THE NYSSA GATE CITY JO U R N A L. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1940 TH E LM A ALICE DU PRE BECOMES BRIDE On Wednesday morning at ser vices conducted at the L. D. S. church at Nampa by Bishop John son of the Nampa ward, Miss Thel ma Alice DuPre, daughter ol Mr. and Mrs Ed DuPre of Oregon Trail became the bride of Everett L. T ay lor, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. T ay lor of Nyssa. Present at the ceremony were bride’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. EM DuPre, her sisters, Mrs. Dale Garri son and her daughter, Jo Ann and Miss Virginia Du Pre. The bride grooms mother, Mrs. C. E. Taylor, and his sister, Jean. Following the ceremony the party returned to Nyssa where Mr and Mrs. Taylor will make their future home. - 5 - HONORS DAUGHTER’S 1 B IR TH D AY Complimenting the birthday an niversary of her daughter, Mrs. Lon Root, Mrs. George Bertch entertain ed several friends at an afternoon of visiting on September 4, A candle lighted birthday cake and coffe were enjoyed late in the afternoon. Those present were Mrs. Root, Mrs. Fan ny Felton. Mrs Burns, Mrs. Dick Holmes, Mrs. L. W. Dirking, Mrs. C. Klinkenberg and Mrs. Jessie Lawrence C IV IC CLUB The next meeting of the Civic club which will be held at the Parish hall on Wednesday, September 18. at 2:30 p. m. will be the annual 4H achieve ment program under the direction of Mrs. H. R. Sherwood with E. M. Hauser, county 4H club leader, the principle guest. He will also give the awards for 4H work finished the past year. Tea service will be under the di rection of a special committee and the collections received that day will go to defray the expenses of Betty Rust who was among the fortunate 4H club girls to attend the summer school. As this meeting really begins the autum work of the club all members are urged to be present and any strangers or new residents of the community arc most welcome to at tend. hop, Mr Hugh Rowe, Miss Doris Johnson of Frultland, Miss Bernice Martin, Mr. Albert Lockwood. Mrs John Bishop and Mr. Hugh Rowe won high prizes. Mrs. Glee Billings and Miss Doris Johnson consolation prizes. - 8 - AFTERNOON B RID G E P A R T Y Mrs. Clarence Brewster was hos tess on Wednesday afternoon at two tables of dessert bridge. At the close of the game a guest g ift was presented to Mrs. Gilbert P. Alles- brook, a recent bride and high score honors went to Mrs. Louis Mosier. - 8 - T IIU R S D A Y BRID G E CLUB The Thursday afternoon bridge club was entertained last week by Mrs. Frank Morgan at dessert and contract. Mrs. Keith Bailey scored high for the afternoon’s play. - 8 - TUESDAY AFTERNOON B RID G E Members of the Tuesday after noon bridge club were entertained this week at a dessert and contract by Mrs. Sidney Burbldge, who in vited Mrs. E. D. Norcott, Miss Eva Boydell and Mrs. Leslie McClure as guest players. Prizes were won by Mrs. Burbidge and Miss Boydell. - 8 - W EDNESDAY EVENING BRIDGE Mrs. Sidney Burbldge was hostess to the members of the Wednesday evening bridge club this week and invited Mrs. Andrew Boerma as a guests player. Mrs. Boersma made high score for the evening and Mrs. Aden Wilson second high. G R AN D -D AU G H TE R TO BE M AR R IE D Mary Anne Nevlns of Huntington daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Ne- vins of Huntington and grand daug hter of Mrs. Lettle Alford of Nyssa has been guest of honor of several showers given in Huntington in ho nor of her approaching marriage to Earl Hamilton, of Weiser, on Sept ember 24. On Monday Mrs. Wiley Hartwill entertained for Miss Nevins and on Thursday afternoon a group was entertained by Mrs. H. H Mack ho noring Miss Nevins. Miss Nevins has many friends in Nyssa which she has made during her visits with her grandmother. DINNER The wedding will be a Nuptial Mrs. Joe Trent entertained Mon Mass at the Catholic church in Hun day evening with a dinner party at tington. her home honoring her husband's - 8 - birthday and Mr. and Mrs Gilbert WEDDED A T M ADRAS P. Allsebrook who have recently ar Miss Kate Young, sister of John rived in Nyssa to make their home. Young, who has made many friends The dinner followed by an evening in Nyssa during her visits here to of bridge. Mr. and Mrs. Young was married Invited guests were Mrs. Joe at a pretty wedding ceremony in Trent, Mr. and Mrs Gilbert P. A l Madras on August 10. lsebrook, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Lewis, At a pretty home wedding in the Mr and Mrs. Larry Brown. Mr. and presence of immediate relatives, Au Mrs Glee Billings, Mr and Mrs. El gust 10 at 3 o’clock in the afternoon. lis