Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1940)
THE NYSSfl GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, men and women when the destroy for it’* a new and modern stock that Agricultural Department is being es- ers were turned over to England in Tom doest ever have on hand and tablislied at the Adrian Union high exchange for off-shore military bas low prices which can be spread out school. This, and th t department es. Not that We minded the transac in easy to make monthly payments, which is being sMdfclished at 3an- tion nor that of being kept in the If it is a bride ye be or the grand- !dy this year makes'54. now in Ore- dark as to negotiations when they mother celebrating her Golden gon. The building is being erected were made, for such things must be Wedding day. Tom wilt have what adjacent to the high school. It is worked out according to law and wilt please thee in house furnish expected to be ready for occupation by those who are in the power to do ings. by the last of September. so. So much that is improtant to The opening day 58 students en And not the least among the must the people of all nations today must buys of the newly weds are the rolled in Agriculture The first be done by the few who know all of staples that go to fill the family month will be devoted to the selec the angles, which it is impossible to larder. Seems like it is a never end tion of projects and the study of make public for fear of aiding the ing list with prices ever mounting. livestock judging. enemy, that the detail of procedure But end it must eventually and one Mr. J. E. Johnson, Smith-Hughes Things About Nyssa's Shops is unimportant so long as it is done ist surprised how little the cost when instructor, received his Bachelor of by the branch of government pro they are purchased at the Wilson Science Degree at Oregon State Col vided by the Constitution and ac Grocery store on Main near Second. lege this last spring. His home is in We have come of late to be a good cording to its dictates. What we did 'Tis a smiling happy lot of folk Wallowa, Oregon so he is well ac deal like the ostrich, reputed to object to was the delay in making who wait on thee there as well and stick his head in a hole at the ap the announcement public. Four days eft canst give thee a hint on how to quainted with farthing conditions in Eastern Oregon. proach of danger. And only come after the papers were signed, the save a, penny here and there. Adrian Band Activities up for a bit of war news when we President saw fit to announce it Shop in Nyssa with Journal ad The Adrian band is well under accidentally hear some one mention publicly himself over a nation-wide vertisers and ye wilt not waste thy way again after the three practices that our favorite side has gotten a hookup. Why was it not given im time and thy gas going further. held before the starting of school. bit of an edge on the enemy. Also, mediately to the press for publica the political mess at Washington tion. It being a public matter and The band has been practicing on two marches, "Imperial” by King has become such a hodge podge of a concern of the whole citizenry. VALLEYVIEW misrepresentation th a t we have giv Also, we are watching the new droft Valley View school started Mon and "Military Escort" by Bennett. en up trying to understand it or bill which is to become a law so day, September 8. Mr. and Mrs. Rey- The advanced band contains: I flute, 18 clarinets, 2 saxaphones, 11 even give it much thought or notice. scon. Will there be a Roosevelt nolds are the teachers. In fact have come to think that re among the buck privates in the rear H. E. Noah and Mira motored to cornets and trumpets. 3 baratones. and 1 sousaphone. gardless of what we and the millions rank or will they all be wearing ma Caldwell on business Thursday. of other average Americans may jors golden oak leafs or warming Word was received by the Brat- j This band has been marching on think or desire for our own good, the swivel chairs of governmental tons that Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Spi- i the parking lot south of the school we will get what the moguls at offices at Washington as so many tze arrived Tuesday evening at Wolf | eaf,^ Washington dish out. That even of the sons of the nation’s lawmak I Several students have turned out with the vote, average and little ers and their friend's sons did in Creek, Oregon where Mr. Spitze's for beginning band and more are school is to commence Monday, the man has been and will be even more the last draft? Drawing more than expected. Some haye already pur regimented until the freedom for livable wages and often princely li 9th. chased their instruments. Arcadia school closed for a week which the founders of the nation ving quarters thrown in. Is there to Some students have tried out for and Bulah Bratton is spending the paid such a price will be but a be justice and equality for all moth the new