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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1940)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY. JUNE 27, 1940, W. F. JACKSON, the Court that declare, adjudge and de Harrison Dais spent from Friday Mr. and Mrs. Dick Butcher and wife, Plaintiffs Register. termine you and each of you vs. evtning until Monday morning with daughters of Vale spent Friday af have no estate or Interest whatever First Publication: June 20, 1940 said land and premises, and Last Publication: July 18, 1940. ternoon with the I. L. Cooper fam Lyman Allen Green and Mary A. in that or to j his family in Nyssa. the title of the plaintiffs in ily. Green, his wife; Mercy Ann Leuck Mr. and Mrs. Don Stultz left for and to and said valid land fee and simple property Nicholas Leuck, her husband; good Cow Creek where they will put up Mrs. Frank Mercer and Mrs. and title; is (3) a Eliza Jane Boyd and Herman and each you shall from be hay for Frank Beltzor until Mon Frank Quigley of Wilder spent the her husband; Martha Ellen that forever you enjoined and of debarred day when they plan to return home day, Sunday, at the Jake Fischer Boyd, F r ids and Henry Fields, her hus asserting any claim whatever in or band; Sadie her Irene husband; Webb and George Clin- to said land and property adverse Q r e g I oín and start haying for Frank Stearns home. per Isn Webb, to the plaintiffs; (4) for such other the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Rock Shelton and VV. Hillmon and Ida M. Hillmon, and further relief as to the Court Jordan Grange held its reg Maxine with Irene Remmack of his wife; Rose G. Cole, a widow; shall seem equitable in this matter; Don't let your lovely roses be I A T I ON ular The meeting P ublish A. 11. Jane Webber; Webber, Herley V. his Webber Friday night with a Ontario spent Friday in Boise. spoiled — by simply lice when sprinkle It is so easy repel (51 for plaintiffs’ costs made and dis and wife; and the to will bushes bursements in this suit and them good attendance. Two new mem Mrs. Annie Gibson and Gordon Mrs. W. G. Doe Hansen and W. G. with BUHACH and your roses be bers were given the obligation. of Los Angeles were Thursday vis Hansen, h e r husband; Cecil incurred. safe. Money back if you don t agree WINIFRED BROWN THOMAS - - - - Owner You will take notice that this Green; Cherald Davis and Bert Mrs. Bessie Stultz and Mrs. Nora BUHACH is the beet protection itors at the Gerritt Stam home on Davis, her husband; Kenneth summons is served on you under that LOUIS F. THOMAS - • - - Editor and Publisher against plant insect pests you ever tried Wise spent Thursday afternoon at Thursday. and by virtue of and pursuant to Green and Jane Doe Green, his III Handy Sifter Cans 25c up at Urug. the home of Mrs. C. F. Fallen of Order of the Hon. Robt. M. Dun Cjirocery. Seed wife; Doris Davis and Glen John Green Doe an and Mrs. Gerritt Groot, Mr. Davis, Stores ami l*et can. Circuit Judge of said County Cow Creek who was accidently run and Mr. Mrs. her husband; INDEPENDENT IN POLITICS AND RELIOION, OPTIMISTIC Bill Findling, Fred Koop- and State, made on the 3rd day of and Rosina Green, his wife; The over by a car and bruised quite man were visitors at the Joe Stam BUHACH IN DISPOSITION—WITH NO INTERESTS TO SERVE 1940, directing that the sum da Dodge and John John Doe Doe Brooks; Dodge, June, badly about the body. They also home when Mrs. Stam celebrated her mons herein be published for four husband; EXCEPT THOSE OF MALHEUR COUNTY PRONOUNCED BU'HACK successive including five called on Mrs. Chas. Fallen Jr. her the unknown heirs, if any, of birthday anniversary on Wed Sarah Jane Peer, Deceased; the publications, weeks, in the Nyssa Gate City Swimming has been the chief en nesday. Nyssa, Oregon. heirs, if any, of unknown George Journal, published at CARL ADVERTISING RATES SUBSCRIPTION RATES tertainment in this community the Another, whose birthday fell this P. unknown COAD, Green, Deceased; the Open rate, per Inch........ 30c Attorney for H. Plaintiffs, past two or three weeks. heirs, if any, of Nora L. Green, One Year . . ...... *1.50 past week was Klaas Stam whose National, Per inch ............30c Resident and Post-office address: Six Months .................... *1.00 Deceased; and also all other per Mr. Dentel of Bend, Oregon, spent visitors for the day were Mr. and sons Nyssa, Oregon. Notice To Hog Raisers Classifieds, Per word ___01c or person unknown claiming Single Copies ....... 