T H E N Y S S A G A T E C IT Y J O U R N A L mma ENJOY W AFFLE SUPPER Complimenting Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Yergens visiting from Salem, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Thompson were hosts at a waffle supper for members of the family on Sunday evening. Their guests Included Mr. and Mrs. Yer- gens, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Beutler, Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Thompson, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thomp son of Emmett. E N TE R TAIN A T DINNER Mr. and Mrs. Bud Wilson of Ore gon T rail entertained at a small dinner party on Thursday evening complementing Mrs. Harold Lewis and Mrs Elizabeth Wilson. - 8 - YO U NG ER WOMEN FORM CLUB Several of the younger women in Nyssa have formed a new contract club which so far has not been na med and will meet at eight in the evening. On Wednesday evening last the group were entertained by Miss Har riett Sarazin at the home of her parents. First prize was won by Mrs. Glea Billings. TUESD AY EVENING BRIDGE Mrs. E. D. Norcott entertained the the members of the Tuesday Ev ening Bridge club at her home this Son Home for Visit On Friday morning Daniel Za mora, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. rived for a visit over the week end with his family. Daniel is a stu dent at the M orfitt Field school of Aviation. Daniel was accompanied by two students attending the same school from Caldwell and all re turned to the field on Monday. L. D. S. Primary Changed The L. D. S. Primary has met for several years on Thursday at 4:15 p. m. but will now meet on Wednes days at the same hour. T H U R S D A Y , NOVEMBER 14, 1940 LOCAL NEWS OPINIONS B Y O U R READERS Attend Burns Celebration Submitted by readers of The Journal and the opinions may or may not agree with the policy of The Journal. You are Invited to send in your ideas on current questions. week. Following the usual rubbers of contract a late lunch was enjoy ed. Mrs. George J. Mitchell played with the members as a guest for the evening and won high score. Second high score was made by Mrs. Leo The Nyssa Gate City Journal Nyssa, Oregon Hollenberg. Gentlemen: - 8 - B IR T H D A Y P A R T Y In leaving my position with the Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Foster enter government, I wish to express to the tained at dinner party on Sunday Nyssa Gate City Journal my deep complimenting the birthday anni appreciation of the kindly and help versary of their daughter Frances. ful assistance given me while in the government employ. I also wish to - 5 - thank you for your valuable contri D INN E R P A R T Y On Tuesday last M r and Mrs. J. bution to the public good by the T. Long entertained at a dinner par dissemination through your columns ty for Mr. Dgn Davison of near of factual data regarding W P A pro Caldwell, his daughter, Mrs. Edith jects. In the early days of our program Boghe of Nebraska, Mrs. Bob Da vison of Caldwell, Mr and Mrs Fred it was necessary to explain to the many sponsors the rules and regula Herbaugh of Elsmere, Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs. Herbaugh left for tions under which such projects their home on the following Friday. could be operated. You were al ways helpful. 