Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1940)
CLASSIFIED ADS 1940. THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, MAY 80, our community. Those attending Thompson's mother whom she had urday. ! YOUNG FOLKS Mr and Mrs. Dick Groot and Mrs. were Angela Harriett and Keith n’t seen for 10 years. ! ENJOY SOCIAL Herman, Leon and Lawrence Bai Edna Hallock attended a picnic Pete Tensen were In Ontario on Mary and Bill deLashmutt, at Big Bend Park Saturday. RIVERVIEW—The Community S. ley, James Tarzan and Reta Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gannon and S. meets next Sunday at the Ernest Mrs. Ethel Lankford were Sunday Johnson home, 2:30. Christian En Kathleen and Harold Loe, Delphia evening dinner guests of Mr. and Osborn, Geneva Graham, Kenneth deavor, 7:30, everyone welcome. An Mrs. Elwood Lankford in Nyssa. Anne and Frank Johnson Boy Scout Troop ice cream social was held Saturday Wand, No. 58 had a For Sale or Trade I For Sale or Trade Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Wendall and wetner roast Thursday evening at FARM LANDS OR WILL TRADE for stock, model evening for the young people of children of Santa Barbara, Calif the Angus Bishop home in Arcadia. visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe Waud last Lorraine Fischer and Maxine “A” 1930 Ford. Inquire Journal. 123 ACRES, IMPROVED, near Vale. week. 30Mlxp Shelton attended Joan Garrison’s Bernard Eastman. 28Mtfc Lawrence Bailey is home for the birthday party Saturday. ONE 5-YEAR sorrel, matched team summer vacation. Mrs. Rock Shelton and Maxine or will trade for cows. — Dennis For Sale Mr. and Mrs. James McGinnis, attended the grade school operetta Toombs, Rt. 1. 23M3xp MACHINERY Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur McOlnnis and Friday evening. family and Kathleen Loe went to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Maughn of -ROW POTATO planter and two- PINE POLES and Posts, green cut, the canal break Sunday. Idaho Falls spent Saturday even way plow. At Cables Implement seasoned and peeled, will trade for Charles Scott was very ill with ing at the Luther Fife home. nd Tractor Co., Ontario llAtfc hay. Kelley Coal Co., Nampa, Ida Mr. and Mrs. William Miller and blood poisoning last week. PIANO 2M6xc Mrs. John Hemmack and family of CTOR CORRUOATOR and ho. Ed Gonnason is haying for Tom Ontario spent Tuesday at the Rock Cultivator attachments for all Osborn. INSTRUCTOR Shelton home. For Sale ractors. Olsen Blacksmith shop, and Mrs. Joe Waud and fam Mrs. Wren HOPE HARTNETT GRIDER ily Mr. visited Hendricks, Mrs. Geo. 'yssa. 4Atfc Poultry Mr. and Mrs. Pierce who and Mrs. Luther Fife gave live near Adrian, Monday night. Paulsen P. O. Box 446, Nyssa a party for Mr. and Mrs. Francis BABY CHICKS—N. H. Reds, R. I. For Sale Gardner and family who are leav Reds, Barred Rocks, W. Leghorns. DR. J. C. BOWMAN STOCK ing for Jerome, Bloodtested and culled. Price — 9c NYSSA CATTLE GO Mr. and Mrs. M. Rltcher and the 200 or more 8t4c. Patch Bros. Veterinarian RESH AND Springer Dairy Cows. each, TO PORTLAND family were in Ontario Sunday. Hatchery, Payette, Idaho. 14M7xc Livestock and machinery. Sale Mr. and Mrs. Martin Osborn and very Friday. Nyssa Sale Yard. ALBERTA VALLEY—O. Z. Mat daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Rob ORDER YOUR Chicks now as our 2Mtfc last set goes on May 24th for de ert Trammell and Jean spent Sun thews left with a carload of cattle Phone 39W day with Mr. and Mrs. Keith Pres- for Portland Friday. livery Saturday, June 15th. Thomp Wanted family in Council. Mrs. Clayton Jensen and family tel C. and son’s Ontario Hatchery. 