T H E N Y S S A G A T E C IT Y J O U R N A L Prom Pheonix Out of Town Shupprn in Nysna Mrs. P E. Halverson and her son The Past Week Mrs. Meyer Qoreel at the Nyssa Duane from Pheonix, Arizona ar rived on Wednesday and will visit Trader on the highway north has at the M. W. Osborne home noticed lately the large number of shoppers coming into Nyssa from Injured On Vacation Aden Wilson suffered painful al- long distances and has provided the tho not serious Injuries when he fell Journal with the names of a few. Among those this week from out from a log while fishing and broke of town who have found it advant a rib and bruised his side and shoul ageous to take advantage of Nyssa der. Mr. and Mrs Wilson with Mrs. bargains are Mr. and Mrs. Ray Klass Tensen were on a weeks vaca Warthen of Brogan, Mr and Mrs. tion and camping trip In Idaho. E. L. Warden of Adrian. Mrs. D. C. They returned Saturday Mosley of Vale, Mrs. Ralph Gold- At Lakes stone Ontario, Mr. and Mrs Earl Mr and Mrs Burnall Brown and Heeb, Ontario, Mr and Mrs D. L. their family with Reed Cottlie are Johnson Vale. Mr. and Mrs Olln enjoying an outing at the Payette Thompson of Wilder, lakes. at the ,Fruitstarv 1 Opposite Polar Cold Storage*" Local M e llo n s EACH 15c IO lbs. Peaches . . . 2 5 c CANTALOUPES TOMATOES 2 lbs. 5c 8 lbs. 2 5 c QUESTION What kind of paint will work in a bakery, where the alcohol that evapor- ates during the baking process takes paint o ff and discolors it in a short time? VELLO TH E BETTER W A L L FINISH 1 GOODE AVE * I T TAKES A WHOtZ LOT besides a TO W IN MoescsHoe SUCCESS/!— - u HIGHWAY 201 / THE SIGN OF 0000 IUMBIR ' % PHONE 11» JOHN t OS TROW FBO./ Car lots of potatoes leaving Nyssa via the Union Pacific for July tell below 193» loadings by forty seven cars. In 1939 In July 334 cars of potatoes left the Nyssa yards while for the same month o f this year there were only 177 carloads of potatoes to leave. The decrease can be accounted for by the week holiday taken at the end of the month, the hot weather In the east causing such light de mand for spuds, thereby reducing the price to an unprofitable level. However the holiday Is over and all packing sheds at Nyssa are In operation and loading Following Is the record of out going and incoming freight over the Union Pacific for the past month as given by station agent E C. Cran dall Incoming freight here deluded 17 cars o f coal. 53 lime rock, 45 of cattle. 5 miscellaneous. 39 coke. 1 oil, 7 burlap bags for sugar and spuds Leaving the Nyssa yards were 88 cars of sugar. 2 wheat. 177 potatoes —Nysaa Fall Festival Sept. 6-7— CLUB MEETING POSTPONED Grocery Specials for Fri. - Sat., Aug. 9 - 1 0 $1 1 4 1.1 J Idaho Ace 49 lb. bags Flour Log Cabin, medium size QQn size cans each OOw Syrup Syrup Amaizo 10 lb. cans Golden CQ_ Jw u Coffee Morning Glory lib. bags Q C m ground fresh 3 for OwW Shredded W h e a t Starch 2 Pkg.. 1 9 C 1 | J u 1 lb. pkgs. gloss or corn 2 for Energy Bleach^ * 2 ««I- J M Î___ 0 0 ) (/> Energy Bleach ^ Lard I White King granulated giant size packages 4 lb. packages Bacon Squares Picnic H am s J ^ 3c q g 3c Lb ium size Lb. OPEN EVENINGS U NTIL 9 P. M. ILSON G rocery A Dependable Food Store NYSSA OREGON tive Walter M. Pierce’s speech In requests form Missouri, Arkans as and Pennsylvania for 1,000 copies each. Incidently, the rats are so numerous and hungry In Pierces office that they are chewing docu ments and even broke the telephone connection by eating the Insulation on wires. . . Joe Martin, chairman tee, and other big shots will fly to B U ILD IN G PE RM ITS The following applications for building permits have been filed with the City Recorder: No. 380 C. J. Keizer, remodel, lot 5, block 8 Teutsch addition, $700. No. 381, Christian Church, erect, lot 7, block 6, Teutsch addition. *1000.00 Salem and participate in the notif ication ceremonies for Senator odate the crowd the state fairgrou nds will be used . . Administrator Paul J Raven of Bonneville is in the nationa] capital asking several mill- " V T * , 1 Y , ‘ t„ trans | dollars more to construct trans mission lines. Power from the Col- j umbia river plant will be 6ent to the navy yard at Bremerton. Wash . | where several destroyers are to be j | built. . . Senator Holman will have two vacancies to fill at West Point : FOR SALE— Four year old Jersey Any boy wishing to take the civil cow, just fresh. Wm. Schweizer, i ------------------------------------------------- 1 mile west Owyhee school. 