THE WAIT AOS w OPPORTUNITY K \Q ( h S I1KHK" Rates lc per word^per Issue. Minimum charge 25c CASH IN ADVANCE MISCELLANEOUS BOARD AND room in modem home Harold Fletcher, 4th and Ennis. 14 N tic. I will not be responsible ior any debts contracted by my wite. June Hurd, nee June Correll. EVERETT HURD Fruitland, Idaho. 7N 3xp. AUCTION SALE—We seU every­ thing, every Friday. Have a big demand ior ieeder stock. Help your home market. We have the buyers Nyssa Sales Yard. 17 0 tic. WANTED—All your welding Jobs. We promise good work and Ian prices. Pruyn Auto Repair, Phorn 56W. BRAKE WORK—Let us put your car or truck brakes in first class condition. Special equipment and trained men at your service. Pruyn Auto Repair. Phone 56W. MISCELLANEOUS For Sale FOR SALE—14 x 30 3 room house, iumiture, house goods, electric re­ frigerator. Will trade part for good two wheel trailer. Mrs. Ernest John­ son, on Wareham place. Box 984, Nyssa. FOR SALE— One 5ia ft. Leg Bath­ tub A-l condition. Call 78J 7N 2XC. FOR SALE—Large size Sunflame oil heater. Has had very little use. Call Journal office. 7N tie. CHRISTMAS CARDS. 20 assorted in attractive box. with your name imprinted. $1. Place your order now for delivery in December. The Nyssa Journal, phone 19. tfc. KALSOMINE, PAINT at competi­ tive prices. First class quality. Nyssa Lbr. Co., Goode Ave. and Highway 201, Phone 108. 16Mtfc CREOSOTE for treating hen hous­ es, posts, etc. Nyssa Plumbing and heating Co., 9th and Emison street. (One block south of Nyssa Trador). 23Mxfc NYSSA’ GATE CITY ‘JOURNAL For Sale Musical Instrument ( FOR SALE—Upright piano, good j condition. $50. Norcott Service. 14 N tic For Sale AUTOS and TRAILERS FOR SALE—1940 Hudson supersix, 4 door sedan, overdrive, heater. Driven very little. Norcott Service. 14N tie. LOST LOST—A blue persian cat from the the Polar Cold Storage, phone 124. of the week. Finder please notify the Polar Cold Stoarge, phone 124. 14 N lxc. LOST—IN Nyssa on Tuesday, a string of crystal beads, prized as ketpsake. Reward offered. Finder call Journal office. 14 N lxp.^ For Sale FA f M LANDS FOR SALE 10 acres good land, four room full basement home, 2 ten­ ant houses rented, out buildings. V4 ready for row crops, Vi planted to orchard and vineyard. Just west Nyssa city limits. Harry Howell. 14N lxp LOWER BEND Joe King returned Saturday from the mountains with a party of | friends where they had been elk WORK WANTED—Reliable married j hunting. He was successful in get­ man wishes work on farm where an elk. he can have house with school a- ting Dr. Paul Hansen and Mr. and Mrs. I vailable. H. L. Erickson, F. S. A. Howard Robeson of Portland spent Labor Camp, Nyssa. Sunday and Armistice day with Mr. Mrs. Harry Russell. The three WANTED TO BUY—Clean cotton and men were buddies in the World War GARBAGE HAULING. Also odd rags, must be of fair size, no ov­ and Robeson was an old school jobs by hour day or week Prices eralls, lace curtains nor other harsh mate Mrs. Mrs. Russell. reasonable. J. G. Coil. 20Atfc materials. Journal office. 31 0 tfc. Mrs. of Harry Jergens entertained 23 friends Saturday honoring FOR SALE—Highest prices paid for school Local and Long Distance 7th birthday of her small daugh­ hides, wools, pelts, metals, fur­ the HAULING ter Donnell. A beautiful birthday niture. The Nyssa Trader, main hi- Phone 72W cake, jello anr cocoa were served. way north. Lawrence and Barnett Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Wal­ 4Mtfc ter Stradley entertained at dinner For Rent honoring her son Raymond and his CITY PROPERTY cousins, Barbara Russell’s 7th birth­ Besides the Walter Stradleys, FOR SALE—by quarters or FURNISHED APARTMENT—Lights days. were Mrs. M. A. Bradney of Adrian, and water included. North Sixth more, state inspected, com St. Jack Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Russell and 14N lxp. fed, prime beef, by licensed daughters, and Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ dealers. Call Jake Fischer, FOR RENT—3 room completely fur­ liam Stradley. 