THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1940 CHATTER BOX CLUB MEETS ernight guests of Mrs. Olsen’s moth­ evening for the monthly meeting Go:dru TcrmU cl Iiy~su ciJc.i at ‘'Spot" Norcott Hies Horn.- on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Charles Wilson, Jimmie and A large crowd was present. A repre­ the home of his sister and family, On Thursday night when Mr. and er In Nampa on Saturday and Sun­ Forestlne were In Nyssa on Satur­ sentative of the Idaho Power com­ Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Parker, Fri­ Mrs. J. C. Olsen drove to Nampa day. pany was present and showed slides day. day afternoon. they took Spot, Dr. E. D. Norcott's Mrs. Carolyn Gardner entertained Watermelon and cantaloupes were The Mary and Martha Circle held the Chatterbox club at the home of Lewellyn setter along. This is not served following the program. their regular meeting at the home BOY/ AM I READY her daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Adams. RIVERVIEW of Mrs. Charles Wilson with Conrad Bert Hawkins was honored at a the first time that the dog has gone TO HUNT/' THAT Those attending from this district dinner party Sunday In his home. The Community Sunday school Martin as co-hostess on Thursday along with the Olsens to Nampa. In | DOG CHOW were Nellie Bennett, Merle John­ afternoon. Mrs. J. G. Lane led the Those present were a number of boy will meet in Ernest Johnson's heme fact did so frequently and was well wSl/RE GET* A BIRD son, Marie Maw, Marlon Cheldelln, friends. Bert will soon leave for col next Sunday. Christian endeavor at acquainted with many of their devotionals and Mrs. Earl Osborne ^VAOOG IN condition !! Emma Orcutt, Opal Rldder and Ev­ gave a book review. The next meet­ lege. 7:30. Mary De Lashmutt is leader. friends. But on Thursday night the | elyn Mitchel. LeRoy Fuller and Harold Trenkel ing will be with Mrs. Lee Thrasher Walter Thompson, Allen and Phil­ storm was too much for The next meeting will be at the were honored at a party at the Tr­ lip Clowtrs begin the soil conserva­ electrical on October 10. Spot’s nerves and he came up miss­ home of Evelyn Mitchell In this di­ Miss Mae Beaumont and Mr. C. enkel home Friday, Sept. 13. LeRoy tion check up this week. ing. Not to be anywhere, al­ strict. M. Beaumont were in Ontario on and Harold will attend college this Mr. and Mrs. Tom Osbutn’s son though he did found pay a short visit to E. C. Terhune has been ill this fall. Thursday afternoon. Injured last week is recov­ one of their friends before he be­ week. Glen Osborn had the misfortune A group of friends gathered at the that was Dog Chow be- came lost, and later returned to Faed rapidly. The We Can 4H club met at the to tear the ligaments loose from one home of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Johnson ering ire and all through Mrs. Olsen's mother’s home for two Kathleen Loe rturned home Sat­ t home of Jean Johnson. unting eeason for knee during football practice this on Wednesday evening to help Levi urday. days stay, leaving there only two condition. Now in Members attending from this dls celebrate his birthday. Cards were week. hours before Mr. and Mrs. Olsen re­ forme—Checkers and Mrs. V. Kesler and fami­ turned again on Saturday evening. two trlct were Idaleen and Aloha Maw, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Shaw and played and a chili supper was en­ ly Mr. were Sunday dinner guests of Neither newspaper nor radio adver­ or Meal. Helen Pierce, Juanita Boyles, Mrs. family attended a shower for Mr. joyed. Virgil McGee, Ellen Mary and Dor- Shaw’s cousin who is to be married Mr. and Mrs. Levi Johnson were Mr. and Mrs. E. Gonnason. tising could locate him. But on Sun­ lyn. and Erls Jameson of Buena Vi­ In the near future. The shower was Sunday dinner guests at the Emil Ann Johnson left for Los Ang les day AL THOMPSON and SONS Spot, in person, reported in