05 several days visiting his children Dated and 1st pub., June 6, 1940. With the installation of a new Mrs. Gerritt Groot and Fred Koop- any right, title, lien or interest in Minimum 25c (Strictly In Advance) Last pub., July 4, 1940. here. He returned home the lirst man. or to the real property in the scale at of the week Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Boersma complaint herein described. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Defendants. TIIE STOCK YARDS The hay crop looks quite favor left on Saturday for a trip to Van Published every Thursday at Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon. able in this section and most every couver, Wash. States Department of the we are RAILWAY To: Kenneth Green, Jane Doe United now receiving your hogs Interior, General Land Office at Green, Mercy Ann Leuck, Nicholas Entered at the postoffice at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission body has started mowing and hay Grandma Stam of Oregon Trail Leuck, Mrs. W. G. Hansen, W. G. Tlie Dalles, Oregon, June II, 1940 there every Friday, paying the through the United States Malls, as second class matter, under NOTICE is hereby given that highest price the market permits Cherald Davis, Bert Dodge, Davis, Thomas ing in general. was a dinner guest on Thursday of Hansen, Dodge, the act of March 3. 1879. M. Lowe, of Nyssa, Oregon, John Doe The Guy Wise family returned Mr. and Mrs. Bill Findling and Theda who, February 24, 1925, made and seeking to serve you In every George W. Hillmon, Ida M. Hillmon, Second on Desert Monday from Salem where they at Fred Koopman. Entry, Acts 9- Rose G. Cole, A. H. Webber, Herley 5-14 & 3-3-77, Land No. 025817, for the possible way. V. Webber, Jane Doe Webber, John W'iNW'i tended State Grange. Miss Geral Mr. and Mrs. Jake Relk of Ore Doe Sec. 13 and the S'iNEU the unknown heirs, if Sec. 14, Township 21 S., Range 45 dine Woodcock returned home with gon Trail visited at the Gerritt any, Brooks, of Sarah Jane Peer, Deceased; them for an indefinite visit. She Groot home on Sunday. Willamette Meridian, has final filed FRANK KULLANDER the unknown heirs, if any, of E.. NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL’S notice of intention to make George P. Green, Deceased; the un is Mr. Wise’ s niece. PROGRAM to establish claim to the land known heirs, if any, of Nora L. Proof, The Jordan H. E. C. met at the Green, Deceased; and also unknown all oth above described, before M. A. Biggs, LOWER BEND home of Mrs. Florence Ross Thurs er persons or person Notary Public, day at of Ontario. Oregon, claiming any right, title, lien or in on the 29th July, 1940. Co-operative Marketing Association day and planned refreshments for in or to the real property in Claimant names witnesses: Mrs. Wm. Teter and son, Dale, terest the Grange meeting Friday. for Malheur Farmers E. B. Smith, W. R. as Talbott, Theo the complaint herein described, of dore accompanied her daughter and hus Curtis Jones and family are visit the above-named Defendants: Rust and Harold Fivecoat, all A Properly Equipped Trailer Camp band, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Rush, ing Mr. Jones’ father and brother IN THE NAME OF THE STATE of Nyssa, Oregon. OF OREGON: You and each of A City Park back to Elgin for a visit. here. hereby are commanded to ap Mrs. Oldger is visiting her daugh Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Fleshman you A Comprehensive Street Improvement pear cause, in the within above four entitled were hosts to Sunday dinner for ter, Mrs. Frank Stearns. and weeks court after Plan the date of which first publication of this There will be a two-day celebra Mr. and Mrs. Duke Rohland and summons, date is June 6th, tion this year on the fourth. Dates family of Adrian. 1940, then and there to answer or Miss Benita Ocimica of Boise is otherwise plead to the complaint of his birthday anniversary. Re are July 4th and 5th. OWYHEE spending the week here with her herein, if you the fail plaintiffs so to do, freshments were served and the aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Guy filed and for want and thereof, and pink birthday cake with Married—Juanita Ardell Franklin white will take judgment ana Ocimica. was baked and presented BOY SCOUTS against you as prayed for in decree their daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray candles Mrs. Guy Ocimica spent Friday by Mrs. Roger Tucker. complaint: (1) Requiring each of GO ON HIKE Franklin, of Owyhee and Gerald in