Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1940)
T H E N Y S S A G A T E O T Ì ’ J O U R N A L , T H U R S D A Y , M A Y 30, ATTEND GRANGE A N N I V E R _____ SARY PARTY LOCAL NEWS 1940^ ; aid Built* of Jordan Vafley on May w*7 OUA chairman U the achool 31st A handkerchief shower wat board. prevented Vo Mn Dot J. PVahman H 8 F orre, attended a ami eoa- Hr. »red M n Vernon Patrker were who »ill be lea vin* the community serraUrei meeting m Ontano Fri A D R IA N H E IG H T S T E A M T O P L A Y _____ NYSSA JCJKDAX T I U Z T — T ¡» I n * * M T«T LL HX3G8TXS—12 * *ew eJ ^ lm > ; wore Vo care lur ow uien woo are o n e ! « at One Wune amene ä jene n. Pw ùanc M n M 'X Xm e. staiec ina: Soit «ear two giri» trim. Maineur caux,- V nave loured meiner and jo r o « taue at ine nome anc that it is flink at al. U hm » wkc youre* w * a t u. m 4 next fall Vo Veach at Porters Fiat Iron. Jura*: V aler uree Mr mac sere«* tmL grourecu Mr and Mr Vernon Parner .pent M n T ilix Sr iron. O y» Cree* M n D u n p a e Area«n>ui» mió M . Urn Sunday evening with Mr Parker s weti- tu v jî - w w i pueiV M ano agent Bureo»} u. Weuxer M n Vera O reo, an : M n M are j*_. »r.r M n Ear. Lam ar. u! parreitt the E E Par te n in Bi* Boutin were s. t u r : Satura»? e r- r —v «.y . CaL, nave — cptreciii* Bend r »«im Haven accompanied hi* w i« t & uay» at tbt u! u e J H ires MoCwineil war n. lu m a i ut;iret-v Wayne Wood aufi family grandmother Hatch to Caldwell on Valie-y Saturaay Mr M tCocuec. » M : a n : M n Ear. le u * Mr Friday M n Bill Aahcroft Mrs Everett I » cm usjeamiu. iron. CsúOveL ¡ag! M n Jake B orre Mr anfl M n Mn Barge vat nere over ine Cnariie H arm a n : Mr anó M n Point» and Claude Patveraon vorted Tine Ouri B cou : troop U Vywa were en t Sue came a. irret Ltaen nl Wewer were ptrri ire trig Mrs Willie MoGinnre and Stuart Senweuaer in the Ontario botspttal reOer one jeaam eup M M n G n a t Wrreent ap ^ r ranca a: toe -raie Sunday Saturday am enart » ill noie iùrar annua: Capt Carver an o bat Been iran í- ^ ^ ^ Jjs¿„ b ^ , . Mr and M n. Duke Boniand were M arean* Itay -'tower aale at toe ierre: sa Ce MS» irons Beuna Vista „ ^ W;JOC k t^JE- Sunqgy d-nner gu*»U at the Gee Kynaa Parerei* Co More l n » M * *•'-.» » *««=* ouocire* a C. C C. ^ ^ WeraneeOiy a os Tusmoay May Mi Specia. tpree auaj. C-iSaro Carwre. etf TremogiOKi de Haven home. Mr and M n Prank de Lespenaat* orotn may I» psarer; wiUs M n S ct> paimimar K-xiymm. t --» ,. ... :s—- w Scyder reame and son left Saturday morning to «* ine troop trim Ot. jtrre vat a guest at ine Sunday I k your credit to R m etort or a spend the summer in Salem and « ó tr e nació and every «äort wiL nrene td Mr anó M n P u : Lou* Mn. Harry HiOhpnrey unnerwent HutKatrfl buy your new •oe made M nave m es fU X rest weec Bartwra and Donald Hatch spent O b »•'—*■■— r Trip— Hary»: Doooyret vat re. J V last s minor opesauan Mxsdny. vv see aaou: meant m M anc Mn. Ear. Vance anc sen Sunday in Big Bend with their F U R N IT U R E Mr and M n Ber. £ laencaens- Dohbyne a creinecved w rit cr»e m- td nacramenvo Ca. stopped T^run- grandmother Hatch. prr wren Mr ano M n C rear« Kere- dss and its . - « at ine Scyoer home Mrs Howard Hatch and Barbara E asy T e r m i c a n b e o ti ano iréeir er: lloren were íwnrei* •jejTica. survey re. Pendanre. Ti»e Crenmumry Cnuret Lw di» <-'a i R un* of M iddletah s^ n t attended