THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY. MAY 30, 1940. The Gate City Journal O r eg per P ublish I A T I OH WINIFRED BROWN THOMAS - - - - Owner LOUIS P THOMAS - - - - Editor end Publisher INDEPENDENT IN POLITICS AND RELICIION, OPTIMISTIC IN DISPOSITION—WITH NO INTERESTS TO SERVE EXCEPT THOSE OP MALHEUR COUNTY SUBSCRIPTION RATES ADVERTISING RATES One Year ...„................. 11.50 Open rate per Inch. Me Six Months ..... $1.00 National, Per Inch ............. 30c Single Copies .....................06 Classifieds. Per word ------01c (Strictly In Advance) Minimum 25c Published every Thursday at Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon. Entered at the postolflce at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission through the United States Malls, as second class matter, under the act of March 3. 1879. NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL’S PROGRAM Co-operative Marketing Association for Malheur Fanners A Properly Equipped Trailer Camp A City Park A Comprehensive Street Improvement Plan WE’D BETTER BRACE OURSELVES FOR SOME SHOCKS . . . (The Idaho Free Press) Now that we must accept the prospect of a complete Hitler triumph as a probability if not yet—thank God for the hope, faint as it is—a complete certainty it may be worth our while to consider how the prospective changes will af­ fect us, leaving out the military threat which has already been discussed in this column. Politically we shall be very much on the de­ fensive, wedded to a system that is gone from most of the world. One will be able to leave New York, cross the Atlantic to Europe, (with der fuehrer’s permission) then cross Europe, Asia and the Pacific to San Francisco without touching a point where a spark of human lib­ erty remains. At no point along this route will it be safe to enter a Christian church, even if one can be found. Most of the world will have returned to outright despotism politically, eco­ nomically and spiritually. Economically the shock will be tremendous, once it hits us. We shall lose the big end of our foreign trade. Britain, France and the small countries Hitler has already conquered will of course be gone as customers'if he triumphs. But this will not be all. The United States stands to lose most of the South American trade, too, for Germany will become economically dom­ inant there even if she doesn’t become so polit­ ically, and our guess is that she will. She can undersell us tremendously and she will. Also she needs South America’s products, which we don’t, except Brazil’s rubber and coffee. We may keep a good trade there, but elsewhere we stand to lose out. Business men will be interested in this par­ agraph. Our huge gold reserve weighing 17,000 tons, may become worthless, for in the event of a Hitler victory virtually all the world outside of our own borders will go off the gold stand­ ard and stay off. It will return to barter, South America included. But this won’t be the big­ gest shock. Outside of the western hemisphere the capitalistic system, meaning private owner­ ship of property, will disappear, as it already has from much of the world. Will it survive here under the new conditions? There will be much more. The new world will be entirely different from anything we now know and the United States will have to make sweeping internal changes to cope with it. Loss of markets will drastically alter the economic picture, abolition of capitalism abroad will mean the loss of billions to our investors, which loss of purchasing power will affect our whole economic life. Passing of liberty, learning, cul­ ture, religion in most of the world will of course be felt here. This is a time for Americans to forget their petty, peanut size grievances against each oth­ er and the conditions under which they live and to resolves that come what may we will make this country safe from outside attack — which we can if we will, so great are our population and resources — and that we will preserve the great principles of our civilization: Individual liberty, the right of the people to control their government, the right to own property and the right to worship God. Dark as