TH E N Y S S Ä G Â TE C IT Y JO Ü R N AL, Classified Advertising The Ideal Way To Buy, Sell, Rent, Find, or Hire. Big Results at a very low cost. One trial will convince. RATES: One cent per word for each Issue. Minimum cash In advance Is 25c. MISCELLANEOUS For Sale MISCELLANEOUS STOCK For Sale I WANTED—All your welding jobs, j ------------------------------------------------------ DAIRY COWS, fresh and springers We promise good work and fan HEAVY COLORED fryers, 40 cents all breeds; 4 miles east of Cald­ i prices. Pruyn Auto Repair, Phone each. Mrs. Bud Short, ‘/i mile well on U. S. 30. Look for farm | i south west Nyssa. Phone 79. 18Jtfc buildings all white, green trimmed. J. P. Miller and Glen McWilliams, 27Jetfc BRAKE WORK—Let us put your KALSOMINE, PAINT at competi­ Caldwell. tive prices. First class quality. car or truck brakes In first class [condition. Special equipment and Nyssa Lbr. Co., Goode Ave. and WE BUY AND SELL dairy cows. Sale every Friday. We conduct all 16Mtfc trained men at your service. Pruyn Highway 201, Phone 108. kinds of auction sales. Improve your Auto Repair. Phone 50W. | CREOSOTE for treating hen hous- herd with our stud bull service. $3.00 [ es, posts, etc. Nyssa Plumbing at your place. Call Floyd Robison and heating Co., 9th and Emison Nyssa. NOTICE TO INVESTORS j street. (One block south of Nyssa For Sale Trador). 23Mxfc If you have money to loan, POULTRY we can place It in amounts from HOLLAND FURNACES and Air $100 to $5,000 at 7 per cent in­ Conditioners can now be bought YEAR OLD leghorn laying hens, terest. 50c each. Record of laying prod­ In Nyssa. Call or write the Olsen FIRST CLASS REAL ESTATE Blacksmith Shop. 6Jtfc uction 200 to 240 eggs. Frank Parr, SECURITY 4'-.. miles south of Nyssa. Adrian See road. 8Altc CITY PROPERTY BERNARD EASTMAN For Sale Real Estate and Insurance Phone 64 Nyssa Wanted To Rent FOR SALE—Lots 1 to 12, Indus, in 40 OR 80 ACRE FARM near Nyssa or Adrian, on share basis. Consid­ block 71, Green’s Addition, size 50 by 138 feet; good title, abstract fur­ er raising few beets and spuds. Must nished. Shacks prohibited. Comers have house. State full particulars Consult us on your wiring needs I $150.00; inside $125.00. — Hugh R. in first letter. Write J. P. % Nyssa 8Au.7xc Ackley, Caldwell, Idaho 14J4xp Journal office. and meter set-ups. Work guaranteed to meet State From Los Angeles i equirements. AUTOS and TRAILERS Prices right When Tommy Russell returned For Sale Information free from a trip to Los Angeles on Wed­ NYSSA ELECTRIC SHOP TRAILER HOUSE, four wheel, all | nesday last he was accompanied by 18Atfc built-ins. Excellent condition — his sister Miss Mary Russell and See Walt Fox at Fox’s Cabins. 4Jtfc her friend Miss B. Stewart. Miss Russell returned to California on ■ iG A R B A G E HAULING. Also odd MODEL A TRUCK with beet box Friday but Miss Stewart remains jobs by hour day or week Prices and dual wheels. $80.00. Inquire for a longer visit with Mrs Anne treasonable. J. G. Coll. 20Atfc at Rainbow Service Station. 8A3xp Russell. For Sale NYSSA PLUMBING & HEATING COMPANY Ninth and Emison Street (1 block south of Nyssa Trador) 13Jtfc Local and Long Distance HAULING Phone 72W Lawrence and Barnett 4Mtfc FOR SALE—by quarters or more, state inspected, com fed, prime beef, by licensed dealers. Call Jake Fischer, 05R1 or Polar Cold Storage. 25Jtfc * MACHINERY For Sale ■ 2 ROW POTATO planter and two- way plow. At Cables Implement Hi and Tractor Co., Ontario llA tfc TRACTOR CORRUGATOR and Cultivator attachments for all ^tractors. Olsen Blacksmith shop, (lyssa. 