THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1940. RICHLAND one of them was less than this and ton ranch. They have been work coast. they were left untouched as being ing for Emmett McCarthy on the Bill MeElroy. Merle Smith and unfit for the harvest. Vale road Fred Stucky o f Woodbum. Ore . R ilp h Barnes have ^ htlpl Rich indeed is the land now. and Norman Hipp has quit farming with Dick Holmes of Nyssa were , __,, , if all those who till it and take from and is taking a course in vocational Saturday visitor, at th , Roland Hoi- lhe potatoe ,lelds 111 the Ltnco1“ community. it its richness wilt but give a little training school at Pendl:ton in mes home. heed to past mistakes made in other aeronatics. The second cutting of hay has Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Pfeiler were sections there wilt be no lessening The flume washed out at the Boise visitors Saturday. been under full swing the past week. of crops here with its attending Jones ranch last week and the water Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Hall and fam Some is already stacked while the poverty and hard times for owner Ministers or others Interested in church publicity are Invited to use was out a day and a half. The ily of Nampa were Sunday dinner rest has not been cut, due to not and tenant alike in later years. Not the columns of the Journal to carry important messages and notices CCC boys repaired it. guests o f Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Ross. being watered right after the water only must the farmer give heed to to their congregations. Please try to get your copy in by Tuesday of Louise Orris, daughter of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Brandt spent the care of the soil on his own each week. came back into the ditch following Mrs. Lloyd Orris was maried to Joe CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Sunday at the H. E. Brandt home F IR S T CHURCH OF C H RIST acreage but must give heed as well the break. White, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Sixth Near Main in Nampa on Sunday. to the water sheds in the uplands SC IEN TIST The harvesting of small grain is White in Payette last Wednesday. Vem Martin, Pastor Frank Whipple and family were from which flow the life giving Things About Nyssa’s Shops still in progress although not so Sunday School at 10:00 a. m. with 215 North 9th Street, Payette, Idaho The couple went to Payette Lakes dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray waters to his acres. Forest fires A branch of The Mother Church, to spend a few days. extensively as a couple of weeks ago. E. J. Hohson superintendent. Jones of Nyssa on Sunday evening. and their devasation must be elim John Pennington flew his airplane Morning Worship at 11:00 a. m. The First Church of Christ, Scient Mrs. H. L. Brooks and sons went Saturday evening dinner guests inated or cut down to those started Came the warning blast of the from Walla Walla, Washington and Prayer meeting at 6:45 every Sun is t , in Boston. Massachusetts. to Council to pick huckleberries. at the D. E. Mitchell home were Mr. only by lightening and not the Sunday School— 10:00 a. m. fire siren past midnight on Friday spent the week end at the home of day evening. and Mrs. Blanke o f Vale and Mr. his parents. and we with the rest of the citizenry carelessness o f selfish humans who Reading Room — 710 1st Ave. Junior meeting at 7:15; Mrs. M ar and Mrs. E. J. Brandt woke to find the sky aflame and the give heed to naught save their own tin supervisor. North. Open daily from 2 to 4 p. m. Alta Anderson Is spending a week Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Nellson had at the John Braswell home in Nam d d Methodist church a blazing in f selfish pleasures. I f necessary all Young Peoples meeting at 7:15— where the Bible and authorized forests should be closed to every as Sunday dinner guests Mrs. Nell- Christian Science Literature may be ierno. Again we were amazed at Arlene Seward, president. pa. son’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Evangelistic service at 8:00, mes read, borrowed or purchased, and is efficiency of Fire Chief Bill Schire- camper during the dry season, and R IV E R VIEW — The Community every possible precaution taken to Benton o f Nyssa. open every day from two to four man and his volunteer fighters, so sage by pastor. • Sunday School meets in Ernest Wednesday evening prayer and p. m.. except Sundays and holidays. efficiently did they go about the preserve the forest whether national Those attending the luncheon Johnson's home next