The Gate City Journal WINIFRED BROWN THOMAS - - - - Owner LOUIS P. THOMAS - - - - Editor and Publisher INDEPENDENT IN POLITICS AND RELIGION, OPTIMISTIC IN DISPOSITION^WITH NO INTERESTS TO SERVE EXCEPT THOSE OP MALHEUR COUNTY SUBSCRIPTION RATES »1.50 One Year — »100 Six Months .. .06 Single Copies (Strictly In Advance) ADVERTISING RATES Open rate, per Inch............SOc National, Per Inch ............30c Classifieds, Per word ---- 01c Minimum 25c Published every Thursday at Nyaea, Malheur County. Oregon Entered at the postoffice at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission through the United States Malls, as second class matter, under the act of March 3. 1879. NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL’S PROGRAM ------*—r - Co-operative Marketing Association for Malheur Fanners A Properly Equipped Trailer Camp A City Park A Comprehensive Street Improvement Plan OREGON SUGAR TIME, from August 2 to 17, should make all of us in this district feel proud that the State of Oregon is paying our county a special tribute as having one of the newest industries in the state. Up and down the length and breadth of the state the fame of Nyssa and “White Satin Sugar (or Oregon Sugar, as the folks on the coast put it) will be spread. For our farming community, it will mean the centering of attention on the productivity of our lands and the high type of farmers that we have tilling those lands. As a city in which is located one of the world’s finest sugar refineries, we will gain much in publicity, to say nothing of gaining a place along with other industrial cities of Oregon. To the consumers in Malheur county, in fact in the entire Nyssa factory district we can help ourselves by increasing our purchases of “White Satin” sugar during this Oregon Sugar Time. FIFTH COLUMNISTS and other misguided individuals would have us believe that this nation need not fear any “inside” jobs of sabo tage. Just for the record, and for our readers information here is an item from California— READ IT THEN MAKE UP YOUR MIND IF THE PATRIOTS OF THIS COUNTRY ARE CRYING "WOLF”— “San Bernardino county has acted quickly to thwart fifth columnists and protect vital sup plies of water and power in the wake of a dis astrous fire at Parker dam branded as the work of saboteurs. Investigation last week disclosed that a rec lamation warehouse on the California side of Parker dam had been fired by an electrical device and that the fire hose nozzels had been plugged with bolts prior to the blaze. The anti-fifth column ordinance would pro vide a severe penalty for trespassing on proper ty posted by the Metropolitan water district and certain utilities. So critical has the situation become that the water district is guarding the entire 224-mile adqueduct. Other water lines and caches of explosives would come under provisions of the ordinance. Members of the board indicated the ordinance would be passed next Monday. F.B.I. officers and deputies of Sheriff E. L. Shay, who investigated the Parker warehouse fire were unanimous in declaring it the result or arson. An electric generating device was found in the ruins. This, officers believe was used to ignite flame throwing devices. Aroused by the blast, the first of which oc curred at 2 a. m., government workers employ ed on the dam project rushed to the burning building, only to find that the fire lines had been rendered useless. They attempted to lay open fire hose into the blazing building, but were driven back when hundreds of acetylene gas tanks stored in the warehouse began to explode, ripping the burning structure and scattering em bers over a wide area. In less than an hour the building was in mins. Arson experts of the federal bureau of in vestigation and Boyd Sleeper of the Pacific Coast Fire Underwriters’ bureau were called in to the case when the generator set, an ingen ious device, was found in the ruins. Attached to the generator was a crank, not unlike that used on the old-fashioned hand-operated wall telephones, from which wires were connected to explosives, according to the theory of the in vestigators. Electrical energv generated by the hand set would have been sufficient to have de tonated an incendiary bomb, the officers said.” —San Bernadino Telegram. “OUT TO LUNCH” France perished still ob serving a government enforced “two hour noon hour.” Her people were “out to lunch” socially, economically, politically and militarily when the Germans marched in. This is the only possible conclusion