TH E NYSSA G A TE C IT Y JO U RN AL. TH U R S D A Y, M A Y 30, 1940. P R IM A R Y M * T T T l* a t a a m vf la t L D 1 a tto w*S tt j w j A V i » V«-—? s *x» v jm e rj oc r n a t ; v m / c s f Pnscary B — a B t r ^ r a u u < oet >r> Axd thJS tes of I -xx-sed -xe el «as as happj as a cmsrrAUU» o » . u d car s h e c ttee b t | txatl tead- .•»/•tt sauzx * graduai*»S frota ä TtTEiStAT r . W S f O M ARJGRfk GAHAN 7 0 2 « u p s a rü IrasL tete cachón Gour •tjott « / / / « x a -X* ' i t t U M m ic> o t e f t r a 7 a t a a d t e . t x d zd eed u t «cru E tt '/ :v» u<! a*» iw i m a » >w-1 Mr arte U ;i t 8 Patear. tbe :r_u- s e cab "7 K x t •au « < c 4 a t u a * a x * But at aa « w w o » «acaattttaa acte i txe t e t o ix»ce of of bev >utr.u M .' ttt Un x i : tor 8a<x* M x x » a » ! W «< i n t o x « a t n v a t 'X *x«i ttee oíd treta by » trty rp n xf B aran e oc Tarad»7 « q *- --<r t«r M a r / o v. I C a u a 4 A{«t. cs/b a U |tb tm carda, at i trjti**. Cai- 8 / Batta a t u c c a X «tete a » T ra cci A o û t te/sta i Sxrç« ef s e x e »xd r e v s x bread toc t r l u t w im fje/ttc a & rmnjti*. •/* u r// ! t e ( u . OB t t at Saeta t e x / a *-'J- n : u e M cCrsxei a u t r , t e l u x - «f M/ B*»t* »t a '/wr'-C w O t / 4 "Ja • « 6 tu»** u « t t PVTteto Otettr dad Un *■. K x c. te u r r » í t i T - t i t a r r . e e <• Jaw 2r>l ! a 9M ca/ («tecn« B» Case 'ne ras a r . m a l x a— sax . h i t t l s r p r ihcea cf i s o e por- C n K f - V T K gu tsu u t e M M n U tu O u t t te «*B ow w la -+ - C s s e d States » te c a txat toe *> / u a Pacsuxg o t a : Brx - j -m*n acri Jfci f - lu x n x a r c , d n t s Irte :»»:- ; i ja d BecXatt p i e rxetr tat tt ix . urvsrd i aetp -l U a ceteross tte e cf 2« xe ttt*«- -.zo# x i s t a rae p en e/ed a l txe W_- x e istíe T C D 5 D A T t n s n o E R H O B i t b p o c e n »xd i* a rru .Y axd cof- - r*r and 're renr-j sert, si D S i i m «jí toe T a u t ii; «neeixf t —r-jçe t s i r d m i u i t d aan oc* íee »xd p e x e s a id o í r t e m e > tp M .-i D -a x S tateli « M er-ttju el rxe B-x. apparextl/ oar bearti »re tee pop u x «« tees axd írsou »2 per- r - n e d a t tx s t L te l a t a pace. srteg.* «tete t t -iett«-. u / . /et t u x « . ' . / ib te te s a *aí- The W-sxc. pocery ttere F itr7 - it ber a x w re. 7 rx »i » 7 e-rtzæc J t r x i u d s u r So lar rtaw ted ( h s ï & r tx* *o*r.ixg -xc-te«: »re «e here a . S j n a »xd eáiersterre "xdxg lo» a p e ta r tte y earry txtre The following report w u presented to the Com M. t Car". G-Jttt M n L eale M t- frota, tbe pipar nsps te -xe t e o t - o r » '¿»e canoe. Por a» tlcse « mon Council Monday, May 27, 1940: C te » M n Gtrjez* t e l K s i i M n reid to pur p m e ttrrx p toa: Ptetea A xd at store io ty t e B G W h fU o r High K a n » »eri k o row/ a ; r / i v u May 27th, 1940 r»a cte d St x a ie a u ta p o :/ » » of a ratcp coca i t t f c b/ M n A /U u r H B oyd tf: • ü Irrst t a i stcee Ccospac*. r ea.-, axd sale to StA M n SaDta T o the Hon. Mayor and Here in text _axd of Peace axd *ie A ptrlter pncxúc car. be beid P » rtxiiarl7 a tâte 1 ertile ix d lor « r e il roer- be ene of tóese Member* of the Common Council: frate-lidi talle/, a tâde a txe drxb lit e coíle* « n xer-u p pen m txe The City Planning Commuwrion ha* had under SCHOOL PA R TY a a major caia«tût/ axd txe lesa consideration for -ome time past the matter o f a zon P 4 Ú of M i» E t » Bo7<âel œ - oí ble ix » zcrxor i c r d o . ’. C in t ( s n ; . A trae buz rrey be axd rhetr a x x s s l a rra par*./ at :ra®eríy. Ix 10 Ueaeed » piace to loe etduraxee tx at s i i t jast ing ordinance for the purpose o f dividing the City in rer /-vere on T o a b a /. G io v a »xd a te teat tt te bard to .r d rr- » bfe r.ire srro jost a bst c f car* to districts, with restrictions on the kinds o f buildings n i n V a e t u were a jo / td by tò t Sale roer are to ute ín txe I orear staxd tbe iv lle n x g i axd j r . . » a x i a i txe «age brotó or axy csóer oíd that may ts- permitted in each District. happy c r a n i of shout xttictis laid «acte »xd íiaee. perhaps tre ia ie d by » ««eiaeren A committee was appointed several months ago B .r r.'