Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1940)
/ THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, JULY 4, APPLE VALLEY LAW ?* P A R T Y Mr Ujd U n George Ifeln « it ir - Dee MeFadder, of Bakersfield tataed abbot 20 r-***’-* at » Sunday Cal arrived Wednesday and 1* « * - evening lawn party at thetr «mr.- Umg nu grandfather. W 8 Adam» try home in Oregor. Trail Pinochle and miner relative* and friend* and lawn game* were enjoyed and Mr and Mr» Rcry Owe and her a lawn nipper wrrcd brother. Clyde Norton, of RoaweU - t - and Mra Fine Rnouon of Nytaa were Sunday dinner r-**ta at the THURBDAY AFTERNOON mane of Mra Mary Hick* C D Vertreea and Emil Vertreea BRIDGE The Thursday Afternoon Bridge recently purchaaed a new truck dun waa entertained by Mr» E D Mr and Mr» Henry Booton and Htjrv/U at her home laat week at w nt and Mr and Mr* Raymcnd Beaton and aon of Ontario were contract and deaaerri Oueata for the afterwxki rnduded giMat* for the evening meal at the Mr» Burnell Brown. Mr>. May parental J I Beaton neane Wed- Chandler and MW Eva Boyden neaday and In the evening the en High »core went to Mr» Artie Ro tire group went to Earl Beaton » where they helped Gene Beaton cel bertson ebrate hit birthday Mr and Mr» - f - Pred Miller were alao guests lee cream and cake* were aerved dur I. AD I KB AID ing the evening Gene la the el- The Ladie* Aid of the M eth od « deat m i of Mr and Mr* Earl Bea church war. entertained « 1 Thurs ton. day by Mr» 8 V Ooahert and Mr* Epworth Learae members *pon- H D Hobne* at the Wme of Mr» aored an lee cream aeadal at the Ooahert vr.ivxA house park Wednesday even Pollowlng an in ter eating b'uatneaa ing There wa* a good attendance meeting refreahmen« were »erred Receipt* will help the League dele by the hostess** gate* to Wallowa Lake* aummer In stitute Mr* John Poage and Mrs SUNDAY DINNER PARTY Waldo Smalley expect to accom Mr» Btella Butler entertained at pany the group to lnatltute Mlsa Yulah Vertreea »pent the a dinner party on Sunday for Mr and Mr« Wm Proat and their faro week end at the parental C D lly of Nampa and E 8 Prtat of Vertreea home Mr* Othyl Turner U home from Nyasa. the hoapttal but la not able to have vlaltors. DfNNER GUESTS Mr and Mr* A O Shultz and Mr and Mr» Ralph Beutler en «on, Charles, »pent Sunday In Boise John J Fisher has been visiting tertained at dinner on Sunday fee Mr and Mr-, Robert Thompaon and hi* brother Jake IVher, of New Mr and Mr* Herachel Thompaon Plymouth and helping with the _|_ farm work Charles llama of Lincoln. Nebr TUEHDAY AFTERNOON BfllDOE arrived laat Monday to visit his The ladle» of the Tueaday After brothers. Hale llama and Walter noon Bridge club were entertained llama and family He returned to at deaaert and contract by Mr» Geo hla home Friday Mrs Wesley Gauntlett and child J Mitchell at her home thla week Several guest* Including Mr». May ren left for their home Monday a f Chandler Mra *dn<i Hendri Mr» ter visiting her parents, Mr and Heinz Bonn ike*, Mr>. Keith Bailey, Mra R S McIntyre Raymond Hlld rec<ntly purchaaed Mr» Arthur H Boydell ami Mra E D Norcott were Invited for the a new sedan Hilbert Pierson who has been afternoon working for Pred Plaher helped his High »core* at contract were made folks move from the Prank Clark by Mr* George Sallee Mr*. C. L acreage to the southeastern part of McCoy for the club number» and the state Monday for the gueata. Mr* Chandler wa* Mr and Mrs Tom Ferguson and high family have gone to Portland to - H visit relatives. Everett Fritta made a business ln Ontario Mra Charle* Garrlaon «pent Mon trip to McCall Monday morning Mr and Mrs Ivan West of Nam day vlaltlng her aon, Delia Garri pa spent laat week at the Gene son and Mr* Garrlaon In Ontario Honey home and are now settled In Nyaaa Return from Eastern Trip Mr and Mr*. C, D. Vertreea went Mr and