the outlook for the world is if Hit­ ler completes the blitzkreig he has so auspi­ ciously launched, we can save this country if we want to badly enough. But the task won’t be an easy one. Sacrifices will soon be in order all along the line, and they will be neither trivial nor of brief duration. SEUNE'i, sec. 16,twp. 18, rge. 46; chaser equal installments over all a price $35.00. a period in not exceeding 10 years; Tract No. 603A, description, Home deterred payments to draw interest Fruit Tract No. 24, in sec. period not exceeding 5 years, and Park 32, twp. 15, rge. 47; price $10.00. all tracts priced at more than $500.00 Tract No. 604A, description, to for NWi*NEi»NEV* sec. 5, twp. W%- 18, cash the or highest for not and less best than bidder 20% cash rge. 47; price $10.00. and the remainder to be paid under No. 605A, description, E ü- written agreement with the pur­ Tract NE'/i sec. 6, twp. 18, rge. 47; price chaser, in equal Installments over $65.00. at rate of 6% pay­ Tract No. 606A, description, NH- able the annually; all per sales annum, and agree­ NVaSWUSEVi, NHSWiNliSWli- ments to be subject to all 69-813, the terms SE1* sec. 10, twp. 18, rge. 47; price and conditions of Sec. Ore­ Ministers or others interested in church publicity are invited to use gon Code, and Chapt. 402, Laws of $25.00. I the columns oi the Journal to carry important messages and notices 607A, description, All 1937; all lands within the bound­ Tract No. to their congregations. Please try to get your copy in by Tuesday ol & East of Willow Creek in aries of irrigation or drainage dis­ North each week. SE'iNW1 » sec. 14, twp. 15, rge. 42; tricts to be sold subject to any valid FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST assessments made or to be made by price $20.00. C. W. GLENN, CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE SCIENTIST said districts since the date said Sixth Near Main Malheur County, Oregon. lands all were County First Sheriff, 215 North 9tit Street, Payette, Idaho Martin, Pastor published 9 May, 1940. and lands acquired within by the the boundaries A branch ol the Mother Church, Sunday Vern Last published 6 June, 1940. of the Warmsprings Irrigation Dis­ at 10:00 a. m. the First Church of Christ, Scient- Morning school trict which have been classified as worship, 11:00 a. m. Mis. SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION iest, in Boston, Massachusetts. in Classes and heretofore 6 and as to by which Mangum will be the speaker for THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE said County 5 has reso­ IN STATE Sunday School—10:00 a. m. OF COUNTY OREGON, OF IN MAL­ AND lution dated September 3, 1930, FOR THE Reading Room — 710 1st Ave. Sunday morning, April 7. authorized a transfer to said dis­ HEUR. North. Open daily from 2 to 4 p. m. Junior meeting at 7:15 p. m. Mrs. trict of the water rights appurten­ supervisor. Dirksen, Plaintiff, vs. ant to said lands are to be sold Johannes where the Bible and authorized Fischer, Peter Donahue unknown Young people’s meeting, 7:15. Mrs. without water right. Christian Science Literature may be Arlene heirs and devisees and of the Annie Dona­ Said lands numbered as to tracts hue, deceased; Seward, president. read, borrowed or purchased, and is Evening the deceased; unknown and witli the minimum price set heirs of Edward and and evangelistic open every day from two to four service, 8:00 worship Martin, opposite each tract are as follows, also all other persons or parties p. m. p. m., except Sunday and holidays. to-wit: No. 555A; description, Lots 8, unknown claiming any right, title, Tract The Wednesday evening meeting, Prayer meeting every Wednesday lien, or interest in the real 9 & 19, Block 9, Original Town, estate, night at 8:00 p. m. at which time testimonials of Christ estate described herein. Defend­ Ontario, Oregon; price $75.00. Young people’ s prayer meeting ev­ ian healing and remarks on Christ­ ants. Tract No. 556A., description, Lots 1 To: Peter and the un­ ery Friday at 8:00 p. m. ian Science are given, is held at & 2, Block 89. Original Town, On­ known heirs Donahue and devisees of Annie W. F. M. S. meeting second Thurs­ tario. Oregon; price $20.00. eight o'clock. deceased; and the un­ Tract No. 557A. description. Lots 11, Donahue, The public is cordially invited to day of every month. Mrs. F. A. Pow­ heirs of Edward Martin, de­ 12, 13, 14 & 15, Block 134, On­ known ceased; also all other persons or attend our services and make use ol ell president. tario. Oregon; price $50.00. parties unknown claiming any right, the Reading Room. Tract No. 558A, description, Frac­ title, estate, lien, or interest In the tions of lots 11 to 20 inclusive, real estate described METHODIST COMMUNITY in the com­ Block 180, Ontario, Oregon; price PARMA LUTHERAN CHURCH plaint herein, Defendants: CHURCH $50.00. IN THE NAME OF STATE A. A. Schmidt, Pastor Tract No. 559A, description, Lots 15 OF OREGON: You are THE Millard Scherich, Pastor hereby re­ to 20 inclusive, Block 231, Ontario, RICHLAND II Trinity. quired to appear and answer the Regular meetings as follows: Oregon; price $60.00. 10:00 a. m.—Divine services. The Sunday complaint« filed against you in the No. 560A. description, Lots 9 Mrs. John Ridder’s Clover Leaf Tract pastor will preach a sermon on the 10 a. m.—Church School. entitled suit within four & 10, Block 254, Ontario, Oregon above weeks from of the this date summons; of the first 4-H club brought home many hon­ subject: “Excuses Not Reasons". price $10.00. 11:15 a. m.—Morning Worship. publication and Tract No. 561A, description, Lots 1 if you fail so to answer, for want 11 a. m.—Sunday School with 7 p. m.—Junior and Senior Ep- ors. & 2, Block 291, Ontario, Oregon; classes for all. Idaleen Maw and Wiona Hender­ price $10.00. thereof, the plaintiff will apply for League. demanded in the com- Friday, May 31—Closing program worth of Richland won first on dem­ Tract No. 562A, description, Lots 6 the to reliai 8 p. m.—Class study of special son Block 297, Ontario, Oregon; by the Saturday Bible School. Par­ topics. on file in this suit, to wit: for a 10, decree onstration and are eligible to go plaint adjudging the plaintiff price $25.00. ents and friends are invited to at­ Thursday at 8 p. m.—Choir prac­ to Corvallis. to be lands the described true and in lawful owner of No. 563A, description, Lots 1 the tend. The program will begin at tice. the complaint Bernice Whipple of Oregon Trail Tract to 7, inclusive, Block 316, Ontario, herein and hereinafter described; 8:15 o’clock and will be given in Second and fourth Thursday aft­ and Mary McGee of Richland won Oregon; price $35.00. all adverse of the de­ the church basemetn. No. 564A, description, Lots 14 that first on their dresses. In judging Tract fendants and each claims of them be ad­ ernoons of each month—Ladies Aid. to 20 inclusive, Block 316, Ontario, Come and worship with us. Winona Henderson of Richland won judged to be Invalid and that the First Tuesday of every month at first and Idaleen Maw of Richland Oregon; price $35.00. “A Changeless Christ For a Chan­ 8:00 plaintiff’ all s title be quieted No. 565A, description, Lots p. m.—General official board second. Idahleen Maw won a blue Tract against claims thereto of the defendants ging World”. to 10 inclusive, Block 317, Ontario, or meeting. either as of follows: them, said land being Oregon; price $35.00. ribbon in the style show Bonnie Tract described No. 566A, description, Lots 16 C.C.C. COMMUNITY CHURCH Whipple of Oregon Trail and Ida­ The West Half the Northeast 20 inclusive, Block 317, Ontario, Quarter, Section of Fifteen, KINGMAN COMMUNITY Town­ leen Maw of Richland won second to Oregon; price $25.00. ship Twenty, South Range those For­ CHURCH Sunday School 10 a. m. on their dresses. Tract No. 567A, description, Lots 11 ty-six: E. W. M., excepting to 16 inclusive, Block 337, Ontario, portions thereof conveyed to the Church Services 11 a. m. Ernest Tetwiler, Pastor Graduates from Nyssa high from Oregon; Christian Endeavor, 8 p. m. Sunday school 10 a. m. Mrs. E. G. this district this year are Jean Tract No. price United R. States America deed 568A, $30.00. description, Lots 5 from Cornell of and Mary by A. Cor­ Mid-week prayer service, Thurs­ Osborn, superintendent. Johnson and George Boyles. & 6, Block 11, Riverside Addition, nell, his wife, dated July 1, 1937, day, 8 p. m. Oregon; price $20.00. Morning worship 11 a. m. Aloha and Winona Maw, Leona Ontario, filed November 23, 1937, and re­ No. 569A, description, Lots 24 corded Everyone always welcome. Christian Endeavor 7:45 p. m. Willes, Mary and George McGee, Tract in Book 43 at pages 651-2 to 27 inclusive, Block 11, Riverside of the Deed Records of Malheur Leo Udlinek, and Glen Boyles were Addition, Ontario, Oregon; price County, Evening worship 8:30 p. m. Oregon. ASSEMBLY OF GOD GOSPEL in the operetta given at the Nyssa $ 20 . 