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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1940)
* « * • ^ * f y Y * / K f + * * * <M< T»*. JOURNAL 77 m ?NYSSA Published at Nyssa. Oregon, VOLUME XXV, No. 45 GATEWAY TO THE OWYHEE AND BLACK CANYON IRRIGATION PROJECTS IN THE HEART OF OREGON’S SUGAR EMPIRE NYSSA; ONTARIO TO BATTLE LI NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1940 The Nation’s Leader FINAL PLANS ON By Wesley Sherman Armistice Day. November 11, mar ked the end of the World War In 1918, but in Nyssa during the year 1940 this day will mark another great conflict—on the gridiron. The original date for this game was set Washington, O. C. News Bureau of for November 8, but was changed by the Nyssa Gate City Journal agreement between the two schools. The Ontario Tigers' football squad WASHINGTON D. C.— Now that laden conquests over other op the presidential election Is over with ponents with during 1940 season, and the post-mortems have been come to Nyssa to the meet held (with a few exceptions) the Bulldogs Monday at 2:00 the p. battered American people will concent; ate Little attention is paid to m. pre their attention on the national de favoratism in this annual con fense program, which was such a game test, however, for there is more than controversial subject during the past the competition in the encoun two months. Up to the present the ter. usual Each points all year for Oregon part of the Pacific north this game, squad and both rise to g eat west has been almost neglected In heights in this climax of the seas the plans tor defense, although Wa on. shington has rce.'.ed projects a- Scores of the past two years, rince mcunting to many millions of dol Coach Scott came to Ontario, have lars. favored the Tigers, G to 0. each time. Washington state, for example, Having been beaten but once, by lias been selected for the construc Vale, and tied once, by Weiser, On tion of a fleet of destroyers, a num tario would seem to be top-heavy ber of seaplane tenders, harbor net favorites, but underdog ratings just tenders, several hundted airplanes don't count in this contests espec of the flying fortress type. Fort Le ially with a team as determined, wis is being expanded by 901 new stubborn, and tenacious as the Bull- buildings, McChord flying field is dag squad. being expanded. At Spokane an air Beset with injuries and hard luck, base has been located and a housing the Blue and White still appear to project for the personnel arranged. be jinexd. Herb Smith, who played The navy yard at Bremerton, on the the Emmett game with a patch ov PRESIDENT FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT the fighting ships it can construct er one eye and one of the largest Puget Sound ,has been assigned all men on the squad, probably will not and a larger housing project has see action Monday. Reid Cottle, ver C ity Co u n cil A cts been ordered there to shelter the satile back, suffered a minor injury Co u n ty Race Is during the week, and he, too, may Clo se; Morton thousands of mechanics. To C o lle ct O n Two important developments und be out. bright spot for Coach Young er the defense program can be ex is One that chunky Rex Shelley Loses To H endrix Sidew alks pected In Oregon—ship construction may the be fact back in the lineup after a and air bases. The naval air station long absence and of the closest politcal bat The city council, Monday night in- at Tongue Point, near Astoria, from for the Bulldogs. plug a few holes tles In in one Malheur Preside r>t structed'City Attorney, A. L. Fletch which patrol squadrons are to op According to advance dope, the Roosevelt holds a county, er to proceed to collect amounts ow erate, is to be expanded. The Colum- man to watch in the Ontario lineup of around 25 votes lead over (unofficial) Wendell ing by property owners on a recent ¡bia airport at Portland is to become is Aiken, shifty fullback, who is Willkie. P. A. sidewalk project. This In a base for swift pursuit plantes and considered a triple threat man and In the race for Congress Walter W. struction was given when It was will have a personnel of a few thou is especially dangerous on a passing M. Pierce carried the county with learned that the materials amount- sand men. fliers, ground crew me around 850 votes. In the entire se- ting to around $320 had not yet been chanics. etc. Then east of the Cas offensive. Tigers, contrary to reports, con congressional district he leads paid for. Attorney Fletcher was In cades a bombing range will be lo are The in the running for the Sna Rex Ellis by over 10,000 assuring him structed to take the case to the cated where bombers can practice ke