05R1 or Polar Cold Storage. nished home, modern, electric Dwight Fleshman and son Keith 25Jtfc | stove and hot water heater, garage, cf Porters Flates were callers at j lawn, trees, graveled street. Call at the Harry Russell home Friday. Journal office. 7 N tfc. Lorina and Carol Witty are grade Wanted To Buy students here who are tak­ FOR RENT —Three room modem school band lessons at the Adrian high WANT TO buy 40 or 80 acres. Or unfurnished home, nice yard and ing Lorina will play a coronet would rent 80 or more. Have plen­ garage. Available about Nov. 15. Call school. a clarinet. 31 0 tfc. and Dale Carol ty of equipment and experience. P. Journal. Teter, Lois Hance and Flor­ 3. B. 563, Nampa, Idaho 7N 2xp. FOR RENT—4 room modern home ence Russell attended the football in Ontario. Nice yard with lawn and game at Union Armistice day. For Sale trees. Close to town. Cement cellar Miss Theresa Ghenert spent the and screened rear porch. Call Jour­ holiday at the home of her sister STOCK nal. 31 0 tfc. Mrs. E. M. Hauser of Ontario. Miss Jean Burch and Mrs. Mar 2 WORK MARES, in good condi­ shall Hyatt were Caldwell visitors For Sale tion, 8 years old, 1400 pounds each. at Caldwell aturday. Ben Eason, Ire Ure (Old Holladay) CITY PROPERTY Word has been received of the ranch on No. 30 northwest of Nys­ sa. 7N 2xp. FOR SALE OR RENT—6 room death of Lou Johnson brother of house, 3 lots, nice location. Will Charles Johnson. Lou was killed trade for stock. Bargain, see Floyd while at work at Astoria, Oregon. For Sale Robison. Nyssa Sales Yard, Fridays He accidentally fell through a sky­ FARM PRODUCE or write Kuna, Idaho. 7 N tfc. lark while at work and a sliver of pierced his lung. He passed a- FOR SALE—Carrots—in any a- FOR SALE or rent—2 room house glass way a week later. Funeral services mount. M. C. Zamora, Kingman with porch. See R. W. Bundy at will Thursday at 2 o'clock p. m. Kolony. N14 tfc. Gate City Dairy. 14 N lxp at the be Peckholm chael at Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Johnson of Med­ ford, Oregon, arrived here Sunday, by the death of his brother. “PERCe « R (N ó V > y RE. STIFF J R , called Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson vi sited relatives here Sunday. Consult us on your wiring needs and meter set-ups. Work guaranteed to meet State equirements. Prices right Information free NYSSA ELECTRIC SHOP 18Atfc WANTED game between Union and Adrian it Union Armistice day. Botn Adrian and Union bands marched down town before the game and marched on the field at the half. The bands Joined In playing a selection at the half. They were furnished with lunch by the Union American Le­ gion. Adrian won the football game with a score of 6 to 0. Mr. and Mrs. McPartland were Thursday dinner guests of Miss Bier. Miss Hopkins and Miss Molstrom. Mrs. Howard Hatch and her sis­ ter, Miss Mary Wymier were in Par­ ma on business Friday. Mrs. Claude Cook turned her car over while driving to Union Monday No one was injured. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Points visit­ ed relatives in Nyssa Monday. Miss Arlene Peterson had as din­ ner guests on Wednesday, Nov. 6, Miss Dorothy Toomb, Miss Erma Points, Miss Emily Otis and Miss Eleanor Dutton. This was Arline’s sixteenth bhthday. D. W. Patch, George Sirnlo and J. E. Johnson were Thursday din­ ner guests at the Howard Hatch home. RUTH BRANNOM CHOSEN CORN QUEEN LINCOLN HEIGHTS—Miss Ruth Brannom was chosen by the pupils of the Ontario high school to pre­ side as “Corn Queen" during the third annual corn husking contest. Ruth Is a senior studen' of the On­ tario school. Rev. and Mrs. Ray Chandler of Caldwell we;e present at th Lin­ coln Sunday school Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. Chandler and Mr and Mrs. Ralph Barnes and son were Sunday dinner guests at the Lee Smith home. Mrs. Jule Houston and Mary and Mrs. Tom Pettet visited at the Vem Smith