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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1940)
THE NYS5Ä GÂTE CITY ‘JOURNAL W A IT A O S w O PPO RTUN ITY K M N KS H E H E ” HARVEST OF BARGAINS Rates lc per wortUper Issue. Minimum charge 25c. CASH IN ADVANCE MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS For Sale O X Ï.Y Tlu* .>11 X T PURE BRED Australllan shepherd puppies. Natural heelers. »5. Light Brahma Cockerells, breeding stock $3 each. L. A. Higby, north on 2nd road east of Nyssa bridge. 17 0 2xp. U . \ >l \ k K « HOM I iiiio u i \ u n ; i n iM M . We Are Sharing Our Harvest with you; to make your harvest a better success. SO SAVE while you make at ».he GOLDEN Rule. FOR SALE 4 ROOM MODERN home, large glassed in porch, chicken house. 1 acre ground. Vi mile west of Hi- way on Alberta. George Jensen, Re ROOMS FOR RENT—In order to clamation office. 10 0 2xc accomodate incoming hunters, homeowners who have spare rooms NO HUNTING or tresspassing signs that could be used, please notify the 6 for 25 cents (by mail 5 for 25 Journal office, phone 19. tf. cents). Nyssa Journal, phone 19. T --» n a l v o n 'ri* THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1940 t SA LE STARTS 9 O ’ Clock Friday 18 ] l l « l III«* lllilK ^ I SPUD STORAGE for rent. Charles CHRISTMAS CARDS, 20 assorted Overstreet. 30 3xc. in attractive box, with your name DANCE AT the Legion Hall in Ad imprinted. $1. Place your order now rian every Friday night to the music for delivery in December. The Nyssa Journal, phone 19. tfc. of May Russell's six piece band. KALSOMINE, PAINT at competi DO YOU need sewing done? See tive prices. First class quality. Mrs. M. L. Dodson. South Fourth Nyssa Lbr. Co., Goode Ave. and at Ennis. 26 S lxp. Highway 201, Phone 108. 16Mtfcl OUT OF town visitors please regis CREOSOTE for treating hen hous ter a t Nyssa Trader. Main highway es, posts, etc. Nyssa Plumbing north. 26 S tie. and heating Co., 9th and Emison street. (One block south of Nyssa WANTED—All your welding jobs Trador). 23Mxfc We promise good work and fai prices. Pruyn Auto Repair, Phone WANTED 56W. HELP WANTED—Young men be tween the age of 18 and 25 for N. BRAKE WORK—Let, us put your car or truck brakes in first class Y. A. Project in Nyssa. Apply Jour tf. condition. Special equipment und nal office. trained men at your service. Pruyn WANTED—GOOD Alfalfa hay. Kel Auto Repair. Phone 56W. ly Coal company, Nampa, Idaho. 26S 4xc Consult us on your wiring needs WISH TO borrow $600.00 will pay and meter set-ups. 10 per cent. Improved 160 acres as Work guaranteed to meet State collateral. Inquire Journal. 30 4xp requirements. Prices right For Sale Information free NYSSA ELECTRIC SHOP FARM LANDS 18Atfc FOR SALE—160 acre ranch, all un der cultivation (six years) and ir GARBAGE HAULING. Also odd rigation. One of the choicest under Jobs by hour day or week. Prices Owyhee project. Ideal for row crops. reasonable. J. G. Coil. 20Atfc Cash or terms. P. O. Box 286, Nyssa, Oregon. 19 Stic. NYSSA PLUMBING & week end. Miss Anchustigi is a for HEATING COMPANY mer Jordan Valley girl. —Kohler Planned Plum bing- Mrs. Carmen Bilboa was a busi Ninth and Emison Street ness visitor in Jordan Valley Mon (1 block south of Nyssa Trador) 13Jtfc day and Tuesday. Misses Helen Mark and Mary Mal- lea were visiting in Nampa Tues day and Wednesday. Local and Long (Mstance HAULING Jimmy Cazier, superintendent of the South Mountain mine came Phone 72W home with his new bride Tuesday. Lawrence and Barnett Mrs. C. L. Anawalt has been visi 4M tfc ting in Wilder the last week. She has been visiting with her daught er, Mrs. Mert Borders, who has been FOR SALE—by quarters or sick the past three weeks. more, state inspected, com Mr. and Mrs. Damaso Elordi went fed, prime beef, by licensed to Boise last Monday. Mrs. Elordi dealers. Call Jake Fischer, is staying there a few days to have 05R1 or Polar Cold Storage. some dental work done. 25Jtfc Joe Aortabltarti, who is a barber at Forest Grove, has come home to visit his mother and other relatives. For Sale and Mrs. Euligio Madariaga AUTOS and TRAILERS and Mr. daughter. Aurora, were business FOR SALE—Rubber tired wagon visitors in Nampa Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Markee, re with hay rack. Sid Flanagan, near C. C. C. camp. 303xc. cent newly weds from Portland, are visiting at the Gerald G. Markee home. Mr. Markee is the high school For Sale principal FARM PRODUCE Mr. Joe Arritola has been quite FOR SALE—Golden delicious and sick the past week, but is felling double red delicious apples. Fred much better now. Fisher. V4 mile north of school house 125 hunters have gone deer hunt ing to South Mountain the past on old Apple valley highway. 304xc. week and most of them brought home a deer. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Yturrospl were Stray, Animals in Boise last week end visiting Mrs. STRAYED—PICKED up at my Yturriospl's mother, Mrs. A. Chir- ranch, 5 work horses. Owner may dudi. have upon identification, payment Mr. Gerald Markee and Mrs. Law of feed bill and this advertisement. rence Chestnut were business visit J. H. Boor, deputy brand inspector. ors in Boise Saturday. 10 0 2xc. A large crowd attended the home economics club meeting held at the POULTRY home of Mrs. Arthur Lee last Tues RHODE ISLAND and new Hamp day. Plans were made for a dance shire reds, pullets and hens. Lave- to be held November 9. veflfe, (4 mile west Funeral home on APPLE VALLEY Alberta ave. I 7 0 lxc- Musical Instrument For Sale PIANO for sale. Want responsible party living near Nyssa to take over small bungalow piano and pay out on contract on most any terms as this piano must be moved at once. Write Baldwin Piano Sales Co.. 17 0 4xc. Neeser, Idaho. BOY GRADUATES AT CHANUTE FIELD JORDAN VALLEY—Word has been received by his friends of the graduation of Mr. Victor Aryanic, formerly a Jordan Valley resident, at Chanute Air field near Chicago, Illinois on October 12 as a govern ment mechanic. Mr Joe Berrojolbis has been visit ing here the past week. Mr and Mrs. John Lequlnco and family have gone to Nevada for a week visiting Mrs. Lequirlca's sis ters. She is going to have some den tal work done while there Hank Urango and Miss Felisia Anchustigi were visiting here last On a recent Sunday afternoon there was an unusual and pretty ceremony held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Smit of Apple Val ley. Carrying out a promise made years ago to his sons and daughter, they gave to each one of them forty acres of a quarter section of land on the Black Canyon project. The daughters share to be the parents home place so long as they wish it, as she is married and not living here at present. Three sticks bearing the descrip tion of the land were placed in a hay stack on the home place and se lection was made by lots drawn. As all of the land in desirable, all were pleased with the number they drew. Mr and Mrs. 8mlt are now living on the Johnson farm and will re main until after the harvest when they will move to their new home just completed on the project. Those children sharing in the gifts were three sons, John. Oeorge. and Jake Smit and their daughter. Mrs. Olen Gallant, nee Ida Smit, of Ooodrleh. who was present for the occasion The land will be plant ed to wheat and alfalfa this fall. MEN’S Blankets WORK SHIRTS Ladies NASHUA SNOWDEN Dresses LADIES, WE HAVE JUST WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN WAIT ING FOR . . . Neat, Latest Color Combinations in Latest A SPECIAL Group of DRESSES Chiffon Full-Fashioned 80 SQUARE Reg. 59c G IR L S P A N T IE S $1.98 now Print BEACON 5% Wool lie Doubles pd. LADIES J J Q Sugar Par Soap Reg. size 20c Vegetables 24c 3 cans 39c Crackers Excell Brand 1 7A Soda, 2 lbs............. | / Ç Graham, 21bs. $1.98 to $2.98 MEN’S JACKETS Blanket lined overall jackets Just Vi* price ROCKFORD Latest Styles, Plain $1-99 WORK SOX Reg. $3.98 up THE GREATEST Combination 3 for 25c 4 lbs. ..................... 1 9 C Shortening 17c 9c SNOW CAP Lb................... back. A very good looking pant. Regular $1.98 $ 1.44 BOY’S FLEECE SHIRTS Fancy Plaids Sizes 6 to 14i/> 69 c MEN’S UNIONS 10 lb. weight Grey mixed. A good wearing long sleeve, long leg union. MENS SUITS DOUBLE BREAST New, Modern ALL WOOL Easy W asher --------- • ---------- WORSTED and PLUS ALL THIS TWISTS BROWNS BLUES 62-piece set of Silverware and ELECTRIC IRON GRAYS Ironing Board $16.5« an d up 30 boxes Rinso $79.95 EASY TERMS USE OUR l a y a w a y ! PLAN MENS MEN’S WOOL 16-inch Sox Hi-Cuts For extra wear try these soft goat hair andj and wool mixed sox. composition soles and 25c DRESS PANTS and Black all leather Honey MEN’S SEMI SINGLE Ever Offered Toilet Tissue 4 R o lls.................... IwC 3 for lOc *1.19 Washer Bargain 35c Red or White 10 lbs.............. 2 Combs Milk SEGO 6 cans All Wool SLACK SUITS S w e e t P o ta to e s 53c 10 lbs. BLAZERS 32-piece set of dishes. Bacon SQUARES BOY’S LADIES COATS Beans 13c Scratched backs and nr Colors and TWEED Morning Glory HORSE HIDE GLOVES 25c 8 0 Square Sox Wool faced, cotton Limited Quantity Reg. $2.85 to $3.45 2 f 0R $ 1 .O O ANKLETS lO c $4.99 and PAIR G R O C E R IE S Coffee 6 9 C Regular 49c You’ll Need This One PRINT DRESSES 53c Reg. 79c irregulars $1.98 PTRT ^ 79c quality Heavy weight covert and Chambray Styles *3.99 10 *7.90 B L A N K E T S LADIES HOSE Plaid Singles MEN’S DRESS heels 19C a n d 29C *3.89 Golden Rule “Make It Right Store” Oregon MEN’S LEATHER Coats Durable leather, zipper or button, also aviator styles, Brown and black colors. $7.95 and up