8 I am leaving the government work M R AND MRS. CLUB Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hollenberg were to go with the Sonotone Corpora hosts at dinner and contract for the tion, in whose activity I have long members of the Mr. and Mrs. Club been Interested. My new address is at their home on Wednesday even 321 Failing Bldg., Portland. I f I can be of service to you at ing, and invited Mr. and Mrs. W il liam E. Schireman to play as guests any time I shall consider It a plea for the evening. High scores at con sure. Again thanking you, I am, Sincerely yours, tract were made by Mrs. Arthur H. Floyd Bilyeu. Boydell and Mr. Hollenberg. Nov. 11 to Nov. 30 M IT C H E L L B U T T E Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Lowe attended the funeral services for Jack Rus- que Friday at Ontario. The Rusque’s were former residents of this com munity. J. Connaughy left Saturday to vis it with his son and daughter in Montana a^id plans to remain all winter. Mrs. Ruby Rusque and children of Ontario and Mrs. George Ellis of Twin Falls, Idaho, spent Sunday at the Tom Lowe home. Mike Stan ton purchased hay on the Lowe and Dunaway places. Two accidents were reported on Saturday on the hay grinder work ing on the Lowe place. Art Bock re ceived hand injuries and Ole O l son injured his foot. Mrs. Mae Darden and sons of Cas cade who have been visiting the past week at the Ira Marrs home return ed to Cascade on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. P. Dunaway spent Sunday in Ontario where they visit ed Mrs. Huston Dunaway. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Benson of Oregon Trail spent Sunday at the Harold F'ivecoat home. Mrs. Clyde Mitchell returned from the hospital on Friday. The pre-school study group met at the home of Mrs. Ira Marrs on Tuesday. Editors Note: Mr. Floyd Bilyeu was the state field representative for the Mrs. Valerie Plughoff and son, Works Progress Administration in Merril, Howard Beaton and Verda Oregon. West all of Boise were week end Thanks Mr. Bilyeu for your and holiday guests at the W ill Beam thoughtfulness, which proves that home. some men in governmental positions do appreciate a free press. The col Gets Big Elk umns of the Nyssa Gate City Jour The elk brought home by Ralph nal shall continue as it has In the Beutler on Sunday morning was the past, to lend every support to worth third largest to be checked through while projects, and by the same tok the La Grande elk checking station en reserve to it's editorial columns this season. It had six points and praise or constructive criticisms Returns Home Mr. Blaine Ballah who had visit weighed six hundred pounds. where it Is due. ed with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morgan for the past month returned to her home in Denver on NEWS OF RECORD Friday. Visit From Boise Get Your Live G EESE, DU CKS, T U R K EY S for T H A N K S G IV IN G at Clowers Produce Next to Post Office 5T0CK-UP 'H O W ' at IDWPRICES Grocery Specials for Frid ay and Saturday, Nov. 15 and 16th f f ^ O ft e e Gold Bar vacum packed 1 lb. cans 20c Gold Bar vacum V e O llG G packed 2 lb. cans 39c Tastewell cane and maple 5 lb. cans 53c Tomato Juice f Z lt *14 "2 9 c Salad Dressing * "rT 23c Meats 3D 7 „ '''d' 54 ” ” 10c Q Energy granulated O O ap large giant size 35c Bacon Squares 13c 1 4 lb. package 35c Grapes ib . 23c Sweet Spuds Lb. 23c Celery 2 % b “ nche* 15c / "*_ J gum drops, choc, and VednO y hard Xmas mix, 2 Ib for 25c O PEN EV E N IN G S U N T IL 9 P. M. W ILSON G rocery N Y SSA OREGON ___________ A Dependable Food Store Earl Gray et ux to J. L. Gray— metes and bounds in Sec. 32-19-47. 7-13-40. $10. <Q. C. Deed). Nyssa Bench Land Co. to Carl Sebum et ux—S W 'i Sec 35-19-46. 6- 12-40. $1,582. Myrtle E. De Chaine et al to M al heur County—East 25 feet of NEVi S E 'i. Sec. 31-16-44. 10-14-40. $1. H. B. Fountain et ux to Malheur County—West 25 feet of S W 'i S W 1, and NW>, N W 1, Sec. 26-16-43. 11- 6-40. $1. Nadine Jordan et vir to Malheur County—East 25 feet of N E 'iN E 'i Sec. 18-18-45. 11-6-40. $1. Mary W Logan et vir to Malheur County— West 25 feet of W ‘ i S W 1, Tec 32-16-44 9-20-40 $1. E. J McHourty et ux to Malheur Ccunty— South 25 feet of S E 'iS E 'i Sec. 22-16-43. U-6-40.$l. Ellen K. McGourty et vir to M al heur County— South 25 feet and West 25 feet of SHSW 'iSE>4 Sec. 22-16-43. 