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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1940)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL The Gate City Journal W IN IFR ED BROWN THOMAS - - - - Owner LOUIS P THOM AS - - - - Editor and Publisher INDEPENDENT IN P O LIT IC S AND R E LIO IO N. O PTIM ISTIC IN D ISPO SITIO N —W IT H NO INTE R ESTS TO SERVE EXCEPT THOSE OP M ALH EUR COUNTY SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year ........................ $1.50 Six Months ................... *1.00 Single Copies ......................06 (Strictly in Advance) AD VE R TISIN G BATES Open rate, per inch......— JOe National. Per inch ......... -30c Classifieds. Per word ---- 01« Minimum 25c Published every Thursday at Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon. Entered at the postoffice at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission through the United States Malls, as second class matter, under the act of March 3. 1879. NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL’S PROGRAM -------- + -------- Co-operative Marketing Association for Malheur Fanners A Properly Equipped Trailer Camp A City Park A Comprehensive Street Improvement Plan OREGON’S THIRD LARGEST BUSINESS, the dairy industry, is threatened with the re peal of the Oregon Milk Law at the Nov. 5 elec tion, which, according to C. W. Jerome, secre tary Oregon Milk Producers who are opposing the repeal, would invite the return of the milk strikes, price wars and general chaotic condi tions that prevailed before the milk law became effective. Oregon’s milk law was brought into existence to meet one of the most demoralized conditions that ever confronted an Oregon industry. It was during the late Governor Meier’s administration, when there had been a continuous strife with rice wars, strikes, milk-dumping and a general e reakdown in the whole dairy industry. Under the administration of the law, there has been a consistent improvement in the dairy industry. There have been no strikes, price-wars, nor major problems. The consumer is now pay ing between H/i> and 2c per quart less and the producer is receiving nearly 5c more out of ev ery dollar than before the milk law became ef fective in 1935. Governor Martin upheld the milk law, as has Governor Sprague, the Supreme Court, the le gislature and many interested public and civic groups. There has been no demand for repeal by any representative group. There has been no well founded basis advanced to support the repeal. The principal point developed by the propo nents is the objection to a milk control. Almost every state in the Union, particularly the heavy milk producing states has some form o f milk control. It is a proven and accepted fact that the problems of the dairy industry are such that there must be control to preserve quality and protect both the consumer and producer. In the milk industry it is necessary that there be a consistent supply to meet all consumer re quirements for fluid milk during the cold win ter months when the dairyman must buy feed and it is much more expensive to produce, and in fairness to the dairyman who meets these re quirements, he should be protected in direct ra tio of volume during the summer months when there is open range and herd feeding is more reasonable. Without the milk law many dairy men working on a “ supply and demand” basis would be unable to meet winter requirements but would flood the summer market, bringing about price-wars, strikes and general chaos. Portland now has one of the finest milk sup plies any where in the United States, with a price that is 1 i/i>c lower per quart than the na tional average, the consumer is getting better milk for less money, the producer is making more money and the very important dairy indu stry is in a more healthy condition than it has been at any time in its history. At the November general election, the voters of the State of Oregon have the responsibility of preserving to Oregon alaw that is eminently fair and at the same time protecting Oregon’s third largest business, the dairy industry, from chaos, low quality, and contamination, by vot- ^ n g aginst the repeal of the Oregon. Milk law. STATEM ENT OF THE OWNERSHIP. MANAGEMENT. C IR C U LATIO N ETC.. REQUIRED BY THE ACT OF CONGRESS OF AUGU ST 24, 1812, O l^aate