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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1940)
TH E N YS S A G ATE C IT Y JO U RNAL, , TH U R SD AY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1940 UPPER SUNSET The Gate City Journal W IN IFR ED BROWN THOM AS • • - - Owner LOUIS P THOM AS - - • - Editor and Publisher INDEPENDENT IN P O LIT IC S AND R E LIO IO N. O P T IM I8 T IC IN D ISPO SITIO N W IT H NO INTERESTS T O SERVE EXCEPT THOSE O P M ALHEUR CO U NTY SU BSCRIPTION RATES One Year ......... $1.50 Six Months ...................*100 Single Copies ...... .05 (Strictly In Advance) AD VE R TIS IN G RATES Open rate, per Inch........_..S0c National, Per Inch ...........30c classifieds, Per word ___ Ole Minimum 25c Published every Thursday at Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon. Entered at the postoffice at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission through the United States Malls, as second class matter, under the act of March 3. 1879. NYSSA GATE C ITY JOURNAL’S PROGRAM ------+ ------ Co-operative Marketing Association for Malheur Farmers A Properly Equipped Trailer Camp A City Park A Comprehensive Street Improvement Plan NO SCARCITY OF BIG GAM E Ray, in the Kansas City Star. There is disquieting talk concerning “ bottle necks” in the defense program. It is obvious that the time taken in turning plans into production is dangerously long. According to commentators, certain segments of American industry are largely at fault, refus ing to go ahead and do their jobs unless and un til they are assured of excessive profits, with out possibility of loss. Just how accurate these charges are is not known, as the whole defense drive is enveloped in clouds of uncertainty. These clouds must be dissipated. The American people^ want to know and they are entitled to know just what groups are putting selfish inte rests ahead of the national interest. The greedy industry, no less than the greedy labor leader or the greedy politician, must be given short shrift. There is no question about the patriotism of those basic American industries which are essen tial to defense— the transportation companies, the power and light companies, and the majority of all business. These industries are sacrificing profits when necessary to the end that the public good be served. But if there is a purely mercen ary spirit in some industries— a spirit which thinks only o f the big money, and cares not how they make it the American people will demand stem action. There must be profits— no man can build a plant without feeling that eventually he will earn enough to pay for it. But there is a tremen dous difference between profit and profiteer ing, even as there is a tremendous difference be tween the sincere labor leader who seeks to ob tain for the worker a fair return for what he does, and the labor racketeer who seeks to ex ploit the industries which make employment possible. Industrialists, labor leaders and officeholders who put selfish interests above national interest, are going to feel the full force o f an aroused people’s wrath, before this emergency is over. (Industrial News Review). Here it tome excellent newt for the largest group of people in the United States— the con sumers whose number totals more than 130,000, 000 . A short time ago a large number of retailers met with the Consumer Adviser of the National Defense Commission. Among them were spokes men for both chain and independent stores in the drygoods, food, variety and other retail Mrs. Clarence Nlccum entertained the Wahlne club a t her home Thur sday with nine members answering roll call. Plans were made lor pot luck dinner at the C. C. C camp. Mrs. Agnes Chadd wax appointed flower committee and Cora Roosk- atool reporter. Next meeting will be Sept. 28 with Mrs. Arch Eastman hostess. Mrs. Howell and daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Chet Sage were Nampa visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Share and son were Sunday guests at Charles Grandfather, Carl Schwelzer. Dude Parker, E. E. Clonlnger and Doc Rafflngton are reroofing their houses since the recent hall. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Chadd and fam i ly spent Sunday at Silas Huffman’s home In Buena Vista. Mr. and Mrs. W alt Rafflngton were Sunday supper guests at Ira Chadds. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hines and family of Emmett, Mr. and Mrs. A l bert Hines of Caldwell were Sunday guests of their daughter and sister, Mrs. Dale Limbaugh. Mr. and Mrs. Elza Nlccum and family were Vale visitors Thursday. Alta Loma Howell entertained a number of young people at a birth day party Sunday. Mr. Homer Cates and sons and Jack R effett are working In the fruit at Fruitland. Alta Loma Howell is assisting with the work at the Cates home during their absence. Mr and Mrs. Dale Limbaugh and Mr and Mrs. Chuck Share spent Tuesday evening at Dude Parker home. They report Mrs. Parker much Improved In health. Robert and Donald Tosch and Ed win Bergman made a business trip to Montana last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Rookstool and family of Vale were Sunday guests at the Roy Rookstool home. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Clonlnger were Boise visitors Tuesday where Mr. Cloninger underwent a medical ex amination. Roy Rookstool accompanied the Willis brothers on a business trip to Boise Monday. The Wahlne club entertained their families at a Pot luck supper at the C. C. C. camp Saturday honoring birthdays from July to September and also Mrs. Chet Sage who Is leaving the club. After supper, games were enjoyed and Mrs. Sage was presented with a gift. Mrs. Limbaugh of Emmett was a guest. Legal Advertisement NOTICE OF M EETING Big Bend Irrigation District NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN, That the Board of Directors of the gation District, sitting Big Bend IiTlMtl as a Board of Equalization, will meet on Monday, the 14th day of Octo ber, 1940, at 8:00 o'clock p. m. at the N. S. Phelan residence within said district, for the purpose of reviewing and correcting its assessment and apportionment of taxes for the en suing. year 1941. The assessment list and record may be Inspected at the office of the Secretary at Nyssa, Oregon by any Interested person during business hours each day. By order of the Board of Directors. Carl H. Coad, Secretary. Dated and first published Sept. 12, 1940. Last published October 9, 1940. C IT A T IO N In the County Court of the State of Oregon in and for the County of Malheur. In the matter of the adoption of CORDELLA CHRISTENSEN, a m i nor child. T o Wayne Cordell Christensen: In the name of the STATE OP ORE GON, you are hereby cited to appear In the above-entitled court and pro ceeding within twenty-eight days from the date of the first publica tion of this citation, which date of publication Is September 12, 1940, and show cause, If any you have, why the petition of Homer Floyd Guyer and Helen Mae Guyer, hus band and wife, for the adoption of the minor child, Cordelia Christen sen. should not be granted, or why said adoption shall not be made. WITNESS. H. S. Sackett, Clerk of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Malheur County, at his office in said county and state this 11th day of September, 1940, with the seal of said court hereunto af fixed. H. S. Sackett Clark of the County Court By Hilton M. Clark, Deputy. First published Sept 12, 1940. Last published October 10, 1940. NOTICE OF ELECTION C IT Y OF N Y S S A , MALHEUR COUNTY, OREGON, PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENT. N O TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to an Ordinance pass ed by the Common Council of the City of Nyssa, Malheur County, Ore gon on the 9th day of September, 1940. being Ordinance 269, entitled "An Ordinance providing for the calling of a special election In the City of Nyssa, Malheur County. Ore gon, to be held on Tuesday the f if teenth day of October, 1940 for the proposed submitting to the legal vo ters of the City of Nyssa a proposed Charter amendment redefining the corporate limits of said City and for the purpose of excluding from said City of Nyssa certain tracts of land as proposed by Resolution of the Common Council of the City of Nyssa duly adopted and passed by said Common Council of the City of Nyssa duly adopted and passed by said Common Council on August 19, 1940, the same being Resolution No. 112; providing for the appointment of Judges and Clerks of such elec tion; the form of ballots to be used; that an affirm ative majority of the O W Y H F f total number o f votes cast on said W1 „ 1 , l r -L proposed amendment be required In Misses Nelda Chamberlain and order that such amendment be ad- Lois Patton and Mrs. Lewis Skinner opted, and providing for the count- were hostesses at a bridal shower ^ 7 ^ ? ^ nc^ flcatlon of for Mrs. Russell Patton Jr. at the amendment to the “ Recorder and home of Mr and Mrs. Frank Crock Common Council and subsequent thereon.” A special elec er Saturday afternoon. A splendid proceedings tion of the legal voters of the City assortment of beautiful useful gifts of Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon, were received by the bride. Contests will be held In the City of Nyssa. County, Oregon on the f i f were given the crowd for entertain Malheur teenth day of October 1940, between ment. Refreshments of jello salad the hours of 8 oclock a. m. and 8 oclock p. m. at the City Hall in the wafers and iced tea were served. Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Bigelow en City of Nyssa, for the purpose of submitting and at which time there tertained at dinner Sunday for Mr. shall be submitted to the legal vot and Mrs. S. T. Calhoun and Mr. ers of the City of Nyssa, the fol lowing proposed amendment to the and Mrs. . I. McMillan. Charter of the City of Nyssa, belnr Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Eason have the same set forth In and propose! moved from the Bradley ranch to by the Common Council by Resolu the house recently occupied by Mr. tion No. 112, adopted and passed by the Common Council on August 19, and Mrs. Bunny Schwelzer. 