TH E N YSSA G ATE C IT Y JO U RNAL, RIVERVIEW The Gate City Journal The Community Sunday School meets In the Ernest Johnson home next Sunday. Christian Endeavor at 7:30, Dephta Osburn leader. W IN IF R E D BROWN THOM AS • - - - Owner LOUIS P THOM AS - - - - Editor and Publisher INDEPENDENT IN P O L IT IC S AND R E LIG IO N, O P T IM IS T IC IN D IS P O S IT IO N —W IT H NO IN TE R ESTS T O SERVE EXCE PT THOSE OF M ALH EUR CO U NTY SU BSCRIPTIO N RATES One Year ............ tlJM Six Months 1100 Single Copies ------------ 05 (Strictly In Advance) A D V E R TIS IN G RATES Open rate, per Inch...........,30c National, Per Inch ........... 30c Classifieds, Per word ___ Ole Minimum 25c Published every Thursday at Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon. Entered at the postoffice at Nyssa. Oregon for transmission through the United States Malls, as second class matter, under the act of March 3. 1879. NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL’S PROGRAM ------* ------ Co-operative Marketing Association for Malheur Fanners A Properly Equipped Trailer Camp A City Park A Comprehensive Street Improvement Plan Two Planks That Will Bear Weisht mi ¿fit- TOTAL PREÍ Mr. and Mrs. Roy Perry of Ad rian were Wednesday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Thompson. M r and Mrs. Ralph Helner and children. Mrs. Anna Heines. Mrs. Wilbur Burjls and John Burwell of Abllne, Kansas are visiting their relatives Mr. and Mrs. Herman Mr. and Mrs. George Clowers, Tommie and Violet were callers of Mr. and Mrs. H. Snyder of Oregon Slope Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Oahan of Nyssa Heights were guests of Mr. and Mrs. V. Kesler Thursday evening at a waffle supper honoring Mrs. Gah- an's birthday anniversary. Mrs. DeLashmutt called on Mrs. Ed. W olf Monday and while visiting discovered their parents were neigh bors in the east and they parted In childhood and didn’t recognize each other. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Wren and family of Oregon Slope called on Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lee Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hill and children and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur McGinnis and children enjoyed a lunch and swim at Snively Hot Springs Sunday. The Mecham family from Home- dale were Sunday visitors of the Hlbbert family Sunday. Mrs. V. Keslar attended “ Just a Mere Club" in Nyssa Heights Fri day. It being her birthday she was presented with a gift. Mr. and Mrs. Bailey and family with friends from Vale went plcnic- ing Sunday. Walter Thompson has been con fined home two weeks from illness. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Perkins and tamily of Vale, Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Clowers and children of Nyssa were dinner guests at Clowers Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gonnason and children went on a picnic Wednes day. Ann Johnson and friends from Homedale were callers in Boise on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frank of Nampa also Mrs. Pearl Frank were Sunday dinner guests o f Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lee. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jolly and four sons of Weston, Ore. are visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Tom Osburn this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gonnason and children were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kesler Wednesday even ing. Frank Johnson is attending the Beaver Boys' state representing Nyssa at Portland this week. ALBERTA VALLEY Eubank, in the New York Sun. TH IR D TERM controversies could be easily eliminated, if that is the desire of the majority of the voters in the United States, by the simple expedient of our Congress drafting such a law and putting it into effect. Whether such a de sire is actual will be determined this fall. Such action on the part of Congress would undoubtedly raise as much fuss as the bill pack ing of the Supreme Court caused. A bill of that nature, if it limited the term of office of