City Journal published weekly at Nyssa. Oregon, for October 1, Legal Advertising NOTICE OF SALE OF FU ND ING BONDS School District Now 61, Malheur County, Oregon ------ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that School District N q . $1, MRttWtK County, State of Oregon, will issue and offers for sale Funding Bond* tn the principal amount of $5.219.66 to be dated November 1, 1840. in initiations of 8500.00 each the last numbered bond wi____ be In the denomination Of 8028.88, which bonds shall mature $500.00 In each of the years 1941 and 1843; two bonds of $500.00 each will mature In 1943, two bonds of $500 00 each W1H mature In 1944: two bonds of $800.00 each will mature In 1845 and one bond of $500.00 and one bond of $629 66 will mature In 1946. All bonds maturing one ye Issue date will be subject ilect to op option al redemption for retirement or re funding purposes on any Interest paying date on or after one year from Issue date, upon 30 days notice thereof given in the manner provid ed by law. All bids for such bonds shall be In writing and shall be accompanied by a certified check on a bank doing business In Oregon for not less than two per cent of par value of the LE O AL P U B LIC A TIO N THURSDAY. OCTOBER 17,1940 the Dis- “sâ'ïïni'sÂwü trlct d a r k o f School District No. 81. to and _____ « a t tmrreject an yor re-advert is« the for sal*, to determining the it Did reqmved received the « s t r ic t X bid Board w ill take into consl- such premium as are of- and such Items o f coat as may __ jarged by the bidder in con nectlon with the purchase of the bonds October 5th, 1840 G L A D Y S N E W B ILL District Clerk First published, 10th Oct. 1840. Last published, 17th Oct.. 1940. N O TIC E OF SUMMONS In the Circuit court of the State of Oregon, for Malheur County. E TH E LW YN T. SARAZIN. Plaintiff. vs. N YSSA IM PR O V E M EN T COMP AN Y, a dissolved corporation, H. S. sack e». Registrar of Titles of M al heur County, Oregon: H. F. Brown; W inifred Brown Thomas and Louis p. Thomas, her husband; W. B. Hoxle and Lulu L. Hoxle, his wile; Oladys Hoyt and E. J. Hoyt, her husband; City of Nyssa, a Munici pal Corporation; Malheur County, a subdivision of the State of Oreg on: W A: Torch, formerly W. A. Teutsch; Allda Bell Liberty, form erly Allda B. Teutsch; David Can- ham; Clara Canham; Charles Can- ham; Elizabeth Canham: Lou M. Wilson; w illiam U. Wilson; Mrs. William Bloom; Charles H- W illi ams; Herbert O. Williams; Laurence L. Williams: Allan T. B. Williams; the unknown heirs or devisees, If any of Lennox B. Boyle, deceased: the unknown heirs or devisees, If any. of O. D. Williams, deceased; the unknown heirs or devisees. If any, of Thomas Canham. Jr. deceas ed; the unknown heirs or devisees, If any, of C. C. Wilson, deceased; and also all other persons or person unkown claiming any right, title or Interest In or to the real property described In the complaint herein, defendants. To Nyssa Improvement company, Gladys Hoyt, E. J. Hoyt, W. À. Torch, Allda Bell Liberty, David Canham, Clara Canham, Charles Canham, Elizabeth Canham, Lou M. Wilson, William U. Wilson, Mrs. William Bloom, Charles H. Williams, Herbert C. Williams, Laurence L. Williams, Allan T B. Williams, the LEO A L PU B LIC ATIO N County Budget Notice For 1940 The Budget Committee of Malheur County, Oregon, has fixed upon the 13th day of November, 1940, at 10 a. m., as the time, and the County Court Room In Vale, Oregon, as the place where the estimate of the amount of money proposed to be raised by taxation' for the ensuing year, 1941, may be discussed with the County Levying Board, also be heard for or against any proposed tax levy. Itemized estimates of the amounts of money proposed to be raised by taxation for the ensuing year, 1841, lo r Malheur County, Oregon, are as follows, to-wit: C O U NTY C O U R T:: County Judge, Salary ...................................... ...... 3 2,400.00 2 Commissioners, compensation .............................. 600.00 Traveling expenses .................... ............ ................ 600.00 Office Expense (Stationery, printing, legal blanks, stamps, etc.) .............................. 100.00 Furniture and Fixtures ........... ............................... 