/ THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. of Baker. Beside« Mr. and Mrs. Cook and their family from Nyssa and the Ray Cook family from Lewiston there were about thirty members of the family present. —8— GUILD TO MEET The Guild of St. Paul’s Episcopal church will be entertained on Wed­ zation and charter members will be nesday afternoon, September 25, at the home of Mrs. Dick Tensen by received at this meeting. Mrs. Charles Grider and Mrs. Grant Rinehart. The regular meeting date BEN EFIT DANCE There will be a benefit dance glv which would have been September en at the Gay Way near Ontario 11th was postponed. All ladles In­ on Wednesday evening, Sept. 25, terested In Episcopal church acti­ sponsored by the Ontario American vities are welcome and members are Legion post, to raise funds to pro­ urged to be present as Important vide scholarships for Civil Pilots business matters will be discussed. mum TUESDAY EVENING BRIDGE Mrs. J . J. Sarazin was hostess for the Tuesday Bridge club at her home this week and her house guest Mrs. Howard J . Larsen of Twin Falls played as a guest for the ev­ ening. High score was made by Mrs. Frank Morgan and a guest gift was presented to Mrs. Larsen. - 8 - VERA GARRISON TO WED ........... Mr. and Mrs. Charles Garrison announce the coming wedding of their daughter, Vera, to John W. Olsen of Lime and son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Olsen of Baker. The nuptial ceremony will be held on Sunday, September 29, at six o’clock in the evening at the Garrison home in Nyssa. - 5 - LADIES AID The Ladies Aid of the Methodist church will meet on Thursday, Se­ ptember 26, at 2:30 p. m. at the P a­ rish hall. A large attendance is hop­ ed -for as there will be an election of officers of the new Women’s so­ ciety of Christian Service Organi- Professional Cards Training school. In order that all funds may be used for the scholar­ ships the owners of the Gay Way Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Dorathy have given the use of the hall free of charge. Everyone is invited to at­ tend. 8 - - ENTERTAINS COLLEGE STUDENTS On last Tuesday evening Miss Ha­ rriet Sarazin was hostess at a even­ ing party given at the home of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Sarazin, complimenting several of the young ladies soon to leave for Carvallis and Eugene to tae up their college work. Those present included: Miss June Marie Wilson, Miss Louis Ten- sen, Miss Otilla Hoffstetter of On­ tario and Miss Virginia Miller of Big Bend. - 8 - ATTEND FAMILY RE-UNION . Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Cook and their family were among those who were present at a re-union of the Cook family held on Sunday at the old home about twenty-three miles out DR. J. C. BOWMAN Eni°y r p t Veterinarian Phone 39W NYSSA LIBRARY Open each week day from 2 p. m. to 6 p. m. Saturday, 2 p. m. to 8 p. m. ALL PATRONS WELCOME Librarian Mrs. 8. B. Davis O PTOM ETRIST "See M elali and See Better" in this new 1941 PHILCO DR. J . A. McFALL TABLE MODEL EYESIG H T SPECIA LIST ONTARIO OREGON • NEW KINO OF OVERSEAS WAVE- BAND. Gets Europe 5 times WYCKOFF JEW ELRY STORE easier, stronger, clearer! • BRAND NEW RADIO CIRCUIT. • NEW BUILT-IN AMERICAN AND OVERSEAS AERIAL SYSTEM. Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific ONTARIO OREGON Just plug in and play. • MORE TUBES for the Money. • ELECTRIC PUSH-BUTTON TUN­ ING with "On-Off” Button. • BEA U TIFU L W ALNUT AND GUINEA WOOD CABINET. ROBT. D. LYTLE ATTORNEY Alld COUNSELOR-AT-LAW First National Bank Building Phone 66 VALE OREGON DR. C. A. ABBOTT Chiropractic Physician Office: 331 West Main St. Phone 25 CARTWRIGHT' - PARKER A very pretty wedding was solem­ nized in the Baptist church at Ros­ well, Idaho at 9 a. m. Sunday morn­ ing. Sept. 15, when Mildred, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl P ar­ ker of near Adrian, Oregon, became the bride of Arthur Cartwright, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cartwright of Near Parma, Idaho. The couple were accompanied by Miss Theda Cjochrum of Nampa, Idaho, a former classmate of the bride in high school at Luray, K an ­ sas, and George Cartwright, brother of the bridegroom. Those attending the wedding were: Mr. and Mrs. Earl Parker and sons, Leroy, Mel­ vin, Merton, and Lester, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cartwright and sons, George and Raymond, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Wood and little sons, Neola Brown, Darrel Paden, Mr. and Mrs Evan P. Gheen, Ilene and Eddie Gheen of Ontario, Oregon, Albert Gorine of Nyssa. The bride wore an Aqua blue heavy silk dress in Princess style with white accessories and arm bou quet of white asters. Miss Cochrun wore a black and white sheer dress with arm boquet of pink asters. The wedding dinner was given at the home of the brides parents on the Woods place near Adrian, Ore gon. The centerpiece on the table was a two tier angel food cake top ped by a mlnature bride and groom. The cake baked and decorated by