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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1940)
r/ieNYSSA Published at Nyssa, Oregon. VOLUME XXXV, NO. 38 GATEWAY TO THE OWYHEE AND BLACK CANYON IRRIGATION PROJECTS IN THE HEART OF OREGON’S SUGAR EMPIRE Willkie Greeted By Oregonians O n Western Trip JOURNAL Fastest Growing City In Oregon $1.50 PER YEAR NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 36, 1940 Food Stamp Plan Opens Tuesday Due For First String Dut y Again This 1 c\*. W ater Users To Hold Public Meeting The coming Tuesday. 6.000 public assistance persons in the thirteen The Owyhee Water Users Associ SALEM—Activity on Oregon’s po eastern Oregon counties will come ation will hold an open meeting for litical front gained considerable im under the provisions of the Food all water users under the Owyhee petus this week as the Republicans Plan brought their biggest gun—none ot Stamp Irrigation project, on Tuesday, Oc Inauguration of the plan follows! her than Presidential Candidate a month of preparatory work in tober 1, at 8 p. m. in the Nyssa Wendell Wilkie—into the state for a which county commissioners, state Union higii school building, accord series of rear platform speeches at and welfare departments, ing to an announcement of the se Klamath Falls, Eugene and Salem various county groups, farmers, I cretary. C. C. and a major address at Portland on wholesale business and retailer food trades Monday morning. Everywhere along W. P. A., and the U. S. Department O’ oi’trtandJig importance to lo- the line the G. O. P. standard bear of I -rl farmers will be the main topic Agriculture all cooperated to have Washington, 1). C. News Bureau of er was greeted by enthusiastic the plan in effect at an early date. 1 j cf the meeting, that of finding ways the Nyssa Gate City Journal throngs, all of which is regarded by Essentially a program to move ( nd means of obtaining relief for leaders as indicative of i , I'c.’ce whose crops suffered, by the crops off over-laden farms, j WASHINGTON—Daily the im Republican the popularity of their candidate surplus b ea’.c. early !c t spring, in the north the Food Stamp Plan is expected pression deepens in the national ca and assurance of victory for the to canal. Just what form of relief could result in an additional $150.000 pital that the United States is Wilkie-McNary ticket in November. being spent annually in the 13 eoun- , be hoped for. fer those who suffered headed for war. General Marshall, In his Portland financi: lly. was not mode known by address, Wilkie ties for surplus foods. chief of staff, In a radio broadcast took the wind of the sails of the The current surplus foods list as Wyckoff, the presumption being declared that military danger (war) opponents camp when he declared designated by Secretary of Agricul that this will be brought out in the may develop hr six months. Because himself as favoring public owner ture Wickard for the period Octcbe’- discus; ians at the meeting. of this apprehension the high com ship of power. In this ownership, 1 to 1, includes: butter, eggs, pork The secretary said that he was mand is speeding up the manufac Wilkie said, the manner in whlcn and pork lard, fresh apples, pears anxious to have every farmer whose ture of munitions and expects in 19- this power should be distributed, and oranges, fresh Irish potatoes, lands are under the Owyhee to be 41 the production of planes, bomb should be left to the voters in the beets, cabbage, celery and carrots, present at the meeting, so that a ers, tanks, etc., will be under way various states as to whether they dried prunes, raisins and dry beans, full and informative discussion could Ray Morfitt, Frank Wilson and Herb Smith, all regulars of 'ast years Nyssa high's football squad will be but peak capacity will not be at wanted their own distribution sys corn meal, rice, hominy grits, wheat be the mainstays on this years team, which will see on ly four holdovers in the lineup. Norbet "Doe’’ Sarazin had, and that any decisions made tained until 1942. would be of a unanimous character. tem or whether they preferred to flour and whole wheat flour. is the other veteran from last year. Here are some of the steps taken have While the meeting will be of prime private companies handle the Inauguration of the Food Stamp for national defense: Islands at ei distribution, Interest to farmers, business and the price to be regula Plan eliminates the direct distribu Nyssa opens its season tomorrow ther end of the Panama canal are ted by the government. professional men are welcome to at Holmes Hurt In Wilkie, in I tion of surplus foods through com (Friday) against Welser on the Wei being acquired as air and navy bas tend, Wyckoff announced. modity depots and trucks. However, ser field, with local fans having to es and the defenses of the canal are distribution of surplus foods will be bide their time for a home game First Game For being increased. In exchange for 50- continued to schools sponsoring free over-age destroyers the United Sta school lunch programs. This latter until October 25, when Fruitland A questionnaire circulated among C. of I. tes has been given 99-year leases on program finds nearly 15,000 under will invade the local field. the students of Nyssa high school air and navy bases from New Foun- nourished school children being ser Other games if) the schedule are: this week revealed that, out of the Harold (Missouri) Holmes, last dland to the Caribbean. Each of ved wholesome luncheons every Payette, there, October 4: Adrian, 