/ The NYSSA Published at Nyssa, Oregon, VOLUME XXXV, NO. 21 AT L • ' » J i l l * T v i v * r *“ *-*-« g g -.*“ ! aa«. GATEWAY TO THE OWYHEE AND BLACK CANYON IRRIGATION PROJECTS IN THE HEART OF OREGON’S SUGAR EMPIRE JOURNAL Fastest Growing City In Oregon NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 30, 1940 SPONSORS Zoning Ordinance LEGION MIDGET AUTO RACES Adrian School Proposal Made ONTARIO—Under the auspices of Board Asks The City Planning Commission submitted a suggested zoning ordi nance to the City Council Monday night, in which the city is divided into zones, for business, industrial sites and residence varying in min imum cost of construction from $3000 to an unrestricted amount. A public hearing will be held on Mon day. June 10 at 8 p. m. in the city hall to hear any written or verbal objection to the proposed zoning. No restrictions are to be placed on the type or how a residence is constructed, but a price minimum will be placed on such construction, below which, in that designated area, no one will be allowed to build. The business district, out lined in the proposal would also be designated as a fire district and any construction would have to comply with the city fire ordinance. The industrial district would be confined to all lots and blocks abut ting the Union Pacific right-of-way from the north to the south city limits. In this district any indus try may construct a building ac cording to the proposal. A full and complete description of the various proposed districts may be found on the second page of this issue of the Nyssa Journal. Ontario Post No. 67, midget auto racing, the latest of the death de fying sports, will be brought to this section for an initial appearance on Saturday night, June 1. Bobbie Rowe, veteran midget race promoter who runs the big show at Jantzen beach, is bringing the famous bunch of racers who weekly send chills up and down the spines to the crowds that follow the speed merchants. An idea of the possibilities for crack-ups and spills may be gained from the fact that the races with the high-powered cars are run on a flat track that is only 1359 feet in circumference. The cars are powered with 60 horse-power mot ors but the wheels are only 12 in ches high. To provide additional thrills one of the races is run on a mud track to give the boys plenty of addi tional hazards to worry about, and make the crowd gasp at their dar ing. Relief > / $1.50 PER YEAR FINDS JOURNAL IN CHINA Council Restricts Use (Lucie Marie Case) SUNSET VALLEY—Robert Ditty Of Irrigation Water of Sunset Valley received a letter from his cousin, David Clay, now (Special) the U. S. S. Augusta stationed WASHINGTON, D. C—Trustees on FIRE PROTECTION at Shanghai, saying he no FAMED PICTURE of the high school at Adrian, Mal ticed a paper China, IS REASON FOR on deck and picking heur county, are seeking some sort it up found it to be the Nyssa Gate HERE NEXT WEEK RESTRICTIONS of financial relief from the govern City Journal. He scanned its ev “Northwest Passage" which was f I ment. In the school district are ery page for ’twas like a letter from filmed in and around McCall, Ida The council Monday night put a 36.000 acres, 30.000 under Owyhee, David is the son of Mr. and ho, is billed to show at the Nyssa restriction on the use of high pres but 10,000 have to carry the tax home. next week on Wednesday sure water for irrgation purpose, by burden; the rest of the district is Mrs. S. D. Clay, of La Grande. Theatre and Thursday, according to G. B. dividing the city Into two irriga settled but contributes nothing but Geizentanner, owner of the theatre. tion zones. The dividing lines runs pupils. The school was built for Spencer Tracy has the lead part through the center of Erhgood ave Washington, D. C. News Bureau of 100 pupils; this year there are 160 in this famous picture which has nue, with those residents of that the Nyssa Gate City Journal and next year' 200 are expected. proven so popular wherever It has line being given the use of the wa A simple and effective method of been shown. There will be no ad ter for irrigation purpose on Tues WASHINGTON, D. C—Emotions providing necessary funds, says the vance in admission prices for this day, Thursday and Saturday and are running away with common acting commissioner of the reclam SALEM—Fate of Oregon’s anti picture, said. those south of the line being per sense in the national capital and