THE NYSSÄ GÂTE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1940 CLASSIFIED ADS Rates lc per wont,per Issue. Minimum charge 25c CASH IN ADVANCE MISCELLANEOUS WANTED—All your welding Jobs. MISCELLANEOUS For Sale STOCK For Sale WE BUY AND SELL dairy cows. Sale every Friday. We conduct all kinds of auction sales. Improve your herd with ounstud bull service. $3.00 at your place. Call Floyd Robison Nyssa. Found illness of his brother Ed Mr and Mrs. Carl Rill visited Sunday with Mr and Mfs Pat Ben nett of Richland. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hill visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Earnhart of near Nyssa Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Church and son of Boise visited Saturday and Monday evenings at the M L. Kuotz home. Mr. Church and Mr Kuotz are cousins. Mr. and Mrs. Gorden Judd and son, Eugene, and Mrs. Olive Judd of Parma spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Judd and family. Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Kurtz left Wednesday morning with a group of Malheur county 4H girl clubbers to Salem. Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Kurtz and Mrs. Ridder of Richland motored to the coast. They returned Saturday night. Hoyt Warwick of Lamar, Colora do, stayed all night with his moth er. Mrs. Carl Hill, Sunday. Mrs. Earl Parker kept house at the Kurtz ranch during the ab sence of the parents. Mrs. Ross Healy received a tele gram Monday morning calling her to Parkdale as her brother-in-law had passed away. Many Newell Heights neighbors are well acquain ted with the deceased as he has made his home with his brother Ross and family. Mrs. Glenn McGinnis and son are staying at the Healy home since Friday. TIRE AND WHEEL. Owner may We promise good work and (air KALSOMINE, PAINT at competi have same by identifying and pay prices. Pruyn Auto Repair, Phone tive prices. First class quality. ing for advertisement. Call Journal 56W. SStfc Nyssa Lbr. Co., Goode Ave. and office. Highway 201, Phone 108. 16Mtfc FOUND. Boys shoe and sock. May BRAKE WORK—Let us put your have upon identification and pay car or truck brakes In (lrst class condition. Special equipment and CREOSOTE for treating hen hous ment of this ad. Call Journal 12Slxc es, posts, etc. Nyssa Plumbing trained men at your service. Pruyn and heating Co., 9th and Emison COW HOLLOW Auto Repair. Phone 56W. street. (One block south of Nyssa By The Happy Farmer Trador). 23Mxfc NYSSA SALE YARD where the Let ’er rain, who can help It? seller goes home pleased. We sell The rain was mighty welcome to For Sale furniture, machinery, produce and all kinds of livestock every Friday. AUTOS and TRAILERS many people. Especially the forest fire fighters and stock men. It is Help your home market by bring ing your stock here. If you are plan 1929 CHEROLET FOUR door sedan. sure raising heck with us lrrlgatioh ning a farm or dairy cow sale phone Ray Hashitant, Phone 04R1 12Stfc farmers. Elza Niccum says "My hay Is or write. No sale too large or small. black as your hat now and still it We buy and sell all kinds of live FARM PRODUCE rains." stock. Dairy cows a speciality. Home For Sale owned and operated farmers auc Elza, Frank Parker and Chet Sage tion. We have a fine Gernsey bull all had hay In the shock and ready for stud service. Col. Earl Smith FOR SALE—Grapes, bring your own to stock when the first rain came. containers. C. C. Hunt, 12Sxc. When It sort of faired up the last auctioneer, Floyd Robison, owner. Phone 136W. 5Stfc week. Frank Parker went out and PEARS, BARTLETS, reasonable. cut some more down and Sid Flan- Steele Eestate. 5 miles south west rrlgan, just over the hill, went out Consult us on your wiring needs Parma. 29A2xp with a team and two tractors and and meter set-ups. cut plenty of hay down. And still Work guaranteed to meet State PEACHES, ALBERTAS, Hales and it rains. Trail School to Open requirements. Crawfords. Concord grapes. Now Chet Sage turned his shocks over Monday Prices right ready. Harry Howell Ranch 4 mile and thought he could stack the next Information free southwest of Nyssa. 22tfc day. Hauled In one slip load and OREGON TRAIL — The Merry NYSSA ELECTRIC SHOP it rained that night. Matrons club met at the home of 18Atfc "Aw well. Just as well have both Alice Holmes with Gladys Byers co Wanted To Buy sides look alike,” says Chet. hostess. 