4Atfc f- For Rent FARM LANDS Insurance FOR RENT—Country land. Two jfarms, cash or crop. Carl Coad, Nys- ¿a. 18Jtfc. COMPLETE FARM 15 ACRES adjoining Nyssa on west. Has Owyhee ditch water. Also 5 cres on Park ave. and highway or ►¡11 devide into acre tracts. Phone $1 Nyssa. lA2xc INSURANCE COVERAGE OD IMPROVED 5 acres, 3 miles |.8. E. Nyssa. House, barn, chicken use, fruit trees, berries. Allen j Hard, Rt. 2 Parma, 1 mile north ed Plager place. 8Aixp A Fire Insurance Policy is Your Banker When You Nerd Money the Most WANTED N Y S S A R E A LT Y See Jake Fischer, llJ tfc ELL DRILLING Contractor, sec- |ond hand and new casings. 50c lOot E. W. Lewis, Nyssa. !Au2xp CUSTOM -Nyssa Fall Festival Sept. 6-7— VALLEYVIEW Misses Bethel and Elna Brown returned Saturday evening from Cascadia. Ore. where they have been attending the Baptist assembly for young people. Blaine May picked sweet corn for the cannery in Payette the first of the week. Henry Davis is haying for Roy Cazer. Melvin Spitze is helping Mr. Wag­ ner with his hay this week. Gerald Goodfellow planted lettuce for Clarence Strong after he finish­ ed planting his crop. Oscar Bratton helped Shef White with his haying Friday and Satur­ day. Virgil Belisle had his barley com­ bined this last week and A. A. Brat­ ton had his second crop of alfalfa chopped. Mrs. L. J. Rogers and son, Mrs. Henry Deery, Misses Goldie Miller and Eulah Bratton and Ben Mc- Connel all enjoyed a motor trip to High Valley Sunday and enjoyed a picnic in the pines. Mrs. T. W. Brewster has been visiting her sister Mrs. Mae O’Don­ nell at Hagerman, Idaho, returning home Saturday. M. Makin threshed grain for Fred and August Moeller Thursday. Mrs. Blaine May is on the sick Mrs. W. E. Brown, Wilma and Arthur Brown motored to Boise Fri­ day on business and stopped in Caldwell at the Leslie Kelso home. Mrs. Kelso and Ethel went on to Boise with them. The party had a picnic lunch in Julia Davis park in Boise. Mr. and Mrs. Robins and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Babcock and Mr. Robin’s sister and brother and Mrs. Lytle called at the W. E. Brown and Bratton homes Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Spitz were Sunday dinner guests of the Russell Cochran family in Nyssa. T. H. Brewer. Fred and August Moeller planted lettuce last week. Mrs. H. E. Noah and Mira and and Insurance Co. j Phone 53 B U T C H E R IN G a n d C U T T IN G Beef for the Hide Hogs 200 lbs. $1.50 Cutting 1 cent per lb. Grinding 1 cent per lb. Grinding and Seasoning 2 cent per lb. Let us do your work! I NYSSA PACKING CO. I PHONE 6 —Nyssa Fall Festival Sept. 6-7— BIRTHDAY CLUB HONORS GEORGE SWIGERT BIG BEND—George Swigert was honor guest of the Birthday Club Sunday when they gathered at his home with well filled lunch boxes and enjoyed a wonderful feast and visit. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Lora Pillsbury. Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Phelan, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Brum- bach. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Baldridge, Mr. and Mrs. Plln Case. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Haworth. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weir, Mr and Mrs. N. J. Robinson. Mr and Mrs. Norville and son of Nampa. Miss Davis of Boise Charles Weir and Jack Altizer. Mr. and Mrs Oscar Pinkston and Mrs. Baldwin returned home Friday from a weeks visit to coast cities. Miss Virginia Miller entertained Miss Donna Ketchum of Vale, Miss Otilla Hofstetter of Ontario and Miss Helen Boydell of Nyssa at luncheon Thursday, following which the girls went to Caldwell for a swimming party. Buddy La Rue of Vale spent the past week at Parkers helping with haying. Miss Davis of Boise is the guest I of Miss Betty Weir. Mrs Elmer Sparks spent the past j week visiting her parents at Emm- j ett. Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Burgher who spent the past six weeks at­ tending summer school at Eugene arrived Friday for a week end visit at the Jesse Johnson home Mr and Mrs. Thos. Welsh were Wilbur Atkrrscn called at the gamo ence of the groom’s patents. Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Thompson farm and saw them feed the ante Mrs. J. I. Boston. Miss Mary Bos­ were Caldwell visitors. Saturday. lope. ton. Mr Marlon Jamison and Mrs. E.E. Reed Is thieshing grain at Nona Damall. the Henry Meier farm today. —Nyssa Fall Festival Sept. 6-7— The couple left Immediately for Yellowstone park and will visit rel­ OREGON TRAIL atives In northern Idaho and the Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Fry left last pacific northwest before going to v r ' / n e v e u , fu y Tuesday to spend a few days at California. " O FP & PD LE R Mr. and Mrs. George Bailey and Payette Lakes. Miss Elsie Keck gave a swimm­ daughter Olive and Mrs. R. E. Bail­ ing party for the 4-H sewing club ey and daughter Vadah were bus­ last Friday afternoon. After a very iness visitors in Nampa and Cald­ enjoyable afternoon ice cream and well Saturday evening. ôk\v,&*r pie were served by the hostess. Lou Ellen Sperry is visiting with her cousin Bernice Bawen Mr. and Mrs. A. M Goodson and Estella Of Ten Davis visited at the F. G .' Holmes and F. • S. '■ Byer’s homes Sunday evening. M.r ad Mrs' 'Horace Thurman arid children o f Kuna, Idaho,, visited at the Tarvald Olson home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. * E. Bowen and family and Mr. arid Mrs F. S. Byers and family met friends from Boise and Caldwell at the Caldwell park Sunday for a picnic dinner. Mis. W A Mettler visited several days last week with' her daughter Mrs. Marion Chad. Easy Way To Free Your Pet of Fleas Simply sprinkle your pet with BIH A iH , lifting the powder lightly through the iur or feather». Then watch the vermin roll off! Protect vOur pete this easy odorless vray— BIHALH acts as a swifl sure re­ pellent to many insect pests. In llandy Sifter fan* 25c up at Drug jlrocery. Seed Stores and Pet Shops. D u a if c iw n F »»O M O IIM rrn SEED THRESHING COMMENCES IN IDAHO APPLE VALLEY—Mr. Thornburg will thresh alfalfa seed at the Ura Robinsons Wednesday. Tills is the first of the seed threshing in this neighborhood this year. Mr. Robin­ son has 20 acres of seed alfalfa. Mrs. Kellog is visiting her brother Mr. Seward and family, who live on the White place near the Nyssa bridge. Mrs. Lennis Wilson and her bro­ ther Mr. Tom Crosswhite visited In Nampa at the Dwight Wilson and Landes Dutro homes and then caled to see their mother, Mrs. Crosswhite Sr. in Caldwell. Mrs. Jack Wilson's niece and nephew, Orville and Maxine Brown and Imagene Hoover are visiting her this week. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Summy and Ross were gluests for Sunday dinner at the Erick Peterson home. Mrs. Peterson served ice cream and cake for the evening lunch. About 17 ladies were present at the Ladies Aid meeting held at the church Thursday, Mft. Hubbard Mrs. Poage were hostesses. At the next meeting, Mrs. Hathaway and Mrs. Ralph Bailey will be hostesses. Mr. Rupert and daughter Char­ lotte have spent several days with his parents at Huston. Mrs. Norland, Roger. Dannny Les­ ter, and Raymond have gone to visit friends in Haley Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rogers of Alberkerque. New Mexico and his parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Rogers