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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1940)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. The Gate City Journal W IN IFR ED BROWN THOMAS - • - - Ownei LOUIS P THOMAS - - - - Editor and Publisher INDEPENDENT IN P O LIT IC S AND R ELIGION. O P TIM ISTIC IN D IS P O S IT IO N - W IT H NO INTERESTS TO SERVE EXCEPT THOSE OF MALHEUR COUNTY SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year UJI Six Months .................. $1 00 Single Copies ................. 05 (Strictly In Advance) AD VERTISIN G BATES Open rate, per inch......... 30c National. Per Inch .... 30c Classifieds. Per v ord ..... 01c Minimum 25c Published every Thursday at Nyssa. Malheur County. Oregon. Entered at the postoffice at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission through the United States Mails, as second class matter, under the act of March 3. 1879 NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL’S PROGRAM --------- + —7— Co-operative Marketing Association for Malheur Farmers A Properly Equipped Trailer Camp A City Park A Comprehensive Street Improvement Plan He FIíes - v(^ith TNf Greatest O f Ease by slowing down when approaching this inter section this driver would have avoided colliding with the car our friend was in. And with the beginning o f schools again, we should all watch our speed near a school, stop when a school bus is loading or unloading school children. Five miles an hour makes little difference in driving time on the average trip, yet may mean the saving of your life or that o f some one else. A good slogan for all drivers, that we have seen some where or another is “ if you want to reach <50, drive under 50,” and it seems particu larly appropriate with the coming of the fall and winter season which makes roads unpredictable as to condition. And this matter of speed may be well taken right here in Nyssa, for not a few are inclined to make a race track out of Main street, particular ly on the west end. ____ l Chet Sages Entertain at Family Dinner Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Sage anti W. L. Jamison of Nampa. Mr. and Mrs. Chet Jamison of Eugene and Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Jamison and Erls were Saturday evening dinner guests at the Chet Sage home. Mi. and Mrs. Howard Day and daughter of Wilder, Mr. Chris Bru- hn of Grand Island. Nebraska, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Scott and son of Vale and Mr. Glen Thompson of Willow Creek visited at the H. L. Day home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Burney Campbell of Milton, Freewater visited Tuesday and Wednesday at the E. L. Jamison home. Alva Goodell Jr. Is ill in bed. Dr. Kerby was called Thursday. Mi. and Mrs. Frank Gillings and daughters of Wilder ware calleis at i he Ctcil Flcrea home Sundry. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Wyckoff and Dwight. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Topliff and Edward are picking prunes at the Derry orchard. Mrs. Glen Thompson and baby ton are spending several days at the H. L. Day home. Mrs. Thompson was formerly Alma Day. Mrs. Silas Hoffman was on the sick list this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ritchie and Oarv*t Belle of Wilder. Mr. and Mrs Erl McCreary of Calloway. N e braska and Mr. and Mrs. Silas H off man were Sunday dinner guests at the Claude Day home. Leslie T op liff has one of his mules ■irk. Dr. Bowman was called. Alva Goodell Jr. at the Malheur County Fair on his pen of 4 fat hogs placed third In the open class, taking second place on his gilt, and tcok third place in showmanship. ALBERTA VALLEY Duffy, in the Baltimore Sun. OUR NATIONAL DEFENSES are coming in for a lot of publicity these days, most of which is hard for the average person to make heads or tails of. The New Dealers on the one hand are trying to make scape-goats out o f the entire group of industries in the United States, as usual by show ing a case or two of lack of co-operation, and yelling to the heavens that the industrial plants must be confiscated. The industrialists on the other are asking that where the government is demanding new build ings, new machinery and all the rest of the ne cessary things for our belated armament pro gram. that there should be some assurance that after it is all over and there is no further need for all this now, new equipment, it is not carried on against them as tax liabilities. Which seems a fair request. Out of it all though, comes the question— how far along is our defense pro gram? For if we can rely on information coming out of Washington— there is a lot o f things in the way o f armament and supplies ordered but nothing yet put into the hands of our fighting men yet these New Dealers put out their pub licity in such a way as to lead one to believe that by merely ordering is bringing into being. This is no time to plav the galleries, the American people have a right to know what is happening in this defense program and that knowledge must be the truth! This is no time for playing politics, much less that of perpetuating a gang of holders-on in o f fice. LABOR DAY WEEK-END TRAFFIC FA TALITIES in Oregon this year totaled three, a reduction of f>2 per cent from the toll of eight reported for the same period last year, reports reaching the secretary of state’s office revealed — such is a news release reaching our desk this week. The reduction in deaths due to traffic fatali ties is always laudible, but this item brings to our minds that not enough of us are really doing our share toward lowering this death rate. Just this week a friend of ours was sent to the hos pital because another driver did not have his car under control when approaching an intersec tion— the result— someone went to the hospital. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1940, Web Pennle Is plastering the liriife for Jee Dirkson in Buena V i ta. The farm was previously occu pied by the Davis' who recently moved to Wilder. M and Mrs. Jake Groot and son of Arcadia. Mr. and Mrs. Gerrlt Great. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot and Marjorie spent FYiday evening at tire Jake Groot Jr. home. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jake Van Twisk and family and Mrs. Robert Toombs were in Parma Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Bob Toombs of Nys- r.n were Sunday evening visitors at the Robert Toombs home. C. M Tonsen was in Vnle on busi ness Monday. Frank Winkels started work on the lettuce shed in Adrian Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Stam spent Sunday afternoon at the George Smith home in Apple Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Max Schweizer of Owyhee visited at the Jake Fischer home. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Trammel and Jean moved to Nyssa. Gerrit Groot was a business visi tor in Caldwell Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Tensen and Neil were business visitors in On tario Saturday. Twelve friends helped Tony Van Twisk celebrate his ninth birthday. Mrs. George Elfers and son of Big Bend and Caroline Scheimer of N e well Heights were out of the com munity guests. Games were played and refreshments served at the close. Mrs. Dick Groot and Mrs. Jake Groot of Arcadia were in Vale and Ontario Friday Mr. and Mrs C. M. Tensen and Neil were overnight guests at the Joe Marchand home in Baker Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Stam visited at the home of Grandma Stam in Oregon Trail Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Stam and daughter of Oregon. Trail visited at the Jake J. Groot home Thursday evening. Verla Jensen is on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Tensen and Neil helped Mrs. T. M. Beranek ce lebrate her birthday at the Joe M ar chand home in Baker. They were cvernight guests of Mrs. Beranek Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Chambers of Boise were Sunday dinner guests at the John Lackey home. Mrs. Glenn Servoss. Mrs. Bud Van Scoy, and Mrs. Dan Van Scoy of Nyssa spent Wednesday evening with Mrs. Jake Fischer. Marjorie Groot returned FYiday morning from Salem where she re presented Malheur county in the dollar dinner contest. Mrs. Charles Newbill and Mrs. Bill Toombs of Kingmam took a car of contestants to the state fair from this county. They took the McKenzie Pass on the trip up and the Columbia on their return. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Tensen of Nys sa called at the Pete Tensen home Sunday evening. Mr and Mrs. Bill Findling and son and Fred Koopman spent Sun day afternoon at the Luit Stam home in Newell Heights. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Groot and son cf Arcadia and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot were shopping in Ontario Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Bobcock moved to Ontario this week. Melvin Jensen is moving the a- partments on his place to the north end of his farm. Legal Advertising C IT A T IO N In the County Court of the State of Oregon in and for the County of Malheur. In the matter of the adoption of CORDELLA CHRISTENSEN, a mi- nor child. To Wayne Cordell Christensen: In the name of the S TATE OF ORE- GON. you are hereby cited to appear in the above-entitled court and pro ceeding within twenty-eight days from the date of the first publica tion of this citation, which date of publication is September 12. 1940. and show cause, if any you have, why the petition of Homer Floyd Guver and Helen Mae Guyer, hus band and wife, for the adoption of the minor child, Cordelia Christen sen. should not be granted, or why said adoption shall not be made. WITNESS. H. S. Sackett, Clerk of tlie County Court of the State of Oregon, for Malheur County, at his office in said county and state this 11th day of September. 1940, with the seal of said court hereunto a f fixed. H. S. Sackett Clark of the County Court By Hilton M Clark. Deputy. First published Sept. 12. 1940. Last published October 10. 