14 members and one guest GARBAGE HAULING. Also odd CASH FOR FRYERS and fat hens. The lettuce raisers say “let it rain Alta Fry, answered roll call with Jobs by hour day or week. Prices Brownies Cafe, Nyssa. 29Autfc and get It out of Its system and Pollyanna suggestions. Plans were reasonable. J. G. Coil. 20Atfc maybe we can have some fair wea completed for the Festival booth. ther when the lettuce Is ready to It was voted to hold meetings every For Sale head.” 2 weeks. Next meeting will be held POULTRY NYSSA PLUMBING & Just returned from a fine vaca at the home of Elizabeth Ashley, HEATING COMPANY tion trip back to the “old home Sept. 18. with Nora Snodgrass as —Kohle* Planned Plum bing- 200 NEW HAMPSHIRE pullets. R. town." Should not have went. Two sisting. Roll call will be answered Ninth and Emison Street J. Cornell. 6 miles southwest of weeks behind with the work anyway. by “Something about Oregon.” Re (1 block south of Nyssa Trador) Nyssa. 5Sixp But—oh, well! The kiddles wanted freshments were served at the close 13Jtfc to see their grandparents before of the afternoon. BREEDING COCKERELS. $2.00. they started to school. The wife Oregon trail school will open on Dames of sires 300 eggers 3 gen wanted to see her parents and well Monday, Sept. 16. Mrs. Matoon will erations, dams 240 eggers. Hansen I wanted to see my parents, too. teach the upper rooms. Miss Betty Local and Long Distance strain. Frank Parr 4% miles south Father is 72 years old and this Nelson is the Intermediate teachr, HAULING Nyssa. Adrian Road. 5Stfc summer he had a cancer on his and Mrs. Betty Lewis Is the primary Phone 72W nose. I had not seen him for two teacher. Gilbert Holmes has been Lawrence and Barnett years and perhaps I won’t get to awarded the contract to drive the For Rent 4Mtfc make too many trips, at two years bus this year. Mr. Matoon has spent the last 2 weeks cleaning the school FOR RENT—Farm tenant house. apart, to see him. Beats all at the car license plates house. Acre of ground available. Harry you see when you get out on the The September meeting of the FOR SALE—by quarters or Howell 4 mile south west Nyssa. • 12 S tfc. main highways. Thousands of cars Mother’s club has been indefinite more, state inspected, com from all over this grand U. S. A. ly postponed in co-operat.lon with fed, prime beef, by licensed No state exempt. the Public Health officials. No Sun dealers. Call Jake Fischer, For Sale Its wonderful to live in this U. S. day school was held Sunday for the 05R1 or Polar Cold Storage. FURNITURE A. A vast domain and everyone is same reason. 25Jtfc welcome to go anywhere. Instead of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Allen and Mr. 9 x 12 GOLD SEAL congoleum rug. in a land all cut up into small na and Mrs. Arch-Allen of Marshfield, Large coil spring and mattress tions and each nation having a lot Oregon, visited last week with their For Sale baby buggy and push cart. All like of quarrels with all the other na mother, Mrs. Skates and family. new. See Mrs. F. L. Kirkham. 12slxp tions. H. J. Holmes of Modesto, Califor ROOM HOUSE, basement, garage. There is no unemployment in Cow FOR SALE in your vicinity, good Hollow. Everyone has twice as much nia, arrived Thursday to visit with Ward addition. P.O.B. 1022. washing machine. Cannot be told as they can possibly get done. Elza his son, F. G. Holmes and family. 29A3xp Mr. and Mrs. Lester Toll have from new. For balance due. Easy Niccum for illustration. Months ago terms. Popma Music company, he built the foundation for an ad moved to Fruitland to work In the Wanted To Rent Boise, Idaho 12S4xc dition on his house. He must get it fruit. Mrs. Bettie Lewis moved into the finished for part of them are sleep teacherage last Thursday. 40 OR 80 ACRE FARM near Nyssa Musical Instrument ing out doors now and It will soon or Adrian, on share basis. Consid Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Holmes, Bob For Sale be getting cold weather. They have and Junior, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. er raising few beets and spuds. Must have house. State full particulars FOR SALE in your vicinity, Kimball a whole raft of hogs and they must Holmes and children and Mr. anjl have a hog shed of some kind to Mrs. F. S. Byers and family attend In first letter. Write J. P. % Nyssa piano. Good condition for balance Journal office. 8Au.7xc due. $79.95. Easy terms. Popma put them In when the weather gets ed the F'air In Ontario Monday. bad, and a good sized bunch of cat Music company, Boise, Idaho. tle and who likes to milk out in the 12S4xc FARM LANDS j rain when the muddy manure is Wade P.