Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1940)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, TH U R SD AY, JULY 18, Return Erom Trip Return From Vacation Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sesser retum- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kottle re turned on Saturday from a two on Sunday from a two weeks trip Nebraska weeks vacation trip through Utah to South Dakota and and California. where they visited with their par ents. Returning to Nyssa with the Sees- lers were Mr and Mrs. P. J. Rock. South Dakota, who will visit with various friends in this area for a short time. When You Move-- — to that new home DON’T FORGET TO Whether it’s just an odd piece of furniture, a linoleum rug or a new mattress and springs — don’t let LACK of (’ ASH worry you — Move Your Insurance along with your household goods It won’t follow to the new location unless you have your policy properly endorsed. See your agent— OR CALL US >i frMAff a BERNARD EASTMAN Complete Cine of Insurance NYSSA PHONE 64 TRADE AT HOME AND WATCH NYSSA GROW! NORDALE Nyssa Phone 94 BIG PIONEER CELEBRATION — AT— BIG BEND PARK WEDNESDAY, JULY 24 SPONSORED BY L. D. S. CHURCH Meeting To Be Held in Hall at 1 0 :30 a. m. LUNCH AT NOON Afternoon Sports Stall at 1 :30 p. m. RACES FOR ALL (Prizes For The Winners) T W O SOFT BALL GAMES (Married vs. Single Men and Married vs. Single Women) GAMES FOR ALL GROUPS — THE GENERAL PUBLIC IS INVITED— FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, JULY 19 and 20 Pork 6* Beans Coffee Pineapple Van Camps Medium size cans. Each Shurfine. Ground fresh. 2 Pounds 21/* *>ze. Broken slice. 3 for 43 c 50 c 2 Albers C o r n e l W h eat Flakes2QQ 1940. On Vacation Relatives Visit Regional Offlcrrs Visit Mr and Mrs. Luther E. Fife left Mrs. Emil Stunz was surprised G. B. Herrington, Labor Relations Representative of Oregon and Wash Wednesday morning when her aunt on Saturday to spend a two weeks ington with R T Magledy assistant and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. George vacation in Portland and at San Regional Director and W D. Staadts Womack and her cousin, Mrs. Francisco. Information advisor spent a short John Greek of Oakland California Return From Vacation time at the Nyssa labor camp on visited her. Mr. Womack is a build Mr and Mrs. E. D. Norcott re Wednesday morning. ing contractor at Oakland. This is turned from a two weeks vacation New Operator the first time Mrs Stunz had seen spent fishing and sight seeing hi the mountain area around Ketchum, R. L. Michaelson of Caldwell re her relatives in 15 years. placed M F. Wernicke as linotype Picnics in Weiscr Bear Creek and Silver Creek. operator at the Journal office on Mr and Mrs. Emil Stunz and Sister Visits Monday. Mr and Mrs. Michaelson children enjoyed a picnic lunch and When Mr. and Mrs. Theodore are living in the Kimsey apartments plunge at Weiser Sunday. Purkiss of Flint Michigan arrived on east of the tracks. Wednesday for a visit with Mrs. Home On Furlough Mr and Mrs. Wernickle and their On Monday Allen Donaldson, son Purkiss brother-in-law and sister, son returned to Wendell over the of Mrs. Keith Bailey, arrived to Mr. and Mrs. Dean Smith, it was the week end. spend a twenty day furlough from first time that the two sisters had Son Improves the U. S. S. Oklahoma with his met in twenty five years. Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Mayzac have mother. Donaldson has been stat Mrs. Purkiss are on a vacation trip returned to Nyssa from Bremerton. ioned in the south seas and return and will visit in Nyssa for several Wn. where they were called by the ed to the States just a short time days before continuing their Journ serious illness of their son Ted, on ago. ey. Monday last. Following his furlough Donaldson In Boise Ted. who Is in the Marine corps has a short time to serve before Miss Doris Smith has spent the and stationed at Bremerton was finishing his enlistment. past week in Boise- critically 111 at the naval hospital In Ontario Civic Club there, but was out of danger and About twenty five members at Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Jensen and recovering again when his parents their two children moved to Ontario tended the meeting of the Civic returned to Nyssa. Club held on Wednesday afternoon on Sunday to make their home. Uncle Visits on the lawn at the H. R. Sherwood Daughter Visits Visitors at the Herbert A. Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Lois Callas and country home just west of Nyssa. home this week were Mr. and Mrs. On the program the speaker was their family of Salt Lake are spend Fred Harsli and daughter of Johns ing a few days with Mrs. Callas' Mrs. Dessa Hoffstetter, County Li town, Colo., who spent from Friday mother, Mrs. Betty Forbes. The brarian. who told of the development until Tuesday here. family are enroute to Portland and and almes of the library work in Home From Mountains Malheur county. other costal cities. Mr. and Mrs. Bert B. Lienkaemp- Tea service at the close of the At McCall er and Johnny returned home on Mr and Mrs. Perry Ward and meeting was in charge of Mrs. Herb Sunday from a weeks vacation their son and Mr. and Mrs. Joe ert H. Fisher, Mrs. Emma Guinby and camping trip on Eagle Creek. Daniels of Payette were Sunday and Mrs. Desmond Jones. Visits From Indiana Visit From Utah Mr. and Mrs. William Roph and visitors at McCall. Recent house guests of Mr. and son Billy, from Hammond, Indiana, Visits From Haines Marcia Olsen of Haines is visiting Mrs Burnall Brown were Mr. and were Thursday visitors at thte M. Mrs. Dorris Hyer of Lewiston. Utah, F. Solomon home. The Rolph’s Phyllis Schireman this week. who were in Nyssa most of last were on their way to visit the Gold Mother Visits Mrs. E. P. Kinser is visiting with week. en Gate Exposition at San Fran her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. Friends Visit cisco. Mrs. Sara Baxter. Wenatchee, Wn., and Mrs. William Schireman from Guests at A. C. Norcotts visited with Mrs. Lillian Newby over Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jose, Seat Lewiston, Idaho. the week end. Mrs. Baxter is re tle, spent from Sunday until Wed From Los Angeles turning to her home after a trip nesday as house guests of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Syre from Los to the worlds fairs at New York and Mrs A. C. Norcott. Mrs Jose will Angeles arrived on Tuesday for a San Francisco. Mrs. Baxter is a be remembered in Nyssa as Bertha short visit with Mr. and Mrs. A. C. former resident of Nyssa. King, living here during the build Sallee. ing of the Owyhee dam when her Mies to Washington Washington News father John Klug was contractor. Word was received this week at (Continued from Page 1) Church Services the J. T. Long home that their son- With the United States building Church services will be held at in-law, Abe Vaughn, Portland, had the Methodist Community church on Sunday flown from Portland, via the greatest navy the world has ever known, 580,000 men will be re this Sunday. A minister from Cald Boise, to Washington, D. C. where quired to man the ships under con well will relieve Rev. Merle Burres he met his sister Mrs. Clara Thomp struction and planned. The admir In the pulpit. Burres is attending the encampment at Wallowa Lake. son and expected to motor west with als say they want their share of the her, perhaps stopping at Nyssa. Mrs. draftees. In Portland President Roosevelt has been re Mrs. Sidney Burbidge and her Thompson will be remembered in daughters left for Portland Wed- Nyssa as she ran a restaurant here mind that if he expects army tanks, neesday night by train to visit with several years ago. She is now em howitzers and