Mr* Ernest McClure and to Nampa and Caldwell Monday Joy returned on Friday from a two morning for seed potatoes and a week* trip to Bratton. New York crew was cutting them for plant Waahlngton. D C . Chicago and ing Monday afternoon ether eastern and middle western Miss Axella Norland was brought cltlea They returned home from home from Girl Reserve camp near Chicago driving a new Chevrolet McCall Prlday night and Is still quite sick. flene Honey and daughter. Betlv Jean, went to Pendlton Sunday and returned Monday Lawrence Thompaon'* father of Roswell I* attending a few day* with Mr and Mra. Thompson The next Sunday baseball game here will be played at the school diamond. July 14th when the local team meet* the Cairo Orange team Apple Valley defeated the Dixie DR J. C. BOWMAN tram by a score of 8 to 6 Mr and Mrs R S McIntyre and Veterinarian Mrs Hla :.'i |ihen* and Mrs Por- reat Reed were callers at the Hlck'a home Sunday. Ralph flee Is digging his potatoes Phon« 39W today Lee Hobba dug part of his Monday The crew at the B. E NYSSA LIBRARY Johnson |>acklng house Is laying Glien I / Uh week day from off until after the Fourth 2 p m to 4 p m Gene Honey cut grain at the Saturday, 2 p m to 8 p. m Oeorge Hrotzman farm last Friday and at the Walter Ilams farm on ALI. PATRONS WELCOME Monday, Librarian Mra H B Davi» Mr and Mr* Charles Skeitor. Winona Skelter, Buaae Counnimar. and Mae Murray of Roswell were guesu in the Wm Brewer ncene on Wednesday The girl* retna-ned for a xnger riot. Mr» J B Metcalf and daughter» Margaret and Barbara, returned to Portland Wednesday after a three week* >lalt in the Haworth Rogers and Watt notnes Mr Derrick eg Brogan »pent «ev e n t days In this vicinity buying lamb» and while here he was a guest m the Kenmcfc home Mr and Mrs Wllha Martin of Caldwell were Sunday guesu In the Pirn Case home Mr and Mr» Jce Dennis and the children returned to their home in Idaho Fail» Sunday after a two week* visit In the Jesae Johnston, home Mr and Mra Arch Parker enter tained guesu from Ne-w Plymouth Sunday. Mr and Mrs Pred Gibson re- *■ im ed home Prlday evening from a fishing trip to Deadwood dam Sunday they moved to Adrian where Pred has started work at the packing house Miss Eleanor Haworth spent two day*. Thursday and Prlday, at Mc Call. vlaltlng In the Perris home and at the Girl Reserve camp Mr and Mr» Jewe Johnston and their house guest*. Mr and M r fishing Pali*, left Saturday on trip. Mia* Betty Ba-indg* recurred .tome last Tuesday from a m u at Boise with relative- Mrs N S Phelan Mrs Grower Lee and Mrs Lem J » 1 were Wed nesday evening gc i t in the Bun- op home m Nysaa Mrs Dick ACec of Vancouver B C and her son. Myron Wood his wile and baby of Seattle sur prised Mr and Mrs PLn Case on Sunday by dropping m for a v » R U n Allen was known to cid-om en tn the Bend as Mrs Arthur Wood : whose husband was «eerier, tally killed when they lived in this com munity Mr and Mrs R L. Haworth and daughters were Sunday guesu m the Creaaser home in Meridian and parental Haworth nome tn Star Glen Hof net ter of Delose Miss , who Is a student in the state uni versity there is visiting his parents here Mist Lewie McDonald and Donna of Parma were Wednesday guests in the Miller home Mrs Grover Lee returned to her home at Estes Park Colo , after a two weeks' visit with her parents. Mr and Mrs S 3 Phelan. Mr and M n Chat Purdy. Paula and Mrs Ft in Case returned home last Saturday evening from Coulee dam. Early Tuesday morning Mr 1940. and Mrs. Purdy and daughter left for Calderina where Chat has been transferred by the government Mr and Mrs H J. Sloan and M as Hope M ayfield of Ontano and Mr and Mrs. E H Brumbach were -r r -e - guesu m the John B-ihcp v u m Nyssa Thursday evemng M as Evelyn Haworth left Sunday evenmg for a r a il wnh relative* tn Iowa Prom there she will go