00 . This summons is published by or­ No. 570A, description, Lots 10 der of the Honorable TABERNACLE ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH gym. Friday evening by the grade Tract Robert M. to 14 inclusive, Block 12, River­ Ernest C. Knull, Pastor school. Duncan, Circuit Judge, made and Rev. Stanley Moore, Pastor side Addition, Ontario, Oregon; entered the 4th day of May, 1940, Sunday School at 10 a. m. Classes Sunday Ann Johnson spent Saturday price $25.00. school, 9:30 a. m. Sun­ with her parents, L S. Johnson. Tract prescribing that this summons be for all, and everyone welcome. days. No. 571A, description, Lots 15 published once each week for four to 18 inclusive, Block 12, River­ Morning worship at 11:15 a. m. Mesdames C. H. Bennett, T. C. successive and consecutive weeks in side Addition, Ontario, Oregon; Sunday services at 7 p. m. Evangelistic meeting at 8 p. m Junior Y. P. F. first and third Johnson, H. V. Maw, D. Mitchell price $20.00. the Nyssa Gate City Journal, a newspaper of general circulation Mid-week meeting Wednesday at Mondays. motored to Marsing to the Chatter Tract No. 572A, description, Lots 31 published at Nyssa, Malheur Coun­ & 32, Block 5, Terrace Heights, 8:00 p. m. Box club at the Orren Choat home. ty, Oregon. Senior Y. P. F. second and fourth Mrs. Bob DeGross visited with Ontario, Oregon, price $20.00. Young People’s meeting Friday at Mondays. A. L. FLETCHER. No. 573A, description. Lots 1 8:00 p. m. her parents of Lincoln Heights on Tract Attorney at for Nyssa, the Plaintiff. to 4 inclusive. Tract Oregon; C, Barton’s Guild second Wednesday. Residing We invite you. Thursday. Addition to Ontario, price First publication May 9, 1940. Oregon. Mrs. C. H. Bennett was an On­ $80.00. L. D. S. CHURCH Last publication June 6, 1940. Tract No. 574A, description, Lots Vale, 27 KIVERVIEW SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday, 10 a. m.—Sunday School tario visitor Monday. & 28, Block 6, Hope Addition, SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION Miss Medesker and Mrs. Medcs- Oregon; price $10.00. Riverview Sunday school will meeting. THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE No. 11, 575A, description, 10 IN STATE meet this Sunday at the Ernest Sunday, 11:30 a. m.—Priesthood ker of Nyssa were Sunday dinner Tract OF OREGON, IN AND Eldredge Addition, Lot Vale, guests at the A. E. Cheldelin home. Block Johnson home. All young people are meeting. FOR THE COUNTY OF MAL­ Oregon; price $10.00. HEUR. invited to the fellowship luncheon. Sunday, 7:30 p. m. Sacrament Mesdames and Messrs. E. C. Ter- Tract 576A, description. Lots 3 David E. Mitchell, Plaintiff, vs. Peter hune, H. Orcutt, C A. Bennett and to 6 No. NYSSA GOSPEI. TABERNACLE meeting. inclusive, Block 9, Jamieson Donahue and the unknown heirs Oregon; price $20.00. Monday, 7:30 p. m. Geneology. J. Stevens attended the meeting of Tract H. B. Talbot, Minister and devisees of Annie Donahue, No. Jamieson. 577A, description, Tract Tuesday, 2 p. m. Relief Society. the Morgan Garden Park club at No. 108, Sunday School, 10:00 a. m. deceased; and the unknown heirs Oregon; price the T. C. Johnson home Friday ev­ of Martin, or deceased: Tuesday, 7:30 p. m. M. I. A. Morning Worship, 11:00 a. m. 10 00 all Edward other persons parties also un­ ening. Tract No. 578A, description, Lots 13 Evange%listic Service, 8.00 p. m. Thursday, 4:30 p. m. Primary. known claiming any right, title, 24, inclusive, Block 39, Brogan, Carl Funk is the first to stack to estate, lien, or interest in the real Oregon; price $12.00. hay. estate described herein, Defend­ Tract No. 4, 597A. description, Lot price 6, ants. Mrs. Dave DeGross was an On­ Block Westfall, Oregon; aid’ s baby chickens for his club To: Peter Donahue and the un­ DUTTONS BUY tario visitor Friday. $5.00. project. known and devisees Tract No. 580A, description, SW14 Mrs. H. V. Maw and Mrs. T. C. DAIRY COWS Donahue, heirs deceased; and of the Annie un­ Tommy Wortman of Coucil, Ida­ Johnson attended the Girls League sec. 14. twp. 15, rge. 40: price known heirs of Edward Martin, de­ $40.00. is spending a couple weeks with Tea given for mothers at the Nyssa Tract ceased; also all other persons or KINGMAN KOLONY —Mr. and ho, description, his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. gym. Thursday. unknown claiming any right, acres No. in 581A. NE'.SW '.SE'i sec. 4.60 30, parties Mrs. Elmer Dutton left on Friday Raymond Holton. title, estate, lien, or interest in the twp. 18. rge. 41; price $10.00. for Portland where Mr. Dutton ex­ The Elliott Brothers have pur­ estate described in the com­ No. twp. 582A. 19, description. S14SV6 real plaint herein, Defendants: pects to buy some more dairy cat­ chased PIANIST PRESENT PROGRAM Tract sec. 23. rge. 41; WM.NE14 a new tractor. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE tle. They are expected back Tues­ Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Holton IN PARMA NEXT WEEK sec. 26. twp. 19. 19, rge. rge. 41; 41; E!i.NW% OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ sec. 26. twp. price day. Next Monday evening, June 3rd, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. quired to appear and answer the $80.00. Miss Wilhelmina Hoffman will pre­ complaint filed against you in the Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Martin and C. H. Davis in Payette Saturday No. 583A. description. SViSE14 above entitled four sent a group of her piano pupils Tract sec. 13, twp. 30, rge. 41; price Miss Jeanette Martin were hosts at evening. weeks from the suit date within of the first $ 20 . 00 . a picnic dinner on their lawn Sun­ Mr. and Mrs. Claude Gardner of from Nyssa and Parma in a recital Tract publication of this summons; and 584A, description, NW!i- you fail so to answer, for want if day. Guests were Miss Doris Hoyer, Parma visited in the T. T. Elliott at the Community Church in Par­ SE%, No. SE’iSWH sec. 19, twp. 31, thereof, the plaintiff will apply for ma. The program will begin at rge. 41; price $20.00. Betty and Mary Wayne Meyers of home Sunday. the relief demanded No. 585A. description, Boise. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dawes Mrs. Lily Bach, Mrs. J. G. Lane 8:15 o'clock, and all who are Inter­ Tract on file in this in suit, the to com- wit* sec. 5, twp. 33, rge. 41; price WliWH $80.00. Plaint and Dorothy and Billy Dawes of and Mrs. Clarence Elliott spent ested are given a very cordial Invi­ Tract for be a decree adjudging the owner plaintiff No. 586A. description, W 'i- tation to attend. to the true and lawful of Meridian. Monday shopping in Nampa. SEViSWU sec. 14, twp. 15, rge. the lands described in the complaint Nyssa pupils taking part are 42; price $5.00. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Wilson and Mrs. Raymond Holton spent Wed­ Merry herein all and hereinafter and Mardi Sallee, Tract family were guests of their daugh­ nesday afternoon visiting with Mrs. each of Norcott that adverse claims of described the de­ NEVi No. sec. 587A. 23. description, twp. 15, rge. SE'i- 42; fendants whom will play a group of price and each of them be ad- ter, Mrs. Donald Clark and hus­ Alva Heater in Ontario. $10.00. as well as a duet together. Tract No. 588A, description. SW 'l- and that the Mrs. Clarence Elliott spent three solos band on Sunday. plaintiff s title thereto be quieted Miss June Marie Wilson, also of SWVi sec. 24. twp. 14,; rge. 42; against all claims of the defendants at the Spring show in Ontar­ Nyssa. Harvey Holton spent Sunday in days N'lNWU sec. 25, twp 14, rge. 42; will assist the pianists with price $60.00. io this week. or either as of follows: them, said land being Boise. two groups of vocal solos. Mrs. Tract Jack Corn and baby daugh­ John No. 589A, description, S 