Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1940)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL’, THURSDAY, JUNE 27, day. Mrs. Mark Terrel and children have gone to California to reside. Mr. Terrel has been employed in a ship yard there for several months. Geraldine Pettit and Feme Rook- stool have been chosen to attend the Young Peoples' convention at McCall this year. A few other young folks may also attend. The Patch and Chat club met at the home of Mrs. Mary Eighme on June 20th. Myrtle Ledgerwood, Clarice Ross and Leila Sayers as sisted her in serving. Plans were made to help the Red Cross in some way. The next meeting will be held on the McNeal lawn with Bertha Hawkins, Lucile Hickey, Bertha Grammon and Hazel Levilt enter taining. N Glen Ward has leased 40 acres from Mrs. Ida Kielliom. The land was formerly farmed by Tom Whit lock. C. W. King cut barley for Emil Frank Saturday. Don McCullockof Portland ar rived Friday for an indefinite visit at the Tom Pettet home. Xenol Ledgerwood, who is sta tioned at an army camp, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Led gerwood last week. Clyde Page, Ray Whitsell and C. O. Brubaker were business visitors in Weiser Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Breshears and family returned to their home in Eagle after a visit at the Lyle An derson home. Classified Advertising The Ideal Way To Buy, Sell, Rent, Find, or Hire. Big Results at a very low cost. One trial will convince. RATES: One cent per word for each issue Minimum cash In advance is 25c. pump. Easy terms to responsible person. Ms mile west, Vi mile north Apple Valley School.—A. C. Mouser 23Mtfc WANTED—All your welding joba MODERN HOME, 4 room, has nice shade and lawn.—Call Journal. We promise good work and fair 27Jtfc SPRINGER DAIRY Cows. Will buy prices Pruyn Auto Repair, Phone any kind of livestock. Nyssa Sales 86W i TWO LARGE rooms and bath, fur- Yard. 2Mtfc ■ -------------------------------- ------ I nlshed or unfurnished, is newly BRAKE W O R K -L et us put your j decorated, fenced yard. Call Jour- BEAUMONT SHEEP B car or truck brakes In first class I nal 27Jtfc SHEDS BURN ^pnUitlon. Special equipment u n d __ '____________________ trained men at your service. Pruyn SMALL semi-modern house, screen KINGMAN KOLONY—The sheep Auto Repair. Phone 56W. porch, close in.—Mrs. O. M. Kim- sheds on the C. M. Beaumont ranch sey, 1V4 blocks north of factory. burned down Saturday evening. The 6Jtfc origin of the fire is unknown. Consult us on your wiring needs and meter set-ups. The H. E. Club of the Kingman Work guaranteed to meet State EXCEPTIONALLY well furnished Grange met at the home of Mrs. equirements. three-room modern apartment— Conrad Martin on Tuesday after Prices right electric refrigerator and all modern noon. Mrs. Harvey Hatch of Big Information free conveniences. No. 6 Sugar House. Bend was a guest for the afternoon. NYSSA ELECTRIC SHOP 23Mtfc At the close of the afternoon the 18Atfc hostess served delicious refresh MODERN FURNISHED apartment. ments. The next meeting will be 162 East First St. 22Ftfc with Mrs. Lee Thrasher. \ GARBAGE HAULING. Also odd The Kolony grade school district jobs by hour day or week. Prices !■ reasonable. J. G. Coil. 20Atfc THREE ROOM modern apartment. held their annual election on Mon Furnished. Dr. J. C. Bowman. day evening. K. I. Peterson of Adr I ------------------------------------------------------ 21Mtfc ian was elected as director for a term of three years and Mrs. Chas. NYSSA PLUMBING & Newbill was elected as clerk for a MISCELLANEOUS HEATING term of one year. For Sale The Jack Corn baby is much bet 2nd house north Star Hotel ter after being sick last week. lSJtfo KALSOMINE, PAINT at competi Mrs. Charles Wilson and child SCHOOL BOARD tive prices. First class quality. ren accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Er ELECTION HELD Nyssa Lbr. Co., Goode Ave. and nest Tetwiler to Sunny Slope to Highway 201, Phone 108. 