16M5xc M. Tensen was a business vis and Miller Jensen were Sunday din ANTED TO Borrow $500.00 for 1 NYSSA LIBRARY ner guests at the C. M. Tensen itor in Juntura Wednesday. year. 6%, 30 acres clear in corn BABY CHICKS—popular breeds. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Parker and home. OPEN SATURDAY Under 200, 9c each. 200 or more nd alfalfa security. Write Journal children of Adrian helped Robert 2:30 to 7:30 Mrs. L. T. Chambers, George Jen 8!2 c each. Custom hatching, chicken ffice. 16M3xc Toombs celebrate his birthday on sen, Mrs. Luther Fife, Mr. and Mrs. ALL PATRONS WELCOME or turkey eggs. Special machine for Sunday. Geo. Paulsen attended a L. D. S. OOD ALFALFA Hay at once. Kel turkey hatching. 1V4 miles north of Librarian___Mrs. S. B. Davis Mrs. Dick Groot and union meeting in Weiser Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. ley Coal Co., Nampa, Idaho. 2M6xc Fruitland. Phone Fruitland 8-21. H. R. Sherwood and Revere Chambers and Udell Paul Marjorie, Payette Valley Hatchery, Payette, OPTOMETRIST Leona and Lucille Celvert attended sen sang in the quartet. Idaho. lFtfc PRINGER DAIRY Cows. Will buy “See McFall and See Better” Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gannon and the Spring Show at Ontario Sat any kind of livestock. Nyssa Sales Clyde Jensen were Ontario visitors ard. 2Mtfc For Rent Sunday evening. CITY PROPERTY Mr. and Mrs. Dave Chadwick of Notice To Hog Raisers WANTED—All your welding Jobs. Nyssa were Sunday dinner guests With the installation of a new We promise good work and fair CABINS furnished or unfurnished; at the L. T. Chambers home. rices. Pruyn Auto Repair, Phone also one, two or three room apart scale at W Mr. and Mrs. Ora Friel spent THE RAILWAY STOCK YARDS ment, cheap.—A. K. Sabens Camp, at the James Taylor home 1st camp on hiway north of laun DR. J. A. McFALL Sunday in Parma. Mr. Taylor's brother we are now receiving your hogs dry. 30Mlxp Miscellaneous was visiting them from Missouri. there every Friday, paying the EYESIGHT SPECIALIST RAKE WORK- Let us pul V J U I TWO ROOM house, see the Nyssa ONTARIO OREGON Mrs. Pete Vander Oort and Mrs. highest price the market permits car or truck brakes in first class Realty. 30M2xp Bill Findling spent Thursday af and seeking to serve you in every ondition. Special equipment und ternoon at the John Timmerman possible way. WYCKOFF rained men at your service. Pruyn FOR RENT—3-room modern house. in Big Bend. See Margaret Lynch. 16Mtfc uto Repair. Phone 56W. JEWELRY STORE home Mrs. Stanley Little and son of FRANK KULLANDER Caldwell spent Sunday afternoon EXCEPTIONALLY well furnished Official Time Inspector for Consult us on your wiring needs with Mr. and Mrs. John Lockey. three-room modern apartment— Union Pacific and meter set-ups. electric refrigerator and all modern ONTARIO Gerrit Groot returned Tuesday OREGON Work guaranteed to meet State conveniences. No. 0 Sugar House. from Portland. requirements. 