to be drawn from news reports, and in them lies an eternal warning for America. France carried “social reform” to the point of national decav. Politically we have been following a parallel path. We too have been rounded by burgeon bureaucracy, skyrocketing debt, and crumbling initiative. The w’orld owes one a living. The impact of realism, not Hitler, destroyed France. There is no security except that attained by constant labor. This is not theory. It is a basic law which will ultimately decide our future individ ually and as a nation, as it did that of France. For long years we have acted on the belief that by arbitrarily shortening hours of work, penalizing ambition and profit, and curtailing productive , enterprise, we could, somehow, someday, lose ourselves in the distant blue haze of collective security. We have been gyrating in a vicious, futile circle, labor against capital, politician against business man, community against community, with professional “ reform ers” standing in the center of the circle like circus ringmasters cracking the whip of dis content. Witness the sitdown strike, the pro vocative, business-baiting extremist generaliz ing on scattered abuses by industry, the pathetic picture of thousands of communities and mil lions of individuals vying for “free” public mon ey—each striving to get a share of the loot. Meanwhile the voters have had a curiously de tached feeling toward annual government de fied ts running into billions of dollars. These are the things that destroy nations, and make rich pasturage for fifthcolumnists. They destroyed France. If we go back to work now, a nation of free men under a system of free enterprise, they will not destroy us—we will not be caught “out to lunch.”—Industrial News- Review. NYSSA HEIGHTS Mrs. Bates and Miss Alice of Philadelphia. Penn., visited the past week at the Jess Huntington home. Mrs. Roger Tucker and children, Mrs. E. E. Botner, Ilia and Thanuel and Carrie Mears wen^t to Nampa Thursday on business and took dinner with Mrs. John Wade. Mrs. Orren Choate and son Carl of Marslng visited at the R. C. Smith home Saturday evening. Sunday visitors at the Glen Suit er home were relatives Mr. and Mrs. Manford Stimmel and children and Art Parker of Homedale, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. John Bartholma visited at the Silas Hoffman home Sunday in Beauna Vista. Misses Ilia Botner and June Web ster returned from the Institute of the Nazarene Church at the Payette Lakes Tuesday reporting a lovely trip. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Luts and their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Due- wy of Nyssa were callers at the Joe Woodard home Sunday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Guy McGee of Canyonvllle and the latters moth er, Mrs, Frank Sagaberd of Gardin er, Ore, spent from Thursday until Sunday visiting at the James Malloy and Vigil McGee homes and attend ed to business matters. Mr. McGee is a brother of Mrs. Malloy. Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Kurtz and Mr. Kurtz's mother made a business trip to Ontario Wednesday. Mrs. Rees Byram, Mrs. Jim Moss and Mrs. Dan Corbett were among the 40 ladies that enjoyed a lunch eon at the home of Mrs. Andy Boer- sma sponsored by the Circle No. I of the Methodist ladies aid of Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Suiter visited Sunday evenig at the Charles Huff man home in Apple Valley. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Foster, of Nyssa, transacted business and visit ed at the E. R. Anderson home. The Nyssa Height Alberta Valley 4-H club held a meeting at the home of Raymond Fox Monday evening and made arrangments to attend the 4-H picnic in Vale Wednesday. Sunday dinner guests at Roger Tucker's home were Rev. and Mrs. Verti Martin and Joyce of Nyssa. Miss Lolo Lee Gaston of Rich mond arrived for a two weeks visit with old friends. Mrs. Joe Woodard was presented with many pretty and useful gifts when a group of her friends and neighbors gathered at her new home Wednesday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Jess Hunting enter tained Mr. and Mrs O. J Kurtz. Edwin and Harold and Mr. Kurtz's mother in honor of their Philadel phia visitors Saturday evening. Cards were enjoyed and refresh ments of ice cream and cake were served. C O N F U C IU S SAY EVEN ELEPHANT FORGET MAN WHO NEVER ADVERTISE ^ 1 O f Ad Legal Advertising NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION U n ite d S ta te s D e p a rtm e n t of th e In te rio r, G e n e ra l L a n d O ffice a t T h e D alles, O reg o n , J u ly 15. 