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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1940)
r/ieNYSSA Published at Nyssa, Oregon. VOLUME XXV, NO. 42 GATEWAY TO THE OWYHEE AND BLACK CANYON IR RIGATION PROJECTS __________________ IN THE HEART OF OREGON’S SUGAR EMPIRE Reclamation Nyssa Registers Body To Meet 5 7 4 M en For Fastest Growing City In Oregon NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1940 $1.50 PER YEAR Hay Growers Ask For $6 Per Ton CANDIDATES FOR CITY OFFICES O utstan din g 4 - H M em bers O f C ou nty N yssa S u ga r Beet Acreage M ay The thirteenth annual session of Selective Service Hy growers in Malheur county Be Slashed the Oregon Reclamation congress have formed an organization to sta will be held in Klamath Palls Mon Nyssa men between the ages of bilize hay prices at around $6 per Nyssa sugar beet growers are fac day and Tuesday, October 28 and 21 and 35, marched to their respec ton, it was revealed here this week, ing a curtailment of acreage if plans 29. announces Dr. W. L. Powers, se tive voting precincts and registered when an announcement was made now under consideration of the de cretary cf the conference and head for the selective service, and when of an open meeting held by the re partment of Agriculture are carried A ticket of city officers was nomi of the soils department at Oregon the counting was done there were cently formed Malheur County Hay out, it was revealed here on the re nated last Monday night at the citi State college. The two-day confer 574 registered. Precinct one regist Growers association at the city hall turn of Frank T. Morgan from Wa zens caucus meeting held in the city ence has been arranged to feature ered 301, two 191 and precinct three in Nyssa on Saturday, October 19 shington D. C. where he spent last the development of permanent Irri egislCred 82. Only one man of the at 8 p. m. It is the plan of the as week in defense of the continuance hall. gation agriculture, said Dr. Powers. entire sociation to offer baled and chopped 574 voiced any resentment to For the office of Mayor, two can of the present acreage allotment. didates Dr. W P. Kelly, soil chemist at ward the registration. hay to buyers either with or without were nominated, J. C. Ol Beet growers in the state of Colo the University of California and in In the three cities, Nyssa, Vale molasses mixture. sen, now a member of the city coi rado are asking for an Increase of ternational authority on the soil al and Ontario, a total of 1619 register The association has completed ar and president of the park board acreage allottments and this coup cil kali problem, will be the leading ed for service. (The complete returns rangements for the necessary ma nd A. C. Sallee owner of the Food led with the fact the sugar section chinery to do the baling and chop speaker on this subject, appealing for the entire county had not yet of the department of agriculture Is Mart. first at the Monday afternoon ses been received by County Clerk Har ping, to care for an already estab Eight men were nominated for the going to cut the American beet gro four sion The annual association banquet ry S. Sackett at a late hour today) lished market of about 50 tons of. positions on the council, R. O. wers out of 70.000 acres, a cut from is scheduled for Monday evening In Vale the registration was in North chopped baled hay, and for future Whitaker and Leslie McClure belli1: 990.000 to 920,000 acres has caused with Ed Geary, Klamath Palls seed Vale 160 and South Vale 186. In On An effort will also be made to as- renominated for their present po alarm among the local growers . grower, as toastmaster and Marsha1 tario 598 were registered in the five orders that are expected, sitions and the others on the ticket Morgan said that the sugar sec are: certain how much hay in the coun N. Dana, editorial writer of the Ore- precincts. Smith, local manager tion is still maintaining the prin of the Dwight traded for dairy stock. gen Journal, as dinner speaker. Following the resignation from ty It can is be Boise-Payette Lumber com cipal established by former Secre not the Intention of the as President Frank Morgan of Nyssa the county