Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 9, 1941)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1941 Mrs. McCoy 111 Babies Born JACK ATKESON CELEBRATE8 FIRE DESTROYS BUILDING PERMITS At the Nyssa Nursing home on Mrs. C. L. McCoy, who has been On Saturday afternoon Jack At- j LUTE RESIDENCE Jan. 7, a daughter, Sharon Nadine. confined to bed with flu since Sat- keson invited several of his friends born to Mr and Mrs. W. E. I urday has improved enough to re- The following applications for to a birthday anniversaiy lunch at Fire, Tuesday morning destroyed ( was Findllng i turn to her duties at the Nyssa building permits have been filed the home cf his parents, Mr. and the residence occupied by B F Lutes i On Jan. 6 a son, Ronald Dale, was ; Pharmacy today, with the City Recorder: Mrs. A L. Atkeson. After lunch, the cn Locust Street. I born to Mr and Mrs. Ray Rookstool. luditing District Books 424—E. J Powell, remodel business group atended the picture show. The alarm was turned In around | -------------------------------------- ;--------- lots 2, block 10. original. $500. J. N. Monroe and C. W Nash of Jack was twelve years old. 7:15 a. m. Lack of a hydrant in that Too Late to Classify the firm of Monroe Auditing comp- If 1 no and written -} - I section of the city prevented the fire protests have been department from saving anything of CLEARANCE BETTER spring filled I any of Boise are in Nyssa today, filed within ten (10) days from the BETTY HOOKSTOOL MARRIES at the home of Mr and Mrs. An BARBARA LARSON mattresses and box springs some auditing the books and accounts of date of this publication by owners the building. Miss Betty Rookstool, daughter of drew Boersma on Alberta. The par ENTERTAINS soiled or damaged. One reg the Owyhee Irrigation District, ac of property in the City of Nyssa, Mr. and Mrs B F. Rookstool became ty was complimenting Mr. and Mrs. Miss Barbara Larson was hostess The building was a complete loss slightly $42.50 mattress $22.50. One cording to Frank T Morgan, secre the above applications will be ap the bride of Leonard C. Olson on Boersma who will leave soon for at a dinner and theatre party at as was the household furnishings of ular mattress $19.50, regular $24.50 tary. proved. _____ Sunday morning at the South Side the home of her parents, Mr. and the Lutes. All that they saved was $29.95 live. mattress for $12.50. Box spring and some clothing. Boulevard church. The marriage ser Long Valley to -5 Mrs. R. O Larson, In honor of her - ; mattress, $49 50 value $29.95. vice was read by Rev. W. W. Deal eighteenth birthday anniversary on I Repair or Remodel The Nysa Trader sells for less. Main before a large number of friends and 3TAR HOLDS MEETINO Sunday evening. Ten of her high Move to New Homes hiway north Nyssa. relatives. school companions were guests. Mtnday evening was the first Mr and Mrs. Cliff Main who have FOR SALE—Genuine Gold Seal rug Now Bridesmaid was Betty Chard and meeting for the Eastern Star In moved their cleaning plant from samples 41 - x 6 only $1. Gold Seal the new year and also the first meet DANCINO PARTY best man was Elmer Olson. Main to their new location on Third x 12, $5.95. Crescent Seal 9 x 12. ON Earnest Allen of Nampa sang "I ing with the new officers In the On Saturday evening Miss Bar just off Main, have rented the 9 $3.95. The Nyssa Trader sells for less, chairs with Mrs William Schtreman bara Larson was hostess at a danc Thomas house. Love You Truly.” main hiway north Nyssa. What have Mrs. Olson chose for her wedding taking over the duties of Worthy ing party and late supper at the j From Sa.'t Lake C re d it night and after the regular meeting home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. C. M. Jordan arrived in Nys you to trade? dress a blue traveling suit. Following the wedding service Mr Matron. It was also Matron's treat R. O. Larson. Eleven couples were sa from Salt Lake this morning to WANTED TO RENT—Small fur With the and Mrs B. F. Rookstool entertained the matrons treat, games and visit Invited to enjoy the evening nished house. Must be modern. visit with her husband. Inspector for at dinner for twenty-five guests. ing were enjoyed. J91xp A.B.C. EASY MONTHY the new Union Pacific depot and to Call Journal. 