from the door is Interior woodwork In their home re night a stock saddle marked M. B. family were in Boise W. Monday. and an election of officers was held I harness, a fresno— literally the Job assumed by "Mike" enameled. Mr. Meier and Albert are Interlocked two riding bridles and Mrs. Harvey Otis and Mrs. D. W. later. Mary Newgen was elected as —or perhaps some a hunting dog belonging to the E. doing the work. president, Mable Bolitho, vice presi blanket were taken from the Patch attended the Book club meet potatoes or onions— A Summy family. Monday morning, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Parkinson saddle dent and Annie Gregg secretary-1 barn; canned meat, potatoes ing at Mrs. Overstreets Saturday. as Mr. Summy left their house to visited friends at Council over the Birkes treasurer. or just some article Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mayden and and a veal calf are also reported go to the orchard.a large dark gray week-end. children spent Saturday night with taken from other farms. Mr. and Mrs. Jams Langley are that you have grown Take Her Bowling— wolf ran across the field about fifty Mrs. Witt fell again as she went Everett Points. Ehe Maydens were the parents of a son bom Dec. 24 t i r e d of having on their way to Rolla, Mo„ where at the Good Samaritan hospital in She’ll Enjoy It, Too! over to see Mrs. Wilson. around the house . . . Mr. Mayden will work. » RIVERVIEW Nampa. Mr, and Mrs. John Vander Pool Make a bowling “date!” Your The dance at the Legion Hall in Mrs. L. E. Newgen and Bob visit end little daughter were guests for Is working for Mr. Adrian has been changed a lot. ed last week at the D. C. Mosely wife or sweetheart will enjoy it You Can Turn Sunday dinner at the Henry Meier and Reta Mrs. Johnson Gilbert Klinkenberg. There were over 200 tickets sold last home near Vale. Mrs. Newgen was as much as you do. Take her home. Thompson spent Saturday. Everyone reported having confined at home for several days to Cornell's, the beet and friend Them All Into Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Reed of Par Mrs. In Walter Payette visiting Mrs. Guy a good time. A check room has been with the flu. ma and Mr. and Mrs. Allan Reed Sunday liest alley In town. Rates are added and more improvements will A. L. Jones and family, who were and Bill Danforth of the Fargo com Nelson. Cash By Using be made soon. munity visited at the E. E. Reed Ronnie Lile hurt his hand. preparing for a permanent depar only 15c per line. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Long of Nys home in Lincoln Heights oty Sunday. Mrs. Charles Barrett Is visiting sa visited Mrs. Sparks Sunday. ture to Oklahoma in the near fu CORNELL BOWLING Mr and Mrs. Fred Province were her daughter in Salem. ture, received a telegram from Chic- The Journal guests for Sunday dinner at the Lois De Lashmutt has returned ksha, Okla., Sunday of the sudden Main Street ALLEYS Nyssa home of Mrs. Martha Norla. from La Grande. KINGMAN 4H CLUBS death of his mother. The Jones fam W ANT ADS Ralph Summy came down from Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Bailey have The 4H club leader in Kingman ily and his sister, Mrs. Homer Cates With New Boise Saturday night and spent Sun papered their house. a meeting at the school house Mr. Cates and sons left Monday for day with his parents. Leroy Herrman Is constructing a held and made out a schedule for club Oklahoma. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Vertrees and barn. Quality meetings to be held until the com Mrs. Ira Foster daughters, Virgin Bobby and Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Ver Christian Endeavor will meet at pletion of their ia and Mrs. Geraldine Probst and projects. spent Monday In Nampa. the Bob Johnson home. Everyone Is A few of the boys club in livestock children shopped In Nyssa Saturday FURNITURE trees Ray Huffman is employed at the welcome. and crops have not been organized and were dinner guests in the Bud Spring Valley creamery in Nyssa. yet, but those active at present, the Short home. Mr. and Mrs. Riddle entertained names of those leading them and Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Bolltho and Mr. and Mrs. Hawk and daughter U SE Y O U R ARCADIA the officers of that club are as fol children were in Boise Friday. ef Homedale Sunday. CHURCH NOTICE lows: Clothing I A and B, leader. Joe Lee has bought the five acre Mrs. J. N. Hickey entertained in C R E D IT Otis, president, Shirley Smith, Rev. Clarence Brotzman, Pastor tract where Mr. and Mrs. Bob Edi honor of Mrs. Martin Farmer, form Emily vice president; Selma Stam, secre Sunday school, 10 a. m. erly Ethel Mae Stradley, Friday aft tary; A small down payment son Mrs lived M last L. year. Jean Thrasher. Clothing II A Classes for all. hurt herself ernoon. The occasion was a kitchen III and IV, Mrs. D. L. Anderson, Morning worship. 