Sunday. business of saving the parsonage or privately owned. They are a praise service. / ' r given by the Methodist Ladies Aid Christian Endeavor meetsat 7:30. All Friday evening is young peoples ST. PAUL'S EPISCO PAL CHURCH and store buildings. How they ac national assett and no one whether of Nyssa at the Andrew Boersma MAS young people are invited to a water- complish so much with so little of he pays the taxes on the land or not prayer meeting. home were Mrs. Clifford Neilson. Rev. Stanley Moore, Pastor mellon social at Mr. and Mrs. Bail Missionary meeting second Thurs STOOP modern fire fighting appliances ist should be allowed to destroy them. Mrs. Robert DeGross and Miss Evel Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. Sun ey's Saturday evening at 8 o’clock. Fearful were we when the fire day of each month. beyond our ken. But do it they do, days. yn Smith, a guest of Mrs. De Gross. TH E Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Gonnason wast at its heighth on Friday night Men’s home missionary movement as evidenced that evening. But we Sunday services at 7 p. m. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and T EST and family were Sunday dinner that Mrs. Atkeson's apparell shop first Sunday afternoon of every were minded also that had the wind Junior Y. P. F. first and third Mrs. Robert De Gross were Mr. and guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hill. OF T IM E been out in full strength as it is would be the next to go, but the fire month at 2:30. Mondays. Mrs. Vern Smith of Lincoln Heights. Mr. and Mrs. George Clowers A ll are invited to attend these so often this time of year and at laddies didst a good job and saved Senior Y. P. F. second and fourth Sunday callers at the D. R. Gross finished a new porch to their home that time of night it might have it. The sign out front didst peel services. Mondays. home were Mr. and Mrs. Cheeze of last week. been a much different and much its paint as a small boy doest the Guild second Wednesday. Ontario and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. skin on his back after the first visit PAR M A LU TH E R AN CHURCH Kathleen Lee is spending this more tragic finish. Even as it was, Smith of Nyssa. of the season to the old swimming A. A. Schmidt. Pastor week with her anut, Mrs. Irving burning embers and flaming shing L. D. S. CHURCH Kent Davis returned home on hole and the big plate glass window Frank in Nampa. les fell as far east as the Sugar Saturday from Soda Springs Sunday, 10 a. m.—Sunday School 10:00 a. m.—Divine services with factory. But it takes money and didst crack and crash to the side Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Johnson Colorado Picnic filter the celebration of Holy Communion. meeting. much monies for even a little of walk. But the soot didst Sunday, 11:30 a. m.—Priesthood were visitors in Parma Saturday. Sermon; Rejected Love. through the crevices and cast its Former residents of Colorado will fire fighting equipment and money Mary DeHashmutt has returned 11:00 a. m. — Sunday School and meeting. Is something out little city ist a shade upon a lot of the undies on home from a months vacation with hold their annual picnic at Big 7:30 p. m. Sacrament Sunday, Bible class. Bend Park on Sunady. August 4th little shy on just now what with display on the mezzanine, not harm her grandmother in Caldwell. W e invite you to attend our Sun meeting. sewer bonds and street improve ed in the least are they for use, but Tuesday, 2 p. m. R elief Society. Geo. Clowers and sons Phillip and day School and services. The ser ments and city parks to be paid for just their newness marred so they Allen were business visitors in On mon Sunday morning will bring a But we could have a benefit ball or must go for less than their real K IN G M AN C O M M U N ITY tario Friday. message specially suited to our age. even a series of them or some com cost and actual value. So 'twill be For Isrel, the nation which spurned CHURCH Merildian Bobbins spent last week a pretty bargain one may get there munity activity to raise the needed God’s offer of grace, the Lord had Ernest Tetwiler, Pastor working at the Herman ranch. LIN C O LN H E IG H TS—Leslie Pen funds for the first necessities. Then when the time doest come for them a warning and a plea. He has that Sunday school 10 a. m. Mrs. E. Lawrence Bailey spent his week nington, son of Mr. and Mrs. George too there could be many fire hazards to go on sale. But tis no mean same plea and a similar warning Osborn, superintendent. bargain that one doest get there end visiting his brothers