16Mtfc pick cherries Wednesday afternoon. Local and Long instance OREGON TRAIL—At the annual Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark and school election last Monday even HAULING CREOSOTE lor treating hen hous Garry and Donald Clark were In ing, Geo Wilson was elected to fill Phone 72W es, posts, etc. Nyssa Plumbing Ontario on business on Wednesday. a vanancy. Dave Mitchell was elec Lawrence and Barnett and Heating Co., 451 North First Mrs. Charles Garrison, Mrs. Dale ted for a term of three years and 4Mtfc Street. 23Mxfc Garrison and Joan were guests in Mrs. Iva Adams was elected clerk the Charles Newbill home Friday. for one year. Lloyd Adams is the HOLLAND FURNACES and Air The day was Donald Newbill’s chairman of the new board, suc INTERIOR ANI» EXTERIOR Conditioners can now be bought birthday and they came to help him ceeding H. H. Whatman. DECORATOR in Nyssa. Call or write the Olsen celebrate. A group from the Owyhee Study Blacksmith Shop. 6Jtfc Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mitchell and club met with the Oregon Trail P. Free Estimates family were visiting in the Kolony T. A. last Friday afternoon and a A n d y m c g in n is HOG WORMING outfit, consisting on Sunday. In the afternoon they Mother's Study club was formed. of jaw clamp and pill dispenser, Phone 39M were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. The P T A president to have charge will the farmer who borrowed this Cotton. Then they were supper of the new club. Mrs. McKee was outfit return it to A1 Thompson & guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank New appointed to obtain a book and key Son. 6Jtfc bill in the evening. all clippings. The next meeting FOR SALE—by quarters or Donald Clark, Lorene Wilson and will be held at the school house on more, state inspected, com WANTED ~ Dick Ashcraft were in Nyssa on Friday afternoon, July 19th. The fed, prime beef, by licensed topic for discussion is to be Health dealers. Call Jake Fischer, OLD or CRIPPLED horse. Must be Thursday. C. M. Beaumont and Wm. Toomb and Children’s Diseases. All ladies 05R1 or Polar Cold Storage. cheap. Call Journal. 27Jlxc attended a sale and a showing of who are interested are invited to 25Jtfc dairy cattle in Meridian Friday. come. Refreshments were served at CITY PROPERTY Mr. and Mrs. Loren Miller left th close of the meeting. Those at For Sale for Salem on Thursday evening and tending from Owyhee includes Mes- MACHINERY CHOICE CORNER in the heart of returned on Sunday. They took dames Harold Fifecoat, Ellis Wal For Sale Nyssa Business District. Priced to Mr. Miller’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. ters, Martha Klingback and Mildred sell quick. Inquire Journal Office. J. G. Miller, to Salem to visit with Hite. 2-ROW POTATO planter and two- other relatives. Mrs. Irvin Settle and children of way plow. At Cables Implement Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark were Grand Coulee, Wash., arrived last Found and Tractor Co., Ontario llA tfc in Caldwell on Saturday. Wednesday afternoon for a visit 2 WHITE SHOATS taken up, own Mr. and Mrs. Walter McPartland f with her brother. J. E. Bowen and TRACTOR CORRUGATOR and er may have upon identification, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don- family. On Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Cultivator attachments for all payment of this ad and feed costs. aid Clark on Sunday afternoon. I Bowen and Mrs. Settle were callers tractors. Olsen Blacksmith shop, Jim Boor. 27Jlxp Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Wilson, Mer- i in Boise, Nyssa. 4Atfc idian. parents of Mrs. Donald Clark. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Goodson and FARM PRODUCE ipent Sunday in the Clark home. Estelle of Ten Davis were Sunday STOCK Alta Wilson stayed to visit. ! dinner guests at the F. G. Holmes For Sale For Sale Jean Clark who has been visiting horns. MONTMARENCIES t h e famous her grandparents in Salem since Mr. and Mrs. Aden Wilson of DAIRY COWS, fresh and springers -arming cherry will be ready for school was out. returned home with Nyssa visited at the J. E. Bowen all breeds; 4 miles east of Cald canning July 1st and will perhaps the Loren Miller family Sunday. home Monday evening. well on U. S. 30. Look for farm be available for three weeks at Mrs. Conrad Martin and Mrs. Mrs. F. G. Holmes and Roy and buildings all white, green trimmed. the Graham ranch two miles William Toomb were in Caldwell on Mrs. F. S. Byers and children were J. P. Miller and Glen McWilliams, northeast of Fruitland or 1 '4 Friday. in Ontario and Emmett on business Caldwell. 