a musical recital given by on due Malne-re Sunday ano report a rra n g e d . Aid met at ine name of M n Pete Tuesday at the bame of h a son M n C W Albertson of Parma lor ! a ta » caven od fian Lwcat Wednesday M X- Kurtz per violin and piano students. The fiarang traunc Jordan Va»- Two senrecs from Sewell Heights Mr and Mrs Frank de Irespihasse William E Butnaimiey of Bea An ley re quite gaoc tbre year—untoh- graduated froe: Acriar. high schooi were Friday eveiugn dinner guests gelen armed re. Wedneedoy and ally so in the reservocn Many —they were Ellen Jensen and Miles at the D. W. Patch home a » gue*.-. at the Dtok Tenaes: nome people are cresun* out iram CaiO- Wallace -------------------------------- Mn Boinaimey precede: him last retd and OHSaris to try their honrt« u .. leant Sugg anc Mrs M L. wewk ire a ram with her parenti | at angling Kurt* attended Sunday bchool o!- L O W E R B E N D -------------------------------- . fleers and teachers meeting Sun- S C H O O L C L O S E S After > i.stirs* pcontt of GRANGE TO HAVE day afternoon at the Jim is Caidomua Mr and M n R Cor- of Kungman KM ob > LOWER BEND—Big Bend school P IE S O C I A L ■aS Write that they are __ Bod and Hamid Kurt* went to celebrated the end of another year Ok p o rt o r a ll o f th e d o w n j ~r’nUit athaMBa*._______ APPLE VALI_EY—The a Sc-:Teijr Sprmgi Tnursday with with a picnic at Big Bend school. rang? ^ m ptam m * dam. A ball game with Wade was played harrew a V » social Tuesday even p a y m en t. Daily TaoatKm Bible bcncui opens with the Bend winning. ing and le danaung the proceed Mrs Harry W Russell has re- FR E E D E L IV E R Y » » d to the Apple Valley t-H ds£> who June II and clawa July i at the It re to turned home after spending a few wiH put o c the evening t program Kingman Kearny school P I C K -U P S E R V I C E of Mr days with her father who is very M m f e g it the tentative program oe under the supervision and M n R G Chandler of Cald- ill at his home in Nyssa. son* by the t-H (dim: guitar scio. Patrren of RAILWAY E3C- well He a the American Sunday A' surprise kitchen shower was PRE8S re. the City Trennt of Bob Gee . poem by Homer Nicnoèi school missKmary given to Miss Mary Anne Schneider premo so jo Mona Gee reading by k y a t mar kawe FREE DELIV -------------------------------- who is to became the bride of Don- Betty C orrei vjoiir. souc Star Ro- Mn ; l iâ T u t m » tu . 1 fin in ' « ! day Mr.» Ltel Coilrnt and Mr. and O u » »aeamiec ri* lbcfc mrireas? Bossu Bail veno, play* Nyn* Fn- Mr ltri Parner P|U**T watched the mngnrryde ____ *- Baae H »m i,toe cd Hretwniie tper.: M n Dwight FVwhmao vuuk thei the week end at h one Satura»* ML' m e M n Ou 5 w * any u gn t a> *y#a» at tret b ite racet Naptou biding and Bi* Bend eighth graders Vo Bowe last Monday on a sightseeing trip Tisose Irom this district receiving their eighth grade diplomat at the Adrian liigh school graduation ex- - rc.see last night were D n * R'xvAli. Irh taring. Wilm» Wllsrei Ixrrsui.' Reno Ethel Case Don j Caw Richard Ocimlea. Clinvon Reno and Kenneth Reno Mn MarshaU Hyatt and Mrs | B G Roberts and Mrs Clyde Riggs were gunks at a waffle sup per at the Harvey Benne:: home Sunday. The C. Tremblay s have moved into the house cm the Haffstetter ranch. Mr and Mrs Lee BaldrMge Mr aad Mrs E. H. B n a S s d : Mrs p. B Anderscm and Mrs Della Bun nell were