264 students enrolled, 130 want to years stellar fullback on the Nyssa these sites will be developed and school day. play some musical instrument, ac squad, stepped out into the college equipped with all possible dispatch. Complete instructions on how to there, October 11; and Vale, there cording to Gordon A. Finlay, instr football world, wearing the uniform City recorder, M. F. Solomon, re An agreement has been complet secure food stamps have been mail October 18. Then to wind up the uctor of instrumental musia. of the College of Idaho, last Satur gistrar of the Nyssa, Arcadia, Owy ed with Canada for mutual defence ed to all public assistance families season, the big little game, usually This survey was taken following day when that college played Gon- hee precincts, joined with County in case either country is attacked. by the State Welfare Commission played on Armistice with Ontario a demonstration of band instru zaga at Spokane. Although the Coy Clerk Harry S. Sackett In advising In accordance with this agreement, The sale of food stamp books will be played this year on Novem ments to the student body in a gen ote pack went down to a score of all voters to make sure of their re a special commission is now looking be handled by mail with particip will eral assembly. Various types of in 31-0, Holmes was given wide men gistration. in order that they may for defense sites to protect the Pa ber 8, on the Nyssa field. ants ¡emitting money orders or were played and a short tion by several coast sports writers eligible to vote at the forthcom cific northwest from Alaska south. cashier's checks in the correct am Added to the woes of Coach John struments description and history of each was for the fine game that he turned in. be These sites will be manned with Ca general election on November 5. Young with this years inexperienced ounts to the Portland Stamp Issu Holmes also came off the field with ing According nadian and American soldiers equip ing office of the Welfare Commis quad is a series of lame backs, arm given. law, all voters must whatever distinction there is in it, ped with artillery and combat plan An evening m eting o the same with a badly hurt shoulder, and for be regularly to registered and shoulders. 'dTl ,if which makes sion. days be es. Similar protection is being pre demonstration for the benefit of the that reason may not be in the line fore an election, which 30 A series of mass meetings were the chances for a victory seem small students’ In this case pared on the Atlantic. parents was held Wednes held throughout the thirteen coun for tomorrow’s game. But football up this Friday, when the College of would make it October 5. County ty area to acquaint grocers and oth being the game that is is, anything day. Idaho meets Llnfield college, Friday, Clerk Sackett said that registrations On October 16 some 16,000,000 men er food retailers with the details can happen, and with a few favor "Every parent should avail them September on Hay- would be taken up until the night between 21 and 35 years will regis of accepting and redeeming food able breaks, the Nyssa Blue and selves of this opportunity to offer man field at 27, 8 in p. Caldwell of October 5. m. ter and from these about 900,000 Wendell L. Wlllkie White could come back with a vic their children instrumental music,” Art Cook, also a former Nyssa As an added assistance to voters stamps. will be conscripted for military ser his several said Mr. Finlay. tory tucked under their belts. Last with labor the precinct of which Solomon is vice for one year. These are in ad men, seemed conferences was in the lineup for a few in registrar, year, Nyssa played Weiser to a 0-0 "It is well worth any sacrliiec player, to be well received, he said that he would keep dition to the national guard, calleo with union officials minutes in last Saturday’s game. standstill, although Weiser was giv which is necessary to make this pos Other Malheur county players in his office in the city hall open un him a into service for one year. After one verbal pat on the back giving en a pre-game margin over the sible. Still it is not too late for any the game were Ike Milligan of On til a reasonable hour October 5, for his atti year of service, these conscripts will tude toward labor. His for contention Bulldogs. student interested to register for be tario, Dutch Sherman and Jerry anyone wishing to register. be in reserve for ten years. Ultimate on ginners’ band. Parents interested Carmen both of Vale. A full list of the various registrar's this subject is that if industry is aim is an army of trained men, ac encouraged, should come and see me.” will voluntarily put Over one thusand young Oregon for the county precincts will be tive and reserve, of 5,000,000 which most of the it 10,000,000 Coach Farberry said that he was found on the sixth page of this is unemployed men will be given the opportunity Fair Board To Mr. Finlay pointed out that while is approximately 500,000 stronger back to work. with the showing made, ev sue of the Nyssa Journal. parents may have to buy instru pleased than the German army. to receive job training in the C.vili- in face of the defeat, and feels ments to make this instruction pos en The government is rushing the es Unprejudiced politcal observers an Conservation Corps during the Discuss 1941 much valuable experience was sible for their children, the lessons that tablishment of munitions factories believe that Wilkie will carry Ore October enrollment from Malheur gained which will go far toward FACTORY UNDER come