'iS 'i, described Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark were in ter Mrs. Young will be her accompan­ The East Half the Northeast NE'iSW1!. W'iNW’iSW1! sec. 25, home Saturday eening af­ ist. Ontario and Nyssa on Thursday. ter came Quarter, Section of Fifteen, Town- twp. 15, rge. 42; NE'iNE', sec. 35, «hlp the past few weeks, Mr. and Mrs. Miller of Nebraska since spending Twenty, South Range Forty- twp. 15, rge. 42; All sec. 36, twp. 15 six, E. W. M., excepting the hospital, with Mr. those por­ rge. 42; Lot 4, sec. 30, twp. 15, rge. are making an Indefinite visit with Corn’s leaving Legal Advertisement tions thereof conveyed to the near Nyssa. 43; price $235.00. their son, Loren Miller and family Betty parents United States of America by deed No. twp. 590 20, A, rge. description, WH from R. Cornell and Mary A and Donald Newbill attend­ this summer. NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING OF Tract sec. 28. 42; SHNE14, ed a birthday party for their cou­ GUARDIAN’S ACCOUNT Cornell his wife, dated July l Leonard Nichols left Thursday to sin, SE‘i, SE1,SW 11 sec. 29, twp. 20, Notice Is hereby given Taylor that the 1937, filed November 23, 1937 and rge. 42; SSSE'i sec. 33, twp. 20, recorded work for Mr. Corn near Nyssa. noon. Joan Garrison, Saturday after­ final account of Loring as in Book 43 at of pages 651- rge. 43; Lot 1, Lot 2, SW%NE%, Harvey Holton delivered a load Mr. and Mrs. Earl Osborn and guardian of the estate and person SE'iNW 'i, NE'iSW 11 sec. 4, twp. 2 of the Deed Records Malheur Albert Hinsch, now deceased, has 21, rge. 43; price $215.00. of pigs to Nyssa on Wednesday. Glenn were dinner guests Sunday of County, Oregon. filed in the County Court of Tract No. 591A, description, SEtl- This summons Is published by or- Celia Wilson. Meridian, is spend­ Mr. and Mrs. Albert Welch in been Malheur County. State of of June, Oregon, Honorable Robert M NE«4. E'YSE'i, NW^SEVi, SE*4- 2*f_of ing two weeks with her sister. Mrs. of and that the 14th day 1940. SW*4 Duncan, ‘h?, Circuit Judge, made 1940 and sec. 31, twp. 20, rge. 42; price entered Newell Heights. Donald Clark. at the hour of 1:30 o'clock P. M. has the 4th day of May $50 00 and Mrs. Gilbert Sampson been duly appointed by the Court Tract No. 592A, description, SE14- JJîSÇrthÿ* that this summons be The choir of the Community and Mr. children of ana objections to SEVi sec. 15, twp. 30, rge. 42; price published once each week for four spent Sunday with for the final hearing church met for practice on Thurs­ Mr. account settlement successive consecutive weeks In a Mrs. Vem Clark of Nyssa. such $ 20 . 00 . day evening this week. At the Mrs. and thereof, at which time any person the Nyssa and Gate City Journal, No. 593A, description, SE14 interested In said estate mav appear Tract close of practice they served re­ sisters. Sampson and Mrs. Clark are and general circulation sec. 11, twp. 16. rge. 43; price i^ ïn P?Pj r file contest objections freshments to the husbands and $40.00. ty^Oregon*1 y“ a' MaIheur Coun- and the thereto. same. In writ­ Tract Martin, Dorothy knd Bet­ ing Dated wives of choir members who had ty Conrad No. 594A, description, All sec. this 16th day of May. 1940. 5, twp. 18, rge. 43; All sec. 7, twp. A. for L. FLETCHER, were In Ontario been Invited in for the evening. Jean Toomb LORING TAYLOR. Attorney the Plaintiff. 18. rge. 43; All 19. sec. twp 17. twp. 18, rge afternoon the girls at­ Guardian of the Estate and The choir used this way of express­ Saturday Residing at Nyssa, Oregon 43; All sec. 18, rge. 43; Person of Albert Hinsch. tended the 4-H Style Revue. First publication May 9 1940 ing their appreciation to Frank de Mrs. Qharles Newbill and Mrs. Max S. Taggart, Attorney, price $640.00. Last publication June 6, 1940. Lespanasse for leading the choir Charles Wilson were in Ontario on Ontario, Oregon. Tract No. ». sec. 595A, 11, description, this winter First published May 16. 