Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1940)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL m m m I WOMEN'S SO CIETY MEETS B IR T H D A Y P A R T Y On Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Sidney Burbidge entertained eight of Beverly's friends at a lawn party honoring Beverly’s fifth birthday anniversary. Lawn games and a bir thday cake with ice cream furnished the fun for the afternoon. - 8 - A FLUE in poor repair caused this - The Woman's Society of Christian Service met at the Parish hall on Thursday afternoon with the newly elected president, Mrs. Floyd Lom ax leading. At the business meeting three more names were added to the charter members making a total of forty- eight. Mrs. Merle Burres was chosen as delegate to attend the Confer ence chapter meeting which was I held in Boise on Friday. the country home of Mrs. Andrew and development of this particular Boersma on Thursday afternoon, section of Orégon and adjoining sec tion of Idaho. They may alway» be October 24. counted on to give freely and will - I - WEDNESDAY EVENING BRIDOE ingly of their time and energy to Mrs. E. S. Frost was hostess on ward any plan that will benefit the Wednesday evening last for the community. Wednesday Evening Bridge Club In this Commercial Review, we and invited Mrs. Emma Qulnby as wish to compliment them upon the a guest player Prizes went to Mrs. excellent service they render the Ike Brown. Mrs. John Stafford and livestock raisers of this area. to Mrs. Harry Miner. Present at the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jennings, Earl El NO HOST SUPPER ton and Romaine Jennings of Nys Members of the Wednesday Ev sa, Ra A. Hendry, Mr. and Mrs. ening Bridge club met this week at Raymond Hendry of Weiser. the new home of Mrs. A. V. Cook Following the wedding ceremony, where they played bridge until ele Mr. and Mrs. Hendry left for Boise ven and then went to the Nyssa to spend a short honeymoon. They Tavern for a no host supper. High are now at home In Weiser where scores at cards went to Mrs. J. E. both are employed. Bowen. - 8 - TUESD AY EVENING BRID G E HOSTESS— Mrs. Arthur H. Boydell was host- A t the bridge series given on es for the Tuesday Evening Bridge club this week and Invited Mrs. Don Thursday and Friday afternoons of Peoples, Mrs. H. G. Humphreys and the week before last at the home Mrs. Blaine Ballah as guests for the of Mrs. R. G. Whitaker, the hos evening. High scores were made by tesses were Mrs. Carl Coad, Mrs. Mrs. E. D. Norcott and Mrs. E. S. Dean Smith and Mrs. Whitaker. Officers for the new organiza- | tion which were elected at the last meeting were Installed by Rev. M er le Burres. Hostesses for the social hour ] which followed were Mrs. Lomax, | Mrs. L. W. Dierklng, and Mrs. A. B. Hann. The hostesses also served re Frost. freshments. The next meeting will be held at M ORGAN P A R K GARDEN CLUB The next business meeting of the Morgan Park garden club will be at Boy, Oh Boy! the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mus Juicy! solini in Nyssa Heights at eight o’ Wait 'T il You Hear the Latest clock In the evening of Friday, Octo ber 18. About JUMBO! Eight Days . . Then? FOSTER’S HONEY before winter comes check your heating p l a n t and flues for needed repairs— BE SURE YOU ARE INSURED N YSSA REA LTY and InsuranceCo. Phone 53 Get Your Winters Supply NOW 6c per pound ( I f you furnish container) OFFER GOOD U N T IL OCT. 20 Foster’s Honey House West of Nyssa School Will Trade When Possible "PERCE STRINGS ** R.