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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1940)
THE NY55A CATE CITY JOURNAL Mr. and Mrs. Pete Wilson attend- I ed a public sale near Homedale one j day last week. Mr. Wilson remained a " * I to help his brother top his beets. SUNSET VALLEY—Mrs. Earl | Evelyn Reed returned home with Leach was released from a Boise Mrs. Wilson and visited untlll Sun hospital last week where she und day. erwent an operation and Is at the Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilson re home of her daughter In Boise. turned Thursday from Homedale Charley Wilson Is moving his cow where they spent 10 days Improving barn and Is going to build on to the their buildings on their farm there. Mr. ad Mrs. Charley Higgins of barn for the horses. Arthur Jones hauled lettuce crates Apple Valley were Friday visitors In Tuesday for L. B. Landreth prepara the L. E. Newgen home. Don Vickers of Boise was here tory to cutting lettuce on Wednes looking after property interests on day. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ditty and Friday and visited at Cash Turners. Mrs. Charles Schweizer accom Mrs. John Case were among those to listen to Tlffen Reed speak at panied by three other school teach the Eagles hall In Nyssa Sunday af ers motored to La Grande, Monday for a two days teacher instltue. ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ditty, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Bolitho and daughters were Nampa visitors one John Case, Leslie Ditty and Ken neth, were on business in Nampa day last week. Monday and also visited Mrs. Boyd Mr. and Mrs. Verle Landreth of Query. Ontario were Saturday and Sun day visitors In the L. B. Landreth home. P.-T. A. ENJOYS MRS. LEACH IMPROVES FINE PROGRAM Professional Cards CARL H. COAD ATTORNEY-AT-LAW PHONE 31 Nyssa, Oregon L. A. Maulding, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 37 Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to & Dally—Except Sunday Fry Building TOWNSEND CLUB MEETINGS Meeting 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 8 p. m. at City Hall A. L. McClellan President Don Graham _.........Secretary T h e P ublic Is In v ite d NYSSA AERIE F. O. E. NO. 2134 Meets Wednesday Night AT EAGLES HALL Visiting Eagles Welcome HARRY MINER, Sec CLIFF GREER, Pres. OWYHEE—Owhee Parent-Teach er met at the school house Friday evening with a fair crowd in at tendance. After the business meet ing. a reading was given by Mrs Fred Hite. A talk on the Parent- Teacher magazine was given by Mr. McMillan and music of violin and guitar was heard. Refreshments of doughnuts and coffe were served by Mesdames Earl Strickland, Lewis Skinner and Ruth McMillan. Come to P.-. A. next meeting, always the second Friday of the month in the evening. School patrons especially invited. Members of the Owyhee P.-T. A. who attended the County Council in Ontario Saturday were Mesdames T. M. Lowe, Ira Marrs. Clyde Mit chell of the Mitchell Butte section and Mesdames Earl Strickland, Mar tha Klingback and Ruth McMillan of Owyhee. Mrs. D. Harris, of Follette, Texas, who is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Coulter is here visiting. Rev. Victor Loucks of Scio, Oregon who 1s here visiting with his fami ly at the home of Mrs. Anna Gregg in Sunset Valley spoke to the Sun day school Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hank Sherrill of Ontario was a Sunday guest of the Ray Franklin family. Mrs. Martha Klingback and daug hter, Louise, and son, Fred, took Margaret back to school at Boise Monday. Beets and lettuce are keeping ev erybody busy in Owyhee. Members of the Christian Endeav or met at the Strickland home for a social evening Saturday. 