11-6-40. $1. Chas. N. Pittman et ux to M al heur county—West 25 feet of NW H N E 'i Sec. 22-16-43. 11-6-40. $1. Orayce Robertson et vir to Mal heur County—West 25 feet of S W 'i NEVt and East 25 feet o f S E 'IN W ', Sec. 22-16-43. 11-6-40. $1 Emmett Sappe et ux to Malheur County—South 785 feet of west 25 feet of S W 't S W 'i and west 25 feet of N W 'iS W ', Sec. 5; south 785 feet of East 25 feet of SE W SE 'i and East 25 feet of N E 'i S E 'i Sec 6-17-44 11- 6-40.$1. Wayne Williams et ux to Malheur county—North 25 feet of N E 'i Sec 12-17-43 11-6-40 $1 Edward Wolfe to Malheur coun ty- North 25 feet of E 'jN W 1-,N E 'i Sec. 27-16-43. 11-6-40. $1 Byron G. Dockerson et ux to James Herman Jordan et al—SH N W ‘ . N 'iS W 'i, S E tiS E li and W '. S E '., Sec. 2-18-43 11-2-40. $10. John J. Dickerson et ux to James Herman Jordan et al— N H SW v., SE 'i S W ', , S W '.S E 'i, S W 'i SW 14, Sec 3; and E S S E ', Sec 4-18-43 10- 29-40 $10. Robert D Lytle. Trustee to Juan Egurola NW'< S W ', Sec. 17; NE14 S E ',. S'-jS E '. Sec. 18; N W , N E 'i, N 'a N W , Sec. 19-17-43;NV* N E 'i, Sec 24-17-42 10-30-40. $630 Ivy M. Hart et vir to Federal Land Bank Lot 3. Sec 3-22-46; Lot 5. 8ec 34-21-46 $1 Leslie Schafer to Amalgamated Sugar Company—part of N W 'iS W Sec 1-21-48 11-1-40 $200 Elmer L. Dutton et ux to Amalga mated Sugar CO.—part of 8<„SW 4 N W , Sec. 1-21-46 $200 U. C Guss et ux to Mary R. Cock- rum—Lot* 19 and 20. Block 14. On tario. 12-30-37 $10. Malheur Land Co. to Commerce Mortgage C o . - N W ',S E ', N W ', and 8 W , S W . N W . Sec 26-16-43 2-4- 40. $1. Commerce Mortgage co. to Jack Ooodhart—N W 'i S E ', N W 4 and S W 1, S W 'i N W V Sec 26-16-43 10- 14-40 $1. Bank of California. N. A to Jack Ooodhart— SEV SEt, N W 'i and N S S W 1, N W ',. Sec 26-16-43. 10- 11- 40 $10 A L Fletcher to Pete D ear—p a rt or Lots 9 and 10. block 17. Teutachs add. to Nyssa. 2-18-39. $10. a D eed ), Washington News (Continued from Page 1) Farm boys who have trap lines in the northwest may soon find the business very profitable. The army is in the market or soon will be, for parkas to be worn by troops in Alas ka. First to be outfitted will be army flyers, then detachments of soldiers stationed in the colder section of the territory. Last week the war de partment ordered several thousand skis, ski sticks and snowshoes for the Alaska contingent. (Also ord ered several hundred thousand yards of mosquito bar for troops to be dispatched to the Philippines and the Caribbean sea.) Army require ments for furs are expected to in crease tile price for raw skins. For his success in obtaining flying fortress bombers and destroyers from the United States Ambassador Lothian has been awarded the O r der of the Thistle by the British King. A princess of a royal fam ily who flew from Europe Is renting a house near the national capital and secret service men have to guard here . . . A representative has “ ex tended remarks” in the Congression al Record which cost $2,000 to print in that document . . . Next major move of President Roosevelt is to patch up the war between C IO and AFT, and unite labor . . . A t his first press conference after the elec tion President Roosevelt reprimand ed a reporter who inquired about a fourth term. Pete Dear to A. L. Atkeson— part of lots 9 and 10. block 17, Teutschs add. to N ? W 11-6-40. $200 (Q. C. Deed). United States to Carlos Lofton— E ', S*i N W 'i NMr S W 'i, S E 'i SW Sec 8; W 'i N W « , N W 'i S W 'i Sec. 10-15-39. 