JOURNAL The NYSSA Published at Nyssa, Oregon. VOLUME XXXV, NO. 29 GATEWAY TO THE OWYHEE AND BLACK CANYON IR RIGATION PROJECTS IN THE HEART OF OREGON’S SUGAR EMPIRE______________ Electric Co-op Hears Discussion NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1940 L'D.S. Church Holds Pioneer Members of the Malheur Electric Celebration PHARMACY MOVES TO NEW STORE QUARTERS Doug MacDonald Victim O f Nyssa’s pioneer drug store, the Explosion Nyssa Pharmacy will move to it's Fastest Growing City In Oregon Bids Opened On Nyssa Underpass $1.50 PER YEAH T Bids for the Nyssa underpass, were opened by the Oregon State Co-operative heard Chester Lake, quarters by August 1, according Doug MacDonald, well known Highway Commission last Thursday assistant director of the Rural On Wednesday the members of new at it's meeting in Portland, but no Mrs. C. L. McCoy, president of Bureau Electrification Administration, and the Nyssa Ward of the L. D. S. to Reclamation employee award of the contract has yet been firm. The new location will be suffered of severe E. J. Strike, president of the Idaho church and many friends assembled the injuries to his eyes, the Morgan building, at Second when a can of carbide he was handl made. Power Company discuss their re at the Big Bend park for an all day in low bidder for the project A swimming party, Wednesday Main Streets, the store is now spective views on electric co-opera picnic and program celebrating the and exploded in his face. McDonald was The Henry L. Horn, contractor of afternoon turned into stark tragedy undergoing a complete remodelling ing tives. was cleaning a carbide lamp and ninety third anniversary of the es and a modernistic front is a can which he was handling in Caldwell, Idaho, with a bid of $205.- when Troy W Roberts, 20 year old Lake advised members of the co tablishment of the church at Salt inside 704, the next lowest bid being that son of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Roberts put on. operative “not to get mad about Lake City. Altho the number present being way not known to him explod of the Clifford Dunne company of of Chalk Butte was drowned In the this situation", that clear thinking was not as large as had been hoped In commenting on the move to some He was alone at the time, the Klamath Falls with $206,550 Owyhee River near the Willie Mc was the only assurance of a success for. due to the press of business and the new quarters, Mrs. McCoy re ed. rest of his crew being down the The awarding of the bids was held Ginnis that she and her husband ditch ful venture. He promised the mem the harvest season there still was called a distance of some 500 up. until the matter of a credit for Young farm. Roberts, in company with Clem whp died December 22, 1937, yards. at When bers success in their efforts to own the explosion occur- the project from the federal gov Harley Wilson, a large crowd. Ellis Cooper and W ashington, D. C. News Bureau of their own electric power because, cam? to Nyssa on January 1, 1923 ed MacDonald groped his way to A short program was under the after having purchased the drug the ditch on his hands and knees ernment has been established. It Harold Snyder had gone in swim the Nyssa G ate City Journal he said "the farmers in this coop direction Poulesen. Games was expected last Thursday that ming and as near as can be ascer irqm S. F. Foster. Nyssa at and splashed water into his eyes this will have the backing of the began at of 10 George WASHINGTON, D. C.—Both pol erative States o'clock when Issac store matter could be finally dispos tained was seized with cramps. Re that time Mrs. McCoy said had a Government”. to wash the effect of the active itical parties (the headmeni realize United Cooper retold the old story so well population of only 500 persons. On carbide away. ed of within a few days, but in a peated efforts on the part of Harley Lake said that the local R. E. A. that the battle for success in Nov known to every Mormon and student January 1, 1937, the company was telephonic conversation with Mr. Wilson to locate the body, by diving, had already cost the govern of ember depends on the farmers and project Pioneer American history of the incorporated taking in as a member There was some danger of losing Horn this morning, he said that the were unsuccessful. Ellis Cooper on ment too much money, due to cost the livestock men. It is the opinion administration and necessary re year and a half trek across the of the firm. Omer L. Adkison. with the sight of one eye, but Dr. Kerby, award had not yet been made, but seeing the plight of his companion of party strategists that neither the of has been administering treat that he had been informed that he ran for aid and managed to locate United States, then mostly and Laura McCoy being the who and that there was little central Roosevelt-Wallace ticket nor the search, ments now reports that MacDonald would receive word Friday of this Willie McGinnis who, with the help Indian country to the sight of the Clem likelyhood of the government back Willkie - McNary ticket can win ing out now. He said that the co present day Salt Lake of the first other members of the firm. In is well on the road to recovery. week from the commission. of others located the body. Ward September of the same year the without