Boise; while there she visited you to set forth the nature of your Albert Slippy, second son of Mr. Mrs. O. P. Counsll and children, ALBERTA VALLEY — Boy Scout little claim to the following described Carmen Silonis of Wade. Car real property in Malheur County, and Mrs. Henry Slippy of Newell Effle, Ellen, Joe, Harry and Vera is now out of the hospital and Oregon: No. 58 left Thursday on a men Heights, were united in marriage at F’ay and Jess Watson of Nyssa were Troop at the home of relatives and ex Commencing at the Southeast DIGNIFIED SERVICE three day hike. They will camp pects Payette Thursday, June 20th. Both Sunday afternoon callers at the on return to her home in Big corner of Bl. 68 Green’s Addition the Anges Bishop farm in Ar Bend to soon. Every detail of our service is aimed young people are well known in the Dan Corbett home. to the Town of Nyssa, as shown community and are graduates of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Allen and Mr. cadia. toward lightening the burden of Mrs. Kinnicki daughter and hus by the Revised Plat on file in the and Mrs. Floyd Thompson band of Brogan visited here Sun office of the County Clerk of the Nyssa high school. They are and Mrs. John Bartholoma attend and Mr. family those left to grieve. and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Malheur County at Vale, Oregon, at home for the present at the ed the Chatterbox club picnic held Thompson and children spent Sun day. which point of beginning is on the Borrow it on your car Consult us at any time without cost. Henry Slippy home. Friends wished at the Vale park Sunday in addi day in Nampa. Ralph Lowe of Nyssa is visiting line of Short the right way of from your local Bank them well in a hearty charivari on tion to a large dinner they enjoyed Mr. and Mrs. Ora Friel and fam with his aunt, Mrs. Harry and the West the Oregon Line of Railroad NYSSA FUNERAL HOME Company; and running thence Saturday evening. the Caldwell and Vale baseball ily spent Sunday afternoon at the family this week. West on the South line of said —it’s Cheaper and— AMBULANCE SERVICE Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence DeLosure game. Eloise Russell, Iola Parker and Block 68 extended West approxi IT THROUGH Phone 73W Taylor home in Parma. and daughter, Eunice Culbertson of Mrs. Rose Kurtz of Lakin, Kan., James Wilford Prosser returned home on mately 184.5 feet to a point 34.5 INSURE Nyssa Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gannon vis OUR AGENCY West of and the 275.5 West feet line east of said of Martinez, Cal., have been guests in arrived the first of the week for a ited at the Earl Farr home in Nyssa Friday evening from two weeks of feet Block 68. the Bertha and Chas. Culbertson visit with her son, O. J. Kurtz and 4-H summer school at Corvallis. evening. the East line of First Street as Prompt and Courteous homes for several days. Mrs. De family and daughter, Mrs. Carl Sunday Miss Margaret Hyatt returned shown said Plat; thence South Service Mr. and Mrs. Jim Huffman and Losure is known here as Mrs. Gla Roth and family of near Nyssa. family of Nyssa were Sunday din home from Caldwell Sunday where 25 feet; by thence 138.5 feet West East of 137 the feet East to BERNARD EASTMAN dys Culbertson and was married Mrs. S. P. Bybee and Mrs. Pete ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dean she was the house guest of Miss a line point of said First Street; thence Just prior to their trip here. They Wakerwood made atrip to Payette Fife. Kathaleen Cottier. 470 feet along line a line paral Complete Line of Insurance left for a visit to her old home in and Ontario the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs Art Hann and Mrs. Big Bend P. T. A. will have a South lel to said East of First NYSSA PHONE 64 fornia where they will make their Mr. and Mrs. George Massie and Anna Hedley of Nyssa and Mr. and cooked food sale at Holly’s store Street and 138.5 feet East there thence East 110 feet; thence Missouri before returning to Cali- daughter, Dortha and Melvin Bro Mrs. LaVere Fife spent Sunday in Saturday. Mrs. Dwight Fleshman of; South feet to as the North line home. wer of Free Water arrived at the; Boise. They also visited Mr. and is chairman. of Green 150 Avenue shown by said Plat; thence East along the North The Owyhee Community club met home of their daughter, Mrs. Jess Mrs. Max Williams in Nampa. line of said Green Avenue 143 at the home of Mrs. Bertha Cul Ford Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gannon, Mr. Leave