Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1940)
THE N YSSÄ GÂTE CITY JOURNAL, Classified Advertising The Ideal Way To Buy, Sell, Rent, Find, or Hire. Big Results at a very low cost. One trial will convince. RATES: One cent per word for each Issue. Minimum cash In advance Is 25c. Wt* writ«» a n d ¡Print Ywur Ad» VALLEY VIEW m GET THE MONEY MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS WANTED—All your welding Jobs, For Sale We promise good work and fair | prices. Pruyn Auto Repair. Phone •>6W KALSOMINE, PAINT at competi tive prices. First class quality. BRAKE WORK—Let us put your Nyssa Lbr. Co., Goode Ave. and car or truck brakes In first class Highway 201, Phone 108. 16Mtfc condition. Special equipment und trained men at your service. Pruyn CREOSOTE for treating hen hous Auto Repair. Phone 56W. es, posts, etc. Nyssa Plumbing and heating Co., 9th and Emison street. (One block south of Nyssa Consult us on your wiring needs Trador). 23Mxfc and meter set-ups. Work guaranteed to meet State requirements. For Sale Prices right AUTOS and TRAILERS Information free . NYSSA ELECTRIC SHOP OR WILL trade for live stock, 1934 Chevrolet truck with beet bed. Good condition. T. J. Lyda, Nampa 29A2xp GARBAGE HAULING. Also odd Route 3. jobs by hour day or week. Prices reasonable. J. G. Coll. 20Atfc 18Atfc FARM PRODUCE For Sale NYSSA PLUMBING & HEATING COMPANY —Kohler Planned Plum bing- Ninth and Emison Street (1 block south of Nyssa Trador) 13Jtfc Local and Long Distance HAULING Phone 72W Lawrence and Barnett 4Mtfc PEARS, BARTLETS, reasonable. Steele Eestate. 5 miles south west Parma. 29A2xp PEACHES. ALBERTAS, Hales and Crawfords. Concord grapes. Now ready. Harry Howell Ranch H mile southwest of Nyssa. 22tfc Wanted To Buy CASH FOR FRYERS and fat hens. Brownies Cafe, Nyssa. 29Autfc SALE—by quarters or more, state inspected, corn fed, prime beef, by licensed dealers. Call Jake Fischer, 05R1 or Polar Cold Storage. 25Jtfc MISKIN SCRAPER, 4 or 5 foot, for tractor. H. B. Bray, Nampa, Phone 786R1. S51xp For Rent FARM LANDS 200 NEW HAMPSHIRE pullets. R. J. Cornell, 6 miles southwest of Nyssa. 5Sixp FIVE-ACRE TRACT with small house for rent in Apple VaUey. Has electricity and on paved road. See Frank T. Morgan. 20Jtfc For Rent CITY PROPERTY for FOR SALE OR RENT TWO STORES, on prominent corn er, available August 1. Or will sell. Nyssa Realty Co. 25Jtfc For Sale POULTRY THREE ROOM furnished apart ment. Mrs. Wade Robinson, Apt. 6, Swan Apartments. 5Sixp CITY For Sale PROPERTY FOR SALE City property catch h FIVE SMALL houses.east of tracks 3 ROOM HOUSE, basement, garage. productive soil, rent for $600 per Ward addition. P.O.B. 1022. year. For quick sale $2000 cash. A 29A3xp For Sale Wanted To Rent LOST 40 OR 80 ACRE FARM near Nyssa or Adrian, on share basis. Consid- ,er raising few beets and spuds. Must have house. State full particulars in first letter. Write J. P. % Nyssa Journal office. 8Au.7xc WHITE SOW, about 75 pounds, strayed from my place on 6th street Nyssa, Monday. Ben Thompson or call Journal office. 5Slxp Insurance STOCK For Sale MILK COWS Carey Valley. Fox. for the Apple 5Slxp DAIRY COWS, fresh and springers all breeds; 4 miles east of Cald well on U. S. 30. Look for farm buildings all white, green trimmed. J. P. Miller and Glen McWilliams, Caldwell. 27Jetfc WE BUY AND SELL dairy cows. Sale every Friday. We conduct all kinds of auction sales. Improve your herd with our stud bull service. $3.00 at your place. Call Floyd Robison Nyssa. Help Wanted RELIABLE MIDDLE aged man or woman to stay with invalid gentle man, in small modern home. Room board and small wages. Call Journal office. 29Atfc Found TIRE AND WHEEL Owner may- have same by Identifying and pay ing for advertisement. Call Journal office. 