still small claims court. River Valley championship on of his fifth term in office. hitting targets. The bombing range a rather slim Throughout the state all measures The recent charter amendment mathematical basis. will be cm waste land. Should Emmett defeat Weiser. on the ballot appear to be beaten election in which the citizens voted Near Umatilla will be established which team now holds top spot, and except the milk control law which on certain land exclusion from the the munitions base for the entire Ontario city limits was canvassed by the cou nip the Nyssa squad, the will be retained. Pacific Northwest. Here will be a Tigers would with the pen In the race for state offices Leslie ncil and the vote was officially de series of magazines in which will be nant for this emerge M. Scott is in the lead with over clared to be 105 for the exclusion year. stored the bombs, ammunition and The Nyssa high votes and the incumbent At and 22 against. student body will similar explosives to be used by the hold a big pep rally Saturday night 11,000 torney-General is in the lead with Otto Prawitz was employed as Jan army air force In Oregon. Washing with a bonfire to herald the coming over 9000. itor for the city hall for the balance ton and Idaho. It will be the largest State representative Virgil B. of the year, at a salary of $55 per munitions dump west of Utah, game. Staples easily defeated his New Deal A. Finlay, band director at month. where the heavy bombers will be the Gordon opponent, Anthony Yturri, Ontario high school, announces that the had made applica supplied; the bombers in the Pacific club and band will pay tribute attorney. J. N. Jones, Vale banker. tion Six for persons the job, Zink, Rus northwest will be the type known as pep to Armistice Day before the game Republican, likewise beat his oppo sell M. Cochrum, Calrence Eph Frost, Harold light bombers. The base to be estab with nent, V. J. Benoe for State Sena appropriate ceremonies and mu lished at Spokane will be supplied sic. During the half, weather per tor from 22nd Senatorial district of and Margaret Fletcher, and Prawi from the Umatilla magazines. stunts and music will be fea the state. Sheriff Charles W. Gleen tz.A request by W. H. Hoxie for a Supplementing these naval and mitting was a two to one favorite over his reduction in sewer rates on a build army air bases, there Is a probabili tured. opponent. C. P. Carter. ty that airports in as many as ten formerly occupied by a laundry The only county officer to be re ing Oregon cities will be developed, ma was denied by the council on the moved from office was Assessor Mu king them better equipped for war that the building was a rray Morton, who was defeated by grounds planes. A sudy Is now being conduct business building and therefore E. P. Hendrix, Vale. ed in the ten communities and a re not be charged at the lower Irwin Troxell, retired Ontario bus could port will be made in December, ac residential rate as Hoxie had re iness man was an easy victor of cording to present estimates. quested. The sewer rates for com SALEM—Oregon's assessed valu John Molenaar, a farmer. There are more unused facilities ation mercial buildings is $2.25 per mnoth, slumped another $4,430,000 du The $75.000 county special levy, for ship construction in the Port the past year, bringing it down which would have retired a like a- for residence $1.25. land area than in any other section ring to $896.661.000. approximately on mount of outstanding warrants was A request for a building permit «on the Pacific coast—or Atlantic a level with the or valuation 1911. down by a vote of 2 to 1. was granted to the Goodman Oil .coast. The navy is prepared to give Compared with the peak of valua for the erection of a bulk County clerk Harry S. Sackett, orfters for all the ships (not war tion of $1.125,110,000 attained in 1930 treasurer Ora C. Hope, county engi company plant Just west of the plant owned ships) that the local people are able this net loss of approximately $250,- neer J. Edwin Johnson, and superin by the Standard Oil company. The to accept, but for one reason or an represents a drop of 20 per tendent of schools, Kathryn Clap- Goodman plant will, for the present other xhe local people have been j 000.000 cent in the state’s valuation in the pool, all unopposed were given a have a warehouse and one of the ’holding hack. j past ten years, according to figures large number of complimentary vo 6000 gallon gasoline tank, Jess Tho A Canadian mission and a British compiled by the state tax commis tes. mpson who made the request said. -mission have visited Portland to sion. Ultimately the Goodman Oil comp learn if they can look