in Caldwell Thursday. OK U j TRADE IN r YOUR OLD FURNITURE Nordale Furniture Store ERY and PICK-UP SERVICE by phnrimg— 27 E 94 FROST N y. GOLDEN GRAIN MASTER COMBINE *695 F.O.B.Nyssa T h e F in est 5 -F o o t C o m b in e Y o u E v e r S a w P u rch a se C an B e M a d e o n O u r B u d g e t T e r m s 7 R EA SO N ’S W H Y! I R a s p C y lin d e r M a n -B e h in d -th e - G un I A i r f l o w c le a n in g • S hoe L o w -p r ic e d R u b b e r iz e d W e a t h e r p r o o fe d D ra p e rs — -R u b b e r C o v e r e d D r iv e R o lls Come In-See It! NYSSA IMPLEMENT CO. * O n G o o d e A v e n u e , V* B lo c k W e s t P o st O f f i c e m NHOfflfe GÛOO USED TIRES! »E CAI OFFEI TOI C50 10 J ^ fob r T05 « 0l# m a tto t o t a » si hm M . TIKES ¡•riM i . n w o U m io 4 >, II l i t r n n u l n w a i l i i n i n « •• » « » • '■ * v th i h * l » c « i l i v e 'n » dre p o n bere o I mem, t.'. J. T ie » » !**• oproewaifr la « die eern bio.,are r e i Uld BE S A F E t - S m HÖBET me I. S. raaeY-arfcE G rm t in 9 b w «muas» rat pmets UK ur TIRES » « NOW MUCM ACTUAL CAIN rout old m n • ' in M UNTf Ctccf rt Thompson Oil Company P h o n e 11 Nyssa, O r e g o n am CLEANING and. NVSSk TAILOR SHOP O L I V E R UP binare, vocal solo, D rena Rat Nsch- . V A L L E Y V I E W C ALL FOR SCHOOL r* EDn~ te c Cox FARM ERS CUT H AY WARRANTS Mr and M n Jam a C arrel and _____ Notioe is hereby given that ~>ur ga**u Mr »red Mrs Reed of VALLEYYIEW—The farmers are warrants 255 to 352. both Weiser and Sherman Batberiared of cutting alfalfa this week in this numbers inclusive, issude by Eureka Cal., spent Thursday at the oaearomlty It will be a good crop School District 26, Malheur Gw-yhee dam a» a has had pienti ot moisture. County, and endorsed “not Mr and M n Glen Van Landing- CLfford Kr-.r of Los Angeles. C al paid for want of funds" are ; ream and daughter. Brereje arrived j surprised the Brattar fam ily cm hereby called for payment cm at the Lloyd Caldwell rerene Thurs- j Thursday aftem occ. and spent the or before Monday. June 3rd. day and left Saturday for Salinas night with tR—» He is here risit- 1940 fianeai n g his brotoer. Lelared King and Interest on the above war Thom W Be ■ » paeat&tag am - family of Ontario and plans to go rants will cease on Monday, vice at the church here Sunday: to Alaska from her- June 3. 1940. Sunday schooi will meet a* usual Mr and Mrs A A Bratton and B B LIENKAEMPER. Ladle» Aid will meet Thursday af- family attended the farewell party i Clerk of the Board. temcem June S Mrs Earl Summy at Apple Valley achool house Tues will assist M n Bre ton day evening for Rev. Scherich who The last meeting of the Ale was will leave for Kuna. Td*hr, alt o held at Mrs Bretons with IS S tef W hite and sons chopped hay ! present for H E Noah last week. Mure Clara Pol an and her little George Turner helped Virgil Bel rreeee retumed to their hornet in ts!» with his farm work last week. 1 California after visiting at the Misses Eulah. Gladys and Ruth horn' o f Mr and Mrs A. G. Shuh* Bratton motored to Caldwell Wed Mr and Mra Waldo Smalley and nesday and spent the afternoon. latr j called at the Jack Smalley Mrs Victor Kinney o f Emmett home Sunday afternoon. Idaho visited Mr snd Mrs C E The little daughter of Mr and Rees and Mrs Vira Rees Sunday. Mr Seven Fox ia having a severe Mrs Vira Rees returned with her ease of whooping