10-30-39. [ M eeting Date Changed Visit from Appla Velley Due to the next meeting date of the American Legion falling on j Thanksgiving day, the next regu lar meeting will be on Thursday ; evening, Dec. 5. A ll members are urged to be present. Mrs. William Matzen and her sis ter, Mrs. Emma Cool who has been visiting here since September were Nyssa visitors on Wednesday. Among the Nyssa veterans who attended the veterans celebration at Burns were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ho well, their daughter, Ima and their neice, Marjory Howell, who were ov er the week end visitors at Bend. Other going down on Sunday night and returning Monday evening were Archie Howell, Wallace Paul, Andy McGinnis, Art Heiterand and Wally Lynch. Father Injured Mrs. Cecil Smith, Newell Heights, returned home on Thursday last from Boise where she was called by the illness of her father. He was ta ken to St. Luke’s hospital from a traffic accident In which he received a broken arm and ribs. He is im proving nicely. Ill With Flue Mrs. Eldon Stirnweis has been forced to remain home from her work at the sugar factory because of an attack of flue. She is report ed to be improving. Bring Back Wheat On Monday the trucks which left Nyssa for Malheur to bring 20,000 pounds of wheat from the O. Z. Davidson ranch to Nyssa foundered in mud most of the day, according to R. A. Thompson, who with Her schel Thompson, Ralph Beutler and George Eichner went up with the Thompson Feed and FTiel yard trucks. Others in the party were Frank Lawrence and John Barns driving thei rtnicfcs. But after much labor the wheat was loaded and de livered to Nyssa the same night. House Guests House guests of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Stunz the past week were Mrs. Stu- nzs mother. Mrs. Roy House of Cas cade and her grandmother, Mrs, Hardy Phillips, Mrs. Ed W arr and Mrs. Chet Tarleton all of Emmeit, who spent Friday with Mrs. Stunz in Nyssa. On Sunday Mrs. Stunz’s father, Elmer Bowman, Mrs. Ella Glenn and Dewey Glenn of Boise visited. Visitors See Points of Interest On Tuesday Mrs. R. A. Thompson with Mrs. Ralph Beutler and Mr. and Mrs. Yergens visited the Batt brothers hop farm near'Wilder. Mr. Yergens was more than impressed with the quality of the hops and the abundance of the yield and feels that this county mould make an out standing hop raising country. He has raised hops in the Willamette Valley for the last forty years and says that never has he seen finer hops nor a greater yield per acre. Hops sold at between forty and forty two cents per pound this year ac cording to Mr. Yergens and the av erage yield up here he estimates at well over a ton per acre. Mr. and Mrs. Beutler took theoir guests on a sight seeing trip to the dam and over the Owyhee project on Wednesday. Leaves for Portland Dorothy Cain, popular young wait ress at B.-ownie's Cafe, left Wednes day for Portland, where she will vi sit with Mrs. Margaret Lynch while she is looking for work there. L.D.S. BAZAAR The L. D. S. Relief Society B A Z A A R will be held SA T . D EC . 7 In the Old Bank Bldg. First and Main Sts. SU N SE T V A L L E Y Mae Wilson was hostess to the Worthwhile club Thursday at the Charley Wilson home. 18 members were present. The afternoon was spent visiting. Luncheon was served. The club will meet Nov. 21 with Stella Wilson. Snow, the first o f the season, that fell Sunday night was gone by noon Monday. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Brewer of Ontario were Wednesday visitors in the C. A. Ditty home. Mrs. Leslie Ditty and children were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Jones Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Bolitho were in Nampa Friday. Mrs. George Wilson enjoyed a vis it one day from her sister. Mrs. Ray Tummonds, formerly of Umatilla, Oregon, but temporarily located in Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. John Vanderpool and children went to Payette W ed nesday afternoon where they camp ed until Monday attending a church convention. Ira Foster did the chor es while they were absent. Robert Ditty has neen digging potatoes for Alva Watts on the Ed Mortenson place. Mr. Childs is also digging his potatoes on the Leonard Newgen farm. B U ILD IN G PE RM ITS The following applications for building permits have been filed with the City Recorder: No. 422—J. L. Gray. Remodell a dwelling. A. T. So. of Blk. 22, Orig. $180. No. 423—Carl M itzel—Move and remod. dewlling. Lots 5-6, Blk. 146 Ward. $600. I f no written protests have been filed within ten (10) days from the date of this publication by owners of property In the City of Nyssa, the above applications will be ap proved. Kingman P.