8Aulxp SAMPLE IN N E R S P R IN G mattress | $22.50. Superbilt’s Lovely Rest Made to sell at $41.50. Others made to seU at $39.50 for $18.50. 3-4 size $995. The Nyssa Trader sells for less. Main highway north. NEW SIM M O NS solid panel bed $6.95. Sells elsewhere $12.95. Sim mons Graceline bed $5.75. The Nyssa Trader sells for less. Main highway north. Trade In your old cot or bed as part payment. D O U B L E PROGRAM THEATRE F E A T U R E FRIDAY and SATURDAY, AUGUST 9 and 10 The Jones Family in “ ON THEIR O W N’’ Roy Rogers, “Gabby” Hayes, Pauline Moore in NYSSA BOWLING ALLEYS Next to Western Hotel NEW SENSATIONAL MICHELS HYBRID GRASS SEED Drouth Resistant Quick Growing Perennial Planted in the fall, makes a vigorous growth and produces abundant succulent pasture in early spring and summer. Amount of seed for sale limited. USED F U R N IT U R E and household goods wanted. The Nyssa Trader will pay cash or will trade. A chance to trade In or sell your used m att ress. W e are taking a truck load to Portland for fumigation. WE INSURE AGAINST EVERYTHING BUT BROKEN HEARTS, You like to practice to improve your scores and you like to take part in the friendly competi tions. It's easy to learn to bowl —especially with the free lessons we offer beginners. PRIZES FO R H IG H SCORE For Ladies $1 For Men $1 FOR SALE $8.95 NEW SUMMER aluminum color double coil platform springs with side stablizers. Sells elsewhere at $12.50 to $14.95. The Nyssa T rad er sells for less. Main Highway north. LIN O LE U M RUG S 9x12 $3.95, $4.45 $4.95. Clearance of all rugs In smoke and water soiled cartons. The Nys LIN C O LN H E I G H T S — The sa Trader sells for less. Main high Brooks. Taggart and Trenkel pota way north. to packing shed was closed Monday due to the law price. Several men O U T O P TO W N visitors to the Nys from Lincoln and Lincoln Heights sa Trader will please register. Free gifts at Christmas tothe fifty cus- ; have been employed there. Miss Vera Patfleld arrived Thurs tomers coming the longest distance. day morning from Klamath Palls where she spent the past two weeks with relatives and friends. Merle Smith helped with the hay ing onthe Ledgerwood farm Satur day. Leonard Goodell Is employed o n ; a farm near Vale. Merlin and Evelyn Smith and Vera Patefield were honored at a party on Friday evening at the R al ph Barnes home. On Sunday they with relatives and friends enjoyed a picnic dinner at the Owyhee Dam The honored guests will leave for their home In Nebraska this week They will go by way o f Oro- vllle, Washington to visit relatives. Emil Frank purchased a new car recently. Give Us a Buzz (the Mr. and Mrs Fred Crane of Springfield. Colorado, were visitors number’s 64) W e’ ll at the Orla Bishop home Friday George Ward has been elected a Insure it. member of the Board of Directors of the Farmers Supply Co-op. Mr. BERNARD EASTMAN Ward was also elected as a member Complete Line of Insurance of the Lincoln school board. N YS SA PHONE 64 The Lincoln school house Is being remodeled It will be made quite a TRAD E A T HOME .AND W ATCH lot larger so as to accomadate the N YSSA G ROW ! larger number of pupils that attend Phone 108 BOWLING IS AN INTERESTING GAME Charles L. McNary, the party noml- nee for vlce president. T o accom- I f no written protests have been filed within ten ( 10) days from the date o f this publication by owners of property In the City of Nyssa, the above applications will be ap- LOW PRICE CLOSES SPUD SHEDS NYSSA \ of the republican national commit 7 7 c .i ., 1 OO L a t e to L l a s s i t y The Board of Trustees of the Nyssa Methodist Church met W ed nesday to consider several new sites for the rebuilding of the church building. Among those considered were the Brady Fowler property on Third street and Park Avenue, the Htnsch comer at Erhgood and Third and one or two sites south of Main street. No action was taken by the board on the purchase of any property as this purchase will de pend largely on the disposal of the property where the church formerly stood. . .r Harry Nichols, manager of the Nichols Adjustment Agency of Boise met with the board and reach ed a satisfactory agreement on the church and parsonage Full cover age was allowed. $3.500. on the church building and $700 on the parsonage — Nyssa Fall Festival Sept. 6-7— on war and the selective draft resulted —Nyssa