-T.A. For Sale Meets FOR SALE in your vicinity, beau- j half knee deep. tiful bungalow piano for balance | They have planned all summer to RANCH, 120 ACRES improved, due. Easy terms. Popma Music com go to the hills for a load of poles BIG BEND—Wade P.-T.A. met house, barns, other buildings, deep pany, Boise, Idaho. 1254xc. to build a fine shed that will ans Friday afternoon at the school house well. Three miles northeast Nyssa. wers for the hogs and cows both. with all the officers present, nine E. A. Bodmer 12 S tfc They have got to dig a large cistern members signed up for coming year For Sale before the water goes off In the ca r.nd the membership chairman. Mrs SEED Clara Holly Is making a drive for 40 ACRES IN Black Canyon project nal. 14 mile north of junction east of REDUCED PRICE on Michels grass, There are two men folks of them new members. Mrs. Anna Sparks re Nyssa. Ray Tener, Wendell, Idaho. new. sensational drouth resistant theie to do a'l this and they go in ported twenty-three pupils are en S52xp quick growing perennial for grain or a high lope but I very much fear. rolled. The Ways and Means com- Well all th- rest of us are con pasture. 20c lb. Rudolph Udlinek. For Rent 04 miles southwest Nyssa, Oregon fronted with the same kind of prob 12Slxp lems. CITY PROPERTY Cow Hollow has lost another of FOR RENT—3 room and screen OLIMPA WINTER barley for seed. Its pioneers. Earl Heaton has given porch furnished modern cottage $1.50 per hundred. 3 miles north up the ghost as far as Cow Hollow Mrs. O. M. Kimsey, 114 blocks north 14 west of Nyssa on Gem Ave., Ike farming is concerned. We under 12 tfc Simmons, Cecil Sebum. 12S2xp stand he has gone to Boise to take Sugar Factory. f up the barber line. ■ Earl isn't very strong and pioneer W o write (ÌE T ing certainly calls for a strong phy and Print sique as well as a strong spirit. We miss Earl from Cow Hollow but we believe he will find success i In his new field. Everyone’s face always lights up when he meets Earl with his soft Tennessee drawl and his wit. And his Jokes are not always on you either. We recall the time he and Wain Llmbaw were hauling two or three barrels of water with a team of colts and Wain was driving. Going down a hill. Wain dropped a line and the colts started to run. Earl Is very nervous, he jumped from the wagon and then ran a half mile behind the wagon trying to catch the team. Earl Is long-legged INDIVIDUALLY ENG but the colts held the lead until INEERED S E A L E D Wain got them stopped. POWER P I S T O N RINGS Let our M A N B E E with the »cuff-resisting fric Pioneers Display Wheel alignment tion-reducing GRANOSEAL Booth Equipment patented surface. Will stop oil Schooltime is playtime Solve your Newell Heights Modem Pioneer too. Be sure your child Steering problems loss. club was not entirely disappointed Let us explain these features. when It was necessary to postpone ets plenty of energy the Nyssa Harvest Festival. The uilding— booth committee headed by Mrs, Jake Borge asked permission of Hol SHELTON’ DAIRY ly Bros, to display part of their ex hibit in the store window It was 2nd and Main St. MILK and CREAM quite a week end attraction. Mr Ross Healy was called to P ar Phone 05J3 kdale Wednesday of last week by the I mit tec will continue revolving basket method and Is in cliarge of Mrs. Anna Gibson. The legislative chair man. Mrs. Brumbach read the by laws and the dutl.s of each officer and chairman were discussed. The secretary, Mrs. Miller, was appointed on flower committee. Mrs. Gayle was appointed chairman of the Health committee and summer roundup. The vice president, Mrs. Elfers Is chairman of Hospitality committee and Mrs. Prosser Is 4H chairman. Mrs. Anna Sparks Is pub licity chairman. Mr. Lora Plllsburg and Mr. John son, Smith-Hughes teacher of Ad rian high school were at Wallowa Saturday and returned Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Lee who spent the summer at Estes Park, Colorado, spent the week end visit ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Phelan and his brother, Mr. Robert E. Lee In Nyssa and early Monday morning left for Los Angeles where he will work this winter. A family dinner was enjoyed Sunday at the Phelan home. Guests present were Mr. and Mrs. E. Lee of Bonneville. Mr. and Mrs. Robrt Lee and son of Nyssa, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Brum bach, Mr. and Mrs. N. 8. Phelan and the honored guests, Mr. and Mrs. Grover Lee. F. A. Miller and Jim returned home Thursday morning from Om aha where they had taken a car load of fat lambs. Joe Brumbach left Thursday for Great Falls, Montana. The electrical storm that struck the Bend last Tuesday night killed a horse at the BUI Brewer ranch. The wind blew down a number of trees and also took the roof of the Purdy house. Mrs. Robert Weir Is visiting some friends In Boise. The Jolly Jones met Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. H. R. Hatch. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Brewer and chUdren spent Friday visiting rela the Brumbach home. Miss Betty Baldridge who teaches In F'ruttland spent the week end vi siting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Boldridge. Mr. and Mrs. Dyre Roberts and twin daughter and Mr. B. G. Rob erts were Sunday guests in the Hi- nterlider home In Nami>a. Wayne Roberts, who visited his grandpar ents for past two weeks returned home. Mr George Barnes spent Wednes day looking after his ranch here. Mr . and Mrs. Andreljeskl and children spent Sunday In Ontario. Mr and Mrs. John Bishop of Nys sa were Saturday evening callers In tlves In Wilder. Infant Buried Graveside services were held on Saturday afternoon for Edith Pearl Campbell the tlnee day old infant daughter tf Mr. and Mrs. A. A Campbell. The Rev, M rlc Bu n read the service and arrangements were in charge of the Nyssa Funeral Home. R eturns Ficm Lakes Mrs. Hazel Gildea and Theron re turned Sunday evening from several weeks stay at Payette lakes. LOWER BEND Miss Theresa Oehnert and Miss AVOID ARGUMENTS Jean Burch spent the week end at the E. M. Hauser home In Ontario. Miss Elolse Russell returned Sat urday night from a trip to the Ore gon State Fair at Salem. Mrs. Walter Stradley, Is confined to her bed this week with an In jured back. Dr. Sarazln was called Monday. Word has been received by Kle Scott that his father, who has been Have Good Automobile seriously 111 since July is able to be Liability Insurance up and around again at the home of his sister In La Grande. Mrs Joe King, attended Jolly BERNARD Jones club at the H. R. Hatch home In Wade Thursday. EASTMAN Dwight Fleshman. was here Wed- neday to get his cow. He was a Complete Line of Insurance luncheon guest at the H. W Russell | NYSSA PHONE 64 home. Harry Russell and daughter. El- TRADE AT HOME AND WATCH oise and E. M. Hauser of Ontario NYSSA GROW! fished near the Owyhee Dam Sun day afternoon. JOHN DEERE RIDING BEET LIFTERS Wanted Sales Agents CHRISTMAS CARDS Cascade Line Exclusive Representation for Nyssa Take orders up to Dec. 15. Fast de livery from Portland stock. Commis sion and bonus. 50 for $1.00 with name 25 for $1 with name 20 Steel Etchings—$1.95 with name 21 DeLuxe Engraved—Box Asst. $1. Large exquisite Engraved Personal Line. 7 PROFITABLE reasons why you should own a John Deere Beet Lifter . . . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Please state previous experience, lines handled and approximate amount sold. Write now in detail— the best salesperson receives the line. Baldridge Implement Co. Northwest Specialty Co. 305 S. W. Fifth Ave. Does Not Break Beets Easy to Steer. Light Draft Easy to Lift Frame Is Rigid and Strong Seat Near to the Ground New Type, Adjustable Lifting Points Portland, Ore. Phone 113 Nyssa Schooltime Energy — Y o u r Adr, m THE IWOXEY Individual Engineering W ILL STOP OIL LOSS P R U Y N ’S G A R A G E L Mobilise the budget! Conscript those into a peacetime army working for YO UR comfort. Rent money W IL L build your N O W and be in it before winter comes! mm COMPANY LUM BER “ There’s a yard near you” $21 Month (»23 w ith co n crete basem ent) will build th is hom e! Four comfortable rooms are offered by this attractive and inexpensive Colonial cottage. Solidly built of 4-SQUARE Lumber and so de signed that porch may be built later if immedi ate cost need be held at a minimum. ft»;« ¡g 0ne of many plans available at Boise Payette that will help mobilize YOUR rent doUnrs into a defensive army for your old age security. “ FAMILY Dwight Smith, Manager Phone 15 B » I N yssa L D Y O • PROTECTION" guardian of your comfort and hap piness. It is an exclusive, optional Boise Pay- ette-featore that guarantees to cancel the con ta c t In w ent of death; makes payments for yo» fas case of accident or illness. R H O M E F I R S T la another