cough, the other for a weeks visit children are not so bad. Mix Eva Ash of Topeka. Kar.res M n Oscar Nichols is a patient visited Mr. and Mix. Arthur King at the Samaritan hospital in Nam from Saturday until Monday and pa The family went to see her from there the went to Washington Friday. She will nek be able to to visit her sister. T R IP L E X come home for at least two weeks Mr and Mrs David Browning of C L E A N IN G Friday afternoon. Mrs. Ralph Gee Feyette spent Sunday at the Geo and Mrs Tom Ferguson were gtsests Stewart home. is not just a catch-word at a recital given by Mrs. Charles — it is a system design BUILDING PERMITS Albertson of Parma for her pupils ed to REALLY do a bet The following applications for Mona Gee played the Fifth Noc permits have been filed turne and LaVero Ferguson played bu:»ding ter cleaning job. You with the City Recorder: a march No 354 Clinton K. Olson erect pav no more for T R I Cards anouncing the birth of a dwelling Lots 8 and 9. block 6. in P L E X C L E A N I N G than daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Teutsch Addition. *2,000 00. No 355 E L Watson, move to Rogers of Mountain City, Nevada, lot 4 block 9. Teutsch Addition. for ordinary cleaning. .. on »fay 23rd were received by rela No cost , If, no written protests have been tives here The baby ha* been within ten ‘ 10J days from the named Claudette Jean and weighed filed date of this publication by owners 7 lbs . 14 oes of property in the City of Nyssa. '»he above applications will be ap proved. DELIVERY SERVICE SU NSET V A LLE Y M F. SOLOMON PHONE 74 City Recorder Mr Walter HIIUs was called to Burley. Idaho, last week by the death of her sister-in-law. Mrs Hillis’ brother and fam ily expect to return with her this week. Mr and Mrs Dick Wyatt, Elgin. Oregon, were called here Saturday so Mrs Wyatt could be at the bed- i side of her brother. Bud Schweiier. J who was seriously injured Friday. I Rev. and Mrs. E. C Knull and Lillie Mae o f Nyasa called in the F R I D A Y a n d S A T U R D A Y — M a y 31 - J u n e 1 IC A Ditty and John Case homes Monday afternoon. Wallace Beery, John Howard, Delores Del Rio Among those from this vicinity and Donald Meek in | working on the break in the e»n»i “ TH E M AN FROM D A K O T A ” are John Reffett and the Tosch j brothers Comedy, Cartoon and Travel Talk Mr and Mrs. Verle Landreth of Matinee Saturday 2:3* p. m. I Ontario. Mr and Mrs Lloyd Lan- 4 d m in io n M a t i n » » l > c - 25 c E vening 10c-.t0c , dreth. Mr and Mrs. Jay Howard I visited the Owyhee dam Sunday S U N D A Y and M O N D A Y — JU N E 2 and 3 j and also enjoyed a swim at Snively's Ann Sheridan, Jeffrey Lynn, Humphrey Bogart pool on the trip home Mr and Mrs Austin of Burley. and Zasu Pitts in Idaho, visited In the Dee Hlllis “ I T ALL CAME TRUE” home Sunday and Monday M n Ace Roberts is under the Color Cartoon and Variety care o f Dr L. A. Maulding. Matinee Sunday *:3* p. Mr and Mrs Dee HOlls and their Admit Matinee l>e-25e Evening i0e-3Se guests Mr and Mrs Austin, visited PAL NIGHT In the I. L. Smith home In Oregon ir S d la - D o w n G r a in R e e l S tr e a m lin e d j wo * tm H r* * * * NYSSA Phone 108 Trail Monday evening. Arnold W olfe who has been teach ing in Waverly Nebr the past term arrived Saturday for a 10-day visit with his parents Mr and M n. Otto W olfe He will return to