.0 1 xcs toar róese mxux- .r.iaurjr. Cutes that sere, x o s « ¿ 7 to draft a tentative report to the Council, with its rec BIRTH DAY P A R T Y fkuXt tbeQ botes axd K u t . charred raro p aces are a clocó to reara by ommendations a.- to w'hat the contents of the proposed1 Or. Sa.v¿r<la7 aî-Jtrnoor. M n D»> ice ie v e a of enee lice faulting» mocar A: btsr róete mus*, be m_- more sh ere ».-aoxú mares sh r zoning ordinance should be. letter the Nyssa Lions Ovrrtarjr. xriieb r..r.e 7'xmg irmrAx •peak : > t h } ’ of hiheom battles or o t ’Joe only meaxs of cccrreyaxce her á jijflrtw Joan, to a part/ sh ie h b a ie s/ped tóete oat. Club became interested in the matter and the Com of Axd ere o a t reaches the end of the f7«i)pi.irer.:ii4 J 'A i.t ilx th btrtfc- T t * ptopies s h ic ó dwelled there, motor trad us apt to be rutty axd mittee appointed from the membership o f the Lions <lay abrjrertar/ ncattered. Wanderers they a r e Club met with the members of the City Planning Com AM btir.| Mr Oarrteoc tn tbe n os. Homeless slth o u t shelter axd a hit arte mua, mostly miss affair So Us a wise gal axd her mate wxo mission on May 22nd, 1940, and as a result of that er.tenatoSMT.'. of the gue*U and snfaoat food, to soy nothrn« of give a tat of thought to the old ixrvmg of refreahment» were M n hospital care 0» heeded medical axL meeting and the exchange o f ideas among those in Charle» Garrsaon, M n Charles Babies bom in some make-shift motor before the first mile of the terested, the following tentative report of the con N-'rbt.'i Mr». C h a rla Grider and JseUer, often without even a max- road is taken But a short stop with it at Ed Pruyn’s garage axd js e r o la. : a ::. tents o f the proposed Ordinance was agreed upon, M i» Virginia dePr- of Ontario no need tor worry, lor there they arc p-xiy soul axd tpuih Axd yet and the Planning Commission is herewith submitting do a neat job of motor fixing up *xey must go on. T hat ihdesertb- and one that stays fixed for a long the same as its tentative report and will be prepared LAW*. P A R T Y aMe urge to live over coming agaIB long spell. • . • • • . • • »„-. •• M n k to hold public hearing- thereon at such times and Axd tires too. Cnhappy is tbe the chlldreri of the first grade at a ; istler an eac7 task in the face of places an the Council may require, before submitting lavn party and picnic lunch a t her j s h a t they most yet meet axd en trip if one is forced to stop and its final report. dure Bewildered orphans, parent» change those pesky things that long rxxne cm Tuesday. Ion from -.heir children. Faith and ago should have given place to a We recommend that the T'ity lie zoned as follows: we in his land of abundance and newer and more modern rim cover- BUSINESS D ISTR IC T: »«runty «e cannot even begin to uppers. But at the Jesse Thomp «Aa s e Spring Tonic lor 1 imagine and may the day never sons service station at Third and Block 7 to 12 inclusive, ( Original Townsite; Your Home, Hie Building i «.me that »e will be able to. Bur Main they do have a jrm dandy lot Bug Prescribes . . . Blocks 1 and 2 and 15 to 20 inclusive in Teutsch j .1 just one instance of misfortune of long lasting ones and do also Ad. South one-half o f Blocks 140 to 150 inclu j or of m je ry befronts us here where have a most pieasmg trade in plan. t we could see It, we give all that we Be sure to let the gang there tell sive and I>>t.-> 19 to 22 inclusive of Block 145, all R e m o d e lin g have and beg for more to ease their thee ot it ere thou doest make the in Wards Ad.; Block 80, lots 0 to 18 inclusive in suffering. Do we not do it and final purchase. Block 87, lots 1 to 7 inclu-ive and lots 15 to 20 have we not done it before? A But a picnic these days doest re farmer heme burns, neighbors and quire something more in-garb than inclusive in Blk. 88, and all o f Blk. 89 in West- merchant« and enemies and friends the old last year's house dress or field Addition. Im prove your all unite to aid the misfortunate papa's overalls. Budget home w ith extra We also recommend that the business district be r o o m » a n d in his effort to re-establish« him Tis the smart miss and wee wifey Building self. included in the Fire District and all such build porch, n ew paint, that decks herself out in those neat