anti-aircraft guns to ployed in the Federal Home Econ be shifted around the Pacific north her parents for several weeks, west he will have to see that high omics Bureau. weeks. ways and bridgs are provided which Home From Vacation leave for Home Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson can sustain the pounding and the After completing a weeks visit weight of these monsters of war, as with her brother. Mr. and Mrs. returned on Sunday from a ten day existing bridges and pavements can Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Fergeson of motor trip through southern and not. This is the best argument that Los Angeles left for their home on western Oregon and California. The R A. Herschel ’ Thompson has developed to have the govern Monday. families and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph ment construct the long-talked of In Seattle military highways. Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Pryun left on Beutler and Sherry spent Sunday First contracts the navy is award- Saturday evening on a motor trip at Payette Lakes. in the northwest are for boats that to Seattle where they will spend House Guests lay steel nets to protect harbors their vacation. House guests at the Andrew Boer against submarines. Four will be In Jerome sma home include Mr. and Mrs. built on Puget Sound, three In Will Mr and Mrs. C. J. Keizer and Louise Trudeau of Yakima who amette river. They will cost about Buster visited at the Ronald Burke spent from Friday until Tuesday $500.000 each. home at Jerome over the week end. last week visiting there. Also Mr. A substancial order for woolen Mrs. Kizt r rmained over until Mon and Mrs. Frank Beursma from goods for the army has been placed day and returned to Nyssa with Dr Ellensburg. Washington who visit witth an Oregon company. Army and Mrs. E. D Norcott who were ed with his brother and his family air corps plans several important de also returning from their vacation. Friday and Saturday of this week. velopments in the Oregon-Washing- Visits From Rupert ton area and officers have made a Mrs. Campbell Baer of Rupert is U. P. PASSENGER TRAIN complete survey, but their recom a guest of Mr. and Mrs Brown this SCHEDULE mendations have not been made pub week. West Bound. To Portland lic. Plywood experts have been in In Boise No. 25 arrives in Nyssa 9:05 a. m. vited to explain to the air corps the Mrs Burnall Brown and her house No. 17 (The Portland Rose), arrives advantage of plywood and plastics guests Mrs. May Chandler and Mrs. in Nyssa 5:22 p. m. in the manufacture of bombers and Campbell Baer spent Tuesday In East Bound pursuit planes. Boise. No. 18 (The Portland Rose) leaves War conditions and demands from Nyssa at 10:38 a. m. abroad have substantially Increased No. 44 arrives in Nyssa 9:50 p. m. the production of mercury in Ore Trains leave for Marsing over the gon. California and Nevada. In May Homedale branch each Monday 1030 flasks went to the United King and Friday at 8:45 a. m. dom. 649 flasks to Japan, 216 to Union of South Africa, and 164 to BUILDING PERMITS The following applications for Australia, The army and navy building permits have been filed munitions board rates mercury as with the City Recorder: a strategic metal. In addition to No. 376. Assembly of God, erect industrial use it is employed In church. L. 7-8-9, Block 7. original connection with explosives and for addition. $2500.00 If no written protests have been fuses and detonating devices. Com HOME REPAIRS filed within ten (10) days from the panies responsible for 98 percent of date of this publication by owners the Oregon production reported to of property in the City of Nyssa, the bureau of mines that total for the above applications will be ap May was 78 percent over the month proved M F SOLOMON, City Recorder. ly average for 1939. NO CASH NEEDED 49c 24c 13c 33c 29c 45 c 25c OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 P. M. G r o c er y A Dependable Food Store OREGON BEAUTIFUL VELOUR bed daveno, made by Superbuilt. Sells elsewher at $59.50. The Nyssa Trader sells for less. Our price only $36.00. Main hi way north. NEW OCCASIONAL chairs $4.95. Chair and rocker set $10.75. These are real values and we believe this HEAVY COLORED fryers, 40 cents is th first time anyone has offered each. Mrs. Bud Short, 'i mile them for sale at this price. The Nyssa south west Nyssa. Phone 79. 