board of J. L. Taylor, of pany; Sidney Burbidge, a former tary of Agrciulture Henry A. Wal will open the session Monday morn Vale and Earl Blackaby of Ontario, sociation to at any time work a councilman and part owner of the lace, and now running mate with ing with the annual president’s ad Governor Sprague appointed Joe hardship on stock or sheep men. one Nyssa Packing company; Bernard President Roosevelt, that Cuba must dress, after which Charles E. Strick- Dyer of Ontario and Fred Koopman official said. We believe that $6 is insurance broker and real not cut down their shipments of raw Eastman, llne, state engineer, will speak on of Nyssa to fill the vacancies. Rob not too much to ask for hay when estate agen; Herschel Thompson, sugar into the United States. it is an established fact that the "Operation and Maintenance of Ir ert D. Lytle. Vale, Is tne third mem Thompson and Son, local feed Morgan did not see very bright of rigation Systems." This same sub ber of the board. This board will farmer is just about paid for his dealers; Oeorge Henneman, owner hopes either for the Nyssa district, ject will be illustrated on moving have the final selection of the men work at this price. of the Gamble Stores agency and nor for the American beet grower. county’s outstanding 4-H club boy and girl, Marjorie Groot, pictures by W. H. Robinson of Cald who will be called to the service Those heading the association are Route Malheur Edwin M. Tucker. 2, Nyssa, Oregon, and Harold Kurtz, Route 1, Nyssa, Oregon, returned He said that the Nyssa district For the office of recorder only two well, Idaho, manager of the Gem Ir when the call comes from President William A. Schaffer. Rt. 1 Ontario, home last week from a three day visit to the Pacific international Live would undoubtedly receive a cut, but candidates were nominated, being rigation district. Other speakers will Roosevelt for the first draft of men general chairman; John Lienhard, stock Exposition as i; nests of the First National Bank of Portland In the Just how much he was not able to M. F. Solomon, incumbent recorder, be Ralph L. Parshall, a federal spe to serve in the armed forces for a Nyssa, secretary-treasurer; Zack annual arhtovemenf and leadership contest. predict. As to the financial outlook who Walker chairman, Nyssa, Owyhee cialist on water measurement and period of one year. Portland proved to be a hospitable city, the two reported, and the held the office since June, and Adrian districts; Sid Flanagan, entire group of 72 winners, representing every county in Oregon and two he said that the initial payment this 1937, has delivery, of Port Collins, Colo, and and Grant Rinehart, Nyssa year would probably not exceed $4 Rte. 2, Nyssa, chairman Nyssa dis from Portland, employed every courtesy. Hubert Koons, a Lakeview irrigation grade school and son-in- In addition to visits to the Pacific International, high points of the per ton. which is simply following a law of Mr. and teacher, and A. F. Wheatley, Vale, program farmer. TOWNSEND SPEAKER trict; Mrs. Dick Tensen. were a group dinner on the exposition grounds followed by an downward trend since 1937. In the nominations for recorder chairman of Vale district. ATTRACTS CROWD at the horse show; sight seeing tours of Portland including inspec general The meeting Saturday night is evening The claim of Colorado growers for confusion arose over the nom of the head office of the First National Bank, a trip through the Ore to any farmer in the county, tion larger allotment, according to some BOY SCOUT CONFAB An overflow crowd was present at open ination of Mrs. A. L. Fletcher, wife gon Historical Society, a tour of the Crown Flouring Mills, inspection of a a Morgan and to any businessmen who are in should not be allowed to of the city United Airlines plane and a visit to the Oregon Journal. Thursday evening attorney and present de SLATED FOR OCT 20 noon the Eagles Hall on Sunday after terested. they attended a special banquet and dance at the Heathman Hotel. After stand, for statistics show the plant puty assessor. The motion to nomi when the Nyssa Townsend club a luncheon Friday at the Columbia-Edgewater country club the contest ed