Stoker, Mr. and Mrs. John Bis- Miss Katherine Young, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Young of Madras became the bride of Ramon Whann of Tracy, California. Rev. Ben Davis read the service in a setting of past el* gladioli. I T h e bride was lovely in a redin- I note of sheer dusty rose and wore I a corsage of gardenias, talisman I roses and white bouvardla Her | sister. Miss Margaret Young, wear- I mg blue sheer with a corsage of ro DR J. C. B OW M AN ses and pink bouvardla, was her only attendant. Veterinarian Harry Young, brother of the bride attended the groom. Preceding the ceremony Mrs. John Young sang ” 1 Love You Truly" and Phone 39W played the wedding music. After the ceremony, the couple left on a wedding trip to the W allo NYSSA LIBRARY Open each week day from wa mountains and will be at home 2 p. m. to 6 p. m. after September 3 In Tracy, where Saturday, 2 p. m. to 8 p. m. Mr Whann Is with the bureau of reclamation. ALL PATRONS WELCOME Out-of-town guests at the affair Librarian Mrs. S. B Davis j included Harry Young of Bonne- ! vllle and Mr and Mrs John Young O P T O M E T R IS T : of Nyssa Professional Cards home in Msndlan, Idaho on Tues day They stayed over until Wednes day and attended the Western Ida ho State F tlr In Boise Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Parker were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Clark. Mrs Charles Newblll accompanied by Mrs William Toomb took four 4-H club girls to the state fair In Salem to compete In their various lines of club work. The girls making the trip were: Nadeen Wilson and Nadine Nichols of Kingman, M ar jorie Oroot of Nyssa, and Cheerle Roehr of Weiser They left on Tues day returning early Friday morning. Mr and Mrs Charles Newblll and children spent Sunday afternoon and evening fishing at the Owyhee dam. Jack Elliott was returned to his home from Ontario hospital on Thursday afternoon. It will be sev eral days before he will be able to have his back put in a cast. Mr. Mary Nichols, Nadine and James were Sunday dinner guests of Miss Agnes Nichols at her apart ment ,ln Wilder, Idaho. Forestlne Wilson spent from Sun day until Tuesday as the guest of Vida Wallace. Mr. Clarence Elliott spent from Wednesday until Saturday at the State Fair In Salem. C. M. Beaumont and William Toomb were In Nyssa on business on Friday afternoon. Forestlne and Nadeen Wilson were Sunday dinner guests of Dor othy and Betty Jean Toomb. Mr and Mrs. Lee Thrasher ac companied by their daughter Mrs. Vernon Boren and grandson, Leroy, have just returned from Brigham. Utah, where they visited their daug hter and sister, Mrs. Ira Cole. The Christian Endeavor ol the Kingman Community church visited the Roswell Christian Endeavor Sunday evening. There were five or six carloads of people made the trip. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Miller and family have moved to Vale, Oregon where Mr. Miller has employment. B uys B lo o d e d B a m When Bert Burroughs of Napton Siding returned from the National Ram Sale held at Salt Lake on Au gust twenty eighth, he brought home a thorough-bred Suffolk ram purchased at the sale from the Ca nadian Pacific Railroad flocks. Burroughs feels that his ram Is the outstanding sire he has yet own ed. N yssa F a rm ers B u y S h o rt H orn H. P. Swisher of Home, Oregon Is co-owner with Ray Keller of Nyssa Heights of Westlna Roan Bates milking short horn sire, purchased the past week from the herd of Mrs. Katie Smith of Nampa The animal Is being cared for at the Keller ranch. In H orsesh oe B en d ths Homer Cats* boms in Cow Hol low. Ths ball storm w h ic h fell Satur day afternoon damaged the lettuce crops quit« bad. Also killed and crip pled grown chickens, and went through a car and serveral house tops. Ths Ralph and Clair Kelm fam i lies of Ainsworth, Nebraska, who visited the Kenneth Lonensoa fam i ly some weeks ago were back Satur day after selling all their possessions and are temporarily located In Ap ple Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Landreth and Char les were McCall business visitors on TTmrsUay. Mrs. R. W. Bolltho's mother, Mrs. M offltt and a cousin from San Francisco visited In the Bolltho home Saturday. Charles Ditty. Tressa Ditty and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Ditty were busi ness visitors in Nampa Monday and also visited Mr. and Mrs Boyd Qu ery. Mr. and Mrs. R. W Bolltho were business visitors in the same city Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Cash Turner and Mr. and Mrs. Jay Howard and chil dren visited In the Burt Turner home near Vale Sunday. Among