THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, Ye Snooper’s Column Things About Nyssa's Shops There comes to our desk each day that the Congress ist in session (lie Congressional Record, by court esy of Congressman Pierce. At first they didst seem to us dry tombs of little value to the average man and ubout as interesting reading as a discourse on Relativity by Einstein, but the more we read the more ab sorbed we become hi this drama that unfolds a new act at our nat ions capital each day. A drama more thrilling than any Diamond Dick yarn could have been to our thirteen year old brother in a day gone by. And by dally persual of these reports one comes at last to have a sixth sense of insight in what goes on behind the scenes. The fly floundering in the politi cal ointment of which we learn eventually over the radio and news lanes ist bound to show up in these pages first. And many a public accusation made against' a certain bill will be found to be not altogeth er Just nor accurate if the true bill ist read in full. The same holds true, oft times of comments prals ing und urging the passing of the bill. All this cnme to mind this day when in the mall there came a treatise on the Injustice of a bill nlmed to overcome the ill practices of Liberty Bond buying so prevelont in the last war. This treatise didst claim that the snid bill in question would require all persons having any property what so ever shall bear his prorated share in the buying of the bonds. To the extent that if he Is lacking cash, then the gov ernment wilt lend him the cash at six per cent, while the bonds wilt bear a meagre one per cent, and if he buys not or 1st unable to repay tended monies then wilt his prop erties and all that he possesses be confiscated by the government to clear the debt. All of which ist true—but this add:d that the rate of bond buying for each $1.000.00 is bue 009 per cent of thei" total prop erty value. So that if the person ist so fortunate ss to be included In that "must buy" br ckH they would ]■ ;y tail $9.00 on ■ f i t thousand it. liars. So at least in effect read the speech for the bill given by T nator Lee of Oklahoma In the Senate chambers. It doest seem to i ir way of thinking a most equlta- I !e scheme to mis- needed monies .' Iiould war come to the nation But however it turns out 'twill h? the families living on a daily- wage or the small business man Just getting by with his ever in- ( erasing financial burden or the f inner Just “seeing his way clear" that wilt carry the load and sac rifice his mere pittance of profit on the nltar of national defense. Yet we wouldst bp the last to say llmt It must not be. To keep red Irlpcs and white, with their stars and blue field, everproudly float ing ist worth more than financial security or its temimrary loss. Should anyone wish to procure the Record they may do so at any time. Past comes the autumn. Already the yellow of the evening primrose and golden rod and the red of wild- r, se berries paint the river bank nd sloughs In gay array while the an(j Betty Jean Toomb were In Ontario Mr. and Mrs. John Thiel tall tasseled browning cat tails | going on all day Saturday at the Harvey Hatch and Helen Hatch en- ! WADE NICHOLS HOME . on Friadv Joyed a lawn supper at the Howard i p . - r p u p c p t p p family visited Sunday with the Heeb water. A Food Mart when Miss Donna Hunt sentinel the shallow 3 Mrs. Robert Clark was in Ontar- Hatch home Thursday evening. U A I A - n t o r muskrat is busy towing some of the Idaho Power Company dem famlly living ner Vale. io Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs Walter McPartland thing to the nest at the onstrated that new automeal roaster KINGMAN KOLONY—While Mr Mr. and Mrs. William Toomb and waters edge, a blue heron, the nest and served hot Folgers coffee with were Wednesday dinner guests at and Mrs. Wade Nichols were In Ad —Nyssa Fall Festival Sept. 6-7— Bettty Jean called on Mr. and Mrs ing ended skims the pink tinted warm cookies baked there ln.And the D. W. Hatch home. rian Saturday evening their home Mr. and Mrs. Bill Asrcraft and Robert Toomb near Nyssa on Fri waters into the setting sun, ducks now Miss Donna hast gone on to caught fire. The lire started from in flight in larger numbers, the new fields but the Food Mart Mr. and Mrs. Everett Points were a cigarette thrown in dry weeds day evening. pheasant cocks brilliantly decked 1st here with us each day, purveying fishing at the Owyhee Dam Sun around the house and burned under Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cotton left strut unafraid with their brown to the eating needs of our cornmun- day. • Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wade, of the floor but outside of that there Saturday for a vlelt In Gooding, hens, the young ones are raised and I ity and Folgers coffee ist ever a was not much damaged. the worry of a growing family on I