1940 S’-SE1 two. 18, rge. WVi, 43; RAJ OR given S NOTICE Thursday afternoon delivering 4-H price $100.00. Last published June 13, 1940. Notice 15 SJ hereby that rh#» Next Sunday, June 2, there will club sewing for the spring show­ Tract No. 596A, description, SW14- underrigned. by an order thI be a speclla temperance program ing. NOTICE OF SALE OF COUNTY- SE‘* sec. 36, twp. 18, rge. 43; price County Court of the State of of Ore- at the Kingman Sunday school. OWNED LANDS $20.00, mirtf0r l!?e Count7 01 Malheur, duly Wilson, Nadeen and Pursuant to an Order of the Tract No. 597A, description, SV4- of AnS?d ,Q»Íered on the 22nd day The teachers of the Kingman Mrs Charles County Court of Malheur Mrs. Mary Nichols and Oregon, April. 1940, was appointed Ad- Sunday school held a meeting at Forestine. dated the 1st day of County, May. SE'. sec. 19, twp. 17, rge. 44 ; NH- H or in¿hatHr attended the Spring show 1940, I will estateof the L. Q. Lane home Sunday after­ in Nadine on the 8th day of June. Mo do“ ' 30t twp 17, I¥e’ 44; prlce Hinsch, deceased, and that he Albert has Ontario Saturday where the two 1940. at the hour of 10:00 o'clock Tract No. 598A, description. All duly qualified of as »he such noon. Administra­ A. M„ at the front door of the Nadeen's gave a demonstration In North of 19, Railroad in SW1 -» sec is? < 4a11 , Persons having claims Mr and Mrs. Clarence Elliott County Court House at Vale, Ore­ ¡Ltwp. rge 44; price $15.00. spent Sunday at the Snively Hot Homemaking. gon. offer for sale the tracts of land Tract No. 599A, description. E$4- fied to present estate the are same, hereby duly notl- veri- Springs visiting with Mrs. Elliott's hereinafter described and numbered as required by law. to for not less than the prices fixed by $80 00*” * tWP 18’ ***’ 45: prtce the office of Max S. Taggart him On- at mother. Kenneth and Donald re­ BUENA VISTA said Court with the added proportionate . No. 600A. High description. All í í r. l01i.? re8?n,K!rithl?1 slx months of turned home with them after spend­ publication thereto. of the wav Rlght-of- the date of this notice. ing the week with their grand­ C. J. Jamison of Portland spent cost Said of lands will be offered for sale West Dated this 2nd day of May 1940 S?y« w .the sec. SW'.NW1», and the mother. the highest bidder for cash; or several days at the home of his to ^ ’SW1» 17. twp. 18. rge. 45; _ LORINO TAYLOR, all tracts priced at $200 00 or less to price 825.00. Oladyce Holton of Payette spent brother. E. L. Jamison, and family. the highest bidder for cash, and all Tract No. 601A description, Eti- ^ " l^ t r a to r of the Estate Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Florea and tracts priced at more than $200 00 S ° t Æ ! HlnSCh’ Mrs. Raymond Holton. children were Sunday dinner guests and not more than $500 00 for cash «o ob*” 24, twp n - r*e 45 ; pric* Max Attorney Oregon. for Estate. or for not less than 20% cash and Tr*£t No 602A. description. E 4- Ontario. Mr and Mrs Clarence Elliott at the H. L. Day home, remainder to be paid under SW^SWLNE1,. N4SW14N**, May 2. 1940 first publication went to Nampa Sunday to get Don- Edward Topliff and Dwight Wyc- the written agreement with the pur­ WGSE'.SWV.NE1,, WHNW>4- May 30, 1940. last publication koff spent Friday in Weiser. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Wyckoff and family attended a covered dish luncheon given at the Methodist church Sunday. Several from this community at­ tended the operetta given by the grade school at Nyssa Friday even­ ing. Mr. and Mrs H. L. Day spent several days in Wilder this week. Mrs. Leslie Topliff and Mrs. Alva Goodell accompanied a party of la­ dies to Homedale at the Orren Choat home for a covered dish luncheon. It was the regular meet­ ing of the Chatter Box club. Mrs. C. C. Wyckoff called at the Russell Cochran home Friday. Leveret t Goodell helped Leslie Topliff build his hay derrick last week. Bob Florea spent Friday evening at the Jesse Ford home. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Wyckoff, Mr. and Mrs. Alva Goodell and child­ ren attended Settlers Day at On­ tario Saturday. H. L. Day, S. B. Hoffman and Leslie Topliff are haying. Seniors graduating at Nyssa high from this district are Burl and Dean Wyckoff, Edward Topliff and George Boyles. Dwight Wyckoff, Edward and Ir­ vin Topliff attended a Future Far­ mers meeting Tuesday evening. $ . .