27Jetfc miles east >4 south of Ontario. Friday afternoon. Payette Junction. Price 2t4 cents FRESH AND Springer Dairy Cows. Bible school will end Friday with LINCOLN HEIGHTS lb. on tree. Easy to pick. Guy Livestock and machinery. Sale a picnic on F. C. Fry's lawn. On Graham. Phone Fruitland 36-2. --------- ! Sunday a program will be presented every Friday. Nyssa Sale Yard. 20J2xc. Viola Anderson, Audra Anderson j by the Bible school teachers, Mrs. 2Mtfc and Helen Trinkel returned to their ■ R G . Chandler of Caldwell and FRESH and Springer dairy cows, SWEET CHERRIES Special prices. respective homes here after at-1 Miss Lillian Gregg of Sunset Valley. Keedick ranch, Central Cove. 3V4 livestock and machinery. Sale tending the 4-H convention at Cor miles E. of Homedale bridge. every Friday. We conduct all kinds vallis. Viola represented the Bou 20J2XC. of auction sales everywhere. See us levard Grange and Audra was cho about that farm sale. Complete sen to represent the 4-H Sewing For Sale N o dow n p a y m e n t ! No service 3%. Nyssa Sale Yard. Floyd SEED POTATOES, 50 sacks of cold club of which Mrs. Jack Pettit is m o r t g a g e ! N o e n d o rs e rs! Robison owner, Gerald Tompkins, storaged Bliss Triumphs, 1 year the leader. L o n g as 3 y e a rs to p a y ! auctioneer. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Winslow have from certification.—H. K. Hashitani had as their guests, three sons and 27Jlxc T e rm s SPRINGER HEIFER or will trade P er their wives, namely: Mr. and Mrs. | Low for feed barley.—Jake Fischer. M onth As WHEAT for sale. Charles Bradley. John Winslow of Marion, Ind., Dr. 20J2xc Owyhee district. 27Jtfc. and Mrs. Joseph Winslow of La Moure, N. D., and Mr. and Mrs. —That's how easy it is For Rent George Winslow of Bend, Oregon. FARM LANDS to get new floors, roof, built-ins, (taint, extra The guests will also spend some FIVE-ACRE TRACT with small For Sale rooms, g a r a g e and time with their brother. Ralph and house for rent in Apple Valley. other home improve Has electricity and on paved road. 10 ACRE FARM, modern five-room family of this community. ments with the aid of Leslie Pennington, who helped re house, garage and bam, automatic See Frank T. Morgan. 20Jtfc Budget Building. pair the break in the ditch, has re- i< : W h e n t h e b ite o f th e turned to his regular work near B u ild in g B u j lu g g e t H r e Baker this week. m o d e lin g , g e t A C T I O N AUTOMOBILES FIRE The missionary meeting held at w ith a v i i i t to — the Avery Anderson home Tuesday TRUCK OWNER’S ATTENTION evening was well attended. The two month old daughter of FOR LONG AND SHORT HAUL. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Page has been ill the past week. INSURANCE Dorette Kielhom, who has been employed as part-time secretary in Ontario, will begin regular work «TkiM’ii a yard near yo«” this week. Dwight Smith, Manager Marjorie Ward and Leslie Pen- Phone 15 Ny» I nington were Boise visitors Tues-1 Phone 53 FARM RENTALS BONDS MISCELLANEOUS CITY PROPERTY For Rent 1940. ters are ill with the measles. Mrs. Wagner left for Coos county with Floyd I ay from Miama, Ok’ t . I who wa: visiting an uncle here and RICHLAND — Chatterbox ladles 1 will visit relatives on the coast. H. E. Noah and daughter. Mire, entertained their husbands and the families Sunday to a picnic at Vale. went to Vale Thursday on business, Mrs. A. E. Chddelin and Mrs H. i Mrs. Irvin Kemble and daugh V. Maw attended the meeting of te r s of Parma are visiting Mr. and the fall festival committee Monday Mrs. Blaine Mary and family. ! Chas. S. Wyckoff from Lurav, evening. The Morgan Garden Park club Kan , arrived at his daughters home met at the home of C. H. Bennett Saturday afternoon of last week. A. A. Bratton's nephew, Ferre,t Friday evening. i Bodmer, accompanied