to that area This situation is explained by tax any plans to spend around $15,000 jfor the building of cargo vessels. The officials as due to four causes: De on the plant, Thompson said. British have suffered great loss in flation of values following the de The application of M. Peterson for tonnage and with bombs raining on pression; forcloseure of tax delin j a permit to build a blacksmith shop British ship yards, preventing con quent properties which have thus | on South Fifth street was again de- struction there, they are negotiat been removed from the tax rolls; when a written protest was pre ing for new ships In the United depletion of the state's stand of tim The Nyssa Chamber of Commerce ; nied to the council. This is the se- States. This opportunity to revive a ber either through fires or cutting members will serve the date set by I sented time the permit has been de former industry on the Columbia operation: acquisition of privately President Roosevelt for Thanksgiv cond nied. The application of A. M. High- and Willamette rivers, and possibly owned properties by federal, state, ing day, November 21. smith the remodelling of a butld- Coos bay, will not be neglected. Ship- and local agencies. The old fashioned date is the last ing he for owns Just north of the old ¡ards mean payrolls and the em Thursday in November, but Presl- | bank building on North First street ployment of thousands of skilled me In Boise year and again this year, and in or- was also denied. chanics. Roosevelt changed the date last The police Mrs. Frank Morgan with her dau- dent report for the month of der to keep in line with his procla | ghter. Mrs. Glaine Ballah of Den mation the Nyssa merchants will be October showed that there had been MARKETS ver. spent today in Boise. Mrs. Bal- 26 arrests made with traffic viola , lah plans to return to her home the closed on that date. tions and one for parking in a res Bv Wiley Flowers ! last of the week. tricted zone on Main street. Other CASH PRICE Move to Nampa were, one for violation of A tend Party BCTTER FAT Mr and Mrs. W. L. Barclay, who arrests the blulding ordinance, one for va _______ 31 Mr. and Mrs Perry Ward attend- lived in Nyssa the past year returned Premium .......................... seven for drunkeness. Fines First __________________ _______ 30 i ed their club card party given at to their former home in Nampa last grancy. assessed ____________________ for the month totalled $187. Second _____ ________ ____ _ 2 « Doane on Wednesday evening and week. I the home of Mr and Mrs Muriel From Caldwell POULTRY Mr and Mrs Deane Johnson of Retnra From Coast _____ lie came home with the prize for high Hens, heavy____________ Caldwell were guests at the 8idney Mr. and Mrs. Ben Thompson and Hens, light and leghorns ________ 7 j score. Bend Burbidge home from Sunday until their family returned from the Wa- Coot___________________ _______ 3c From Sadie Starr of Bend arrived Thursday. Deane was working at the shlngton coast this week after spen He and 11 on Mrs. Springs__________ Wednesday for a visit with her Ontario offices of U. S Reclama ding the summer months away from tlon. I mother, Mrs. Stella Butler. Trade In on eggs 30 cents Nyssa. Valuations Drop To 1911 Level Thanksgiving To Be Observed CORN SHOW Final plans are being made for the Fourth Annual Malheur County corn show, when dates for entries were set this week. F. F. A. and 4-H club members and fanners who wish to participate in the show may enter their exhtbltis from naan Tu esday. November 12 to 9 p. m. and Wednesday, November 13, from • a. m. to 9 p. m. at the building former ly occupied by the Eder Hardware* company located at First and Main streets. Prizes in the amount of $45.25 wlL'l be given as prizes will be given an prizes, the money being donated by the Nyssa Chamber of Commerce. Special emphasis is being placed on this years corn show to bring "to the attention the rest of the state on the high qually of corn grown in the county. A big percentage of the corn grown in the state is raised right here in Malheur county. Prize winning com at the county* show, will be open to the public from Thursday, November 14 to Mo nday Nov. 18, except Sunday will! be sent to Corvallis to participate ini the state show. Through the efforts of County a - gent McKennon. and his assistant) Harry Endlcott, Robert Sawyer, FFA. Advisor in Nyssa and O. D. Dear born, FFA advisor in Ontario and E. M. Hauser county 4-H club lead er, a record breaking show is expect ed. While farmers and juniors are urged to make their own selection from their respective fields, the a- bove mentioned men are assisting in the selection of the corn for the