home Wednesday after­ noon. Mr. and Mrs. Brubaker, returned to Salem to live after spending the summer at the home of their daugh­ ter, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Page. Ray Whitsell and Ralph Barnes were business callers in Boise Thur­ sday. Miss Dorette Klelhorn has secured employment at the city library in Ontario. Miss Pauline Boston was employ­ ed at the Vem Smith home the past week. The Farmer’s Association met at the school house Saturday evening Mr. Hauser was present and gave an interesting talk. Refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Orla Bishop were Nyssa visitors Sunday. J. C. Rooks tool has enlarged his lawn and moved his house on it. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McNeal and fa­ mily were week end visitors In Boise. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Frank were Sunday night supper guests of Lent Johnson. ARCADIA The Arcadia Sunshine club met last Thursday with Mrs. A. Marosti- ca with Mrs. Sam Caldwell as assis­ ting hostess. There were twenty members present and five visitors. Mrs. Sylvia Roth and his mother- in-law Mrs. Mary Roth, Mrs. Doris Haladay. Mrs. Settlmso Marastica, and Mrs. Florence Richard. The next meeting will be Tuesdya, Nov. 19. at the school house unless members are notified later. The hostesses are Mrs. Lloyd Orris and Mrs. Homer Ernest. Mrs. Sam Caldwell gave a party for her sister. Betty Flanery. There were twelve guests and they played ANO VOU CAN COUNT O N bunco at three tables and prizes ADRIAN were awarded for the two highest IN L A N D The Adrian high school is having and for the low. Refreshments were O IL CO. a carnival at the high school Friday served and the guests departed at a FOß night. Nov. 15. Everyone is invited. late hour. AND E FFIC IE N T It is to become an annual affair and Mr. and Mrs. Otis Bullard and SERVICE. is bigger and better than before. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bullard, Theo The big prize to be given is an elec­ Motherly and Knox Alexander re- tric roaster. utrned Sunday from Elk hunting. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Holly were in Mr. Charles Bullard and Theo Mo­ Boise on business Thursday. therly each got an elk. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Parker visi­ Mrs. Ira Ure attended the Chat­ ted at the home of Mrs. Parker’s terbox club at Mr. Bennetts on Wed­ C o . “':* parents. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Toomb nesday afternoon. E peoples friend of Nyssa Sunday. Mr. and Mlrs. Willard Ross of STOVE - OIL - KEROSINE Adrian band attended the football Greenleaf returning from a visit on the coast spent Thursday to Satur­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Dow­ ers. Rev. and Mrs. Vem Martin of Ny­ ssa called on Mr and Mrs. J. N. Hickey Tuesday afternoon. C W. Barret served on the elec­ tion board Tuesday. John Zittercob and Jack went to Caldwell last Thursday with some Oil B urning H eaters others In the Interest of the 4-H calf club. Mrs. Anna Dali and Mrs. Bertha Matherly visited Mrs. Virgil Hala­ day at her mother's, Mrs. Burd, one afternoon last week. Mrs. George Moeller and girls called on her Wed­ nesday evening. Don’t go through the winter in a under­ Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hicks of Cen- heated home—choose the SUN trailla Washington and Kelcy Allen and family fo Ontario had Wednes­ FLAME that suits your neeeds and day evening dinner at Glen Dowers pocketbook- - - Mrs. Ira Ure motored to Boise on Saturday to get their daughter to spend the Sunday at home. She re­ turned Sunday evening and that Is the last leave she can have until Christmas holidays. Alton is train­ ing to be a nurse at 8t. Alfonso hos­ “ THE GIANT BURNER MAKES pital. THE DIFFERENCE” Robert Warner of Palmer. Alas­ ka and Howard Hoffman of Myr­ Baldridge Implement Co. tle Point. Oregon, nephews of Mrs. Ellis Warner are here visiting for Phone 113 Nyssa a week. d