on Trip feet and to the West Oregon line of Short the bertson Thursday with Mrs. Earl Mrs. I. B. Allen and Mrs. John and Mrs. right way of the Jack Gannon and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Powell who Line of Railroad Crocker and Charlotte Kyger as as Bartholoma attended the meeting of and Mrs. Eldwood Lankford visited had Mr. planned Company; an to leave on an extend thence Northeasterly along said d sistant hostesses. Mrs. Gladys De- the Chatterbox club at the Lloyd Lake Lowell Sunday. ed rail journey on last Saturday right of way line to the Southeast losure of California was a guest. home Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Chambers and were delayed until Wednesday of corner of to said Nyssa; Block 68 Green’ of s Mrs. Martha Kllngback and Mrs. Adams the of point Friday evening from a family were In Nampa Saturday. this week when they left on the Addition beginning; all as shown the Peutz were prize winners of a guess two Returning weeks’ summer 4-H school at Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Lankford Rose for California. Revised Plat of the Town, by now ing game. Refreshments of angel Corvallis were scholars Miss Vivian and Lester Lankford of Nyssa. Mr. City, of Nyssa on file in the Of food cake, Jello salad and Ice tea Malloy and Clarence Hite. and Mrs. Jack Gannon and Mrs. fice the Countv Clerk Oregon of Mal Legal Advertising were served. The next meeting of Mrs. S. P. Bybee Is reported ill Ethel heur of County at Vale, Lankford left Tuesday for a the club will be in the park at this week. that all claims of the defen- I visit with friends and relatives in NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION and dants adverse plaintiffs be Payette where the members will be Joye Sathford is confined to her Colorado. determined by to the the Court; (2) that United States Department of the guests of the N. G. club of that bed this week. Mr and Mrs. Jess Callahan of General Land Office at city at a one o’clock luncheon on After a few days visit at the home Ironsides visited at the I. L. Cooper Interior, The Dalles. Oregon, June 11, 1940 Wednesday, July 17th. All mem of their daughter, Mrs. Jess Ford. home Thursday. NOTICE is hereby of Nyssa, given Ore that Elmer E. Cloninger, bers are invited to be present. LOOK BEFORE YOU STEP Mrs. Charlie Grider was soliciting Mr and Mrs. George Massie de gon. who, on March 22, 1937, made Mcsdames Ida Walters, Martha parted for their home in Free Wa for the Red Cross in Nyssa Monday. Original Homestead Entry, Act 6- Kllngback and Mildred Hite were ter taking with them their grand Melvin Jensen is driving a new 17-02, No. 030620, for Farm Unit “E" A rc y o u r delegates to a P. T. A. meeting in sons, or the El-SW't Sec. 13, Township car. Donald and Francis. 20 S„ Range 45 E.. Willamette Mer shoes in good Oregon Trail Friday afternoon. Mrs. Charlie Grider attended the idian. has final filed Proof, notice of to intention Mrs A. C. Bradley is ill at the condition? Red Crass nursing course in Nyssa to make establish home of her son, Chas. Bradley, and CRICKETS AT claim to Frank the land above described, Thursday and Monday. Do they need before T. Oregon, Morgan. Notary has been confined to her bed, JORDAN VALLEY Bnd Wilson. C. M. Tensen and NEW SOLES Public, at Nyssa, on the Georgia Dennis of Nyssa and Jensen were business callers 27th day of July. 1940. AND HEELS, Frank Campbell of Boise were Sun JORDAN VALLEY—The Mormon Donald Saturday and Sunday. Claimant names as witnesses: day guests at the Wm. Peutz home. crickets have reached this section in C. McCall or other small bought two yearling Mr. Frank Gabriel Parker, and Mr. Jake Roy Rook- Kenneth Kygar returned from but have done very little damage mules M. at Tensen Ontario Wednesday. stool, Geo. Koh- repairs? the Grand View district Sunday so far. Ed Mahers reports them Mrs T. M. Beranek of Baker is len. all of Nyssa, Oregon. Bring them where he had been herding sheep. being quite thick in places on and visiting W. F. JACKSON, at the Clayton Jensen home. to He expects to leave soon for Dia near his ranch which is Just a few Beverly Osborn who' has been ill Register. mond where he has work for the miles from town. First Publication: June 20, 1940 is up and around again. ALL WO R K G U A R A N T E E D Last Publication: July 18, 1940. summer. Mrs. Bessie Stults returned home Marjorie Groot returned Friday The Owyhee C. E. and Bible class from a week’s visit with her daugh