instruments purchased by dream in the night of past history. er's sons in this draft or are the rich week at home and Betty Hannon the schools. They are a sousaphone Perhaps the newer trend of govern and those in good governmental left for La Grande Friday to visit and an oboe. mental control will be best in the standings to be among Gods chosen friends. Mrs. • Harold Long. formerly long run. will prove itself to be the and shielded from the dire threats Virgil Belisle and Oscar Bratton ' Gladys Sparks, spent Friday with greater justice and the more abund of a top kick sergeant at rookie mowed alfalfa for Shef White Sat her mother, Mrs. Eller. Sparks, ant life for the masses. But at pres* school and the scalding sting of the urday. Mr. and Mrs. Gerritt Muntjewe- ent it does not seem to be. There enemies bullet on some battle field. Roy McNeal and family of Carlo riff visited Mrs. Muntjeweriff’s par seems, not only in Fascist Europe, For doubt not that is where they visited Pearl Stevens Thursday ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Newton in but in this country as well the ten are heading us now night. Oregon Slopes Sunday. dency towards class formation, the It is too late to stay that. Pre Erma Point was present at a John Derry arrived home Satur dolees, the workers, the govern pare we must to meet all odds how day in time to help with the prune birthday supper at the K. I. Peter mental employee and the over pros ever great and perhaps again on picking at the Henry Derry farm. son home honoring Donna Peterson perous few, which last may well be fo eign soil. The only question is Mr. and Mrs. Lee Taylor and fa on her sixth birthday anniversary likened to the favored aristocracy of have they headed us that way so mily visited the Homer Earnest fa Wednesday evening. Europe. And only those belonging to fast that the time will not be long mily at Nyssa Sunday evening. The ladies from Adrian who at the last group will have the power enough for preparedness. We must Eugene Splawn and Bob Scott of tended the Homemaker’s camp at and right of free movement and have selective service, should have McDermitt, Nevada, spent the week Payette Lakes were at the picnic thought and action. Only those will had it every year since the last war visiting at Ed Ingrahams. in Ontario Sunday to exchange reap the increase of prosperity and as well as modern guns and battle photographs taken in camp. David Rees disked for Will Russ go Iintouched in the time of famine. wagons and air fleets and mechan Mr. and Mrs. Jim McGinnis and This trend of modern living seems ized units. But if this is a free land Tuesday. family and Mrs. McGinnis’ sister, George Stewart and Knox Alex Helen Hatch, spent the week end to be engulfing civilization as a ti where every man is equal then let dal wave sweeps over a tiny atoll on there be no rich men's sons in soft ander motored to Unity Saturday at DeadW'ood Dam in Idaho fish the bread breast of the old Pacific. seats in high places while the poor afternoon. ing. We stand as helpless to stay it as a man’s son dodges the bullets on the Lorine Reno, a 'freshmen from Mr. and Mrs. Boyles of Buena Vi shell in the shore sands can stay fighting ground. Let's joggle them sta and Mrs. Boyles’ sister, Mrs. Lower Bend, fell in the dressing off the wave. up and have some of each in both Turner and two sons of Twin Falls, room at Adrian high school and in And if we wish to escape from places. But how are we, the average called on the A. A. Bratton family jured her side Friday. this all engulfing stream there man, the middle class and little man Sunday evening. Eloise Russell, a freshmen of Big seems no place remaining on this to see that it is done? H. E. Noah and family and Mr. Bend, left Wednesday for the State earths surface where man can build Twas but for a moment that some Smith and Wilbur Atherson and Fair where she will take part in again In the wilderness a mighty friends stopped for a visit this past Walter Hahn helped celebrate Mr. a 4-H club Style Review. Joseph Hobson of Owyhee district nation founded on the rights and week end but long enough for the Noah's and Mrs. Bratton’s birthday opportunities for all people. This small member to spy out the Golden anniversaries Sunday evening at the -ame to school Wednesday after having missed the first part of unholy greed and desire of power Rule ad in the paper and learn therr Bratton home of the few, where will it lead us and of the fine sales they were having. school due to an appendlcitus oper- r t ‘rn. leave us? Particularly pleasing did he find the But eventually curiosity does get price on riding breeches and while High School Enrollment Mrs. D. W. Patch entertained the high school teachers nnd their fa- the best of us and we cast a hasty his need of them be slight at the nvili.