1940 NOTICE is hereby given that Maurice L. Judd, of Nyssa, Oregon, who, on July 6, 1936, made Original Desert Land Entry, Act 3-3-77, No. 025813, for Farm Unit “B” or the N*4SW'i and SEUNW'i, Section 11, Township 21 S„ Range 45 E., Willamette Medidian, has filed notice of intention to make final Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Carl H Coad, Notary Public, at Nyssa, Oregon, on the 30th day of August, 1940. Claimant names as witnesses: Russell Talbot. Ernest Smith, Harold Fivecoat, and Ira Mars, all of Nyssa. Oregon, R. F. D W. F. JACKSON, Register. First Published 25 July, 1940. Last Published 22 August, 1940. N O T IC E F O R P U B L IC A T IO N U n ited S ta te s D e p a r tm e n t of th e In te rio r. G e n e ra l L a n d O ffiee a t T h e D alles, O regon, Ju ly 15, 1940 NOTICE is hereby given that Har old Fivecoat, assignee of Robert S. Overstreet, of Nyssa. Oregon, who, on July 6, 1936, made Original Des ert Land Entry, Act 3-3-77, No. 031225, for Farm Unit "D" cr the SVèSE'i and N W 'iSEtt, Section 11. Township 21 S„ Range 45 E„ Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Carl H. Coad, Notary Public, at Nyssa. Ore gon, on the 30th day of August, 1940. Claimant names as witnesses: Russell Talbot, Ernest Smith, Virgil O. Packer, and Ira Mars, all al Nvssa. Oregon. W. F. JACKSON. Register. First Published 25 July, 1940. Last Published 22 August, 1940. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION United States Department of the Interior. General Land Office at The Dalles. Oregon, July 15, 1940 NOTICE is hereby given that Virgil O. Packer, Assignee of Maur ice L. Judd, of Nyssa, Oregon, who on July 6. 1936, made Original Des ert Land Entry. Act 3-3-77, No. 031308. for Farm Unit “E" or the S 'jS W ',. Section 11. Township 21 S.. Range 45 E„ Willamette Merid ian. has filed notice of intention to make final Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Carl H Coad. Notary Pub lic, at Nyssa, Oregon, on the 30th day of August, 1940. Claimant names as witnesses: Russel Talbot, Ernest Smith. Har old Fivecoat. and Ira Mars, all of Nyssa. Oregon. R. F. D. W. F. JACKSON. Register. First Published 25 July. 1940 Last Published 22 August. 1940 LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT NOT I CE That County warrants not presented will be cancelled. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the following warrants will be cancelled and the payments thereof will be refused unless said warrants are presented to the County Treasurer for payment on or before Au gust 31. 1940: GENERAL FUND WARRANTS Amount Claimant Date Issued Number State Industrial Accident Commission »12.15 August '31, 1932 8688 Van Petten Lumber Com 37.75 9354 December 8, 1932 pany 35.00 Harold Mallett 9706 December 8, 1932 25.00 Mrs. Emma Thompson 9981 January 31. 1933 50 00 Frank Swisher 10330 April 13. 1933 H. 8 SACKETT, County Clerk. First Publication July 11, 1940 Last Publication: August 8, 1940. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION United States Department of the Interior. General Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, July 15, 1940 NOTICE is hereby given that Robert S. Overstreet, of Boiy, Idaho, who. on July 6, 1936, made Original Desert Land Entry, Act 3-3-77 No. 025814. for Farm Unit • B" or the Ni-jNE'i and NE^NW 1* Section 14. Township 21 S., Range., 45 E. Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Carl H Coad, Notary Public, at Nyssa. Oregon, on the 30th day of August, 1940. Claimant names as witnesses: Russell Talbot, Ernest Smith, Vir gil O. Packer, and Ira Mars, all of Nyssa. Oregon, R. F. D. W. F. JACKSON, Register. First Published 25 July, 1940. Last Published 22 August, 1940. SU M M O N S F O R P U B L IC A T IO N IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR RALPH M. CASTATER and HEL EN H. CASTATER, husband and wife, Plaintiffs vs. Lyman Allen Green and Mary A. Green, his wife; Mercy Ann Leuck and Nicholas Leuck, her husband; Eliza Jane Boyd and Herman Boyd, her husband; Martha Ellen Fields and Henry Fields, her hus band; Sadie Irene Webb and Clin ton Webb, her husband; George W. Hillmon and Ida M. Hillmon, his wife; Rose G. Cole, a widow; A. H. Webber; Herley V. Webber and Jane Doe Webber, his wife; Mrs. W. G. Hansen and W. G. Hansen, h e r husband; Cecil Green; Cherald Davis and Bert Davis, her husband; Kenneth Green