ation service, would be for Malheur picketing law is now in the hands Another Geizentanner picture that has gained mitted to irrigate on Monday. Wed the way many officials and plain of the state supreme court. For county to assess lands on the Owy national fame, and which will be nesday No restriction citizens talk one would suppose the hee project which are now subject more than three hours, five justices shown in the local theatre is “Gone is placed and on Friday. the use of the high- United States is no longer a neutral eo taxation more nearly in accord of the state's highest tribunal lis With the Wind". pressure system on Sunday. but is at war with Germany. There with the actual value of such lands. tened to arguments pro and con on This motion picture will be shown order becomes effective June This 1, are trying days ahead for aliens act with attorneys for organ here June 19 and 20, with a mat (Saturday), and violators will be “It appears”, says the acting com this unless the department of justice ized labor blasting away at the inee missioner, “the assessed value for evening show each of the put on a meter. Sprinklers must keeps its feet on the ground. All measure and attorneys for the state two and nearly 14,000 acres of newly irriga days. Reservations for seats be used on all hose. the sensations of a genuine war countering with arguments in Its may be made ted lands on Owyhee has not been defense by telephoning or Lack of capacity of the two city scare are experienced by thousands increased and is still assessed at Labor attorneys contend the act calling at the theatre. wells in keeping the water tank full, and advantage is being taken of $2.50 an acre. This is true for land violates the constitutional rights of thus creating a serious handicap in this feeling by war mongers — the irrigated for five years and has a free speech and press and seriously case of fire, is the reason for the group which saying “This is our sale value of $50 to $80 an acre. menaces labor’s privilege of collec W ater Association action of the council. war" and “we must save the allies Irrigated lands in other parts of A petition, signed by practically or we will be next". Senator Pep tive bargaining. The state denies the county, comparable to Owyhee all of the business men of the city, Plans for the Malheur County per of Florida, for example, offered these charges, holding that the act Calls Emergency lands assessed at $2.50 an acre, are calling for the enactment of a ped Fair are well under way, according a resolution to have the army send only seeks to protect society by reg dlers ordinance, was read and a to John Leinhardt, chairman of the assessed around $50." all of its planes to England (army ulating picketing and the use of the Meeting public hearing will be held on the fair board. The premium books has 2700 planes, only 500 being boycott by confining these weapons petition on Monday, June 3, at gone to press and will be in strictly up-to-date). This proposal, Nyssa F F A Stock have It is not expected that any opin- The Owyhee Water Users Associ 8 p. m., in the city hall. mails within the next three which would have been a warlike In E.O* Livestock the of labor to bona fide labor disputes, ation has called a special meelng A class "B” beer and package weeks, the 4-H clubs and FFA of act, was killed by the senate. ion will be forthcoming from the to be held next Wednesday night, beer permit application of Charles the county have assured the board supreme court in less than a month. June 4, at 8:30 p. m. at the Nyssa Johnson was approved to the Ore It has almost reached the point that their exhibits will be double Regardless of the outcome of the school gymnasium. Purpose of the where a citizen who praises the war Show A t Union of that of last year, and two new State Liquor Commission. Frank Edward White, 18 month case here it is expected that the meeting will be to discuss the need gon Only machine of Hitler is suspected of bid was received by the attractions have been added, a horse (By Harold Boyles) being a member of the "fifth col The Nyssa Chapter of the Future pulling contest and gate prizes. old son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank fight will be carried on up to tlv for the lining with concrete of the city on one the warrant funding bond, umn”. This phrase, now loosely Farmers of America will be repre Open classes, as