1940. NO TICE OF ELECTION C IT Y OF N Y S S A , M ALHEUR COUNTY. OREGON. PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENT. NOTICE IS H EREBY G IV EN that pursuant to an Ordinance pass ed bv the Common Council of the City of Nyssa, Malheur County, Ore gon on the 9th day o f September, 1940. being Ordinance 269. entitled "An Ordinance providing for the cial election in the calling of a specli City of Nyssa. Malheur County, Ore gon. to bo held on Tuesday the f i f teenth day of October, 1940 for the proposed submitting to the legal vo ters of the City of Nyssa a proposed Charter amendment redefining the corporate limits of said City and for the purpose of excluding from said City of Nyssa certain tracts of land as proposed by Resolution of the Common Council of the City of Nyssa duly adopted and passed by said Common Council o f the Cit; Nyssa duly adopted and said Common Council on August 1940. the same being Resolution No. 112; providing for the appointment of Judges and Clerks of such elec tion; the form of ballots to be used; that an affirm ative majority of the total number of votes cast on said proposed amendment be required in order that such amendment be ad opted. and providing for the count- CUSTOM BUTCHERING and CUTTING Beef for the Hide Hogs 200 lbs. $1.50 Cutting 1 cent per lb. Grinding 1 cent per lb. Grinding And Seasoning 2 cent per lb. Let us do your work! N Y S S A P A C K IN G CO. PHONE 6 mg canvassing and certification o f , Tha voU at said sUctlon will b« the votes cast upon said proposed by ballot upon which will appear a amendment to the Recoider and I statement of the proposed charter Common Council and subsequent | amendment by appropriate ballot __________ . AWM . title to be followed by numerals in proceedings t h e r e o n A special e]ec tion of the legal voters of the City dicatlng whether the vote is for or of Nyssa. Malheur County. Oregon, against said proposed amendment, will be held in the City of Nyssf. the even number to indicate the a f Malheur County, Oregon on the f i f firmative and the odd number to teenth day of October 1940. between indicate the negative vote The even the heurs of 8 oclock a m. and 8 number shall be followd by a state oclock p. m. at the City Hall in the ment "Y es" I vote for the proposed City o f Nyssa, for the purpose of amendment" and the odd number submitting and at which time there shall be followed by a statement shall be submitted to the legal vot "N o” I vote against the proposed ers cf the City of Nyssa, the fo l amendment.” And the voter shall be lowing proposed amendment to the directed to place a cross (X ) be Charter of the City of Nyssa, being tween the number and the word the same set forth in and proposed "Y es" or between the number and by the Common Council by Resolu the word "N O ” thus indicating his tion No. 112, adopted and passed by choice. The polls for the reception of the the Common Council on August 19. ballots cast for or against the mea 1940 to wit: sure will, on the said day and date The Charter of the City of Nyssa Malheur County, Oregon, the said and at the place aforesaid, be open Charter being an Act to Incorporate ed at the hour of 8 oclock a. m. and the Town of Nyssa, Malheur , Coun- remain open until the hour of 8 ty. Oregon, filed in the office of the oclock p. m. of the same day. when Secretary of State of Oregon on the same will be closed. By order of the Common Council February 24, 1903 as amended May o f the City of Nyssa, Oregon 11 1937, be and the same hereby is M F. Solomon, Recorder. amended by striking out all of Sec First published Sept. 12, 1940. tion 2 of Chapter 1 of said Charter as amended by vote of the people Last published Sept. 19. 1940. May 11, 1937, and inserting in lieu NOTICE TO CRED ITO RS thereof a new section 2 which said In the matter of the estate of section 2 as amended shall read as C H ARLES C. W ILSO N , deceased. follows: The undersigned, having been ap Section 2. The district aforesaid pointed administrator of the estate constituting the City of Nyssa and of Charles C Wilson, deceased, and the limits and boundaries thereof having qualified as such, hereby shall be as follows: gives notice to the creditors and all Beginning at a point where the persons having claims against said Eastern Boundary of the Oregon estate, to present same verified as Short Line Railroad right of way required by law, with the proper intersects the north line of the vouchers, within six months after South Half of the Northeast quar the first publication of tills notice, ter of Section 32, Township 19, to the undersigned administrator at South Range 47 E. W M., thence his office in the City of Nyssa, Ore running in a southwesterly direction gon, being the place designated for along said eastern boundary of the the transaction of all business per Oregon Short Line Railroad right cf taining to said estate. way to a point where said right of Sept. 11, 1940. way intersects the southern line of Frank T. Morgan the Northwest quarter of the South Administrator of the estate east quarter of Section 32, Township of Charles C. Wilson, 19 South. Range 47 E. W. M. running Deceased thence due West along the south First publication. Sept. 12. 