5S«c FARM See us about our COMPLETE FARM INSURANCE COVERAGE —Nyssa Fall Festival Sept. 6-7— GRAHAM CALVES WINNERS LINCOLN HEIGHTS — Genena, Marie, and Eugene Graham ex hibited their black Angus calves at the county fair winning 4th and 5th ribbons. The community S. S. will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wolf on Columbia ave. Rev. Ernest Stutchbery of Caldwell will speak. Special music by a quartett of Cald well Baptist church. Christian En deavor at7:30. All young people wel come. Mr. and Mrs. W. Moore of Boise were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Thompson at the fair Monday and dinner guests in in the evening. Rev. and Mrs. Ray Chandler of Caldwell visited our S. S. and En deavor Sunday. Mrs. Hines of So. Dak. is visit ing her daughter Mrs. Leroy Her man on Columbia ave. Mary. Edward and Jane De Hash- mutt visited in the Larkin home on the Island Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Osburn and family were guests In the Ernest Johnson home Tuesday evening after a swim a picnic supper. Frank T. Johnson of Columbia ave. is suffering from dislocated ver- terbra last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Davey of North Hollywood, Calif, visited Mrs. Ernest Johnson last week. Jackie Hill Is returning to his father’s home to attend Nyssa high school. Leon and Lawrence Bailey have returned home from two weeks in Unity hills rounding up horses and cattle. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hill and child ren were callers of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur McGinnis Sunday. The Community S. S. enjoyed a water mellon supper on the lawn of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wolf Sunday. Mr and Mrs. V. Kesler and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Gonnason. er home wTtli Mrs. F. A. Miller and Virginia as hostesses. Guests in cluded Mr. and Mrs. Will Robinson of Roswell. Mr and Mrs. Robert Weir, Mr. and Mrs. George Swigert, Mr. and Mrs. PUn Case. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Haworth. Mr and Mrs. Lora Pillsbury, Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Phelan and Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Brumback. Miss Betty Weir and John Johnson . Little Donna Brewer had her ton sils removed last Wednesday. Miss Grace Johnson returned to Boise where she Is a high school teacher. Miss Dorothy Hamilton returned home Friday from a trip to Knox ville, Missouri. Mrs. Paul Hatch of New Mexico is visiting in the H. R. Hatch home. Miss June Clark of Portland who taught In Adrian high school last year spent Thursday visiting in Phelan and Miller homes. She was accompanied by her father, mother sister and two children. Miss Clark will teach at Gresham next year. F. A. Wilier and Jim spent the past week at their sheep camp near McCall. They took a car load of fat ltmbs to Omaha. Miss Mary Weir left Sunday for Westfall where she will teach this year. Mr. and Mrs. John Bishop of Nyssa were Labor Day guests in the E. H. Brumback home. Arthur Holly Is building a new cabin at his tourist camp near Snake River. Mrs. William Brewer accompan ied her sister Mrs. Chas. Skelton and family to Boise Thursday where they attended th* state fair. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bennett and family and Mr. and Mrs. Le Roy Bennett and son attended a fam ily reunion at the Lynn Chaney home in Parma Sunday at which Mr. and Mrs. John Church of Calif, were honor guests. Mrs. Dale Ashcraft of Kingman Kolony was calling on Bend Grang ers Saturday and delivering the new Grange cook books. Wade PTA will meet Friday after noon at the school house. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bishop are entertaining his mother and sister Mrs. Noah and two children of Ar cadia, California. —Nyssa Fall Festival Sept. 6-7— MODERN PIONEERS MAKE FALL FESTIVAL PLANS NEWELL HEIGHTS—The Mod. ern Pioneer Club met Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Bill Harris with 12 members present. Plans were completed for the booth at the Nys sa Fall Festival. Those persons hav ing any kind of farm produce to display in the booth are asked to have It gathered and ready the morning of the 5th at which time Mrs. Carl Hill or Mrs. Maurice Judd will call for it. Those wishing to compete for Individual prizes on farm produce, canned or baked goods, or themselves thus avoiding any damage or loss. The chairman