at sta. MARJORIE GROOT last week where she will attend the the Norcott's held in Roswell on Sunday after­ Frank home. back door, foot sore Doris Graham and Mrs. Luella PLACES IN CONTEST noon. Coal - Grain - Feed Westmont college. and very weary after a thirty-five Phone 26 McIntyre of Nyssa were callers on Harvey Holton was a guest at a Johnnie and Glen Simmons have mile tramp home. Now he’s busy Jean Johnson Monday afternoon. surprise farewell dinner given for ADRIAN HIGH FOOT­ returned home from two months teaching Doc’s new Imported hunt­ Marjorie Qroot placed third in the Mrs. T. C. Johnson spent Thurs­ dollar dinner contest at the state his sister. Miss Gladyce Holton by BALL SEASON OPENS work in North Dakota. ing pooch a few old tricks of the day night with her aunt, Mrs. Min­ fair according to reports in the Ore Mr. and Mrs. Sam Genoway at Pay­ game. Mr. Leroy and Nelson Herman As Life's Sun nie Lueck of Nyssa. ette Friday night. The football schedule for Adrian left Friday for their former home In Winona Henderson leader of the gon Mrs. Journal. Harvey and Gladyce Holton spent high BUI Flndling and Mrs. Pete school this year will be as fol­ South Dakota to move more stock In Nampa Sinks in the West! 4H cooking club and Aloha Maw Vander Oort helped Annie David the week end with their sister, Mrs. lows: here. were co-hostesses to a welner roast son celebrate her birthday at the Z. W. T. Wortman and family at Sept. 20—Wilder—here. Leona and Robert Johnson gave a Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Olsen were ov- Saturday in the sagebrush back of Davidson home In Parma Wednes­ Council, Idaho. joint birthday party Saturday aft­ Sept. 27—Homedale—there. Leslie Topllffs. Harvey Holton attended a party ernoon. After games, refreshments Those attending from Richland day Mr. afternoon. at the Fred Trenkle home near On­ October 4.—Vale—there. McKay, a grower of White CHILDREN’S were served. were: Donna Jean and Phyllis Chal- Thursday evening. October II—Nyssa—here. certified potatoes looked over tario SHOE REPAIRING dln, Barbara, Darlene and Winona Rose Lawrence Bailey left for Vale, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Graf and Pete Tensen's potato fields Friday son, Donald Junior, of Eugene ar­ October 18—Ontario—there. Henderson. Marilyn Exchanger afternoon. last week where he will attend October 25—Parma—here. spent the night with Barbara Hen­ O. Z. Matthews left Saturday for rived Tuesday evening to spend the Nov. 1—Fruitland—here. school. derson. remainder of the week as the guest Nov. 11—Union—there. Mr. and Mrs. Blacksburn, Mr. Er­ Cascade on business. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sweaney were Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Stam were of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Clark. From The football team of Adrian high nest Johnson and Frank spent Tues­ hosts to a family re-union dinner Sunday afternoon visitors of Mr. here they went to Portland where school will have their first trial in day evening In the Osburn home. Tuesday. Guests were H. B. Lundy and they will spend the rest of their va­ Big Bind park Friday, the 20th. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wolf. Glenn and and family of Nampa, Mr. and Mrs. Trail. Mis. Frank Parr in Oregon cation. Eua Quinley were Sunday vi­ game will be with Wilder and Mrs. Johnie Stam and daughter of Ore­ Mr. and Mrs. Dean Fife were in Mr. and Mrs. Donald Clark and This sitors in Nampa and Caldwell. should be a pretty close one. Last gon Trail, Mrs. Molyneux and son Ontario on business Sunday. their house guests, Mr. and Mrs. year the game with them ended Tom Lile has purchased a car. of Twin Palls. Mrs. Dale Newbry Mrs. John Hemmeck of Ontario Donald Graf were In Boise on Thur­ with members of Epworth Lea­ and sons of Twin Falls and Jim spent Tuesday with Mrs. Rock Shel­ sday visiting with Mrs. Clark’s sis­ vor. a score of 6-7 in Adrian’s fa­ gue Several of Vale were dinner guests of Bring those school shoes In to More and more, folks are turning Lundy. ter, Miss Luceal Wilson. ton. Mrs. Shelton and Mrs. Hem­ Mr. and Mrs. Donald Clark were Mr. and Mrs. Everett Points vi­ Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Bailey last week. us for EXPERT REPAIRING. to us for council and guidance In Dinner guests at the T. C. John meck spent the afternoon at the in Nyssa and Ontario on business on sited Mr. Points brother, Mr. John Charles Scott and Frank Johnson times of bereavement . . . . son home Sunday were Mrs. Nick William ALL WORK GUARANTEED! Points and his family in Nyssa Sun­ Miller home In Ontario. were callers in Homedale, Idaho, Luek, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Luek Mr. and Mrs. John Koopman and Friday afternoon. Sunday evening. of Apple Valley. Conard Martin tarted the Conser­ day. Eleanor Dutton of Ringman Kol­ of Ontario were Tuesday vation NYSSA FUNERAL HOME A B B O T T ’S Mrs. John Ridder was ill the lat­ children work in the Kolony on Mon­ ony spent Sunday with Arlene Pet­ afternoon visitors at the Pete Van­ day morning. SHOE SHOP ter part of the week. AMBULANCE SERVICE home. Phone 73W Nyssa Mrs. Elmer Sweaney, Mrs. Mary der Pete Oort Tensen The local Christian endeavor of erson. Seven girls attended a party hon­ is putting a founda­ Next to Nyssa Cafe Puree and Roy were Ontario visi­ tion under his tenant house on his the Community church held their oring the seventh birthday anni­ O M IT W O R R Y ! tors Thursday. election of officers Sunday evening versary of Barbara Hatch at her place. after their regular meeting. The fol­ home Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs E. C. Terhune were lower Dick Tensen and Dave Hawkins lowing officers were elected: Ida Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Patch were Vale visitors Sunday. got a load of posts at Summit Prair­ Mary Prouty, president; Dorothy Mr. and Mrs. Virgil McGee and ie Tuesday and one on Friday. dinner guests at the Walter family were Sunday visitors at the Mr. and Mrs. Ed Juneker of Nam­ Toomb, vice president; and Irma Sunday McPartland home. Points, secretary-treasurer. Leslie Topliff home. spent Sunday evening at the O. Miss Jeannette Martin spent the Mr. and Mrs. Frank .Miller and Mr and Mrs. Arthur Brewer and pa Matthews children. Virginia and Jim, of Big home. week end with her parents, Mr. and Bend Eunice Powell were dinner guests Z. Mr. were Saturday evening dinner and Mrs. Gerrit Stam were Mrs. Conrad Martin. Sunday at the home of Dwight Se­ in Caldwell on business Friday. guests at the D. W. Patch home. Beef for the Hide Clarence Elliott had to have the The N. ward of Nyssa. A. project on the farm Henry Gannon worked in McDer- doctor one day this last week to mechanics Y. shop David Powell was an overnight mltt Monday. Hogs 200 lbs. $1.50 at Adrian is nearing | guest at the home of his parents, Mrs. A. C. McFarland spent the remove a cheet from his ear. completion. Alvin McGinnis, super-1 Cutting 1 cent per lb. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Powell. David week at the Joel Harden home in Mrs. Susie Johnson came down visor, estimates the shop will be Grinding 1 cent per lb. from the Hot Springs Cunday after­ ready for occupation within 2 weeks. Is taking ministers course at the Cairo. Grinding and Seasoning 2 cent per lb. Northwest Nazarene College In Mr. and Mrs. Jake Van Twisk and noon to spend a few days with her Mr. and Mrs. VetnOfi Parker were W e II do it for you granddaughter. Mrs. Clarence Elli­ supper guests at the Stanley Hill Nampa. children were in Parma Sunday. Insure with Mr. and Mrs. V. McGee and fami­ Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Whalen of ott. Mrs. Elliott and Mrs. J. O. Lane home in Newell Heights Wednesday. took her to Nampa on Monday to Mrs. Dovte Brixey of