Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1940)
/ t THE NYSSA GATE CITY .JOURNAL, THURSDAY, JUNE 27, Mayor* to Judge Sunday School Close* Judge* of the Vale July 4th cele- Sunday school of St Paul's Epls- bratlon floau will be Mayor Wood- copal church has been discontinued ward of Payette, Mayor Alkens of for the summed months It Is Ontario and Mayor Thompson of ! planned to hold the annual picnic Nyita ; some tune in August Ä _ (fa / A tjm T H .J \3 P 1940. W eird Lights Play Across the Fair Professional Cards C O M ETO A D R IA N Fire Crackers Cap G u ns w Nice Spots For Picnic Dinners - e* Adrian Cash Grocery ADRIAN Phone 02J3 CANNING CHERRIES $1.50 bu. DEW BERRIES ¿ 4 4 A CRATE RASPBERRIES ▼ I I X OF BLACK CAPS I . I U 15 CUPS CURRANTS, GOOSEBERRIES, QCn Per Crate Q j L * 1.18 APRICOTS FOR CANNING Boysenberries - New Spuds - Vegetables FOX’S CABINS North of the “Y” Nyssa FRIDAY and SATURDAY, JU N E 28 - 29 25c 10c 25c 2 /* C*n*25C 18c 25c 39c 43c 23c 39c p0nuend 10c 33c Meats ¡T" Deviled Meats ft““ Sausages 3 Vienna, cans , the best canned . cans Pork 6* Beans OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 P. M. A D ependable Food Store NYSSA These penetrating fingers of light point across Treasure Island sides each night of the 1940 Golden Gate International Exposition. Silhouetted in the foreground is the Japanese Pavilion border ing the mirrored lake, which is the Lagoon of All Nations at the Fair. Home on Vacation Oliver Friel in Accident Miss Marilyn Kottle is spending Oliver Friel, son of Mr and Mr Prank Friel of Kingman Kolony a two weeks vacation with her par- sustained a painful injury on Wed • nts. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kottle. nesday, when a fly wedge of steel Miss Cottle is employed in the gen lodged In his back near the spine. eral offices of the Amalgamated Young Friel was cutting logs near Sugar Company at Ogden. On Saturday Mr and Mrs. Cottle Ironside with friends and a fallen log was being cut when a small will start on a two weeks vacation wedge broke from an axe and bur trip to Ogden and other places of led deep into the muscles along the interest. Home from Vacation spine. Mr. and Mrs. Dell Taylor re The injured man was taken im mediately to the Sarazin clinic and turned the first of the week from then to the Ontario hospital. The a two weeks vacation trip to Cali steel was removed this morning bv fornia. Dr K E. Kerby and Dr. Chas. E In Ontario Hospital Palmer Mrs. E. L. Jamison, president of Friel is reported to be recovering the Morgan Park Garden club, was taken to the Holy Rosary' Hospital rapidly. m Ontario Wednesday where she In Prairie City will undergo a major operation. Hershel Thompson and Ralph Dr. Kerby is the physician in charge. Beutler were In Prairie City on Visits in Portland business Wednesday. Mrs. Charles Garrison returned On Sick Leave on last Thursday from a short trip Robert Long has taken a sick to Portland where she visited with leave from his duties at Jordan her daughter. Vera, who is now Valley and after a short stop In employed in the mail order depart Nyssa on Wednesday, he and Mrs. ment of Stars & Roebuck in Port Long left for the mountain camp land. near Ironside for an extended stay. < Mr. Garrison who took a load of Return from Mountains fat cattle to the Portland market Mr and Mrs. Grant Rinehart ->nd | at the same time, met Mrs. Garri- their children with Mrs. Howard j on and Vera in Portland. Wagner returned on Sunday from j In Jamieson Mrs. Charles Garrison spent Sat a two weeks visit with relatives in urday with her son. Ray. and his Enterprise family at Jamieson and on Tues In Cascade On ta Stunz, daughter of Mr and day was an all-day visitor of Mr Mr> Emil Stunz is visiting with her and Mrs. Louis Garrison in Ontario. Visits Parents grandmother in Cascade. Idaho. Mrs. Arthur Cochrum, of Grants Pass, has visited her parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Davis the past 10 days. She expects to return home the last of this week. Move Residence Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Fletcher have rented the Margaret Lynch resi dence at Fourth and Reece and will move there over the week end. In Seattle Warren Blodgett left the first of the week on a business trip to