show. Those who desire to make en tries In the show may contact any of the men mentioned above or Her- schel Thompson, Charles Buchner or Louis P. Thomas in Nyssa. Meeting Called For Stockmen Meetings for Range Livestock op erators in the vicinity of Juntura, Jordan Valley and McDermitt have been arranged by R. M. McKennon. county agent, for next week. The schedule for these meetings is ,a6 follows: Juntura (grange hall)—Tuesday, November 12, 8:00 p. m. Jordan Valley (Cozy Theatre Buil ding) Wednesday, Nov. 13, 8:00 p, m. McDermitt (OreVada Hotel) Thu rsday, November 14, 8:00 p. m. These are strictly informational type meetings with three speakers to appear on the program at each meeting. These speakers are H. A. Llndgren, specialist in animal hus bandry, who will talk on the econ omic outlook for livestock. R. G. Johnson, specialist In range manage ment, who will discuss range man agement and new forage plants, and Blaine Devers, A.A.A. range super visor who will explain the 141 range conservation program. Stockmen in the vicinity of each of these meeting piaceas should be interested in the subjects to be dis cussed and they have been invited to attend by the county agent. Benefit Show To Help City Band A benefit show will be given in Nyssa on November 15 for the Nys sa city band, according to A. V. Cook business manager of the band. Miss Olnger Mattingly, director of "Bubbling Over." a hilarious college comedy, arrived In Nyssa Tuesday and immediately started getting the cast together, Which will be com posed of all local talent. Miss Mattingly has had consider able background In theatricals, hav ing received her A. A. degree at the Christian college, and an A. B. degree at the University of Kansas, besides having done additional the atricals with Mr. George DeHaven of the Empire Productlng company. w , r ” und " town "” . . . . Warren Blodgett bringing home the fattened elk on Monday eve . . . hear the A1 Thompson trible moved In on Peggy's Pantry to respond to the Juicy Jumbo Invitation. . . . “Max Pinkerton" learning hla new mall route . . . . beet trucks being loaded at the highway, safe from miring mud . . . . and lettuce still rolling in . . . . Fastest Growing City In Oregon $1.50 PER YEAR Mayoralty Race Ends In Tie; Solomon Re-elected Recorder Council to Canvass at Special Beet Payments Votes Meeting Out Nov. 15 tied J. with C. Olsen and A. C| Sallee are 277 votes each In the race The 1940 initial payment by the Amalgamated Sugar company for the Nyssa district will be made next week on Friday, November 15. The payment this year will be $4 per ton, or five cents less than the payment for 1939. Payments will be made on all beets delivered to the factory prior to November 1, and will he made on approximately 120,000 tabs, according to Ray G. Larson, district manager. This payment will amotHd to approximately $480.000. It % ¡expected that some 265,000 tones of ineets will be harvested this year, IsuWH said. for the office of Mayor of Nyssa. Ol sen carried precinct one with 91 vot es for him and 61 for Sallee. In precinct three. Olsen polled 96 votes to 117 for Salee. In precinct two, Sallee got 99 votes and Olsen 90, thus tieing the vote. It Is now up to the city council in determining how the tie vote will be broken, following the canvass of the votes at a spec ial meeting to be held Thursday, No vember 14. All three precincts in the city gave a nice vote to M. F. Solomon for the Recorder and Police Judge's offloe. Solomon piled up 265 votes out oi a total of 559 votes cast for the of fice. Grant Rinehart polled 171 votes, Mrs. A. L. Fletcher, 33; and Frank Ensmlnger, 90. R. G. Whitaker and Leslie Mc Clure were re-elected as councllmen. receiving 439 votes, Whita The Farm Security j^jlministra- McClure 365. New members on the coun tion received authoriatioi’. Satur ker, Dwight Smith, with 350 day. for farm loans aggregating $2- cil will and be Herschel Thompson, 315. 00,000 in a special real estate and votes Eastman received 312 votes ¡blulding improvement program In Bernard C. Henneman, 213 and Malheur county, according to a'leaf- and George Tucker 120. net distributed by Congressman Fle Edwin complimentary vote was gi ece the evening before the election ven A fine Heinz Sonnekes, Incumbent City on Tuesday. j Treasurer and upopposed for the Vlils authorization will allow the receiving 462 votes. FSa to make lndlvdual loans up to qfflce, lDlck Holmes, unopposed for the $2501) .of which $1500 may be used for office of Constable also received a constnuetlon purposes and $1000 to large vote. refinance real estate debts. The mo ney will .hr loaned for 40 years at three per oevt Interest, County FSA Administrator W. N. Young said that while he had heard of the approp riation for the ¡past three weeks, his office had receive« no definite word on the requirement ¡necessary for a As the result of the first major farmer to be eligible jfor one of the accident that has happened during loans. the construction of the new store Young said that u slaqjlar approp rooms at the Amalgamated sugar riation had been made,4«i.’