Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 1940)
T H E N Y S S A G A T E C IT Y J O U R N A L . b T H U R S D A Y . A U G U S T 1 ,1 9 4 0 . ! CHILDRENS PARTY le bcoor od Ute nineth binnday anniversary od ber daughter N om a ira* Idre L. W Dusking in v ite children od ine neignboraMd lo * jT r . pa n i last Thursday títernoen G aróes gantet aztd lee cream and case were e t p y e i K riM Mrt >■- E ber meerwr E n K En CALL FOR TRANSPORTATION BIDS SOTTCE IS HEREBY G H E S That Serpo» Iten e*. X * C olt " O n r o w _ rann«- coda tor x * faxuahm g to e oprra- •joe at ira n fp oru tja i oí o( thr d ia n e: or. sat 2 sad 3 lar » penas ed i r t e 3 vean a: Ute o d e r s( Ute ù n ad irte A sta ci board B B * i f rae-isper pcsr. cddtoe sterrai Kyxea Ort*cr s tili irte boor od • p m V-igo»t • IMS at r u n uste Ute eats ite» r j t* aperse at Ute n * n r t wátoú z . Ny-am O npb _ The bai furrasaee atad ttperaiee er Ute r r f i b * i o d o r b i s ; ccaapiy wn* aü skate spcetfjcam ia R ar.; atad r u > kperdjoatKctt are ca. fcie lor Ute izJarma- u oc od batter* a: in » U fa » cd Ute eiert. B t Order od the Boars. B B L e -x semper O r t od the Boars Scttoci X tea et X E u e P u h te te 1 August IM t Last P-iobarte I Auras: I t e AUGUST ClLEARANCE EVERY ARTICLE IN OUR STORE IS MARK ED DOWN FOR THIS BIG MONEY SAVING EVENT! SALE STARTS FR1. AUG. 2 BARGAIN TABLE Every Article on These Tables u g -te O-a—'■? Mercnano is* — For Met. W-jmez. Bern and Gtri* at . . lO c 15c - 25c - House Dresses W om en’s 59c Shoes 2 for $1 $ i Men’sWork Straw Hats 20c Farmerettes 79c Men’s Pants Sport Shirts Work Gloves $ i All Leather and Leather Faced at REDUCED PRICES AT A SAVING A T K E S O N ’S STO RE MEN’S AND LADIES’ WEARING APPAREL Third and Main Street* Nyaaa 18c 43c 15c 20c 23c 2 pound Packages Crackers C offe e Shurfine, ground freah 2 pound* M atch es Carton of 6 boxes M ilk tall can*, all brand* 3 for Peanut Butter 2 Lb. Jara Tea Memory, green 1 lb. with J Q . 2 glaagea F R F.F I jt Tea Memory, black 1 lb. with 2 glaaoe» FREE___________ Shurfine 3 lb. cans Shorten in g Bacon Squares Lard Lb Packages 4 lb. ti I Home grown from I V i e i O n S : jreigs ranch lb Tom atoes l '~ Ripe 'ri Lb. w ILSON G 69c 49_c ile 33c l vie 5c OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 P M. »y b ñak Lase Er atad E n George Sauce Pnday f m a i Sai! Lase Ta O c Surada y E S Pros: w _ acusad me seosuut od tus E ri Tsrn.t. Sf-Uatn atad i í : E n Herbe i P u ter were Sunday s.ruter giteti» od X t attd E n Jara E u a n m H œ teda> The Ladtet Aid od Ute XeittadiE enarre i C Hteer at the som e od Idn Chares G am m c or Thurr- 3a t August eighth At Prarie O f» Mr arad Mr* H P B teiaacr Spec.: Ute we*k end a*. P la n t City at Ute gaesu od Mr and Mrt H t r ii E Bayer N m i V te a u ie y and Jane -at»»»« cd Mrs A C Saute od G o o d s« ibe wees end at Ute SaGet nocte Mrs Cordelia Brows of CorraLa stopped iar a short van w ut Mr snd Mrs Bernard Pews oc W ea n »- day She wat endocle to Boise Here F r w Salem Miss Neva Starkey of Salem wsj a bouse guest od Mr and Mrs h »-~ t Bccnesbe* over Ute week end Mrt Hcrace Chuter dad raer rnracTHi ' M From Idaho F a b On Monday iar. Mr and Mrs 3ias> y Brows od Idaho PaLs w rit Mr snd Id n Boyiet of B x it -jK with Bat Brows of Caidwei stopped lor a short ristc at Ute Bernard Pros: home X an te Owl The eider, daughter of Mr Mrt Horace Chaney had her */w**v« remove*; ac Ute S a ra sr Chute o c Wednesday and b reported to be do ing ntoeiy. Phone 108 VtsaU OREGON DR. J. C. BOWMAN Veterinarian Phone 39W NYSSA LIBRARY Open each week day from 2 p m to 4 p m. Saturday. 2 p m to 8 p m at J. PATRONS WELCOME L ibrarian___Mrs S. B Dart» OPT OMETRI5T “ see Mt Fail and see B etter' DR. J. A. McFALL EYESIGHT SPECIALIST ONTARIO OREGON ndqn Macher SALEM O RE—At least 20.000 people r l wan: to amend the cere- tnsciei a: whirr. Oreeor. s favorite ssc candidate Cnited States Sena- toe Cnas L MtNary is to be iorm - aLy advised that ne has been se lected as rur.r.gtg mate to Republi- can preodemna: ncenmee Wendell L T 'n in the opm ioc of Governor Chas A Sprague who has been Energy Remains L n flagged For working with the national committ eemar. Raiph Cake ot Portiaz -i in The Afternoon. W hen Lunvheon arrangmg the noG fxahoc cerHnor.- Indudes a Cool Glas» of Energizing let Because MeNary refused to sac- SHELTON’S MILK rtf ice his young filbert orchard in order to m r > room for the antici- patec crowd the ceremonies will be held at the state fair grounds on the afternoon of August 28 with Governor Stassen of Minnesota de- Irrenng the formal r.ottfioatten. Phone G5--J2 The huge grand stand a: the fair grounds with seating capacity for •' " v-.ll > : .rm er.:ei ty ALen Dnrtalrtaon o f the U 8. S. I the »*■ 1 netitwi of temporaary who spent the past month ristang j bleachers but at that it * expected with his mother Mrs. Keith Bailey thousands will be compelled and Mr Bailey returned to his ship to stand through the rew mrwies at Bremerton where he has twit which will be brief and run on a weeks more to serve o c his firs: en- strict schedule to conform to radio -sunerc Mr Donaldson expects to requirements, inasmuch as the cer- ' m u m again to Nyssa on the ex- eznocy will be broadcast ac a coast- puai tor of hit enhsunert to-coast hook-up I THEATRE "Terry and the Pirate*” 3», Adalu IV James Stewart. Margaret Sullivan and Robert Young in “THE MORTAL STORM” News and Pete Smith Specialty WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE O fficial Time Inspector for Union Pacific ONTARIO OREGON ROBT. D. LYTLE ATTORNEY And COCNSELOR-AT-LAW First National Bank Building Phone 66 VALE , OREGON DR. C. A. ABBOTT Chiropractic Physician O ffice: 331 West Main St. Phone S3 Shelton Dairy PROGRAM WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, AUG. 7 and8 rocery Cards REFRESH AT When Anna Pagan daughter of Mr and E n W C Pagan M from a tree an Sunday she suffered a fractured arm a te was taker, to the Sarawr Clinic where it was set aztd it w now realing rapscLv -wndav in Hitts Mr and Mr> Bernard Pror: and Mr and M r: Harry Miner motored I to the Malheur early on Sunday R eturns From E a st Mrs J C Bowman who has sp=n: ! morning where they enjoyed a fresh 4-H CLUB HOLDS trout breakfast Later 'hey m otor- ’-be h»*: tJl weeks vismng with re3- ed to the North Pork a::ve» and friends in Minnesota PICNIC ADRIAN—The Kmgmar. K jior.y New Homes South Dakota and Iowa m uroed to Cooetructioc o f two new homes Nywsa o c Monday last O c th e, 4-H I Club had P a venter j-oas o c a started tb * week Mr and » = * Ler rrandson Rodney Est- “ *»» ^ «•**» « A dra-" TiiesiSay Mrs Herman Ttwne are btukhng «» -v-»d netted with his mother 1 n^ - ‘ casl a r^w dweCmg at Park aztd Fhurti m Denver au. returned 'Sunbocnet Jane of Sycamore and Mr and Jira A V Cook hare Family visit» LAne was in v ite Mr and Mrs A2>ii 1 Hei£i! *3^ begun a house or. Fourth between Mr and Mrs McDoweii and them Paul Robert and James and Ennis and Reece daughter Shirley of Twin Palls were A Swn Bom recen: house guests of their scc-m - ti>eiT r-jecf Vera Sturterant visited son was bora to Mr and Mrs. law and daughte Mr and Mrs at the K I Petcrsoo home Tuesday Richard Cooper on Pnday July 26 Bernard Pro»- The parents re right Nineicm cf Hie Adnac Girl Scouts al the Nyssa Nursing Home Dr K turned to Twin Pal* on Sundav E Kerby * attending them last but Miss Shirley remained an- Payette Lakes for camp To Mr and Mrs Leo EUibee a til P n d a y Saturday morning •on was born at the fam ily home on M r» Lwwe IB 3 “ Asht-raf: aztd Harry Russel Sunday July 28th with Dr K E Mrv Tom Lowe of Mitchell B u tt. »XT* fishing o c the Owyhee Friday Kerby m charge Mrs Le Roy who suffered a severe heart attack 1^*7 caught some fine rainbow EL:bee is earing for the home on ThursdaT is reported some better sw it Tb Mr and Mrs Miller Carver » » g » - Most of the farmers around Ad- daugbter was bora on Monday July Mrs J W All of Crestón Ore who d t e a r e busy a: this time preparing » at the George Pouiser. home with had v is ite at the Lowe home for pianting lettuce The Dr K E Kerby caring for mother the pass :wc weeks returned to her nelr -etIace be started and babe own home on Praia-. , *i)OU'- ^ tm ti of August ----- ------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------' Mrs Tetwfller who had a heart attack last week is much better now and will be up in a few days. Mrs E a rn «: Parker who was in a car wreck o c July 3 is improving slowly. Mr and Mrs R F Perry were business visitors in Ontario and Vale Friday Gene Seyboid of Nyssa v is ite in D O U B L E T E A T U K E Adrian Saturday Word has been received from Miss FRIDAY and SATURDAY. AUGUST 2 and 3 June Clark of Portland that she will Eddie Albert. Rosemarry Lane. W ayn e Morris rtcr teach in Adrian this fall. Mr m d Mrs K I Peterson and and Jane W vman in family were shopping in Ontario ‘ ANGEL FROM TEXAS" Saturday The Three M esouiteers in Mrs Eva Miles of Grace Idaho “PIONEERS OF THE W EST’ is visiting at the home of her par Sat M at. 2 X p m Adm S c -» c Evening, ’.Pc-33c. include» tax ents Mr and Mr? Prank Para- worthy SUNDAY and MONDAY, AUGUST 4 and 5 Mrs Wilbur Roberts of Roswell and Mrs Clyde Riggs of Parma Ray Millard, Patricia Moriaon, .Akin Tam iroff called at the Dan Holly home Thurs and W illiam Frawlev in day afternoon “UNTAMED" Rev Tetwilier and son Raymond j of Weiser were in Ontario on bus- Photographed in Technicolor mess Thursday Comedy, Cartoc Cartoon and Variety Mrs Howard Hatch spent the week Sun 2 X Adm 10c-28r Evening Adm. 10c-33c’ includes tax end whh her sister Mrs. Sarah —BAROIAN NIGHT — Hall m Caldwell Mrs Howazd Hatch's mother. TUESDAY, AUGUST 6 Mrs E D. Wymer. of Parma and Akim Tamiroff. Gladys George and W illiam Mr? Hatch's sister-izüaw Mrs Rus Henrv in sel1 Wymer o f Upper Lake C alif, called at the Hatch home Wednes- THE W AY OF ALL FLESH” NYSSA Professional Mr and E n Mr and Mrs Merit B um s who were guests a: ute paressa. H B Earp -eerae 'a » . E tre*.'- X StCidaj were ioroec to move Irom the t ard of Thanks M eu.ocist parsonage foLowmg the trae enjoye*: a family Scruter We wish to thank our many are on Pnday night hare re n te Ute H P Brows cottage at Third i fnendt and former patrexi» foe J x c J Soucit see of Mr anc a-v- Locus: unti, the patEcage hat Mrs. Dwight Sm ut whh Stanley Too Late to Classify Ray Gesaic W arrec anc Pete been repamed Bores returned me Æ of the week OffKtah Inspect O c Saturday Dr Chat D ocaid- from Pvndlrttm where they went to 15 ACRES adjoming B y * » on west ■tr Ite n e t Supercnterider.c cd take -mr.T-.anrjru lar en tran » to Hat Owyhee ditch wator Also 5 ine Federai t o r n i i schon» for Memodist churches and Dr Harry acres at Park ave and highway or H ar -:znr. past supertt.tender.: with t r a p e, mechanics Ai. of the ap- will divide into acre tracts. Phone p la n ts irom Nyma p a ste t e n “ “ ^ w<” ! 31. Nyssa !A2xc .jj usspectutg toe remami of Pnday rTtr* - a t n i and wiL return night a fire. are Pendletoc when actual Inspect sttd Craps POR SALE—CITY PROPERTY r -a r te en September T A W ales, representative of WILL SELL before August » 2 Ute Nartnrup-Krrig seed company Mr and M rt Chañes Cneeae of o f Beute was m Nyssa oc Wednm- room house and lot on lot • block Ontano were Sunday guests of Mr day ujpeciirig tne seed crept in Uns 2D onginai addition. Nyssa Scum and M ix T C lA lxe are» under them contract About Lumber Co. Leave» Far _ . irre hundred acres in lettuce c c- Ancy kfl teft Wednesday x c ras-sr. and carrots have been ( KRISTIAN CHTBCH 1er Lteriy Cairfnmia to soetra ete by rhs» firm. Sunday services at the Legion yam Mrs McOcnnus and spend the Breaks Catar Bane H ail reti of Ute summer j Wiuie tLaytng last week. Micky Sunday school at 2:30 p. m ^ KLnxenberg san si Mr and Mrs. Church services at 3 p. m. W ted wat i eoe: vet j M anse KLnxenJjerr leE and iraet- All are welcome Mr and Mrs c . C Hun: Uta: thssr j & t<nr-e Dr Mtuiding caugr.trr Margare: wno a employed. adyusaec m e fracrure and Micky * at Pacaceli» and who was one cf was aDowec up fox tt* time S” two young wteten admitted to the Poc&teüs branch of the Crni Aer- rr.aiTTtrs author.:;- made her firs: sols flight this pas: week and rame McNARY CEREMONY out with Lytng ooàors AT SALEM Mr: Vmeent Roper of Lute-new arrived sc Saturday foe a visa wrun ner mother Mrs U G Sebum. Outer recent nsstors si Mrs Se bum were L'-tmec MtLaughitn snd hu tnúdren sf Bend Ontano Opúnan on Leave Dr MtFaL wtii be leaving On tart: Saturcay night as a delegate to the Noc-thwest Congress cf Optotnetry to be used m Vancouver B C open- ing Sunday Aug 4th and nortmu- ¡ng through Thursday Au* Bth Mrt MtPaL will acccm pacy him On Sb«rt Trip E n J P with Mr. and Mrs Alvin McGinnis and th ee lam - Ly and Jan Campbell of Adnar. are After a tec day's vacatur: spec: expected home Sunday from a ten at Neisoocc Beach Mr and Mrs Car day trip to California. Jin. J P McGtnms will occupy lo» Buchner and Mrs Buchner s parents P-tv attd Mrs E P Law- j the Andy McGinnis name m Nyssa be and M n MrG.r : . are renet of Caldwell returned to their homes on Monday “ A Dependable Food Store NYSSA George J U zza ti, atad E s their patronage and courtesy ex tended to ui during tha years in We wish to extend our heartfelt which we operated the Pox Sem ee ttv.nk. to the many Inend» who Station and Auso Court showered us so generously with Mr and Mrs. Walter Pox ! their loving deeds and wordt, of ; kindest sympathy m the bere»vi ntene of our loving soc and brtkher Mr and Mrs A R Roberts and i family. C ARD OF THANK » HOMEOWNERS LOOK! N’T NEED CASH For \c > Remodeling Or Repairs DELAY RED TAPE YOU NO f> BACKSLIDING w e a r s OUT MORE- TROUSERS TH AN PRA YIN G 7- ------- . S S A I GOODE AVE LtcOHWAV lOl ( THE SION OF COOO LUeiBCS . \ PNONE lit JOt- . £ OSTION Ftoa I Bedroom Furniture At Louer Than Aia il Oraer Prices -NEW— Sim m ons Beds Solid panel *6 ?5 Windsor type$5 75 Every bed has the original Simmons seal on it. New Simmons Springs Double Coil Springs. Flat Platform. Lever Type Side >' . ’ ? K 9 Q C These springs sell ebewhere from $12 95 to *1495 New Superbilt Innerspring Mattresses Values up to $39 $9.95-$14.50-$18.50 W e Need Used Bed S p rin gs I k A a i Wc need these so badly that even ana M 3 t t r e s s e s * them i!h rtw( pncw ^ tr’ df in as a part payment Howard Hatch and John Enas Boise on business Thur*- i day the Nyssa Trader Mr and Mrs Henry Hatch were j Sunday dinner guests at the Vernon j Parker home Henry Rah land who has beer, „ . h * son. Duke, returnee Main Dayton. Washington Sun- I day _ “SELLS FOR LESS” Hi way North at Alberta Ave. Nvssa