of Roswell called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Early Boston Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Boston and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Boston and sons of Ontario enjoyed Sunday In the hills near Mann’s Creek. Roy Baston, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Boston was married to Miss Wilmeta Jamison, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Jamison of Cambridge, Nebraska, at the Meth­ odist church in Caldwell, at 9:45 p. m. Tuesday, July 30, 1940. The Rev. George Roseberry per­ formed the ceremony in the pres- Returns T o O ffic e . . *' '/■ J HP WOT WITH SUCH FlhlE BARGAINS IKJ OUR- H O M E- A lE W S P A P E R x ! a u 'N A C k PEP UP! —Nyssa Fall Festival sept. 6-7— DR. N.A. MANN FARM For Sale FARM LANDS BED BARLEY. iPhone 05R1. guests of their son *Wlll on a visit ko Boise and McCall. Mrs. L. Eachus attended the Rod­ eo in Nampa Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F A. Miller. Vlr ginia and Jim Miller and John and Arthur Holly leave Wednesday for Yellowstone Park and other points on a summer vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hamilton and children of Marsing were Sunday guests of the N. T. Hamiltons. Verl Bishop had his arm cut badly when it got caught in his combine Saturday. Miss Grace Josnson returned home Sunday from Corvallis where she attended summer school. Mrs. Nora Huffey and son, Mrs Claude McDonald and children, Myra and Jim and Mrs. M. Aiidt'c of Boise and Alva Watt and Roger of Parma were dinner guests in the Haworth home Friday. Mast of the Giri Scouts returned home Saturday from their camping trip at McCall. Eleanor and Phyllis Haworth remained for a weeks visit at the Ferris home in McCall. John Johnson of Corvallis who has been engaged as Smith Hughes’ teacher at Adrian High School for the coming year arrived Sunday and will board at the Phelan home. Miss Otilla Hofstetter of Ontar­ io spent Monday visiting with Miss Virginia Miller. for the FIVE-ACRE TRACT with small house for rent in Apple Valley, las electricity and on paved road, feee Frank T. Morgan. 20Jtfc SB WM. STRADLEY ONE TEAM good work horses or i CELEBRATES 75th will trade for hay grain or what BIRTHDAY have you? Also pasture wanted for 9 head large calves. Sam Playford. LOWER BEND—Mr. and Mrs Joe Call Journal office 8Au2xc King entertained at a pot luck supper at their home Thursday evening honoring Mr. Wm. Strad- CITY PROPERTY ley’s 75th birthday. Guests were For Rent Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stradley and family. Mrs. M. A. Bradner of Ad­ FOR RENT three room, screen rian. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Russell porch, furnished. Emmison near and family, the honored guest and First. George Bertsch. 8Atfc Mrs. Stradley and the Kings. J. W. Scott is quite ill of heart FURNISHED HOUSE — Screen porch. Water piped in kitchen. trouble and under the care of Dr. Close in. Mrs. O. M. Klmsey, 1 'A Maulding. His sister Is expected to arrive Wednesday from La Grande. blook north of Sugar Factory. Dick Case is a La Grande visitor this week. FOR SALE OR RENT Mrs. M. A. Bradney was a guest TWO STORES, on prominent corn­ In the Stradley home from Thurs­ er. available August 1. Or will sell. day until Sunday evening. Nyssa Realty Co. 25Jtfc Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Fleshman and son were callers in Porter’s Flat FARM PRODUCE Thursday making arrangements to move there the latter part of the For Sale month. Mrs. Fleshman will teach CERTIFIED GRIM Alfalfa seed. the Porter Flat school the coming Bill Peutz, rte. 2, Nyssa or phone year. 03J2 . Augl ,4xp Mrs. Stradley gave a dinner on Sunday honoring her husband's For Sale birthday. Guests were their sons PETS Elmer and Walter and their fam­ ilies. Mr. and Mrs. Joe King and PURE BRED Lewellyn pups, seven Mrs. M. A. Bradney of Adrian. weeks old. ready to take. P. M.. William Teter and son Dale, Mr. Grow. Parma Rte 2, VA mile west Witty and daughter Lorina attend­ Apple Valley school house. 