Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1940)
TH E N YSSA G ATE CITY JOURNAL, TH U R SD AY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1940 precautions are used, your venison sister, Mrs. Joe Harris and family of 21,677. FOR R E N T —2 room house, clean, Too Late to Classify Other proposed districts Include: will be much more appetizing. I f you in Vale. water In kitchen sink and cooking Mr and Mrs. Jim Kerr and daug LOST OR stolen Black and white Clackamas County—724 square have a better system, use It. My Ups stove, fenced yard. Lawn and trees. hter, Mrs. Sam Orlmmett and Bev miles, including practically entire are not the only ones of value. pointer dog. lame In right hind inhabited portion of the county with Here's wishing you good weather erly Bennett of Caldwell were Sun leg Answers to name of ’’Pat” . R e On graveled street and and near the exception of Canby: total pop and good luck day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dyre ward for information concerning Us highway. Rent $10. Available about ulation 55.500 Roberts. where abouts. Bill Peutz, Phone 03J2 Sept. 26. Call Journal office. Polk County— *44 square miles, in- I Mr and Mrs. R. L. Haworth. Mr. Nyssa Route 2. eluding municipalities of Pall City. SC H O O L OPENS and Mrs. E. H. Brum bach, Phyllis Independence and West Salem, but. A R C A D IA Haworth and Laura Prosser attend FOR SALE—New 40 lb. Calton mat ^ and Monmouth: popula ed a Book club meeting at the home tress 15.75. New Inner spring tion 14.000. V A L L E Y V IE W — Arcadia school of Mr and Mrs. C. E. Peck In Boise $10.95 For the baby who deserves Washington county—551 square started again Monday Misi Eulah Sunday. In the evening Messrs. the beat— Innersprlng mattress with miles, practically entire Bratton and Betty Hannon are the Haworth and bach attended "never wet’’ cover, 28 x 52, only miles, including including practically inhabited area of county exoept Fo $6.95. A rare value. The Nyssa T ra teachers. __ . the ball game. and practically all of the settled rest Orove; population, 35290 Mrs. Thelma Brown of Los Ange der sells for less—Main highway Neighbors and friends gathered portions of the county. Clatskanie PUD—87 square miles Wednesday at the Shef White home les and Mr. Perry Smith of Boise north. Largest district from an area in northwest Columbia county in to charivari Mr and Mrs. Joe White. spent several days visiting In the J. standpoint is the proposed CoosP cluding city of Clatskanie: popula Mr and Mrs. Henry Denison of R. Chaney home. Mrs. Brown also FOR SALE—Tents for less—new 14 UD embracing 898 square miles and tion 3480 Portland visited M r and Mrs Will visited In the Lynn Chaney home * 16. $18, others $4 up. The Nyssa Including all of the municipalities Columbia River— 175 square miles In Parma. Trader sells for less, Main highway Rees Friday In Coos county, except Bandon. with ! but does not include any incorpora Mrs Forrest Witthar and daught M r and Mrs. K. I. Peterson and north. What have you to trade? c INS. CO. N. A. a population of 30,478. ted cities: population 6283 er of Dillon. Colorado, M r and Mrs. children of Adrian spent Sunday The proposed Central Oregon PU Union county—521 square miles, Joe Huber of Bruhl. Idaho and Mr. evening visiting In the Claude Each- FOR SALE-Beautiful etched round DDS of 400 or 500 to one tre D embraces a total of 849 square including all municipalities In the and Mrs. Fred Abbott o f Twin Falls us home. mirrors. 22 x 22. Grand for Christ interesting on almost any miles in the three counties of Des- county; population 18.200. arrived at L. L. Hubers this week to Mrs. Noah and children and Mrs, mas giving. $139. 