£. STIFF, JR. HENDRY-JENNINGS Miss Geraldine Jennings, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jennings of Nyssa and Mr. Orion Hendry son of R. A. Hendry of Weiser, were united in marriage Saturday evening, Oc tober 12, at eight thirty o’clock. The single ring ceremony was per formed by Rev. P. Richard Camp bell at the Christian church parson age In Payette. The bride wore a soldier blue, street length dress with black ac cessories with a corsage of small rosebuds. — 8— H. E. C. DANCE There will be an old time, hard time dance at the Legion hall In A d rian on Saturday night November 2, given by the H. E. C. of Kingman Grange to which the public Is In vited. There will be a small admis sion. - 8 - C IV IC CLUB Civic club met on Wednesday a f ternoon at the Parish hall with a large number of members and sev eral visitors present. Due to the ill ness of Mrs. Andrew Boersma, Mrs. Bernard Frost was In charge of the meeting. On the program for the afternoon Mrs. Ernest McClure gave a talk on cacti and their culture and Carol Robertson sang two solos, accompa nied by Jean Taylor. Tea services was in charge of Mrs. H. R. Sherwood, Mrs. John Stam and Mrs. C. C. Hunt. Legal Advertisement at LOW PRICES Grocery Specials for Friday and Saturday, Friday and Saturday, Otober 18 and 99 rlour i , STA ETC Of ( 1940 Stat Coui said, duly the * led of ti requ Law: 1 tng i 89. 1 Man # 4 Nyss 1 era o tgagi Idaho Ace 4 9 lb. sack Sperrys Pancake Flour 10 lb. bag lb. Raisins 4 package 1 lb. pks. corn or Starch gloss, 2 for 5 lb Cheese brick cans Hominy 2l/2 3 cans for Campbells, Tomato Soup 3 cans for 1 lb. bags Coffee Shurfine, ground fresh. 2 for 4 1b. Lard packages Energy, granulated Soap Giant size pkgs. Cleanser ? ,cd.„D.u,ch Rex Lye 3 cans for 1105 57c 23c 15c 93c 28c 23t 43c 31c 35c 29c 28c 3w NOTICE OF SE TTLE M EN T OF F IN A L ACCOUNT In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Mal heur. In the matter of the estate of Fred R. Marshall, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that H. R. Sherwood, Executor of the last will and testament of Fred R. Marshall, deceased, has render ed and filed In said Court his first and final account of his administra tion and that said estate is ready to be closed. That Saturday, November 16, 1940, at the hour o f 11 o'clock a. m. In the Court Room in the County Court House at Vale, Oregon, has been appointed by the Judge of said County Court as the time and place for the settlement of said account and hearing of any exceptions there to, at which time and place any per son interested may appear and file exceptions to said account and con test the same Said account Is for final settlement and If and when the same shall have been approved, the estate will be brought to a close and the residue of the estate In the hands of the Executor will be deli vered to the beneficiary named in the Last W ill and Testament. H. R. SHERWOOD, Executor of the estate of Fred R. Marshall. 1st publication. Oct. 17, 1940. Last publication, Nov. 14, 1940. THOUSANDS of MOTHERS, HUNDREDS of DOCTORS. CIVIC and LABOR LEADERS. The OREQON QRANQE SAY: This organization Is known far and wide as being operated In a first-class manner. The men who _ _ _ _ _ _ and operate the Ontario Livestock Commission company are who Is well known throughout this entire community, primarily Interested In the growth FOR SALE—"Famous Name" double FO R SALE—New Hardwood chair*, coll platform springs with side $1.00. Unfinished modern style. New stabilizers, aluminum finish, sells unfinished tables. $3.75. The Nyssa elsewhere $12.95 to $14.50. The Nyssa Trader sells for less Main highway Trader price $895 Prices are ad north. Trade in your old furniture. vancing. Buy now. Single coll “F a mous Name” spring $5.95. The Nys sa Trader sells for less. Main high “ J. Jumbo” will be way north. Too Late to Classify FOR SALE—Single barrel Steven’s shot gun bought last year. Fired HELP W ANTE D —House keeper not more than a dozen times. $7.00 wanted, permanent, full time, mid cash If bought this week. dle aged. Mrs. W. L. Glenn, mile Elmer Clonlnger, Sunset Valley. 17 0 lxp north Owyhee school. 17 0 lxp “ ready for school!’ Pupils in Nyssa will wel- come Jumbo- Teachers too (?) FOR R E N T—80 acres In Black Can AU C TIO N SALE—W e sell every thing, every Friday. Have a big yon, will make attractive proposi tion to properly equipped farmer. demand for feeder stock. Help your J. B. Giezentanner. 