-s and Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter Me- m d inquisitive eye over the daily m .ment didst Insist cn dashing off Increares Portland at a party Saturday even- news or listen in to some news to purchase n pair against future A total cf 179 students enrolled iiS. Y roadcast only to be brought up need. But not only were the prices The men teachers of Adrian high with a start to the realization that cf riding breeches most pleasing but :;t the Adrian high school. 35 .seni hool attended the first meeting of anyone having any respect and love "P else in the sto:e was a bargain ors, 39 juniors, 44 sophomores. 58 Irishmen, and three post-graduates he School Masters at Ontario Fri- at all for the fundamentals of this 'r r Ihe buyer. And even now with nation's foundation dare not nap 'he rales days ended still there is made up this number. Of these 19 ay evening. Miss Betty Nelson who has been cr evade the responsibility of action i fine sterk at rock bottom prices at w rc transferred from other schools. In is years enrollment shows an in- aying with Mr. and Mrs. Walter new. With hope that the millions that emporium. c ease of nineteen over last year's McPartland left Sunday to go to left who feel likewise may join in Didst hear th: pitter patter of [ Oregon Trail where she will teach. and this horror of government own rain on the roof these past nights highest attendance. A new Smith-Hughes Vocational The freshmen began receiving ership, and regimentation and ever and were lemindfd that the tires on increasing power placed in the that jumping Elizabeth were but a hands of a single executive and his shade of their former selves. With favored boot-lickers may some how mud in the ruts there would be be exterminated and again may be snapping out on thee in the worst established a free congress honestly possible moment. Then twas time representing a free people. A hope that thee and thy John didest a that he who sits in the chair of the turn about and see those new tires Highest may become again the wise at the Thompson Oil Company ser and humble representative of the vice store at Main and Third. There electorate. they do have a fine tire on fine Particularly were we reminded of terms at a fine price. all this and awakened again to the Brakes and lights and gears too need of action of all free thinking all need a bit of extra attention new that the summers dust 1st laid and Ed Pruyn and his gang at his garage at Main and Second 1st just the bunch to see to have a snappy job done of it at the fairest of prices. And with the rains are bound to come the sniffles if not something •q O U V IB Q S U P IR IO R ! worse in the way of old man misery but a fine way to keep them off is the drinking of whole fresh and pure milk such as our dairies, the Shelton and Gate City do furnish CARL H. COAD every day of the week and at a price that all may have their daily fill ATTORNEY- AT-I.A W and yet not be on a liquid diet. Milk SEE THE NEW OLIVER SUPERIOR PHONE 31 and milk products used abundantly rAT OUR STORE TODAY! in the daily food of little folks wilt Nyssa. Oregon D o n 't buy any sp read er until you’ve seen this great ge a long way in keeping them well new O liver S u p erio r ru b b er-tire sp read er on display and making little bones to make L. A. Maulding, M.D. at o u r store! It's n ew —from fro n t to back! It's designed straight little bodies. fo r ro u g h , tough travel w ith sure-traction, g ro u n d Physician and Surgeon And ever since our friend Buck g rip p in g pneum atic tire s w hich cut d o w n draft to at Giezentanner didst take over the Phone 37 least 50% o f that o f y o u r o rd in a ry steel-tire spieader. management of this Nyssa Theatre, N ever before have you seen a spreader w ith so much Hours 10 to 12 and 1 to 5 we have liked him, but never more com fort, such lig h t draft, b etter sp reading qualities, Only - Except Sunday than when of his owm free will he g reater capacity, lo n g life an d m o re m odern ap p ear Fry Building didst close the theatre doors until ance at such extrem ely lo w cost! It pays to ow n an the epidemic shouldst be ended. For O liver ru b b er-tire spreader! to the management, it will mean a TOWNSEND CLUB ^ W i t h th is sensational Oliver Superior Spreader available on our easy payment plan, monetary loss that can never be MEETINGS you can't affofd to be without it. Drop in mad? up But when the doors do today to get the whole story! Meeting 2nd and 4th Tuesday epen. and we hope that it will not at 8 p. m. at City Hall be delayed, the shows promised are so fine that a full house each night A. L. McClellan President is sure to be the result. Forget not Don Graham ......... Secretary to consult your callendar for the The Public I* Invited plays ycu want to see and then get there early. Le-t you be out of a NYSSA AERIE seat on arrival. 