Terms r o o t floors and A child is lost in the irrigating and new boyish slacks that Mrs ings >K to be constructed in accordance with the I n s o la t io n , ga Low as ditches. Immediately the water is Atkeson at her apparell shop doest rulf-H ano ami regulation* orear r/rcHcribed for Much district. rage, etc. rule* turned off. And no neighbor ob carry In so many patterns and c d - *5 0 0 N* tev> )«7>ic»t! jects. Even though the ditches In cannot we open our minds just a R E SID E N TIAL D ISTKICTO : U * f m 3 y u n to his own fields should be running little and our purses a little more Monthly We rerommend that building* erected in the i bank full to keep the crop safe. All and give the mite we have. An Residential Di*trirt* be held to a minimum ron*truc- turn out to search day and night, American nickel spent for a spool without thought ot pay or reward of thread and a needle may spell tion value in the dintrirt* and that the following lot* till the little body Is found. That salvation to some tortured, war- and blork* be grouped into Hub-di*tricta a* follows: | an agonized family may have the crushed mother. XI each person Sub-District No. 1, compriaed of Block* 21 to 24 piece of mind that decent burial who was listed on the census rolls brings No we are not thoughtless, in Nyssa not so long since would inclusive in Teutsch Addition, minimum con not selfish in the face of smother’s add their nickel to the fund there " t k m 'i ■ Fare ,,« r , « • struction value, $2,000.00. need Only Europe Is so far away would be checked up another nine ■ tti* SI auoqa and our minds are not attuned to ty-five dollars or so to Nyssa's cred Sub-District No. 2, comprised of Blocks 2 to 8 xi»wuwK mituH such misery as our correspondents it on the Red Cross rolls. inclusive and Block 14 anil Blocks 25 to 22 both And we are minded of a woman inclusive in Teutsch A d d .; Blocks 22 to 20 inclu who some years ago lived in a big sive in Park Addition; Block 2 arid 4 and DA* house near the Berkeley campus. There were servants to care for it 7 to 10 inclusive in Block 2 and Ijots 7 to 10 in and money In the coffers aplenty clusive in Block 5; Block 2 of Taylor Addition to care for a large family's needs. and Blork 59 of Green Add., minimum construc It was the custom of this home maker at the end of summer to tion value, $2,600.00. bundle up the unneeded things and Sub-District No. 2, comprised o f Blocks 15, 10, take them to the community chest 2) and Ijots 1 to 0 inclusive and 17 to 22 in Block where the less fortunate might fill their wants from her overflow. 2, and I/its 1 to 0 inclusive and 17 to 22 inclusive Then one day came a wind, terrific ; in Block 5, all in the «/riginal Townsite; Blocks In velocity and with it fire. A fire ! 9 and 10 in Teutsch Addition and all of West- that jumped streets to ignite new areas and covered block after block field Addition not included in the Business Dis till there seemed no way of stop trict; Block 2 in Taylor Addition and Block 00 ping the licking red tongues ere and 01 in the Green Addition; Blocks 27 and 28 they took the whole city. But fi in Park Addition, minimum construction value, nally the last burning ember was charred and cold, but long streets $1,500.00, of beautiful homes lay in ruin. Sub-District No. 4, comprised o f Blocks 14, 17 Among them the dwelling place of and 20 of the Original Townsite; Blocks 29 to 46 this woman. Nothing was saved from the ruins but the clothes the j inclusive in Park Addition; Block 02, 06, 00, 70 family was wearing at the time. There’» no place like a screen porch on and 71 in Green’s Addition and the north half She bethought herself of a sweater which to spend the coming hot summer o f Blocks 14*5 to 160 inclusive o f the Ward Ad- that she had cleaned and mended evenings. but a few days since and given to dition, minimum construction value, $760.00. the community chest. Down she Sub-District No. 6, comprised o f all other lots The Nyssa Lumber Company, through the went to investigate and soon em and blocks not included in the foregoing four erged wrapped in her own once dis A. B. C. Monthly Payment Plan, makes it carded garment. sub-districts and exclusive o f the Business