17 0 lxp home market. We have the buyers Nyssa Sales Yard. 17 0 tfc. Out of town visitors to the Nyssa Traders, Main highway north, please NEW C IR C U L A T IN G heaters, com bination wood and coal compare register in our guest book for a free prices elsewhere. The Nyssa Trader Christmas gift. sells for less. $34.50. Trade in your FOR SALE—Good used heaters, re old heater for a new modern good conditioned $4.95 and up. The Nys looking circulator. sa Trader sells for less, main high way north. Trade in "what have FO R SALE—Upright piano. Good tone. $50.00. Norcott Service. 170tfc - 8 - you?” Enjoy the thrill of FO R SALE—1940 Hudson, super six. 28TH AN N U A L REBEKAH NEW F U R N IT U R E ! LLE W E LYN PUP, 2 months old fe 4 door sedan. Overdrive, heater, CO NVEN TIO N male. Black ears, white body. low mileage. $825. Norcott Service. Designs were never The annual convention of Rebe- Please return to Ernest McClure. 17 0 tfc. kahs meet at Ontario wlthWlnnl- more appealing, nor 17 0 lxc. fred Dlven acting as chairman. The prices more reason lodges represented were: Yellow FOR R E N T—3 room furnished ap Browned a bit but better for it able. Rose No. 202, with 20 members: G ol artment. Swan Apartments. den Rule of Vale with 23 present: E A S Y TERMS now 17 0 lxp “JUMBO” Beatrice No. 82 of Ontario with 24 make it possible for present; Huntington, Oregon with FOR SALE—Linoleum rugs, “ F a arrives In Nyssa Friday—8 days you to replace your 5 present and others, members from mous Name” 6 x 9 , $2.89; 714 x 9, From Today! old, worn out furni different states. The afternoon was $3.59; 9 x 12, $5.50. Crescent Seal spent with business, school o f In discontinued patterns 9x12, $3.95. ture without paying struction and entertainment. Ontar The Nyssa Trader sells for less. all cash. Main highway north. io number was 2 songs by Mr. Dale MARCELLING Baker, Instructor of music at the FOR SALE— New breakfast sets, high school. Nyssa number was a table and four hardwood chairs FINGER W AVING duet by Mrs. Pouge and Mrs. A. D SEE TH E NEW finished In natural brown or Ivory. Keep your hair properly waved Cook; also 2 songs by Carol Robert Only $9.95. The Nyssa Trader sells DUO-THERM In the “ In-between” stages of son. Vale number was a piano solo for less. Main Highway north. permanent waves with our soft O IL HEATERS by one of the members The degree natural looking Marcels. work was put on by the Golden Rule NEW SM ALL cook stoves Ideal for You'll like our soft flattering of Vale. 3 members were given the small homes only $14.95. Why pay finger waves, too! Rebekah degree. Dinner was served $18.50 elsewhere? Trade In your old and a pleasant time was had by stove. The Nyssa Trader sells for MARIE’S everyone present. H ie convention less. Main highway north. BEAUTY SHOP will be held at Nyssa, Oregon, next 328 West M ain Street year. Beula Gann will be chairman (Next to Dr. Abbot’s O ffice) Phone 94 ONLY 8 MORE DAYS of the 1941 convention. On Vacation Then “J. Jumbo” Will Mr. and Mrs. George J. Mitchell Be Here. are enjoying a two weeks vacation AND DOES HE ENTER IN TO trip through California. TH IN G S? WOW! Deer Hunters M r and Mrs. Ralph Beutler with Herschel Thompson left on Wednes B U ILD IN G PE R M ITS day evening for the mountains a- The following applications for bove Unity where they will meet building permits have been filed with four friends from Salem and with the City Recorder: hunt with them the next few days A meeting of Malheur County Hay Growers will be held In the City No. 413— N. E. Leigh. Rep. and for deer at the Robert Long cabin. remodel business. Lot 10, block 8, Hall at Nyssa, Oregon, at 8 p. m „ Saturday, October 19, 1940. Later they will return to Nyssa for orlg. $800.00. Your attendance and Interest will help in establishing a fair and some pheasant hunting before re reasonable price of $6, minimum on hay, per ton. For your own interest I f no written protests have been turning to Salem. and welfare you are urged to attend the meeting and bring the Informa filed within ten (10) days from the tion asked for on the accompanying blank. I f you cannot attend, please date o f this publication by owners fill in the Information desired and mail to P. O. Box 724, Nyssa, Oregon, ONTARIO LIVE STOCK of property In the City of Nyssa, or hand to a committee member In your territory. the above applications will be ap COMMISSION CO. proved. To: M ALHEUR C O U N TY H A Y GROW ERS ASSO C IATIO N Bonded for Your Protection P. O. BOX 724 A community grows and prospers NYSSA, OREGON by reason of the activities which In 1938 I produced ..... ................. tons of hay. I sold ............ .......... tons take place in Its midst. In Ontario, of hay to .......................................................... at $................... per ton. serving this entire section of O re (name of purchaser) gon and Idaho, we have the Ontar In 1939 I produced.......................... tons of hay. I s o ld ....................... tons io Livestock Commission company of hay t o ..................................................... at $ ........................ per ton. under the management of Mayo (name of purchaser) Moss and John Smead. In 1940 I produced ...................... tons of hay. I have sold ....................... Practically everyone Is familiar tons of hay ......................................................... at $................... per ton. with this organization. It has serv (name of purchaser) ed the stock men of this section for I have on hand ................................ tons of hay I will hold to feed many years and has offered them an excellent market for their live ....... ............................. head of stock. stock. The auctioning Is under the I A M INTE R ESTE D IN 8ECURING HEAD O F CALVES, able direction of Bert Anderson, F IR S T HEIFER CALVES—SECOND H EIFER CALVES—D A IR Y COWS ................. ......1......................................... ? Signed ........................................................ .. ........ ....... “JUMBO” Route ......................... ......... ..... ........................... ........ Town .................. ............ ............... ..................... ......... “ HAS G O T W H A T NORDALES OF IT TAKES” CO M M ITTEE William Schaffer, General Chairman, Rte. 1, Ontario John Lienhard, Sec'y-Treas., Box 724, Nyssa Zack Walker, Chairman of Owyhee and Adrian Districts. Syd. Flanagan, Chairman Vale District. Rte. 1, Vale. Be Here the 24th RE-ELECT ON ° * - 30 and j . pN ' OVJ «.d 2 p enn l«» wUj . b »GGER W A L T E R M. PIERCE TBAN EVER ■ÄS“““-- PRESERVE THE LAW ii'hich PROTECTS MY MILK1 He has done a good job for Eastern Oregon. Oregon Needs his Seniority on the Agriculture and forestry committees.—No new man could have that. He has prestige and strong friends in Congress. Industrious, Active, Competent. Endorsed by Labor. Farm and Townsend organization Pd. Adv. C. J. Shorb Mgr. Pierce for Congress Club. The A. B. C. Monthly Payment Plan Will Pul You into a HOME OF YOUR OW N Come In and aak n for fail detail»—no obligation of roane. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 P. M. NYSSA Phone 108 PROGRAM THEATRE “Boom Town” is coming In November at regular prices. No Ad vance. D O U B L E F E A T U R E FRIDAY and SATURDAY, OCT. 18, 19, 1940 Charles Starrett and Sons of the Pioneers in “TEXAS STAGECOACH” Roger Pryor and Lucile Fairbanks in “FUGITIVE FROM JUSTICE” S o t Mat.. 2:30 p. m., A dm 5c-20c; Evening. 10c-33c, Includes tax SUNDAY and MONDAY, OCT. 20-21, 1940 Dennis Morgan, Elizabeth Earl, Victor Jory and Steffi Duna in “RIVER’S END Mat. Sun. 2:30, A dm 10c-28c, Evening A dm 10c-33c, Include« tax — B A R G A IN N IG H T— TUESDAY, OCT. 22, 1940 Zorina, Richard Greene and iPeter Lorre in ... “I W AS AN ADVENTURESS” “King of the Royal Mounted” Adm. Children 5e, Adults 15c U/., ont. Pnnn WILSON uROC ERY A Dependable Food Store (SEA THURSDAY. OCTOBER 17,1940 NYSSA OREGON N Y S S A ( VOTE 317 NO! f le f ie o l oj ôi**fo*t MUk Hain N. A4». C.W. J w w , tm ‘i . O n t»» «4* An4» m h . Il» O n t»» n*».. e»»4..4 somctímís we thon * iGoooc vmsooh Titt ( io n or Gooo lu n a te * tMONC ua joaa( Miaonr (•JusTAManw O » MOT B U R N * » NOU*. mb- avi kMiOMwavion WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, OCT. 23-24, 1940 Kenny Baker, Frances Langford, Hugh Herbert, Ann Miller, Mary Boland and Patsy Kelly in “THE HIT PARADE OF 1941” News Defense Tux