evening with the 4-H club members SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION ABBOTT'S visited the Roswell Baptist church ter, Mrs. Oliver Young in Bend. from a two weeks summer school IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF Sunday evening. SHOE SHOP THE STATE OF OREGON FOR The pipe crew are near comple at Corvallis. THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR tion of their work here and plan C. M Tensen started his sheep RALPH CASTATER husband and HEL Next to Nyssa Cafe to leave the first part of the week for Summit Prairie Friday. EN H. M. CASTATER, and WEDDING TAKES for the John Day district. Kathryn Kakebacke of Ontario is THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Five truck loads of lumber was visiting at the Dick Groot home PLACE AT CALDWELL hauled JULY 4th JULY 5th JULY 6th from Marslng to Rome for this week. NY8SA HEIGHTS Mr and Mrs. use in building a new CCC camp. Mr and Mrs. Gerritt Stam visited PARADE HORSE PULLING BARBEQUE Jess Ford and family with Mrs. Wednesday. at the John Bouman and Roy Ste Ford’s parents. Mr and Mrs. Geo. Miss Gwendolyn Stultz visited ov vens homes in Arena Valley Sun DEATH DODGERS WATER FIGHT CONTEST Massle and daughter, Dortha, and er Tuesday and Wednesday with day afternoon. in 6 acts DEATH DODGERS DEATH DODGERS Melvin Brower of Free Water drove her sister. Mrs. Chas. Fallen Jr., of RACING in 6 acts in 7 acts to Caldwell Wednesday where Miss Cow creek BAREBACK RIDES GRAND ENTRY GRAND ENTRY Dortha was united in marriage to A farewell dance was given Wed EXHIBITION Mr. and Mrs. Nyssa BAREBACK RIDES BAREBACK RIDES RIDES Melvin Brower by Rev. Williams of nesday night for the CCC boys who the Nazarene church. A wedding were leaving for their homes in FINALS: RACING RACING for your support during picnic dinner was enjoyed in the Chicago. BUCKING BULLDOGGING BULLDOGGING park Mr. and Mrs. Brower de Mrs. Lucille Thornburg and two BULLDOGGING DAIRY MONTH BUCKING BUCKING parted Friday to be at their home sons. Phil and Oordon, moved to CALF ROPING An exclusive method CALF ROPING Boise where the boys will attend with friends at Free Water. CALF ROPING BOB LINDEN ACT Mr and Mrs O. J Kurtz and school the coming term. of cleaning y o u r BOB LINDEN ACT BOB LINDEN ACT Ed A Tillie Bowman # And we pledge ourselves to warrant your sons also his mother. Mrs. Rree Jim Mills, who has been suffer Ed & Tillie Bowman Ed & Tillie Bowman clothes that makes FIREW ORKS Kurtz of Lakln. Kan . accompanied ing from a broken leg for several them hold their shape continued favor by delivering to your table only with Mr and Mrs Carl Roth and weeks, is improving quite rapidly. DISPLAY Roney and Carl’s mother drove to Mr and Mrs. Don Stultz are mov better. Nampa Sunday to the J. Martin ing to town where they will live In SAFE MILK and CREAM Clothes Cleaned the home where they had a basket din the old Ohlte Bacon house during BAND CONCERTS EVERY DAY and NIGHT TRIPLEX WAY ner with old neighbors and friends. haying. Mr Stultz will work for Produced Under Sanitary Conditions BIG CARNIVAL, SHOWS, DAY and NIGHT Mr. and Mrs. Olen Sutter went Frank Stearns in the hay. ARE COOLER AND Mr and Mrs. Vernon Richardson to Caldwell Monday on business. DANCING EVERY NIGHT MORE COMFORT FROM T.B and ABORTION FREE Just-A-Mere club met at the home and Calvin Young made a trip to with Con Shane and the Swingaroos of Mrs Jess Ford Friday afternoon Nyssa Tuesday and returned the ABLE BECAUSE and 16 members answered roll call same day. DAIRY HERDS THEY ARE with a ery interesting event pro Fred Haylett and small son of gram which was in charge of Mrs Sheavllle were in town Friday. CLEANER! Paul Baker Ice cream and cake Earl Ramsey motored to Nyssa were served by the hostess. Mrs Friday evening where he will spend Jess Ford The next meeting was the week end visiting friends decided to be held on June Jth Pete Elorrlaga. Jenero Remen ter- NYSSA TAILOR BIG DAYS 3 BIG NIGHTS at the home of Mrs F J. Cahill. la and Joe Zatica have been hauling SHOP Rev. Vern Martin of the Nyssa sheep from this district to Cald Nazarene church was surprised on well. Phone 05-J2 Phone 104W DELIVERY SERVICE Thursday evening when 71 gathered Mrs Irene Foster called at the PHONE 7« home of Mrs Ouy Wise Saturday . at the Roger Tucker home in honor The Gate City Journal T ProtectYourRoses From Plant Lice % NEED MONEY ? YALE - JULY 4-5-6 TRIPLEX CLEANING THANK YOU! Shelton Dairy a Gate City Dairy 22 ND ANNUAL CELEBRATION 3 3 LET’S GO VALE! *