him out here, The Chatterbox Club met at the j Chas. S. Wyckoff was here two home of Mrs. Lloyd Adams Wed j years ago. nesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Reynolds The Willing Workers 4-H club left Guard Station and Mr. Rey met at the home of H. V. Maw on nolds is instructing at the fire Friday afternoon. school at Anthony Lakes. Mrs. Reyonlds is visiting friends in Ba CHATTER BOX CLUB HOLDS PICNIC SCHOOL DISTRICT ELECTS OFFICERS VALLEY VIEW — T h e annual school election was held Monday. Art King was re-elected clerk and George Stewart was elected for 3 years for director. Mr. and Mrs. Dad Armstrong vis ited at J. A. Athertons in Ontario Saturday. Mabel and Olive Buress are leav ing for their home in New Albany, Ind., Sunday after visiting relatives here for a month. Helen Merrich left P. T. Coun tryman’s home where she has been working for the last several months. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Newhouse of Amimes, Ohio, arrived Wednes day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bird. They left for Bates, Oregon, Friday where they will visit Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Holiday. Don ald Bird accompanied them. They are enroute to Washington where they will visit relatives and friends before going home. David Rees threshed winter bar ley and wheat for A. A. Bratton Monday. The A. A. Brattons had to do without their electricity Wednesday, the hottest day, on account of a bird lighting on the wire and blow ing a fuse. Idaho Power wasn't long In fixing the trouble when lo cated. Mrs. Coy Brown and small daugh- ker, Oregon. Martin Kuber, Alvtra Cleascn cf Payette spent Friday evening at the L. L. Huber's. Kenneth and Arthur Abbott < Twin Falls are spending a mom a with their grandparents, L. L. Hu bers. David Rees’ threshing machine > ready for service. Clarence Davis has been assisting in painting It. Irene Amtdon arrived home Fri day after spending two weeks at tht 4-H summer school at Corvallis Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Wyckoff and family. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Spltze and Miss June Marie Wilson were Sunday dinner guests at the Brat ton home and visited with Chas. fi. Wyckoff from Kansas. USE JO U R N A L W A N T A D S ’etyourCto tke* D RY CLEANED • By MAIN’S Main’s cleaning gives your clothes the extra care you would expect from much higher priced cleaning. All spots are carefully removed without injuring delicate fabrics: each individual garment Is given the specialized care required; finally, each garment is pressed perfectly, ready to wear. Try our extra careful, economical service! DON’T DELAY— PHONE 56-J Main's Cleaners and Dyers Atkeson Bldg. 3rd & Main Sts. j No Trouble To- it a<: $ M o » L LUM BER © C O M P A N Y SEE DON M. GRAHAM El CUSTOM BUTCHERING and CUTTING Beef for the Hide Hogs 200 lbs. $1.50 Cutting 1 cent per lb. Grinding 1 cent per lb. Grinding and Seasoning 2 cent per lb. GOOD when the hot water runs out. Dishes get washed i stickily. Monday's wash may be delayed, family baths ) may have to be postponed can banish all this. An automatic electric water heater umhin ? ? ? ? Fe ei operates at an especiefly-low rate— and it gives hot S afe —It ’s Economy water all through the day. Learn more of the conven II ika brake lining and braking » y item of yoor ience of low-cost electric water heating, from any store P la y owtomobfW am in p s tltci condition y oo skoofd be ablo ta stop within tka distança* shown at ika right- Try yoor broke*. II yow cannot stop within t C feat when traveling at 20 miles an koer, came In and let at test yoer brake*. Our anpert méchante» will gladly da this Froo o f Gtargo. X am ember goad brakes cest ta littla. Roar that sells electric appliances. P ru y n ’s G a ra g e PHONE 6 • And it isn't only the man of the house who's upset One of Cheap Electricity's most economical services Brakes Will Sto Let us do your work! N YSSA PACKING CO Again -TtofotJVatvt! Phone 56W 2nd and Main Sts- i HAvi you » h a k i s r r s r r o orrin> W a tm r CfiMdX uv , brave m r - Electrical Equipment Sales Association