Fall Festival Sept. 6-7— ----- = BOARD LOOKS OVER SITES O W YHEE—The regular meeting of the Owyhee Community Club will , not be held tills month but on Wednesday. August 31 the club will , entertain the N O. club of Payette ! at a 1 o'clock luncheon at the home of Martha Kllngback Mrs Fred Hite and daughter Dor is Wilson left for Long Valley Sun day to pick huckleberries Mr and Mrs. Ole Solomon and sons were overnight guests of Mr and Mrs Chas Bradford Monday They were enroute home to Boise from a vacation trip to Sea Side Mr and Mrs S. D Bigelow enter tained at dinner Sunday for her brother and wife Mr and Mrs John Pullen of Rodgers Arkansas also Mr HoUis Canon and daughter Mary of Ark Other guests were Mr and Mrs. Doc Pullen of Owyhee and | Mr and Mrs Carl Quackenbush and sons of Ontario M r and Mrs John Pullen, son-tn- law Hollis Canon and daughter Mary visited the Noble Pullen fam ily in Lower Bend district Monday Mrs Martha Kllngback and fam ily went to Caldwell Saturday to see the little new girl which arriv ed In the Kenneth McDonald fom- lly August 1 at the Memorial Hos pital In Caldwell She has been named Lavona Kay Mrs Omar Hite had the mis fortune to cut her forefinger and thumb so badly Friday that several stitches wen needed All loyal Ootoradlans went to the picnic at the Big Bend Park Sun day Those from Owyhee w en the Earl and Frank Crocker. J. B Coul ter. Louis Skinner J B Mitchell and Chas CuEerteon families Mr and Mrs Chas Bradley and A C. Bradley went to Uhlty to vHt relatives returning Sunday Mn Wm Oordon went with them from Vale Don Strickland want to Unity the ftret of the week to bring home a load of poles service examination October 5 may do so. Appointees will be selected (Continued from Page 1) from those receiving the highest Washington Scene: Representa grades. Washington New» school since the settlement of L in coln Heights. Mr and Mrs. Ted Stowe and fam ily and M r and Mrs. Tom Key- sucker of Orants Pass. Or. are spending a time In trailer houses at Orla Bishops Several fanners left their second growth of alfalfa for seed. Those who did cut their hay have nearly completed the stacking o f it. George Rook stool and Emil Frank combined grain for Mr. Winslow Friday They also threshed for Vern Smith the same day. Pr° M dF. SOLOMON, City Recorder —Nyssa Fall Festival Sept. 6-7— Car Loadings Over the Union P a d fie The remedy for this has been found to be VELLO Paint. The alcohol fumes soften oil paint, but have no effect on VELLO. {1 Returns Home Mrs. Richard Cooper and her In fant son were able to 1 eave the Nyssa Nursing home for their own last Sunday. —Nyma Fall Festival Sept. $-7— ANSWER > N Y S S A Camp In Mountains Mr and Mrs. Herschel Thompson and Mr. and Mrs Ralph Beutler with their children spent Monday and Tuesday In the mountains near Unity where the men did some fish ing as well as loading a truck load of fire wood for the Thompson Feed and Fuel Company Sailers Stroke On Sunday night Walter Swarm suffered a cerebral hemmorage from which he is now recovering accord ing to Dr. K. E Kerby who Is at tending him. Injured In Fall On Wednesday the young son of Mr and Mrs. B F. Pierce living on the land southwest of Nyssa fell from a pea slip and received pain ful injuries on his thigh. The child was taken to the Sarazin Clinic at Nyssa and after treatment there was taken home and Is now reported to be Improving. On Trip Miss Eva Boydell with Ml** May Plstt of Ontario left by motor on Sunday for coast and San Fran- cisco Pair Mias Boydell will also visit her sister In Portland before her return to Nyssa. In Ukldlc West Mr and Mrs Roy Owens and their children left on Saturday to spend a two weeks vacation visiting with reUtlves at 8cotts Bluff. Nebraska Relative* Visit Mr and Mrs S. I. Newbtll and their daughter Alice of Walla W alU arrived on Saturday for a visit with their neice, Mrs Oeorge J Mitchell and Mr. Mitchell. Girls Enjoy Outing The older group of high school girls with Miss Vera Jensen as sup ervisor left Sunday morning for a weeks stay at Payette Lakes. Among those enjoying the sU y are June Marie Wilson. Phyllis Poage. Helen Boydell. Betty Wilson. Barbara Brown. Louise Tensen. Barbara Lar sen and Lucille Sallee. Mr and Mrs Arthur H. Boydell. Mr and Mrs Wesley Brown and Mr and Mrs. Barney Wilson took the campers up and on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ray Larsen and Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Sallee will bring them home. Relative. From Boling Mr and Mrs. Ed. Mauldlng of Boring spent the week end with Dr and Mrs. L A. Mauldlng Returning From Trip Word was received by Mr and Mrs. Oeorge J. Mitchell that their daughter. Katherine would leave Yokohama Japan for the United States aboard a Maru boat on Satur day last, and will dock at Seattle. Obtains Position Pete Mitchell son of Mr. and Mrs. George J. Mitchell started his duties In the offices of the United States Air lines at Los Angeles on Mon day Pete left Portland for Ook- land. Calif., last week where he spent two days at the Oakland Air port and another two days at Mills Field in San Francisco. He then flew to Las Angeles for a short stay, spent two days In 8alt Lake and re turned to Los Angeles to assume his duties Monday morning. PRICE 40c PER POUND CERTIFICATE FURNISHED BY COUNTY AGENT. SEE RUDOLPH UDLINEK, RFD No. 2, 6*/2 MILES SOUTHWEST OF NYSSA, OREGON, ON ENTERPRISE AVENUE. (Legal Advertisement) CALL FOR TRANSPORTATION BIDS N O TIC E IS H EREBY GIVEN. That School District 26. Malheur County, Oregon, will receive bids, for the furnishing and opera tion of transportation of students of the district on bus 2 and 3 for a period of three (3) years, at the office of the clerk of the district board. B B. Lienkaemper, post office address, Nyssa, Oregon, until the hour of 8 p. m.. August 9. 1940. at which time the said bids will be opened at the district school in Nyssa Oregon. ____ The bus furnished and operated by the successful bidder must comply with all state specifications. Plans and route specifications are now on file, for the informa tion of bidders, at the office o f the clerk. By Order of the Board, ' B. B. Lienkaemper. Clerk of the Board. School District 26 First Published 1 August. 1940. Last Published 8 August. 1940 Annual Financial Report 4 NYSSA-ARCADIA DRAINAGE DISTRICT AUGUST 3, 1940 TRIA.L B A L A N C E Bonds outstanding ___________________________ Bills receivable _____________________________ __ Bond coupons paid ................ j Bonds & Interest fund ... ................................ [ Bond and interest taxes reveivable ................. I County (taxes delinquent to 1934) ....... j Delinquent tax certificates .... ................. ....... | Drainage Tax Record (total taxes levied ; Drainage system _______________________ __ ___ Drainage wells ___________________ ___________ Interest & Discount ..... ..................................... | Kingman Colony Drainage District I Land sale contracts ........ ............................... Operation & Maintenance taxes receivable Operation & Maintenance ......................... Operation & Maintenance fund Real estate owned $ 25.000 00 70.00 80.535.00 808.72 9.343 61 11 398 96 659 82 259612.36 88.163 76 2,080.16 7.095.92 133.30 2.567 64 5.192 60 75.31642 35.40 1.21105 “ YOUNG BUFFALO BILL” Sat. M at, 2:30 p. m , Adm 5c-20c; Evening. 10c-33c. Includes tax $284.61236 $284.612.36 SUNDAY and MONDAY, AUGUST 11 and 12 Tyrone Powrer, Dorthy Lamour. Edward Arnold and Lloyd Nolan in “ JOHNNY APPOLO” RECEIPTS. August 5. 1939 to August 3, 1940 August 5. 1939. cash on hand Taxes paid In Delinquent tax certificate ..................................... Kingman Kolony Drainage District Pump and pump house sold Land sale contracts $ ggg 47 5.90641 53,33 16 32 210.00 Mat Sun. 2 30. Adm. 10c-28c, Evening Adm 10c-33c. Includes tax — B A R G A IN N IG H T — TUESDAY, AUGUST 13 Bob Hope, (Paulette Godard and Paul Lukas in ‘T H E GHOST BREAKERS” ‘Terry and the Pirates” A te . Children Sc. Admit* 15c WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, AUG. 14-15 Robert Young, Maureen O ’Sullivan. Lewis Stone and William Gargan in “ SPORTING BLOOD” News Cartoon and Pete Smith tmda dta« Defease Tax "44 , Total receipts _________________________________ $7296 23 EXPENDITURES. Auugst 5. 1939 to August 3, 1940 Bonds paid Interest on bonds ..... ......... Operation and maintenance Land foreclosed Taxes paid on land owned Total expenditures Distribution of Cash Bond & Interest Fund Operation & Maintenance Fund $3.000.00 ...1577.50 ... 2251 27 ... 57727 46 07 - $6,52211 „ $808 72 35 40 August 3. 1940. total cash on hand Total expenditures and cash on hand CORRECT ATTE ST Frank D. Hall Secretary-Treasurer 1.12 $7 396 23 Respectfully submitted. Qerrtt G root P. Tensen ______ AUDITINO COMMITTEE I ►