5 Relatives attending from out of the On Tuesday evening of next week ANNUAL CHRISTMAS PARTY find suitable living quarters. PAYMENT PLAN BOARD and ROOM in private Members of the Morgan Park district were Mr. and Mrs. Horace the Masons and Eastern Stars will Daughter Visits home—Home cooked meals. 489 Fuhrlman. Kuna. Idaho, and Mr. j have a pot luck supper and social Garden club held their annual j Mrs. Katie Star Is visiting her 9J l*p. Christmas party at the home of Mr. mother, Mrs. Stella Butler from N. First. and Mrs Kenty Moore, Norwood, | evening. NYSSA ; and Mrs. Tom Johnson In Buena Bend. Idaho. FOR SALE—Three room modern Vista on New Years eve. Mr and Mrs. Olson are living on MASONS DANCE Huntington home. Large lot. in good condition. > GOODE AVE U HIGHWAY 101 A pot luck supper and program From their farm six miles east of Vale. Mr. and Mrs. John Olsen. Hunt Good terms to right party. Bernard A large group of Masons and their A MAN NEVER. LOSE* was enjoyed. On the program were were Sunday dinner guests Eastman. -5 - GUEST friends enjoyed a dance at the Mas recitations by Lois, Douglas and El ington. 1 the sign of good lumber 9J tfc. FAITH IN WOMEN------ BOERSMAS HONORED f PHONE M B ' J OHN E OSTROM PROP i at the parental Charles Garrison UNTIL ONE OF THfcM evening. May len McGee and a reading by Mary home. On Tuesday Mrs. Garrison I FOR SALE—Three room modern On Monday evening about forty onic hall and on her Friday HURTS HIS VANITY'— orchestra furnished McGee. Group singing of carols and and house. Lawn and trees, graveled members of the Mthodist church Russell Dale spent the day in Hunting- the music. old time songs and a belated visit street, garage. Nyssa Realty. 9Jtfc. enjoyed a pot luck dinner and party ton with the Olsens. by Santa Claus with a treat for each Leaves for School guest furnished the evening's en Christmas vacation ended for Bob tertainment. McCoy on Sunday when he left for The next regular meeting will be Columbia prep at Portland. Jan. 17 at 8 p. m. at the Bennett Tuesday Guests homo on Highland Drive. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lyells, Emmett, were visitors and dinner guests at BIRTHDAY HONORED the A. V. Cook home on Wednesday. Clara and Betty Skinner were hos In the evening they made a tour of January tesses at a birthday dinner in honor fatcory. DOUBLE FEATURE of Miss Lots Patton. Sunday. Jan. the Born Clearance 2. Guests present were: Mr and Son Friday and Saturday, January 10 and 11 On Sunday, Jan. 5, a son was born Mrs. Russell Patton, Jr., Nelda to Mr. and Mrs. Hershel Thompson. The “Dead End Kids” in Chamberlain, Doc Douglas, Leslie The lad has been named Donald “GIVE US WINGS” Crocker. Edna Wilson, Clayton Pat Robert. ton, Juanita and Elmer Date Cul Don is the second son of Mr. and Don “Red” Barry and Julie Duncan in bertson Mrs. Thompson: he has a brother. “TEXAS TERRORS” Ronny. nearing four years old. 5 Sat Mat.. 3.30 p m Adm 5c-20c; Evening, 10c-33c, Includes tax I n Boise and Don is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Lillian Newby and her grand Mrs. R. A. Thompson and the great Sunday and Monday, January 12 and 13 daughter, Aline Ward, returned on grandson of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Long. The