1940, to wit: The Charter of the City of Nyssa, Mr. and Mrs. Eben Patee and children left for their home In Cal Malheur County, Oregon, the said Charter being an Act to Incorporate ifornia after a stay here of several the Town of Nyssa, Malheur , Coun months. ty, Oregon, filed In the office of the Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kllngback Secretary of State of Oregon on February 24, 1903 as amended May and Robert Hanson of Squaw Butte 11,1937, be and the same hereby Is were Sunday visitors at the Martha amended by striking out all of Sec- tion 2 of C hap1 l pter 1 of said Charter Klingback home. d by vote of the people as amended Mr. and Mrs. Rex Walters and May 11. 1937. and inserting In lieu Jack Walters left Saturday for Oak thereof a new section 2 which said land. California to visit friends and section 2 as amended shall read as follows: also take In the Fair. Section 2. The district aforesaid A reception for the Teachers In constituting the City of Nyssa and Owyhee will be held at the school the limits and boundaries thereof be as follows: house Friday evening at 8 o’clock. shall Beginning at a point where the All patrons of the school are urged Eastern Boundary of the Oregon Short Une Railroad right of way to attend. Intersects the north Une of the The Owyhee Parent-Teacher met South Half of the Northeast quar at the school house Friday evening. ter of Section 32, Township 19, Committees for the coming year South Range 47 E. W. M., thence running In a southwesterly direction were appointed and business mat along said eastern boundary of the ters pretalnlng to the start of the Oregon 8hort Line Railroad right cf way to a point where said right of years work were discussed. Mr and Mrs. Ellis Walters were way intersects the southern line of the Northwest quarter of the South dinner guests of Mrs. Maldred Hite east quarter of Section 32. Township 19 South. Range 47 E. W. M. running and children Sunday. Mr and Mrs Charles Bradley and thence due West along the south line of said Northwest quarter of the Mr and Mrs. Charles Schwelzer Southeast quarter of Section 32, to were Sunday afternoon callers of the Southwest com er of the North Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lowe at Mitchell west quarter of the southwest quart er of said section 32; thence running Butte. Mrs. Lowe Is still not well. due north along the west boun- fields. The point o f the meeting was to consider the services which retailers might be able to ren der the country in these days of rapid changes. A resolution was unanimously adopted. Un der it. retail merchandising pledges itself to de vote its efforts to preventing an unjustifiable rise in prices. It will cooperate to the fullest ex tent with the proper government officials. And it also pledges that, so far as it can, it will not alter past methods and practices in determining selling prices. A program such as this provides the consum- er with vital protection. The nation’s retailers cannot contro 1 Drices, but they can be a telling influence in he (lping hold prices at justifiable levels. They can do much to prevent wild fuctu- ations, and to maintain price stability. It is the general opinion that the marketing and pricing o f all kinds o f goods will be far more orderly than in similar periods o f the past— and Ameri can retailing must be given much o f the credit for that achievement (industrial New9 Review) dary of said Section 32 and Section 29 to the Northwest corner of the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 29, Township 19 South. Range 47 E. W M ; running thence due East to the Southwest corner of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of said Sec tion 29; thence due north to the Northwest corner of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of said Section 29; running thence due East along the East and West cen ter section line to a point which Is the eastern boundary line of the Oregon Short Line Railroad right of way; thence running In a south westerly direction along the eastern boundary line of said Railroad right of way to a point where the said :ht of way intersects the West line T the Northeast quarter o f the Northeast quarter of Sectlon32, Township 19 South, Range 47 E. W M.. thence running due South along the West line of said Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of said Section 32 to a point where said line Intersects the North line of Ehr- good Avenue; running thence due East along the said North line of Ehrgood Avenue to the western boundary of Snake River; running thence In a southeasterly direction along Snake River to a point where said boundary Intersects the south ern line of Lot one (1) of Section 33, Township 19 South. Range 47 E. W. M., thence running due West along the Southern line of the North Half of the Northeast quar ter of Section 32 Township 19 South, Range 47 E. W. M to the place of beginning. The vote at said election will be by ballot upon which will appear a statement of the proposed charter amendment by appropriate ballot title to be followed by numerals in dicating whether the vote Is for or against said proposed