Promona. BERNARD ly were Ontario visitors Friday. Payette and Mrs. O. J. Kasida of see EASTMAN Missouri Is visiting at the home of Boise spent Thursday evening at Mr. a doctor. and Mrs. Marvin Blakely and her neice, Mrs. Ellen Sparks. BUENA VISTA Complete Line of Insurance the John Lackey home. of Boise spent Sunday in the Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mayden from NYSSA Miss Geraldine Jennlng of Weiser Mr. and Mrs. Chester Thompson T. family PHONE 64 T. Elliott home. spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. left Monday for Huntington where Jack Elliott has been holding open near Nyssa called on Mrs. Mayden’s TRADE AT HOME AND WATCH PHONE 6 brother, Everett Points and family, and Mrs. J. W. Jenning. NYSSA GROW! he has temporary work. house to all his friends and neigh­ Friday evening. Dean Wynckoff spent Sunday Mrs. L. T. Chambers, George Paul­ Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hatch were with his parent, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. sen George Jensen attended an M. bors since his injury a week ago. Sunday dinner guests at the home Wynckoff. I. A. conveniton meeting at Weiser SCHOOL OPENS of Mrs. Hatche’s parents, the E. D. Dorothy and Donna Florea and Sunday. Wymers, in Parma. Donna Belle Goodell attended a Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gannon visit­ IN LINCOLN Mr. and Mrs. Duke Rohland were weiner roast given by the 4H break­ ed Mrs. Chrlstene Jensen in Parma fast club. LINCOLN HEIGHTS—School be­ Sunday dinner guests at the Gerrit Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Allen and Mr. Kees Blocker of Ontario, Rikers gan Tuesday. September 9. with Mrs Muntjeweriff home. Allen’s sister, Mrs. Siebert were Van Twisk of Valley View and Mr. Charles Cook as teacher of the up­ Sunday dinner guests at the E. L. and Mrs. Dick Groot were Sunday per grades and Mrs. Faye Ingra­ GOOD HEALTH Jamison home. afternoon visitors at the Pete Ten- ham teaching the lower room. There BROUGHT TO ore nine beginners enrolled. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Robbins and sen home. Dickie of Vale ate dinner at the Ce­ Mrs. Dean Fife and children spent Mr. Cook and family are living in YOUR DOOR! the house on the George Markham cil Florea home Sunday in the aft­ the week at McDermitt. ernoon. Florea's accompanied them Mrs. Frank Mullins and Miss farm. to the H. L. Day home. Margaret Swearenger of Ontario vi­ Mr. and Mrs. Mark Terrel and C. C. Wyckoff was an Ontario vi- sited at the Rock Shelton home Tu­ children. Billy and Peggy, have re­ turned to Lincoln Heights to reside : sitor Wednesday. esday. Alva Goodell Jr. is much better Mr. and Mrs. Jake Relk and fami­ after spending the past several from his recent Illness but, will be ly of Oregon Trail spent Thursday months In California. Mr. Terrel . several weeks before he Is able to afternobn at the Pete Vander Oort was employed in the ship yards while there. ; attend school. home. Roy Pierce was Sunday dinner Mrs. C. H. Bennett of Richland Ray Whitsell. who has been dig­ •guests at the C. C. Wyckoff home. called at the Dick Groot home ging a well with home appliances on his farm struck water this week. Thursday afternoon. Pete Tensen attended an all day Fritz Heid is also having a well A. A. A. meeting in Ontario Friday. drilled. C. M. Tensen attended the sale in A. A. Anderson, who had been CITY DAIRY MILK and Ontario Wednesday and purchased sick several days at the home of his GATE son, Avery, was taken to Ontario to CREAM is produced under state 53 lambs. supervision, thus assuring you of Ruth and Lily Matthews visited the Holy Rosary hospital Tuesday health in every quart. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Sherman in evening for" observation. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Degross of Nys­ Morning and evening deliveries. Nyssa Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Jensen left sa were visiting at the Vem Smith Wednesday evening to hunt deer at home Sunday. City Dairy Dorothy Neilson visited at the Bill Gate Summit Prairie. Morning and Evening Mr and Mrs. Deward Brown of Wortman home in Council Saturday * THRU LING NEW • NEW LONGER It’s a SIZE s e n sa tio n . . . a STYLE sa n s a tlo n . . . Deliveries CARL H. COAD and Sunday. Boise were visitors at the Dean Fife BIGNESS WHEELBASE The Owyhee Farmers' association PHONE 104W a DRIVE an d RIDE san satlon yV B igger In all home Saturday evening. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW IN A U M A JO R met at the school house Saturday Jake Fischer attended a Biog club DIMENSIONS m a|or dim ensions both Inside an d out . . . PHONE 31 * LONGER, LARGER, meeting in Ontario Monday even­ Nyssa, Oregon ing. WIDER FISHER w ith 3 ' lo n g e r w h e e l b a s e a n d 3 -c o u p fe Mr and Mrs. Jake Bodmer of Ny- * DASHING NEW BODIES were Sunday afternoon visitors roominess In all se d an m odels -fr W ith dashing "A R IST0STY LE” L. A. Moulding, M.D. ssa WITH NO DRAFT at the Rock Shelton home. DESIGN V E N T IIA T IO N n ew " A rlsfo sty le ” desig n an d la n g e r, la rg e r, Physician and 8urgeon Fred Kooperman was at Jordan WITH CONCE A L IO S A H T Y - Valley Monday. Phone 37 m ore luxurious Fish er Bodies th at set the new s n r s A T E A C H DOOR Mrs. Earl Sherman and Kathryn * 9 0 -H .P . V A L V E -IN - Hours: 10 to 13 and 1 to S style for th e n ew y e a r W ith a m ighty Kelly of Weiser spent the week end HEAD " V IC T O R Y ” Dally- Except Sunday at the John Lackey home. * DE LUXE KNEE- Fry Building ENGINE 9 0 -h .p . V a lv e -In -H e a d "V icto ry " Engine that Mr and Mrs Ralph Thompson ACTION ON A U and children left Monday for Black- IHfs p e ri orm anca an d lo w ers costs •& It’s the MODELS * SAFE-T-SPECIAl TOWNSEND CLUB foot. Mrs Idaho M Hart of Oregon Trail new le w -p rice le ad e r by the builder of leaders HYDRAULIC BRAKES WITH R A IA N C E D SPRINO- MEETINGS INO FSONT AN D REAR spent Wednesday afternoon with | P l o t m a n y m o rm o u f - . . . CHEVROLET . . . h o ld er of first p lace In A no improved smock Meeting 2nd and 4th Tuesday Mrs. Gerrit Stam t ta n d in g c o m f o r t , ta fm ty P S O O f STEERING Mrs. Bill Flndling and Fred Koop­ at 8 p. m at City Hall a n d co n v a n / a n cm f m otor mt. motor car sales for 9 out of the last 10 years! were Sunday afternoon visitors A. L. McClellan President man of Grandma Stam and Klaas In * ORIGINAL VACUUM- Don Graham ------- Secretary Oregon Trail. POWER SHIFT iim n n The P u b lic Is Invited Mr. and Mrs. Virgil McGee, Geo­ rge and Dorlyn spent Sunday after­ noon at the Leslie Topliff home. Harold Everett of Ontario called at the E. L. Jamison home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Stock were Friday evening dinner guests at the Cecil Florea home. Leslie Topliff and H. L. Day are cutting hay. Alva Goodell was In Caldwell on business Monday. Mrs. C. C. Wyckoff, Dwight and Bure were Nampa visitors Friday. Madelln and Aloha Maw called at the Alva Goodell home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Florea re­ ceived electricity last week. Mary Lois and Ellen McGee were Sunday afternoon visitors at the E. L. Jamison home. CUSTOM BUTCHERING and CUTTING Let us do your work! NYSSA PACKING CO. NYSSA AERIE F. O. E. NO. 2134 Meets Wednesday Nigh; AT EAGLES HALL Visiting Eagles Welcome HARRY MINER, See. CLIFF GREER, Pres. KINGMAN KOLONY The county W. C. T. U held their annual meeting In Nyxsa on Wed-1 nesday afternoon Women attend­ ing from the Kolony Included Mrs I Charles Wilson. Mrs Earl Osborn j Mrs Jim Lane and Mrs Mary Nic­ hols. Mr and Mrs J. O. Lane and | family called on Mrs. Mary Nichols SEE YOU AT the NYSSA TAVERN Nyssa North of the “Y” SUU.T A S O N tT CMSV- ROUT Bull OS IT ^CHEVROLETke LEADER Cables Chevrolet Company Phone 62 Ontario, Oregon