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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1940)
THE NYSSA1 GATE CITY JOURNAL KINGMAN KOLONY The local Parent-Teacher associa tion sent type written sheets throu gh the school to parents urging them to vote "no" on the liquor and gam bling bills. This was done by re quest of P.-T. A. members follow ing the progra mon legislative mea sures. Copies of the years program are being typed and will be distributed at the next meeting which will be on November 15. The local P.-T. A. wishes to express their thanks to the Adrian Union high school typ ing class for preparing these pro grams for them. The home demon- Professional Cards DR. J. C. BOWMAN Veterinarian Phone 39W NYSSA LIBRARY Open each week day from 2 p. m. to 6 p. m. Saturday, 2 p. m. to 8 p. m. ALL PATRONS WELCOME! Librarian ... Mrs. S. B. Davis OPTOMETRIST ‘ See McFall and See Better” DR. J. A. McFALL EYESIGHT SPECIALIST ONTARIO OREGON WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific ONTARIO OREGON ROBT. D. LYTLE ATTORNEY And COIJN8ELOR-AT-LAW First National Bank Building Phone B« VALE OREGON stration agent for the Idaho Power company will be the principle speak er for the next P.-T. A. meeting Mrs. Maurice L. Judd reports thir ty-one paid up members In the P.- T A with several on her committee that have noi reported to date. Mr. B A. Bentley and son, Donald of Pendleton spent Sunday visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence E. El liott and family. Mr Bentley and Mrs. Elliott are cousins. Mr. and Mrs. Berthal Caverhill of Redmond, Oregon, are spending this week visiting Mr. Caverhill's aunt and grandmother, Mrs. Dolly McCreary and Mrs. Susie Johnson of Snively Hot Sprongs. Donald Elliott invited Ronald, Keith and Ross Lane and Francis Thiel in to help him celebrate his twelfth birthday anniversary. Mrs. Lon Richardson of Redmond, Oregon visited with Mrs. Susie Joh nson on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Simons are the parents of a baby girl born on Friday. November 8. Miss Gladyce Holton is spending her Armistice vacation with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Holton. Miss Holton is attending a beauty college in Boise. Miss Dorothy Neilson of Ontario and Gene Cowgill of Oregon Slope were Sunday dinner guests of Gla dyce and Harvey Holton. Myrna Lane and Nadeen Wilson were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Mildred Hite and Marjorie. The Home Economics club of the Kingman Grange met at the home of Mrs. Allan Curtis on Tuesday af ternoon. During the business meet ing new officers were elected for the coming year as follows: Mrs. FrancisDeffer, president; Mrs. K. I. Peterson, vice president; and Mrs. Conrad Martin, secretary-treasurer. Elsie and Leona Dutton were Sun day dinner guests of Arlene Piercy. Mrs. Charles Wilson and Mrs Ma ry Nichols were in Nyssa on busi ness Friday afternoon. Miss Doris Hoyer and Miss Jean nette Martin were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Martin. Mrs. Ernest Tetwiller has had an other heart attack. Dr. and Mrs. S. B. Dudle yof Cald well were guests in the community Sunday and visited our church. Mr. and Mrs. Prouty of La Grande spent the Armistlc holiday visiting their daughter Miss Idamary Prouty and were also guests at church Sun day. Mrs. Conrad Martin accompanied Mrs. Carl Hill to Caldwell, Nampa and Boise Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Dutton and Hugh Mackie of Arlington, Wash ington and Mrs. Longacre of Water- ville, Washington spent from Thur sday morning until Saturday after noon as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dutton and family. Mr. and Words and Bring to the OWYHEE Hotel The Just a Mere Club met at the home of Mrs. Harry Gahan Fri day afternoon with sixteen members present. A gift was presented to Mrs. Floyd Mears, who moved re cently to Caldwell. Refreshments were served by the hostess, Mrs. Gahan. Mr. Jim Meadows and Iawrence Stutler of Ogden, Utah, visited at the S. P. Byhee home Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Meadows is a nephew of S. P. Byhee’s. Mrs. Oval Hickman returned home Saturday with her infant son from the hospital in Ontario. A niece, Miss Fern Rookstool, accompanied her home for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Miller and ALIENS TO BE FINGER PRINTED JORDAN VALLEY—n November 12 a representative from Caldwell, Idaho post office will be at the Jor dan Valley post office for the pur pose of fingerprinting aliens. They are expecting 35 aliens to register. Nick Mallea who is working at the South Mountain mine was in Nam pa last week visiting his family. Mr. and Mrs. Felix Eiguren and children from Arock were visiting at the Mallea home last Sunday. Mr. John Elordi, who is employed at Boise was here Sunday visiting his parents. He was accompanied by Miss Margarete Madarieta, who Is going to spend a few days here. Mrs. Gabriel Elordi gave a birth day party last week. A large crowd was invited and the evening was spent in playing cards. Refresh ments were served at a late hour. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Madariaga and daughters were visiting at the E. Madariaga home the last two days. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Owings and children from Ontario, Oregon and Henry Owings were visiting friends here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Mallea and son have moved to town from South Mountain where they have spent the summer. Mr. Art Worthington from Cald well. formerly of Jordan Valley went deer hunting to the mountain last week. He stopped in town for a brief visit. Mr. and Mrs. George Yturrl from Ontario and son were in town last Thursday. They were accompanied home by Helen Mark who is going to spend two weeks with them. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Yost were visi tors at Parma last week end. Mr. Euloglo Madariaga and daug hter, Rosie were business visitors at Boise this week end. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Scott and daughter, Rosemary, were visiting relatives in Boise Friday and Sat urday. Mr. P. I. Larrinaga and Aguada Cortabitarti were busines visitors in Caldwell Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jenero Rementeria and son were visitors In Nampa on Saturday. Miss Charlotte taills came from Boise Saturday to visit her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mills for a few days. Lt. Rudd from the local CCC camp Is driving a new car. Mr. and Mrs. James Eigurren and family and Mr and Mrs. Joe Eigur ren were visiting at Arock all day Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Newell and daughter who have been living at the Ed Hoher home have moved this week to the first stone building en tering town. Mr. Newell is a mech anic at the local CCC camp. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ross have come home after spending two weeks in Portland. Juan and Clcilio Joyo, sons of Mr. Domingo Joyo arrived from Spain last Thursday. Mr. Joyo came to America twenty years ago. He has been employed by E. Quintana for several years. The boys think they will enjoy living in America. i APPLE VALLEY The Apple Valley school was clos ed Monday observing Armistice day. Colder weather was ushered in Saturday by heavy winds and a sho wer of rain which quickly changed to sleet. The ground was white in just a few minutes. H ie snow has, gene but the cold remains giving us good nippy mornings and pleas ant afternoon. • The Women's Society of Christian Service met Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. C. D. Vertrees and Mrs. Allan Reed assisted her mother Mrs. J. I. Boston lead the devotlon- als. Eighteen ladles were present. Refreshments were served. Saturday several intimate friends of Miss Mildred Whlsler gathered at the home of Mrs. D. W. Parkin son in honor of Miss Whlsler who Is soon to be married. Several very nice presents were given Miss Whls ler and the afternoon was greatly enjoyed. Delicious refreshments were served. Walter Ilams Jr. took Mr. and Mrs. William Metzens and Mrs. Em ma Cools to I zee, Oregon, Sunday to attend the wedding of William Met- zen Jr. the younger son of Mr. and Mrs. Metzen. They were expected back Monday or Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Thompson have been living In the tenant hou- se on the J. I. Boston farm. They have now moved to an apartment In the hotel building. Mr and Mrs. Roy Boston will move Into th« hou se the Thompsons left. Mr and Mrs. Sylvester Myers have purchased William, Kisers equity in one of the Home Owners Loan pro perty here and moved in Saturday. The Myers have been living on the Gene Honey property. Mr E. G. Johnson and Mr. Little were measuring hay cn the farms which Mr. Johnson oversees Satur day. $5.00 is the price offered. Mr. Melvin Smith of Atlanta visi ted Miss Olive Bailey at her home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hubbard re turned Wednesday from a successful hunting trip near New Meadows. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thompson and granddaughter of Boise called at the Everett Whlsler home Sunday. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Sev e n Fox are still suffering with their throats. What was thought to be the mumps developed into a glan dular fever and the little folks have had their necks lanced and are un- went to school Thursday and Fri- der the care of the doctor. Beverly day but looks very frail. Bowman Vertrees arrived Thurs day evening from March Field, Cal. and visited home folks until Sunday. Miss Yulah Vertrees spent the week end with home folks. Miss Yoshlye Otanl was down from Boise to spend unday at the home o f her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Otanl. Mr. and Mrs. Orlan Cox, Mrs. L. Edgar and three daughters of To- With the installation o f a new scale at Grocery NYSSA FUNERAL HOME AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone 73W Nyssa INDIVIDUALLY ENG INEERED S E A L E D POWER P I S T O N RINGS with the scuff-resisting fric tion-reducing GRANOSEAL patented surface. Will stop oil loss. Let us explain these features. PRUYN’S GARAGE 2nd and Ms&n St. I FRANK KULLÀNDER WILSON Eder Hardware and More and more, folks are turning to us for council and guidance In times of bereavement . . . . OIL LOSS THE RAILWAY STOCK YARDS we are now receiving your hogs there every Friday, paying the highest price the market permits and seeking to serve you in every possible way. As Life’s Sun Sinks in the West W IL L STO P Let our M A N B E E Wheel alignment Equipment Boive your Steering problems Notice To Hog Raisers nopah. Navada were recent visitors at the Jed Gooing home. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Whisler are having their house reshingled. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Jackson spent this week end visiting mem bers of their family here and in Mel ba and Nampa. Mr. and Mrs Landes Dutro of Nampa and Mr. and Mrs. Jackson spent part of Sunday at the Lenis Wilson home. Individual Engineering FREE TICKETS given to first five peolpe for . complete list of SPONSORED BY THE NYSSA BAND Baldridge Implement Company NYSSA HEIGHTS Mrs. Amy Quigley Mrs. Miller’s mother of Buhl, Idaho, were over night guests at the J. B. Quigley home Friday. Mrs. Miller is J. B. Quigley’s sister. Mrs. Amy Quigley remained tor a visit at the home of her son J. B. Quigley. John Stafford has been ill Bubbling Over Find the Misspelled Hardware, Implements Paints Mrs. Dutton with their house guests spent Thursday afternoon In Boise and Friday they visited the sugar factory. Dr. and Mrs. E. D. Norcott and daughter, Mary, and Mr. and Mrs. William Toomb were guests of Mr, and Mrs. Charles Newbill on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Newbill were in Nyssa Friday afternoon. Glen Osborn had the misfortune to break his collar bone while prac ticing football Wednesday afternoon. The Kolony Pinochle club met with Mrs. Donald Clark on Thurs day afternoon. Mrs. Carl Hill re ceived the high score prize and the traveling prize. The Kingman Grange held their annual election of officers at the Kingman grade school on Monday evening with the following officers elected: master, Alan Curtis; over seer, Conrad Martin; secretary, Mrs. Mabel Piercy; lecturer, Mrs. Marie C. Martin; steward, Elmer Dutton; assistant steward, Wesley Piercy; chaplain. Frankie Curtis; treasurer. Dale Ashcraft; gatekeeper, Mr. K. I. Peterson; ceries, Mrs. Ef- fit Peterson; pomona. Mrs. Anna Thrasher; flora. Mrs. Hazel Schaf er; lady assistant steward, Mrs. Ag nes Ashcraft; and executive com mittee, Elmer Dutton, K. I. Peter son and Conrad Martin. 4-H NEWS The Dairy Calf club of Kingman Kolony organized on Oct. 26 and held their first meeting. The of ficers of the club were elected as follows: president, Nadine Nichols; vice president, Leona Dutton; secre tary, Dorothy Toomb: song leader, Betty Jean Toomb; yell leader. El eanor Dutton; news editor, Doro thy Toomb. They also chose their name and it was to be Kute Klever Girls Dairy club. At their second meeting on Nov. 9 they wrote out their program of work for the coming club year. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 14, 1940 THURSDAY and FRIDAY » NOVEMBER 14 and 15 ( NYSSA GYM f BROTHERS , for _ f QUALITY ' ADMISSION: 10c-25c-40c /TIME: 8:17 misspelled words " V ! " ' ~ * .!-> f Atkenson Clothing Store - Lubricants, Radios and If it can be bought, we CAST r -» Ti Electrical Supplies PAULUS JEWELRY have it Bob ........................................................................................................Tom Canabin Carol ...................................................................................................... Irene Poage u i Use Lay-a-Way NYSSA PHARMACY Bruce .............................................................................................. Heinz Sonnekes Plan for Judy ........................................................................................... Evelyn Thompson l \ XMAS Rexall Store First National Tuby ................................................................................................ Bob McCurdy Complete line of Rexall Priscilla ........................................................................................ Mrs. Joe Trent I Bank Mrs. Maxwell ............................................................................ Mrs. Ida Billings i remedies - Schaeffer Miss Doolittle.......................................................................... Mrs. Laura McCoy Ruth’ s Beauty Nook Pens - Drug Sundries of Professor W atts....................................................................................Art Norcott We feature Accurate Miss Levely.................................................................................... Ginger Mattingly Modem Hair Styles Portland Prescription ,< 3 For Beauty CHORUSES V & Nyssa Branch Service Featuring New Good Morning It’s a Hap Hap Happy Day f J Contoure In God’s Country Geography j f Compliments of Nail Polish Shop with us and always have that well dressed feeling NYSSA PACKING Company OWYHEE I* THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL HOTEL Service with a Smile Bubbling Over Boosters 1. Dr. Abbott 2. OWYHEE DRUG CO. I D €¿*& A U H C íA O V POWER ±.. Dot» So-htUCH-Corta So UTTLE8 Compliments All Modem of Conveniences BROWNIE’S CAFE J