for the booth is Mrs. Jake Barge and helpers are: Mrs. Charlie Harris, Mrs. Earl Leach, Mrs. Wayne Woods and Mrs. Stanley Gollet. Miss Allice Harris of Weiser is visiting her brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Harris this week Mr. and Mrs. Harris had as guests for a chicken supper Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Slippy and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. Oene Pratt and daughter, Mr. Woodie Brewer and Jack Glascock besides the host and hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Dorsey Conrad left Saturday morning for their home in Norton, Kansas after spending three weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Earl Parker. Mr. and Mrs. Alvon McGinnis, Mr. and Mrs. James McGinnis of Adrian. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hatch of Big Bend and Mr and Mrs. Glenn McGinnis of Mitchell Butte went on a picnic and fishing .trip Sun day Rose McGinnis and Louise Hin N Y S S A R EA LT Y and Insurance Co. Phone 53 Beef for the Hide Hogs 200 lbs. $1.50 Cutting 1 cent per lb. Grinding 1 cent per lb. Grinding and Seasoning 2 cent per lb. Let us do your work! N YSSA PACKING CO. PHONE 6 BIG BEND—Bud Each us carried away third and fourth prizes In horse races at the Ontario Fair. Mrs Thomas and son Carroll who were guests of the Vlrl Bishops left Thursday fos their home at Osage City Kansas Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Riggs and sons of Parma were Tuesday evening dinner guests in Dyre Roberts home. Mr and Mrs Earl Haworth and children of Fallow, Nevada were Saturday guests in the R. L. Haw orth home. Mr and Mrs Reuben Basket spent Wednesday In Nampa visiting Mrs Siner Carroll who Is very 111 in the Mercy hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mausllng bought a small ranch near Wallowa. Oregon and will move wlthoin a month. The 8tam ranch on which they lived has been rented by Arch Parker. * Mrs. Harvey Bennett returned home Thursday from an extended visit through the middle west She accompanied her parent». and Mrs. C. Councilman of Roswell. On Sunday a very enjoyable pic nic dinner was enjoyed at the Mill- Mr ton of Adrian rohe horse back to Caldwell to the rodeo. They also rode in the parade while there. Mr. and Mrs. W W. Deffenbaugh entertained at a birthday dinner on Sunday. Guests were Mr and Mis. George Fisher of Kingman Kolony and Mi. and Mrs. Bill Harris. It was the birthdays of Mr. Deffen baugh and Mi. Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hatch of Adrian were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Smith and family were visiting wl th Mr. and Mrs. Willie McGinnis of Mitchell Butte Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Klien of Arn- ette, Okla. visited Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. E. B Wooden. Robert Osbourne of Nyssa Is stay ing with his older brother, Bert Os bourne while their brother Is sick with infantile paralysis. Mrs. Stanley McAbee and two boy» Darell and Jerry Lee returned Mon day after a two weeks visit with her parents at Port Angeles. Washing ton. She was accompanied there by her sister and brother-in-law and family. Mr. and Mrs. Keyser of Gotenburg. Neb. and Mrs. Thomas Spellmeyer of Miller, Neb. Monday night they were all supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Osborn. Tues day Mr. and Mrs. McAbee took their guests to the Owyhee Dam sight seeing. They left Wednesday noon for their home in Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hill attended the State Fair In Boise Friday. Two photographers for "Life Magazine” were In this vicinity on Saturday taking pictures of the ditch rider doing his dally routine and stopped at the H1U farm and took pictures of them Irrigating the beets. They were also taking pictur es on the Cheen farm. The previous day they had been taking photos of the dam, flumes and other places of interest which Is to be published in the Look magazine under the Owyhee Project. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Young and son, Jerold attended the fair in Boise Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Mausllng spent Sunday at his parents home in Big Bend. Ray Hoffman of Parma visited at the Lester Young home Sunday. Mr. Hoffman and Mr. Young were school mates. In Nebraska and had not seen one another for 22 years. Mr. Hoyt Warwick of Lamas. Colo, visited his mother, Mrs. Carl Hill Monday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Overstreet spent several days last week in Boise visit ing their son, Robert Overstreet. In the 4-H Club exhibits at the Malheur County Fair those mem bers from Newell Heights taking prizes were: Maurice Judd, 1st in sheep and pigs, 3rd In corn. In open class sheep, 2nd prize. Ellen Judd, 1st in flowers and 1st In home beau tification. Ralph Williams 2nd and 3rd to Mario Anderson In garden and the Dickerson children took 2nd and 3rd in beef cattle. -Nyssa Fall Festival Sept. 6-7- W. C. T. U. The annual election of officers for the Nyssa Union of the W C. T. U. was held on Tuesday after noon when the members met at the home of Mrs. Ed Wild. Mrs. Dwight Seward will be pres ident for the coming year; Mrs. J. T. Long vice president; Mrs. Arvilla Fauchler, Treasurer and Mrs. Ed. Wild, secretary. The union is planning to display Evans family Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas Bradley were the W. C. T. U. mechanical man which has already been shipped week end guests of the Jim Liddle from Salem at the Nyssa Fall Fes family at Flint, Idaho. Mrs. Russell Patton Is visiting her tival. lister in Klamath Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Eason on the Bradley ranch have as visitors his FLORENCE NADINE brother and wife from Colorado. Mrs. Arnold Slippy and daughter CROCKER MARRIES Carol were dinner guests Sunday OWYHEE—Florence Nadine Croc of the Charley Culbertsons. Mr. and Mrs. O. L. McMillan have ker. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Crocker and Russel lee Patton, eld moved to the new house recently est son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Pat built on the Lewis Skinner corner. Fifty eight were out to Sunday ton Sr. were married at Reno Nev. Friday, August 23rd. They are at school Sunday. Classes for all. home on the Patton ranch in Owy Everybody welcome. hee where a large group of their friends gatherer Saturday evening for a well wishing party. Bob Rice and MUton Penn left Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Powell are Thursday for Pasedena. Calif, and spending a few weeks at their mine a visit to the Fair. They took near Prairie City. Mrs. Jennie Brown and her daugh ter Betty Mae who had been visit Dr. and Mrs. John E. Long of Sal ing relatives here back to their em are In Nyssa looking after prop homes in Pasedena. erty interests and are living In one Mrs. Martha Klingback and daug of their houses east of the tracks. hters and son Fred were Boise visit ors Friday where they made ar- Lt. J. B. Beckham and Mrs. Beck angements for Margaret to reenter ham are guests at the parental Ar Links business college after a sum thur H. Boydell home after spend mer vacation. ing a few days visiting relatives In Mrs. Ralph Jones of Boise and Portland. They will leave the end Byrd Walters were week end guests of the week for Virginia ard later of the EUis Walters family. Fort Bragg, North Carolina where Richard Scott of Comacopla, Ore. Lieutenant Beckham will be stat was a week end visitor of his broth ioned. er, HJalmer at the Bradley ranch. Owyhee Parent Teacher will meet GOOD HEALTH on the regular date Friday, Sept. 13 at the school house at 8 o'clock. BROUGHT TO Mr. and Mrs. Ted Williams and YOUR DOOR! daughter Mltzle of Twin Falls were over night guests of the Howard —Nyssa Fall Festival Sept. 6-7— —Nyssa Fall Festival Sept. 6-7— At Mine From Salem Return From Portland CHILDREN’S SHOE REPAIRING GATE CITY DAIRY MILK and CREAM is produced under state supervision, thus assuring you of health in every quart. Morning and evening deliveries. Bring those school shoes In to us for EXPERT REPAIRING. ALL WORK GUARANTEED! Gate City Dairy A B B O T T ’S Morning and Evening Deliveries PHONE 104W SHOE SHOP Next to Nyssa Cafe —Losses Insure Your Hay • Protect the money and labor you have in vested in your hay. INSURE your crops today! • The low cost of this protection has won us many year-after-year clients. Frank T. Morgan PHONE 97 A TREAT For The Whole Family NEW CROP HONEY Economical - Healthful FOR SALE AT YOUR GROCERS Honey Foster’s Honey IS YOUR CAR SAFE? A Fire Insurance Policy is —Nyssa Fall Festival Sept. 6-7- Your Banker When You BUD SACHUS WINS Need Money the Most AT ONTARIO CUSTOM BUTCHERING and CUTTING * Rev and Mrs. Gilbert Anderson of Ontario visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cazier and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Tay lor Thursday. T. H. Brewer lost a horse with brain fever Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Terry Jain and Mrs. Dwight McNerney and son from Kansas surprised their grandfath er, Chas. S. Wyckoff and aunt, Mrs. A. A. Bratton also other relat ives Saturday. They were enroute to Paik Dale, Oregon where Mrs. Mc- Nerney’s husband is working. David Rees thrashed barley for Virgil Belisle last week. Mr. and Mrs. Vem Armstrong and son Harold of Pocatello visited Dad Armstrong three days this week. Mr. and Mrs. Chester A. String er, Jr. and son Gene of Sheridan Oregon arrived Wednesday evening for a visit with relatives and friends in this community. Mrs. H. L. Brooks is real proud of her 4-H Sheep Club. They carried off a number of blue ribbons at the Ontario Fair. Eulah Bratton moved Sunday evening to the Arcadia teachers cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Spit- ze vacated, Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Shurr, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Shurr and father Bert Shurr of Twin Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McClure of Caldwell and a number of relatives and friends called at the Bratton home Sunday evening to bid Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Spitze good bye and wish them a safe journey to their new home. Mr. Spitze has a position in the high school at Wolf Creek, Oregon. They left early Monday morning by auto. TH U R SD AY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1940 Conquer Time and Bad Weather with the Row Crop “70" Mounted Mower You are Invited to have a FREE CHECK-UP With Our N EW Scientific Manbee Wheel Alignment Equipment STOPS k y SHIMMY TIRE WEAR WANDER HARD STEERING A misalignment of 1-8 Inch means yowr car la iJ O T OU Slipping Sideways 32 feet every mile. A misalignment of 1-2 Inch meana yoor car Is Know? Slipping Sideways 128 feet every mile. BRING YOUR STEERING TROUBLES TO US Pruyn’s Garage Phone 56W 2nd and Main Sta- Once you’ ve watched a rushing stream of hey spiM over the cutter bar o f the Row Crop "7 0 ” Mounted Mower you'll be through with old-fashioned mow ing- Here’s amaaing »peed and ease o f operation— apeed that always saves dollars and often meana beating bad weather. The outht turn* and backs as easily as a horse-drawn mower, works into the fence corners, cuts dean •nd dose, and can cover from 20 to SO acres a day. You cut aa fast as the work permits without ever racing the engine. The cutter her speed depends directly on engine apeed and is independent o f tractor travel. The cutter bar always works at low engine speeds which saves both fuel and engine— no matter how fast yon travel forward. In very tough going you can cat at 2.44 m.p.h., and in lighter cutting yon can step up to 3.32, 4.33 or S.Sfl m p h .—simply b y shifting gears. With the Oliver Variable Speed Gov- tenor Control you nee only the fuel needed to do the work. Only with the Row Crop "7 0 ” Mounted Mower do yon get this mowing economy and speed. Fick yoor fuel and your " 7 0 ." T w o engine types are available to give you greatest fuel economy— the high compression ” 70” H C for gasoline, and the 70" C D for katoaene or distillate— earh specially designed for the fuel used. But get a "70.” W e ll be glad to demonstrate. Come in and tee ua today. If f AN OtIVCS " 70 ” BEFORE BUY NYSSA IMPLEMENT CO. PHONE 4 NYSSA