e p e n d a b il it y Inland Oil ' THE SAME DIESEL Oay - FUE1 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1940 SUN FLAME FOR EVERY POCKET BOOK! 20 Models To Choose From Our Sunday school has been or- | ganized a month now and the tn- test is strong as at the beginning, i There were 42 attended Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chandler cf Caldwell will be with us next Sunday. The S. S is going to present them with a var­ iety of flowers and bulbs for their new home In Caldwell. Halloween night four boys in Ira Ure's car had an accident on But ler’s comer. The boys Jack Zitter­ cob, Wilmer Hipp, Andy Snow and Van Ure were coming from Zitter- cobs and turning in the corner to i go south on the highway, lost con­ trol of the car and It went in the barrow pit on the left side of th: [ read. The boys weren’t hurt but the \ car was badly damaged and is beini: repaired in Ontario. Ed Dewey had a slight stroke last Friday morning and they found him in the yard. He has not improved much. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Caldwell went to Boise Friday where Mr. Cald­ well takes x-ray treatments. They also purchased a new pickup while there. Mrs. A. Marastica took care of the baby while they were gone. 1L .. Parents Visit Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Yergen are vi­ siting with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Beu- tler this week. They arrived from Salem on Saturday evening. AL THOMPSON and SONS COAL— GRAIN— FEED Phone 26 PUBLIC SALE MON- NOV. 18 SALE STARTS AT 12 NOON I WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION, THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY, AT MY FARM, LOCATED 14 MILES SOUTHWEST OF NYSSA, OREGON, OR 4 MILES WEST OF THE OWYHEE SCHOOL, ON THE OLD ROAD TO THE OWYHEE DAM. 2 HORSES 2 1 Bay Mare 8 yr. old, weight 1300 lbs. 1 Bay Mare, 7 yr. old, weight 1250 lbs. 15 - HEAD CATTLE - 15 1 Jersey, 7 yr. old, to freshen Jan. 1 1 Black Jersey, 5 yr. old, to freshen December 10. 1 Roan Jersey, coming 3 yr. old, to Freshen January 28. 2 Spring Heifers 1 Guernsey Jersey, coming 2 yr, old to freshen January 11. 1 Brindle Guernsey, 7 yr. old, to freshen Dec. 11. 1 Jersey, 7 yr. old, to freshen Jan. 3 1 Guernsey, 6 yr. old, to freshen Jan. 23 1 Black Jersey, coming 3 yr. old, to freshen December 30. 1 Roan Jersey, 5 yr. old, to freshen December 20. 1 Guernsey, coming 3 yr. old to freshen February 2. 1 Guernsey Jersey, coming 3 yr. old, to freshen December 19 1 Brindle Jersey, 3 yr. old, to freshen February 7. 1 Yearling Steer______________________ FARM MACHINERY 1 F-20 Farmall Tractor on rubber 1 14-inch walking plow 1 McCormick Deering 16 wheel Disc Harrow. 1 McCormick Deering 3 section Harrow 1 8 ft. Grain Drill 1 McCormick Deering 10 ft. Power Binder 1 Letz Feed Grinder, 10 inch bur 1 Oliver, 18-inch 2 way tractor plow, nearly new. 1 P. & O. 14-inch 2 bottom plow 1 Land Float, 7 ft. 1 Meskin Scraper, for tractor or horses 1 1929 Pontiac Coupe, with pickup box 1 McCormick Deernig Electric Cream Separator, No. 4, used 8 months 1 McCormick-Deering Tractor Cultivator 1 F-20 Farmall Mower, 7 foot 1 22 x 36 McCormick Deering Tractor Rubber Tires 1 28x46 McCormick Deering Threshing Machine, with Clover Attachment, Rubber Tires. 1 Rubber Tired Wagon gear 1 Rubber Tired Wagon with Hay Deck 1 10 ft. Hay Rake 2 Jackson Forks, 4 Tine 1 Corrugator 1 Small Ditcher and Grader 1 Set 1% Harness 1 New House, 14 x 24 35 Tons Hay 400 Bushel Corn POULTRY 24 Chickens, Buff Orpington Pullets 3 Buff Orpington Roosters 12 New Hampshire Reds HOUSEHOLD GO O DS 1 table, 6 foot. 1 Kimball Upright Piano 6 Chairs 1 Electric Water Heater, 15 gal. 1 Dresser 1 New National 2 Spool Sewing Machine MANY OTHER ARTICLES TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. LUNCH SERVED ON GROUNDS TERMS: CASH LB. LANDRETH, Col. Bert Anderson, Auctioneer Owner Frank Morgan Clerk FOR FARM SALE DATES WRITE BOX 401, ONTARIO, OR PHONE 556-W