23Mtfc gon Trail visited at the Gerrit Stam Prices right Mr and Mrs. Gerrit Groot spent LARGE TWO room modern cottage, ROBT. D. LYTLE Information free Saturday evening with Grandma just remodeled. Like new. Rent NYSSA ELECTRIC SHOP ATTORNEY and Klaas In Oregon Trail. $14.00. Adults only. Will furnish for And COUNSELOR-AT-LAW Stam 18Atfc permanent Nathalie Cummings of Ogden is and reliable tenant. In First National Bank Building visiting at the L. T. Chambers home. at any realtor’s or Journal of She was accompanied by Marva ARBAGE HAULING. Also odd quire Phone 66 fice. 4Atfc. Jobs by hour day or week. Prices VALE OREGON Brown. Nathalie plans to stay all summer. reasonable. Call J. G. Coll, A1 MODERN FURNISHED apartment. 22Ftfc lompsor.s feed store. 20Atfc 162 East First St. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Whalen, Pay DR C. A. ABBOTT ette, and Mr. and Mrs. John Lockey THREE ROOM modern apartment. Chiropractic Physician attended the motorcycle races In Furnished. Dr. J. C. Bowman. NYSSA PLUMBING & Nyssa Sunday. Office: 331 West Main St 21Mtfc Mr. and Mrs. Chester Thompson HEATING Phone 25 spent the week end In Buhl. They For Sale 2nd house north Star Hotel visited Mrs. Joe Humphrey, Mrs. 13Jtfc AUTOS and TRAILERS 1936 MASTER DeLux Chevrolet Coufie. In good condition. Call * * at Journal Office. 30Mtfc I,oeal nnd Lone Distance 1Ö38 WILLYS 4-door Sedan. A-l HAULING condition. See Norcott Service. Phone 72W llAtfc Lawrence and Barnett The Undersigned will sell at Public Auction on 4Mtfo what is known as the Sam Henry place, 3 miles For Sale Rates lc per word*per issue. Minimum charge 25c. CASH IN ADVANCE Professional Cards Mrs. Jess Hunting and Carol of Nysaa Heights called at the Oerri. Stam home Saturday. Thursday. Pete Tensen attended a conser vation meeting In Ontario on Fri day. Ruby Boersma won second on her Cooking I exhibit and Marjorie Greet wno first on her Homemak ing exhibit and second on Cooking III at the Spring Show at Ontario. Mrs. William Edison and DeLoris and Jerry of LaGrande are visiting at the Clayton Jensen home. Mr and Mrs. Squire Taylor and How Much it Your sons of Twin Falls spent Saturday evening at the Clayton Jensen home Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Stam visited at the E. L. Jamison home in Buena CAMERA WORTH? Would you feel It In your pocket- Vista Sunday afternoon. book If your camera were lost or stolen or hopelessly damaged and you had to dig down for the money to replace it? Why not play safe Ants, roaches, bed bugs or moa- ]uitoee around the house— fleas on and Insure your camera? Doesn’t your eat or dog—lice on plants and cost much—and oh, boy, what peace poultry—Bl'HAC’H will help you of mind! The same with shotguns, keep free of them. Bl'HACH—known for 90 yeare— tackle and other costly repela these peat»—belpa protect your fishing home plants and pete this easy odor- hobby equipment. Phone for the leas way. In Handy Sifter Cans SSc up at Drug, facts. Insect Pests (irocery, Seed Stores and Pet Sfcon. B U H A C H Frank T. M o rg a n PHONE 97 PRONOUNCED SU'HACK YOU MUST OR WHAT? u /ith in fe e t.... is ,eciM OO«d with w ith low-wheel foui w heel • * V yoe* ear. 1 is -aqHppod braltnt^and yoo cannot come to a (top at 20 soles on ko$f, your bfotus need impaction and x y lia aetln , — L — L I v . m fcL uy newel J reenm^* — — It — 1 — — oo|m nD y y, e 9 i roQuwiy DRIV F SWF L> VNiTM W d jln c r Coeso in and lot we tost yow bralcos Tree of chwyn. O u r stodefn equipment and dulled n chaule», plu» C oM aX brake lining, it yow ass wanes of perfect stops. Remem- . bw it is cheaper to rsiine than to regrot. ! P r u y n ’s G a ra g e Phone 56W 2nd and Main Ste- HAvi rout i i a k i s Ttsno orrim £sMdX BRAKE LINING I • \0 ❖ ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR DECORATOR Free Estimates A ndy m cginnis Phone 39M CITY PROPERTY north of Nyssa on highway, and five miles south of Cairo Junction— Lost Tuesday, June 4 CITY LOTS, $5.00 down, $5.00 per month. Bernard Eastman, phone 64. 