8Alxp ed church in Nyssa Sunday after- nooon. Mr. and Mrs. John Barringer and children of Riverside Calif, spent the past week visiting her sisters Mrs. Charles Purdy and Mrs. Ruben Basket. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Case and fam­ ily. Mrs. Chas. Trembly of Parma and Eloise Russell picnicked in Nam­ pa Park on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. See us about our John Ackerly of Nampa joined them there. TH U R S D A Y , A U G U S T 8, 1940. that LETTUCE CRUP with ANACONDA COMPLETE FERTIUZLRS Distributed by INLAND FEEDING COMPANY J. B. Adrian, Mgr. Phone 368W Ontario Legal Advertisement NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS Notice is hereby given that by virtue of Section 69-301, Oregon Code Annotated, 1930, as amended by Chapter 446, Oregon Laws of 1933, MALHEUR COUNTY BOARD of EQUALIZATION will meet on the Second Monday of August, 1940, the said day being the 12th day of August, 1940, and shall remain open until the Fourth Monday of August, 1940, at the County Court House, Vale, Malheur County, Oregon, to pub­ licly examine the 1940 Assessment Rolls, and to correct errors in valuation, descriptions or quali­ ties of lands, lots or other property assessed by the Assessor of Malheur County, all persons interested shall appear at the time and place appointed. Dated at Vale this 22nd day of July, 1940. MURRAY MORTON Assessor of Malheur County, State of Oregon First Published July 25, 1940. Last Published August 8, 1940. Y o u ’ ll Seldom Fin d Such A Handy Rake S O S T R O N G Dr. N. A. Mann, chiropractic physician, Ontario, Oregon has returned to his office in Ontario after a four months absence. While away, Dr. Mann took special work at the Western States College, Portland, Oregon, in stomach, colon and rectal diseases. IS YOUR CAR SAFE? Thi* is the Oliver Sulky Dump Rake. Its bridge-trussed frame prevents sagging and twisting and has a reputation for great strength and lo n g service. You are Invited to have a FREE CHECK-UP With Our N EW Scientific Manbee W T T heel u c c i Alignment Equipment SHIMMY TIRE WEAR WANDER __________________________ HARD STEERING STOPS rv W N ote the convenient position o f the levers and the foot pressure pedal. Teeth are lifted and hay dumped by a pair o f strong rods operating from each wheel— with ends shaped into " m i l to fit into the ratchets in the wheel hubs. T he large Humber o f ratchet teeth in each hub causes the rake to dump the instant that pressure is applied to the foot dump pedal. T he teeth d rop immediately, so there is no unraked strip next to the windrow^ T he upper pedal acts as a foot rest, lock s the rake down after dumping, and is used for bunching windrow s. There are 3 different "d o w n ” positions o f the teeth and 4 different "u p ” positions. Y ou can handle heavy o r light hay, under any and all conditions. OLIVER A misalignment of 1-8 inch means yoor ear Is D O T OU 1/ 1 IN H O W , Slipping Sideways 32 feet every mile. A misalignment of 1-2 inch means yoar car Is Slipping Sideways 128 feet every mile. HAY T O O L S BRING YOUR STEERING TROUBLES TO US Pruyn's Garage Phone 56W 2nd and Main Sts NYSSA IMPLEMENT CU. PHONE 4 NYSSA