the farm vote and that bal operative was being built by federal Mormons. Horn was not positive as to the was telephoned into Nyssa to Doc ance of power rests between the funds, and that any attempt to There the caravan halted and be company opened the Owyhee Drug date he would start his preliminary tor Kerby. who took Clifford Main store in Nyssa. selling it to the Mississippi river and the Pacific “scuttle” the project would be a fore they rested, the sight for their present work but thought that his company along to help in giving artificial res owner, Sid Smith in July coast. temple was selected, a dam was of last year. could get under way sometime “a- piration, but the long attempt to dangerous undertaking", saying that There is no more astute politician "during peace time we (the R. E. built across City creek andirrigating round the first of August.” revive the vlstim failed. in the country than Franklin De A. i have turned our cheek on spite waters turned into the desert. Brig As a prelude to tne removal to the As much local labor as possible Church survices will be held in lano Roosevelt, and because Mr. tines, but are not so sure that we ham Young, the leader had guided new location the Nyssa Pharmacy will be used on the project Horn the Nyssa Methodist Church at 10, OREGON STATE COLLEGE, Cor said. Roosevelt recognized the potency will his people across an almost unknown is putting on one of the biggest vallis, He said that such labor as a. m. Friday, with committal ser continue this policy”. The as (Special)—Robert Sawyer, was used and importance of the farm vote he sistant director paid a compliment land from Nauvoo, 111. and they had sales of it's long career, a more de must be employed through vices to be held in the Christian directed the Democratic convention to the Idaho Power campany ih do been on the road one and a half tailed account of which will be vocational agriculture teacher in the state employment office, and Church in Jerome, Idaho at 2:30 p. to name as vice-president his secre ing the job (rural electrification) years when on July 24, 1847 they found in an advertisement in this the Nyssa high school, and John that those who wished to have a m. on Saturday. Troy W. Roberts Johnson of Adrian, are two of 57 chance to work on the underpass is survived by his mother and father issue of thy Nyssa Journal. tary of agriculture. Henry A Wall better than most companies in the found their abiding place. such teachers now attending a should see that their registration one brother and three sisters. Fun ace. Mr. Roosevelt swept aside all United Following the program a picnic three-weeks conference for the en in the State Employment office is eral arrangements are in charge of other aspirants seeking a place with At the States. lunch was served and competitive opening of the meeting games were enjoyed during the GRADE TEACHERS tire state staff being held at Oregon up to date and in order. Only men the Nyssa Funeral Home. The Rob him on the ticket when the Repub Tom Donahue, of the afternoon. State college as part of the summer who have been registered with the erts, former residents of Jerome, licans designated Oregon's Charley Malheur Electric chairman RESIGN POSITIONS Co-operative said In the evening a dance was held in session. McNary for vice-president. Oregon State Employment Service, Idaho, came here about four years the R. E. A. had held a meet Nyssa at the new Eder building at Mrs. Nettie Medesker and Mrs. The group is carrying out a defi six Mr. Roosevelt had no apprehen that months prior to July 18 will be ago to take up farming near Chalk ing in Washington. D. C. with the sion about Willkie and his ability to Idaho Power company, and that which both church members and Walsh, grade school teachers in nite daily program of seminars and eligible for work on the project, Butte. dispose cf him. but the president the company had offered to buy townspeople enjoyed the good music Nyssa for the past 13 and 12 years reading and conference periods in according to Charles W. Paradis, knew that McNary and the latter's the co-operative lines, but that the provided. respectively, handed their resigna which they are wirking out latest manager of the Ontario office. standing with the farmers of the local tions to the board of school district procedures in organization and in The local office of the employ board had voted unanimously nation had to be checkmated some to reject any offer by the company. 26. The board considered the res structional work for their agricul ment service having no files of reg how. The answer to this was the E. J, Strike, president of the com ignations t t a special meeting held tural classes. Such problems as the istrants, will not handle the em selection of Secretary Wallace. It is pany Wednesday night and accepted organization of advanced cources in ployment for the project, all such recited the expansion policy of no secret in the national capital the Idaho Power company, citing them. No new teachers have been vocational agriculture, selection and employment must go through the Some individual or Individuals that Mr. Roosevelt and the secre that when the Idaho Power com named to fill the vacancies, al use of agricultural teaching equip Ontario office, Paradis said. tary had not been "speaking” for pany was formed, there were some The Nyssa Post office continues though the board has several teach ment, problems of administration, No action has actually been taken with either a distorted sense of months and that Wallace was in 53 power companies operating in the to show a progressive increase in ers applications under considers organization of farm mechanics yet on the part of Mrs. J. E. Long, humor or misplaced sense of alleg work, as well as other items are on in her claim for damages, according iance ran up two Nazi Swastika disfavor with the White House ad field now served by the Idaho Pow receipts according to Postmaster tion. flags in Nyssa sometime during visers of the president. But politics er. In 1931. the beginning of the Ves Goshert. The vacancy made by the resig the list of conference topics. Wednesday night of this week. is politics, and such trivial matters expansion program of the Idaho For the fiscal year ending June nation of : Tiss Doris Dorffler. who Total of 52 high schools now have to City Attorney A. L. Fletcher. One of the banners of class hatred as personal likes and dislikes have Power, strike said, there were 8.721 30. 1940. the local office shows an in resigned to accept a position in the vocational agriculture classes with a and persecution was hoisted on the no place when there is a president fa: ms in the territory that were crease of $394.36 over the same per Tillamook schools has been filled total enrollment of 2324. In this flag pole at the Nyssa grade school ial campaign to be won. Hence electrified, and at the end of 1939 iod in 1939. The total receipts, ex by Miss Ladells Shaw, who has been total registration. 2120 are memb building, the other on the pole in Wallace was designated as the best there were 14,362 farms enjoying clusive cf money orders amounted teaching in North Powder. ers of the Future Farmers of Amer front of the Legion hall. bet the Democrats had to reach the the use of electricity. Malheur coun to $12.602.47. The quarter period, ica chapters. In the Nyssa high Members of the American Legion farm vote. school 56 are enrolled in the F. F. ty shows a larger percentage of ending the last day of March 1940 A. chapter. In addition to his reg Sportsmen wishing cow elk or that could be contacted here today gain in electrified farms according showed the largest gain. During ular work, Sawyer has in the past antelope tags should make applicat were greatly insensed over the out The farm vote represents millions to Strike. In 1932 there were 408 that quarter a gain of $650 was year conducted an evening school ion at once at the office of the Ore' rage. One member said that “of of votes The farm vote was Demo electrified farms while at the end of shown. The quarter ending Dec dealing with farm management. gon State Game Commission, in course we, as members of the Leg cratic in 1932 and 193C. but Mr. 1939 there were 1167. 31, 1939, was the only blot ion cannot take the law into our own Roosevelt is taking no chances on Farmers, served by the Idaho ember Portland. the calender for the local office, Increased interest is being shown hands, but I would like to catch the farmers returning to the Re Power company pay the same rate on that quarter an actual loss in the race for queen of the Malheur EQUALIZATION A total of 2000 cow elk taka will the skunk that did that trick." publican ranks. If anyone can hold for (heir electricity as do the city during be issued and 1500 antelope tags The police department is investi Fair by merchants, patrons them in line it is Henry Wallace, dwellers. Strike said. At the be of $370.58 was recorded, under the County Should less than the quota be appli gating, with little hope of finding and the candidates themselves, BOARD TO MEET whose benefit checks have found ginning of the expansion program same quarter of 1938. for by August 1, the taks will be out the responsible parties. according to Walter Thompson, in their way into the pockets of farm of the Idaho Power company, Strike According to an announcement ed issued order in which ap- charge of the contest. MARGARET HUNT ers everywhere. There will be said the ratio on which the comp Murray Morton, county asses- lications in are the received. Otherwise, a NEW TYPE LICENSE In Nyssa district Margaret Howell from another distribution of benefit any would extend lines was 1 to 1 IS AIR STUDENT or the Malheur County Board df is still in the lead with 40,000 votes Equalization will meet on Monday drawing will be held. checks next October, on the eve of ($1 to be spent for lines for every No formal application blanks are PLATES FOR OREGON the election—and that will have its dollar that would be received for Miss Mary Margaret Hunt, dau with Ann Johnson following second August 12 at the court house in Vale being Those desiring the tags Oregon motorists will receive a effect too. electricity), while today the comp ghter of Mr and Mrs. C. C. Hunt of with 15,000 votes. Votes for the and will continue through Monday should issued. send in their names and ad license One attack McNary will make on any spends $4.50 in construction of Nyssa. is among the 30 students, 28 other candidates are for Josephine August 26. plate in 1941 that is entirely and the kind and number of the farm program policy of the new