under the regular school cur “putting in the midwest and these will be gon. This belief is based upon the county, according to an announce County Fair the bee” on the Llnfield TEST RUN riculum and would be free. in production next year. Aircraft fact that Oregon Is normally a Re ment by the Sta'e Public Welfare team Friday. “It costs less to buy an instrument publican state, coupled with the ad factories have so many planes to Commission. Young men will be se- With the most successful Malheur and learn to play it at high school The sugar factory of the Almagat build that present capacity is in ditional fact that Wilkie’s runnin: keted on the basis of their interest County now in the limb of his than it formerly cost to buy the in adequate and all of the plants (pri mate, Charles L. McNary, is a na in and ability to profit from the tory. the Fair board ed Sugar company at Nyssa is un is looking forward ncipally on the Pacific coast) are tive son and a very popular one as educational and vocational training. the Fair of 1941, and with that strument alone,” according to Fin dergoing its pre-campaign test lay. being expanded. Thousands of youn witnessed by his repeated elections Every effort will be made to place to in mind Is to hold a “Fair Booster” run. "The lessons are usually the big to the United States Senate. If, un gsters are being trained to pilot each enrollee In the camp and In dinner and meeting at Boulevard expense." he pointed out. Steam and power were turned in these planes and others thousands der these circumstances, Wilkie can the type of work for which he is best Grange hall, Cairo Junction, on Tu A Beginners’ class in viola, cello, Following a two months illness, to the various machines on Tuesday as ground crews to service the bom not carry Oregon, these observers suited and most interested. Each esday, October 1, according to an and bass (stringed instruments) will S. Elmer Allred died early Tuesday morning, according to Burnall bers. pursuit ships and training pla point, out, then the Republican enrollee will be given a brief orien annuoncement from John Lienliard, begin about next week. Brown, superintendent. The test will morning at the Nyssa hospital. At last nes. Factories are being order to cause nationally is hopeless. tation course,after which opportuni of the board. for two or three days. his bedside were Mrs. Maudie Phil expedite the manufacture of rifles Offsetting the Republican com ty will be provided for specialized president A new raw sugar "pan” and an At that time the dates will be with which to arm the soldier and plexion of Oregon and the strength training in one of the hundred or set for next year, plans will be for LEGION TO INSTALL lips of Austin, Nevadarl. and his son, additional white centrifugal have other factories are turning out am which McNary will bring to the tic more occupations available in ihe mulated and steps taken to assure Loren, of Nyssa. been added this year to the plant, munition for the weapons. Two ket. Democrats are counting strong Civilian Conservation Corps. Those the continued growth and prosperity The Nyssa Post of the American Funeral services were held this as well as a few other pieces of ma more Immense plants are under con ly on the strength of the New Deal who show*particiular ability and in Dearborn, Ontario FFA advisor and Legion and it's auxiliary will both afternoon (Thursday) at the L. D. chinery of lesser Importance. struction to make smokeless powder. with the labor groups as well as terest will have further opportunity of S. church with Bishop D. L. Ander hold installation ceremonies for the The actual time for the beginning the Malheur County Fairs. Orris son officiating, with funeral arran with WPA workers, reliefers and of receiving training in one of a E. M. Hauser, 4-H county leader, new officers of the organization on of the campaign not yet been Contractors are preparing to pro other beneficiaries of New Deal be number of specialized schools, which have already advised the board that next Thursday, October 5. gements under the direction of the decided on, this has being contingent duce tanks for the motorized army nefaction. of the Legion Post will Nyssa Funeral Home. will offer intensive training in ra upon the condition of the beets in respective clubs are already out see Members tanks of 20, 40 and 50 tons and de Outside of Wilkie’s visit to the dio, operation, telephone construc the Sidney Elmer Allred was born on Wesley J. Brown installed as to exceed the records of their 1940 Commander; Gene Seibault. first April 16. 1864, at Springfield, Utah. the field, but It is expected that the signs are being drawn for a 70-ton state the only major development tion and repair, auto mechanics, projects, 1940 campaign will get under way tank. Every navy yard is engaged in on Oregon's political front this week cooking and baking, first aid, trac fection. both in number and per vice commander; Clarence Blanch He and his family came to Nyssa some time between October 1 and 8 building fighting ships and private was the outright declaration of for tor operation and repair, photogra- Of prime concern to the boprd is ard, second vice commander; Dr. in 1919. HLs wife preceeded him In yards have been assigned some of mer governor Charles H. Martin, an phf, and other vocations. A. Abbot, adjutant; Douglas Mac death on March 14, 1936. condition of tne present lair C Donald. this work. About 50 destroyers are old line Democrat, in support of | Applicants must be unmarried, ci the finance officer and