the young people from Sunset Valley attending the sur prise birthday party for Alta Lncna Howell In Cow Hollow were, Viola and Howard Schneider, Alma and Viola Hintz and Robert Ditty. The hay chopping crew who are chopping hay for Mr. Hendricks have moved from the Charles W il son to the Charles Ditty place. her daughter, Mrs. Allan Haas and her new grandson who has been named Allan Charles Haas. wmii Vertrees and Allan Reed went to Unity for wood and coming out broke Goolng's new Ford truck and had to send for repairs. They drove in home Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ura Robinson are improving the appearance of their farm by painting the entire set of farm buildings as well as the house Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Higgins and family of Big Bend were guests for Sunday dinner at the parental, C. H. Higgins home. Mr and Mrs. Fred Ploughead of Caldwell spent Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Huffman. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Vertrees took Miss Yulah Vertrees and Miss Lou ise Hertlg back to Caldwell Sunday evening after the girls had spent the week end at their homes. Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Boston took their daughter, Miss Mary, back to Ontario Sunday night after she had spent the week end at home. WILHELMINA HOFFMAN PIANIST Accredited Teacher O f Piano and Harmony N o r th w e s te r n U n iv e rs ity , C h ica go. C u rtis In s t it u t e o f M usic, P h ila d e lp h ia . L o n d o n C o lle g e o f M u sic, L o n d o n . E n gla n d . Miss Hoffman will resume teaching in Nyssa the week of September 16. F o r a p p o in tm e n t p h on e N yssa 3 5 -R o r P a r m a 120-W . A d d ress co rre sp o n d e n ce to M iss H o ffm a n a t P a r m a , Id a h o . RIVERVIEW The 8. 8. and Christian Endeavor are postponed until the health office opens school. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Willis of Grant-Pass are looking for a loca tion In this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Gonn&sor, and fam i ly were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. George Clowcr Saturday evening. Mrs. . L. Horsley of Ogden, Utah, spent last week with her daughter, Mrs. Earl Blackburn. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Osburns baby was seriously hurt when a frighten ed horse stepped on his back Mon Wind Causes day. Damage Mary DeLashmutt Is spending this A P P L E V A L L E Y —Heavy wind week with relatives and friends at accompanying rain blew down sev La Grande, Oregon. Mrs. Ernest Johnson and family eral telephone poles Saturday night. Recent rains have stopped work In the onion. Those which have been lifted and topped were hauled to the sorting sheds yesterday Fur ther lifting will be done In a few days. With drying weather the third cutting of hay will begin this week. The Floyd Higgins family moved to the Big Bend community and have rented their farm here to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Peterson who re cently returned from the coast. Mr. and Mrs. Peterson formerly farmed in this district and are happy to be back again. Miss Mona Oee left Sunday even Men and Women ing for Boise where she will attend Enjoy Bowling the Boise Business University. She As a game and a sport for most is staying at the home of Dr. and people, It's unequalled. You can Mrs. Springer in Boise. play by yourseif or with any Reverend Herring of Parma number o f people. You can preached at the Apple Valley M eth bowl any time of day or evenings. odist church, Sunday morning at I t ’s Inexpensive, easy-to-learn. who was not feeling able to come T ry ltl out. FREE INSTR U C TIO N S Mr. and Mrs Harry Allender of (Dally from 1 to 5 p. m.) Roswell were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Henry True Ison and their little daughter of the Owyhee Charles Huffmtn on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meier and A l spent Monday In Horseshoe Bend bert, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fisher visiting relatives. and Donald were Sunday guests of Son III Ronny Thompson, son of Mr. and Mr and Mrs. Herbert Fisher and Mrs Hershel Thompson was 111 on Mrs. Quimby Sunday. J. P Lane is improving steadily Saturday but has recovered hlnce. and the bums on his arms are heal ing. The main bum on the back and side are healing but slowly. He is SUNSET V A LLE Y Mr and Mrs. Leslie Ditty and El able to sit up but doesn’t expect mer Culbertson returned Wednesday to be able to get around much before Detroit and Lima, Ohio for the Ow the first of October. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Nichols are yhee bus. They report rain from near the Idaho line on to Detroit enjoying a visit from Mr. Nlchol’s also that the same peaches that sell sister. Mrs. Hattie Ecker of Belling here for 75 cents a bushel sell In ham. Washington who arrived Sat Lima for $3 50 per bushel. urday. Sunday a family dinner at Mr. and Mrs. Ira Foster and Vir which Mr and Mrs Oscar Nichols ginia returned Tuesday from Grand and family and Mr. and Mrs. Dan River, Iowa where they have spent Nichols of Donnelly were present, the past two months visiting and was served at the Nlchol’s home helping care for their respective with Mrs. Clarence Nichols and Mrs. parents who are in poor health. ttle helping. Urs Charles Huffman spent the Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Jones and fa mily were Sunday dinner guests In Mrs. Hamlin and son, Robert. Mrs. Marshall and Mr. G. G. Taal of La Grande were week end visitors of Mr. and Mrs. DeLashmutt. Mr. and Mrs. W ile ; Clowers and family Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hirst of Nyssa, were S u n d a ^ ’linner guests of Mr. and Mrs. G ftrg e Clowers. Frank Johnson Is digging a cistern for Wilbur McGinnis this week were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrsi R H. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur McGinnis, Mr. and Mrs. James McGinnis, were Sunday visit ors of Mr. and Mrs. Bodmer on Is land. Mr. and Mrs. Bailey and family attended a farewell party for some friends in Vale who are moving to Montana Saturday night. ATTENTION DEER HUNTERS Season Opens Sept. 2 0 • You’ve got the »pot picked O U T you’ll get your deer. • W e ’ve got the spot to KEEP it in! • OUR QU ICK FREEZING “seal” in the flavor. in perfect condition. ------- • ------- Official Game Tag Station ------------- 0 - ------------ 24 HOUR SERVICE Polar Cold Storage PHONE 124 Hotel 3 Block» North of “Y ” OREGON COUNTRY SAVINGS ACCOUNTS |A ito n a ^ Pendleton Hillsboro W allow a T>,e Dalle» H . ; C ■'•er ilUmook Enterprise Gresham Sherman Co N e w b e rg # ®Oregon C ity La Crande I W o o d b u '’ ® . Condon M olalla Salam*« ^'■'Stayton U nion Fossil « n i SAFE D tfO SITS CHECKING ACCOUNTS AUTO FIN A N C IN G A lb a n y M O N EY OROERS Nyssa • • North Bend 7 0 £ M arshfield Bend Ft ( S O N A I LOANS Coquille G rants Pass M edford • K lam ath Falls M e r r ill Lakeview » KINGMAN KOLONY n Locker Plant S E R V I N G T HE Ashland m will V û M - “ See M e la li an d See B e tte r " Polly Anna Club met at the home cf Mrs. J. G Lane for their regular meeting on Wednesday afternoon. I Tire annual election of officers was I hpl<t » t this time The following DR. J. A. McFALL W ere elected: President, Mrs. Don E YE SIG H T S PE C IA LIST ald Clark: vice president, Mrs Ray O N TA R IO OREGON mond Holton; secretary-treasurer; Mrs Lily Bach. The next meeting W YCK O FF will be with Mrs. Charles Newbtll on September 18. JEW ELRY STORE Mrs, Conrad Martin was liostess to O fficial Time Inspector for the Kingman H E. Club on Thurs Union Pacific day afternoon This was a special meeting called to make final ar O N TA R IO OREGON rangements for a special meeting the Kingman Grange Is holding on Monday evening. ROBT. D. LYTLE Mr and Mrs. Hollis Peer moved AT T O R N E Y Into the William Toomb tenant And CO U NSE LO R-AT-LAW house on Friday Mr Peer Is work First National Bank Building ing for M r Toomb Phone M Miss Dorothy Nellson of Ontario. VALE OREGON Miss Oladyee Holton o f Payette, and Gene Cowglll of Oregon Slope» spent Wednesday evening as guests DR. C. A. ABBOTT of Harvey Holton C h ir o p r a c tic P h y s icia n Mr and Mrs Donald Clark called O ff ic e : 331 W e s t M a in S L on Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Parker In P h o n e 25 Arlan on Monday evening Mrs Donald Clark and Rogene r I Miller took Thelma Wilson to hsr PLATE • OUR COLD STORAGE LOCKS will keep it NYSSA B O W LIN G ALLEYS Next to Western W H ER E TRUST DEPARTMENT j'-y -iA v U TRAVELERS CHECKS September 8 ,1 8 6 5 ...following the close of the Civil W ar,‘ the first national bank on the Pacific Coast'was founded. For three- quarters of a century it has taken an active part in the colorful development of this great state. TODAY, with its state-wide branches, it brings to individuals, and the trade, commerce and industry of Oregon a complete, modern banking service. )VVA>* _ „«nSG SC** 4 / ßtdnckti AND FIRST RRTIORRb URDU McClures Bread OF Keeps them Eager, Young, Healthy! And They Like the Flavor. M c C l u r Phone 20 Try It! ßiyktttn U'xty h¿r* es bakery Nyssa PORTLAND ■ AJlnttttn jfotty