lines to each anticipated dollar of of them men, now taking a flight Burke, 5250 votes; Twilia Latham, During the time of the session of dresses in appearance from any hunting license they hold, to different deal is what he regards as the dis revenue. ' training course under the Civil Aer 5.000 votes and Margaret Toombs the board of equalization, any tax the plate used In the past. The figures gether with a check or money crimination against the majority of The Idaho Power company, ac onautics Authority at the Univer 5.000 votes. on the plate are of a new design may appear and extmlne the order for $5.00 for each tag. the farming industry. Of the mill cording to Strike Is the highest tax sity of Idaho, Southern Branch at In the Adrian district Erma Points payer that is both pleasing and more leg assessment rolls for 1940. and con The elk season this year will be ions distributed in payments for ed public utility in the United Stat Pocatello. still leads with 32,900 votes; Dona fer on the correction of any errors new style lettering is used for cotton, wheat, tobacco and rice—just es. paying in taxes almost 25 cents Miss Hunt, a popular and active Ashcraft 28,300; Louise Hinton, in valuations, description or qualit from November 1 to 6, inclusive; the ible, the word “Oregon”, which is placed deer season from September 20 to between the four commodities—80 percent goes out of every dollar received from its' student at the University of Oregon, 4,500 and Eleanor Haworth, 400. ies of lands. and the “41” at October 25; the bull elk season in the bottom of “19" to the cotton planters of the south. customers. from which she recently graduate the plate. The colors, Clatsop County alone, from August dark green background with Tobacco payments, of course, also Strike said that the charge that in business administration, just last R eturn From Trip white 24 to September 2, inclusive; and go to the southern states. Senator company had built spite lines was week took to the air for the first and figures. the antelope season from Septem numerals McNary will point out that the not true, that the company was time at dual controls. Ground Returning from a vacation trip Sunday at Wallowa While these colors are the same greatest farming industry of a ll- building lines as rapidly as the de school is conducted at the univers- j on Saturday was Mrs. Clarence Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Thompson en ber 29 to October 6, inclusive. as on the Washington plate, it Is dairying—gets nothing; that cattle mand occassioned. The matter of ity airport and flight training Is Brewster who has spent several joyed the cool weather in the high tthought that they will not lead to er altitudes and timber of the Lake men get nothing, nor the fruit grow whether or not the co-operative taken at the municipal airport | weeks visiting her parents in the the slightest confusion, as the char Wallowa on Sunday. ers. nut growers nor producers of should be continued. Strike said, is The course, one of a number j middle west. With Mrs. Bresster Scouts To Camp acters on the two plates are entirely vegetables. a matter for the members to arrive which is being offered free this sum was her sister-in-law Miss Margaret j Purchase House different, on Washington's plate the The Girl Scout Troop of Adrian, at by their own conclusions, not mer at universities over the count Brewster. state name and year date will be under the leadership of Mrs. Maur Another disagreement between influenced by the power company ry. will conclude in September. It Week End Guests Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Keizer have ice Judd, will leave for their annual above the figures while Oregon's will Wallace and McNary which will “or any other influence." The Ida is a part of the national campaign purchased the house on Ennis near this Information below. In at Payette Lakes on carry carry to the farmland is the admin ho Power company will defend the to train 50.000 pilots for any event Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kroner of Fourth formerly owned by the late encampment addition, the Washington plates all Saturday morning. Many of the right of its customers to buy elect uality. A number of the enrollees L. A. Cunningham and will girls are looking forward to this bear an alphabetical prefix to the istration's policy of reciprocal trade with Mr and Mrs. Richard Mrs. occupy it after remodeling and re years agreements. These agreements (all ricity from whom ever they see fit. at Idaho. South, have indicated a Salem, this prefix being In bold Holmes of Silveton were week end camp with unusual eagerness numerals, desire to enter army and navy corps guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Beut- decorating it. knocked galley-west by the war— Strike said. type, and the Washington plates are as they hope to qualify for their were seriously injuring agriculture as Tom Donahue closed the meeting, when civil training is completed. ler. On Sunday evening Mr. and From California larger than Oregon’s. life saving badges. they were designed principally to after an open forum had been held. People who have seen samples of Mrs. Beutler with their guests and aid the heavy industries, the manu During this forum Donahue made Sunday at McCall Oregon's 1941 