Arthur He Is survived by his daughter, DAIRYMEN MEET buildings, which for the 1940 fair Maudie Phillips and son, Loren. to be constructed on the Pacific the Willkie-McNary ticket. Martin, tizens of the United States, between were inadequate in size as well as in Heiter as sergeant-at-arms. roast in addition to submarine ten who is bitterly opposed to the New the ages of 17 and 23, «employed a bad state of repairs. Ways and The auxiliary ceremonies will see The dairymen of Malheur count) ders, seaplane tenders and a fleet Deal has accepted the state chair- | and in need of training opportuni means must be found for improve Mrs. Fred Osterkamp installed as held a meeting In Ontario last Fri NYSSA MEN ATTEND of speedy motorboats which carry manship of the Jeffersonian Demo ties available through the Civilian ment of the present set-up and for president; Mrs. Edwin Tucker, se day night hear J Kendricks, of torpedoes Five years are required to crats of Oregon, an organization of Conservation Corps, in good health, j additional halls and stalls, accord-, cond vice president, Mrs. Sidney Bu- RECLAMATION MEET the Oregon to Milk Producers associa construct the super-battleships, but conservative demoertas who are su not in regular attendance In schorl ing to Llenhard. rbidge, secretary and Mrs. Harry tion give a talk on the necessity of while these are on the ways, the pporting the republican national ti nor on vacation therefrom, and of Russell as treasurer. Frank T. Morgan and Dr. J. J. an educational program on the be navy will be busy providing itself cket this fall. Other prominent De good character. Mrs. Grover Frances, district pre Sarazin are attending the ninth an nefits of the Oregon Milk Control with smaller craft. sident of the Auxiliary has been in nual meeting of the National Re Act. The next enrollment will take | mocrats affiliated with this organ place vited to act as the installing officer. clamation Association, which opens The Malheur Association went on October 1, and Octo- I ization are George P. Putman, pub ber 31. between I Continued on back pagel In addition to the installation ce Tuesday in Great Falls, Montana, record as favoring this program, a ’d 1940. Information is obtain- j lisher of the Salem Capital-Journal. | Public Welfare and the 1 . . . . smoke out of the big stack remonies of the Auxiliary there will and will close this evening. Both of each member pledged his financial I. H. Van Duzer. prominent Portland able at the office Commission of Malheur County again . . . . and lettuce boxes piled be a class of three or four Initiated the delegates are expected to re support. lumberman: and State Senator THE WEATHER State Employment Service, high at the Hogue packing plant into the order, according to Mrs turn to Nyssa Saturday. Dellmore Lessard. The group attem Oregon . . . hear thirty-five deer passed Wesley J. Brown, retiring president C. P Flegel and E M Grelgg, of Following are the thermometer pted to buy a page In the official the latter with offtces in Nyssa and . through the Polar Cold Storage the Ontario, are also attending the MARKETS readings as given at the Nyssa of voters pamphlet in support of Will- Ontario past week . . . . hear Doc Norcott Son Improved meeting. fice of the U. 8. Reclamation. kie but were denied the privilege on By Wiley Glowers Joined Coxes army . . . . and Doc the ground that they did not repre DRIVERS EXAMINER Weir high low Date wishes the Navy’d make up its The 7 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Returns From Hunt III CASH PRICE 65 sent a "political organization with 44 19 mind what it is going to do with Kenneth Lanton. who was one of 44 Bl"ITER FAT nominated candidates .” At about the A traveling examiner of operators him 67 20 must be a woman's rifle the victims of poliomylitis has im Mrs. Ralph Beutler who hunted Premium .................... 40 same time the Jeffersonian Demo- and chauffeurs is scheduled to ar team . in . . . these 70 28c 21 parts from the num proved enough to be out of danger with Mr Beutler and a party of First ................................... .._ 27c voters’ pamphlet, the Oregon Com- rive in Nyssa. Wednesday, October ber of deer they’re 76 40 22 reported to have crats were being denied space In the 2, and will be on duty at the city killed so far . . . . one subject every and all possibility of further infec friends at the Robert Long cabin Second .............................. . ..... 25c 43 77 23 that Mr and Mrs. Lanton left near Unity over the week end re monwealth Federation was also be- hall between the hours of 10 a. m 49 80 24 agrees on that it was a grand tion for Silver City on Wednesday to turned home on Monday suffering Hens, heavy POULTRY 44 I ing denied the same privilege when ; and 5 p. m All those wishing per- j one 76 25 .....„.................. ... lie Job catching that California kid bring home their son. Mike, who from a severe cold and has had to Hen.s light and leghorns ___ There are Impounded at the Owy- they sought to buy a page in sup mlts or licenses to drive cars are i napper has been there with relatives since remain in bed since. She is reported Cox ............... ........................ ___3c 6c heee reservoir 404,800 acre feet of port of the Roosevelt-Wallace tic- asked to get in touch with the ex aminer during these hours. his brother was taken 111. ket to be recovering nicely. Springs ________________ .... 13c water Students Show Music Interest Voters Advised To Register CCC Enrollment Opens In County Services Held For S. E. Allred ” r