Marx Brothers, Groucho, Chico Sunday evening from a weeks visit Mrs. Thompson and her son are at the home of her son, Tom and doing nicely at the Nyssa Nursing and Harpo in Mrs. Newby in Boise. Tom, who is home under the care of Dr. L. A. “GO WEST” And many other items too numerous to mention now employed in Carolina was home Maulding. with John Carroll and Diana Lewis to spend the holidays with his fam W.C.T.U. Field Worker Here • Selected Shoits ily. On Friday Miss Regina Moede, Mat Sun. 2:30, Adm. 10c-28c, Evening Adm. 10c-33c, Includes tax This sale means Dollars in Your Pockets. Reduc Mrs. Newby Is waiting anxiously W.C.T.U. field worker from Evan for word from her sister and other ston, 111., arrived in Nyssa for a tions are great in our January Clearance, because —BARGAIN NIGHT— relatives living in the bombed city shert lecture tour in the Interests of we want these clothing groups to move, AND Tuesday, January 14 of Sheffield. England. She had word the campaign fight the national W. MOVE FAST—and they will at these prices. The written in September that up to that T. U. is holding against the use Helen Parrish, Charles Lang and I^eon Errol in time they had no air raids but with of C. alcoholic sooner you come in, the better selection you will beverages and cigarettes. “WHERE. DID YOU GET THAT GIRL” in a week after receiving the letter Particularly, Miss Moede spoke have to pick from—so come at once! news was broadcast of the severe against present advertising meth Comedy, Cartoon and shelling of that English munitions ods of these products. “DEADWOOD DICK” • center. On arrival In Nyssa Miss Moede Adm. Children 5c, Adults 15c ATTEND PARTY A SMALL DOWN went to Kingman Kolony where Mrs. Mr. and Mrs Perry Ward were Earl Osborn acte das her guide and PAYMENT WILL HOLD Wednesday and Thursday, January 15, 16 among the guests invited to a party hostess. ANY GARMENT 60 DAYS Judy Garland, George Murphy and Charles at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles On Friday afternoon Miss Moede Barnes in Ontario on Wednesday addressed the students and faculty Winninger in • evenings. at the Alrian high school and on “LITTLE NELLIE KELLY” GROU.P ONE Saturday she was a guest speaker at 8 Cartoon and News j WEDNESDAY EVENING BRIDGE the Kingman Kolony union meet Admission: 10c-33c, Including Defense Tax Mrs. Nick Rudllck Invited Mrs. ing at which about fifteen members $ 1 ^ 8 5 I Frank Rambeau as a guest player and friends were present. for the evening when she entertain- Sunday morning Miss Moede | ed the Wednesday evening bridge spoke from the pulpit of the King- club this week. High scores at cards man Kolony church before a large Suits and Overcoats were made by Mrs. E. J. Bowen and audience. Values up to $22.50 Mrs. Robert Thompson. Sunday evening she talked to the • Epworth League at the Nazarene - s TO - MEET 8UNSHINE CLUB church in Nyssa and that evening GROUP TWO Mrs C. C. Cotton and Mrs. Frank gave her message to the congrega Newblll will be hostesses to the tion from the pulpit of that church. members of the Sunshine club when Tuesday afternoon she was a $|685 they meet for their regular meeting guest and speaker at the regular at the Odd Fellows Hall on Friday meeting of the Nyssa union meet Grocery Specials for Friday and Saturday afternoon, Jan. 10. ing at the home of Mrs. Floyd Lom Suits and Overcoats ax. s - OUILD MEETS While in Nyssa, Miss Moede was Values up to $25 Mrs Frank Morgan and Mrs. Jake a guest of Mrs. Ed Wild and Mrs. 10 lb. pails, Fosters • Simmons were hostesses for the Dwight Seward. Honey extra special Guild of St. Paul's Episcopal church From Nyssa Miss Moede went to GROUP THREE at Mrs. Morgan's home on Wednes Ontario for