acreage in that state has shown nate Mrs. Fletcher was declared to The annual Scouters conference presented the popular young orator, winners started their return trip home. a marked decrease in the last ten have been made after a motion to will be held in Dairymans hall in Tiffen Reed at a public meeting. FORMER NYSSA years ending in 1939 In 1929 the close the nomination had been made Caldwell, Idaho, on Sunday. Octob' Reed is well know in all parts of state planted 240.000 acres while in Chairman Frost advised Tom 20, at 12:30 p. m. according to Dr. the United States having spoken in DOCTOR HERE Democrats Lead 1939 only 154.000 acres were planted but Nordale, who nominated Mrs. Flet C. A. Abbott, local scout commit forty of the states already and is to sugar beets. cher that he could make a motion teeman. The meeting will be pre booked ahead for speeches in an Dr. G. G. (Jerry) van der Vlugt, G .O .P . In County The reciprocal trade agreement to re-open the nominations, but he ceded by a luncheon put on by the other five. He came to Nyssa from former Nyssa surgeon and physician between the United States and Cuba failed to do so. Mrs. Fletchers name ladies of the grange and will be fol New York where he spoke at fifty- spent Tuesday in Nyssa as the guest Registrations The Nyssa triple C. camp will be has shown of Frank T. Morgan in a pheasant a similar adverse trend can yet be placed on the ballot by lowed by a dinner at 6:30 p. m. five different meetings. re-opened sometime around Novem to the American farmer. In 1933 petition. Dr. Ray O. Raymond, director of Besides his activities in behalf of hunt. ber 1, according to Frank T. Morg Dr. van der Vulgt was most en The DemocratW*T$arty register Cuba sold to the United States $57.- The meeting was opened by May Education .Naitonal Council of the the Townsend movement, Reed is thusiastic secretary of the Nyssa Chamber 200.000 worth of goods while about the city owned hos more voters than the Republicans an, the U. or Thompson who acted as tempo Boy Scouts of America is one of the organizing the Tlffan Reed Youth pital recently the people of according to the figures released by of Commerce. The news came as a 8. sold to Cuba during that same rary chairman until a permanent principal speakers on the program. movement and already has thous Prairie city and built of by which the pop County clerk, Harry S. Sackett, this complete surprise to the Nyssa busi year only $22.700,000. In 1939 Cuba chairman and secretary were elect There will be a question and answer ands of followers. Their desire is to ular young doctor is in charge. men, who had almost despaired sold the U. S. $111,600 000 while we ed. Bernard Frost was elected chair “Any week. There are 7697 registered vo ness having formu and a panel discussion which create real and worthwhile jobs for city the size of Nyssa can have the camp re-opened. sold $78.400.000. man and Louis P. Thomas secretary. will include such topics as advance the younger generation instead of hospital of their own, if they real a ters, Sackett announced, 3,833 of of Already plans are being made to which are Democrats and 3697 Re Mayor Thompson was re-nomina placing them in W. P. A., N. Y. A., ment, camping activities, leadership offer various projects to the Civilian feel the need for one,” Dr. van publicans. Holding the ‘balance of Conservation corps company which ted but declined the nomination say and training and commissioners and CCC’s and other governmental con ly der Vlugt said. He added that the the power" are 167 other voters with will be moved here from Vale. ing .that he had served as council trolled activities. scoutmasters. Prairie city hospital, fully equipped various political affiliations, of these The decision on the part of the man and mayor for the past twelve The meeting is open to all cot1 Reed also had high praise for Nys cast the neighborhood of $73.000. there are three prohibitionists; 14, army to move the camp comes a- years and felt that some one else cil members, troop leaders .commit sa and remarked at the meeting all of in which financed by the ci are socialists, one Is a Progressive bout when it appeared unlikely that