Seattle. Insulated Attic W ashington News V anC am ps, pound Crackers 2 Packages English style, Cookies Pride, 1 lb. pkg. tall cans, all brands, Milk 6 cans for ground fresh Coffee 2 Shurfine, pounds W hite King Toilet, Soap 5 bars W hite King Laundry, Soap G iant size bars, 10 for Bacon Squares 4 lb. Lard Pkgs. OREGON Mr and Mrs. John Poage and the sedan and Alex Wagner has a car family were guests of the O. J. Lutz which he bought recently family at Meridian Sunday. The Ladies Aid Missionary party was held on the lawn at the Rucker farm Thursday afternoon with a good attendance. The new presi dent. Mrs Severt Fox, was in charge of the meeting and introduced Miss Celia Cowen of Homedale, who is heme on furlough from China. Out of the community visitors were Mrs. A. Paul and her daughter, Mrs. Bertha Morris of Parma. Mrs Hop per Mrs. R ed Mrs Porterfield al so of Parma. Mrs. Wesley Gaunt- CARL H. COAD !ett of California and Miss Lorraine received for missions. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Meltvett of Boise. About »5 was PHONE 31 Ralph Summy Is spending a few Nvasa. Oregon days at the parental E. A. Summy home. L. A. Maulding, M.D. Troy and Jed Gooing purchased a new pickup Tuesday. The Nor- Physician and Surgeon i. nd family recently bought a 1936 Phone 37 BULLING PERMITS Hours- 10 to 12 and ! to 5 The following applications for j Drily- Except Sunday ouiiding permits have been filed ; Fry Building with the Cliv Recorder: No. 363. D W Gibson, erect gar- | age. lots 9. 10. block 15. Original ; TOW NSEND CLUB Addition. $225.00. No 361. A V Cook erect garage MEETINGS lots 3 to 7. block 6. Original Addi- :on $100.00 Meets 1st and 3rd Monday at No. 365. Lillian M Newby, addi- ’ ion. lot 21. Glascow Addition, $100. Eagles Hall No 366. A C. Sallee, erect dwell- j A. L. McClellan President ing. lots 9 10. block 3. Teutsch Ad dition $4,250.00. Don Graham _____Secretary No 367. Forest Carpenter, rebuild, The Public Is Invited lot 10, block 65, Green Addition, $500.00. No 368. Kenneth Thompson, erect NYSSA AERIE dwelling, lot 9. block 79. in Greens '• Addition. F. O. E. NO. 2134 No. 369. Leonard Huseby, erect a i dwelling, lots 1 and 2, block 6 In Meets Wednesday Night Teustch Addition. $2,000.00. AT EAGLES HALL If no written protests have been filed within ten (10) days from the Visiting Eagles Welcome date of this publication by owners HARRY MINER, Sec. of property in the City of Nyssa. CLIFF GREER. Pres. the above applications will be ap proved. M F. SOLOMON. City Recorder. OF COURSE TwE. AMERICANS -you trust in g o o can tell that bv the WAY THEY drive An insulated attic in your home will help you keep cool in summer and warm in winter and will pay for itself in fuel savin?* In a sur- i prisingly short time. Nyssa Lum ber Company, through the A .B .C . M onthfy Paym ent Plan w ill arrange to weatherproof your I h o u s e *o that you may enjoy the (Continued from Page 1) It adds up to this: The presi dent is gradually being placed in the attitude of heading a war party. Half a dozen Democratic senators are preparing to bolt their party on that excuse—Washington's Bone bring among them—and the senate chamber is a sounding board en abling them to get their views be fore the public. Unless there is a change, it is a safe prediction that the accusation that the administra tion is a war party will be the ma jor issue in the presidential cam paign. If the charge can be made to stick it will materially affect the chances of Mr. Roosevelt to be re-elected In November. LEASES SPUD LAND I IN SUNSET VALLEY SUNSET VALLEY—Mr Childs of added comfort while you pay for Hope. Oregon, has leased 40 acres them In of alfalfa ground from L. E. New- Convenient Monthly gen. He Intends to plant late po tatoes Installments Mrs. L. E. Newgen moved to On | Call at the office of the Nyssa Lum- I her Company, or phone 118 for de- tario Monday where she intends to I tails and a free estimate. reside the remainder of the sum mer to care for Bonnie who is in the Holy Rosary hospital. Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Landreth and Mr and Mrs. L. B. Landreth were in Ontario Tuesday and visited Mr and Mrs. Verle Landreth. THl PION OF 0000 LUMBER v Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Landreth ^FMONI IlO-JOMNIOVraOHrgOfj went to Emmett Wednesday to bring Mrs. Roy Warren home who has been picking cherries at Em mett the past three weeks. The Worthwhile club will meet at Bernice Robb’s July 11. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Gueck and Mrs. Gueck's sister of Caldwell vis ited in the Roy Gueck home Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Zurcher of Homedale were dinner guests in the Chas. Wilson home Sunday. In the afternoon they called in the Pete Wlson home. Lullabell Wilson accompamed them home. APPLE VALLEY Mr. and Mrs Alex Wagner at tended a pre-nuptial shower for their niece, Miss Frances Ritter, at Nampa Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Stout and son. Marvin returned on Friday evening from a week's visit to Bend, Ore gon, where they enjoyed the previ ous week with Mrs. Stout's sister, Mrs. Allan Morley and family, and with Mack Campbell, Mrs Stout’s brother Artie Scott who has been working at the Leonard Newgen farm in Sunset Valley, came home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Reed, Par ma. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Reed and Mr and Mrs. Ralph Stephens, all went to Boise Sunday evening to see the ball game. Mrs. Lola Jordan of Caldwell is spending several days with her friend. Mrs. Wm. Kiser. Mr and Mrs. William Metzen and | Mrs. Riley went to the Graham or chards near Fruitland, Sunday af ternoon for cherries. Mr. and Mrs. Hank Riggs who worked in the Johnson packing from the scale house at the packing I house the past year, have moved I house to New Meadows wher they [ will be employed. Robert Gee returned Sunday ev ening from Moscow where he at- | tended the 4-H club course in agri- [ culture. John Whisler who was the other Apple Valley delegate, stayed ) to visit relatives in Lewiston. Mr and Mrs. Marilyn Olsen of : Fruitland were guests of Roy and Nadine Gooing at the Jed Gooing home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Pounds of Los An geles, Cal., who are visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Hall, are to 1 hold a series of special religious j meetings at Nyssa soon. Too Late to Classify BIRDS FOR SALE—Mrs. Williams 27J1XC Rainbow Hotel NOTICE—I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by any person other than myself. — Joe Rodriques. 27J3xc FOR SALE—New super-bilt sample davenos: sells elsewhere up to $69 50—The Nyssa Trader sells for less, $27.50 and $37.50. Main high- | way north at Alberta. 27Jlxc FOR SALE—New quart jars. 69c doz.. complete with rubbered lids; used quarts. 45c.—The Nyssa Tra der sells for less. We pay cash or will trade for furniture, hides, wool, pelts, metals. Main highway north at Alberta. 27Jlxc FOR SALE—felectric ranges, guar anteed. $9 95 to $14.95 —The Nyssa Trader sells for less. These ranges sell elsewhere from $15.00 to $35.00. main highway north at Alberta. 27Jlxc FOR SALE—Order your grain and potato bags now. Due to the war situation there is a shortage of used bags. The Nyssa Trader, main high way north at Alberta, will sell at the lowest possible price. 27Jlxc BIG BEND PARK WRAY’S DIME STORE Headquarters for FIRECRACKERS FLAGS and DECORATIONS 2 NOTE: Fireworks (only) will be sold at our store all day, July 4th. WRAY’S DIME STORE Nyssa Oregon NYSSA Phone 1 0 8 D O U B L E ’", o e " AU THEATRE F E A T U R E FRIDAY and SATURDAY, JUN E 28 and 29 Russell Hayden and Jean Parker in “KNIGHTS OF TH E RANGE” Lynn Bari, Joan Davis and Mary Beth Hughs in “ FREE, BLONDE AND 21” Admission Matinee 5c-20c Evening 10c-30c Matinee Saturday 2:30 p. m. SUNDAY and MONDAY, June 30 and July 1 Eddie Cantor, Judith Anderson, Rita Johnson and Ralph Morgan in “FORTY LITTLE M OTHERS” Matinee Sunday 2:30 p. m. Admission Matinee 10c-25c Evening 10c-30c Monday Evening Adm. 10c-33c, including Federal Tax PAL NIGHT TUESDAY, JULY 2 Madelein Carroll and Douglas Fairbanks Jr. in “SA FARI” “Terry and the Pirates” WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, July 3 and 4 Laurence Oliver, Joan Fontanie, Judith Anderson and George Sanders in “REBECCA” — News — __________Admission: 10o-33f, including Federal Tax • Beginning July 1, 1940, a 10% Federal Tax is imposed on all theatre admissions of 20 cents or over. Prominent Speakers Free Base Ball Game Fun for Every One