-he Black factory John Quichard and Ted Canyon project settlers ip ¡¡Jhe am- Schnoer are recovering from wounds at the Holy Rosary hospital In On mount of $150,000. tario under the care of Dr. L. A. Mauldlng. The accident occured Wednesday when a scaffolding on which the two were working gave away, caus ing a broken vertabrae and ankle to Qulrbard a concussion of the Mrs. Ruby Rusque of Payette re- brain and and minor contusions to Sch delved word from the commanding noer, hqth employed the contrac officer at McClelland Field Sunday tor, Frank Kloepfer by of Boise. morning that her son, Jack H. Rus Dr. Mauldjing reports them both que had beqn killed on November 2 to be making a nice recovery so far. at Visalia. California, due to a mo torcycle .accident when he swerved to avoid! hitting a pedestrian, cata pulting his machine over an em bankment. Jack was born at Ontario on the 26th day of May, 1918, and was rais ed in Malheur county, spending Company 551, temporarily com thirteen years of his life on the manded by Captain Goodner, start family ranch near Mitchell Butte. ed moving Into the Nyssa camp, lo He graduated from the Owyhee cated southwest of Nyssa, on Nov grade school and attended high ember 1. Considerable remodelling school in Nyssa for two years. He and reflooring in the mess hall and was a member of the football squad repair work In the barracks delayed both years. He graduated from the the company for a while from mov Ontario high school. Immediately, ing Into their new home. graduation he went to work for the A spike camp Is being maintained state at the pheasant farm at On at the Vale camp, 41 men being left tario where he stayed two and a half there for necessary work In that years. area, according to Captain Goodner. His Intense Interest in and love A new commander Is expected to for aviation prompted him to ac soon, and take over the com cept a position with the Chico, Cali arrive mand, with Captain Goodner act fornia airport, where he stayed eight ing as second In command. months. He had earned his pilot's license and had fifteen hours solo jfarllyn June McClure Passes On flight to his credit. In July he mo torcycled to Canadad where he of On Sunday, Nov. 3, 1940, Marilyn fered his services to the R.A.F. for June McClure, 6 year old daughter eventual duty in England was told of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie McClure pas that because of the Influx of pilots sed away at the family home. Mari from the United States he must lyn had been an Invalid several wait six months or more. years and had been seriously ill the Returning to California, he enlist past month. ed in the United States army air Besides her parents, Marilyn is corps was «signed to McClelland survived her brother, Charles Ol Field, near Sacramento. California, iver, her by grandpartnts. Mr. and Mrs. where he was on duty at the time C. O. McClure and Mrs. Oliver Lat- of his death. ture of Caldwell, her great grand Besides his mother he leaves to mother, Mrs. Mary McClure, living mourn his loss his elder brother, at Emmett, Idaho. Morgan, of Portland, his twin bro She was a neice of Mr. and Mrs. ther, Oerald, of Long Creek and his W. D. Belle oi Boise, Mr. and Mrs. sister. Phyllis, of Payette. McClure of Nyssa, Mr. and Services were held for Jack at Ernest Mrs. Harold McClure, Mr. and Mrs. McClelland Field on Tuesday. Ser Ralph MeClurt, Mr. and Mrs, Char vices here will be held at Ontario les McClure, Mr. and Mrs. Harry at two o’clock at toe Peterson Pun- McClure and Miss Bemice McClure on Friday afternoon November 8. of Caldwell era) home. Private services were held at the Nyssa Funeral home on Monday af ternoon with Rev. Merle Burres pre Sales to Cloae siding. Interment was at toe Nyssa On Saturday the thrift sales held cemetery. throughout toe autumn at toe Par ish hall by St. Paul's Episcopal guild Marilyn June McClure was bom time everything on hand will be dls- on June 14. 1934 and pasted away at wlll cloae for this season on this her parents home in Nyssa on Nov coming Saturday afternoon at which ember 3, 1940 at the age of six years poaed of at a very low coat. and five months. $200,009 For Farm Loans Scaffold Collapse Injures Two Men Former Nyssa Youth Killed CCC Company Moved To Nyssa