150.00 9 3,850.00 SHERIFF’S OFFICE: .... Salary, Sheriff .......................................................... $ 2,500.00 Salary, 1 Deputy, Tax Dept..................................... 1,560.00 Salary, 1 Deputy ..... 1,580.00 Salary, 1 Tax Clerk ................................................. 1,320.00 Traveling Expenses .................................................. 1,500.00 County Jail and Board, Prisoner# .......................... 1,500.00 Office Supplies and Collection of Taxes 2,500.00 Special Deputies .......................... loo.qo 6 12,540.00 COUNTY C LE R K ’S OFFICE: Salary, Clerk ................ ........... ....... .... $ 2,400.00 Salary, 1 Deputy ............................. .... 1 1,560.00 Salary, of Deputy-clerks .... 2,460.00 Supplies (Records, Stationery, etc.) 800.00 Office Equipment 30000 9 7,528.00 ASSESSOR’S OFFICE : Salary of Assessor ........ ................................. $ 2,000 000 Salary of Deputy ...................... ....... ................. 1,560.00 Salary of Assistants .................................. 1,920 00 Field Deputies ............................................ ............. 2,200.00 Stationery, Records, Stamps, etc. ................................ : 1,000.00 9 8,680 00 TREASURER'S OFFICE: Salary of Treasurer ................................................ $ 1,500.00 Supplies for O ffice ................................................... 300.00 Office Furniture ............. 50.00 Traveling Expense ................................................... 50.00 6 1,900.00 Brought Forward: 9 34.490.00 SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE: Salary of Superintendent .............................. $ 1,600.00 Traveling Expenses .................................... 300.00 Supplies 300.00 Stenographic Hire ........................... 160.00 $ 2,280.00 TO T A L I 36,770.09 EXPENSES INCURRED B Y LE G IS L A T IV E E NACTM ENT Truant O fficer ................................................. ...... $ 50.00 District Sealer of Weight and Measures 200.00 Dependent Children ........................................... 3.500.00 Official Advertising ................................................. 1,500.00 Insane. Examinations and Care of ...................... 100.00 School Institute and Examinations ....................... 150.00 Circuit Court, 3 Terms ............................................ 4,000.00 Justice Court ............................................................ 660.00 Coroner .................................................................. 300.00 County Health Unit ............................................... 3,000 00 State Industrial Accident Commission 200.00 Tuberculosis Indemnity ........................................... 500.00 Elections .................................................................... 2,000.00 Vital Statistics ........................................................ 125.00 Audit County Books ................................................ 450.00 Officers Indemnity Bonds ...................................... 550.00 Stock Inspector ....................................................... 400.00 State Tax Estimated ................................................ 26,000.00 General School T ax Estimated .......................... 65,000.00 School Library Tax Estimated................... 650.00 »108,325.00 EXPENSES INCURRED OVER W H ICH THE C O U N TY C O URT HAS C O NTR O L District Attorney’s O ffice ........................................$ 600.00 Court House (O ffice Furniture, Improve ments, insurance, etc.) ....................................... 2.000 00 Current Expenses (Fuel, water, Telephone, Janitors, etc.) ................................................... 4,400.00 Care o f Poor .................................................. 17,00000 Blind Assistance ..................................................... 1,500.00 Library Contract. .5 mills estimated 4,700.00 Agricultural Advisor and assistants ....................... 4,100.00 Club Agent ................................. .......................... 1,200 00 Miscellaneous ........................,................................... 8,600 00 Emergency Fund .............................. 3,000.00 Destruction of Predatory Animals ...................... 750.00 Insurance on County Fair Bldgs.................._................ 200.00 Roads ........................................................................ 