14Mtfc A black saddle mare vicinity of Mitchell Butte, one white hind foot, saddle mark, please notify Bill Peutz, ph. 03J2. 23Mtfc 6 HEAD OF HORSES 1 team horses, sm. mouth 1 gray mare, 9 years old, 1 black horse, sm. mouth colt by side FARM LANDS 1 yearling colt For Sale 5 HEAD OF CATTLE For Sale 1 black cow, 6 years old 10 ACRE FARM, modem five-room 1 red cow, 5 year old house, garage and barn, automatic 1 Holstein cow, 9 year old 2 heifer calves For Sale pump. Easy terms to responsible FARM MACHINERY MISCELLANEOUS person. mile west, mile north horse disc, complete 1 2-row corrugator ALSOMINE. PAINT ¡^"competi Apple Valley School.—A. C. Mouser 23Mtfc 1 1 John Deere corn 1 spring-tooth harrow tive prices. First class quality, yssa Lbr. Co., Goode Ave. and cultivator 1 2-section harrow For Sale ighway 201, Phone 108. 16Mtfc ___ FURNITURE 1 John Deere mower 1 iron wheel wagon RGE WOODEN baby crib. Nyssa BEAUTIFUL Bungalow piano, like 1 John Deere hay rake 1 wooden wheel hay rack Plumbing & Heating. 451 N. First. new. in your vicinity for balance 1 John Deere walking 1 box wagon , 16Mtfc due, easy payments.—Popma Music plow 1 30M4xc 1 John Deere 2-way plow, corn planter REOSOTE for treating hen hous Co., Boise. es. posts, etc. Nyssa Plumbing BARGAIN in your vicinity, nd Heating Co.. 451 North First DANDY in slightly used washer, easy pay heavy duty____________ treet. 23Mxfc ments.—Popma Music Co.. Boise. Sale starts 1pm. — Lunch by Nyssa Ladies Aid 30M4xc NTIQUES; two and four wheel trailers; registered Saaneen and OOOD USED PIANO $49 50; pay MISCELLANEOUS lpines, also grade goats. Sacrifi- ments, $3 00 per month.—Popma 13 pitchforks ing owing to death of husband Music 5Vi *ets harness Co.. Boise. 30M4xc 6 collars ry C. W Rice. Ontario. 30Mlxp 3 sections garden hose 1 water tank 1 saddle and bridle 1 wheelbarrow 1 single harness 1 grindstone 1 milk cart CUSTOM BUTCHERING Other articles and some 9 mower sickles 25 poles and some good good hand tools, too and CUTTING posts numerous to mention. HOUSEHOLD GOODS Beef for the Hide 1 Majestic range 1 dining table Hogs 200 lbs. $1.50 2 beds complete 5 dining chairs Cutting 1 cent per lb. 1 bedstead Dishes and cooking Grinding 1 cent per lb. 1 buffet, 2 small tables utensils Grinding and Seasoning 2 cent per lb. About 50 jars and fruit FOR SALE—by quarters or more, state inspected, com fed, prime beef, by licensed dealers. Call Jake Fischer, 05R1 or Polar Cold Storage. 25Jtfc 'A Let us do your work! NYSSA PACKING CO. PHONE 6 SAM HENRY ESTATE Robert E. Lees, Admin. B. W. Avers, Auctioneer. Boyd McMurchie, Clerk. » * v\* 4 * .soap and H O T W atG L of tourse A U TO M A TIC ELECTRIC H O T W ATER SERVICE ON EASY PAYMENTS • D irty hands, grim y faces, always seem to be a part of healthy children's play. Baths are SO much easier with an automatic electric water heater in the house. Bath water is always piping hot, ready to use. Have hot water all the tim e-cheaply, with Idaho Power's low "step dow n" electric rates. It's a simple installation, with convenient terms. ELECTRICITY IS CHEAP See one of the New Electric Water Heaters. There are Meny Stores Near You Featuring Them. IO / A H O V p O W ER »flifrflV So LITTLE!