they were last White, Westfall, was drowned on United Supreme court. entire north canal, and if the co that of the First National Bank of Tuesday morning in a small irri used, had its origin in the Spanish sented census of opinion of the meeting Portland. The bid was for $100.19 will be open to Idaho competi gation ditch running near the White in the Eastern Oregon Live year civil war. Four columns of troops stock show is Inclined to the proposition, to carrying an interest rate of three BUD SCHWEIZER June 6, 7 and tors. home. were converging on Madrid and a 8, by six of at it’ Union, upon the Bureau of Reclama and three-quarters per cent for the Queen contest plans have al Mrs. White missed the child and SERIOUSLY INJURED urge s members. Those so The general said he had a fifth column competing in the tion that this be done at the earli $7,497.73 issue. been completed and the contest Union show are went to the ditch to within th e town, sympathizers est possible time. on the vacating of Osborne, Dewey Thomason, is now in charge of Walter Thomp immediately find her young son submerged in SUNSET—Bud Schwelzer, son of Members of the association, who the The plat hearing ready to strike, at the right time, Marion of Emison addition was son, Nyssa farmer. Pete Cloninger, Delbert Mallory, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Schweizer, was a column composed of saboteurs and Gerald Sebum and Marion Suiter. All entries for the Queen contest the water. Sheriff Glenn and Cor were in Nyssa Tuesday, were criti postponed until next Monday, oner R. A. Tacke administered ar taken to the Holy Rosary hospital cal of the slowness with which the 3rd. This action was taken on June spies. the must be mailed to the secretary of All livestock will be entered in respiration, which proved of Friday evening with a punctured repairs to the break that occurred recommendation of City Attorney There are, of course, thousands the showmanship contest, for which the board, not later than midnight tificial kidney, two cracked vertebra and a no avail. in the north canal, north of the A. L. Fletcher because of the ne of foreign spies in the United States will be awarded for the best June 15, by which time merchants Funeral services will be held In cracked pelvic bone. The team Owyhee siphon last Thursday, is gotiations still going on between composing a “fifth column", but prizes throughout the county will have animals and showmanship, and Bud was driving on the Charley Westfall Wednesday. being carried out by the Bureau of the Amalgatmated Sugar company the G-Men of FBI know most of must be shown in the parade. Stock received their voting tickets which Bradley ranch helping put up hay, Specifically these and owners of the property in the them. to be shown, except hogs and beef will be in denominations of 50,100- RED CROSS DRIVE became frightened and ran when Reclamation. members object to farmers, inex Addition. It is expected that title 500 and 1000' votes each, correspond cattle, must be either registered or the neckyoke came loose. A Comer perienced in such construction work to these properties will be In such Presumably this wave of hysteria ing to the purchase of the customer SHORT OF GOAL of the rack caught on a post caus being on the Job. in the shadow of the Washington purebred. a condition as to make a fair hear of the merchant. Votes will be giv Marion Osborne will show a fat ing the injuries. Bud is under the monument (it is 555 feet, 5 inches beef steer, Dewey Thomason a reg en for each purchase of 50 cents It is reported that the Red Cross care of Dr. L. A. Mauldlng and will The proposal to line the entire ing on the vacation proceedings high, by the way) will continue un istered Hereford cow and a heifer, or more and may be cast for any quota of a hundred dollars for be confined at the hospital several north canal, so these members possible. No objections were pre maintain, is an absolute necessity sented to the proposal of vacating til Hitler has either taken England Cloninger a registered 7-month registered entrant in the contest. Nyssa fell short of the goal by over weeks. In view of the fact that there are the addition Monday. or been repulsed. Fear is expressed Pete Holstein bull, Delbert Mallory As was done last year in the race forty dollars after Saturday’s drive. several places, all critical, that are that Hitler will demand surrender a old