18Jtfc Trader. Main hiway north. Really Prepared Like a Home Cooked M eal! And You W ill Find The Prices Reasonable Too. ICE COLD DRINKS Nyssa Tavern North of the “ Y ” The Grower-Owned SEED PLANT A T ONTARIO Of the Blue Mountain Seed Growers Association NOW OPERATING — SACKS and Other Supplies On Hand— ATTEND the OPENING D A Y and PROGRAM AUGUST 3 0» TOMATOES Field Fresh Home Grown 5 lbs. 25c Canning Vinegar Cantaloupes 3c each PEACHES — — APPLES Large Canning Lots FOX CABINS North of the “ Y” NYSSA Phone 1 08 Shortening^.",,'. Energy. Vi gal. jug Bleach Energy Bleach Quart Fly Spray Standard. Gal. cans Standard Fly Spray Quart cans Dutch Cleanser c «n . Crystal White Giant Soap bars 12 for Palmolive Toilet Soap 4 bars for NYSSA NEW SILVERWARE 8c each, matched forks and knives, table spoons and tea spoons. A rare value, the Nyssa Trader fortunately was able to purchase a discontinued pattern of better silverware. We pass the savings on to you. Main hiway, north. NYSSA for All 3 for W ILSON UNFINISHED CHESTS, sUghtly soiled, three drawer chests, $2.50. Too Late to Classify Large six drawer chest $5.95. Boiled unfinished tables $2.95. The Nyssa SACKS FOR barley and oats 6t4c. Trader sells for less, Main hiway Others 8*4c and 10c. International north. harvester binder twine, 500 feet 92c 50 pound bale $5 45. The Nyssa Trad NEW KITCHEN set finished to har monize with most color schemes. er sells for less. Main Hiway north. Drop leal table and four hardwood ARMSTRONG linoleum rugs 9x12, chairs, $9.45. The Nyssa Trader, slightly smoke and water damag Main hiway north. ed $3.95 and $4.95. The Nyssa Trad er, main hiway, north will trade or WALNUT END tables, radio tables, coffee tables, clearance $1.00 and pay cash for used house hold goods, furniture, hides, wool, pelts, metals. $1.25. Buy for gifts. The Nyssa Trad er sells for less. Main Hiway, north. MID - JULY IN THE MATTER Of WttfTtOW THE AVERAGE MARRHO MAN, SHIRT SALE MM NO MORE CHANCE THAN A SIT OF FALSE TEETH) “ . ASK ABOUT THE A .B .C . Monthly Payment Plan which makes it possible for you to buy home repairs just as yon bay a radio or washing machine. NYSSA( / M W H C e**,0 4 » y L. GOOOf AVI L HIGHWAY tOl VIGN OF GOOD (.u n an MS ■ JOHN I o y r t o n FtOA / D O U B L E PROGRAM THEATRE F E A T U R E FRIDAY and SATURDAY, JULY 19 and 20 Cesar Romero and Evelyn Venable in “ LUCKY CISCO KID’’ Jean Hersholt and Dorthy Lovett in “ COURAGEOUS DR. CHRISTIAN” Sat Mat , 2.30 p. m., Adm. 5c-20c; Evening. 10c-33c. includes tax SUNDAY and MONDAY, JULY 21 and 22 Ann Neagle, Ray Milland, Roland Young, May Robson and Billie Burke in Here’s a Chance For You Men “ IRENE” Leon Errol Comedy To Stock Up a Supply of Dress Mat Sun. 2:30, Adm 10c-28c, Evening Adm I0c-33c. include« tax Shirts at Greatly Reduced Prices! SILKS. RAYON'S and BROADCLOTHS. Plain and Fancy Reg. $1.59 to $2.98 DRESS SHIRTS 89c Black Bilt and Wing Shirts j l .65 A TKESO N S’ STO RE MEN’S AND LADIES’ WEARING APPAREL Third and Main Streets Nyssa TUESDAY, JULY 23 Weaver Brothers and Elviry in “ IN OLD MISSOURI” “ Terry and the Pirate»” Comedy _____ ___________ Adm. Children 5c. ’ Adults 15c WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, JULY 24-25 Irene Dunne. Gary Grant, Randolph Scott and Gail Patrick in “ MY FAVORITE WIFE” News and Comedy Admission: 10c-33c. including Federal Tax