the President to two teims, or for one term of say six years, would without doubt go a long way toward eliminating the office from politics. The successful candidate could then sit down, if the six year term were agreed on, to the business o f attending to the affairs of the nation, rather than to the coming elections. The six year idea seems to strike a responsive cord in the average voters mind, for while the two term idea does eliminate any chance o f the establishment of a dictatorship, there still remains the question of that election for the second term. This six year term idea has been worked out quite successfully in some o f our southern states where the governor can only hold office for that length of time (six years) and it seems to be a very good idea. It seems silly to hear a person (especially if that person happens to be a politician) say that he or she is not seeking a political office, and rather refreshing to hear another come out in plain English and say that he wants this or that office. The former type is the one who is look ing for all the power that the sought for office will give him, the latter type, is the unusual and makes the better office-holder of the two, for he is seeking the office in an open and honest manner. I f such a limitation were placed on the tenure o f office o f the President it would allay for all time the possibility or the basis for a charge that the office holder was seeking to perpetuate him self in office as a dictator. TELL’EM* SELL’EM THROUGH THESE AD COLUMNS Henry VanTwlstk is visiting at the Vris K a t home in Vale. Mr. and Mrs. George Elfers of Big Bend called at the Jake V. Twisk home Monday. Pete Tensen finished chopping hay Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Tensen spent Sunday afternoon at the Dick Groot home. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Jensen left for a trip to southern Calif, and the world’s fair at San Francisco and will return via Salt Ltke where they will visit relatives. Marke Jensen of Salt Lake who visited his brother Melvin Jensen left for Salt Lake Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Stam and Pete Tensen were in Ontario Satur day to attend the opening of the seed house. Mrs. Kelly Vest and Miss Weber of Arcadia were Thursday evening callers at the Dick Groot home. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Tensen and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot were at the graveside services at the fun eral of Mrs. Betty Lafrenz in On tario Wednesday. M r Gerrit Groot was pall bearer. Beverly Osborn celebrated her birthday Monday. Games were play ed and refreshments served at the close. Mr and Mrs. Dick Groot were In Ontario Wednesday on business. MITCHELL BUTTE The Pre School Club entertained Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Smith with a hand kerchief shower and ice cream sup per honoring M r and Mrs. U. A. Mettlen's 44th wedding annivers ary. Mrs. Mettlen however had to accept the honors alone, as her husband la in Kansas on a business trip. Those attending included Mr and Mrs Ewen Chord and fam ily, M r and Mrs Marion Chord and family, Donna Chord, Eldo Thomp son and Darlene Dorman of Oregon TH U RSD AY, A U G U ST 8, 1940. of Green Avenue as shown by said wife; Doris Davis and John Doe and Jane Doe West, his wife; ug the t North Charles C. Bright and Jane Doe Davis, her husband: Glen Green j Plat; thence East along line of said Green Avenue 143 Bright, his wife; and aU other per and Rosina Green, his wife; The- | feet and to the West line of the sons claiming some right, title. Uen da Dodge and John Doe Dodge, right of way of the Oregon Short or Interest In or to any of the lots. her husband; John Doe Brooks: Line Railroad Company; a n d blocks, parcel or parcels of real pro the unknown heirs, if any, of I thence Northeasterly along said perty Involved In and described in Sarah Jane Peer, Deceased; the I right of way line to the Southeast this complaint, and also all other unknown heirs, If any, of George j corner of said Block 68 of Green's persons or parties