1 Now June may be the marriage F. O. E. NO. 2134 month but all summer long in this Meets Wednesday Night town the men and their maids have AT EAGLES HALL tripped to the parson and then re Visiting Eagles Welcome turned to set up housekeeping in I HARRY MINER, 8ec. a home of their own And popular I CLIFF GREER, Pres hast the Tom Nordale furniture NYSSA mart become with the newly weds j PHONE 4 Ye Snooper’s Column their welcome in the frcBunen- sopliomore Olympic* held Friday af- tenoon at the high school. In the closely contested events the fresh men scored 70 and the sophomores 50 thus winning the 1940 Olympic’s cup. Football practice brought forth 41 boys at Adrian high school. Mr. C. Cook, the coach, said Wednesday that the boys looked green and un promising. Mrs. Bill Ashcraft and Mrs. Ev erett Points were shopping in Parma and Nyssa Friday. Owyhee School Shows Increase Schools in both Owyhee and Ridgeview started Tuesday morning each with an Increase of pupils The teachers are Mr. and Mrs. L. G. McMillan and Mrs. Adelyn Buck- land at Owyhee and Miss Gloria Swan and Mrs. Helen Potampa at Ridgeview. Charles Ditty returned from the east Wednesday with a new bus in which to transport the pupils at Owyhee. Owhee P.-T. A. will meet at the school house Friday evening, Sept ember 13 at 8 o’clock. The Owyhee Community club will meet with Mrs. Frank Crocker on the regular date Thursday, Septem ber 19. Mrs. Lewis Skinner will be assistant hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Culbertson and daughter, Betty Jean, and son. Larry, were dinner guests Sunday at the Pat Bennett home in Richland. Mrs. Ray Franklin was an after noon caller at the Van Maltsburger home at Cairo junction Wednesday. She brought back the news that Ve sta and Joan Maltsburger are to go to Salem Thursday to take part in a singing contest sponsored by the grange. They have previously taken first place both in Ontario and Ba ker in like contests. Mrs. Frank Crocker entertained friends Saturday evening in honor of the birthday of her brother, Lew is Skinners. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Rawleigh Chamberlain, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Culbertson and children, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. McMillan and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Skinner. Mrs. Martha Klingback and fa mily were business visitors in Pay ette Tuesday. Mrs. Dorothy Slippy and daughter Carol, were Sunday afternoon callers at the Klingback home in Owyhee and the Pat Bennett home in Rich land. R. G. Chandler, S. S. Missionary from Caldwell, was an overnight guest at the S. D. Bigelow home Ridgeview started Tuesday morning, Wednesday. Girl Winner* Attend State Fair Winona Henderson and Idalun Maw chosen winners of the cloth ing demonstration and Mrs. John Ridder, chaperon, left Wednesday for the State Fair at Salem. Fishers are digging their potatoes on the O. E. Cheldelln farm. Mr. and Mrs. John Ridder and Tommy, Vernon, Lester and Carl Maw were Sunday dinner guests at the Rooks tool home in Oregon Trail Callers at the C. H. Bennett home Sunday were: Mr and Mrs. C. B. Hill of Newell Heights, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Culbertson and children of Owyhee, and Mrs. A. B. Slippy and daughter of Owyhee. Sunday dinner guests at the Wal lace Gregg home were Mrs. Annie Gregg and children of Sunset Val ley and daughter, Either, of Bell ingham, Washington. Sunday callers at the E. C. Ter- hune home were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bowman and mother, Mrs. Therisia Giller of Payette. Mr. and Mrs. Emory Hartley and family of Mt. Home spent the week end with their parents. F. A. Pow ells. Fridny visitors at the C. H. Ben nett home were Mrs. T. C. Johnson and Jean, Mr and Mrs. Ed Netlson, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Neilson. Miss Wanda Ernest of Boise, Mrs. H. Ernest of Nyssaa and Mrs. E C. Terhune were also guests. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Powell were Nampa visitors Saturday while there Mrs. Powell visited her son, David. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Terhune called at the Ed Bowman farm in Payette Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. T C. Johnson visit ed at the Nick LUek farm in Apple Valley Sunday. Mr. and M s. Arthur Brewer and Eunice Powell were visitors at the h'm e cf Mr. Brew rs parents in Payette. Virgil McGe: was a Caldwell vi sitor Thursday. Notice To Hog Raisers With the installation of a new scale at THE RAILWAY STOCK YARDS we are now receiving your hogs there every Friday, paying the highest price the market permits and seeking to serve you In every possible way. FRANK KULLANDER CHILDREN’S SHOE REPAIRING Bring those school shoes in to us for EXPERT REPAIRING. ALL WORK GUARANTEED! ABBOTT’S SHOE SHOP Next to Nyssa Cafe —Losses Insure Your Hay Protect the money and labor you have in vested in your hay. INSURE your crops today! • The low cost of this protection has won us many year-after-year clients. Frank T. Morgan PHONE 97 Professional Cards 0 iT B NYSSA IMPLEMENT CO. L Caibles Chevrolet Compa"-v Phone 62 Ontario, Oregon