the bride’s mother, was served from a crystal glass cake stand which once belonged to the brides great grandmother Moss. After dinner and taking of pictures of the different groups, the couple left for Nampa amid n shower of rice, old shoes and to the tune of tin cans. After a short visit with Mrs. Na­ omi Wright at Nampa they will re­ turn to the Woods place where Ar­ thur is employed by Mr. Gheen. TEACHERS’ RECEPTION The Annual Teachers' Reception and welcome given to the members of the Nyssa school faculties each year will be held on Friday evening, September 27, at 8:30 o’clock a t the school gymnasium. The address of welcome will be given by Mayor R. A. Thompson after which will follow a short pro­ gram. From then on the time will be spent in really beocmlng ac­ quainted with each other. A special invitation to attend is extended to all parents living in the country and to new comers in Nyssa who have not yet associated with Civic Club activities. crvic - 8 - CLUB The annual 4H club program that is given under the direction of Mrs. H. R. Sherwood each year at the autumn meeting of the Civic club was given yesterday when the club met at the Parish hail. The pro­ gram attracted a large audience of interested members and friends. The awards were given by E. M. Groceries 21 Houser. 4H club county director, and a special speaker for the afternoon was Mr. Ely of San Francisco who discussed the Red Cross activities and accomplishments. Tea was poured by Mesdames. Er­ nest McClure, George J. Mitchell, William E. Schlreman and Mrs. Grant Rinehart, chairman of the committee. oa $ 3 o<* ■ O '* A '° iV»e<\ ,o<* .c**' Jk« "1 o ° e° \ pe* e s/OV) . ^ 5 * '^ o' ' '° . a »**® ! 0 0 *C , t \ > i " e tb® v „ « A _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ THOMPSON OIL COMPANY Phone 11 Choice Beet Lands at Attractive Prices Frank T. Morgan A FLUE In poor repair caused this - CH EERFU L! S ' Of course he is— He drinks plenty of good, wholesome . . . SHELTON’ DAIRY MILK and CREAM Phone 05J2 before winter comes check your heating p l a n t and flues for needed repairs— BE SURE YOU ARE INSURED N Y S S A R E A LT Y and Insurance Co. —H E A L T H Y PEOPLE REQUIRE LO TS OF Phone 53 HO T W ATER Wilson Brothers M® _ K. S. and D FARM LANDS FOR SALE EASIEST TERMS Legal Advertising _ _ _ Guests on Sunday cattle the past week. The Jordan Home From Work Miss Isabel Sarazin has given up Sunday guests on Sunday at the Valley trucks are very busy the past few days hauling cattle to the rail­ her work at the advertising depart­ George McKee home In Oregon ment in Falks at Boise and is at road points home for a few days before leaving Mr and Mrs. Jeners Rementerla for Corvallis where she will resume Trail were Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Arm­ strong of Wilder. have gene on a two weeks trip to the her college work. San Francisco fair. They were ac­ companied by their sons, Richard and Driscal. The boys are going to stop in Portland where they wUl enter the University of Portland. Mrs. Don Crossiby and sons from Rome, Oregon were visiting Mrs. Bill Noble this week end. Sam Scott was a business visitor In Boise Wednesday. are now Hugh Scott from Caldwell was visiting his mother, Mrs. Teresa Scott Monday and Tuesday. Mr. James Eiguren surprised his wife and family a week ago by com­ JORDAN VALLEY ing home driving a new car. Mr. Pete Sumeeta has taken his -------------- • --------------- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eiguren and daughters, Rosie, and Margaret to baby from Arock, Oregon were visi­ Baker, Oregon where they will go ting their mother. Mrs. Carmen Eig­ to a Catholic school. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Kun formerly uren, Tuesday. Mr. David Mallia has started of Jordan Valley are proud parents of a baby boy born last week. The clerking for S. R. Scott. Marion Eiguren of Arock, Oregon baby weighed five and a half pounds is going to high school In Jordan and has been named Garry John. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Wrotten Valley this year. She Is going to see made a business trip to Boise Wed­ stay at the home of Mr. and Mrs Gabriel Elordi. nesday. Evelyn Long has been on the sick John and Fermine Calsacorta list this week. were business visitors In Boise Wed Mr. and Mrs. Domingo Yturri nesday. They came home driving a were In Ontario Wednesday visiting new pickup. Agent Phone 97 with their son, Tony. Mr. and Mrs. Damaso Elordi and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald G. Markee daughter, Virginia, were visiting in and baby, Geraldine Jo have return­ Boise last week. ed home after spending the summer Mr. and Mrs. James Eiguren and in Sheridan and Fairview Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Elordi and Mr. Markee Is the principal of the Miss Mary Mallia have returned Jordan Valley high school. He went from a two weeks trip. They have to summer school as Moscow, Idaho been in Reno, Lake Idaho. San this summer. Francisco fair, Portland and they Mrs. Lucille