popular staple found on their shel Ukiah, Calif., visited at the H. R. Idaho. Mrs. Conrad Martin was hostess Otis home Saturday. their hands ended. A leaf from a ves. Mr. and Mrs Conrad Martin and Mrs. Robert Crummitt who has for two tables of pinochle on Thurs high up tree top, yellows, looses it-1 Doest Sunday come and towards day afternoon. Prizes were re been visiting her daughter, Mrs. self from the parent stem and Its even the better half doest casually fellow and flutters lazily earth- ! remark that hunger 1st gnawing at Walter McPartland, was taken to ceived by Mrs. Robert Clark and ward, apples are redding in the his vitals and you with the dinner her home in Ontario by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Newblll. Mrs. Conrad Martin, Mrs. William orchards and the farmer knows that j dishes Just put on the shelves, Mrs. Dennis Patch Tuesday. Mrs. Ellen Sparks is building an Toomb and Betty Jean spent Tues soon his harvests wilt be ended, j Faint not. Just tote him to the day In Caldwell, Workers sweat In the fields under j Nyssa Tavern on the Hiway north addition to her home. Barbara Hatch entertaind fif scorching suns, but they are a ! of the Y. where they do serve some-, Donald Clark bought a new trac merry lot. Tis no conquering war thing really good in the way of rib- teen girls and two boys with a lawn tor on Monday of this week. supper at her home Wednesday lord that has returned them home, sticker sandwiches and really good On Tuesday Mr and Mrs. Dale prisoners of war. to labor as slaves coffee and at a price that 1st bound evening. Ashcraft attended a shower in Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pounds of Nys- that his armies may be fed. They j to make'you and thy John steady Middleton for their neice, Mrs. Lee wilt receive a livable days wage for j customers. Tls a tasty bit of pot- ?a were Monday callers at the How Kinser who was recently married. Every detail of our service is aimed a days honest labor. A happy land, atoe salad that one finds along the ard Hater home. Mrs. Raymond Holton, Harvey Jim and Virginia Miller were this country of ours. side of the sandwich. toward lightening the burden of Holton. Gladyce Holton and May Sunday dinner guests at the Dennis Our pooches do seem endowed I But if it Is that the urge for those left to grieve. Cloud of Payette were In Boise on Patch home. with too great a spirit of freedom. [ entertainment is uppermost then Consult us at any time without cost. Elmer Parker of McCall has been Thursday. The girls enrolled in To the point we find it all but im delay thy sandwich eating till thou visiting his brother, Vernon Parker. My Ladies Beauty College. possible to keep them in tlveir own hast seen that always good show at C M. Beaumont and William Mrs. Stanley Hill of Newell back yard. Having gone to some the Nyssa Theatre, where one will Heights visited at the Vernon Park Toomb w»re in Parma on Wednes AMBULANCE SERVICE expense and labor to give them always find comfortable seats and Our expert work will make those day after lettuce seed for themsel er home Tuesday. Nyssa enough room for sufficient exercise air conditioned rooms. Phone 73W old shoes look like new. ves and James Nichols. An old time dance will be given and roaming without the perils of Robert Clark and Ludwig Corn Shop in Nyssa with Journal ad at the Adrian Legion Hall August First Quality Material accident so often encountered by vertisers and ye wilt not waste thy 14. Proceeds will be used to pay were In Ontario on business on Fri Guaranteed Work canines frolicking on the city’s time and thy gas going farther. day. ofr A. H. 8. caps. thourough fare, we didst feel that Mr. and Mrs. Dutton were In Vale Nyssa Fall Festival Sept. 6-7 —Nyssa Fall Festival Sept. 6-7— they should show their apreclatlon on business Friday. and remain in the enclosure. But r m iD A M V Mrs. Harvey Holton took a car SHOE SHOP we reckoned not with the canine PACKING COMPANY load of 4-H members to the county CANNING CLUB Next to Nyssa Cafe mind. First they found every pos- CONTRACTS LARGE picnic In Vale on Wednesday. HOLDS BOX SUPPER sible opening under the wires, this j F T T I I f p ACRE ACE Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Elliott mended they scrambled over the _____ BUENA VISTA—Mr. and Mrs. E. and family and Mr. and Mrs. J. G. top. More wire, barbed at that ADRIAN—The Hitchcock Pack L. Jamison and Erls and Edward Lane and family enjoyed a picnic wast added to the heighth, they! ing Co. has contracted between 450 Topliff were among those present dinner at the Snively Hot Springs jumped over. The big ones a t 1 and 500 acres at lettuce at this at a hpx supper given at the Virgil on Sunday. least. And the little one started a time. The new packing shed Is go McGee home Tuesday evening by Silas Shaw Is in the Ontario hospit tunnel till he didst finally find him ing to be a great thing for our co the 4-H canning club. al 111 with blood poisoning. His par self on the outer side and took hlm- mmunity providing lettuce is a ents were called from Rough River Mr. and Mrs H. L. Day and Mr. self off again about his nocturnal good price this fall. and Mrs. Claude Day and children where they were visiting. affairs. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Schafer and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vorlicky, spent Sunday with relatives at But we have one nee In the hole Area Supervisors of N. Y. A., were Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Schafer were Wilder. yet. At the Thompson Feed store in Adrian Trursday and arranged Mrs. Alva Goodell and Donna Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and they do traffic in a fine electric plans for a building project on the Belle returned from Meridian Wed Mrs. Thomas Goodier. wire set, Just made for the reten Smith-Hughes Agriculture shop at nesday after spending several days Mrs. Dunbrasky has been con tion of stock to quarters planned for Adrian High School. Work is ex visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. fined to her bed for the past few • Protect the money and labor you have in them. So we wilt hie us to that pected to begin prior to August 10. Henry Estrick. Mrs. Estrick is weeks awaiting a goitre operation. vested in your hay. INSURE your crops today! most reliable emporium and tote us Ernie McClure of Nyssa and Bill Mrs. Goodell's sister. • The low cost o f this protection has won us heme one of those tried and found Ashcraft were fishing at the Owy La Vcrn and Alvin Cleavers and worthy shock projectors and teach hee Dam Tuesday. Have you got B A T S many year-after-year clients. Alva Goodell Jr. attended the 4-H pets who's boss on the rancho. The boys and girls who spent a meeting at the Barton home in IN Y O U R A T T I C ? In every block and on almost week at the Christian Endeavor Richmond. evrry lot these evenings one sees the No, But You DO Have Stuff Mrs. Leslie Topliff and Mrs. E. L. camp at Quaker Hill on Payette householder at the busy end of a hoe PHONE 97 Jamison attended the regular meet To Sell With a W A N T AD Lakes returned home Tuesday. cutting the weeds that they may Jim McGinnis is planting some ing of the Chatter Box Club at the burn them in safety Instead of be John Rldder home. ing burned out by a chance grass lettuce on his fathers ranch in New Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Wyckoff, Mr. ell Heights. fire. But hands unused to hoe and Mrs. Geo. Cleaver and Mr. and Ray Holly and Mr. Dennis Patch manipulation grow soft and easily Mrs. Alva Goodell were among I tli«te'ed but at Mrs. Atkeson's are also planting some lettuce on these who attended the opening day stcre at Third and Main they do Frank Miller’s ranch In Big Bend. " f the Cc-opcrative seed house on M s. Gccrga DeHaven v.rc ha carry a fine lot of work gloves at S' urday aftemocn. vf-vintj trice!, nod with the digits : o r sick fer some Urn, is much • r' Neeley planted lettuce for tter now 'u-'-rd snfplv in them the busy man Alt - Geodell last week. Mrs. Gale Martin has been tak and his little woman may hoe and Leslie Toppliff and Cecil Florla d r to thplr hearts contpnt and ing care of her mother-in-law who are ..taneking hay this week. when the labors ate ended wilt is ill. A j I have purchased Mr. Malley’s livestock, I will sell the following at public Mrs. K. X. Peterson and daughter, —Nyssa Fall Festival Sept. 6-7— have no so;e to nurse through auction, on the premises, 5 miles north of Wilder, 4 miles south of and 2 east the next week. And hast had a Donna, left for Nebraska Friday of Parma, on------ lock at those cotton wash skirts just morning on the Portland Rose. They hi from the wholesale house. Easy will visit relatives and friends for to wear and easy to look at and a month or longer. Notice To Hog Raisers Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dutton anti j easy on the pockptbook ns well and Just the thing for a sweet girl grad dinner and afternoon guests of Mr. | With the installation of a new scale at uate when she returns to autumn and Mrs. Roy Perry Friday. Th<- K. I. Peterson family and classes. THE RAILWAY STOCK YARDS One need not be a millionaire nor their guests. Mr. Charles Sturte- we are now receiving your hogs even half a millionaire the.4t> days vant were Thursday supper guests there every Friday, paying the In own a bed as soft and downy at tire John Auker home. highest price the market permits Erma Points spent Sunday at the and more so than King Edward and SALE STARTS AT 1 p . m . all ills seven wives enjoyed. For Peterson home. and seeking to serve you in every Mr. and Mrs. Howard and Mr. and at the Nyssa Trader they have Jusl possible way. pit, chased a new shipment of the Mrs. Henry Hatch were in Boise on business Friday. finest of bed room furniture and FRANK KULLANDER Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Hatch, Mrs. | those coll springs and inner spring mattresses that make sheep count 3 Durham Cows, 4 yr. old, just fresh 1 Holstein Cow, 3 year old, fresh in ing unnecessary once the weary 3 Durham Cows, 4 yr. old, fresh last bones art parked thereon for a about 7 weeks nights rest. And at prices lower spring 1 Guernsey Heifer, just fresh than any comiietitor can possibly 4 Durham Cows, 5 yr. old, to freshen offer. in winter 1 Guernsey Heifer, fresh 4 months Hast placed the anatomy on the scales of late and found the arrow 1 Holstein Cow, 4 yr. old, fresh two 1 Durham Cow, 8 year old, fresh for pointing skyward at an alarming months pace, until thou doest know In thine 4 months 1 Guernsey Cow, 8 year old, fresh heart that something must be done. for 3 months Every one may love a fat man. tls 3 Guernsey Heifers, years old, something else for a fat woman. 2 Holstein Heifers, 1 year old just bred And dieting 1st such a weary busi 3 Veal Calves 1 Holstein Steer ness. But fret not. For now 1st This is an Exceptionally fine herd of cows, with a lot of size and quality. the time to undo the effects of un wise eating. With summer and its abundance of green vegetables and lucious fruits any and all of which canst be purchased fresh as a daisy at the Wilson grocery store at Main near Second and two fine Dairy's 1 Bay team, smooth mouth 1 Black horse, 9 years old, 1100 lbs., such as we do boast of here In Nyssa 1 Bay horse, 9 years old, 1400 lbs. YOU, TOO, WILL BE ’W AY AHEAD broke to work and ride tin- Shelton and the Gate City where one may obtain pure whole -WITH A JOHN DEERE TRACTOR- milk fresh each day. But beware, 1 Bred Sow, about 350 lbs. -HOGS— 7 Shoats, about 100 lbs. each take off a bit of the cream else its -THAT BURNS LOW-COST FUEL.- richness undue thy reducing en- d( uvors. And this week we didst chnt again with our friend John Qstrom at his lumber mart Just south of the Y and there didst learn much about 1 Rubber tired wagon and rack 1 Steel wheeled wagon and rack painting game Tls not so intricate 1 Hay rack 1 Leveller as one might imagine when they canst get such* fool proof and re 1 Melotte Cream Separator 1 Set harness liable paint and kalsomlne as John 40 Rods hog wire 1 Piano box doest always have on hand In ten cent lots or five gallon drums. And 2 Self feeders 2 Good Steel barrels doubt not that Velio, of which he 1 Good log chain Barbed wire talks so much tops them all In dur ability, ease to clean and easy to Wood panels Forks, Shovels, Hand Tools apply 1st the palate a bit dulled these LUNCH WILL BE SERVED BY THE LADIES AID---------- summer days and the appetite de mands a bit of a pepper-upper, then treat thyself and the better half and all thine offspring to a meal — YOUR FUEL DOLLAR GOES FARTHER— where In that fine ham that Butch doest merchandise at his Nyssa Meat -----------------IN A JOHN DEERE----------------- Packing Mart on Main near First 1st the piece de resistance. Nourish ing It Is and as tasty sweet as maple syrup boiling in the kettles of a B. W. AVERS, Auctioneer C. J. FOX, Clerk New England In the spring time Phone 113 Nyssa Twos a great smacking o f Ups The Ide RATES MIS< WANTED- We pror J prices. Prt f-iW . NEW SHOES FOR OLD J] NOTI DIGNIFIED SERVICE If you I we can y $100 to ! I terest. FIRST ( NYSSA FUNERAL HOME BEI Real 1 I Phone 6 ABBOTT'S Consult and metí Work gt i equirem -Losses Insure Your Hay NYSS [GARBAG jobs by (reasonable Loca Frank T. Morgan L . 1C SALE! FOR more, fed, p dealer 05R1 ( 4 Tues. Au 13 24 H EAD I t ROW ] way pi [and Tra* FOR RI (arms, ci CATTLE 24 $a. flVE-Ai house ias elet Fra > acr : I Has ( A cres oi » i l l de\ 31 Nyss \y2 Professional Cards 4 HORSES 4 CARL H. COAD ATTORNEY-AT-LAW PHONE 31*. Oregon L. A. Maulding, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 33 Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to 5 Dally F.xcept Sunday Fry Building TOWNSEND CLUB MEETINGS Meeting 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 8 p. m. at City Hall A. L. McClellan....... President Don Graham .......... Secretary The Pvhlle I» Invited NYSSA AERIE F. O. E. NO. 2134 Meets Wednesday Night AT EAGLES HALL Visiting Eagles Welcome HARRY MINER, Sec CLIFF GREER. Pres. didn’t "just happen” that John Deere I T Two-Cylinder Tractors are able to burn low- cost fuels successfully, efficiently, and safely— they’re specially designed to do that very thing— to save users money on fuel (the biggest single item in operating a tractor)—to give them economical power for all farm jobs. Proper engine temperature is maintained by an efficient THERMO-SIPHON COOLING SYSTEM with radiator shutter control at the seat. Come in and let us point out all of the fea tures of John Deere Tractors. EED 1 H Phom ■ELL ig o n d loo' E Farm Machinery and Miscellaneous T ER M S: C A S H Baldridge Implement Co. FOX and SONS, Owners â