to u . f - » r Tatar/* _r. Lake Micrngar. to attend a converttuon at Delta Zeta sore.roues where she b a dele gate from Ch; ehapter in Corvallis DRIVER’S EXAMINATION A traveling examiner of operators and chauffeurs is scheduled to ar rive in Nyssa Wednesday. July 10. and will be on duty at the city hall between the hours of 10 » n and 5 p. m Those wishing permits or license* to drive cars are asked to get tn touch with the examiner during these hours. Return from East On Saturday Dr. J J Sarazin with Norbert and David, returned from a two weeks' trip and visit in Michigan. CHLRCH o r THE N.4ZAKEXE sixtk Near Main Vera Martin. Paster On Monday Norbert Sarazin left for Vancouver, Waah where be will enroll at the C M T C. camp Sunday school at 10:00 a. m Morning worship. 11:00 A m. Mrs. for summer training Mangtun will be the speaker lor SEE THE LATEST Sunday morning, April 7. Junior meeting at 7:15 P m. Mrs. Piacber. supervisor Young people s meeting, 7:15 Mrs Arlene Seward, president. Evenuig worship and evangelistic service. 8 00 p m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday right at 8 00 p m. Young people's prayer meeting ev ery Prlday at 8:00 p. m. W P M 3 meeting second Thurs day of every month. Mrs F. A. Pow ell president. NEW STEEL LAWN CHAIRS APOSTASY or REVIVAL Are these the “Last Day*” ? Is this the war leading to “Armageddon” ? I* the Anti-Christ about to set up bis reign of horror? These questions should concern YOU REVIVAL meetings at Nyssa Gospel Tabernacle, 2nd and Erhgood every night except Saturday. PICTURE Professional Cards these things! snowy clean The starching is perfect and everything is so .... I’m going to be a steady customer from now o n !” OPTOMETRIST Mr Fall and See Hr tier” S r DR. J. A. McFALL EYESIGHT SPECIALIST ON TA RIO OREGON WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE Official Time In*|irctor tor Union Pacific ONTARIO OREGON ROBT. D. LYTLE ATTORNEY And COUN8ELOR-AT-LAW P lot National Bank Building Phone «I VALE OREGON DR. C. A. ABBOTT Chlrwprmctlc Phyatrlan Office: U l Wrat Main 81 Phone IS LOWER BEND Vacation Bible school closed Fri day with a picnic dinner served by the parents In the school basement In the evening a program was pre sented to a packed houae, with R. O. Chandler of Caldwell In charge The teacher* who have stayed In the King cottage, returned to their home* the same night. Mia* Ann Johnson to Nyasa and ML** June Grainger to Caldwell. Mr and Mr*. Harry Ruasell ac companied Wm. Trter and aon. Dale to the CCO camp on Prlday night where they attended a V. F. W. meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Joe King went to the mountains fishing Sunday and were accompanied by their aon. lewia King and Mia* Emma Young of Ontario. Mr* Marshall Hyatt and family and Mrs Florence Russell were Caldwell callers Saturday. GRAIN CROPS LOOK GOOD BIO BEND - Combining and the grain threahlng has started In this community. The grain la of good quality and yielding well. Mtaa OtUla Hofstetter of Ontario waa a houae guest of Ml** Virginia I Miller last »reek Read the Nyssa Gate City Journal for news of your community, state and na tional capitals, as well as the buying news in the ads This is a scene that’s enacted daily in many Nyssa homes . . . . the source of satisfaction being the ads in the Journal! Not only in the matter of laundries do people find that they can rely on the claims and statements of Journal advertisers, but also for the thousand and one necessities and luxuries of life. The Journal ads in reality, serve as a directory to real buying satisfaction. If they claim economy, they give econ omy . . . . if they claim quality, they give quality. YOU can profit by using the Journal ads, too! PATRONIZE JOURNAL ADVERTISERS AND SAVE! IN ATTRACTIVE DIVERSIFIED COLORS NORDALE’S FURNITURE STORE Phone 94