and family Pennington, and M arjorie Ward, removed from the center of our bus for our nation in such a time as Morning worship 11 a. m. in Vale. eldest daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. iness blocks, old and out moded on any day for tis Mrs. Atkeson's this. “ Righteousness exalteth a nat Christian Endeavor 7:45 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Babcock of South George Ward were married in Reno, barns and sheds often no longer motto to sell the best for less. And ion.” W hat are you doing to make Evening worship 8:30 p. m. Dakota were Sunday guests of Mr Nevada on Monday. They returned used rubbish heaps and vacant lots hast cast thine eyes yet on that our nation more righteous in the with plenty of and Mrs. Leroy Herman. via California and Crater Lake in burned off, and even in the homes ducky maroon colored soft woolen sight of God? Come to church Sun M E TH O D IST C O M M U N ITY slack suit. It is bound to make a all unused inflamable articles and day. Mr. and Mrs. DeHashmutt had Oregon. They will be located at CHURCH “ A Changeless Christ for a truck disposed of. Just a little add Heddy LaM arr out of even an ugly company fom Iowa and Texas last Mormon Basin. Merle W. Burres, Minister. ed precaution and like bread upon duckling. The which later are few Changing World.” week. Bill McElroy spent an enjoyable Phone 131W the waters it may repay one a and far between. Nelson Herman has just com day Sunday at Wallowa Lakes. He Church School at 10 a. m. A. B. C.C.C. C O M M U N IT Y CHURCH And on Monday late didst watch hundred fold. accompanied Nyssa friends. pleted his new home. Hann. Superintendent. Morning and Evening As we watched the old church the moving crew sweat and haw as Emil Frank returned Thursday Lavone and Estell Osbum have Morning Worship at 11 a. m. Sunday School 10 a. m. crackle and crumble we were mind they transfered the big fountain Deliveries morning after having attended fun had chicken pox this last week. The young people of the Epworth Church Services 11 a. m. ed of what a place in the history from its old stand at the Nyssa PHONE 104W eral services for his father in Ne League will have charge of the Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Christian Endeavor, 8 p. m. place at of Nyssa it had held, in its sanct- Pharamacy to its new Pearl braska. Mid-week prayer service, Thurs service. They will give reports of Ernest Johnson were Mrs. ary the stranger hast found new their new store on the corner of the Epworth League Institute and Frank of Nampa, Mary DeHash Gene Reed has been busy thresh day, 8 p. m. Second and Main, where the shin friends, babes have lisped their first will have charge of the Worship mutt and Angela Herman. ing in Apple Valley. He is being Everyone always welcome. ing yellow tiled front with its black prayers, man and maid have pledg assisted this year by Orover Find service. ed their vows in marriage and from trim and gay awnings pretties up ley. Epworth LeagUr 7:30 p. m. NYSSA GOSPEI, TABERNACLE its portals those who have finished the whole street. And on the inside Mr. Brubaker. Mrs. Claude Page Betty Osterkamp will lead the II. B. Talbot. Minister this earthly race and have entered one wilt find the same smiling faces and Francis and Mr. and Mrs. Clar devotional meeting. Sunday School. 10:00 a. m. the doors o f the Great Experience and pleasing courtesy that they have ence Page and M ym a returned Mon The services of the Methodist Co Morning Worship, 11:90 a. m. have lain silent and stilled before found for so many years at the old day evening from a trip to the Evange%listlc Service, 8:00 p. m mmunity Church will be held in the R IC H LAN D —Miss Winona Hen store. that same altar while friends and Parish hall for the present. We derson organized a 4-H cooking club And our spouse after hearing us relatives met for a last farewell. ASSEM BLY OF GOD GOSPEL greatly appreciate this courtesy on for young girls Wednesday after There the young have been taught lament for these many years about, TABERNACLE behalf o f our friends of the Episco noon. No name was selected. O ffic the better way of living and the old the lack of pleasant exercise for pal Church. ers chosen were Marilyn Ekanger. have found peace and comfort and ladies in these parts and the ever Ivan West, Pastor The Minister's temporary resi president; Barbara Henderson, vice insistent need of being on reduced friendship. Bible study, Tuesday at 8 p. m. dence is six blocks from Main on president; Donna Goodell. secretary But fortunately 'tls but the shell food rations as the result of the Young Peoples Service, Thursday Third Street North. I t is the first and Donna Jean Chedelln. yell and that has crumbled The same spirit lack, didst come home in high glee at 8 p. m. house North o f the electric power song leader. that builded it on the outskirts of this past week to report that now Everyone welcome. station in the north part o f town. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Terhune were a little village in the midst of a all such self denial could cease as The members and friends o f the Caldwell visitors Wednesday. sage brush desert, wilt cause it to there was in our town a bowling alley C H R IS T IA N CHURCH church deeply appreciate the e ffic rise again in a growing city. More where ladies could roll the ball down Mr. and Mrs. Guy McGee of Can- Nyssa Legion Hall ient work o f the Fire Department lovely to look upon and more con the allies and thereby reduce their Sunday School at 2:30 p. m. and the citizens o f Nyssa in saving yonville and Mrs. Mary Sagaberd Every detail of our service is aimed venient for use. Surely here as tummies and their poundage to Services at 3 p. m. the parsonage and furniture. Your of Gardener, Oregon have been toward lightening the burden of in all else, “ tis the Spirit thatquick- their hearts content and that the visiting with Virgil McGees and The public is cordially invited to heroic work will ever be remember those left to grieve. eneth, the flesh profiteth nothing.” cost would not be prohibitive. This attend our services. with other relatives. ed. Consult us at any time without cost. And we are minded again this answer to a fat lady's prayer ist Mr. and Mrs. Nick Leuk of Apple located in the Western Hotel at week when a stranger from South Valley were Sunday visitors at the roundings. Bert Marostica and Retha Marsh, Dakota didst stop for a chat how the corner of First and Goode. T . C. Johnson home. Shop in Nyssa and thou wilt not Laurence Marostica and M ary Smith fortunate is the great valley. He Mrs. Ed. Henderson and children Barney and Butch didst return waste thy time and thy gas going Jerry Marostica and Hurtha La AMBULANCE SERVICE Our expert work will make those didst mention that the small grain the end of the week from their fish returned to Twin Falls Friday with farther. Brier, Marinas Smith Jr. and Mr. Phone 73W Nyssa yield in his state wast averaging ing trip and were like many another Kenneth T. Henderson for a visit old shoes look like new. Nick Smith attended a Sunday this summer around four bushels to of Nyssa's top notch fisher folk this with relatives. night dinner at Arrle Smith’s at the acre. And they bother to com year, came in empty handed. But Darlin, M ary and Mrs. V. McGee, Vale. bine it and do cherish it almost as with tall tales of the big ones which Eres Jamison, Juanata Bayles, Hel Mr. and Mrs. Dewey's daughter, gold, so scarce has feed become for wouldn't bite. But a fine time they AR C A D IA — Art Neely planted en Pierce and Winina Henderson stock. And we thought of all the had and look it. lettuce for George Moeller and B. Mrs. Matlock and husband moved attended W e Can 4-H club meet to Vale this week where he has a ing Tuesday at the home of Made SHOE SHOP cries of poor crops from the land But at Barney's grocery mart on Bratton Sunday. Mr. Moeller has job ts electrician for R. C. A. where waters were short from the 200 acres in fall lettuce. line Maw. Main near Second tis a fine lot of Next to N yn a Cafe Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Marostica break in the ditch this June. Not Mr. and Mrs. Ben Shaw's daugh canned finnies they do have from and family spent Sunday afternoon salt waters and fresh the world ter, Betty is confined to her bed at Settino Marostica's in honor of 66 over. And right no¡w those water with rheumatic fever. Settirno's and one of his boy’s Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thompson m elons that are always cool be birthdays. neath the spray are just the thing of Emmett called on Theo. Math- Miss Mutha La Brier of Ontario for eating and now the price ist erly Sunday. returned from a two weeks vacat The school board met Monday down so low that these ist not the ion in Portland the last of the week faintest taint of gold when one bites evening to hire a teacher for the and spent the week end with Retha upper grades. into one of those long dark red Sam Caldwell is sick in the On Marsh. slices. • Bob Dewey, assistant scout mast And even while Butch was away tario hospital awaiting an operat A ll Oregon will celebrate this state-wide pro er o f troup 19 of Nyssa, took