20 Inch mirrors $1. chutes. Crook and Jefferson and Central Lincoln— 18 square miles attend the wedding of Martin Huber Bishop who were guests in Walter The Nyssa trader sells for less Main kind of wager, aren’t they? takes in all of the inhabited portion including city of Newport and thlck- which was at Vale Wednesday Those are the kind of odd» you receive and Verl Bishop homes returned to highway north. f the three counties including the ly populated strip along coast; pop Out of town visitors to the Nyssa when you take out insurance on your Mr and Mrs Noah motored to their homes In Glendale, California. cities of Bend. Redmond. Prinevllle ulation. 3000 Trader, Main highway north regi home, household furnishings, car and Welser on business Tuesday. Friday. If the high cost of and Madras with a total population Shef White Is having a bunch of Elmer Parker and Geraldine of ster in our guest book. Free gift other possessions. The insurance com* sheep pasture off some of his alfal Donnelly were week end gues's In at Christmas. school and dress shoes pany in effect wagers nothing will TIPS FOR DEER the E. E. Parker home fa this week for your boy or girl is BEAUTIFUL NEW all porcelain happen to affect your property and Mr and U p . Lyle Frake of Cairo Mrs. C. W. G riffin and Mr. and H UN TE R S wood and coal range. $29.50. A pays generous odds if it loses. And bothering, here is a spent Friday afternoon at the home Mrs. Dallas G riffin and family of $44.50 value. A small unnoticeable even if nothing does happen, the peace chance to make a real Friday many will be starting out of Paul Stevens. Caldwell were Sunday guests of Mr. mar In enamel. Nyssa Trader sells of mind you enjoy is worth many timet Clifford Anderson received a rope and Mrs. J. R. Chaney. after buck In view of the amount of saving, getting quality for less, main highway north. the small sum such protection costs. venison that is either spoiled or ren burn on his leg while stalking a Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bennett and at the same time. dered unfit for eating, due to im calf Thursday. children were Sunday guests at the COAL AND wood heater stove. Jour Phone for low rates. (Phone N o.) Mr and Mrs David Rees and Councilman home at Roswell proper care, it may not be amiss nal office. 19Slxp to offer a few tips for the benefit of Douglas attended a farewell dinner Mrs. L. Eachus, Mrs. K ate Gard FOR SALE—New bed davenos $27.50 Sunday at the A. E. Hawkins home the novice. These tips will be given ner and Stovel Wells were Sunday Superbullt, no sag construction— in brief form and require mixing of Lincoln honoring Bert Hawkins visitors of Boise relatives. Others $23.95 to $35.00. The Nyssa MEN’S AND LADIES W E AR IN G Phone U s for Y our with a reasonable amount of "com who will leave for Oregon State col- Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Brumbath Trader sells for less. Main highway APPAR E L Phone 97 mon sense " were guests of their daughter, Mrs. north. Third and Main Streets, N'yssa P R I N T I N G I f you’re not real sure your buck ^ M r and Mrs. A. A Bratton called John Bishop in Nyssa Tuesday a f is dead, give him an extra shot back at the Ted Rogers home toy Adrian ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Haworth and | of the ear before sticking. Bleed and Sunday. . . W T. HVckey lost a cow .ast w ee.. daughters entertained the faculty of dress at once The quality of the Winifred Letter returned home the Adrian high school at a dinner meat is largely dependent on remov ing the animal heat as quickly as this week after working this summer party Tuesday evening. possible. We all like to bring our at the B ill Stewart home at Cairo. Knox Alexander and George Ste buck In with the hide on and the head Intact, but If the weather