Lincoln. Nebr. where he will attend sum mer school at the university. While working in the hayfleld at Wilbur Chapins Friday morning Clint Schneider had the misfortune to get hit in the arm by a stray bullet He was taken to the On tario hospital where he was cared tor until Saturday evening when he was able to return to his home PROGRAM THEATRE T U E S D A Y — JU N E 4 Jackie Cooper, Betty Field and Otto Kruger in “ SEVEN TEEN ” ___________________ “ T h e S h a d o w ” ___________________ T o o L a te t o C la s s ify COMM ENCEMENT A T A D R I A N H IG H NEW STUDIO Dwveno bedding '.ompartasest. only 6 1 BO; new 5- pc cin e «* »et. SISMI — The Nyssa BIG BEND—About 50 ladle* from Trader sen* for kaa Main high Roewell Wilder Orena Valley and way north. 30V lie the Bend attended the shower hon THIS WEEKS Spedai 30 mirror oring Mrs Bernard Obendorf. that free with a new chest of draw | was held at the Hatch home Thurs- ers at $5 45 U lU and *6k5 other i day afternoon Prayer meeting was held at the checks from 82 75 The Nyasa Tra ! C R Purdy home Wednesday ev der main hiway north at Alber.» S tilt ening Mr and Mrs Jesse Higgins trans new fruit Jart now. acted business in Nyssa Wednesday ORDER i c-nmplete with rub- New qt Mr and Mrs George Eulers and The Nyssa Trader son were Caldwell visitors Wednes ber sells tor leas. main hiway north at day and traded their car for a pick 30M1XC Alberta. up The Ralph Starks are driving a SEWING MACHINES only *750; new sedan. Kitchen cabinet. B Ä utility A very large crowd attended the catenet *13» The Nyssa Trader commencement exercises at Adrian sells for less main hiway north at high schooi Friday evening. Jim Alberta. »M ixe Miller, class president and George Aiken of Ontario were the princi GET YOUR vaca: son camera now. Surprise special. 35c up The pal speakers. The high school band and Glee club furnished the musk. Nyssa Trader sells for lees main »M ixe Diplomas were presented by Har- hiway north at Alberta FRIDAY a n d S A T U R D A Y , M A Y 31 & J U N E 1 Eqqs Eggs Coffee KTdiar(,oc? 15c E x tra m e d iu m 2 dozen 25c S h u rfin e , g r o u n d t o su it fre s h , 2 lbs.______________ Crackers p.'Lg„ 10 lb. p a ils Syrup G o ld e n A m a iz ó er Starch g 1 !o lb. s§ p o a r c c k o a r g n e , , 2 e ith fo r 59c 15c Salad Dressing ?^rt 23C Raisins __________ f t Shredded Wheat f r “’’ N,,ion‘ 1' 19c Soap P & G W h it e N a p th a 5 b ars g ia n t s iz e Bacon Squares J0_c 19c P ound 3 lb. Cans Snowdrift W ILSON 1 Qn I 9w G rocery A D e p e n d a b le F o o d S to r e NYSSA OREGON Notice To The City ot Nyssa Water Users C o m m e n c in g S a tu rd a y , J u n e 1, 1 9 4 0 , th e u se o f h ig h -p re s s u r e w a te r f o r ir r ig a tio n w ill b e a lte r n a tin g , th o s e o n th e s ou th s id e o f E h r g o o d A v e n u e u s in g th e water M o n d a y s , W e d n e s d a y s a n d F r id a y s . Those o n th e n o rth s id e o f E h r g o o d A v e n u e u s in g w a te r o n T u e s d a y s , T h u r s d a y s a n d Satur d a y s. N o re s tr ic tio n s o n S u n d a y . lers m u st b e u sed at a ll tim es. Sprink Violators of th ese ru les w ill b e p la c e d o n meters. W E D N E S D A Y and T H U R S D A Y — JU N E 5 - 6 Spencer Tracy, Robert Young and Walter Brennan in “ N ORTH W EST PASSAGE” Comedy and News Movietone New« Order of COMMON COUNCIL CITY OF NYSSA