1940 line of said Northwest quarter of the Last publication, October 10, 1940. Southeast quarter of Section 32, to A. L. Fletcher, Attorney for Admini the Southwest corner of the North strator. west quarter of the southwest quart Nyssa. Oregon. er of said section 32; thence running due north along the west boun NOTICE TO CRED ITO RS dary of said Section 32 and Section In the County Court of the State of 29 to the Northwest corner of the Oregon for the County of M al Southwest quarter of the Southwest heur. quarter of Section 29, Township 19 In the matter of the estate of South, Range 47 E. W. M.; running TH O M AS H. N APTO N, deceased. thence due East to the Southwest Notice is hereby given by the un corner of the Northeast quarter of dersigned administrator of the es the Southwest quarter of said Sec tate of Thomas H. Napton, deceased, tion 29; thence due north to the to all creditors of and persons hav Northwest corner of the Northeast ing claims against the said deceased quarter of the Southwest quarter of to file them, with the necessary said Section 29; running thence due vouchers, within six months after East along the East and West cen the date of first publication of this ter section line to a point which is notice at the office of the under the eastern boundary line of the signed at Nyssa, Oregon. Oregon Short Line Railroad right of Carl H. Coad way; thence running in a south Administrator westerly direction along the eastern Dated and first published Sept. 12. boundary line of said Railroad right 1940. of way to a point where the said Last published October 10, 1940. right of way intersects the West line of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section32, Township 19 South, Range 47 E. W M .; thence running due South along the West line of said Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of said Section 32 to a point where said line intersects the North line of Ehr- good Avenue; running thence due East along the said North line of Ehrgood Avenue to the western boundary of Snake River; running thence in a southeasterly direction See along Snake River to a point where said boundary intersects the south ern line of Lot one (1) of Section 33, Township 19 South. Range 47 E. W. M . thence running due West along the Southern line of the North H alf of the Northeast quar ter of Section ____________ 32 Township 19 South. .... __________ ,-------------- Range 47 E. W. M. to the place of beginning NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Matter of the Estate of Bettie Lafrenz, Deceased. The undersigned, having been ap pointed executrix of the Estate of Bettie Lafrenz. deceased, and hav- lng qualified as such, hereby gives notice to the creditors and all per sons having claims against said es tate to present same verified as re quired by law, with the proper vouchers, within six months after the publication of this notice, to the undersigned executrix at her resi dence in Nyssa, Oregon, or at the office of A. L. Fletcher, her attor ney. at Nyssa. Oregon, the latter being the place designated for the transaction of all business pertain ing to said estate. August 14, 1940. Hilda Louise Tensen, Executrix of the Estate of Bettie Lafrenz, deceased. First Publication Aug. 15, 1940. Last Publication Sept. 12, 1940. NO TICE T O CRED ITO RS In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of M al heur. In the Matter ol the Estate of M IC H AE L D. W HALEN, deceased, also known as M D. Whalen. Notice is hereby given by the undersigned Administrator with the will annexed o f the estate o f M ich ael D. Whalen, deceased, to all creditors o f and persons having claims against the said deceased to file them, with the necessary vou chers, within six months after the date of first publication of this notice at Nyssa, Oregon, at the o ff ice of the undersigned. Carl H. Coad Administrator with W ill Annexed. Dated and first published Sept. 5, 1940. Last published October 3, 1940. LOOK AROUND In the A ds On These PAGES and SAVE M ONEY Insurance for the FARM us about our COMPLETE FARM INSURANCE COVERAGE DIGNIFIED SERVICE Every detail of our service Is aimed toward lightening the burden of those left to grieve. Consult us at any time without cost A TREAT A Fire Insurance Policy Is Your Banker When You Need Money the Most For The Whole Family NEW CROP NYSSA FUNERAL HOME AM BULANCE SERVICE Phone 73W Nyssa IIO N E Y Economical - Healthful N YS S A R E A L TY FOR SALE AT YOUR and Insurance Co. GROCERS Honey Foster’» Honey Phone 53 T V Seal H pt iSa£e-G uardi I Your Health ! Heated, Dry Air Kills The Germs in Your Clothes! The ordinary cleaning process by use of solvent alone, does NOT kill all the germs in your clothes! True, it does kill many germs, but the more dreaded disease germs are not affected by it. That is why— for your health’s sake— we give the extra heated, controlled air process which destroys all germs. Start cleaning TODAY the GERM-FREE WAY Ontario Laundry & Cleaners P H O N E 99 O N T A R IO , O R E . “The Best Looking Cleaning Plant in Oregon” m