Is wart spent the week end at Prairie B U IL D IN G PE RM ITS CyCO¿OGVSE2 warm, better remove the hide. It City. The following applications f o r 1 ___ ___________________ Mr and Mrs. Ira Williams and building permits have been filed ) was put on to keep the deer warm The A. B. C. Monthly Pay during his life and it serves to hold Evelyn of Payette were Sunday din- with the City Recorder: ment Plan o f Home Own No. 396—C A. Reece Wreck A. T. _ lot of heat after he is dead A ,ier guests of Mrs. W E Brown and ership eliminates endless I quartered deer will cod more quick- family. Mrs. Ruth Williams returned Blk. 7 Orlg. $ 00. No. 397— Hinsch Estate Adddltion | red tape allowing pros ly than a whole one. I f water Is a- home with them, after spending se- to dwelling Lots 6 to 10, Blk 6 Orlg vailable. have no hesitancy In slosh- veral weeks with her daughter. Mrs. pective Home Owners to $ 200 . ing a few buckets of cold water into Brown proceed with a minimum No. 398—Chris C. Knudsen. Erect | the body cavity. Blow flies are al amount o f delay. garage. Lots 8-9 Blk. 142, Ward. ways a menace at deer-huntlng BIG BEND time Carry a can of black pepper COM E IN T O D A Y — A SK Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Phelan were $ 100 . No. 399—Perle Richard—Move and In your hip pocket and use gener in Caldwell Wednesday A B O U T TH E D E TA ILS • You’ve got the spot picked O U T W H E R E ously on any exposed meat. It may Mrs. E. Creasser of Meridian visit remodel dwelling Unplatted between reduce the Job of picking o ff fly ed Thursday and Friday In the Ha Glasgow and blk. 41. Park. $200. you’ll get your deer. No. 400—Cecil Pagan— Erect dwel eggs. On a warm day. your deer will worth home keep cooler on the ground than • W e ’ve got the spot to KEEP it in! Rev D Burke of Payette was a ling. lot 20. blk. 4. Park. $600 No. 401— W iley A. Clowers, Erect | hung up— In the shade, of course. caller In the Brum bach home Wed I GOOD! AVE L HIGHWAY lOlj dwelling. Lot 6. blk. 65A. Oreen. Packing a deer on a pole may make nesday. • O U R COLD STO R AG E LOCKERS will keep a nice picture, but it is sure HELL -E V E N A G R A PE - Mrs F. A. Miller and Virginia. $ 2100 . ' T he SIGN OF GOOO tUMBt* on the packers. I f there are two or Mrs. Lora PUlsbury and Mrs. Dan I f no written protests have been F R U IT ’ L L K IC K * % it in perfect condition. ;FHOm lit JOHN EQSTtOHFtoej more of you. make a Utter of two HoUy of Adrian were in Boise Thur filed within ten (10) days from the * B A C K A O K t-tlfA E .— date of this publication by owners poles and some pieces of rope. I t ’s sday of property in the City o f Nyssa, ( a lot easier. You should have some • JUST a few Mrs. Claude Eachus attended an the above applications will be ap- ' proved. I kind of sack to cover your deer. lockers left . . . . American Legion meeting at the Muslin is fine for skinned deer; a home of Mrs. Sue Ashraft In Ad m a k e arrange Legal Advertisement wool sack. If the hide is left on rian Tuesday evening. ments for your* Sugar sacks are O K for a quarter NO TICE OF ELECTION Mr and Mrs. Arch Parker were Hang meat in the open at night. School District 26 N O TIC E IS H EREBY given that Wrap up at dayUght and place on shopping In Boise Friday. N S Phelan attended a SoU Con an election will be held on October i ground under your bedding 7. 1940 between the hours of 4 p. 3 * In transporting a deer on a car. servation meeting held at the Moore m and 5 p m. or the purpose of ! Hotel in Ontario Friday. the front bumper is my first choice; electing one tl> director for the un- j Robert Knlefel o f Parma is a expired term ending June 16. 