the ion. twas a fine slice of salmon we didst gram to stimulate interest in Oregon’s basic The Arcadia Sunshine Club had troup to the mountains above Boise purchase at his meat mart, browned industries and resources. It has the unqualified a picnic on the lawn at Mrs. Charles for a 10 day outing. . . . W H E R E A S , one o f the strongest factors to a golden brown on a hot skillet, support o f Governor Sprague and o f dozens Bullard's last Sunday. Their water- Mr. and Mrs. J. T Snow and her contributing to the grow th o f tht* city is the it didst melt in ones mouth when A T T O R N E Y -A T -L A W o f Oregon mayors, also o f the state at large. mellon feed will be August 18th. brother Tom Cole went to McCall developm ent o f arable lands from form at sage eaten. But at that meat dispensary You can do your part by buying or selling Angelo Morostica's fam ily and Thursday for a vacation with rela PHONE 31 brush covered areas . . . and, there ist always a fine lot and Oregon’s own and only sugar. Mrs. Morostica’s sister Miss Julia tives and returned Sunday. Nyssa, Oregon variety of protein producers to Guenzi returned last Monday from W 'H E R E A S , in one such development, in Mr. and Mrs. George Bishop have M. , . I learn with special interest that many choose from. eastern O regon . . . the grow in g o f sugar a few days outing at Payette Lakes. another boy born at the Britting- o f Oregon’s communities are preparing to set Twas a sweet young thing that Miss Guenzi, a teacher in Panama, ham home Tuesday night. beets has been proven physically feasible and aside August 2 to August 17 as “ Oregon asked after she had seen “ Gone with lpft here Tuesday for Loqisville, profitable to the farm er; and Mr. and Mrs Howard Lucas have Physician and Surgeon Sugar Time.” As Governor o f the State, I the W ind" at the Nyssa theatre, Colo, to visit relatives. moved their trailer house to her should like to add my word o f encouragement W H E R E A S , in this area there has been es Phone 37 just what a shimmy was that Scar Mr and Mrs. Vernon Huguenin, I place, known to most as the New- to this worthy movement, and urge upon all tablished O rego n ’s first sugar factory . . . and let had whispered of to her friend. Hours: 10 to 12 and ! to 5 citizens o f Oregon the need for greater sup And even we were a bit hazy as to its W H E R E A S , this newly-established industry D aily- Except Sunday port o f this, as well as other home indus is expected to produce approximately five use. But didst remember those that Fry Building tries . . . ” CHARLES A. S P R A G U E m illion dollars in new wealth this year . . . our grandmother wore as a knee Governor of O regon length affair o f muchly tucked and T H E R E F O R E . I H E R E B Y P R O C L A IM beruffled white muslin stiffly star fo r Portland the tw o-w eek period from ched that wast parked by day over August 2 to August 17 as “ O regon Sugar her anatomy on top the corset cover O regon Sugar ie made Ti Meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday at and beneath the first petticoat. in A m a r i c a ’ s n t v e i t City Hall Wurra, wurra. tis a long way we A. L. M cC lellan President have come since then to the present factory, ft ie the beet day when the gals wear a gee Don Graham r ....... Secretary M can buy end string, and bandeau, maybe with The Public Is Invited guarentaed for can- something in the way of a top gar ment. maybe not. But they do claim that the gals are a huskier, healthier and more sensible lot. Surely they are as nice to look at. Meets Wednesday Night But tis not only shimmies that A T EAGLES H A L L one doest find in the way of know Visiting Eagles Welcome ledge at the Nyssa theatre as well H A R R Y M INER, Sec. as seeing an amusing and inter C L IF F GREER. Pres. PHONF. 97 esting cinema show always a- midst restful and comfortable sur- Ye Snooper’s Column SUNDAY SCHOOL TO HAVE SOCIAL ('MÚVtAXiáZ LOCAL COUPLE WEDS Keep Your Family Healthy and Vigorous GATE CITY DAIRY Milk and Cream Gate City Dairy mmm NEW COOKING CLUB ORGANIZED NEW SHOES FOR OLD DIGNIFIED SERVICE NYSSA FUNERAL HOME LETTUCE PLANTED First Quality Material Guaranteed Work A B B O T T ’S O re g o n S u g a r T im e 9 Professional Cards Aug. 2**17 CARL H. COAD L. A. Maulding, M.D. TOWNSEND CLUB MEETINGS NYSSA AERIE F. O. E. NO. 2134 --Losses Insure Your Hay 9 Protect the money and labor you have in vested in your hay. INSURE your crops today! • The low cost of this protection has won us many year-after-year clients. Frank T. Morgan W H IT E S A T IN SEGAR O r e g o n 9» O w n a n d O n l y S u g a r