and Jane Doe Green, his wife; Doris Davis and John Doe Davis, her husband; Glen Green and Rosina Green, his wife; The da Dodge and John Doe Dodge, her husband; John Doe Brooks; the unknown heirs, if any, of Sarah Jane Peer, Deceased; the unknown heirs, if any, of George P. Green, Deceased; the unknown heirs, if any, of Nora L. Green, Deceased; and also all other per sons or person unknown claiming any right, title, lien or interest in or to the real property in the complaint herein described, Defendants. To: Kenneth Green, Jane Doe Green, Mercy Ann Leuck, Nicholas Leuck, Mrs. W. G. Hansen, W. G. Hansen, Cherald Davis, Bert Davis, Theda Dodge, John Doe Dodge, George W. Hillmon, Ida M. Hillmon, Rose G. Cole, A. H. Webber, Herley V. Webber, Jane Doe Webber, John Doe Brooks, the unknown heirs, if any, of Sarah Jane Peer, Deceased; the unknown heirs, if any, of George P. Green, Deceased; the un known heirs, if any, of Nora L. Green, Deceased; and also all oth er persons or person unknown claiming any right, title, lien or in terest in or to the real property in the complaint herein described, of the above-named Defendants: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You and each of you hereby are commanded to ap pear in the above entitled court and cause, within four weeks after the date of first publication of this summons, which date is June 6th, 1940, then and there to answer or otherwise plead to the complaint filed herein, and if you fail so to do, and for want thereof, the plaintiffs will take judgment and decree against you as prayed for in their complaint: (1) Requiring each of you to set forth the nature of your claim to tire following described real property in Malheur County, Oregon: Commencing at the Southeast corner of Bi. 68 Green's Addition to the Town of Nyssa, as shown by the Revised Plat on file in the oifice oi the County Clerk oi Malheur County at Vale, Oregon, which point of beginning is on the West line oi the right of way of the Oregon Short Line Railroad Company; and running thence West on the South line of said Block 68 extended West approxi mately 184.5 feet to a point 34.5 ieet West of the West line of said Block 68, and 275.5 feet east of the East line of First Street as shown by said Plat; thence South 25 feet; thence West 137 feet to a point 138.5 feet East of the East Une of said First Street; thence South 470 feet along a line paral lel to said East line of First Street and 138.5 feet East there of; thence East 110 feet; thence South 150 feet to the North line of Green Avenue as shown by said Plat; thence East along the North line of said Green Avenue 143 ieet and to the West line of the right of way of the Oregon Short Line Railroad Company; a n d thence Northeasterly along said right of way line to the Southeast corner of said Block 68 of Green’s Addition to Nyssa; the point of beginning; all as shown by the Revised Plat of the Town, now City, of Nyssa on file in the Of fice of the County Clerk of Mal heur County at Vale, Oregon and th at all claims of the defen dants adverse to the plaintiffs be determined by the Court; (2) that the Court declare, adjudge and de termine that you and each of you have no estate or interest whatever in or to said land and premises, and that the title of the plaintiffs in and to said land and property is a good and valid fee simple title; (3) that you and each of you shall be forever enjoined and debarred from asserting any claim whatever in or to said land and property adverse to the plaintiffs; (4) for such other and further relief as to the Court shall seem equitable in this matter; and (5) for plaintiffs’ costs and dis bursements in this suit made and incurred. You will take notice th at this summons is served on you under and by virtue of and pursuant to an Order of the Hon. Robt. M. Dun can, Circuit Judge of said County and State, made on the 15th day of July 1940, directing that the sum mons herein be published for four successive weeks, including five publications, in the Nyssa Gate City Journal, published at Nyssa, Oregon. CARL H. COAD, Attorney for Plaintiffs, Resident and Past-office address: Nyssa, Oregon. Dated and 1st pub., July 18, 1940. Last pub., Aug. 15, 1940. NOTCE OF S H E R IF F ’S SALE On the 24th day of August, 1940, at the hour of 10:30 A. M. at the front door of the Court House in Vale. Malheur County, Oregon, I will sell at pubic auction to the highest bidder for cash, the fol lowing described property, to-wit: Lots Eight (8) Block Twenty- Seven (27), South Fifty feet (50 ft.) of Lots One to Five inclusive (1 to 5), Block Thirty (30), Lots Six to Seven inclusive (6 to 7) Block Thirty (30), Lots Eleven and Twelve (11 and 12), Block Thirty-one (31), Lots One to Five inclusive (1 to 5), Block Thirty-two (32), Lots Six to Twelve inclusive (6 to 12). Block Thirtv-two (32), all in Teutsch’s Addition to the City of Nyssa, to gether with the tenements, heredita ments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise apper taining. Said sale is made under execution Issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Malheur to me directed in the case of The City of Nyssa, a Mu nicipal Corporation, Plaintiff, vs. Pete Dear and the members of the Nazarene Church whose names are to the plaintiff unknown; Joseph E Mellman and Jane Doe Mellman, his wife; Grover Nelson and Jane Doe Nelson, his wife; C. P. Over- street, and Jane Doe Overstreet his wife; S T. Calhoun and Jane Doe Calhoun, his wife; C. L. Lindsev and Jane Doe Lindsey, his wife; John Ray and Jane Doe Ray, his wife; Don M. Graham and Jes sie C. Graham, his wife; J. Blayney Boydell, a single man; Sam Y. West and Jane Doe West, his wife; Charles C. Bright and Jane Doe Bright, his wife; and all other per sons claiming some right, title, lien or interest in or to any of the lots, blocks, parcel or parcels of real pro perty involved in and described in this complaint, and also all other persons or parties unknown claim ing any right title estate, lien, or Interest in the real property herein described or any part thereof. De fendants. C. W. GLENN, Sheriff, Malheur County, Oregon. A. L. FLETCHER, Nyssa, Oregon, Attorney for Plaintiff. First publication, August 22nd, 1940. Last publication. August 22nd, 1940. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Malheur. In the matter of the Estate of LURA A. CUNNINGHAM, deceased. The undersigned, A. L. Fletcher, having been appointed Administra tor of the Estate of Lura A. Cun ningham, deceased, a n d having qualified as such, hereby gives no tice to the creditors and au persons having claims against said estate to present same, verified as required by law with the proper vouchers, within six months after the publi cation of this notice, to the said Administrator at Nyssa, Oregon, the same being the place designated for the transaction of all business per taining to said estate. July 2, 1940. A. L. FLETCHER, Administrator of the Estate of Lura A. Cunningham, deceased. First Publication: July 4, 1940. Last Publication: August 1, 1940. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Iii the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Malheur. In the matter of the Estate of JOHN F. REECE, deceased. The undersigned, Clarence A. Reece, having been appointed Ex ecutor of the estate of John F. Reece, deceased, and having quali fied as such, hereby gives notice to the creditors and all persons hav ing claims against said estate to present same, verified as required by law with the proper vouchers, within six months after the publi cation of this notice, to the said Executor at Nyssa, Oregon, the same being the place designated for the transaction of all business pertain ing to said estate. July 1, 1940. CLARENCE A. REECE, Executor of the Estate of John F. Reece, deceased. First Publication: July 4, 1940. Last Publication: August 1, 1940. NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the legal voters of Union High School District No. 5, of Malcur County, State of Oregon, that a SCHOOL MEET ING of the said district will be held at Nyssa Union High School Building on the 7th day of August, 1940, at 8:00 o’clock p. m., for the purpose of dis cussing the budget for the fiscal school year, be ginning July 1, 1940, and ending June 16. 1941, hereinafter set forth. BUDGET Estimated Receipts 1. Estimated balance on hand at the be ginning of the fiscal school year (third Monday in June) for which this budget is made .......................... $ none 2. To be received from the County School Fund ....................................... none 3. To be received from the Elementary Fund ........................................................ none 4. To be received from the State Ir reducible School Fund ................... none 5. To be received from Vocational Educa tion (State and Federal Funds) .... 1.110.00 6. To be received from the Non-High School District for: Tuition and Transportation .................................... $ 500.00 7. To be received from tuition for ele mentary school pupils ....................... none 8. To be received from interest on de posits and sinking fund ........................ none 9. To be received from other sources...... none 10. TOTAL ESTIMATED, RECEIPTS (Items 1 to 9. Inc.)........................3 1.610.00 Estimated Expenditures I. GENERAL CONTROL 1. Personal service: (1) Superintendent ............ ........... $ 1.200.00 (2) Clerk ......................................... 240.00 (3) Stenographers and other office assistants ....................................... 100.00 2. Supplies ......................................... 75.00 3. Elections and publicity .................... 50.00 4. Legal service (clerk’s bond, audit, etc.) .................................................... 50.00 5. Other expense of general control: (1) .................................................. 150.00 6. Total Expense of General Control S 1,865.00 11. INSTRUCTION—Supervision 1. Personal service: (1) Principals .................................. » 1,200.00 2. Supplies, principals and supervisors 50.00 3. Other expense of supervision 50.00 4. Total Expense, Supervision ____ * 1,300.00 III. INSTRUCTION—Teaching 1. Personal service (1) Teachers .............................. . » 18,620.00 (2) Emergency Teaching ............. 100.00 2. Supplies (chalk, paper, etc.) .......... 250.00 3. Textbooks „ .............. 50.00 4. Transportation. Agri. & Home Ec. 375.00 5. Other expense of teaching 100.00 6. Total Expense of Teaching ___ * 19.495.00 IV. OPERATION OF PLANT 1. Personal service: (1) Janitors and other employees t 2.400 00 2. Janitors' supplies ___________ 500.00 3. Fuel ......... 950.00 4. Light and power ....... .............. ..... 1.400.00 5. Water ..... 250.00 6. S e w e r ______________ . 78.00 7. Phone .............. 125.00 8. Other expense of operation..... ........ 100.00 ». Total Expense of O peration______» 5.803.00 V. MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS 1. Repair and maintenance of furni ture and equipment ........................ $ 2. Repair and maintenance of buildings and grounds: ( 1) 300.00 ....................................... ....... 3. Other expense of maintenance and repairs ...................................... 4. Total Expense of Maintenance and Repairs ................ ..................... VI. AUXILIARY AGENCIES 1. Library: (1) Personal service (librarian, etc.) (2) Library books ............................ (3) Supplies, repairs, etc.................. 2. Health service: (I)Supplies and other expenses .... 3. Transportation of pupils: (1) Bus Operation ........................... (2) Supplies and other expenses (3) Repair and replacement of busses................................................. 4. Other expenses ................................. 5. Total Expense of Auxiliary Agen cies .................................................... VII. FIXED CHARGES 1. Insurance __ ____________ 2. Total Fixed Charges ....... VIII. CAPITAL OUTLAYS 1. New furniture, equipment ________ ___ and replacements ...................................... 2. Other capital outlays: (1) Ground improvement ............ 3. Total Capital Outlays .................... IX. 1. 2. 3. 450.00 DEBT SERIVCE Interest on bonds .......... Intereest on warrants ... Total Debt Service .......... 1 . 00.00 S 850.00 00.00 750.00 50.00 30.00 4 , 200.00 145.00 200.00 100.00 * 5, 475.00 $ * 182.65 182.65 * 2,300.00 * 1,500.00 * 3,800.00 ............ * 1,490.62 600.00 * 2,090.62 X. EMERGENCY RECAPITULATION Total estimated expenses for the year ; (sum of items 1-6, II-4, III-8, 8, IV-9, V-4, VI-5, VII-2, V in-3, IX-3, X ...... $ 42,861.27 Total estimated receipts, not including proposed tax ................................... 1,610.00 Balance, amount to be raised by district tax .......................................... $ 41.251287 INDEBTEDNESS 1. Amount of bonded indebtedness (in clude all negotiable interest-bearing warrants issued under section 35-1104) * 41,750.00 2. Amount of warrant indebtdness on warrants issued and endorsed “not paid for want of funds" ............. _..... 4.000.00 3., Amount of other indebtedness...... *„.... 00.00 4 Total Indebtedness (sum of items 1, 2. 3) ................... . ...... » 45,750 00 Dated this 15th of July, 1940. Signed: HEINZ SO NNEKES DALE GARRISON District Clerk Chairman. Board of Directors Approved by Budget Committee July 15, 1940 Signed: A. H. BOYDELL CHAS. GARRISON Secretary Chairman Budget Committee Budget Committee