11 a. m. a n d monthly payments quite badly when Wilson she fell on the icy shower and she received many love leader, with Ellen Judd, president; Prayer meetings every day in the will place those needed walk Just outside her kitchen door. ly and useful gifts. Delicious re Elva Fenn. vice president, Esther It was thought she had brok freshments were served to about 20 Jensen, secretary. N E W Furniture pieces en At first Cookery I, lead her hip and back. In former falls. guests. CALL FOR WARRANTS in your home. er, Mrs. Elmer Dutton; president, Mrs. Wilson broke her collar bone Mr. and Mrs. Dowers entertained Viola Zamora; vice president, Rach | nnd her hip from which she took a Mr. and Mrs Ben McConnell at el Shaw; secretary. Mildred Sparks Notice is hereby given that long time to recover. Mrs. Wilson dinner and pinochle Friday evening. Cookery II, leader. Mildred Hite; warrants numbered 386 to 436. Is ust recovering from influenza and The Glee club girls under the di president, Joyce Kuntz; vice presi both numbers Inclusive, is she Is very weak. sued by School District No. 26, rection of Miss Betty Hannon, had Leona Dutton; secretary, Ver- Malheur Grain Fed B EEF by Quarter Mr and Mrs M. L. English of a jolly time at a pot luck dinner dent, and endorsed McDermott. Cookery m leader, “not paid County, Caldwell spent Sunday at the Char followed by a sleigh riding party last la Susan for want of funds” president. Marjorie are hereby called for payment les Huffman home. Grain Fed P O R K by Half Friday night. The girls organized Winters; Zamora: vice president, Phyllis on 'Officers of the Parma Grawe In or before Monday. January with Elaine Russell, president and Phone 94 Dunbrasky; secretary, Ellen Judd. clude several Apple Valley folks. eJs- Beverly Ure, vice president. O r Whole Homemaking, leader. Mrs. Walter 27, 1941. NYSSA se Huffman Is master, Mrs. C. H. Mary lou Schenk, accompanist, McPartland. Interest on the above war president; Wilma Oow- Huffma Is lecturer. Mrs. Clarence and Betty Hannon, director com ey, vice president; Lucille Doty, sec rants will cease on Monday. Lamb and Veal on Request plete dthe list of officers. retary, Aurora Zamona. Canning I, January 27, 1941. The Sunshine club met at the Pauline Gowey. Canning II, III, and B. B, Liekaemper, school auditorium no hostess party. IV. Mrs. C. E. Elliott. These two Clerk of the Board. Officers were elected for the ensu clubs are not as yet organized. Guaranteed Quality ing year. Pearl Bullard was re-elect ed president; Lillian Zittercob. vice president: and Mrs. Dowers, secre M EATS tary Mrs Bullard and the retiring secretary. Mrs Brady, were each presented with very pretty bed Order Yours Today! lamps. A group of young ladies met at We have a few Cold Storage Locker* available home ol Nelda Schenk Wednes EXPERT JO B P R IN T IN G the day evening to practice songs for the Arrange for Your* NOW Skilled rrafatmen can give you the beat printing concert to be given In Nyssa Jan. service All oar printers and designed are experta on 24. to raise funds for the new Meth Jobs of all kinds. If yoa want tha boot for least— Polar Cold Storage Cr Locker Plant odist church. Light refreshments rail oa! were served . Mr and Mrs Cass Callihan and 24 HOUR SERVICE Mr and Mrs Dave Mitchell were LETTER HEADS — ENVELOPES — MENUS entertained at dinner at the Ira Ure BILLHEADS—INVITATIONS—CIRCULARS home Sunday. A crowd of young people from ANNOUNCEMENTS-PROGRAMS—CARDS Nyssa SAVE s< charvarled Mr and Mrs Ben Through Delicadea McConne! the former Miss Eulah Telephone IP For Oar Reprraentallve Scientific Bratton on Thursday evening on Your Table Mr Frank Russell attended the Refrigeration AO Winter Scout Training course given at the high school In Ontario Thursday night. Mr Babtist. scout supervisor of the Ort. Idaho council, was the PHONE 124 3 Blocks North of “Y” Instructor. BIG BEND THE POCKETBOOK KNOWLEDGE ^ WHAT? SAVE-* BUY Nordale’s Furniture Store at Xotv&i P/iiced The NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL