THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL’, THURSDAY, AUGUST 1.1940. 4-H CLUB STYLE SHOW Classified Advertising SUNSET VALLEY—The Worth­ no bones broken but he is pretty badly bruised up. He’ll be off work for a few days. He says, "This Is the way I spend my vacation.” He had started to snap the brltchen strap on Dude Parker’s horse with­ out speaking first to the horse about it. Maybe he will learn to speak to a horse first. Mr. Sessions is working at the sugar factory again. Sam Cates’ watermellons have began to ripen and he has world’s of roasting ears now. He and Rus sel Howell will be about the only ones to have many mellons this year. Doc Raffington had visitors over the week end from Oklahoma. They were enroute to Seattle and stopped for a sort visit as they went throu­ gh. They were very much Impress­ ed with Cow Hollow and expressed the idea that they might come back in the spring to make a permanent location. Jim Trammel started to dig his spuds and quit and gave them up because the quality was so poor that they weren’t worth digging. Jim Is a bear for hard luck. He says, “Guess I will have to get me a six titted cow too." There’s some mighty fine look­ ing corn in Cow Hollow this year and Cow Hollow has a record hog crop to feed It to. while Club will meet August 8th The Ideal Way To Buy, Sell, Rent, Find, or Hire. Big Results at a very low cost. One trial will convince with Mrs. Oce Schweizer. All club RATES: One cent per word for each issue. Minimum cash In advance Is 25c. members are urged to be present The Sunset Sewers 4-H club will also present a style showing at the STOCK CITY PROPERTY MISCELLANEOUS club. For Sale For Rent Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wilson visited WANTED—All your welding lobs. We promise good work and fair MODERN HOUSE, 3-room, with a DAIRY COWS, fresh and springers and were dinner guests in the home all breeds; 4 miles east of Cald­ bath and closed-in sleeping porch. of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Les prices. Pruyn Auto Repair, Phone —Inquire Star Hotel. HJtfc well on U. S. 30. Look for farm ter Zurcher near Homedale. MW. buildings all white, green trimmed. Dinner guests in the Charles Ditty BRAKE WORK—Let us put your MODERN HOME, 4 room, has nice J. P. Miller and Glen McWilliams, home Sunday were Mrs. Adolph shade and lawn.—Call Journal. Caldwell. 27Jetfc Schneider, Ray, Roy Betty and Mel­ car or truck brakes In first class 27Jtfc condition. Special equipment and WE BUY AND SELL dairy cows. vin, John Case and family, Leslie trained men at your service. Pruyn MODERN FURNISHED apartment. Sale every Friday. We conduct all Ditty and family and Barney Ver- Auto Repair. Phone 56W. 162 East First St. 22Ftfc kinds of auction sales Improve your wolfe. A. J. Jones and family, Mr. and herd with our stud bull service. $3.00 THREE ROOM modern apartment. at your place. Call Floyd Robison Mrs. Homer Cates and two children NOTICE TO INVESTORS left Thursday morning for a visit Furnished. Dr. J. C. Bowman. Nyssa. 21Mtfc to their former home in Oklahoma If you have money to loan, GOOD MILK goat. Just fresh. O. Harold Snyder, L. E. and Bob we can place it in amounts from K. Tire Shop. lAlxp Newgen are caring for A. R. Rob­ MISCELLANEOUS $100 to $5,000 at 7 per cent in­ erts stock, while the Roberts fam­ terest. For Sale BIG BEND ily accompanied the body of their FIRST CLASS REAL ESTATE son, Troy, to Jerome for burial. HEAVY COLORED fryers, 40 cents I SECURITY Mrs. M. J. Judd spent Thursday Barney Verwolfe arrived Thurs­ each. Mrs. Bud Short, % mile | See in this vicinity planning with Girl day from Milton-Freewater where south west Nyssa. Phone 79. 18Jtfc I Scouts for their outing at Payette he has been employed for the past BERNARD EASTMAN Lakes. About 25 left Saturday two months, to visit with friends. KALSOMINE, PAINT at competi­ Real Estate and Insurance chaperoned by Mrs. Judd and Mrs. Mrs. L. E. Newgen, Bob, Mr. and tive prices. First class quality. Phone 64 Nyssa Paul Jackson. Mrs. John Reffett, Helen and Mrs. Nyssa Lbr. Co., Goode Ave. and Mr. and Mrs. Lem Davis and Orie Newgen of Wilder shopped in Highway 201, Phone 108. 16Mtfc daughter of Yonkers, New York and Nampa Wednesday afternoon. KOLONY CLUB Colwell of Fruitland were guests in CREOSOTE for treating hen hous­ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ross, Beulah MEETS Consult us on your wiring needs es, posts, etc. Nyssa Plumbing the Phelan home Thursday. The and Donnie of Meridian, Mr. and and meter set-ups. and heating Co., 9th and Emlson Davis family leave Wednesday for Mrs. Lloyd Landreth and Sharon KINGMAN KOLONY—The H. E. Work guaranteed to meet State street. (One block south of Nyssa a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Grover were Sunday dinner guests in the Club of Kingman Grange met with requirements. Trador). 23Mxfc Lee at Estes Park, Colorado. Prices right L. B. Landreth home. Mrs. Wesley Pierce on Tuesday for Jack Altizer went to Boise Friday Information free Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Pomeroy visit their regular meeting. Plans were to consult an oculist. HOLLAND FURNACES and Air NYSSA ELECTRIC SHOP Malheur County Pomona Grange ed friends and relatives In Twin completed for serving dinner at Conditioners can now be bought 18Atfc in Nyssa. Call or write the Olsen was entertained at Big Bend Park Falls and Buhl over the week end. Pomona Grange at this time. At Mrs. Claude Wilson, son and Har­ the close of the afternoon Mrs. Pier­ Blacksmith Shop. 6Jtfc Thursday with Riverside, Kingman GARBAGE HAULING. Also odd Kolony and Bend Granges as hosts old Reed of Homedale were Satur­ ce served delicious refreshments. jobs by hour day or week. Prices to remaining Granges in this coun­ day night and Sunday visitors In The next meeting will be with Mrs. CITY PROPERTY reasonable. J. G. Coil. 20Atfc ty. The attendance was small ow the home of their sister, Mrs. Pete Oscar Schafer on August 16th. For Sale The Pollyanna club met with Mrs. Another sister, Evelyn ing to the busy season. Mr. Edson Wilson. FOR SALE—Lots 1 to 12, inclus. in Deal Jr. was the principal speaker. Reed of Pierce, Colo., who has been John Thiel for their regular meet­ block 71, Green's Addition, size 50 NYSSA PLUMBING & Mrs. R. J. Haworth was a Nyssa visiting in the Pete Wilson home ing on Wednesday .The next meet­ ing will be a special meeting with returned to Homedale Sunday. by 138 feet; good title, abstract fur­ caller Thursday. HEATING COMPANY Mrs. W. L. Schafer on August 7th. nished. Shacks prohibited. Corners Mr. T. J. Hartman of Elwood, Joe Brumback transacted business Ninth and Emison Street $150.00; inside $125.00. — Hugh R. in Boise Friday. Neb. arrived at the Otto Wolfe Everyone is asked to bring a few (1 block south of Nyssa Trador) Ackley, Caldwell, Idaho 14J4xp Mr. and Mrs. A, B. Cone of Ros­ home Friday for an extended visit. cup-cakes or cookies. Mrs. Lily Back, Mrs. Mary Nich­ 13Jtfc Betty and Twila Wolfe are visit­ well are having a family reunion AUTOS and TRAILERS to celebrate their fiftieth wedding ing a few days with Mr. and Mrs. ols and Nadine Nichols left for Pay­ ette Lakes on Tuesday to be gone anniversary which occurs during the Albert Watson of Nyssa. For Sale during the month of August. winter at a time when their child­ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burt and Local and Long Distance TRAILER HOUSE, four wheel, all ren could not be present so Sunday n l spite of the fact that the Girl Betty Lou of Nampa and Mr. and HAULING built-ins. Excellent condition — a family dinner was enjoyed. Mr. Scouts and the Christian Endeavor Mrs. Chester Whistler asd Carol of Phone 72W See Walt Fox at Fox’s Cabins. 4Jtfc and Mrs. R. J. Haworth, old friends, young people are at camp the at­ Elwood, Neb. were dinner guests of Lawrence and Barnett tendance at Sunday School was only and the children spent the after­ Mr. and Mrs. Otto Wolfe Sunday. 4Mtfc Musical Instrument fifteen short last Sunday. noon with them. On Friday the A. R. Robert’s son Ace returned Mr. and Mrs. Dean Pittinger who BABY GRAND piano finished in Haworths entertained the Frank Tuesday from Jerome. The rest of rosewood, for sale at fraction of Cones of Arlington, Virginia and on the family remained for a two weeks have been living on the Frank Mor­ gan ranch have moved to the Big Charles original cost. This piano Is in the Saturday Mr. and Mrs. INTERIOR ANI) EXTERIOR visit with relatives. Bend in the house formerly occupi­ vicinity of Nyssa and may be had Cone of Lake Chelan, Wash, and DECORATOR ed by Mr. Burt Roberts. for balance due. Write or phone Will Cone of Moscow were their Free Estimates Mr. and Mrs. Jack Com and baby Sampson Music Company, Nampa, guests. OWYHEE daughter were in New Plymouth on Mrs. Claude Eachus and daugh­ Idaho, phone 30. 18J3xc a n d y M c G i n n i s Saturday visiting with Mrs. Corn’s ters spent Thursday in Ontario con­ Mrs. Martha Klingback and her paents and sister. Phone 39M sulting doctor and dentist. FOR SALE OR RENT family returned on Tuesday from Mr. and Mrs. Garret and family Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Pinkson and TWO STORES, on prominent corn­ Mrs. Tom Clark of Arena Valley a weeks vacation at Payette Lakes. of Nyssa were guests of Mr. and The Owyhee P. T. A. will meet at er, available August 1. Or will sell. Mrs. Baldwin left Saturday for Mrs. Herbert Shaw on Thursday FOR SALE—by quarters or Nyssa Realty Co. 25Jtfc Portland, from there they will -go the school house at 8 p. m. Friday evening. more, state inspected, com August 9th. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Welch were to the coast. fed, prime beef, by licensed LOST Jack Coulter of Amarillo, Texas, Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and was a business visitor in Bend Mon­ dealers. Call Jake Fischer, has spent the past week visiting at Mrs. Earl Osborn. LOST—PAIR glasses, horn rimmed day. 05R1 or Polar Cold Storage. the parental J. B. Coulter home. Harvey Holton spent Sunday at black board case, open on side, at OREGON TRAIL • 25Jtfc Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hoffman of Payette Lakes with the T. C. Nielson Texaco station Monday evening. Rexburg, Idaho were recent house family of Ontario. They went up July 22. Finder please return to The Merry Matron’s Club will guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. Kygar. to attend the water carnival. Journal office. lAlxp meet Wednesday afternoon, Aug. MACHINERY Miss Jeanette Martin left Friday 7th at the La Vlnnie Smith’s with For Sale for Genessee, Idaho where she will FARM PRODUCE Nina Boness co-hostess. Roll call COW HOLLOW visit with relatives for the next three will be answered by picnic lunch For Sale By The Happy Fanner 2-ROW POTATO planter and two- or four weeks. suggestions. way plow. At Cables Implement CERTIFIED GRIM Alfalfa seed. Donald Clark and Dale Wilson Mrs. Lucille Johnson of Corvallis and Tractor Co., Ontario llA tfc Cow Hollow is going to lettuce were In Nyssa oh Wednesday. Bill Peutz, rte. 2. Nyssa or phone visited several days at the F. C. Fry Robert Clark was in Ontario on more and more. Doc Raffington Augl.4xp home. TRACTOR CORRUGATOR and 03J2 business Thursday. has in eight acres and is plowing Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bowen and Cultivator attachments for all On Tuesday evening the 4-H as­ children visited in Payette and On- more land for lettuce. Frank Park­ tractors. Olsen Blacksmith shop, er is preparing land for lettuce. sembly held a business meeting and taio Sunday afternoon. Nyssa. 4Atfc Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Holmes and Chuck Shares has some in. E. E. children and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Cloninger has twenty acres in and For Rent Toll were in Ontario Saturday Paul Ransom is putting in twenty FARM LANDS acres. evening. Here’s a quick safe odorless wav to Haying is drawing to a close in help Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt Smith and you keep your home free from FOR RENT—Country land. Two Cow Hollow. Sam Sutes, Raymond sons of Nyssa visited at the Omer these pests —simply BUHACK , v b sprinkle .................... farms, cash or crop. Carl Coad, Nys­ across their trails and in cracks and Dorman and Archie Smith home Howell, Frank Parker and Chuck sa. 18Jtfc. crevices. Shares have finished haying. By See us about our Sunday. Bl'IIAC’ll—for over CO years—is R. J. Ashliby recently built a new Tuesday night, George Gabriel, one of (lie best protections against FIVE-ACRE TRACT With small Clarence Niccum and Dale Lim- these nasty insect pests. Safe, odorless. COMPLETE grainery. house for rent in Apple Valley. Leo Knowles of Nyssa visited sev­ bungler had finished cutting and In llandy Sifter Cana 26c up at Drug, Has electricity and on paved road. (¿rorery, Seed Stores and Pet Shops, FARM eral days at the J. E. Bowen home shocking their hay. See Frank T. Morgan. 20Jtfc last week. While stacking hay Tuesday at INSURANCE Roy Holmes purchased a new George Gabriel's Clarence Niccum For Sale or Trade PRONOUNCED • IH U C K lettuie planter and is planting let­ got kicked by a horse. There were COVERAGE tuce for Hogue. ESTATE HEATROLA, almost new. also table model radio. George A group of friends gathered at Schweizer, Vi mile east CCC camp. the home of Jeanie Story Saturday 25jtfc afternoon to help celebrate her A Fire Insurance Policy is seventh birthday. Your Banker When You i WANTED Nova Ulrey received a silver ring Need Money the Most Sunday having completed one year FEED BARLEY. See Jake Fischer, with a perfect attendance record at llJtfc Phone 05R1. Sunday School. WELL DRILLING Contractor, sec­ ond hand and new casings. 50c foot. E. W. Lewis. Nyssa. lAu2xp wetner roast on the river bank about visited with Mr and Mrs. Charles a mile south of Adrian. Mrs. Loren Wilson on Saturday afternoon. Mr. Miller, Mrs. Donald Clark and Mr end Mrs, J. C. Hunter of Harper, E. M. Hauser were guests of the Oregon also called on the Wilsons group. on Saturday. The A. N. K. Garden Club will Mrs. Elsie Heitz and two children hold their next meeting with Mrs. of Phoenix. Arizona arrived this Conrad Martin on August 6th. week to make their home with Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Hunter and Heitz parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank family from Arapahoe, Colorado I Fredericks. FALL SEEDS Alfalfa-Clover-Pasture Grass • You’ll want the best, of course — Our seeds are high in germination, are carefully cleaned and sold at a fair price. CASH BUYERS of GRAIN and SEEDS Let us grind your grain--- and mix ¡t APPROVED PURINA GRAIN BALANCING SERVICE with PURINA Balancers for more Meat, Milk and Eggs A L T H O M P SO N 6* SO N FEED— SEED— COAL Phone 26 Our New Location 2nd and Goode Ave. Across From Telephone Building .W JV .V .W .V -NOTICE- To Water Users Monday night August 5, 1940, the city water system will be dosed with a chlorine solution to eliminate fungus growth in same. Water users are requested to draw sufficient water supply for the balance of the night before the hour o f eight o’clock p. m. J. C. GREER Water Superintendent Insurance Ants— Roaches for the FARM BIJHACH IS YOUR CAR SAFE? N YSSA R EA LTY NOTICE:—I WILL not be in the office during the week of Aug. 5th to 10th. Dr. McFall. and Insurance C o . Phone 53 INSULATE WITH BALSAM-WOOL CUSTOM BUTCHERING and CUTTING Beef for the Hide Hogs 200 lbs. $1.50 Cutting 1 cent per lb. Grinding 1 cent per lb. Grinding and Seasoning 2 cent per lb. Let us do your work! NYSSA PACKING CO. PHONE 6 NOTHING DOWN Little as $ 5 Monthly Your home can be 10 to 15 degrees cooler in summer —save up to one- third on fuel bills —by I n s u l a t i n g N O W w i t h Bal­ sam-Wool. It’s wa­ terproof, vermin- proof, s a g p r o o f and fire resistant Sold on m o n e y - back guarantee at rMTitgii You are Invited to have a FREE CHECK-UP With Our NEW S cie n tific Manbee ▼ heel n b i l i m en t Equipm ent W A u lign STOPS Do You Know? SHIMMY TIRE WEAR WANDER HARD STEERING misalignment of 1-8 Inch means your ear la Slipping Sideways 32 feet every mile, misalignment of 1-2 inch means your car ia Slipping Sideways 128 fee4 every mile. LU M B ER ® C 0 M W N ir BRING YOUR STEERING TROUBLES TO US “T here's a yard near y o u " Pruyn 's G a rage Dwight Smith, Manager Phone 15 Nyssa Phone 56W 2nd and Main Sto- THE OLIVER "SELF-BALANCED" MOWER and what it will do in your hay fields. Your weight, alone, takes the weight off the horses’ necks Make this mower balance test: Put a mail on the seat o f the Oliver Mower. Then lift the tongue. You’ll do it without effort with one hand— then make the same teat on any mower with forward mounted gears and see the differ- ence. Your weight balances the Oliver Mower. Your weight is all that is needed to take the weight off the horses' nocks. And that means as much in comfort to you as it does to the horses. You ride in comfort and quiet on the smooth running, easy riding, light draft Oliver Mower. The 4-square frame holds the bar squarely to its work, makes the Oliver Mower free from tongue slap, and the gear mounting hack o f the solid one-piecc axle produces the balance that takes the weight off the horses’ necks, together they keep your horses free from sore necks. All gears are completely enclosed running in nil, and there is one less gear in the Oliver, still further reducing draft. This mower is a standard 3" guard spacing machine. Come in and let us show you how well it meets the needs o f this territory. OLIVER ' < a a V ,r o tr> p t n t NYSSA IMPLEMENT CO. PHONE 4 NYSSA