1941. j top of car or rear bumper next. II The place for the casting of votes guest in the Harvey Bennett home you must carry a deer on your fen be the school building of Dis Mrs Della Bunnell of Middleton will der. place a bunch of green limbs trict 26, at Nyssa. Oregon. or a rolled sack or even a block of spent the week end visiting her Dated September 18. 1940. 24 H O U R SERVICE By order of the Board. wood beg ween him and the hood to mother. Mrs P B’. Anderson. B B. Llenkaemper. Clerk. Mr and Mrs. Claude Eachus and permit air circulation and keep the First published Sept. 19. 1940 meat away from the heat. I I proper children were Sunday guests of her Last published Sept. 26. 1940 , > centered in the Willamette valley it extends to all sections of the state including one district in eastern Oregon, one in central Oregon and State capital news .... . ............ S A L E M — Advocates o f p u b several along the Columbia river lic ownership will stage their great and in coast counties. est battle for control of power uti- i Largest of the proposed PU D ’S litles in Oregon on November 5 con- I from a population standpoint is the current with the general election— i when ten different communities will Marlon county district with a popu- vote on proposals to create peoples lation of 73.000. ITie district would coper 755 square miles, taking in all untility districts. While the heaviest attack will be of the Incorporated communities P. U. D. DISTRICTS U P FOR V O T E Brum S P E C IA L SH O E SALE HAVE Boys and Girls SHOES O 1000 ENVELOPES n Like Last Time. Got A Sample? FINE! Atkeson’s Store Frank T. Morgan ATTENTION HOME OWNERSHIP and A.B.C. DEER HUNTERS V Season Opens Sept. 2 0 J Y S S A , Ctnn/uun/1 Now Official Game Tag Station STOCK’UP Polar Cold Storage Cr Locker Plant NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEETING Grocery Specials for Friday and Saturday, September 20 and 21 Q OOd p Borene Granulated Giant size 1 bar free LJ 10 lb. can* produced by Honey Foster noney Peanut Butter Salad Dressing Baking Powder ff . V -O tte e f farPs° und 3 ^ S t 'T Shurfine 1 lb. bags ground fresh Fly Spray ff V-ortee Golden West 2 ib. can* Shortening fSOZ. Candy Bars I I bO lO 4 pound packages Bacon Squares S O ** « 59c 75c 23c 23c rl 1 9c 22c 33c 47c 45c . 10c 29c 12c O PE N E V E N IN G S U N T IL 9 P. M. ILSON G rocery A Dependable Food Store NYSSA OREGON N O TIC E IS HEREBY G IVEN to the legal voters of School District No 26. of M alheur County. State bf Oregon, that a SCHOOL M E ETING of the said district will be held at Nyssa. Oregon, on the 7th dav of October. 1940 at 4:00 o’clock p m . for the purpose of discussing the budget for the fiscal school year, beginning June 17. 1940. and ending June 16. 1940. hereinafter set forth, and to vote on the proposition of levying a district tax. 1 2 3 4 5 BUDGET Estimated Receipts Estimated balance on hand at the be ginning of the fiscal school year (third Monday in June) for which this budget It made * 822 17 T o be received from the County School Fund 7800 00 T o be received from the Elementary School Fund -------------------------------- 2650 00 T o be received from the State Irre ducible School F u n d -------------------- 101S.0O T O T A L E STIM A TE D RECEIPTS *12.08517 «Items 1 to 4 In c .).________ Estimated Expmdltarce GENERAL CONTROL 1 Personal service: (1) Superintendent ....... ........ ♦ 145000 (2> Clerk ____ ___ _______________ 300 00 >3) Compulsory education and census .................. ........ SO 00 2 S u p p lie s ...... ................................... 50 00 3 Elections and p u b lic ity __________ 75 00 4 Legal service (clerk's bond, audit. etc. i ______ —..... .......................... 100.00 5. Other expense of general control - : 150 00 8 Total Expense of General Control $ M75.8* II. IN S TR U C T IO N —Supervision 1 Personal service: ( I ) Principals .............. ................ 