unknown claim P. Green, Deceased: the unknown Addition to Nyssa; the point of lng any right title estate. Hen, or heirs, If any, of Nora L. Green, beginning; all as shown by the interest In the real property herein Deceased; and also all other per Revised Plat of the Town, now described or any part thereof, De sons or person unknown claiming City, of Nyssa on file in the O f fendants. any right, title, lien or Interest In fice of the County Clerk of M al C. W. GLENN, or to the real property In the Mr. and Mrs. John Jarvis and heur County at Vale, Oregon Sheriff, Malheur County, Oregon. complaint herein described, A. L. FLETCHER, daughters were Sunday dinner Defendants. and that all claims of the defen Nyssa, Oregon. dants adverse to the plaintiffs be guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. To: Kenneth Green, Jane Doe determined Attorney for Plaintiff. by the Court; (2) that Green. Mercy Aim Leuck, Nicholas Howard Connaughy. First publication July 25th, 1940. Leuck, Mrs. W. G. Hansen, W. G. i the Court declare, adjudge and de termine that you and each of you Zack Walks, J. P. Dunnaway, Cly Last publication. August 22nd, Hansen, Cherald Davis, Bert Davis, have no estate or Interest whatever de Miechell, Harold Fivecoat, Don 1940. Theda Dodge, John Doe Dodge, j in or to said land and premises, and George W. Hlllmon, Ida M. HUlmon, that the title of the plaintiffs in ald and Willie McGinnis have all NOTICE FOR PU B LIC ATIO N Rose G. Cole, A. H. Webber, Herley and to said land and property is a finished putting In their lettuce. United States Department of the V. Webber, Jane Doe Webber, John good and valid fee simple title; (3) Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fivecoat and Interior. General Land Office at Doe Brooks, the unknown heirs, if ( that you and each of you shall be The Dalles. Oregon, July 15, 1940 any, o f Sarah Jane Peer, Deceased; ; forever enjoined and debarred from Larry and Mr. and Mrs. Ira Marrs NOTICE is hereby given that 1 the unknown heirs, if any, of i asserting any claim whatever in or visited at the Walter Benson home Robert S. Overstreet, of Boise, George P. Green, Deceased; the un to said land and property adverse Saturday morning. Idaho, who, on July 6, 1936, made known heirs, If any, of Nora L. to the plaintiffs; (4) for such other Green, Deceased; and also aU oth Mr. and Mrs. BUI Packer and Original IJesert Land Entry, Act er persons or person unknown and further relief as to the Court 3-3-77, No. 025814, for Farm Unit seem equitable in this matter; chUdren of Nebraska are visiting “ B " or the NVjNE1* and N E 'cN W U claiming any right, title, lien or In shall and (5) for plaintiffs’ costs and dis his brother and family, Virgil Pack Section 14. Township 21 S., Range., terest In or to the real property In bursements in this suit made and 45 E„ Willamette Meridian, has the complaint herein described, of Incurred. er. filed notice of intention to make the above-named Defendants: You will take notice that this Bonnie Kressely of Oregon Trail final Proof, to establish claim to IN TH E NAM E O F TH E S T A T E summons is served on you under is visiting her sister Mrs. Frank the land above described, before O F OREGON: You and each of and by virtue of and pursuant to Carl H. Coad, Notary Public, at you hereby are commanded to ap an Order of the Hon. Robt. M. Dun Holmes this week. Nyssa, Oregon, on the 30th day pear in the above entitled court can, Circuit Judge of said County and cause, within four weeks after and State, made on the 15th day of —Nyssa Fall Festival Sept. 6-7— of August, 1940. the date of first publication of this July 1940, directing that the sum Claimant names as witnesses: summons, which date Is June 6th, Russell Talbot, Ernest Smith, V ir 1940, then and there to answer or mons herein be published for four gil O. Packer, and Ira Mars, all of otherwise plead to the complaint successive weeks, including five Legal Advertising in the Nyssa Gate City Nyssa, Oregon, R. F. D. filed herein, and If you fail so to do, publications, W. F. JACKSON, and for want thereof, the plaintiffs Journal, published at Nyssa, Oregon. N O TICE FOR PU B LIC ATIO N C AR L H. COAD, Register. will take judgment and decree Attorney for Plaintiffs, United States Department of the First Published 25 July, 1940. against you as prayed for in their Resident and Post-offioe address: Interior, General Land Office at Last Published 22 August, 1940. complaint: (1) Requiring each of Nyssa, Oregon. The Dalles, Oregon, July 15, 1940 you to set forth the nature of your NO TICE is hereby given that claim to the foUowing described Dated and 1st pub., July 18, 1940. Maurice L. Judd, of Nyssa, Oregon, real property in Malheur County, Last pub., Aug. 15, 1940. SUMMONS FO R PU B LIC ATIO N who, on July 6, 1936, made Original Oregon: Desert Land Entry, Act 3-3-77, No. IN TH E C IR C U IT CO URT OF Commencing at the Southeast 025813, for Farm Unit “ B " or the corner of Bl. 68 Green’s Addition THE STA TE OF OREGON FOR NO TICE TO CRED ITO RS .... NViSWV* and SE'-iNW U, Section to the Town of Nyssa, as shown TH E C O U N TY O F M ALH EUR 11, Township 21 S., Range 45 E., by the Revised Plat on file in the Notice is hereby given that the office of the County Clerk of undersigned, by an order of the Willamette Medidian. has filed R A L P H M. C ASTATE R and H E L EN H. CASTATER, husband and notice of intention to make final Malheur County at Vale, Oregon, County Court of the State of Oregon wife, Plaintiffs which point of beginning Is on the for the County o f Malheur, duly Proof, to establish claim to the land vs. above described, before Carl H Coad, West line of the right of way of made and entered on the 31st day the Oregon Short Line Railroad of August, 1940, was Notary Public, at Nyssa, Oregon, Lyman Allen Green and Mary A. appointed Company; and running thence Administrator of the estate of Mary on the 30th day of August, 1940. Green, his wife; Mercy Arm Leuck Claimant names as witnesses: West on the South line of said Louise Loveland, deceased, and that and Nicholas Leuck, her husband; Block 68 extended West approxi he has duly qualified as such Ad Eliza Jane Boyd and Herman Russell Talbot, Ernest Smith, mately 184.5 feet to a point 34.5 ministrator. All persons having Boyd, her husband; Martha Ellen Harold Fivecoat, and Ira Mars, all feet West of the West line of said claims against said estate are here Fields and Henry Fields, her hus of Nyssa, Oregon, R. F. D. Block 68, and 275.5 feet east of by notified to present the same, band; Sadie Irene Webb and Clin W. F. JACKSON, the East line of First Street as duly verified as required by law, to ton Webb, her husband; George Register. shown by said Plat: thence South him at the City o f Ontario, Malheur W. HUlmon and Ida M. Hlllmon, First Published 25 July, 1940. 25 feet; thence West 137 feet to County. Oregon, within six months his wife; Rose G. Cole, a widow; Last Published 22 August, 1940. a point 138.5 feet East of the East o f the date of this notice. A. H. Webber; Herley V. Webber line of said First Street; thence and Jane Doe Webber, his wife; Dated this 1st day of August, 1940. South 470 feet along a line paral Mrs. W. G. Hansen and W. G. M A X S. T A G O A R T , Administr NO TICE FOR PU B LIC ATIO N lel to said East line of First Hansen, h e r husband; Cecil ator of the Estate of Mary Louise United States Department of the Street and 138.5 feet East there Green; Cherald Davis and Bert Loveland, Deceased. Interior, General Land Office at of; thence East 110 feet; thence August I, 1940— First Publication. Davis, her husband; Kenneth The Dalles, Oregon, July 15, 1940 South 150 feet to the North line August 29, 1940—Last Publication. Green and Jane Doe Green, his N O TICE is hereby given that Har old Fivecoat, assignee of Robert S. Overstreet, of Nyssa, Oregon, who, on July 6, 1936, made Original Des ert Land Entry, Act 3-3-77, No. 031225, for Farm Unit “ D " or the S ^ S E 'i and N W 'iS E 1/*, Section 11, Township 21 S., Range 45 E., WUlamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Carl H. Coad, Notary Public, at Nyssa. Ore gon, on the 30th day of August, 1940. Claimant names as witnesses: Russell Talbot, Ernest Smith, Virgil O. Packer, and Ira Mars, all al Nyssa, Oregon. W. F. JACKSON, Register. First Published 25 July, 1940. Last Published 22 August, 1940. Trail. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn M c Ginnis and son, Terry, Mr and Mrs. Clyde Mitchell, Russell Talbot and Buster. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Parker and family and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Parker and family of Nebraska. Loretta Mitchell returned home Sunday after visiting a week with Esther Nein, Betty and Peggy and lone Benson of Oregon Trail. Here's a New Kind of SAVINGS BANK NOTICE FOR PU B LIC ATIO N United States Department of the Interior, General Land Office at The Dalles. Oregon, July 15, 1940 NO TICE is hereby given that Virgil O Packer, Assignee of Maur ice L. Judd, of Nyssa, Oregon, who on July 6, 1936, made Original Des ert Land Entry, Act 3-3-77, No. 031308. for Farm Unit ” E’’ or the S14SWU, Section 11. Township 21 S.. Range 45 E . Willamette Merid ian, has filed notice of intention to make final Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Carl H. Coad, Notary Pub lic. at Nyssa, Oregon, on the 30th day of August, 1940. Claimant names as witnesses: Russel Talbot. Ernest Smith, Har old Fivecoat. and Ira Mars, all of Nyssa, Oregon. R. F. D. W. F. JACKSON, Register. First Published 25 July, 1940. Last Published 22 August. 1940. NOTCE OF SHERIFF’ S SALE On the 24th day of August, 1940, at the hour of 10:30 A. M. at the front door of the Court House in Vale. Malheur County, Oregon, I will sell at pubic auction to the highest bidder for cash, the fo l lowing described property, to-wlt: Lots Eight (8) Block Twenty- Seven (27), South F ifty feet <50 ft.) of Lots One to Five inclusive (1 to 5), Block Thirty (30), Lots Six to Seven inclusive (6 to 7) Block Thirty (30), Lots Eleven and Twelve <11 and 12), Block Thirty-one (31), Lots One to Five inclusive (1 to 5), Block Thirty-two (32). Lots Six to Twelve inclusive (6 to 12), Block Thirty-two (32), all in Teutsch’s Addition to the City of Nyssa, to gether with the tenements, heredita ments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise apper taining. Said sale Is made under execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Malheur to me directed In the case.of The City o f Nyssa, a Mu nicipal Corporation, Plaintiff, vs. Pete Dear and the members of the Nazarene Church whose names are to the plaintiff unknown; Joseph E Mellman and Jane Doe Mellman. his wife; Grover Nelson and Jane Doe Nelson, his wife; C. P. Over- street, and Jane Doe Overstreet his wife; S T. Calhoun and Jane Doe Calhoun, his wife; C. L. Lindsey and Jane Doe Lindsey, his wife; John Ray and Jane Doe Ray, his wife: Don M. Graham and Jes sie C. Graham; his wife; J. Blayney Boydell. a single man; Sam Y. West LE G AL AD VERTISEM EN T $12.15 37.75 35 00 25 DO 50 00 First Publication: July 11, 1940 Last Publication: August I, 1940. Number 8688 TIME - TROUBLE*! • When you can store you perishable food in dependably- low temperature— when you can buy in quantities for future use— it's just like dropping quarters and dimes Electric refrigeration SAVES as it works for you, and helps to pay for itself. That County warrants not presented will be cancelled. N O TIC E 18 HEREBY G IVEN That the following warrants will be cancelled and the payments thereof will be refused unless said warrants are presented to the County Treasurer for payment on or before Au gust 31. 1940: GENERAL FUND W A R R A N TS Amount SAVES: FOOD ~ MONEY - and nickles in a savings bank NOTICE Claimant State Industrial Accident Commission Van Pet ten Lumber Com pany * Harold Mallett Mrs Emma Thompson Frank Swisher Electric Refrigeration Any local merchant who deals in electric refrigerators will be glad to show you one of the 1940 refrigerators, and to explain how easy the terms offered. Date Issued August 31, 1932 December 8, 1932 9354 December 9, 1932 9706 January 31, 1933 9981 April 13. 1933 10330 H. 9. SAI CKETT, County Clerk. Electrical Ip Equipment S-ale>s Association