10,000.00 Old Age Pensions ..... 10,000.00 Weed Control .......................................... 3600 00 Indigent Veterans .............. 700.00 Malheur County Fair ............ 1,300.00 Revaluation of County .............................. 2,400 00 Cricket Control ...................................................... 1.000 00 Food Stamp Revolving Fund ................................... 360060 Oregon Codes for County O ffic ia ls .......................... 800.00 Interest on Outstanding Warrants ....................... 3.000 00 T o Retire Outstanding Warrants ...................... 75,000 00 »156,25000 GRAND TO TAL *301 345 00 LESS E STIM ATED R E 4K IPTS FO R YE A R : County Clerk's Fees .................................... .......... $ 7,000.00 S h eriffs Flees ....... ..... ...... ....................................... 1,100.00 State of Oregon Circuit and Justice Court Fees and fines __________.... 1,009.00 County of Malheur Penalty and Interest on Delinquent taxes ............ 1.500 00 Before me, a Notary Public in and for the State and county afore Motor License Fund ............................... ................. 30.Q00.0U 250.00 said. personally appeared Winifred Brown Thomas, who. having been County Lands, refits .................... - .................. ......... -............. .................... ........ . 3 500 00 duly sworn according to law. deposes a id says that she Is the owner of Sale, County Land » MJ60.00 the Oate City Journal and that the following Is. to the best of her know ledge and belief, a true statement of the ownership, management etc T O T A L BUDGET unknown heirs or devisees, if any, of Lennox B. Boyle, deceased; the un known heirs or devisees, If any. of Thomas Canham. Jr., deceased; the unknown heirs or devisees, If any, of C. D. WllUams, deceased: the un known heirs or devisees. If C. C. Wilson, deceased, and other persons or person unknown claiming any right, title or Interest in or to the real property hereinaf ter described. Of the above named defendants: In the Name of the State of Ore gon: You anl each of you hereby ir e required to appear In the above Court and cause within four weeks after the date o f first publication of this summons, Oct. 3, 1940, then and th en to answer or otherwise lead to complaint filed herein, and you fall so to do. for want there of plaintiff will take decree against you: (1) requiring that each of you set forth your claim or Interest to the hereinafter descirbed real pro perty, determining all adverse claims thereto, and determining that you and each of you have no Interest, estate, lien or claim whatever In or to: lots 8 and 10, block 3; lots 8 and 8, block 7; lots 6. 7, 8, 9 and 10. block 29; lots 1 to 10 both Inclu sive, block 31; and lots 13 and 14 block 32; all of Teutsch's addition to Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon, excepting unpaid taxes; (2) deter mining that the title of plaintiff to G all of said property Is a .good and valid fee simple title; (3) that each and all of you shall be debarred and enjoined forever from asserting any claim to said land adverse to plain tiff; (4) determining that Certifi cates of title 362, 364, 365 and 367 Issued to plaintiff by the registrar ---- " — County, — — — ■''re- of - Titles o - f — Malheur Ore- gon were validly Issued, and Vthat all _______ registration __________ records _ other j j properly have been cancelled and plaintiff be determined to be the registered owner of said lota; (5) that title be withdrawn from registry and re stored to recording system, and re gistered documents be returned to plaintiff; and (6) for plaintiffs costs and disbursements, and for such other relief as Is equitable. This summons Is served on you by authority of an order of the Hon. David F. Graham, County Judge of said County and State acting In the absence of the Circuit Judge from said County, which order was made on the 2nd day of October, 1940, di recting publication of this summons for four successive weeks, Including five publications, In the Nyssa Gate City Journal published at Nyssa, Oregon. C AR L H. COAD Attorney for Plaintiff. Residence and post-office address: Nyssa, Oregon. Dated and 1st pub. Oct. 3, 1940. Last pub. Oct. 31, 1940. Budget For Malheur County Oregon Expenditures For 1937,1936,1939 And Six Months O f 19 * 0 And Six Months Budget Allowance For 1940 6 Month 8 3,557 36 SH ERIFF’S OFFICE: Salary, Sheriff ............ Salary. 1 Deputy ........... Salary. 1 Tax Clerk ..... Special Deputy Hire .... Traveling Expenses ...... County Jail and Board of Prisoners ............ Office Supplies and Collection of Taxes TOTAL $11,116.37 300 00 300.00 125.00 $ 1,925.00 $ 2,496 31 1.496.35 1.496.35 1,196.94 $ 1,248.16 778.18 778.18 658.18 1.989.36 883.87 499.17 581.20 $ 1,250.00 780.00 780.00 660.00 25.00 950.00 750.00 812.352.63 1,895.16 $11,454.34 2,075.77 * 6,618.84 $ 6,195.00 $ 1.200.00 8 7,128.17 * 2.400.00 1.500.00 2.280.00 957.60 99.10 $ 7,236.70 780.00 1,133.30 525.21 84.68 $ 3,723.19 * 1,060.02 1,799.00 1,538.50 716.16 $ 5,113.68 $ 1 , 000.00 $ 7,130 41 * 2,000.04 3,010.50 1,761.95 1,296.68 * 8,069.17 $ $ $ 1,820.64 $ 1,500.00 228.35 $ 1,728.35 2.188.51 * 1,500.00 215.99 465.74 $ 2,18173 $ 3.426.20 Supplies .............................................. ASSESSOR’S OFFICE: Assessor ...................................................... Office Deputies ........................................... Field Deputies ........................................... Supplies ................- ...............— -------- TOTAL C O U NTY TREASURER Salary of Treasurer ..................................... Supplies ........................................................ TOTAL CO UNTY SCHOOL SU PERINTEND ENT: Salary of Superintendent ........................... Traveling Expenses ...... .......................... — Supplies ........................................ ................ TOTAL 8 6,816 53 $ 1,822 59 $ 2.147 73 EXPENSES INCURRED BY * District Sealer of Weights and Measures Dependent Children ................ ....... O fficial Advertising ......................... Insane, Examination and Care o f...... School Institute and Examinations Circuit Court, Justice Court Watermaster and Deputies Coroner ............................... County Health O ffice and Physician Apprn, for Insane in State Instns. State Industrial Acc. Comm. Tuberculosis Indemnity Vital Statistics ............. Audit County Books .... Officers’ Indemnity Bont Bee Inspector Stock Inspector School Library Tax Sinking Fund, Road Bonds ............. Interest on $45,00000 Road Bonds .... Interest on $45.000.00 Road Bonds Ejection ......................... ................... Tax Rebates ............................ .....— Bee Fund ........... - ....... ..................... 6 Month Budget 205.00 177.05 73.91 $ 1,655.96 COUNTY C LER K ’S OFFICE: Clerk ....... - .......... --------------- ---------------- Deputy Clerk .................................- ----------- Deputy Clerks ............................ - ............... Office Equipment ......................................... 9 7,220.93 TOTAL 1940 1939 $ 2400.00 415.00 425.55 196.94 $ 3,437 49 1938 1937 CO U NTY COURT: Judge ..................... Commissioners ....... Traveling Expenses Supplies ................. TO TAL $ 1 , 200.00 750.00 85.35 836.31 $ $ 750.00 151.45 298.72 $ 1,200.17 1 200.00 $ , 1 , 000.00 * 1,200.00 780.00 1,230 00 400.00 150.00 * 3,760.00 1.560.00 1 . 100.00 475.00 * 4,135.00 $ 750.00 200.00 950.00 $ 750.00 150.00 190.00 $ 1,090.00 L E G IS L A T IV E ENACTM ENT 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 0.00 * 140.28 ... 7,234.95 1,407.6« 42.50 115.32 3,513 43 647.30 1,331.90 744.80 168.37 3,365.08 1,093,87 60.00 99 98 3,763.58 789.35 1,835.35 239.05 170.16 2,916.08 1,650.97 8.00 102.84 2,810.54 568.95 3,044.53 224.15 85.08 1,402.28 479.45 0.00 13.37 1,530.77 310.70 1,100.96 155.20 401.00 0.00 150.68 5.00 105.25 425.00 645.00 000 467 96 17.378 38 359.15 0.00 133.40 35.66 117.75 435 00 685.00 50.00 399.96 20,451.46 51,404.05 0.00 1,000 00 » 2.392 50 0.00 4,871.91 0.00 0.000 150.00 0.00 164.22 48.32 116.00 460 00 655.00 50.00 399.96 18.673.36 57,954.19 549.08 0.00 0.00 66.97 231.74 54.75 275.00 315.00 0.00 0.00 13,108.89 55,237.26 607.52 0.00 * 0.00 0.00 2,253.16 142.38 0.00 0,00 39,000 00 » 4.647.40 0.00 12.73 0.00 125.00 000 * 1,347.50 0.00 40.05 1.06 0.00 $ 25.00 100.00 1.750.00 500.00 25.00 50.00 2 , 000.00 325.00 1.250.00 150.00 150.00 0.00 100.00 25.00 62.50 225.00 262.50 0.00 200.00 13,108.90 31,465.00 314.65 0.00 * 0.00 0.00 2.500.00 0.00 0.00 EXPENSES OVER W H ICH THE C O U N TY C O URT HAS CONTROL District Attorney's O ffice .............................