1300 00 8 Total Expenar .Supervision f 1JM-M III. IN S TR U C T IO N —Trarhin* Personal service: (J) Teachers ............... $11500.00 2. Supplies ichalk. paper, etc ) ____ 520 00 3 Textbooks ............ ................. 1000 00 4. Total Expense of Tracking SM M N IV O PE RA TIO N OF P LA N T I. Personal service : (1) Janitors and other employees $ 1 800 00 1 Janitors’ s u p p lie s ________ __ _____ 300 00 J. Fuel 60000 4 Light and p o w e r ______ ________ ___ TOO 00 5. Water 25000 8 Total Expense sf Operation S 2.858 88 V. M AINTENANCE * REPAIRS I. Repair and maintenance of furni ture and equipment 8 400 00 1 Repair and maintenance of budd ing and a r m * : 4888» 8 Total Expense t I. SAVE Through VI. A U X IL IA R Y AGENCIES 1. Library: U ) lib ra ry books _______________ 100.00 50.00 (2) Supplies, repairs, etc..... Health service: 25 00 (2) Supplies and other expenses Transportation of pupils: 5 ,000 00 | (1) Personal service ........... ....... (2) Repair and replacement of 500 00 i busses Total Expense of Auxiliary $ 5675.00 i Agencies ______________ ____ V II. FIX E D CHARGES L In s u ra n c e ____________.______ __ — 400 00 *. Total Fixed Charges __________ $ 400.00 Vm . C A P IT A L O U TLAYS 1. New furniture, equipment and > replacements 500 00 *. Total Capital Outlays ___________f 500.00 IX . DEBT SERVICE 1. Principal on bonds (Include nego tiable interest-bearing warrants is sued under section 35-1104) . $ 7.500.00 2 Principal on warrants ___________ 2000.00 3. Interest on bonds ________________ 2300 00 4. Interest on warrants 1000 00 8 Total Debt Service $12.800.00 X. 0.00 EMERGENCY Indebtedne» Amount of bonded indebtedness (include all negotiable Interest-bear ing warrants issued under section 35-1104) $68 100 00 Amount or warrant indebtedness on warrants issued and endorsed "not paid for want of funds” ............... 6.853 78 T*4al Indebtedness (sum of items U ) ---------------- --- ---------- ----- .... *74.953.78 Total estimated expense for the year (sum of items 1-8, II-2. I l l -4 IV -8 V-S. V I -4. Vn-2, V III-2. IX -2 IX-5. X ............................. *49.120 00 Total estimated receipts, not Includ ing proposed tax ......... .............. 12 085.17 Balance, amount to be raised by dM riet tax _ ....... ..... ........... $37.83883 Dated this 18th day of September. 1940 Signed: B B LIENKAEM PER A M HIO HSM ITH District Clerk Chatm an. Board of Directors Approved by Budget Committee September 18 1940 81gned » | ^ Dellcacleu on Your Table All Winter PH ONE 124 3 Block» North of “Y ” NYSSA Phone 108 D O U B L E PROGRAM THEATRE F E A T U R E FR ID AY A N D S A T U R D A Y , SEPT. 20 and 21 Penny Singleton, Arthur Lake and Larry Simms “BLONDIE HAS SE R V A N T T R O U B L E ” Donald Barry and Lona Andre in “GH O ST V A L L E Y R A ID E R S” Sat Mat., 2:30 p, m . Adm 5c-20c; Evening, 10c-33c, Includes tax S U N D A Y A N D M O N D A Y , SEPT. 22 and 23 Bob Burns, Una Merkel and Jerry Colonna in “C O M IN’ R O U N D TH E M O U N T A IN ” Cartoon, Comedy and Crime Doesn’t Pay Mat. Sun, 2:30, Adm, 10o28c, Evening Adm, 10c-33c, Includes tax — BAR G AIN N IG H T — R E C A P IT U LA T IO N C. C. H U N T Secretary. Budget Committee Scientific Refrigeration A. H. BOYDELL i Chaliman. Budget , Com m ute* TU ESD A Y, SEPTEM BER 24 Merle Oberon, George Brent, Pat O’ Brien in “ TIL W E MEET A G A IN ” Cartoon and Last Chapter “Terry and the Pirate*” __________________ *<■»• Children 5c, Adults 15c W E D N E SD A Y and T H U R S D A Y , SEPT. 25, 26 Bette Davis, Charles Boyer, Jeffrey Lynn and Virginia W eidler in “A L L THIS A N D H E A V E N T O O ” Cartoon and News 19*-3»e. including Defense Tax