-T. A. The Kingman Kolony P.-T. A. will meet at the Adrian school at 2 p. m. Friday, Nov. 15, 1940. Return with Elk Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Beutler re turned early Sunday morning from several days of elk hunting In the mountains above La Grande with a six point elk. They report almost blizzard weather and bad going ov er part of the road. In their party were Mr. and Mrs. Abe Vaughn, Clyde Warren and Russell Beutler, all of Portland. Too Late to Classify "S U P E R B IL T ” new bed davenos. $23.95, $27.50 and $35.00. Wise shoppers come from 50 miles to the Nyssa Traders, Why go elsewhere and pay more. The Nyssa Trader, main highway north. What have you to trade? NEW SIM M IN S bed $5.95, new Sim mons aluminum finished coil springs $5.95. New mattress $5.95. This week only $16.75 complete. The Nyssa T r ader sells for les. Main hiway north. FO R SALE—New five piece unfin ished breakfast sets $6.95. Walnut finished end tables $1.25, new 22 in. etched mirrors $1.29. The Nyssa T ra der sells for less, main hiway north. Sell your old junk. FO R SALE— Young fat geese. $2.00 each. Norman Ranch, Apple V al ley one and three-fourths miles east and south of Nyssa. 14Nlxp. FO R SALE— Red durham bull, l'A years old. Norman Ranch, Apple Valley one and three-fourths miles east and south of Nyssa. 14N lxp. LO ST—P O IN T E R dog, black spots, lame in hind legs. Answers to name “ Pat.” Return to Bill Peutz, Rte. 2, Nys sa, phone 03J2. 14N lxc. Complete Service with A.B.C. Plan If you want to Remodel - Paint - Reroof Reshingle - Build a Flue Refloor - Redecorate ASK US ABOU T THE A. B. C. M ONTHLY PAYM ENT PLAN V S S A l GOODE AVE u HIGHWAY 101 f ’ the sign of gooo lumber »PHONE lie JOHN E OSTROM PROP ( '‘TOO MANY FOLKS HAVE THEi«. WSH 80N6 WHERE THWR BACKBONE. OUGHT TO Bfcd_____ a P O L A R C O LD ST O R A G E will be closed A L L D A Y T H A N K S G IV IN G N O VE M B ER 21 Nyssa H O T CHILI, PIES and H O T C O C O A W ill Be Sold- N YSSA Phone 108 Did You Know? D O U B L E PROGRAM TH EATR E F E A T U R E F R ID A Y and S A T U R D A Y , N O V. 15, 16, 1940 George O’Brien and Virginia Vale in “TR IPLE JUSTICE ” Weaver Brothers and Elviry in “ F R IE N D L Y N E IG H B O R S” Sat Mat , 2 30 p m . Adm. 5c-20c; ISvenlng, 10c-33c. Includes tax You can insure your household goods and personal property against loss by fire for only .60c per $100.00 per year or $1.20 per $100.00 for 3 years? Call 64 and we will be glad to explain further. (Rates quoted are basic dwelling for Nyssa.) A SM ALL DO W N PAYMENT W ILL RESERVE AN Y ARTICLE UNTIL CHRISTMAS— AND M AKE USE OF OUR EASY M O NTH LY PAYM ENTS NORDALE’S BERNARD EASTM AN ‘ A t Close As Y o u r T eleph on e" T e l 64 ON C R ED IT N FURNITURE Phone 94 S U N D A Y and M O N D A Y , N O V . 17, 18, 1940 Mrs. Martin Johnson’s thrilling cavalcade of Adventures “ I M AR R IE D A D V E N T U R E ” Andy Clyde comedy and cartoon Mat. Sun. 2:30, Adm. 10c-28c, Evening Adm. 10c-33c, Includes tax — BARGAIN NIGHT— T U E S D A Y , N O V. 19, 1940 Richard Dix, Gail Patrick and Anita Louise in “R E N O ” Cartoon, Sports reel and “King of the Royal Mounted” Adm. Children 5c, Adults 15c W E D N E S D A Y and T H U R S D A Y , N O V. 20, 21 Joe E. Brown, Frances Robinson and Vivienne Osborne in “SO Y O U W O N T T A L K ” Comedy, Cartoon and News Admiaaion: lte-33c, Including Defense Tax