* Court House (O ffice furniture, Improvements, etc.) ....................... Current Expenses (Fuel, water, telephone, etc.) ....... Care of Poor ........................................... Appro, for Indigent Veterans ....................... Library Contract .5 mills estimated Agricultural Advisor and Club Agent ........ — Emergency Fund ........ Miscellaneous Fund ............................. Destruction of Predatory Animals ___ ______ Insurance on County Fair B ld g s ..... ...... ........ Roads .............................. Advertising County Lands . Weed Control. Revolving Fund ______ ______ Weed Control Fund ........ Old Age Pensions ............................. ............. County Fair Appropriation ..................... County Nurse ............. - .......................... ....... Surveyor .......................... T o Retire Outstanding Warrants 8. No. 240 .................................I...... ...... ........ Juvenile Court ... Dog Licenses Morton Island Bridge ... County Fair Fund ........... Rodent Control Indigent Liquor Fund Law Library Fund ....... Taylor Orazing No. 3 Taylor Orating No. 4 Fund 1937 811.32 3,801.92 4,313.60 16,801.36 304.58 4.437 08 4,000.00 5,564.37 983.68 3,505.00 110.00 45,926.45 1,243.27 0.00 1,668.55 7.008 49 U72.60 «18.00 40.40 0.00 1,000.00 1930 2800 20.54 1,281.68 0B0 0 00 0.00 % 0.00 000 1938 9 675.68 1939 $ 605 95 2.099.89 2,039 32 4,266.16 14,279.74 502.84 4,475.98 3,500.00 382 80 1,534.93 1,000.00 110.00 49.656.13 1,322.92 000 915.01 8,877 63 649.30 1,200.00 10.50 0.00 000 000 25.25 000 1444.91 2.142.18 12.00 0.00 $472.24 4.876 90 6 Months 1940 $ 287 46 3,776.01 21,191.80 735.85 4.01861 4,400.00 626 66 999 91 800 00 110 00 35,478 58 1.156 83 0.00 4,052.54 7.628.94 512.00 1,137 50 13.15 000 000 000 32 60 0.00 512.00 2.600 00 453.27 209.05 6442.24 5412.14 690.00 1.904.35 9.263.47 202.49 2,513.94 2,300.00 371.39 407.64 500.00 0.00 8,411.34 250 00 0.00 1.978.80 3,614.30 0.00 860.00 545 000 000 1365 49 40 000 000 000 3,013.79 134.71 3,428 18 6.995 05 6 Months Budget $ 300.00 1 . 000.00 2 , 200.00 7.850.00 350.00 2,344.09 1,750 00 4,912.50 750.00 375.00 55.00 4,688.18 250.00 250.00 1.250.00 5.000 00 000 900.00 0.00 0.00 000 000 000 0.00 250 00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 a* . S T A T E O F OREGON) is. ■*■ of the aforesaid publication for the date shown in the above caption! DELINQUENT TAXES. M ALH EUR C O UNTY County of Malheur 1 required by the Act of August 24, 1912, embodied In section 411. Postal Year 1928 ....................................... $ 25,809 Û 7 Laws and Regulations, printed on the reverse of this form to wit: Year 1929 24.703 88 1. That the names and addresses of the publisher, editor, manag We, the undersigned. Budget Com m it*« of Melheu r County. Oregon, hereby certify that the above and Year 1930 67.f7i.7t ing editor, and business managers are: Publisher. Louis P. Thomas, Box foreglng la th* estimate of the Budget Committee of Malheur County. Oregon, of the probable expenditures of Year 1931 84 668.51 85, Nyssa. Oregon: Editor. Same: Managing Editor. Same; Business Malheur County, Oregon, for the year 1941. together with the Budget allowance and detailed expenditures for Year 1932 48.630 86 Manager. Same the first six months of the year 1940. the detailed expenditures for 1939, and the unit cost of expenditures Years 1933 and 1934 ........... 57.129.17 2. That the owner Is Winifred Brown Thomas, 251 South 4th St., during the years 1937 and 1938 Year 1935 49 131 64 Nyssa, Oregon Dated at Vale, Oregon, this 4th day o f October, 1940 Year 1936 42 321.43 3. That the known bondholders, mortagees. and other security hold D A V ID P. G R AH AM , , . . 73.34468 Year 1937 ers owning or holding 1 per rent or more of total amount of bonds, mor Chairman Year 1938 74,651 89 tgages, or other securities are: N one J. N JONES — Year 1939 ......... 122.219 53 W IN IF R E D B. THOMAS Secretary / _ «. Year 1940 209,267 70 O. A M AR SH ALL _ ,>*■ Owner. INDEBTEDNESS FR A N K T. M ORGAN L P PETERSON Sworn to and subscribed before me this 1st day of October. 1840. $ 57,034.82 C. C. H U N T AK Oeneral County Fund Warrants Outstanding ... (S E A L ) (M y commission expires Feb. 27. 1843) UenersJ Road Fund Warrants Outstanding ___ J. D. FAIR M AN