registered There will be additional workers Chester-White sow, two for the Queen of the Malheur showing considerable seepage. This of the British fleet and if he gets boarrs and two gilts, Gerald Sebum County Fair, the county will be di out this coming Saturday when it is they claim Is a constant threat to it he will move on toward the Uni a registered 7-month old Guernsey vided into districts. District one: hoped to raise at least the allotted No Action Yet every farm under the canal and Three Crews A t ted States. Such wild speculation heifer and Marion Suiter a pure being the area of Jordan Valley; amount. should be eliminated. is heard everywhere. That the yearling Jersey heifer. 2, Adrian, Big Bend and Kingman Those wishing to give to this O n Nyssa All farmers whether members of W ork O n Canal Germans would Invade England and bred most worthy cause may leave the A stock judging team, consisting 3, Nyssa and Owyhee; 4, the association or not are urged to possibly take over the fleet was re of three, will be picked from the Kolony; money with Mrs. Dick Tensen at Subway Cairo and Oregon Slope; attend this meeting, according to Repairing ported to President Roosevelt some above six boys, who will compete 5, Ontario, her home on Fourth and Ehrgood Jamieson, Brogan and dis Jacob Kollen, one of the directors months ago by American Ambassa against about 10 other boys for the trict Vale. or at the Journal office. There has heen no definite action of the association. 6, Harper and Juntura. Three crews, comprising 75 men dor Joe Kennedy. The read-headed championship of the Eastern Ore taken hy the Oregon State Highway All entrants must be residents of are at work day and night, Sundays American predicted the invasion gon Livestock show. Robert Saw Commission on the construction of FIRST BAND CONCERT and holidays, on repairing the break would come with warm weather, yer. club adviser will be in charge the county be between the ages of tre $200'000 subway’ despite a story 16 and 20 years of age, be single NEXT WEDNESDAY in the north canal which occurred late in the spring. of the boys while they are in Union. and to that effect appearing in a Boise must be entered before mid last Thursday morning, according newspaper’ Wednesday; night. June 15. to Ferd Schlapkohl, resident engi Episcopal Church— The first open air band concert The story, date-lined Nyssa said in neer of the Owyhee Irrigation pro The evening services at St. Pauls Lack of space makes it impossible of the season will be given by the that “litigation” over the ject. Episcopal church are held at 8:00 this week for the Journal to print Nyssa city band next Wednesday, effect, had ended and that The number of farms in Malheur which occurred last Thurs p. m. instead of 7:00 until further the entry blank, but any young June 5, according to A. V. Cook, right-of-way the highway commission had an county, as shown by a preliminary canal day morning, according to Ferd notice. lady desiring to enter the contest business manager of the band. nounced that bids for the construc count of the returns of the super Bishop Confirms— may call at the Journal office and The concert will be given from tion would be called immediately, visor of the 1940 census of agricul Schlapkohl, resident engineer of On Monday evening the Rt. Rev. At least two W. P. A. projects are receive an entry blank. the bandstand next to the city hall when as a matter of fact there has ture, Inventory as of April 1, 1940, the Owyhee Irrigation project. William P. Remmington of Pendle in the planning stage, according to and will begin at 8 p. m. The con been no litigation whatever. An is 2551 as compared with 1345 on Bill Foss, superintendent of Ter- telllng company has been put in ton, bishop of the Eastern Oregon Mayor Thompson. One of these LABORERS BROUGHT cert will consist of marches, over other assertion was that the Amal the same date in 1930, acocrding charge the work. Six caterpillars Dioces of the Episcopal church held is a private sidewalk project of 120 INTO NYSSA AREA tures and selections, according to gamated Sugar Co. had bought all to a release from Dr. Charles M. and 13 of jackhammers kept joint confirmation services for the lineal feet for B. B. Leinkaemper Cook. the property in the Emison Ad Tyler, supervisor of the census for at work moving rock are being and dirt, parishes of Ontario and St. Pauls and the other is