should assume the responsibilities of teemen, cub pack leaders and all that in all his recent travels this was ty, and is one was of the finest hospitals and 149 are either registered as the office. the first place he had seen which other men Interested in scout work. was Death came almost Instantly to an immediate start would be made really suffering from a short in the state outside of Portland. The dependents or have r,-' political on the building of the Bully Creek Frank E. Hendricks at 4 p. m. Tues All nominated candidates must doctor offered to let any inteteste choice. Assuming that these latter dam. for which it was expected the day, October 15, following a heart file the acceptance of their respec age of labor. group see the plans for the build voters voted on the Republican side, Vale CCCC camp would be used. attack. Mr. Hendricks had been pro tive nominations before October 26, ing and the method of financing it would give the Republicans a lead in order for their name to appear specting in the mountains for sev on and equippnig. One of 31 votes in the county. the city ballot at the November D. A. V. TO OBSERVE its of construction eral months and with his partners the outstanding principals laid 5 election. This meeting does not FORGET-ME-NOT Chester Hendricks and George Cole FOOD HANDLERS down in the operation of the hos prelude any other candidate from Disabled American Veterans pital man was investigating a claim about filing LICENSE RENEWAL by the city, Dr. van der Vlugt JORDAN VALLEY Dr. F. S. Weir, Nyssa dentist and a The for any of the city offices. national organization, will observe 18 miles below Huntington on the Lieutenant-Commander in the Nav their annual national Forget-Me- said, was the “open staff” princi HAS ELECTRICITY This can be done by the circulation According to City Health Inspec Snake river when death came. al Dental corps reserve was called ot Not day on October 19. according to pal, meaning that the hospital must of petitions, by registered vo Apparently in good health Hen ters and filed signed active duty this week. He will report a proclamation made by Mayor R. always be open to an accredited doc Residents of Jordan Valley saw tor. Dr. J. J. Sarazin, all food hand dricks with the City Record complained suddenly of feel lers, and others coming under the for duty at the Bremerton Navy A. Thompson, who has asked that tor in the state. their dream of an electrified town city health ordinance must ren ing ill and sat down on a log to rest. er, M .F. Solomon. yard. all Nyssa residents buy the little come to pass last Saturday with the He passed away Immediately. health cards next week. Commander Weir received his or Forget-Me-Nots that will be offered j Loses Finger. turning on of the electricity from their Dr. Sarazin said that those calling The remains were taken by the TWO FINED IN ders to report for his physical ex for sale on that day. The proceeds Dave Bamberry suffered a badly the R. E. A. diesel generating plant. at his office on Tuesday and Wed- Baker County coroner to Baker atu JUSTICE COURT amination the latter part of last the sale of these flowers are mashed and lacerated right hand The plants will serve he city of Jor neday, October 22 and 23 would pay there the family was notified. week and to report for duty, folluv from used for rehabilitation work for and of one finger as the dan Valley, with a future expansion the usual fee of $1 for the examina from Bert Lienkeamper of the Nyssa It cost William K. Pierce a $25 ing his examination, on Saturday,, those men who were injured in the result the of loss plan which is hoped to reached out chatching his hand in a tion, those calling later than Octo Funeral home brought the body to fine and $5 costs Monday for shoot October 19. defense of their country. hay chopper this week. He is at the onto nearby farms. ber 2 would be charged $1.50. Nyssa last evening. Dr. Weir came to Nyssa about a On ing from a highway and hunting Business Trip During the summer and early fall Nyssa nursing home under the care According to the ordinance those Funeral services will be held at the without year ago and opened his offices in Mr. and Mrs. Frank