amendment, the even number to Indicate the a f firmative and the odd number to Indicate the negative vote. The even number shall be followd by a state ment “ Yes” I vote for the proposed amendment" and the odd number shall be followed by a statement "N o” I vote against the proposed amendment." And the voter shall be directed to place a cross ( X ) be tween the number and the word “ Yes” or between the number and the word “ NO” thus Indicating his choice. The polls for the reception of the ballots cast for or against the mea sure will, on the said day and date and at the place aforesaid, be open ed at the hour of 8 oalock a. m. and remain open until the hour of 8 oclock p. m. of the same day, when the same will be closed. By order of the Common Council of the City of Nyssa, Oregon M. F. Solomon, Recorder. First published Sept. 12, 1940. Last published Sept. 19. 1940. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the estate of CHARLES C. WILSON, deceased. The undersigned, having been ap pointed administrator of the estate of Charles C. Wilson, deceased, and having qualified as such, hereby gives notice to the creditors and all persons having claims against said estate, to present same verified as required by law, with the proper vouchers, within six months after the first publication of this notice, to the undersigned administrator at his office in the City of Nyssa, Ore gon, being the place designated for the transaction of all business per taining to said estate. Sept. II, 1940. Frank T. Morgan Administrator of the estate of Charles C. Wilson, Deceased First publication. Sept. 12, 1940. Last publication, October 10, 1940. A. L. Fletcher, Attorney for Admini strator. Nyssa, Oregon. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the State of In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of M al Oregon for the County of M al heur. heur. In the Matter of the Estate of In the matter of the estate of M ICH AEL D WHALEN, deceased, also known as M. D. Whalen. THOM AS H. NAPTON, deceased. Notice Is hereby given by the Notice la hereby given by the un dersigned administrator of the es undersigned Administrator with the will annexed of the estate of M ich tate of Thomas H. Napton, deceased, ael D. Whalen, deceased, to all to all creditors of and persons hav creditors of and persons having ing claims against the said deceased claims against the said deceased to to file them, with the necessary file them, with the necessary vou vouchers, within six months alter chers. within six months after the the date of first publication of this date of first publication of this notice at the office of the under notice at Nyssa, Oregon, at the o ff ice of the undersigned. signed at Nyssa, Oregon. Carl H. Coad Administrator with W ill Carl H. Coad Annexed. _ . , Administrator Dated and first published Sept. 5, Dated and first published Sept. 12, 1940 1940. Last published October 3. 1940. Last published October 10, 1940, LE G AL AD VE R TISE M E N T LEG AL AD VERTISEM ENT$ NOTICE The Budget Committee of the City of Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon, has fixed upon Monday, October 7, 1940, at eight o ’clock p. m. as the time and the Council Chamber at Nyssa, Oregon, as the place, when and where the estimate of money proposed to be raised by taxation for the ensuing year of 1941. may be discussed with the levying board of said City of Nyssa and at which time and place any taxpayer subject to the said levy when made shall be heard for or against any proposed tax levy. . Itemized estimates of the amount of money to be raised by taxation for the ensuing fiscal year for the said City of Nyssa are as follows: BUDGET FOR THE YE A R OF 1941 Estimated Exependitures PERSO NAL SERVICES: Police ............................................................... *2700.00 Recorder ......................... - ........................ - .... 1500.00 Water Supt............................ 690.00 Librarian ............. ............................ - .............. 225.00 City Health O fficer ................................ 120.00 City Attorney ....................... 400.00 Janitor ... i.......................- ----------- ------------- 660.00 *6395.00 City Engineer .................................... 100.00 M A T E R IA L AND SU PPLIE S: Printing and Advertising ............................... 300.00 O ffice and Supplies ....................................... 200.00 1200.00 Fire Dept........................................................... 700.00 M AINTENANCE AND SUPPLIES: 350.00 Fuel and Lights .................................... 600.00 250.00 City Hall ........................... .................... POW ER AND W ATER: 2000 00 Power ..................................................... 7500.00 5500 00 Improvements. Repairs and Supplies MISCELLANEOUS: 2500 00 Street Lights ........................... ............ 800 00 Emergency Fund ....................... ........... 2500.00 Sinking Fund for Bonded Indebtedness 1899 36 Interest on Bonded Indebtedness........... Street Fund ..................................... ..... 