that of the Park According to Field Supervisor The public is cordially invited to of dition, which is not a fact. The this dlsrlct. Schlapkohl said. Dynamite is be of Nyssa at the Parishs hall in Board for the construction of ten Charles Paradis of the Oregon attend these concerts which will company has not bought any of the The 1940 figure is preliminary ing used to blow off the capping Nyssa. Rev. Stanley Moore of On nis courts in the city park. Still State Employment service it has continue each Wednesday night property mentioned. and subject to correction. of dirt, most of which will be ac tario assisted the bishop in the another is a wading pool for small been necessary to import some out throughout the summer months. The true status of the fate of confirmation class of six. complished this afternoon, (Wed The band consists of some 30 children in the city park. Nyssa's subway is that the Amalga side farm laborers into the district Poppy Sales Go Over T op- nesday) which when this is done members, comprised of adults and mated Sugar company has decided Attend Conference— These two latter propositions will in order to care for beet and onion make the going much faster Ladies in charge of the Poppy be considered Friday night when thinning and haying. youngsters and is considered to be to purchase the property in it’s own Mr and Mrs. C. C. Wyckoff, Miss should and easier Less rock is being en sales for the auxiliaries of the Am the Park Board is scheduled to meet Effle Counsll, Mrs. Andrew Baoesma one of the best bands in the coun name, after negotiations with the erican Legion and the F. F. W. an Mayor Thompson said that ap On Tuesday 31 Indians from the try. Jay Stoner, Payette, is the Union Pacific on the purchase fell and R. A. Thompson atended the countered than was at first ex nounce that every poppy was sold plications for the construction of reservation near Bums were brought conductor, which position he has through. opening of the Idaho Eastern Ore pected. in and are staying at the Labor over the week end and that their sidewalks conference of Methodist church No prediction can be made as to held for the past two years. under the new W. P. A. camp southwest of Nyssa. Today While there is every reason to gon quota was more than reached. es in Boise on Tuesday evening. when the break will be repaired setup was coming in very slow, and believe that the Highway Commis another 125 workers are expected Attend Convention— The conference according to Mr. and water back in the ditches. expressed the desire to see more sion will construct the subway, it To Leave for South— Mrs. Will H. Beam joined Mrs. of the Nyssa property owners take to arrive from the Twin Falls area. Thompson was well attended and Schlapkohl said. is known here that members of the On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Wil commision are becoming impatient the opening address Ella Anderson. Mrs. Pauline Ross advantage of this free labor. All These will be beet workers. was given by Wild rumors (and they are wild) and Mrs. Leona Davis of Ontario the property owner has to pay is Even yet the need has not been liam E. Botholmey who are now over the long drawn out negotia Gov. C. A. Bottolfsen Following have been circulating in regards to and Mrs. Gladys Hill of Vale on a for the materials used in the pro met according to Paradis and even visiting with Mrs. Botholmey’s par tions and have warned Interested the govemodr’s talk Mayor Straight what Is being done at the break. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Tensen, parties to iron out their differences spoke to the assembly. Later a get The following rumor can be dis more may be brought in. motor trip to Corvallis where they jects, according to the Mayor. plan to leave for their home in Los and attended the state convention of together meeting was held in the carded as absolutely without foun the commission that all basement Angeles. Accompanying them will legal assure Return From T rip- Rebekahs held in that city from A Daughter Born— dation. and that is, that the Bur of the church. Mrs. J. Benjamin Beckham who out angles have been straightened H. E. C. Meeting May 19 to May 25. eau of Reclamation has contracted On Wednesday evening Mrs. R. be Postponed— is spending the week at the home Born to Mr. and Mrs. Eugene While away Mrs. Beam also visit the repair Job out, the entire work A. Thompson