a few days work and 21b. day afternoon. planned then to return to Idaho for Crackers packages At the business meeting the work a series of lectures and a tour of of the past year was reviewed and plans outlined for a card party to Tomato Juice be given on February 5. Suits and Overcoats Following the disposal of business pink, 1 lb. cans tea was poured by the hostesses and Values up to $28.50 Salmon 2 for an hour of visiting was enjoyed. • Present Play No. 2l/ 2 cans “Girl Shy," a three-act comedy, Hominy Van Camps, 2 for slated for presentation during the evening of Saturday, January 18. in Shurfine ground the public school gym will be the Coffee fresh, 2 lbs. first major play staged by the high school for the current year. p a y \> ESSLEY TRUBEN1ZED All work on and acting in the play Tom ato Soup £*cT„p.b'"* will be done by the junior class of COLLAR SHIRTS the school, and the director is Ferd In fine weave broadcloth Stark, who Is In charge of dramatics If you need a— and woven Madras also Corn Meal whueSÒÌkYeiiow work In the high school. Frnit-of-the Loom Shirts Remarkably suited for young tal in Madras and silk New Daveno ent. the play has no situation that mixtures ........ .................. are too difficult for student actors, Shortening according to Stark. Humorous Inci Bedroom S u ite dents in the play are many, but they 41b. are also natural for the actors Lard packages Dining S e t Therefore, many laughs for the aud MANHATTAN HIGH ience are guaranteed, he said. Lux Time set for the curtain Is 8:30 GRADE SHIRTS Sp rings or Soap 3 bars p. m Take your pick of onr en •) m ß tm m CvCouocysêF - NYSSA ’" 'o e M U n.» io8 THEATRE . - Tl ) Nl [ - I J- Washing the h >1» ALEXANDER’S 5 - CA| C SUITS - - OVERCOATS - tLT Energy, Granulated Soap Giant packages OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 6 P. M. SATURDAYS, 9 P. M. W ILSON NYSSA 65c 17c 19c 29c 19c 43c 23c 29c 4&C 33c 19c 35c G rocery A Dependable Food Store OREGON - 0 $|g85 Clearance Of Fine Quality DRESS SHIRTS 11.23 2 Shirts for $2.50 Fractures Skull On Sunday William Maupin fell from a crane while at work at the factory and was taken to the Sara- xln clinic where It was found he had suffered a slight concussion of the brain While waling for treatment. Maupin suffering from temporary amnesia walked out of the clinic and was not located until two hours later When found In the north part of town by police officer. Cook Mau pin had no memory of what had happened He Is now recovering at his own home tire stork of this high quality shirt In the newest patterns and colorings. Made of fine broadc*oth and Madras ____________ M attresses Make your choice From our stock— AND PAY ON EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS Nordale’s Furniture Store Phone 94 sua 2 Shirts for $3.25 Ontario ALEXANDERS “Where Good Clothes Cost Less” Oregon ) WASH In Wash will enac which F anything war ma the presi understo be depri vote of t It will measure, time in < the biU neously) commits foreign firework: emerges es the f on party ocrats a believe I much a and eacl the bill i What ton is wl one who tance tf with sus peaser a ly "righi als are as dislo; ginning ways pri Tucke ber is 1 authoriz availabli States t It make: but, of gives th America repairs, is only i fic coast and twe the Get Britain, for a pi the flee requirei is. perh part of other. I While can pr< New pli expense manufa for she planes, will be plants I are run terials. ing the ing onl Americ: Of tl none w taxpayt by Am: not th< tion of The mi and on be told The e: States China can m guessw ers ex three This Is lars w mitted gress i for an; In t film in: work, those not a in the and pi before highw house the r which desk I minis! ing f posstb highw favor