plates are unanimous Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Westie and Vale Man Joins Foreign Forces facturing plants of the eastern the charge that the Idaho Power and Mrs. Herschel Thompson Albert Sprouse of San Jose, Calif., Word was received this week by in pronouncing It a distinct im states. The western states are par company had a bonded indebted- Mr. and Mrs. Herbert H. Fisher Mr. enjoyed a steak dinner at Fruitland. spent the week end at the Tom Mr. and Mrs. Percy Purvis of Vale provement over anything (wed in ticularly opposed to the trade trea and Mrs Emma Quinby spent the Ooodier home in Kingman Kolony. that their son. Pete, who ostensibly the past. (Continued on back page) ties and it well be McNary's endeav week end at McCall and the Payette From Em m ett On Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. left home about three weeks or to capitalize this sentiment and Lakes. Frank Whipple visited with Mr. and had Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thompson ago for a vacation at the coast had On Vacation swing those states to the Republican From Salt Lake Mrs. Ooodier and their guests and of Emmett with their son-in-law brought Ice cream for treats. signed up with the Canadian army In Ontario ticket. and daughter Mr. and Mrs. L. E. and is in a training station at Vic Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Buchner are Miss Mary Rudlick arrived on It is the first time in political Wednesday Mr and Mrs. Charles Garrison Stevens spent Friday evening in From Nebraska toria. B. C. He is a brother of Mrs. enjoying a two weeks outting at the Salt Lake for a spent history that the rival candidates for visit with her from at the home of Mr. Nyssa visiting at the R. A. Thomp Oregon beaches. Audbrey L. Fletcher of Nyssa. and aunt. Mr. and Ms. Sunday vice-president will be useful instead and Mrs. Nick uncle Louis Garrison in Ontario. son and Jease Thompson homes Mrs. Gilbert Hasty and her two Rudlick and will re *jf ornamental in a campaign; that main in Nyssa until the first of Another guest visiting there was homes The visitors were breaking children arrive on Wednesday from Mrs. Beam Improves thejr fight will be as important as September when Mr. and Mrs. Rud Mrs. Ira Hetrick of Homedale. in a new car. preparatory to leaving Nebraska to Join her husband and Mrs. J. C. Beam who has been ill WEATHER that of the presidential nominees. lick hope to take a vacation and will for a vacation to be spent in Seattle. his brother Jesse. They have leas at her home for the past few weeks Following is the weather report At Jamieson Personally. Wallace and McNary return with her to Salt Lake. ed the Cottahy Court auto camp is considerably better again and is for the past week as given at the are very friendly. In the senate, and are renovating and recondition enjoying the visiting of her many U. 8 Reclamation office at Nyssa. Mrs. Charles Garrison was a guest as Republican leader. McNary has ing the cottages. af the Ray Qarrison family at Jam friends. 'ROUND TOWN materially assisted Wallace in much i MARKETS Low High ieson on Friday of his legislation and each has a Daughter Visits Among those who called on Sun July 18 By Wiley Clowers 60 99 high regard far the other, as was Dwight Smith advising Wes Mrs J. Wall and her family of day were Mr and Mrs Chas. Mar July 19 On Vacation CASH PRICE 62 97 shown by the nice things they said Cream. Premium ............— 28c, Browne en how to get cool. "Just Creston are visiting at the Tom shall, Mr. and Mrs. Vic Marshall and July 20 58 93 Mias Sabina Caldwell left Wed In the press. Then. too. Mr Rooee- Cream. 1st grade ............ their son Jack of Oregon Trail. Mr. stand in the sun," says Dwight, 25c I nesday for a two weeks vacation at “then when you get a sun stroke Lowe home in Mitchell Butt July 21 54 and Mrs. O. W. Webster of Nyssa 97 velt is very ---- fond of McNary. re- Cream. 2nd grade 23c! Silver City. spects his judgment, has invited his . ^ Heights. Mr and Mrs. Will H. Beam July 22 they pack you In ice" . . hear ye Undergoes Operation 58 102 lie advice, but when it comes to Willkie Hens, heavy colored Mr and Mrs. Roy Pounds and their July 23 Mayor asking a three cent ransome 64 102 07c I Week End In Boise Mr Roosevelt is prepared to give Hens, light and Legh r Mrs. M W. Goldman underwent daughter Peggy and Mr. and Mrs. July for a ladies purse . . nice to * 12c-14c ; 24 58 96 him both barrels Between Mr ; Springs. a minor operation at the Holy Ros Lon Fry of Nyssa, Mr. and Mrs. He j Mrs C. L. McCoy was a week end Bert Hoxie out again . . what's Roosevelt and Mr. Willkie no quart- Springers and Leghorns Acre feet of water impounded 03 c \ guest of Mr and Mrs. Nixon Tret- happened to Dad Burroughs knotty ary hospitalin Ontario the first of Quinn and daughter and Mr. and Pete Boydell no help on the week. Dr. K. E Kerbey was the Mrs* Clifton Quinn and Mrs. Hasrl at the Owyhee reservoir measure er will be asked or given j cling of Boise, returning to Nyssa cane Trade-In Eggs attending surgeon 543.840 Hall and daughter all of Boise. this news business. ........13c 1 on Monday Large (Continued on Last Page) RIVER FFA Advisor At Corvallis Swastika Flags Fly In Nyssa Post Office Shows Gain Queen Contest Pepping Up Commission Sets Deer, Elk, Season