with Mr. and Mrs. Otherwise the status of the sub The H. E. C. meeting which was ed her sister. Mrs. E. J. Beam, of Pratt of the Owyhee a daughter at Hershel Thompson, of Nyssa, and of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ar way remains the same as last re to have been held at the home of Is being carried on by the bureau. Unity and has been in Portland the WiLson nursing home May 27 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Beutler of Sa thur Boydell. Mrs. Beckham will the situation for our farmers Mrs. Oerrlt Stam on June 6, has That following an operation performed with Dr. E. K. Kerby attending. lem returned to Nyssa after a weeks continue her Journey to Conchus, ported in the Nyssa Journal. is serious cannot be gainsaid, but been postponed until June 13, on If the water New Mexico, where Mr. Beckham A Son Born— there in January Mrs. Beam has A Daughter Born— be put into the trip to Salem and the coast. account of the benefit tea to be canal within can now recovered sufficiently to be Bom to Mr. and Mrs. James Mr. and Mrs. Beutler moved their is employed in construction work the next or Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Charles givne by the Civic club June 6. two weeks, very little of 10 the days crops moved to an apartment where she Bushong a daughter at the Wilson household furnishings from Salem on the dam being built there. of Parma, a son on May 27 Daughter to Visit— is cared for by her daughter. will be severely affected. nursing home on May 25. to Nyssa and will remain perma mimiiiinimv Turpin, at the Wilson nursing home. Dr. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Boydell are Mother Passes Away— nently in Nyssa. Beutler will Join enjoying a visit from their daugh K. E. Kerby attending. THE WEATHER George Eucher received word on MARKETS the Thompson and Son Feed Store ter, Mrs. J. Benjamin Beckam of Visits Over Week End— Saturday that his mother had Following are the thermometer staff. Thursday Quotations ’ROUND TOWN Antioch. Cal. passed away at a hospital in Port readings for the past six days as The Beutlers have rented the Lot Hear Buck Geizentanner, Oeorge Mrs Anna Boersma with her »on By Wiley Clowers land. Mr. and Mrs. Eichner and given at the Nyssa offices of the tie Phillips house on Park east of Mitchell and Doc Abbott are try and daughter visited with her son, Son Visits— Cream, Premium .......... 26 Andrew, and Mrs. Boersma and the Helmar Ostrom of Klamath Falls Cream, Orade 1 ...... his brother, Richard, of Baker, United 8tates Reclamation: 25 ing out for the sidewalk engineer's Plrst. over the week end They visited with his parents, Mr. and Cream, Orade 2 ___ Low High Oregon left immediately for Port Date .23 Job on the new Eder building . . . family returned to their home in Yakima Mrs. May 2 3 _____________ 56 93 In Portland— land. CASH PRICE John E. Ostrom the latter part then there Is that guy, Bernard Roy Searle. supervisor at the lo Eastman, who thinks Wednesday is on Monday with Miss Margie La of last week May 24 _____________ 5« 93 Mrs, Mull Improves— Hens, heavy colored _______ .11 cal migratory labor camp Is on a Tuesday niere who had visited with her sis Mrs John Mull who has been ill May 25 _____________ 45 80 short Hens, light and Leghorn _____ .07 , . . who knows what about leave in Portland. In Sparta— ter, Mrs. Hershel Gregg. is able to be up again part of the May 26 ........................... 42 74 Springs, heavy ......... .12-14 the underpass . . . giant sized "cats” At Black Canyon— May 2 7 _____________ 47 78 Leave for Portland— time. Mr and Mrs. Louis P. Thomas 8prings, light and Leghorn ___ .10 plowing in at the break . , . good In Boise— Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Thorsell are May 2 8 _____________ 50 80 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Moran pic were business visitors near Sparta Roosters _______ .03 Kermit Lienkaemper visited In Acre feet of water impounded at among those who will spend the fishing over the holiday . , . nicked at the Black Canyon dam and visited with relatives over the Trade-In Eggs the Owyhee reservoir are 675,520. week end holiday in Portland. Boise on Saturday evening. on Sunday. week end. Large-----------------------------------.13 Picket Law Goes To Supreme Court County Faii- Queen Contest Westfall Child Drowns In Ditch W.P.A.Projects Being Planned County Farms Show Increase