Warren, of of Dr. K. E. Kerby. a license, in the Justice months there have been 150 truck- under the jurisdiction of the ordi the Sarazin Clinic. Peggy's Pantry, left for Baker toda> Also at the nursing home is Bob loads of lambs and sheep hauled out nance may have their own physlcla Full Oospel Tabernacle at Second Court in Nyssa, presided over by and Ergood at 2:30 Friday afternoon Judge W. J. Williams. On the same On leaving, Weir said that while for a short business trip. Cornett who is recovering from a of the valley by local outfits. At pre make the examination, but the card with Earl Sldred was fined $25 and he regretted leaving Nyssa, he was sent the trucks are busy getting cat must be signed by the health offi ting. Rev. Floyd N. Pounds officia day badly wrenched back received when $5 costs for reckless driving. most pleased and willing to assume tle from this area to market. he fell from a haystack. in addition to their regular phy Frank E. Hendricks was bom at the rank in the navy that he held ADRIAN WHIPS Mining of the South Mountain cer. L. Oruell is remaining at the hos sician in the event that they desire Prineville, Oregon in 1878 of pio Visits From Portland at the close of the last war. During NYSSA 6-0 and is recovering from a frac mine Is still in full swing with two the latter to make the examination. neer that time he served with the Atlan Because of the good showing that pital parents and died a resident of Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Forbes were 17 ton trucks taking the ore daily tic Fleet (U. 8.) and was preser the Adrian high football team has tured thigh. Nyssa, October 15, 1940 at the age of guests of Mrs. Ethel Crawford and New Comers from the mine to Marsing where at the time of the surrender of the made so far this year and especial Recovers from Operation 62 years. and Mrs. Tom Coward and Mrs. At the Nyssa nursing home this In 1909 Mr. Hendricks was mar Mr. Grand Fleet of Germany. Betty Forbes the past week. The vi ly for their winning score over Nys Miss Sue Keiser. daughter of Mr. the ore Is reloaded to waiting cars week there was born to Mr and sa of 6 to 0 at last Friday’s game, and Mrs. C. J. Keiser, who was op and shipped to the International Mrs. Darwin Klbby on October 13, a ried and in 1917 moved to Nyssa H sitors were in Nyssa for a short va W C. T. U. TO MEET was one of the early settlers in the cation following a hunting trip in the players were treated after the upon for an acute apendicitls Smelter at Salt Lake, Utah. The es daughter. To Mr. and Mrs Leo Gon- Owyhee. There will be a day meeting of the game to milk shakes by Bill’s Service erated the mountains. They returned to at Cody, Wyoming is recovering very timated value of the ore is around yer on October 13, a daughter. Dr. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Eth therl county W. C. T. U. chapters held at station and to candy bars at the Ed- nicely according to last reports. $20.00 a ton. home in Portland the first of K. K. Kerby is caring for them. the Methodist church in Ontario on er hardware. the week. el Hendricks and three brothers, Miss Keiser has been doing gra To Mr. and Mrs. John King a Tuesday, October 22, beginning at The Adrian high band also made duate nursing at the hospital at Co Mr. and Mrs. Forbes were Oeorge and Claude Hendricks who Mr. With daughter on Oct. 14. ten thirty in the morning. and Mrs. Fraud Desboullions. Its first appearance in their new, dy for several months. Mrs. Varbel III live at Mountain Home, Idaho and Visits Parents Visits Sons There will be a covered dish lun gray uniforms when, before the Chester Hendricks at Payette. Mrs. O. 8 Warbel is a patient un When Frank Morgan returned ch at noon with a business meeting game, and during the half, they Nat Pinkerton III C. K. Norcott of Coquille is visit in the morning and a legislative dis marched upon the field to play. ing with his sons, Dr. E. D. Norcott der the care of Dr. L. A. Maulding from Washington D. C. last week he House Guests N. H. Pinkerton is critically ill at at Denver for a visit with cussion in the afternoon. and Arthur C. Norcott and their fa the family home on Main and Four at the Nyssa