2000 00 8. I. A. C................................................ 175.00 Prison Meals ............................... ......... 15000 Telephones ......................... .................. 100.00 City Grounds ............ 1000.00 Police Department ........................................... 50.00 11174.36 T O T A L ........................................ ......................................... 26869.36 RECEIPTS Water ....................................................................... 10150.00 Licenses .................................................................. 600.00 Fines ...................................................................... 300.00 Road Fund ................... 450.00 Liquor ...................................................................... 100.00 T O T A L ............................................................................................. 11600.00 Total estimated expense for the y e a r .............................................. 26869.36 Receipts .......................................................................................... 11600.00 T o be raised by taxation ............................................................... 15269.36 Statement of Indebtedness on September 15, 1940 Water Bonds Outstanding ...................................... *13000.00 Street Improvement Bonds Outstanding ................ ....................... 4000.00 Sidewalk Improvement District No. 1 Outstanding 680 32 Sewer Improvement District No. 1 Outstanding 313 77 Sewer Improvement District No. 2 Outstanding 1369.34 City Hall Bonds Oustandlng ......................................................... 7000.00 Sewer Bonds 8eries 1935 Outstanding 13500 00 8ewer Bonds Series 1938 Outstanding 23000 00 Street Improvement District No. 1 1773 52 Funding Bonds .................................................... 7497 73 TO TAL 72139.68 LEGAL ADVERTISEM ENT LE G AL AD VE R TISE M E N T CITY OF NYSSA BUDGET FOR 1941 Estimated expenditures, together with the expenditures for the years 1937, 1938, 1939 and the first half of 194 « EXPEND ITURES 1937 1938 1939 1940 1940 1941 1st half Budget Budget Personal Services Police 1440.00 975.00 1140.00 225.00 00 00 00 00 00 Librarian ................. City Health Officer City Attorney ........ Janitor .................... City Engineer .......... Band Director 1500.00 1500.00 1140.00 225.00 00 .00 00 00 .00 2700.00 1548.00 570.00 225.00 120.00 300 00 660.00 507.00 .00 Materials and Supplies 358.18 286 11 32828 490 44 165.61 446 80 273.45 256.74 1133.02 Maintenance and Supplies Puel and Lights Rent City Hall ... 84 71 ... 222 00 210.50 80 62 100 00 50.50 93 02 00 268 73 it 1350.00 750.00 285.00 112.50 60 00 150 00 330.00 62.00 405.00 2700.00 1500.00 570.00 225.00 120.00 400.00 660.00 100.00 405.00 195.79 137.66 214.80 300.00 300.00 1000 00 200.00 18837 .00 164 89 320 00 .00 275.00 350 00 .00 250.00 977.88 420.62 324253 2000 00 2000 00 5500 00 5500 00 2500 00 500 00 2500 00 800 00 1000.00 1550 00 2300 00 175.00 200 00 100 00 1000 00 250 00 50 00 26000 00 2500.00 1899.36 2000.00 175.00 150 00 100 00 2700.00 1500.00 690.00 225.00 120.00 400.00 660 00 100 00 00 1 1 f 300.00 700.00 » * Power and Water Power Repairs and Supplies Improvements ............. .... 1543.10 440 22 2862 06 2013 52 61080 4319 07 1773.75 1911.41 6184.45 Miscellaneous Street Lights ................................ 1963 88 Emergency Fund 5253 52 Sinking Fund for Bonded Indebtedness .................... _... 3000 00 Interest on Bonded Indebtedness 930 00 Street Fund 1322 43 8. I. A. C............................ 00 Prison Meals .................... 00 Telephones 00 C ity Qrounds ............................. 00 Warrant Interest 00 Police ............... ........... 00 Totals .......................................... .... 22583 99 1000 00 111000 1284 85 00 00 00 00 00 00 27532 25 Water ___________ __________________ 7068 11 Licenses ............ .......................... .... 1091 55 Fines ................. ...... ...................... 203 50 Road Fund .............. ......... .. 620 51 Liquor ................................... ........ .. 152 22 Totals _____________________________ 9135 89 9231 06 889 50 675 00 330 80 165 42 1129178 2128 30 6440 10 1 i 2561.30 1358 12 1000 00 1980 00 2853 22 149 89 296 25 121 50 00 296 95 00 26303 31 * 1164 73 238.20 i 1 1500 00 753 58 1540 20 86 49 88 85 71.85 532 91 11984 4901 15268 74 RECEIPTS Total estimated expenses for the year Estimated Receipts Amount to be raised by taxes subject to 9% limitation ......... Amount to be raised by taxes no. subject to the 6% limitation Total amount to be raised by taxes __________________________ * t 1000.00 .00 50 00 26869 38 _ ab>’ - 10934 75 644.50 342 50 428 75 173 69 12524 19 5394 00 258 00 167.20 259 03 8191 6160 14 10000 00 600 00 300 00 450 00 100 00 11450 00 10150.00 600 00 300 00 450 00 100 00 11600 00 136 11600 00 UI87II DO 4399 36 15269 36 S ID BURBIDOB C AR L H. COAD B FRO ST W. J. W IL L IA M S J. C. OLSEN A. L. FLETCHER C. W. BUCHNER R. O W H IT A K E R LESLIE McCLURE R A. T H OMPSON. M A Y O R ATTE ST: M. P. SOLOMON. Recorder