10 THE VOTERS Having been nominated by the Republican voters for the office of sheriff at the prim ary election, I now come be fore you asking your support in the general election. As this is my first appear ance in the political arena, I am taking this opportunity of making your acquaintance. I was born in Emmett, Idaho, lived the best part of my ear lier years In Ontario and Bak er, Oregon. Returning to Em mett to complete my high school education. Later, I at tended the College of Idaho in Caldwell. I served my coun try in the World War in the Navy. I worked for the Standard Oil Co. in Ontario for twelve years. I am a member of the Am erican Legion and belong to the order of the Mason. I have served Vale as their Fire Chief, as president of the Chamber of Commerce, and as city councilman. I am an amatuer In the po litical game, but am willing (Paid political advertisement by if COLLIS P. CARTER Republican Candidate for Sheriff of Malheur County and capable of running this office to which I have been selected. If I am elected, I promise to devote my entire time and energy to running this office in a fair and unbiased man ner, for the good of the coun ty as a whole, remembering always: "A Public Office Is a Public Trust.” C. P. Carter, Vale, Oregon) COMMUNITY HOLDS SOCIAL AT SCHOOL RIDGE VIEW—A community meeting was held at the school house on Friday evening, October 11. A novel Idea for raising money was presented by Mrs. O^a Sipes. A cake in which a dime was inclosed was sold at five cents a piece with the understanding that the person win ning the dime la to bake a cake for the next meeting which will be dis posed of in the same manner. The proceeds are to go to the communi ty fund. Gene Davis, son of Mr. and Mrs Perle Davis, has been absent from school the past week because of Ill ness. David and Rex Beebe. Nicholas Glass and Arthur Pruitt are top ping beets for Roy Cloud of Green- leaf. Among the visitors at the Perle Davis home Sunday afternoon, were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Maucher and family and Mr. and Mrs. Haatrlder of Kuna and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fenley of Boise. Miss Gloria Swan. Grammer room teacher, left Friday afternoon for her home in La Grande, Oregon, where she will attend Teachers In stitute. Mrs. Clarence Potampa, pri mary room teacher, left for La Gr ande on Sunday afternoon. BEND TO HOLD RECEPTION At th* regular meeting of the school board. Monday evening bids oo the old school house were open ed. Only three bids were made—Mr. William Me teen, Mr Fret well aad C. P. Leigh, clerk of the school board whose bid was highest. The old school house which has housed the school and church sessions, special meetings, plays, election and com munity groups will be moved in se- tlons to the new land. The lot will be used as additional playground. Mr. and Mrs A1 Grimes of Cald well were Sunday callers at the Wal do Smalley home. Oeorge Bailey received word of the death of his brother, Loren E. Bailey of Omaha, Nebraska, on Fri day. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Smally left early Sunday morning for their home In Palo Alta, Cal., after a pleasant visit with his folks here. Miss Olive MacDermott of Nyssa Is visiting her sister, Mrs R. E. Bai ley Beverly Fox Is sick with an abs cessed ear. Mrs. Leon Morgan and son, Gary, visited at the parental Fred Miller home Monday. Thursday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Smally entertained Mr. and Mrs. Warren Smalley and Mr. and Mrs. Poirest Smally at dinner. Fri day night Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Smalley were guests of hts sister, Mrs. Frank Marsh of Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Allen of Roswell, Mr. and Mrs. Kilpatrick of Parma and Mr. and Mrs. Emery Parsons of Roswell were guests at a surprise party honoring the anni versary of Mr. Howard Jones birth day recently. TTie evening was spent playing cards and two birthday cakes were cut for refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. William Kiser took their children back to Vale Sunday after they had spent the week end here Mr. and Mrs. Kiser then called to see his brother who has been very sick. Mr. Kiser has finished his years work as ditch rider and they expect to move to a house provided by the government as soon a sit Is ready. The house In which they live will be for sale. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Crosswhlte former residents of Apple Valley, now of aLs Angeles, visited relatives In this community Saturday and Sunday and were honor guests at a family reunion in Caldwell at the home of his mother, Mrs. Crosswhlte Sr. Mrs. Lenls Wilson and Mr. Tom Crosswhlte were present as was Mr. and Mrs. Douglas MacDonald and family of Nyssa. LOWER BEND—Big Bend P.-T. A. will have its Teachers Reception and halloween party combined Sat urday October 28th at 8:30. Parents come out and meet the new teach ers and the high school faculty at the school house. Mrs. Synar Carrol, who has been very ill Is now able to be up and around some at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Archie Stevenson of Marsing. Mr. Carlson, who has recently purchased the old Lewiston place, has been making Sargum here the past two weeks. He also Is having a new well drilled and is getting the orchard In shape for spring when he will move his family here from Adrian. The Rumizer family of Homedale, has taken possession of the Carrol place this week. There will be three new children In school. Miss Theresa Gehnert and Miss Jean Burch attended teachers’ In stitute in La Grande Monday anw Tuesday. Harry Russell, accompanied Roy Drawn. Bill Ashcraft and Glenn TRAIL GRANGE TO Zink to Pale Creek deer hunting GET GAVEL from Saturday until Monday. Parma Grange 261 will deliver the Virgil Olp, is slowly recovering from infantile paralysis. He is able traveling gaysL to Oregon Trail to sit up, but too weak to stand a- Grange October 22, 1040 at the Com munity church basement at Parma lone as yet. at 8 o'clock. All grangers are invited to attend. CHURCH HOLDS Jess L. Huffman, master of the Parma Grange. RALLY DAY APPLE VALLEY The Rally at the Methodist church was fairly well attended. Many were disappointed when the group of singers from the Nazarene college failed to appear. Several volunteer numbers were given. About three o’ clock the Rev. C. M. Donaldson and Mrs. Donaldson arrived Dr. Donald son spoke. Supper was observed and then the first quarterly conference met with plans for the coming yean work rather than reports. Explana tions and discussion of the change in the Aid’s program and name will be continued at the meeting Thurs day at the home of Mrs. Ralph Oee. Notice To Hog Raiaers With the installation of a new scale at THE RAILWAY STOCK YARDS we are now receiving your hogs there every Friday, paying the highest price the market permits and seeking to serve you in every possible way. FRANK KULLANDER SUN FLAME Oil Burning Heaters TODAYS BIGGEST HEATING VALUE! • The GIANT BURNER assures a ;enerous reserve heating capacity, aster heat up, and greater efficiency. ? • No need to worry if the temperature hita an unexpected low, the Giant Burner will meet your heating requirementa. Baldridge Implement Co. Phone 113 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17,1940, Nyaaa ADRIAN F. F. A. BOYS GET CALVES BIG BEND John Johnson, Smith-Hughes in structor at Adrian high school left Friday for Wallowa, where he has purchased some calves for his boys which will be brought back by Mr. Doty of Adrian. Mr. Johnson at tended Institute at La Grande. Mr. and Mrs. Hlnberllder of Nam pa spent Sunday evening visiting their daughter. Mrs. Dyre Roberts and family. Charles Glen and H. 8. Sackett of Vale called In the Bend Monday and appointed Mrs. E. H. Brumbach, Mr. N. 8. Phelan and Mr. A. C. Hol ly as members of the Conscription Board. Mr. and Mr3. Jesse Johnston spent Sunday In Boise calling on their daughter, Mrs. Darwin Burgher and daughter at St. Luke's Hospital. Mrs. Goodman of Boise and Mr and Mrs. W. A. Shumate of Nampa were Saturday guests In the Haw orth home. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Brewer and children are living In Wilder where Homer Is working In the packing house. The ranch he was living on has been sold by Mrs. Bradney to the Butler family of Newell Heights, who took possession on Sunday. Mrs. John Bishop of Nyssa visit' ed her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Brumbach Sunday. Mrs. A. Davis of Melba, and Mrs Clyde Bemethy of Nampa were cal lers on Mrs. Rogers a t the Haworth home Wednesday. Freda Martin, Lois Stelnhaus, Betty Callahan and Lela Ross of Parma were Sunday guests In the Floyd Higgins home. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Parker were In Nyssa Friday. Mrs. Roy Moore. Mrs. Arch Wright and John Wright were guests of Mrs. Nellie Peterson in Nyssa Fri day. Mr. and M rs PUn Cass were din ner guests of Dr. and Mrs. Rubins in P a m s Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gardner and family and Mrs. M. O. Gardner of Boise were Sunday guests of Mrs L Eachus B O. Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. Dyre Roberts and children wefe Sunday gusats in the Will Jordan and Oeor ge Moors homes In Hcmsdale Arch Wright who U levelling a ranch in Black Canyon w ent the week end a t home. Mrs. W. E. Fisk, Mrs. Lee Fisk and Mr. and Mrs. Paris of Parma, Mr. and Mrs. Corbett of Burns and his parents of Port Angeles. Washing ton, were Sunday callers In the Ha worth home. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bishop were Nampa viaitora Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Howard c Boise were Sunday callers In the Claude Eachus and Ernest Parker homes. a Mere Club" In Nyssa Heights on Friday Mr. and Mrs. Roy Perry of Ad rian visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Thompson Saturday evening Mrs. W O. Bailey and Mrs. Er nest Johnson were visitors In Vale Thursday Mrs. M. Black, George, Roma and Floyd, of Little Valley were visitors in her daughter’s home, Mrs. Earl Blackburn last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Willis and Mrs. Gibson who recently moved near Adrian were visitors in the Ward and Johnson homes Sunday. Mr. Walter Thompson has finish ed his soil conservation check up. Earl Blackburn finished haying for Walter Thompson Sunday. Tom Lile lost a cow of bloat last week. SETTLER GLAD TO GET BACK RIVERVIEW—Mr. Leroy and Nel son Herman returned from South Dakota this week with a load of stock. They report poor crops there and are glad to be in our section. The Community S. 8. meets in Ernest Johnson home next Sunday. Christian Endeavor at 7:30. Mory Scott, leader. All are welcome. W. O. Bailey and Leon with Mr Bailey and son, Earl of Vale and Jim Mussolini spent the week deer hunting above Unity. Kathleen Loe and Reta Johnson were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs Ernest Johnson. Mrs. Farrow and daughter, Lem- olne and her brothers, James and Casey Jolly, all of Weston. Oregon, spent Wednesday and Thursday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Os- burn. They are employed in the E. C. Bennett ranch. Mrs. V. L. Kesler attended "Just CASH BU YERS R ED C L O V E R 323.00 per month with basement and A L S IK E S E E D S Payments include taxes and interest W hin the Building Bug Bite* YOU . . . W atts Seed Co. Phone 110 L2 PARMA IDAHO Build This One For 1900 M onthly USE MILK The investment which you will use most — the investment which will mean most to you—the in vestment which will remain most constant in value during all times—the investment which will pay you most because it will save you most IS A HOME OF YOUR OWN. Our Budget Building plan will liter ally GIVE you that home by enabling you to pay for it with money you would otherwise pay for rent. Get details about the easy, Budget Building path to home ownership from------ for your cooking needs —you’ll find it econom ical as well as adding fjavor and zest to the simplest of dishes. LUMBER^.« COMPANY "There’s a yard near you” Dwight Smith, Manager Gate City Dairy Phone 15 Morning and Evening Deliveries PHONE 104W BUILD TV Seal Maf YOUR HOME Nyssa FIRST! For Sake of Your Health and Appearance W ear Clean, Fresh Clothes! I Your H oa/thi You’ll be surprised how much better you feel and how it improves your appearance to have your clothes given the GERM-FREE PROCESS. Clean your clothes regularly . . . at least ONCE each week. GERM-FREE CLEANING costs no more than ordinary cleaning but it affords you a protection against diseases that cannot be mea sured in dollars and cents. ONTARIO CLEANERS TEL. 99 “The Best Looking Cleaning Plant in Oregon”