hospital and is recov stopped son-in-law and daughter, Mr. Dr. and Mrs. E. D. Norcott are en milies. Mr. Norcott is staying with SHOP IN NYSSA th. The new home of Mr. and Mrs. ering from an acute hemorrhage his Leaves for Home Mrs. Elaine Ballah, nee Marga joying a visit from Mrs Norcott’s Dr. and Mrs. Norcott. the out of town shoppers Harold Fletcher and Mr. Pinkerton from gastric ulcers, suffered last and ret Morgan, and Margaret returned parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Hum In Jordan Valley Dr. and Mrs. John E. Long who in Among Nyssa who traded at the Nyssa on Ennis near Fourth is now com Wednesday night. with him to Nyssa for a months vi phrey of Yakima who arrived on Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Johnson were were in Nyssa last week left for their Traders the past week were: Mr pleted but due to Mr. Pinkerton’s ill sit with Mr. and Mrs Morgan and Thursday Mr. Humphreys remained visitors on Sunday and Tuesday in home in Salem on Friday. Mrs. Arch Parker and Sam ness they have not moved yet. her many friends in this country. until today and got in some pheas Jordan Valley. They also visited at The home east of the tracks has and Fretwell of Parma; Mrs. Ouy Har Return from Trip ant hunting and Mrs. Humphreys the South Mountain mine. Brothers Passes On been rented to Mr. and Mrs. Oood- ris, Roy Gift, Mrs. Glen Eason and for a longer visit. 'ROUND TOWN Word was received this past week win. Mrs. Floyd Eason of Adrian; Mrs. Mrs C. J. Keiser. Mrs Ed Pruyn . . . . Hear Tom Jones over Ontario by R. Cornell that his brother in will Mr. remain MARKETS and Mrs. Don Peoples of ; D C. Mosely. Mrs. A. N Juny and and Mrs John J. Smith visited with way taught a couple of Nyssa youths Iowa had passed away. Mr. and Mrs. Bums are also guests From Baker of Dr. and By Wiley ( lower* J. W Charlesworth of friends and relatives in Jerome from why stop signs were made . . . . Wy Cornell had visited with him during Mrs. Norcott while Mr Peoples en Mr. and Mrs. Mark Robertson 1 Mr. and O. Mrs CASH PRICE Barringa of Boise. Mr and Saturday until Tuesday evening. lie Clower* fixing the scales so there joys some hunting. were in Nyssa on business Friday Vale: their trip east this summer and had BUTTER FAT Mrs Donald Doman Edwin Pasch- While away Mrs. Keiser was a guest Is no limit to what a fat lady weigh' and Saturday of last week and while ke. Raymond Westhing. Roy West- of Mr and Mrs. Ronald Burke seen him then for the first time in Child Improves Premium ........... 29 . . . the blitzkrieg of the pheasants here were guests at the Sidney Bur- hing, R. E. Banks. Mrs. Ray Hines thirty-two years. First _ _ ___ 38 opened at sunrise on Tuesday in to New Home for Alaska bidge home. Betty Ntecum who is at the Nyssa Second ........ 26 of Ontario; Melvin Martin. Nampa; Move these parts . . . and Lueien Wray Enlists Lawrence Peutz. second son of Mr and Mrs. A. V. Cook and Jim telling nursing home from an attack of POULTRY Visits Mother Joe Ferreira. Perry Eamhart Cald my Mr moved the buck Mrs Bill Peutz of Owyhee has infantile paralysis is showing a mar Hens, heavy ......... over the week end to knocking that him tall off one the about lie well: Mrs J F King. Nampa: Mr their new home road on his and Mr and Mrs Web Eldridge of and enlisted U. 8. Infantry and ked Improvement and Dr. K. E. Ker Hens, light and leghorns............. 7 on South Fourth John Norman. Weed. Calif near Ennis The new home is of mo way home and what's more bring will leave in the the first Portland visited with Mrs Eldridge s Mrs Mrs of next week for by the physician in charge has Cox ______ 3c Stafford, Walla Walla. dem early American design with ing home the bacon to prove It. mother, Mrs Betty Forbes. They Wash 8 ; J. K Hunt, training and eventually to be sta hopes of her final perfect recovery Springs-------------------- He and 11 Clyde Ellsberry, and were returning from a deer hunt in Paul Elies berry. Emmett. tioned in Alaska. without permanent disability. green shakes and a full basement. Trade in on eggs 25 cents. the mountains above Unity. To Re-open Nyssa CCC Camp Nov. 1 4 F. E. Hendricks Dies Tuesday Dr. Weir Called To Active Service