Scott has returned spent two days at the Pendleton home after spending the summer round up. east. She is the teacher of the first and second graders. House Guests Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Chestnut Mrs. Howard Larsen and her son and son. Mike, have returned home Warren, of Twin Falls are visiting after spending the summer a ‘ Eu­ at the home of Dr. and Mrs. J. J. gene, Oregon. He attended summer Sarazin for a few days.. school at Oregon State this summer. He Is grade school principal. Mrs. John Caltsacorta ol Rome, Oregon is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. James Yost. Mr. John Landa, a cattle buyer from Homedale, has been buying the word "Y es" or between the word ’’Bonds" and the word “No." which­ ever Indicates his choice. The polls for the reception of the ballots cast for or against the pro­ position of issuing funding bonds will be opened on said day and date and at place aforesaid, at the hour of 2 o’clock p. m. and will remain open until the hour of 7 o’clock p. m. of the same day, at which last named hour the same shall be clos­ ed. By order of the District School Board of School District No. 61 Malheur County, Oregon, and In pu­ rsuance of Resolution of said Dis­ trict School Board adopted the 12th day of September, 1940 J. G. Lane, chairman. District School Board, Dis­ trict No. 61 Attest: Gladys Newbill, District Clerk. First published Sept. 19, 1940 Last Published 8ept. 26, 1940. 9” Telephone 32 __ __ THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 193ÇL Ny*sa, Oregon Good h e a l t h is a priceless asset . . . and an easy way to keep it is by using plenty of hot water! ff* ’^ O L I V t B Q S U P I R I O R ; Hot water scrubs, cleans, scours and sterilizes. It helps kill harmful bacteria and thousands of unseen germs. Bathing frequently in hot water refreshes and actually cools you off! W l SCHOOL D ISTRIC T BOND ELECTION NOTICE State of Oregon. County of Malheur. School District No. 61. NOTICE H EREBY IS GIVEN. That a School District Bond Elec­ tion of the legal voters of School District No. 61. Malheur County. Oregon, has been called and will be SEE T H E NEW O LIV E R SUPERIOR held in and for said School District No. 61 at the district school house in rA T OUR S TO R E T O D A Y ! Kingman Kolony in said District, on Mondav. the 30th day of September, Don't buy any spreader until you’ve seen this great 1940. between the hours of 2 o'clock new Oliver Superior rubber-tire spreader on display p m. and 7 o'clock p. m„ at which at our store! It’s new—from front to back! It’s designed lost named hour the polls shall be closed. for rough, tough travel with sure-traction, ground­ At said election there will be sub­ gripping pneumatic tires which cut down draft to at mitted to the legal voters of said least 10 % of that o f your ordinary steel-tire spreader. School District the question of whe­ Never before have you seen a spreader with so much ther funding bonds shall be issued bv said school district in the total comfort, such light draft, better spreading qualities, amount of »5.129 66 for the purpose greater capacity, long life and more modern appear­ of paving and retiring lawfully is- ance at such extremely low cost! It pays to own an sued W| outstanding warrants gF»TWr¥4ijiiiiW| wi Ol bearing Dealing Oliver ruhher-ti re spreader! mbe 12th. 1940. d.itr- prior to September lie passage p being the date of the of a W ith th is ic n ta tio n a l O liv e r S u p erio r Resolution authorizing ng such sue election. Spretder available o n our easy payment plan. such warrants not being payable in ■ IT you can't afford to be without it. Drop in cash. Tiie warrants so proposed to _ X. today to get the whole story! be retired and Involved in such pro­ ceedings being Warrants numbered 35 to 129 both inclusive, the aggre­ gate principal amount of said war­ rants being *4975 24 and the interest accrued thereon to August 7. 1940, being *154 42. and the oldest of said warrants so proposed to be funded Is Warrant No. 35 bearing date Oc­ tober 14. 1939 The vote at such election shall be bv ballot upon which there shall be printed the proposition to be sub­ mitted M É H É I herein ____ . the words. "Funding Bonds Yes" and the words "Funding Bonds No" and the voter shall indi­ cate his choice by placing a cross P U O N F 4 (X ) between the word "Bonds ” and r n u l , t * NYSSA IMPLEMENT CO. NYSSA The automatic electric water heater is a sure way to enjoyment of the untold comforts of hot water. It assures an ade­ quate supply of piping hot water at any time of the day or night, ready instantly* All you have to do is turn the faucet and there it is . . . right at your fingertip®! For health's sake, every home should have an automatic electric water heater! DON'T DELAY I W » pjrt M a lt u , •»•ter. Call a t a a r ealra- vaaw a r a t a a «leefetc ap p llaar,. s ta re aad aaa “ • "» S *** display T P a r ia r tilc w afer h aafer T *» » « T a a d e a s t, little ta sparata a a the I « • w -a^ rV .fe. ,0A W O Y POWER