and possible for you to build such a porch now And on Sunday didst hie us to Industrial Districts, no minimum requirements as and enjoy its comforts while you pay for it the tall timber where the Pondosa to value. pine grow mightily from the moun in convenient monthly payments. tains sides, stretching their huge IN D U S T R IA L D ISTRIC T: trunks up to the sunlight above the Call at our offices or phone 118 for infor All blocks and lots abutting the Railroad right- canyon walls. At their feet spread mation concerning this complete remodel of-way through the City be and the same are out a coverlet of dainty spring ing service. flowers and leafing ferns. In their hereby set apart for and shall be included in the branches the birds chattered, and Industrial District, and used as industrial sites, through the brush tbe deer lay manufacturing, packing houses and other simi hidden. And in the narrow chasm lar businesses. a mountain stream roared and lashed its way to the Snake, fed by little rivulets dripping daintily C IT Y O F NYSSA P LA N N IN G COMMISSION through the brake and brush. And By A. L. FLETCHER, Secretary. over all In the balsam laden air was Peace, that all pervading peace Notice is hereby given that there will be a public ors and at prices at least a dollar hearing on the above report Monday evening June 10, less than they can be purchased In 1940, at the hour of eight o’clock p. m., in the Coun any other town In these here parts. Not only do they have them for cil Chamber of the City Hall. mama and Mary but for big and Order of little John as veil. Easily cleaned John E. Ostrom, Prop. and comfortably cool they are. too COM M ON CO U NCIL On Saturday dlst browse along C IT Y OF NYSSA Phone 118 Goode Ave. & Hiway 201 the Rialto to see our friends and I S p a » « * « Y e S n o o p e r’s C o lu m n s r a a «earner eye lor happerii/m* 1 frw i Um )"*• of a Nundays «atine of tfae ttty » a country tide. And ( then 'tto that w e is not sluspetaer 1 .u ^ i » «»/ date* notice th* luA/xm lor at l i e Wyisa t best re e r o s i at tfae ne« CVrweri Produco ^ boti» In t l * ifteraocm and rvenms M Marse-, at P in t axd Goode. «0 didst thcT* do be s line sxd crop ir» » chat ix d a track of that pronrsm in »)»-a x le d audltxrtom Axd Ime ice 'Team tx *7 »« t * s«ay with reetlul te a » provided T s a s a rseet tsekter to » « armisi j for a trip tltere, on* needs r x tick r d M One of n»ior and testure ilxAe nor p/terxi osk remedy, nor Axd w iaunt and hear, ist that sunburn lotion. Neither do k e f eBatetafasnent s h a t stth unuiu*'l muscles * rumble arxi croon u s sture uxdorm i u d ev- Irom 'rver 'J»e for a seek to ccxne Hh/A< *n Nyssa with Journal sd- n? psthted op s> »pic and yertlsers srd ye sU t not saste thy B -t if a tfatt duties keep « .* time »rul fa s going farther CHEAPER THAN EVER 1 Notice To Property Owners City Ot Nyssa Repairing { LUMBER (§>C0MRANV; Build a SCREEN PORCH NOW! A.B.C. EASY PAYM EN T LOANS NYSSA LUMBER COMPANY Lower Prices On Milk and Cream § By authority of the Oregon State Milk Con trol Board we are glad to announce a reduction on the price of M IL K and CREAM, delivered to your home. EFFECTIVE JUNE 1,1940 M ILK PRICES Q U A R T S lOc - 4 Q U A R T S 35c (Delivered at one time) ------------• ------------ C R E A M PRICES Vi PLs. 15 c - Pts. 27c - Qts. 5 0 c ------------• ------------ REMEMBER— Your local dairies are state and federal inspected. A ll cows are T. B. and Abor tion tested, assuring you and your children of proper health protection in this vital food. Shelton Dairy a Gale City Dairy Phone 05-J2 Phone 104W COMING-The Sport Sensation! All The Big Time Midget AUTO RACERS Saturday Night JUNE 1 Starting A t 9 P.M. Fa ir Grounds ONTARIO A SPEC IAL SM ALL, F L A T T R A C K H AS BEEN CONSTRUCTED SO T H A T A L L OF TH E A C TIO N W IL L T A K E PLAC E R IG H T IN FRO NT OF TH E GRANDSTAND. SEE TH IS A M A Z IN G SPECTACLE T H A T HAS T A K E N C O AST CITIES B Y STORM. These midget cars have souped-up motors and the drivers are really racing as every point counts toward the annual individual champion ship. This is their only appearance in this area. A D M IS S IO N 50« SPONSORED BV ONTARIO AMERICAN LEGION